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Summary The individual movements of four carabid species were investigated by tracing beetles in the field using a portable radar system (harmonic radar). The field-inhabiting a Pterostichus melanarius Illiger, P. niger Schaller and Harpalus rufipes De Geer were traced in cereal fields. The movements of P. melanarius Mnd P. niger were also tracked in a wood and then compared with the movements of the forest-species Carabus nemoralis Müller. P. melanarius and P. niger displayed directed movements in cereal fields, although P. niger moved faster than P. melanarius. The movement pattern of H. rufipes in the field, and C. nemoralis and P. malanarius in the wood can be described as a c correlated random walk. In cereal fields, P. melanarius burrowed actively into the soil, and P. niger searched out crevices. In contrast, none of these two carabids burrowed in the forest soil, whereas C. nemoralis did. No statistically significant difference was observed between the movements of hungry and satiated beetles, although starved beetles tended to disperse shorter distances per move and turned back more often (especially P. niger). The significance of the various movement patterns exhibited by the species studied for their reproduction and survival on arable land is discussed.  相似文献   

Aim Insect assemblages associated with lianas in tropical forests are poorly studied compared with those associated with trees. The importance of lianas for the maintenance of local species richness of insect herbivores in tropical forests is therefore poorly understood. With this in mind, a comparative study of the relative importance of trees and lianas as hosts for phytophagous beetles was carried out. Location The study area was located in the canopy of a dry tropical forest in Parque Natural Metropolitano, Panama province, Republic of Panama. Methods A crane system was utilized to access the canopy. The number of species and host specialization of adult phytophagous beetles associated with twenty‐six liana species of ten different families, and twenty‐four tree species of twelve different families were compared. Results A total of 2561 host associations of 697 species of beetles were determined (1339 for trees and 1222 for lianas). On average 55.8 ± 6.8 beetle species were found to be associated with each tree species while the comparable number for lianas was 47.0 ± 6.1. The pooled numbers of phytophagous beetle species associated with trees and lianas, respectively, were not significantly different. However, there were significantly more species feeding on green plant parts on lianas than on trees, and there were significantly more wood eaters on trees than on lianas. Phytophagous beetles associated with lianas were significantly more specialized than the tree associates due to a higher degree of specialization among the species feeding on green plant parts of lianas. Wood eaters and flower visitors showed no differences in host specialization on different growth forms. Main conclusion The present study shows that lianas are at least as important as trees for the maintenance of local species diversity of phytophagous beetles at this site. The mechanisms that drive the patterns can only be hypothesized. Plant architecture, size, and length of growing season are probably involved. Further studies, should include measurements of plant traits to elucidate experimentally what mechanisms that drive the patterns. Additional insight would come from similar studies in other forest types, and also studies of other major taxonomic groups of arthropod herbivores.  相似文献   

Many ecological studies have used diversity indices to assess the impact of environmental disturbance. In particular, ground beetles have been advocated as a good group for assessing disturbance. Most studies on various organisms have used only one or two indices. For our study of the impact of tillage disturbance on carabid beetles in farm fields in southern Ontario, Canada, we used seven different diversity indices (richness, Shannon–Wiener, Berger–Parker, Q-statistic, Margalef, and evenness). Few studies have used deviation from diversity abundance models as a measure of disturbance; however, we use three that are applicable to our data (geometric, log-normal and log-series). The indices and models were used to test the null hypothesis that there is no change in diversity with increasing tillage disturbance, and that there is no difference in diversity with different crops or years. We were not able to reject the null hypothesis that there is any diversity difference among farms. We also found that there was no single diversity index or model that was better than any other at detecting disturbance. These results are supplemented by a meta-analysis of 45 published data sets for the same taxon but in different habitats. The meta-analysis supports the conclusions from our field research that diversity indices and models are not useful for detecting the possible effect of disturbance on assemblages of carabid beetles.  相似文献   

Asymmetrical monorchy, or the complete absence of one testis coupled with the presence of its bilateral counterpart, is reported for 174 species of the carabid beetle tribes Abacetini, Harpalini, and Platynini (Insecta: Coleoptera: Carabidae) based on a survey of over 820 species from throughout the family. This condition was not found in examined individuals of any other carabid beetle tribes, or of other adephagan beetle families. One monorchid taxon within Platynini exhibits symmetrical vasa deferentia at the beginning of the pupal stadium, suggesting that developmental arrest of the underdeveloped vas deferens takes place in pupation. The point at which development of the testis is interrupted is unknown. Complete absence of one organ of a bilateral pair--absence asymmetry--is rarely found in any animal clade and among insects is otherwise only known for testes in the minute-sized beetles of the family Ptiliidae, ovaries in Scarabaeinae dung beetles, and ovaries of some aphids. Based on current phylogenetic hypotheses for Carabidae, testis loss has occurred independently at least three times, and up to five origins are possible, given the variation within Abacetini. Clear phylogenetic evidence for multiple independent origins suggests an adaptive or functional cause for this asymmetry. A previously posited taxon-specific hypothesis wherein herbivory in the tribe Harpalini led to testis loss is rejected. Optimal visceral packing of the beetle abdomen is suggested as a general explanation. Specifically, based on the function of various organ systems, we hypothesize that interaction of internal organs and pressure to optimize organ size and space usage in each system led to the multiple origins and maintenance of the monorchid condition. Testes are the only redundant and symmetrically paired structures not thought to be developmentally linked to other symmetrical structures in the abdomen. Among all possible organs, they are the most likely--although the observed frequency is very small--to bypass constraints that maintain bilateral symmetry, resulting in absence asymmetry. However, based solely on our observations of gross morphology of internal organs, no function conclusively explains the ontogenetic loss of one testis in these taxa. Unlike the analogous absence asymmetry of organs in other animal groups, no dramatic body-form constraint--e.g., snakes and lung loss, ptiliid beetles' small body-size and relatively giant sperm--or adaptive scenario of improved locomotory performance--e.g., birds and ovary loss due to flight constraints-applies to these carabid beetles. We tentatively suggest that testis loss is driven wholly by an interaction among the internal organs of these beetles, possibly due to selective pressure to maximize the comparatively large accessory glands found in these taxa. However, as the ordering of these evolutionary events of testis loss and accessory gland size increase is not known, large accessory glands might have secondarily evolved to compensate for a decreased testicular output.  相似文献   

A survey of invertebrates on exposed riverine sediments (ERS) in four catchments of rivers in Scotland and northern England was carried out in 1996 and 1997 using pitfall traps. The resulting 179 lists of ground beetle species were used in ordination and classification analyses to determine the different types of habitats and the environmental factors influencing species assemblage distribution. Types of ERS habitat differed between highland and lowland catchments; there were also different numbers of habitat types in each catchment. The distribution of ERS within catchments was related to geology, position in catchment, sediment composition and the amount of vegetation. Evidence of the positive nature of river engineering was identified and the role of river management is discussed. The numbers of nationally rare and scarce ground beetle species recorded from the ERS habitats in each catchment are reported and the factors affecting their distribution discussed.  相似文献   

Ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) as bioindicators   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
One of the primary goals of research on bioindicators is to identifyspecies or other taxonomic units that would reliably indicate disturbances inthe environment, and reflect the responses of other species or the overallbiodiversity. However, there is no perfect bioindicator and selecting the mostsuitable one depends to a great extent on the goal of the survey. In this paperwe examine the suitability of carabids as bioindicators. Carabids are frequentlyused to indicate habitat alteration. They have been used in grasslands andboreal forests where species number and/or abundances have been noted to changealong a habitat disturbance gradient. A common trend is that large, poorlydispersing specialist species decrease with increased disturbance while smallgeneralist species with good dispersal ability increase. Some species are notaffected by moderate disturbance. There is, however, not enough research todetermine how suitable carabids are for biodiversity studies, or how well theyrepresent the response of other species. We conclude that carabids are usefulbioindicators, but as crucial understanding of their relationship with otherspecies is incomplete, they should be used with caution.  相似文献   

Adult carabids that ingest particles of food have a muscular proventriculus lined internally with an intima that bears sclerotized projections. In experiments where six species of carabid were allowed to feed upon Drosophila, the average size of cuticular remains found in post-proventricular regions of the gut was generally significantly smaller than those in the crop. This reduction in size of cuticular particles is likely to be due to proventricular trituration rather than prolonged exposure to digestive secretions. There is no evidence that material is triturated by the proventriculus and returned to the crop, the main seat of digestion in carabids, so proventricular trituration is unlikely to enhance digestion. By crushing large, potentially abrasive, cuticular particles, the proventriculus may serve to protect midgut epithelial tissue.  相似文献   

The global diversity of True Water Beetles, False Water Beetles and Phytophilous Water Beetles (sensu Jäch, 1998a. In Jäch &; Ji (eds), Water Beetles of China, Vol. II. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Österreich and Wiener Coleopterologenverein, Wien: 25–42.) is assessed. Facultative Water Beetles, Parasitic Water Beetles and Shore Beetles (sensu Jäch, 1998a. In Jäch &; Ji (eds), Water Beetles of China, Vol. II. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Österreich and Wiener Coleopterologenverein, Wien: 25–42.) are here classified as “paraquatic” and are thus not included in the assessment. It is estimated that about 18,000 species of aquatic Coleoptera are roaming the earth at present. About 12,600 (70%) of these are already described (deadline: October 2005). About 30 beetle families have aquatic representatives, and in 25 of these families at least 50% of the species are to be considered as aquatic. Six families are supposed to include 1,000 or more aquatic species: Dytiscidae (3,908 described species/5,000 estimated), Hydraenidae (1,380/2,500), Hydrophilidae (1,800/2,320), Elmidae (1,330/1,850), Scirtidae (900/1,700) and Gyrinidae (750/1,000). Scirtidae and Hydraenidae are regarded as the least explored families, the number of described species in each of these two families probably will be almost doubled in the future. The Palearctic (ca. 3,350 described species/ca. 3,900 estimated), the Neotropical (2,510/3,900) and the Afrotropical Region (2,700/3,750) harbour almost the same number of water beetle species, followed by the Oriental (2,200/3,580) and the Australian/Pacific Realm (1,340/2,100). The Nearctic (1,420/1,550) is by far the poorest region in terms of water beetle diversity.  相似文献   

This work was undertaken as an initial part of the collaborative effort between Korean and Mongolian researchers to study the terrestrial and aquatic insects in these countries. An analysis of data on faunal composition, taxonomic diversity and biogeographical structure of lamellicorn beetles in Korea and Mongolia was conducted in order to characterize the faunal relations between two countries. The Korean fauna of lamellicorn beetles is almost two fold greater in both generic diversity and species richness than that of Mongolia. The species compositions of lamellicorn beetles in two countries are substantially different from each other and the relative levels of faunal overlap are insignificant. Not only the faunal diversity and composition, but also the biogeographical structure of lamellicorn beetles in Korea and Mongolia display dissimilar patterns, except for their similar degree of endemism. Additional data on communities of dung beetles in the grasslands of central Mongolia, as well as a brief discussion on conservation issues of the endangered species in Korea, especially Gymnopleurus mopsus, are given.  相似文献   

From 2002 to 2004 two sampling methods were combined to assess the population of insects known as vectors of rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) in the three major irrigated rice ecosystems in the north of Cameroon (Lagdo, Maga, Yagoua) and in lowland rice fields. Samplings were conducted by means of sweep net and D-Vac (the sucking trap) fortnightly in 2002 and 2003 until mid-October in lowland rice fields while in the irrigated fields, samplings occurred between December and April. Simultaneously, rearing on death concerned insects was conducted in the laboratory to identify the parasitoid insect species. From samples obtained at the different sites: (1) the dominant structure of the RYMV insect vectors was analysed according to the rice phenology; (2) the diversity and the occurrence of potential major groups of predators and parasitoids were assessed. Among the RYMV insect vectors sampled: Chaetocnema pulla Chapuis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Chnootriba similis Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), Trichispa sericea Guerin-Meneville (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Locris rubra Fabricius (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), Oxya hyla Stål (Orthoptera: Acrididae) and Conocephalus longipennis (de Haan) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) were the most encountered insect species during the rice growing seasons. When investigating the arthropods acting in the rice fields as predators, spiders (Araneae) came at the top position with a high concurrency of Pardosa spp. (>42%) at all sites. At the sites Maga and Yagoua, the carabid beetles species Abacetus crenulatus Dejean and Abacetus foveolatus Chaudoir were the most numerous whereas the Lagdo site was highly colonised by Clivina erythropyga Putzeys, Paederus sabaeus Erichson and Stenus ravus Puthz were the most abundant staphylinid beetles. The rearing of dead RYMV insect vectors gave results on the emergence of the following parasitoids: Eurytoma spp., Pediobius spp., Tetrastichus spp., Telenomus spp.  相似文献   

Two new species of bark beetles are described from the Late Eocene Rovno amber. Xylechinus mozolevskae sp. nov. (Hylesininae: Tomicini) is the first fossil representative of this genus, differing from recent species in having large triangular scales along the suture. Taphramites rovnoensis sp. nov. (Scolytinae: Dryocoetini) differs from the closest species, T. gnathotrichus from Baltic amber, in the presence of short thin hairs on the elytra.  相似文献   

  • 1 Tortoise beetle larvae possess a shield composed of exuviae and faeces which functions as an effective defence against some invertebrate predators.
  • 2 In the laboratory, Charidotella bicolor, Deloyala guttata and Chelymorpha cassidea larvae with their shields experimentally removed did not exhibit enhanced performance (i.e. decreased development time, increased body mass, or higher survival) compared to control larvae with shields intact.
  • 3 Disturbance caused during shield removal did not adversely affect larvae because performance did not differ among controls (undisturbed larvae with intact shields), disturbance controls (shield removal simulated, but shield left in place), and larvae with shields removed.
  • 4 Larvae without shields did not exhibit compensatory feeding to reconstruct the shield following its removal.
  • 5 In a field experiment in which predators were excluded, larvae with shields removed did not develop faster than controls; in fact, survival was slightly reduced (10%) for larvae without shields and may have resulted from desiccation.
  • 6 For slow-moving tortoise beetle larvae, the cost of bearing the shield is minimal. Thus, larval shields, composed of recycled waste products, provide an inexpensive mode of protection from some natural enemies.

A new genus and two new species of jewel beetles are described, Andakhudukia ponomarenkoi gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia and Metabuprestium ustkivdense sp. nov. from the lowermost Paleogene of the Amur Region. In addition, four new monotypic genera that share some features with jewel beetles are described: Cretoelaterium kazanovense gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Eastern Transbaikalia and Cretopoena gratshevi gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia have been referred to the families Elateridae and Eucnemidae; Cretofalselaterium baiankhongoricum gen. et sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Mongolia and Cretogermen turonicum gen. et sp. nov. from the Upper Cretaceous of Kazakhstan have been erected for isolated elytra and placed in Coleoptera incertae sedis.  相似文献   

202 running-water sites in the catchment of the River Rede, a tributary of the River Tyne in northern England, were sampled for invertebrates in 1990. The distributions of water beetle species were investigated using logistic regression with several environmental factors. A number of site structure characteristics were assessed and the presence or absence of silt (as peat or clay) was found to be the most important single variable. Shingle, pebbles, cobbles, boulders and the amount of vegetation present were less important substrate variables. The distance from stream source reflected substrate structure and site gradient was a poor determinant of species distribution. A composite variable, termed the exposure index, was derived from all the site structure characteristics using an ordination and was found to be useful in explaining species distribution. Water pH also affected distributions considerably. Two variable analyses using the exposure index and water pH gave the best explanation of species distribution. The two variables used together were a reflection of productivity and disturbance, the two main components of habitat templates and strategy theory. The distribution of water beetle species in the Rede catchment was a product of these factors, which, in turn, were a product of the geography of the catchment.  相似文献   

程海云  段家充  张超  潘昭 《昆虫学报》2022,65(9):1204-1221
【目的】应用线粒体COI和核CAD基因片段探讨自动条形码间隔探索(automatic barcode gapdiscovery, ABGD)、广义混合Yule溯祖模型(generalized mixed Yule coalescent, GMYC)、贝叶斯泊松树进程(Bayesian Poisson tree processes, bPTP)和贝叶斯系统发育和系统地理分析(Bayesianphylogenetics and phylogeography, BPP) 4种分析方法在芫菁科(Meloidae)昆虫分子物种界定中的适用性。【方法】分别基于COI, CAD和COI+CAD串联序列数据集,应用ABGD, GMYC, bPTP和BPP 4种方法对中国北方芫菁科常见的6属(沟芫菁属Hycleus、斑芫菁属Mylabris、豆芫菁属Epicauta、绿芫菁属Lytta、星芫菁属Megatrachelus和短翅芫菁属Meloe)18个形态种进行分子物种界定,并与形态学鉴定结果进行比较。【结果】利用COI+CAD串联序列数据集所得物种界定结果与形态鉴定结果一致;COI数据集使用ABGD和GMYC方法的界定结果与形态鉴定结果一致,而bPTP划分的物种数较形态鉴定结果多;基于CAD序列在3种单基因物种界定方法的结果中,除GMYC与形态划分一致外,其余均显示部分结果与形态划分不同。【结论】在芫菁科分子物种界定中,多基因联合序列、多种界定方法分析所得结果优于单一基因片段和界定方法的分析结果。本研究的结果为芫菁科昆虫的分子物种界定和整合分类提供了数据支持和参考。  相似文献   

We used pitfall traps to sample ground beetles on sandbars along a small woodland stream and in the adjacent floodplain forest (Oglethorpe Co., GA, USA). We captured a total of 1,477 ground beetles representing 41 species. Twenty-two species were exclusive to sandbars, while eight were found only in the forested habitat. Ground beetles were captured in significantly greater numbers from sandbars, especially Brachinus janthinipennis and Omophron americanum. The B. janthinipennis record represents a new state record for the species. This study demonstrates that many unique species can be found in specialized microhabitats and emphasizes the need for biodiversity assessment surveys to include a wide range of these microhabitats within a survey area. In addition, it appears that many generalist forest species might use sandbars seasonally to exploit available resources. The U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

The 24 members of the Euro-Asiatic genus Thymogethes are highly specialized pollen beetles associated as larvae with flowers of Lamiaceae Nepetoideae. All members of the genus were analysed in within the framework of an integrative taxonomy approach, which was aimed to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships, as well as the possible pattern of evolution of their larval-host-plant association. Evidence from multiple molecular markers [COI; 16S; H3], combined with an estimation of divergence times using an average rate of 0.0177 substitutions/site/My among branches, placed the origin of the genus at a minimum of 9–10 Mya. This date of origin approximates the known evolution of the host plants in Euro-Mediterranean areas. Evidence from combined molecular and cladistic morphological analyses resulted in suitable agreement with the previously established morphology-based systematics of the genus, although members of the exilis species-group were split into three clades. The only disagreement between results of this new combined phylogeny and previous classification is in the exclusion of “Thymogethesgrenieri. This species is herein positioned outside the genus, based on molecular evidence. Our analysis depicts several Thymogethes species differentiating in the last few Mys, specifically those included in the T. lugubris species-group. Combined evidence from DNA, morphology and ancestral state parsimony reconstruction of larval-host-plant associations suggests that subtribe Menthinae likely represents the ancestral host plants, with a series of independent host shifts during the radiation of the clade, in association first with Menthinae and subsequently with Lavandulinae and Nepetinae. Steno-oligophagy is the most frequent (86%) condition, while strictly monophagous species are less numerous (14%).  相似文献   

A new species from the family Glaresidae, Cretoglaresis ovalis, sp. nov., is described from the Lower Cretaceous site Baisa in Transbaikalia. Improved diagnosis of the genus Cretoglaresis Nikolajev, 2007 is given.  相似文献   

The Japanese species of the genus Agraphydrus are revised. Five species are recognized, including Agraphydrus ogatai sp. nov. from Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. The new species can be distinguished by the coarse ground punctures on the pronotum and elytra, and by the shape of parameres. All species except A. luteilateralis are redescribed. All species are diagnosed, relevant morphological characters are illustrated, distributional records are summarized and an updated key is provided.  相似文献   

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