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Inoculation of the stems of three Capsicum annuum L. cultivars showing different degrees of sensitivity to the fungal pathogen Phytophthora capsici , resulted in a hypersensitive reaction being expressed along the stems. One of the peppers (cv. Smith-5) showed resistance by total inhibition of fungal growth. Capsidiol, a phytoalexin, which accumulates in the area of necrosis appears to be involved in this resistance. Capsidiol accumulation was analyzed by gas chromatography and was correlated with the restricted growth of P. capsici , in vivo and in vitro, confirming the former's fungistatic and fungitoxic properties. The capacity to inhibit pathogenic growth was evident only when capsidiol production exceeded 1 204 μg ml-1, a level reached in the resistant variety after 6 days of incubation. Experiments on induced resistance showed that a second inoculation of the stems of the three cultivars also resulted in necrosis and in an accumulation of capsidiol, although to a lesser extent than in the first inoculation. The greater accumulation of capsidiol in the stems of cv. Smith-5 is in accordance with the resistance shown by this cultivar to P. capsici , and confirms the implication of capsidiol in the disease resistance of this cultivar to fungal pathogens. Capsidiol has a fungistatic character at a mean concentration of 3.75 mM, and is fungitoxic at levels above 5 mM. This level must be exceeded and all the growing hyphae must be affected for capsidiol to qualify from being fungistatic to being fungitoxic.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative changes in isoperoxidase patterns from stems of three cultivars of pepper ( Capsicum annuum L.). one susceptible, one intermediate and one resistant, were found upon inoculation with Phytophthora capsici using a decapitation method. The peroxidase activity was determined in the intercellular fluid as well as in the cytosolic fraction of the necrotic, healthy and intermediate zones of stems of the three cultivars, 6 days after inoculation. In the intercellular fluid, peroxidase activity of the susceptible cv. Yolo Wonder increased somewhat from 4.7 (healthy zone) to 12.9 (intermediate zone) μmol mg−1 protein min−1, whereas in the intermediate cv. Americano, the peroxidase activity decreased from 123 (healthy zone) to 78 (intermediate zone) μmol mg−1 protein min−1. The most dramatic increase (5.7 to 662 μmol mg−1 protein min−1) in intercellular peroxidase activity was found in the resistant cv. Smith-5. This, in conjunction with the appearance of an additional acidic isoperoxidase (pI 4.4) specific for the cv. Smith-5, could be the reason for the resistance of this cultivar against the fungus attack. The release of peroxidase into the intercellular space as a defense reaction was confirmed by histochemical analysis, showing that peroxidase activity occurred in the intercellular spaces of those stems of the resistant cultivar that had not yet been invaded by the fungus, but was detected neither in the other cultivars nor in the intercellular spaces of such stems of the intermediate and susceptible cultivars that contained growing mycelium of P. capsici. The lack of staining in the intercellular spaces of the susceptible cultivars could be attributed to their low content in peroxidase.  相似文献   

Cell suspension cultures of three cultivars of Capsicum annuum L., with different degrees of sensibility to the fungus Phytophthora capsici, responded to elicitation by both lyophilized mycelium and fungus filtrate. They showed conductivity changes, browning, production of the phytoalexin capsidiol and synthesis or accumulation of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins with glucanase (EC and chitinase (EC activities. The cultivation medium was optimised for growth of both the plant and the fungus in order to avoid any stress during their combination. The resistant cv. Smith-5, showed a more rapid and intense response to the elicitor preparations than the sensitive cvs Americano and Yolo Wonder. This was particularly evident when the cell suspensions were elicited with the filtrate, when differences became clearly visible after only 6 h incubation. The greatest rate of capsidiol accumulation occurred after 18 h in the mycelium-elicited cells and after 12 h in those elicited with the filtrate. These times are the optimal for capsidiol accumulation, and the phytoalexin is produced much more rapidly than it can be excreted into the extracellular medium. The inhibition threshold of fungal growth (300 µg capsidiol [g dry weight]?1) was reached only in the resistant cultivar. The induction of an intracellular glucanase (pI 8.9 and Rf 0.18) and an extracellular chitinase (pI 5.4 and Rf 0.70) only in the resistant cultivar 24 h after elicitation suggests that these enzymes are involved in the resistance to Phytophthora capsici, while other hydrolases common to all three cultivars form part of a more general defence. The results indicate that elicitation of pepper cell suspension cultures by signal molecules from P. capsici exhibits properties of a multicomponent dynamic system in which different protective mechanisms play complementary roles in the overall expression of the defence reaction. We confirm that the differential responses of resistant and susceptible pepper cultivars to P. capsici previously seen in plant stem sections are retained in suspension culture.  相似文献   

贺俐  吴杨  许东风 《植物研究》2011,31(1):95-99
为了分离和鉴定辣椒中疫霉诱导基因,以高抗疫霉病辣椒品种L11为材料,以接种辣椒疫霉菌的幼嫩叶片为处理(tester),以未接种自然生长的幼嫩叶片为对照(driver),利用抑制性消减杂交技术(suppression subtractive hybridization,SSH)构建了疫霉侵染下辣椒幼苗的消减文库。从消减文库中随机挑取30个阳性克隆,提取质粒进行PCR鉴定,显示插入片段大小大部分集中在200~1 000 bp之间,文库质量良好。随机挑取40个克隆进行测序,共获得35个有效EST序列。经Blastx分析表明:有30个EST与GenBank中其他序列有同源性,5个EST为未知功能序列。已知功能的EST序列分别编码NAC转录因子、丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶、P450单加氧酶、叶绿素a/b结合蛋白、谷胱甘肽转移酶、几丁质酶等,这些蛋白涉及抗病信号传递、抗氧化作用、转录调控及光合作用等多种生理过程。本研究为抗病基因克隆和系统研究疫霉侵染下辣椒基因的表达奠定了重要的理论基础。  相似文献   

Summary Ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS) is a potential mutagen to induce lincomycin resistance in Capsicum annuum. Mutagenized cotyledons were cultured on shoot regenerating medium containing lincomycin (100 mgl−1). Approximately 14% of regenerated shoots were chlorophyll deficient and about 4% of regenerated shoots were green from mutaganized cotyledons. The regenerated green plants were resistant to lincomycin but sensitive to chloramphenicol, kanamycin, spectinomycin, and streptomycin. Reciprocal crosses were made between resistant and sensitive plants. Inheritance of lincomycin resistance was transmitted as a non-Mendelian trait. Lincomycin resistance is a first selectable and maternally inherited organelle encoded genetic marker described in chili pepper. Such mutants should be useful in designing biochemical selection schemes to recover somatic hybrids and cybrids.  相似文献   

Five-week-old pepper plants with wounds created on stems and roots were transplanted to soils having inoculum of Phytophthora capsici incorporated for different lengths of time. Disease severity (39.99%) on root trimmed seedlings was not significantly different (P ≤ 0.05) from the severity (36.24%) obtained on stem lacerated seedlings. The wound treatments did not result in significantly different rates of lesion extension per day; stem lacerated seedling had the fastest, 1.99 mm/day lesion extension rate, followed by 1.90 and 1.89 mm/day extension rates obtained on root trimmed and unwounded treatments, respectively. However, time of soil inoculation had significant effect on severity; root trimmed and stem lacerated treatments had 46.3% and 39.8% severities, respectively. Tissue wounding × time of soil inoculation interaction did not have significant effect on disease severity; stem lacerated seedlings transplanted to 1-day and 3-day inoculated soils gave highest severity (49.9%), followed by seedlings inoculated at the time of transplantation. Root trimmed seedlings inoculated at the time of transplantation had highest severity (61.1%), while the lowest severity was obtained on seedlings transplanted to 5-day inoculated soil.  相似文献   

Phytophthora capsici Leonian, an oomycete pathogen, is a serious problem in pepper worldwide. Its resistance in pepper is controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTL). To detect QTL associated with P. capsici resistance, a molecular linkage map was constructed using 100 F(2) individuals from a cross between Capsicum annuum 'CM334' and C. annuum 'Chilsungcho'. This linkage map consisted of 202 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), 6 WRKYs and 1 simple sequence repeat (SSR) covering 1482.3 cM, with an average interval marker distance of 7.09 cM. QTL mapping of Phytophthora root rot and damping-off resistance was performed in F(2:3) originated from a cross between resistant Mexican landrace C. annuum 'CM334' and susceptible Korean landrace C. annuum 'Chilsungcho' using composite interval mapping (CIM) analysis. Four QTL explained 66.3% of the total phenotypic variations for root rot resistance and three 44.9% for damping-off resistance. Of these QTL loci, two were located close to RFLP markers CDI25 on chromosome 5 (P5) and CT211A on P9. A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library from C. annuum 'CM334' was screened with these two RFLP probes to obtain sequence information around the RFLP marker loci for development of PCR-based markers. CDI25 and CT211 probes identified seven and eight BAC clones, respectively. Nine positive BAC clones containing probe regions were sequenced and used for cytogenetic analysis. One single-nucleotide amplified polymorphism (SNAP) for the CDI25 locus, and two SSRs and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) for CT211 were developed using sequences of the positive BAC clones. These markers will be valuable for rapid selection of genotypes and map-based cloning for resistance genes against P. capsici.  相似文献   

Twenty-five Pythium isolates comprising five species viz., Pythium aphanidermatum, P. deliense, P. graminicola, P. heterothallicum and P. ultimum from different geographical locations of Tamil Nadu (Coimbatore, 4; Cuddalore, 6; Dindigul, 1; Dharmapuri, 1; Erode, 1; Madurai, 1; Namakkal, 7; Thanjavur, 1; Theni, 1; Thirunelveli, 1 and Vellore, 1) isolated from chilli crop were analysed with randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Morphological and molecular characteristics of these different species were correlated with the RAPD. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of total genomic DNA with six random primers generated unique banding patterns depending on the primer and the isolate. The isolate I17 produced identical banding patterns, while other isolates produced dissimilar bands within the particular species, indicating the genetic diversity among the isolates within a species. Morphological characters were also different from each other even in isolate I17 which shared identical bands. Cluster analysis showed minimum and maximum per cent similarities among the tested Pythium species which ranged from 49 to 89%, respectively. RAPD markers were better suited for differentiating isolates within a species rather than species.  相似文献   


Enhancing the host resistance by using naturally occurring elicitors derived from pathogenic organisms is emerging as an ecofriendly approach in plant disease management. Cerebrosides, categorized as glycosphingolipids, were isolated and partially purified from the wilt causing fungus (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici). Cerebroside treatment significantly reduced the anthracnose disease incidence under greenhouse conditions. Cerebroside elicitors were found to stimulate the early H2O2 accumulation followed by the production of plant defense-related enzymes such as Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), Peroxidase (POX), Polyphenol oxidase (PPO), and Lipoxygenase (LOX) when applied to chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) plants by spray treatment and also induced the accumulation of capsidiol. Defense-related enzyme activities were increased by the elicitor treatment and an high level in activity was maintained during the experimental period. Under greenhouse conditions, the cerebroside elicitors effectively protected chilli plants against infection by anthracnose causing organism, Colletotrichum capsici.  相似文献   

辣椒优良自交系间遗传差异的分子分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
作物自交系间遗传差异的分析与评价是杂种优势育种和杂交育种成功的基础。鲜食尖椒类(Capsicum an-nuumvar.longum)品种是我国辣椒生产的主要品种类型之一。针对我国鲜食尖椒的育种目标,以国内外10份尖椒优良自交系为材料,利用相关序列扩增多态性(SRAP)和简单序列重复(SSR)标记技术对其进行了遗传差异分析。结果显示:SRAP技术具有较高的位点和多态性检测能力,平均每次检测的位点数和多态性位点数分别为34个和10个,是SSR的10倍和5倍;辣椒自交系间基于SRAP标记的遗传距离和基于SSR标记的遗传距离之间的相关程度较低(r=0.144);基于SRAP标记和SSR标记联合数据计算的遗传距离,10个尖椒自交系被分为3大类,这种分类结果与辣椒杂种优势育种实践相一致。本研究结果表明,SRAP具有较高的遗传分析效力;基于不同分子标记遗传分析结果的差异与标记间共享位点的多少有关;10个尖椒自交系的分类结果可用于指导育种实践。  相似文献   

Background information. In vitro-cultured microspores, after an appropriate stress treatment, can switch towards an embryogenic pathway. This process, known as microspore embryogenesis, is an important tool in plant breeding. Basic studies on this process in economically interesting crops, especially in recalcitrant plants, are very limited and the sequence of events is poorly understood. In situ studies are very convenient for an appropriate dissection of microspore embryogenesis, a process in which a mixture of different cell populations (induced and non-induced) develop asynchronically.Results. In the present study, the occurrence of defined subcellular rearrangements has been investigated during early microspore embryogenesis in pepper, an horticultural crop of agronomic interest, in relation to proliferation and differentiation events. Haploid plants of Capsicum annuum L. (var. Yolo Wonder B) have been regenerated from in vitro anther cultures by a heat treatment at 35 degrees C for 8 days. Morphogenesis of microspore-derived embryos has been analysed, at both light and electron microscopy levels, using low-temperature-processed, well-preserved specimens. The comparison with the normal gametophytic development revealed changes in cell organization after embryogenesis induction, and permitted the characterization of the time sequence of a set of structural events, not previously defined in pepper, related to the activation of proliferative activity and differentiation. These changes mainly affected the plastids, the vacuolar compartment, the cell wall and the nucleus. Further differentiation processes mimicked that of the zygotic development.Conclusions. The reported changes can be considered as markers of the microspore embryogenesis. They have increased the understanding of the mechanisms controlling the switch and progression of the microspore embryogenesis, which could help to improve its efficiency and to direct strategies, especially in agronomically interesting crops.  相似文献   

辣椒感染疫病后生化指标的响应研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用生理生化分析方法研究了辣椒感染疫病后叶片中几个生化指标的变化。结果表明,染病前后感病品种叶片中可溶性总糖含量持续高于抗病品种;抗病类型品种和感病类型品种的可溶性蛋白含量变化规律均表现为先升高后下降,但接种前其叶片中可溶性蛋白含量两者间无明显差异;抗病类型和感病类型辣椒接种后保护酶活性均升高,而且感病类型的POD和ASP酶活性在接种后120h显著高于抗病类型;高抗类型叶片中PPO活性增加幅度显著大于感病类型,但抗病类型品种PPO活性上升趋势比较平缓。接种后,感病品种PAL活性上升幅度小于高抗品种,接种后96h PAL活性开始逐渐下降。可溶性总糖含量和苯丙氨酸解氨酶可以作为辣椒苗期抗疫病鉴定的生化指标。  相似文献   

 The general characteristics of several graft-induced changes in pepper were investigated in a cross experiment. F1, F2, and BC1 progenies derived from crosses of the original stock and scion cultivars ‘Spanish Paprika’ and ‘Yatsubusa’, respectively, as well as their graft-induced variant strain G5S25 were analyzed for inheritance of the most conspicuous graft-induced variant traits. As part of a research program with the aim of revealing the mechanism of graft induction, the present study was carried out to examine the stability of the phenotypic changes and the characteristics of the graft-induced variants. For the fruit apex, a two-gene system was suggested, with other factors having a modifying influence. One of the two apex genes acted for pointed fruits and the other for inverted-blunt fruits. The inverted-blunt gene, the apex gene of the stock, was unambiguously present in the graft-induced variants, while the pointed gene that acted in the dominant mode in the original scion was inactive and expressed only under certain conditions in a mosaic state. The stable inverted-blunt cultivar used for the stock maintained certain factor(s) for pointed fruit, but the presence of that factor(s) could not be detected in graft-induced variants. The results of pungency analysis suggested a gene for non-pungency that appeared to be introduced in the graft-induced variants. The fruiting habit and fruiting direction that appeared in a mosaic state in graft-induced variants were found to combine factors of the stock with the appropriate characteristics of the scion asymmetrically. The bushy plant type appeared in a transgressive state in the variants, showing a definitely higher number of branches on the main stem and more frequent ramifications on the complete plant than on either the stock and scion cultivars or the progency derived from sexual crosses. A change in mature fruit color from red to yellow occurred in an early generation of graft-induced variants. Our results demonstrate that some of the characteristics of the stock were introduced into the progeny obtained from selfed seeds of the scion and that novel characteristics appeared as a result of graft induction. Received: 30 December 1997 / Accepted: 3 March 1998  相似文献   

辣椒易发生由细菌、真菌和病毒等引致的病害,基因工程技术为辣椒抗病育种开辟了新途径。本文就晚近以离体再生植株和转基因技术等为基础的辣椒抗病基因工程研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

研究了高温干旱胁迫对不同品种辣椒生长及呼吸作用的影响。结果表明,高温胁迫对正椒13号的生长无影响,对鸡爪×吉林的生长稍有抑制;干旱及高温干旱严重地抑制了辣椒的生长。干旱导致叶片相对电导率的增加高于高温,而高温加剧了干旱伤害程度,并且对鸡爪×吉林的伤害更大。高温处理引起了辣椒总呼吸、细胞色素呼吸和交替呼吸的增加。干旱胁迫抑制了细胞色素呼吸,但诱导了交替呼吸的增强;高温干旱共同胁迫加剧了总呼吸和细胞色素呼吸的下降,交替呼吸只在胁迫第一天被促进,随后立即下降。高温、干旱和高温干旱胁迫下正椒13号表现出了较鸡爪×吉林更强的交替呼吸和总呼吸。说明高温、干旱和高温干旱胁迫下辣椒保持较高的总呼吸和交替呼吸与其抗高温和/或干旱能力相关。  相似文献   

To clarify the time and cause of pollen abortion, differences on the microsporogenesis and tapetum development in the anthers of male fertile maintainer line and cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line pepper were studied using transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that CMS line anthers appeared to have much greater variability in developmental pattern than male fertile maintainer line ones. The earliest deviation from normal anther development occurred in CMS line anthers at prophase I was cytomixis in some microspore mother cells (MMCs), and vacuolisation in tapetal cells. Then, MMCs in CMS line anthers developed asynchronously and a small part of ones at the different stage degenerated in advance appearing to have typical morphological features of programmed cell death (PCD). Most MMCs could complete the meiosis, but formed non-tetrahedral tetrad microspores with irregular shape and different size and uncertain number of nuclei, and some degenerated ahead of time as well. Tapetal cells in CMS line anther degenerated during meiosis, and were crushed at the tetrad stage, which paralleled the collapse of pollens. Pollen abortion in CMS line anthers happened by PCD themselves, and the premature PCD of tapetal cells were closely associated with male sterility.  相似文献   

Karni L  Aloni B 《Annals of botany》2002,90(5):607-612
The processes of pollen grain development and germination depend on the uptake and metabolism of pollen sugars. In pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), initial sugar metabolism includes sucrose hydrolysis by invertase and subsequent phosphorylation of glucose and fructose by hexose kinases. The main objective of this study was to investigate changes in fructokinase (EC and hexokinase (EC. activities in pepper flowers during their development, and to study the possible roles of these enzymes in determining pollen germination capacity under high temperature and under CO(2) enrichment, previously shown to modify sugar concentrations in pepper pollen (Aloni et al., 2001 Physiologia Plantarum 112: 505-512). Fructokinase (FK) activity was predominant in pepper pollen, and increased during pollen maturation. Pollen hexokinase (HK) activity was low and did not change throughout pollen development. High-temperature treatment (day/night, 32/26 degrees C) of pepper plants reduced the percentage of pollen that germinated compared with that under normal temperatures (26/22 degrees C), and concomitantly reduced the activity of FK in mature pollen. High temperature also reduced FK and HK activity in the anther. Under high ambient CO(2) (800 micro l l(-1)) pollen FK activity was enhanced. The results suggest that pollen and anther FK may play a role in the regulation of pollen germination, possibly by providing fructose-6-phosphate for glycolysis, or through conversion to UDP-glucose (UDPG) to support the biosynthesis of cell wall material for pollen tube growth. High temperature stress and CO(2) enrichment may influence pollen germination capacity by affecting these pathways.  相似文献   

Bacteria of the genus Bacillus are well known to possess antagonistic activity against numerous plant pathogens. In the present study, 11 strains of Bacillus spp. were isolated from a brackish environment and assayed for biocontrol activity under in vitro and in vivo conditions. Among the 11 isolates tested, nine isolates effectively inhibited the growth of various plant pathogens, namely Phytophthora capsici, Phytophthora citrophthora, Phytophthora citricola, Phytophthora sojae, Colletotrichum coccodes, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Colletotrichum acutatum, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium solani, Fusarium graminearum, Pyricularia spp., and Monilina spp. The effective isolates were further screened for suppression of Phytophthora blight of pepper plants under greenhouse conditions. The isolate SB10 exhibited the maximum (72.2%) ability to reduce the disease incidence and increased (32.2%) the vigour index of Capsicum annuum L. plants. Antifungal compounds produced by isolate SB10 were highly thermostable (100°C for 30 min). Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight mass spectrometry of the antifungal compounds revealed three lipopeptide complexes, namely the surfactins, the iturins, and the fengycins, which are well-known antifungal compounds produced by Bacillus spp.  相似文献   

We report here a detailed analysis of the proteome adjustments that accompany chromoplast differentiation from chloroplasts during bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) fruit ripening. While the two photosystems are disassembled and their constituents degraded, the cytochrome b6f complex, the ATPase complex, and Calvin cycle enzymes are maintained at high levels up to fully mature chromoplasts. This is also true for ferredoxin (Fd) and Fd-dependent NADP reductase, suggesting that ferredoxin retains a central role in the chromoplasts’ redox metabolism. There is a significant increase in the amount of enzymes of the typical metabolism of heterotrophic plastids, such as the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (OPPP) and amino acid and fatty acid biosynthesis. Enzymes of chlorophyll catabolism and carotenoid biosynthesis increase in abundance, supporting the pigment reorganization that goes together with chromoplast differentiation. The majority of plastid encoded proteins decline but constituents of the plastid ribosome and AccD increase in abundance. Furthermore, the amount of plastid terminal oxidase (PTOX) remains unchanged despite a significant increase in phytoene desaturase (PDS) levels, suggesting that the electrons from phytoene desaturation are consumed by another oxidase. This may be a particularity of non-climacteric fruits such as bell pepper that lack a respiratory burst at the onset of fruit ripening.  相似文献   

The evolution of individual and total contents of capsaicinoids present in Peter peppers (Capsicum annuum var. annuum) at different ripening stages has been studied. Plants were grown in a glasshouse and the new peppers were marked in a temporal space of ten days. The extraction of capsaicinoids was performed by ultrasound‐assisted extraction with MeOH. The capsaicinoids nordihydrocapsaicin (n‐DHC), capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin, and homodihydrocapsaicin were analyzed by ultraperformance liquid chromatography (UHPLC)‐fluorescence and identified by UHPLC‐Q‐ToF‐MS. The results indicate that the total capsaicinoids increase in a linear manner from the first point of harvest at ten days (0.283 mg/g FW) up to 90 days, at which point they reach a concentration of 1.301 mg/g FW. The evolution as a percentage of the individual capsaicinoids showed the initial predominance of capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, and n‐DHC. Dihydrocapsaicin was the major capsaicinoid up to day 50 of maturation. After 50 days, capsaicin became the major capsaicinoid as the concentration of dihydrocapsaicin fell slightly. The time of harvest of Peter pepper based on the total capsaicinoids content should be performed as late as possible. In any case, harvesting should be performed before overripening of the fruit is observed.  相似文献   

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