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We examined voluntary-falling behaviour by adult females of the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) and one of its major predators Neoseiulus californicus McGregor (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Experiments were conducted using a setup in which mites could only move onto one of two landing points by falling. Significantly more T. urticae females fell onto available food leaves compared to non-food or heavily infested leaves, whereas significantly fewer females fell onto leaves with the predatory mite N. californicus compared to leaves without the predator. This suggests that spider mites can actively choose on which patch to land on the basis of food quality and predation risk on the patch. Using the same experimental setup, starved N. californicus females never fell, suggesting that falling T. urticae females gain the potential advantage of predator avoidance.  相似文献   

Herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) emitted from lima bean leaves infested with the two-spotted spider mites Tetranychus urticae strongly attract the predatory mites Neoseiulus californicus. Among these HIPVs, methyl salicylate and linalool can attract the predators. Three green-leaf volatiles (GLVs) of (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate and (E)-2-hexenal, found in the odor blends from T. urticae-infested leaves and physically damaged leaves, can also attract the predators. To search for a strong predator attractant, the olfactory responses of N. californicus to each synthetic compound or their combinations were investigated in a Y-tube olfactometer. When presented a choice between a mixture of the five compounds (i.e. the two HIPVs and the three GLVs) and T. urticae-infested leaves, N. californicus did not discriminate between these odor sources. The same trend was observed when either a mixture of the two HIPVs or methyl salicylate vs. T. urticae-infested leaves were compared. In contrast, the predators preferred T. urticae-infested leaves to linalool, each of the three GLVs, or a mixture of the three GLVs. These results indicated that methyl salicylate is a strong predator attractant, and its potential attractiveness almost equaled that of the blend of HIPVs from T. urticae-infested leaves.  相似文献   

The predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae), uses plant volatiles (i.e., airborne chemicals) triggered by feeding of their herbivorous prey, Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae), to help locate prey patches. The olfactory response of P. persimilis to prey-infested plants varies in direct relation to the population growth pattern of T. urticae on the plant; P. persimilis responds to plants until the spider mite population feeding on a plant collapses, after which infested plants do not attract predators. It has been suggested that this represents an early enemy-free period for T. urticae before the next generation of females is produced. We hypothesize that the mechanism behind the diminished response of predators is due to extensive leaf damage caused by T. urticae feeding, which reduces the production of volatiles irrespective of the collapse of T. urticae population on the plant. To test this hypothesis we investigated how the response of P. persimilis to prey-infested plants is affected by: 1) initial density of T. urticae, 2) duration of infestation, and 3) corresponding leaf damage due to T. urticae feeding. Specifically, we assessed the response of P. persimilis to plants infested with two T. urticae densities (20 or 40 per plant) after 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 or 14 days. We also measured leaf damage on these plants. We found that predator response to T. urticae-infested plants can be quantified as a function of mite-days, which is a cumulative measure of the standing adult female mite population sampled and summed over time. That is, response to volatiles increased with increasing numbers of T. urticae per plant or with the length of time plant was infested by T. urticae, at least as long at the leaves were green. Predatory mites were significantly attracted to plants that were infested for 2 days with only 20 spider mites. This suggests that the enemy-free period might only provide a limited window of opportunity for T. urticae because relatively low numbers of T. urticae per plant can attract predators. Leaf damage also increased as a function of mite-days until the entire leaf was blanched. T. urticae populations decreased at this time, but predator response to volatiles dropped before the entire leaf was blanched and before the T. urticae population decreased. This result supports our hypothesis that predator response to plant volatiles is linked to and limited by the degree of leaf damage, and that the quantitative response to T. urticae populations occurs only within a range when plant quality has not been severely compromised.  相似文献   

In choice test experiments on strawberry leaf disc arenas the phytoseiid mites Neoseiulus californicus and N. cucumeris were more effective than Typhlodromus pyri as predators of the phytophagous mites Tetranychus urticae and Phytonemus pallidus. There were no preferences shown for either prey by any of these predators. In multiple predator leaf disc experiments both Phytoseiulus persimilis and N. cucumeris significantly reduced numbers of T. urticae eggs and active stages; this effect was seen when the two species were present alone or in combination with other predator species. Neoseiulus californicus was less effective at reducing T. urticae numbers, and T. pyri was not effective; no interaction between predator species was detected in these experiments. When T. urticae alone was present as prey on potted plants, P. persimilis and N. californicus were the only phytoseiids to significantly reduce T. urticae numbers. These two predator species provided effective control of T. urticae when P. pallidus was also present; however, none of the predators reduced numbers of P. pallidus. There were no significant negative interactions when different species of predators were present together on these potted plants. In field experiments, releases of both P. persimilis and N. cucumeris significantly reduced T. urticae numbers. However, there was a significant interaction between these predator species, leading to poorer control of T. urticae when both species were released together. These results show the importance of conducting predator/prey feeding tests at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

Airborne dispersal of the predatory mitePhytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot and its preyTetranychus urticae Koch was recorded by trapping mites in silicon grease on microscope slides mounted on a cross-shaped frame placed horizontally 2.5 m above ground level (0.5 m above the top of the crop). Both species were also recorded on raspberry foliage, and population changes there were closely mirrored by numbers caught in the trap.Phytoseiulus persimilis was trapped on slides and recovered from foliage until leaf fall which occurred 6 weeks after the last prey was found. The decline in predator numbers on the foliage closely followed the decline in prey numbers, but the decline of predators on the aerial trap more closely mirrored the decline in the proportion of sample leaves with predators.  相似文献   

Osakabe M  Hongo K  Funayama K  Osumi S 《Oecologia》2006,150(3):496-505
Competitive displacement is considered the most severe consequence of interspecific competition; if a superior competitor invades the habitat of an inferior species, the inferior species will be displaced. Most displacements previously reported among arthropods were caused by exotic species. The lack of investigation of displacement among native species may be due to their apparently harmonious coexistence, even if it is equivalent to an outcome of interspecific association. A seasonal change in the species composition of spider mites, from Panonychus ulmi to Tetranychus urticae, is observed in apple trees worldwide. Previous laboratory experiments have revealed amensal effects of T. urticae on P. ulmi via their webs. Using manipulation experiments in an orchard, we tested whether this seasonal change in species composition occurred as the result of interspecific competition between these spider mites. Invasion by T. urticae prevented an increase in P. ulmi densities throughout the experimental periods. Degree of overlap relative to the independent distribution on a leaf-surface basis (ω S) changed from positive to negative with increasing density of T. urticae. T. urticae invasion drove P. ulmi toward upper leaf surfaces (competitor-free space). The niche adjustment by P. ulmi occurred between leaf surfaces but not among leaves. Our findings show that asymmetrical competition between T. urticae and P. ulmi plays an important role in this unidirectional displacement and that the existence of refuges within a leaf produces the apparently harmonious coexistence of the mites and obscures their negative association.  相似文献   

1 The pattern of dispersion within plants of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, and its predator, the phytoseiid Phytoseiulus persimilis, was studied on the dwarf hop variety First Gold from May to September in 1997 and 1998. 2 Spider mite populations developed on the lower leaves initially but, by late July, as the numbers of mites increased, most were found towards the top of plants. From early August, the numbers of spider mites decreased most rapidly on the upper parts of plants. 3 Where P. persimilis was released, the predator maintained the numbers of T. urticae below those found on non-release plots throughout the season. 4 By early August, the predator’s pattern of dispersion was similar to that of the pest. 5 Predators spread to non-release plots by 20 June in 1997 and 24 July in 1998 and eventually became more numerous than on the plots where they had been released.  相似文献   

Several species of tetranychid mites including Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) construct complicated three-dimensional webs on plant leaves. These webs provide protection against biotic and abiotic stress. As producing web is likely to entail a cost, mites that arrive on a leaf with web are expected to refrain from producing it, because they will gain the benefit of protection from the existing web. Mites that produce less web may then allocate resources that are not spent on web construction to other fitness-enhancing activities, such as laying eggs. To test this, the oviposition rate of T. urticae adult females was examined on leaves with web. As a control, we used leaves where the web had been removed, hence both types of leaves had been exposed to conspecifics previously and were thus damaged. On leaves with web, the oviposition rate of T. urticae females was higher than on leaves where the web had been removed. Therefore, the presence of web constructed by conspecifics enhanced the oviposition rate of T. urticae females. This provides indirect evidence that mites use the web constructed by conspecifics and thereby save resources that can be allocated to other traits that enhance reproductive success.  相似文献   

Few studies have tested how plant quality and the presence of competitors interact in determining how herbivores choose between different leaves within a plant. We investigated this in two herbivorous spider mites sharing tomato plants: Tetranychus urticae, which generally induces plant defenses, and Tetranychus evansi, which suppresses them, creating asymmetrical effects on coinfesting competitors. On uninfested plants, both herbivore species preferred young leaves, coinciding with increased mite performance. On plants with heterospecifics, the mites did not prefer leaves on which they had a better performance. In particular, T. urticae avoided leaves infested with T. evansi, which is in agreement with T. urticae being outcompeted by T. evansi. In contrast, T. evansi did not avoid leaves with the other species, but distributed itself evenly over plants infested with heterospecifics. We hypothesize that this behavior of T. evansi may prevent further spread of T. urticae over the shared plant. Our results indicate that leaf age determines within‐plant distribution of herbivores only in absence of competitors. Moreover, they show that this distribution depends on the order of arrival of competitors and on their effects on each other, with herbivores showing differences in behavior within the plant as a possible response to the outcome of those interactions.  相似文献   

This study characterizes the timing of feeding, moving and resting for the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch and a phytoseiid predator, Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot. Feeding is the interaction between T. urticae and plants, and between P. persimilis and T. urticae. Movement plays a key role in locating new food resources. Both activities are closely related to survival and reproduction. We measured the time allocated to these behaviours at four ages of the spider mite (juveniles, adult females immediately after moult and adult females 1 and 3 days after moult) and two ages of the predatory mite (juveniles and adult females). We also examined the effect of previous spider mite-inflicted leaf damage on the spider mite behaviour. Juveniles of both the spider mite and the predatory mite moved around less than their adult counterparts. Newly emerged adult female spider mites spent most of their time moving, stopping only to feed. This represents the teneral phase, during which adult female spider mites are most likely to disperse. With the exception of this age group, spider mites moved more and fed less on previously damaged than on clean leaves. Because of this, the spider mite behaviour was initially more variable on damaged leaves. Phytoseiulus persimilis rested at all stages for a much larger percentage of the time and spent less time feeding than did T. urticae; the predators invariably rested in close proximity to the prey. Compared to adult predators, juveniles spent approximately four times as long handling a prey egg. The predator-prey interaction is dependent upon the local movement of both the predators and prey. These details of individual behaviours in a multispecies environment can provide an understanding of population dynamics.  相似文献   

Two-spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae Koch) placed upon leaves treated with checkerboard-like discontinuous residues of 100 ppm dicofol were observed at time 0,3 h, 6 h and 24 h after application (h0,h3,h6 andh24, respectively). In one experiment, the mites were allowed to reside undisturbed upon a single leaf for the duration of the observations. In a second experiment, mites of one group were transferred to another webbing-free leaf with discontinuous dicofol residue for each observation period, while those of a control group were lifted off the leaf surface and returned to it (on the same leaf) prior to each observation period. The mites in all three groups eventually began to avoid the dicofol-treated squares during their nonlocomotory activities, in no instance was dicofolavoidance displayed by moving mites. Mites that lomained undisturbed upon leaves treated with discontinuous residue began to avoid the dicofol-treated squares byh3. The mites lifted above their leaf and replaced on it prior to each observation period did not begin to avoid the dicofol-treated squares untilh6. The mites transferred to a webbing-free leaf prior to each observation period did not begin to avoid the dicofol-treated squares untilh24. Attributes of tetranychid webbing, that may cause the last-mentioned group of mites to expend considerable energy in searching for a webbed area of leaf surface, are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the response of the specialist insect predator Oligota kashmirica benefica (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) to volatiles from lima bean leaves infested with the spider mite Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae), both in a Y-tube olfactometer and in a field in Kyoto, Japan. Adult male and female predators were significantly more attracted to T. urticae-infested leaves than to clean air. Adult male and female predators were not more attracted to uninfested leaves, artificially damaged leaves, or the spider mites and their visible products when compared to clean air. In a field trap experiment, 12 adult predators were caught in three traps containing T. urticae-infested lima bean plants over 13 days, whereas no adult predators were trapped in three traps containing uninfested lima bean plants during the same period. These results showed that O. kashmirica benefica adults responded to herbivore-induced plant volatiles from T. urticae-infested lima bean leaves under both laboratory and field conditions.  相似文献   

Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard and Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) are important pests of Solanaceae in many countries. Several studies have demonstrated that T. urticae is an acceptable prey to many predatory mites, although the suitability of this prey depends on the host plant. T. evansi, has been shown to be an unfavorable prey to most predatory mites that have been tested against it. The predator Phytoseiulus fragariae Denmark and Schicha (Acari: Phytoseiidae) has been found in association with the two species in Brazil. The objective of this work was to compare biological parameters of P. fragariae on T. evansi and on T. urticae as prey. The study was conducted under laboratory conditions at 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C. At all temperatures, survivorship was lower on T. evansi than on T. urticae. No predator reached adulthood at 10°C on the former species; even on the latter species, only about 36% of the predators reached adulthood at 10°C. For both prey, in general, duration of each life stage was shorter, total fecundity was lower and intrinsic rate of population increase (r m ) was higher with increasing temperatures. The slower rate of development of P. fragariae on T. evansi resulted in a slightly higher thermal requirement (103.9 degree-days) on that prey than on T. urticae (97.1 degree-days). The values of net reproduction rate (R 0), intrinsic rate of increase (r m ) and finite rate of increase (λ) were significantly higher on T. urticae, indicating faster population increase of the predator on this prey species. The highest value of r m of the predator was 0.154 and 0.337 female per female per day on T. evansi and on T. urticae, respectively. The results suggested that P. fragariae cannot be considered a good predator of T. evansi.  相似文献   

The effects of plant growth conditions (light intensity, temperature and photoperiod) on the proportion of spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) and predatory mites (Phytoseiulus persimilis) entrapped by type VI trichomes were investigated in the cultivated tomato Lycopersicon esculentum. Trichomes released sticky substances showing rapid hardening when the trichome head was ruptured by contact with mites. Adult individuals of both species of mites were immobilized by exudates in a higher percentage on leaf stalks from plants grown in the light (160 einsteins cm-2s-1) than on leaf stalks from plants grown in the shade (50 einsteins cm-2 s-1). Leaf stalks from plants grown in the light showed bigger trichome heads. More predatory mites were also entrapped on the leaf stalks from plants grown at 18°C (65% RH) as compared to the ones grown at 24°C (60% RH), whereas trichome heads were bigger under the former conditions. Contrary to leaf stalks, leaflet areas, through differences in trichome density and size, showed no diffences in predator and spider mite entrapment. Trichome head size was probably related to mite entrapment. It is also hypothesised that temperature increase might influence predator entrapment through effects on trichome quality.  相似文献   

Summary Induction of plant defence against herbivores may include the attraction by volatile infochemicals of natural enemies of the herbivore. The emitted volatiles that mediate this attraction may also affect the behaviour of the herbivore itself. In this paper we investigate the response of the herbivorous spider miteTetranychus urticae and the predatory mitePhytoseiulus persimilis towards volatiles whose production is induced in detached Lima bean leaves. Detached uninfested Lima bean leaves were incubated on wet cotton wool on which bean leaves infested with spider mites (T. urticae) were present simultaneously or had been present previously. These treatments induce the production of volatile infochemicals in the uninfested bean leaf tissue: predatory mites are attracted and spider mites are deterred. These are the first data on the response of predators and herbivores to plant volatiles whose production was induced in detached uninfested leaves.  相似文献   

Contact activities of flucycloxuron on immature stages of the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae (Koch)) and the European red mite (Panonychus ulmi (Koch)) gradually decrease in the successive developmental stages. The levels of contact activity of flucycloxuron on larvae and protonymphs ofT. urticae andP. ulmi are of the same order. Deutonymphs ofT. urticae are less susceptible to contact activity than the similar stage ofP. ulmi. In adultT. urticae, the transovarial ovicidal activity was used as an indicator for cuticular penetration. More than 90% of the maximal penetration into adult mites occurs within 8 h. Reversibility of the transovarial activity was not observed after 24 h, but did occur after a subsequent 48 h stay on untreated leaves. The ovo-larvicidal activity of flucycloxuron onP. ulmi after treatment of apple leaves is strongly negatively influenced by leaf age, partly by lower retention of the spray liquid on the leaves. Leaf penetration was measured by application of flucycloxuron on leaf uppersides and assessment of the transovarial activity in mites (P. ulmi orT. urticae) infested on the undersides, one day after treatment. In this test system, leaf penetration was found to be strongly species dependent. Penetration was high in cucumber, moderate in French beans, cotton, roses and strawberry, but low in apple and pepper. Leaf penetration in French bean plants is drastically reduced at increasing leaf age. The overall positive effect of increase in relative air humidity on leaf penetration, is statistically highly significant (P=0.001) for French beans and almost significant (P=0.08) for cucumbers. WithT. urticae on French bean it was found that in this test flucycloxuron needs more than one day for maximal leaf penetration. Although in apple leaves penetration from uppersides was low, penetration from undersides was much higher. The surfactants Arkopal N 130, Silwet L-77 and X2-5309 enhance penetration from leaf under-sides.  相似文献   

Studies on the reproduction, longevity and life table parameters of Iphiseius degenerans (Berlese) were carried out under laboratory conditions of 25 ± 1 °C, 75 ± 5% RH and 16L:8D h. As food sources for the predatory mite, Ricinus communis L. pollen, all stages of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) larvae, and Ephestia kuehniella Zeller eggs were selected. All diets were accepted as food by the adult mites. Female longevity ranged from 29.5 to 42.4 days, the highest value was recorded on a diet of Ephestia eggs. The highest percentage of females escaping the experimental arena was observed on the diet consisting of thrips larvae. The highest oviposition rate (1.9 eggs/female.day) was recorded when the predator was fed on spider mites on an artificial substrate. For other diets, oviposition rates ranged from 1.0 to 1.3 eggs/female.day. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r m) of I. degenerans varied between 0.015 and 0.142 females/female.day. The diet consisting of castor bean pollen resulted in the highest population growth whereas the diet on spider mites brushed off onto a bean leaf arena resulted in the slowest population growth. This can be explained by the inability of the predator to cope with the webbing of T. urticae, and the high escape rate of the progeny when reared on spider mites. The percentage of females in the offspring ranged from 40 to 73%.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

The behavioural response of Tetranychus urticae to chemical cues from specialist predatory mites, Phytoseiulus persimilis, or generalist predatory bugs, Orius majusculus, on either bean or strawberry was studied in experimental arenas. Predators were placed on the leaf disc for 24 h and removed before T. urticae females were introduced. After 24 h, prey fecundity (number of eggs laid) and dispersal (number of prey drowned in the water barrier) were assessed. Chemical cues from the specialist predator resulted in reduced prey fecundity, significantly different from the generalist predator and control treatments. No interaction effect was found between plant species and prey fecundity, while significantly more eggs were laid on bean than on strawberry. Predator cues irrespective of predator specialization resulted in more prey dispersal than in the control. Findings emphasize the importance of specialization in the predator species complex for the degree and type of antipredator responses and resulting biological control.  相似文献   

The suggestion that adding a light oil to avermectin B1 would increase the toxicity of avermectin to spider mites and reduce its effect on predaceous mites was tested in laboratory trials withTetranychus urticae Koch andMetaseiulus occidentalis (Nesbitt) on almond and bean foliage. No differences were found in the toxicity of avermectin + oil vs. avermectin alone at the doses tested forT. urticae; all (0.025, 0.5, 1, and 5 ppm) were highly toxic. Mortality ofM. occidentalis females and larvae was not different on avermectin + oil vs. avermectin alone, but females produced more progeny on the avermectin + oil-treated foliage. At doses of 0.5 to 5 ppm, avermectin was sufficiently toxic to deplete predator populations in the field. Development of predator larvae on avermectin + oil and on avermectin alone was not different. Avermectin + oil on almond foliage aged outdoors was highly toxic after 96 h toT. urticae adults butM. occidentalis larvae survived well on residues by 96 h.M. occidentalis female survival and productivity were not different from the controls by 48 h. Hence a predator mite population might recover through larvae hatching onto residues. Avermectin + oil (3 ppm) residue on bean foliage held outdoors was still highly toxic toT. urticae after 33 days. In contrast,M. occidentalis females and larvae survived well on 48-to 96-hour-old residues. Neither predators nor spider mites placed on treated foliage (3 ppm) were able to reach untreated foliage in tests using bean plant seedlings with one leaf sprayed and one left unsprayed. Furthermore, whenM. occidentalis females were exposed to 3 ppm avermectin for 300 s or longer, mortality was significant and the fecundity of females that had been exposed for as few as 30 s was reduced significantly. Thus, while avermectin is significantly more toxic toT. urticae than toM. occidentalis, its value as a selective acaricide will depend upon learning to use it at rates that will allow the retention of sufficient prey so that surviving predators can persist. Based on these laboratory tests, such selective doses are likely to lie below 1 ppm and can best be determined in field trials.  相似文献   

To investigate the relative contributions of bottom-up (plant condition) and top-down (predatory mites) factors on the dynamics of the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae), a series of experiments were conducted in which spider mites and predatory mites were released on bean plants. Plants inoculated with 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 adult female T. urticae were either left untreated or were inoculated with 3 or 5 adult female predators (Phytoseiulus persimilis) one week after the introduction of spider mites. Plant area, densities of T. urticae and P. persimilis, and plant injury were assessed by weekly sampling. Data were analysed by a combination of statistical methods and a tri-trophic mechanistic simulation model partly parameterised from the current experiments and partly from previous data. The results showed a clear effect of predators on the density of spider mites and on the plant injury they cause. Plant injury increased with the initial number of spider mites and decreased with the initial number of predators. Extinction of T. urticae, followed by extinction of P. persimilis, was the most likely outcome for most initial combinations of prey and predators. Eggs constituted a relatively smaller part of the prey population as plant injury increased and of the predator population as prey density decreased. We did not find statistical evidence of P. persimilis having preference for feeding on T. urticae eggs. The simulation model demonstrated that bottom-up and top-down factors interact synergistically to reduce the density of spider mites. This may have important implications for biological control of spider mites by means of predatory mites.  相似文献   

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