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Cultures of Bemisia tabaci from Ivory Coast (IC), Pakistan (PK) and USA (US B-type) were compared for the frequency with which they transmitted three tomato geminivirus isolates: Indian tomato leaf curl virus from Bangalore (ITmLCV), and tomato yellow leaf curl viruses from Nigeria (TYLCV-Nig) and Senegal (TYLCV-Sen). Frequency of transmission from tomato to tomato depended both on the whitefly culture and the virus isolate. US B-type and IC whiteflies transmitted TYLCV-Sen more frequently than ITmLCV whereas PK whiteflies transmitted ITmLCV more frequently than TYLCV-Sen. US B-type whiteflies transmitted both viruses four to nine times more frequently than IC whiteflies. TYLCV-Nig was transmitted rarely by US B-type and not at all by IC whiteflies. Previous work indicates that the geminivirus coat protein controls vector transmissibility. The differential adaptation of TYLCV-Sen to transmission by US B-type whiteflies and of ITmLCV to PK whiteflies was associated with a large difference in epitope profile of the coat proteins of the two viruses. Also, the readily transmissible TYLCV-Sen differed appreciably in epitope profile from the poorly transmissible TYLCV-Nig, which reached a consistently greater concentration in source tissues but lacked epitope 18. However, the lack of epitope 18 in ITmLCV did not prevent its transmission by US B-type whiteflies. Differences in frequency and specificity of geminivirus transmission by whitefly cultures from different countries therefore were associated with differences among epitope profiles of the coat proteins of the viruses, but the structural features of the proteins that control transmission remain to be determined.  相似文献   

为探讨番茄与玉米间套作对烟粉虱的趋避效应及控制番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的效果,设置番茄品种‘金山511'以固定株行距与玉米品种‘先玉335'分别以10、20、30 cm的播种株距进行间作套种,调查3种栽培方式对烟粉虱屏障效应及黄化曲叶病毒病发生的影响。结果表明: 与番茄单作相比,玉米植株建立起的自然屏障使番茄生长环境相对稳定,玉米播种株距为10、20、30 cm时,番茄植株在6:00—20:00的平均温度分别降低3.01、2.26和1.45 ℃,平均相对湿度分别提高13.0%、8.8%、6.0%,平均光照强度分别降低26.1%、20.4%和14.5%;在每日的高温时段可显著降低番茄温度,提高湿度,减少光照强度,有效缓解强光、高温和干旱等有利于病毒病发生的不良环境条件,且在玉米播种距离为10 cm时效果最好。番茄间作玉米对烟粉虱有趋避效应,能抑制番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的发生,玉米株距为10、20、30 cm时,烟粉虱虫口数分别比单作减少88.7%、82.0%、73.9%,对病毒病的抑制作用呈减弱趋势,间作病情指数分别显著降低67.3%、59.4%和44.5%。玉米/番茄间作的种植模式有利于番茄植株生长和坐果,可提升番茄产量,玉米种植密度越高,效果越好,本试验条件下以玉米种植株距10 cm效果最好。  相似文献   

Abstract To better understand the etiology of begomovirus epidemics in regions under invasion we need to know how indigenous and invasive whitefly vectors respond to virus infection. We investigated both direct and indirect effects of infection with Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) on the performance of the invasive Q biotype and the indigenous Asian ZHJ2 biotype of whitefly Bemisia tabaci. The Q biotype performed better than the ZHJ2 biotype on either uninfected or virus‐infected tomato plants. However, virus‐infection of host plants did not, or only marginally affected, the performance of either biotype of whiteflies in terms of fecundity, longevity, survival, development and population increase. Likewise, association of the vectors with TYLCV did not affect fecundity and longevity of the Q or ZHJ2 biotypes on cotton, a non‐host of TYLCV. These results indicate that the alien Q biotype whitefly, but not the indigenous ZHJ2 biotype, is likely to become the major vector of TYLCV in the field and facilitate virus epidemics.  相似文献   

【目的】筛选烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)若虫应对白僵菌Beauveria bassiana侵染的应答基因,以进一步研究烟粉虱免疫反应的分子机制。【方法】采用新一代高通量测序技术对感染和非感染白僵菌的烟粉虱4龄若虫进行了测序分析,并筛选了差异表达基因;利用生物信息学工具对转录组测序得到的基因进行了功能注释、分类以及参与的信号通路展示。【结果】组装得到非冗余Unigene 232 554个,其N50和N90分别为1 153 bp和260 bp,平均长度为67 424 bp。对所有的基因进行差异表达分析发现:以P<0.05为标准筛选得到了1 166个差异表达基因,其中上调表达基因有474个,下调表达基因有692个,其中,与免疫相关的基因有405个;GO富集分析发现:有416个GO term有富集现象,包括156个生物学过程(66 402个Unigenes),89个细胞组分(27 645个Unigenes)和154个分子功能(73 417个Unigenes);KEGG代谢通路分析将烟粉虱转录组1 145个DEG匹配到309个通路上,其中76个通路得到了富集。【结论】对405个可能参与到烟粉虱若虫对白僵菌侵染的免疫识别和防御的基因进行了测序。研究结果为从分子水平上开展应用虫生真菌防治烟粉虱的研究奠定信息学基础。  相似文献   

Indian tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV) (Geminiviridae: Sub-group III) was detected both in field-collected and laboratory-reared B. tabaci using a triple-antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (TAS-ELISA). ToLCV was detected in six of the 10 group samples of field collected B. tabaci. ToLCV was also identified in 13 weed species commonly found in Karnataka, both by symptom expression and TAS-ELISA. ToLCV from c. 61% of infected plants was transmitted successfully to tomato by B. tabaci. Tomato plots were planted at three locations on the University of Agricultural Sciences Campus, Bangalore. Indian tomato leaf curl virus disease (ToLCVD) incidence increased most rapidly when the tomato plot was situated adjacent to an older ToLCVD-infected tomato field. When the plots were positioned in a dryland or a wetland area, at least 500 m away from any infected tomato fields, the ToLCVD incidence increased less rapidly, although in all sites it was 100% by 11 wk after transplanting. The numbers of B. tabaci caught on yellow traps in all sites increased during weeks 1–3 after transplanting and thereafter remained at between 10–15 adults trap-1 24 h_1. Adult numbers recorded on tomato plants by direct counts remained approximately constant at 2–4 adults plant“”1. Tomato fields were planted in three taluks (administrative areas) of Karnataka, that had different current and previous histories of tomato production. ToLCVD incidence increased most and least rapidly, respectively, in Kolar taluk where tomato is grown continuously and Doddaballapur tuluk where tomato was grown in the area for the first time. In Malur tuluk, where tomato was grown discontinuously (once a year), the incidence of ToLCVD increased at an intermediate rate. Weed host-plant species growing near the experimental sites had averages of between 1.5–10.0 B. tabaci nymphs per plant, whereas the tomato plants had only 0.3 nymphs per plant. The percentage parasitism of B. tabaci nymphs on tomato and weed species, respectively, was 0.7% and 2–6%. Nymphs and pupae were parasitised by an Encarsia sp. and Eretmocerus mundus Mercet. The relevance and implications of these findings for the epidemiology and management of ToLCVD in Karnataka State, South India is discussed.  相似文献   

【目的】明确不同烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)生物型在新疆地区的区域分布及其携带番茄黄化曲叶病毒的情况。【方法】本文利用烟粉虱mtDNA COⅠ基因片段作标记以及番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV)特异性引物, 鉴定新疆不同地区烟粉虱生物型, 并检测其携带TYLCV情况。【结果】石河子市、 博乐市、 岳普湖县、 泽普县、 叶城县、 莎车县、 墨玉县、 和田市与和田县烟粉虱属于B型烟粉虱, 且720 bp COⅠ基因序列一致性为100%; 阿克苏市、 哈密市、 鄯善县、 乌鲁木齐市、 克拉玛依市与伊宁市烟粉虱属于Q型烟粉虱, 720 bp COⅠ基因序列一致性为99.9%~100%; 吐鲁番市与库尔勒市兼有B型烟粉虱和Q型烟粉虱。伊宁市、 乌鲁木齐市、 鄯善县、 哈密市、 阿克苏市、 库尔勒市、 莎车县、 和田县和墨玉县的烟粉虱样本携带TYLCV, 除2011年底已经暴发危害的莎车县外, 其他区域均为番茄黄化曲叶病毒病发生的高风险区域。【结论】本研究为新疆地区烟粉虱及番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的科学防控提供依据。  相似文献   

A whitefly-transmissible stock isolate of Indian tomato leaf curl geminivirus (ITmLCV) was cultured in graft-inoculated tomato plants and its particles purified from chloroform-clarified extracts in citrate buffer by precipitation with 70 g/litre polyethylene glycol, ultracentrifugation and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Contaminating helical filaments were eliminated by banding in caesium sulphate gradients. ITmLCV particles had the shape typical for geminiviruses, measured c. 30 × 20 nm and contained a single major protein of estimated mol. wt c. 32 000. They reacted in immunosorbent electron microscopy with antisera to four other whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses. ITmLCV reacted with one out of 17 monoclonal antibodies specific for different epitopes in the particle protein of African cassava mosaic geminivirus and five or six out of 10 monoclonal antibodies to the particle protein of Indian cassava mosaic geminivirus. Virus isolates from tomato at nine locations in Karnataka State showed only slight differences in epitope profile, and isolates from four weed species in tomato fields were similar or identical to those from tomato.  相似文献   

木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(Cotton leaf curl Multan virus,CLCu Mu V)是引起世界范围内棉花曲叶病流行的主要病原之一,目前已入侵我国广东、广西、海南、福建、云南等地区。该病害由烟粉虱传播,随着烟粉虱扩散范围增加、危害不断加重,棉花曲叶病对我国棉花生产的潜在危害也日益增加。加强该病毒传播介体携带病毒的快速、特异性检测技术研发,对该病害的有效检疫与防控具有重要意义。本研究基于木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(CLCu Mu V)的基因序列设计出LAMP检测4条特异性引物,建立LAMP扩增体系并优化扩增条件,扩增试验证明引物组合的特异性高,LAMP检测所需时间短,仅29 min即可定性检测CLCu Mu V扩增产物;该方法较普通PCR的扩增灵敏度高,可用于检测1头烟粉虱体内是否携带CLCu Mu V,简便易行,只通过颜色变绿或浊度变浑浊即可定性判断。建立的LAMP检测技术可被用于苗木上烟粉虱携带CLCu Mu V的早期检测,为介体昆虫带毒的检疫监测提供一种快速、准确和易操作的新技术。  相似文献   

【背景】番茄黄化曲叶病毒(TYLCV)是由媒介昆虫烟粉虱传播的一种双生病毒,对蔬菜及烟草等经济作物造成严重危害。前人资料表明,该病毒于2006年传人我国南方地区,2007年传人山东省,2008年后在山东各地逐渐蔓延扩散。【方法】为了考证TYLcV传人山东省的时间,本研究利用mtCOI基因对于2005和2006年7—8月份在山东省不同地区作物上共采集的15份烟粉虱样品进行了生物型鉴定,并进一步检测了烟粉虱携带TYLCV情况,同时对PCR扩增产物进行了测序分析。【结果】2005年的4份样品烟粉虱生物型均为B型,均不携带TYLCV。2006年的11份烟粉虱样品为B型与Q型混合样品,其中,2份烟粉虱样品检测到TYLCV,进一步证实该病毒为TYLCV。【结论与意义】本研究首次证实了TYLCV早在2006年就已经传入山东省。研究结果不仅对于防控该病毒具有重要指导意义,而且对于其入侵生物学研究也具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Accessions of wild Lycopersicon spp. and selected Fl hybrid tomato cultivars were compared for their resistance to three whitefly-transmissible geminiviruses: Indian tomato leaf curl virus (ITmLCV) and tomato yellow leaf curl viruses from Sardinia (TYLCV-Sar) and Senegal (TYLCV-Sen). The resistance of different plant lines was expressed in different ways but in most instances a given line reacted similarly to graft inoculation with the three viruses. L. pimpinellifolium LA1478 produced as much virus antigen, assessed by triple antibody sandwich-ELISA, as the susceptible cv. Moneymaker but developed only very mild symptoms and is therefore tolerant of infection. In L. hirsutum LA1777 and L. peruvianum CMV-INRA, very mild or no symptoms developed but antigen concentrations were substantially less than in Moneymaker. L. chilense LA1969 remained symptomless and its antigen concentration was < 1% of that in Moneymaker. Symptoms were mild or barely evident in the Fl hybrid cultivars. Cultivars Tyking and Fiona had antigen concentrations about 5–10% of those of Moneymaker, whereas TY20, Top 21 and Tyger had intermediate antigen concentrations. In a few instances, the extent to which virus accumulation was restricted depended on the challenge virus. Accumulation of TYLCV-Sen in TY20, Top 21 and Tyger was less affected than that of the other two viruses, and accumulation of TYLCV-Sar in accessions LA1777 and CMV-INRA was less affected than that of TYLCV-Sen or ITmLCV. Tissue-printing tests showed that ITmLCV and TYLCV-Sen antigens were confined to phloem tissue. In Tyking, the number of virus antigen-containing phloem traces and the antigen content of individual traces were less than in Moneymaker but the partitioning of antigen between internal and external phloem was unaffected.  相似文献   

三株球孢白僵菌侵染烟粉虱的比较生长动力学及其毒力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
同一种虫生真菌的不同菌株对于特定昆虫宿主的毒力可存在显著差异,真菌在昆虫体内的生长能力不同可能是引起这种差异的原因之一。为了探讨真菌在宿主体内的生长动力学与其毒力的关系,本研究用生测法测定了3株球孢白僵菌(GZGY-1-3、SCWJ-2、WLMQ-20)在高剂量(1×108孢子/mL)和低剂量(1×106孢子/mL)下对烟粉虱4龄若虫的毒力,用实时荧光定量PCR技术对真菌在宿主体内的拷贝数进行了定量,用荧光显微方法观察了白僵菌侵染烟粉虱的过程。生物测定实验结果显示:不论在高剂量还是低剂量下,菌株GZGY-1-3杀死烟粉虱所需的时间最短(在高剂量和低剂量下LT50分别为2.29d和6.10d),其次是菌株SCWJ-2(LT50分别为3.03d和7.38d),菌株WLMQ-20所需时间最长(LT50分别为4.13d和9.39d)。对于同一菌株,其高剂量下的毒力显著高于低剂量下的毒力。实时荧光定量PCR实验显示,接触高剂量孢子后烟粉虱获得的孢子数远远高于接触低剂量时的孢子数。接种后,每一菌株和每一剂量下的真菌生长都表现出一个相似的模式。在接种24h后,真菌细胞数量显著下降,在接种后24–48h之间是一个简短的恢复阶段,接种48–72h后是真菌的细胞数略有净增长的稳定时期,在宿主死亡前后的阶段,真菌数量急剧增加,与接种后最初24h相比高了近1 000倍。然而,尽管它们的生长模式相似,但是却存在着量上的差异,由致病性强、剂量高的菌株侵染的昆虫体内的最终真菌菌体数高。荧光显微技术观察到的白僵菌对烟粉虱的侵染过程证实了定量PCR的结果。这些结果说明菌株间毒力的差异在一定程度上是由真菌生长动力学的量化差异所决定的。  相似文献   

双生病毒可通过调控寄主植物促进媒介昆虫烟粉虱种群增长,然而病毒侵染植物后是否通过调控植物挥发物来影响烟粉虱及其天敌的嗅觉反应还未见报道。【目的】本文旨在研究烟草植株感染中国番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus,TYLCCNV)后对烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)及其重要寄生性天敌海氏桨角蚜小蜂Eretmocerus hayati(Zolnerowich and Rose)嗅觉反应行为的影响。【方法】利用Y形嗅觉仪方法,我们测试了烟粉虱及海氏桨角蚜小蜂对带毒植株、健康植株及烟粉虱危害植株的选择偏好性。【结果】烟粉虱及海氏桨角蚜小蜂选择携带TYLCCNV病毒的烟草显著多于健康烟草植株,但烟草被病毒与烟粉虱共同侵染时,烟粉虱对带毒烟草的选择仍显著多于无毒植株,而寄生蜂虽然仍较多选择带毒植株,但无显著差异。【结论】这些结果表明烟粉虱及海氏桨角蚜小蜂偏好选择携带TYLCCNV病毒的烟草,但这种偏好作用在烟粉虱取食共同危害时有一定程度的减弱。本研究首次报道了双生病毒侵染植物可增加烟粉虱及其天敌对植物的选择作用,并就其功能及机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Plants of 25 wild Lycopersicon accessions were screened in the greenhouse for resistance to the whitefly-borne tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). High levels of resistance were detected in 7 of 9 accessions of L. peruvianum and in all 5 accessions of L. chilense tested. In contrast, plants of 7 accessions of L. hirsutum and 3 of 4 accessions of L. pimpinellifolium were highly susceptible. Plants of accession CIAS 27 (L. pimpinellifolium) showed moderate resistance to TYLCV.  相似文献   

为了揭示辽宁省冬季温室内越冬粉虱伪蛹的种类及烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)携带番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV)情况, 于2012年1月份在辽宁省不同县市区的温室作物上采集了17份粉虱伪蛹样品(每样品含30头粉虱伪蛹) , 镜检鉴别粉虱种类并利用mtCOI基因对烟粉虱生物型进行了鉴定; 检测了烟粉虱携带TYLCV情况并对其PCR扩增产物进行了测序分析。结 果表明: 辽宁省冬季温室内存在越冬温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)与烟粉虱。17份粉虱样品中, 11份样品为烟 粉虱样品, 6份样品为温室白粉虱和烟粉虱混合样品。混合样品中, 温室白粉虱仅在锦州凌海(LH)样品中占优势。17份烟粉虱样品(包 括混合样品)中, 仅有4份样品为B型与Q型混合样品, 其他13份样品烟粉虱生物型均为Q型。17份烟粉虱样品中有3份Q型烟粉虱样品检测 到TYLCV, 系统树分析进一步证实该病毒是TYLCV。调查结果为辽宁省粉虱与TYLCV的早期测报和防控提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

In 1989 to 1991, leaf curl disease was observed in cotton (Gossypium bar-badense cv. Local) grown in kitchen gardens in five districts in Karnataka State, India, and in 1994 it was recorded in G. hirsutum cv. Sharada in two districts. Symptoms consist of leaf curling, vein thickening, leaf enations, and stunting and distortion of plants. The disease is caused by cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV-K), which was transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci to 24 plant species in six families. Hosts include bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), pepper, tobacco, tomato and several weeds, almost all of which developed leaf curl, with or without vein thickening. CLCuV-K was transmitted from cotton to cotton by adult B. tabaci after an acquisition access period of 1 h, could be inoculated in 5 min, had a minimum latent period of 8 h and was retained by viruliferous insects for up to 9 days. Female B. tabaci transmitted more frequently than males. CLCuV-K is a whitefly-transmitted geminivirus. It reacted with two out of 17 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) raised to African cassava mosaic virus and five out of 10 MAbs raised to Indian cassava mosaic virus. CLCuV-K isolates from different locations in Karnataka had similar epitope profiles. As judged by these profiles, CLCuV-K is closely related to Indian tomato leaf curl virus from Karnataka, is distinguishable from several other whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses found in India and is still more distantly related to those, including cotton leaf crumple virus from the USA, found in other continents. CLCuV-K infected all cultivars tested of G. barbadense and one of six cultivars of G. hirsutum but none of G. arboreum or G. herbaceum.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy/autophagy plays an important role against pathogen infection in mammals and plants. However, little has been known about the role of autophagy in the interactions of insect vectors with the plant viruses, which they transmit. Begomoviruses are a group of single-stranded DNA viruses and are exclusively transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci in a circulative manner. In this study, we found that the infection of a begomovirus, tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) could activate the autophagy pathway in the Middle East Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1) species of the B. tabaci complex as evidenced by the formation of autophagosomes and ATG8-II. Interestingly, the activation of autophagy led to the subsequent degradation of TYLCV coat protein (CP) and genomic DNA. While feeding the whitefly with 2 autophagy inhibitors (3-methyladenine and bafilomycin A1) and silencing the expression of Atg3 and Atg9 increased the viral load; autophagy activation via feeding of rapamycin notably decreased the amount of viral CP and DNA in the whitefly. Furthermore, we found that activation of whitefly autophagy could inhibit the efficiency of virus transmission; whereas inhibiting autophagy facilitated virus transmission. Taken together, these results indicate that TYLCV infection can activate the whitefly autophagy pathway, which leads to the subsequent degradation of virus. Furthermore, our report proves that an insect vector uses autophagy as an intrinsic antiviral program to repress the infection of a circulative-transmitted plant virus. Our data also demonstrate that TYLCV may replicate and trigger complex interactions with the insect vector.  相似文献   

【目的】烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius)是一种世界性的入侵性害虫,其传播的番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl virus,TYLCV)给我国番茄生产造成巨大经济损失。为了阐明烟粉虱传播双生病毒的机理,本文拟研究明确B和Q烟粉虱体内传毒相关蛋白Gro EL基因及其表达量。【方法】采用特异性引物克隆了B和Q烟粉虱内共生菌编码的传毒相关蛋白Gro EL基因,并进行序列分析;并利用荧光定量PCR技术检测两种生物型及其获取双生病毒前后该基因的相对表达量。【结果】烟粉虱内共生菌Hamiltonella编码的Gro EL基因全长为1 668 bp,编码555个氨基酸;B、Q烟粉虱该基因的核苷酸序列相似性为99.94%,氨基酸同源性为99.82%;带毒烟粉虱中Gro EL基因的表达量显著高于未带毒的对应生物型烟粉虱;无论带毒与否,Q烟粉虱该基因的表达量均显著高于B(P<0.05)。【结论】烟粉虱携带TYLCV后可诱导Gro EL的表达量升高,B和Q烟粉虱中Gro EL基因及其表达量均存在差异,这可能是B和Q烟粉虱传毒效率存在显著差异的原因之一。  相似文献   

The talc-based formulation of two Pseudomonas fluorescens strains (Pf1 and VPT10) and its mixture (with and without chitin) were tested against tomato leaf curl virus in tomato under greenhouse and field conditions. The mean percentage of tomato leaf curl virus infected plants were significantly lower (25%) with less symptom severity and delayed symptom expression up to nine additional days in Pseudomonas with chitin (VPT10 + chitin) treated tomato plants compared to non-bacterised control plants upon challenge inoculation with tomato leaf curl virus. Tomato leaf curl virus was partially purified and antiserum was developed. Using the antiserum the tomato leaf curl virus was detected in symptomatic leaves and in whitefly vector through direct antigen coating enzyme linked immunosorbent assay which revealed the low virus titre in Pseudomonas treated plants (VPT10 + chitin) and insect vector compared to untreated tomato plants. The results indicate the potentiality of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria strains and talc-powder formulations in the effective management of this tomato leaf curl virus in tomato under field conditions.  相似文献   

Our current knowledge concerning the transmission of begomoviruses by the whitefly vector Bemisia tabaci is based mainly on research performed on the Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) complex and on a number of viruses originating from the Old World, such as Tomato leaf curl virus, and from the New World, including Abutilon mosaic virus, Tomato mottle virus, and Squash leaf curl virus. In this review we discuss the characteristics of acquisition, transmission and retention of begomoviruses by the whitefly vector, concentrating on the TYLCV complex, based on both published and recent unpublished data. We describe the cells and organs encountered by begomoviruses in B. tabaci. We show immunolocalisation of TYLCV to the B. tabaci stylet food canal and to the proximal part of the descending midgut, and TYLCV‐specific labelling was also associated with food in the lumen. The microvilli and electron‐dense material in the epithelial cells of the gut wall were also labelled by the anti TYLCV serum, pointing to a possible virus translocation route through the gut wall and to a putative site of long‐term virus storage. We describe the path of begomoviruses in their vector B. tabaci and in the non‐vector whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum, and we follow the rate of virus translocation in these insects. We discuss TYLCV transmission between B. tabaci during mating, probably by exchange of haemolymph. We show that following a short acquisition access to infected tomato plants, TYLCV remains associated with the B. tabaci vector for weeks, while the virus is undetectable after a few hours in the non‐vector T. vaporariorum. The implications of the long‐term association of TYLCV with B. tabaci in the light of interactions of the begomovirus with insect receptors are discussed.  相似文献   

Cotton leaf curl virus disease reduces the cotton yield significantly every year and is transmitted by Bemisia tabaci. The study was designed to evaluate 15 varieties/lines against the disease. Multiple regression analysis was performed based on a-biotic environmental variables (maximum air temperature, minimum air temperature, relative humidity and rainfall) to predict disease incidence and its vector (Bemisia tabaci). Two bio-products were evaluated against the whitefly population to control the disease. Out of 15 cotton varieties/lines, no one was found highly resistant against the disease. Five varieties/lines (BT BT-980, BT-457, KIRAN, BT-666 and SLH-BT-6) exhibited moderately resistant response. Maximum air temperature (34–35.5 °C), minimum temperature (25.75–26.25 °C), relative humidity (64.14–66%), rainfall (1–2 mm) and wind speed (5.50–5.75 Kmh?1) favoured the disease development. Maximum whitefly population was favoured by maximum air temperature from 34–35.5 °C, 25.8–26.2 °C minimum air temperature, 64.14–66% relative humidity, 1–2 mm from rainfall and 5.50–5.75 Kmh?1 wind speed. Datura stramonium was found more effective as compared to Aviara (Homoeopathic) but not from the positive control (Acetamiprid).  相似文献   

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