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Induction of in vitro tubers in a broad range of potato genotypes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper describes a reproducible method for the induction of in vitro potato tubers in a wide range of genotypes. These in vitro tubers could be induced in all genotypes tested and show striking similarity to field produced tubers. In vitro tubers may prove most useful as material for International germplasm distribution.  相似文献   

Different liquid formulations of anise, coriander and black cumin essential oils were used for preparing some biocides. The prepared formulations were tested for their antimicrobial activity against some post-harvest pathogenic microorganisms. The tested microorganisms were Fusarium oxysporum (Dray rot of potato), Alternaria alternata (Black rot of tomato), Penicillium italicum, P. digitatum, (Blue and green rot of orange, respectively), Botryitus cinerea (Gray rot of strawberry) and Erwinia carotovora (Soft rot of potato).The results revealed that the different formulations showed a complete inhibition effect on the growth of most of the tested microorganisms. Also, the antimicrobial activity of the formulated essential oils did not affect the formulation process compared with the original oil.  相似文献   

Foliar and postharvest applications of phosphite (Phi)‐based fungicides are used to control the oomycete Phytophthora infestans which is responsible for the occurrence of late blight in potatoes. Optimisation of the usage of Phi‐based fungicides for disease control during the growing season and in subsequent storage can lead to improved potato production and processing quality. In order to assess the efficiency of Phi translocation to tubers, following foliar and postharvest treatments of potato crops with the Phi‐based fungicides, the amount of Phi in tubers was determined by a high‐performance ion chromatography method. The quantity of Phi found in tubers increased with the total amount of Phi‐based fungicides applied during the growing season. Foliar applications of Phi resulted in an uneven distribution of Phi in the three tuber regions analysed, with high concentrations being identified in the tuber cortex (32.5–166.4 µg g?1 fresh tissue) and medulla regions followed by the skin area. Postharvest treatment of tubers led to a different distribution of Phi, with the highest concentrations of Phi found in the skin (411.0–876.6 µg g?1 fresh tissue) followed by the cortex and medulla regions. As foliar treatments are essential to protect the aerial parts of the plants during the growth season, the best disease management practices of tubers should include the postharvest treatment in addition to foliar applications. The use of both types of treatments ensures that concentrations of Phi in excess of 100 µg g?1 fresh tissue are present in tuber skin and cortex areas; such concentrations are needed to suppress the growth of P. infestans on tubers during storage.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to define the metabolic factors which regulate the respiratory pathways in trangenic potato tubers. We previously found that respiration is enhanced in transgenic tubers which express a yeast invertase and a glucokinase from Zymomonas mobilis . In this study we investigated glycolysis in three further transgenic potato lines with profound changes in the mobilization of sucrose. We studied antisense ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase lines which are characterized by a reduction in starch accumulation and a significant build up of sucrose and related metabolic intermediates. We also report the generation of two novel double transgenic lines where the yeast invertase is expressed specifically in tubers of the ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase antisense line, targeted to either the cytosol or apopolast. We evaluated whether the localization of sucrose cleavage had an impact on the glycolytic induction, and assessed if invertase expression in the high-sucrose background had any further effects on glycolysis. We found that induction of the glycolytic enzymes only occurs when the invertase is targeted to the cytosol, and that the extent of this induction was comparable in the wild type and antisenseADPglucose pyrophosphorylase backgrounds. We conclude that the signal regulating glycolysis is directly linked to cytosolic sucrose hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Liquid formulations (emulsifiable concentrates) were prepared from the essential oils of fennel, peppermint and caraway. Different concentrations of the formulated oils were prepared. The prepared concentrations were tested in vivo for their inhibitory activity against the growth of Penicillium digitatum (the casual agent of green rot on citrus fruits). The results demonstrated that different concentrations of the formulated fennel, peppermint and caraway oils exerted highly toxicity against the inoculated fungus. Moreover, all formulated oils with different forms showed high activity for controlling the decay when applied as protective or therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Protocol for DNA extraction from potato tubers   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A method to extract high-quality DNA from potato tubers was developed and tested on 3 wild potato species (Solanum raphanifolium, S. megistracrolobum, S. bukasovii) and on the tetraploid B3 bred population, (population number 393228, derived fromS. tuberosum subsp.tuberosum). The average yield of extracted DNA varied from 10–30 μg of DNA per gram of processed tissue. The DNA was pure and suitable for ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction (LM-PCR) amplification, producing clear, distinctive, and reproducible banding patterns in polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   

Rifampicin-nalidixic acid resistant mutants of a plant growth promotingPseudomonas sp., strain PsJN, were evaluated for their ability to stimulate in vitro growth of potato. Two mutant strains, MFE (a consistent growth promoter), and IIM15 (an inconsistent growth promoter), were selected for root colonization study. Root colonization of potato plants was consistently greater with MFE than with IIM15. The population density of indigenous bacteria on the root surface of potato plants inoculated with strain MFE was significantly lower as compared to non-bacterized controls and to the plants bacterized with strain IIM15. Soil sterilization did not affect plant growth in any of the treatments. Bacterization of seed tubers with strain MFE stimulated plant emergence and root development in the field, during the first two weeks after planting. Bacterized plants also formed stolons and tubers earlier and had increased yields of commercial size tubers (55 mm) as compared to non-bacterized controls. Root colonization by strain MFE was positively correlated with plant growth stimulation.  相似文献   

Potato tubers of the cultivar Pentland Dell were investigated for ultrastructural changes following impact. Studies were carried out on tubers after 12 and 24 wk of storage using a falling bolt delivering 0.7 J of energy. Ultra-thin sections were examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. Tubers stored for 12 wk exhibited no visual bruise formation, whereas visible bruising resulted following impact of tubers stored for 24 wk. An ultrastructural sequence of events during bruising was established as (1) a collapse of intracellular compartmentation, (2) increased ribosomal and mitochondrial abundance within the cytoplasm, (3) increased density of cytoplasm adjacent to the cell wall and surrounding amyloplasts, and (4) the development of melanin in bruised cells. These observations are discussed in relation to tuber turgor and physiology during storage.  相似文献   

The demonstration of activity of p-coumaryl CoA ligase in extracts of aged potato disks proved difficult owing to the presence of extremely high levels of apyrase which caused rapid hydrolysis of ATP, a co-factor for ligase activity. This problem was largely overcome by including an inhibitor of apyrase, sodium fluoride in the ligase assay and by initiation of the reaction with ATP. A method for the separation of apyrase and p-coumaryl CoA ligase by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose is described. p-Coumaryl CoA ligase was not detectable in freshly prepared disks of potato tubers. However on ageing in the light a large increase in the activity of this enzyme occurs, The enzyme of aged potato disks shows high activity with p-coumaric, ferulic, caffeic and with m- and p-methoxycinnamic acids. However the affinity of the enzyme for the methoxy derivatives is much lower than for cinnamic acids bearing free hydroxyl groups.  相似文献   

A filtrate, prepared from potato tuber by grinding in an isotonic medium, has been separated into a particulate and a ‘soluble’ fraction by ultracentrifugation. Following dialysis and lyophilization, both fractions catalysed the oxidation of l-DOPA, with approximately 30% of the l-DOPA: oxygen-oxidoreductase (EC; DOPA oxidase) activity being associated with the particulate fraction. When dithiothreitol (DTT, 10?2M was included in the grinding medium, much lower yields of DOPA oxidase were obtained and 80% appeared to be associated with the particulate fraction. DTT proved to be a powerful inhibitor of DOPA oxidase. With concentrations of DTT causing only partial inhibition, the kinetics of the inhibited rate of dopachrome formation from l-DOPA were complex. When oxygen consumption was measured inhibition was not transient. The degree of inhibition was inversely related to the DOPA oxidase activity, indicating interaction of a product of this activity with DTT. Direct determination of -SH groups in DTT using 5,5′-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid (DTNB) showed that they were all oxidised during the initial phase of inhibition of dopachrome formation. It is concluded that the first phase of inhibition involves oxidation of DTT by an intermediate between l-DOPA and dopachrome. The second phase of inhibition also appeared to require -SH groups initially, since trans-4,5-dihydroxy-1,2-dithiane (oxidized DTT) caused very little inhibition at all.  相似文献   

Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Ostara) were grown in aerated water culture in a controlled environment. When the tubers had reached a diameter of 1–3 cm. 14C-labelled or unlabelled gibberellic acid (GA3) was applied to the surface of the stolons at points approximately 1 crn from the developing tubers, and treatment continued for 10 days. - Significant quantities of GA3 moved into tuber tissue within 2–4 days of hormone application. This influx of GA3 was accompanied by a marked reduction in both the activity of ADPG-pyrophospharylase and the ratio ADPG-pyrophosphorylase/starch phosphorylase and an increase in the activity of UDPG-pyrophosphorylase. Starch phosphorylase activity initially increased slightly but then fell, whereas the activity of starch synthase remained constant throughout the experiment. The soluble sugar composition of the tubers changed qualitatively towards a pattern characteristic of growing stolon tips prior to tuber initiation, but there was no clear evidence of net starch degradation. Changes in the activities of the enzymes were observed prior to noticeable effects of the hormone on tuber growth rate or the development of new stolons at the tuber eyes. - GA3- treated tubers imported more 14C from labelled photosynthate than expected on the basis of growth rate. However, the capacity to convert solub#e-14C to ethaTiol-insoluble-14C (predominantly starch) was reduced in comparison with non-treated tubers. - The observed changes in carbohydrate composition and enzyme activities indicate that GA3 induces a drastic change in potato tuber metabolism towards a pattern characteristic for the termination of the storage process.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the cold-lability of phosphofructokinase from tubers of Solanum tuberosum cv Record, a variety that exhibits low temperature sweetening. The enzyme was purified by affinity chromatography and samples were examined by differential scanning calorimetry. Power-time curves were recorded for cooling and warming between 293 and 265 K. This revealed an exothermic dissociation, centred on 286 K, as the temperature was lowered. The latter temperature is close to that at which the tubers start to sweeten. It is suggested that hydrophobic interactions that contribute to the stability of the active configuration of the oligomeric enzyme are weakened at low temperatures, and that this causes spontaneous dissociation and consequent loss of activity of the enzyme. The results are discussed in relation to low temperature sweetening of potatoes.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to discover the effects of lowering the temperature from 25° to 2° on the metabolism of glucose [U-14C] by tubers of Solanum tuberosum. Isotope was applied to tubers via a 50-μl hole made with a capillary pipette. Tubers were incubated for 2 hr, the pulse; then the glucose- [U-14C] was replaced with glucose, and incubation was continued for 18 hr, the chase. The detailed distribution of 14C was determined at the end of the pulse and at the end of the chase at 2°, and compared with those found at 25°. Lowering the temperature reduced the proportion of metabolized 14C that entered the respiratory pathways. At 2°, but not at 25°, hexose phosphates were the most heavily labelled fraction after the pulse: during the chase at 2° much of this label was metabolized to sucrose. We conclude that lowering the temperature preferentially restricts glycolysis and diverts hexose phosphates to sucrose. We suggest that this is an important cause of cold-inducing sweetening of the tubers and is due to cold-lability of key glycolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

Growing small seedling tubers from true seed, comparable with mini tubers, in controlled conditions could be a method to multiply healthy starting material of potato. In indoor farming systems, the conditions can be optimised for high production. In field trials, it is impossible to investigate the effects of environmental factors such as temperature and light separately. In this study, we performed three climate room experiments in which the effects of light intensity, temperature and percentage of far-red light in the light spectrum on tuber production were assessed. We found that increasing the average temperature reduced tuber number and tuber weight. Increasing the diurnal temperature variation while keeping the average temperature equal resulted in increased tuber size. The light treatments on the other hand only affected the number of tubers per plant: increasing light intensity and increasing the percentage of far-red light in the spectrum enhanced the number of tubers. Moreover, interaction in tuber production between inbred lines and temperature was significant, with some inbred lines being relatively tolerant to high temperature. These findings will help breed for heat tolerant varieties and optimise growing conditions for tuber production in indoor farming systems.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to discover whether genetic manipulation of 6-phosphofructokinase [EC; PFK(ATP)] influenced the rate of respiration of tuber tissue of Solanum tuberosum L. Transgenic plants were produced that contained the coding sequence of the Escherichia coli pfkA gene linked to a patatin promoter. Expression of this chimaeric gene in tubers resulted in a 14to 21-fold increase in the maximum catalytic activity of PFK(ATP) without affecting the activities of the other glycolytic enzymes. Tubers, and aged disks of tuber tissue, from transformed plants showed no more than a 30% fall in the content of hexose 6-monophosphates; the other intermediates of glycolysis increased threeto eightfold. Fructose-2,6-bisphosphate was barely detectable in aged disks of transformed tubers. The relative rates of 14CO2 production from [1-14C]-and [6-14C]-glucose supplied to disks of transformed and control tubers were similar. Oxygen uptake and CO2 production by aged disks of transformed tubers did not differ significantly from those from control tubers. The same was true of CO2 production, in air, and in nitrogen, for tuber tissue. It is concluded that PFK(ATP) does not dominate the control of respiration in potato tubers.Abbreviations Fru2,6bisP fructose-2,6-bisphosphate - FW freshweight - GUS -glucuronidase - PFK(ATP) 6-phosphofructokinase - PFK(PPi) pyrophosphate: fructose-6-phosphate 1-phosphotransferase  相似文献   

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