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Book Reviews     
Biological Effects of Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields Shoogo Ueno, ed. Plenum Press, New York, 1996, ISBN: 0-306-45292, x + 243 pp., $79.50.

The Melatonin Hypothesis, Breast Cancer and Use of Electric Power R. Stevens, B. Wilson, and L. Anderson, eds. Battelle Press, Columbus, OH, 1997, ISBN: 1-57477-020-9, xiv + 760 pp., $87.50.

Systemic Cancer-Multistep-Therapy(in German), by Manfred von Ardenne P. G. Reitnauer, ed., Hippokrates V., Stuttgart, 1997, ISBN: 3 7773 1297-5, 304 pp., DM98.

Charge Transfer Complexes in Biological Systems F. Gutman, C. Johnson, H. Keyzer, and J. Molnar, eds. Marcel Dekker, New York, 1997, ISBN: 0-8247-9986-0, xviii + 543 pp., $195.

Chemistry and Chemical Technique-Special Dictionary: English-German Technical University Dresden, ed. Langenscheidt, Berlin, 1997, ISBN: 3-86117-079-5, 807 pp., DM 198.  相似文献   


Horwitz, W. (Herausgeber): Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of official analytical Chemists. 1081 S., 127 Tab., 154 Abb., Format 21,5 × 28,5 cm. Herausgegeben von Association of official analytical Chemists, Benjamin Franklin Station Washington, 13. Aufl., 1989, Preis: 81 $ Reviewed by A. Hennig.

Proceedings 1983 Georgia Nutrition Conference for the Feed Industry. 146 S., 46 Tab., 7 Abb., Format: 15 × 22,5 cm. Verl. Univ. Georgia, Preis 5 $, 1983 Reviewed by A. Hennig.  相似文献   


JOHN D. SUMMERS und STEVEN LESSON: Poultry Nutrition Handbook. Ministry of Agriculture and Food Ontario, O. J., Format: 21×29,5 cm, 133 S., 117 Tab., Preis: 5 Kanad. Dollar  相似文献   

Morris, C. J. O. R.; Morris, P.: Separation methods in biochemistry. London, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd., 1964, 887 S., 155 Abb., Leinen, £ 5, 15 s. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Neuman, M.: Vade-mecum des antibiotiques et agents chimiothérapiques anti-infectieun. Paris, Librairie Maloine G. Doin et Cie Editeurs, 1962, 410 S., 8 Abb.; 15 Tab., Karton. 40,00 NF. Reviewed by Thren.

Umbreit, W. W.: Modern microbiology. San Francisco und London, W. H. Freeman and Company, 1962, 507 S., 307 Abb., Leinen, 48 s. Reviewed by H. J. Müller.

Gold, V.: pH-Measurements. Their theory and practice. London, Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1963, 125 S., 11 Abb., Leinen, 10 s 6 d. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Horsfall, J. G. (Ed.): Annual review of phytopathology. Vol. 1, Palo Alto, Annual Reviews, Inc., 1963, 469 S., 6 Abb., Leinen, 9,00 $. Reviewed by M. Schmiedeknecht.

Rubin, B. A.; Artsikhovskaya, Ye. V.: Biochemistry and physiology of plant immunity. Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1963, IX und 358 S., 68 Abb., Leinen, £ 5. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Nord, F. F. (Ed.): Advances in Enzymology. Vol. 24, New York und London, Interscience Publishers a division of John Wiley & Sons, 1962, 572 S., 23 Abb., Leinen, 120 s. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Nord, F. F. (Ed.): Advances in Enzymology. Vol. 25, New York und London, Interscience Publishers a division of John Wiley & Sons, 1963, 565 S., 56 Abb., Leinen, 115 s. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Forbes, J.: A laboratory manual for histology. 2. Aufl., New York, Fordham University Press, 1961, 132 S., 3 Abb., brosch., 3,00 $. Reviewed by J. H. Scharf.

Guaoliumi, P.: Las Plagas de la Caña de Azucar en Venezuela. Bd. 1 und 2, Maracay/Yenezuela, Ministerio de Agricultura y Cria Centro de Investigaciones Agronoinicas, 1962, 850 S., 212 Abb., 14 ganzs. Farbtafeln, brosch., 8,00 $. Reviewed by G. Fröhlich.

Clifton, C. E. (Ed.): Annual review of microbiology. Vol. 17, Palo Alto, Annual Reviews, Inc., 1963, 628 S., 19 Abb., Leinen, 9,00 $. Reviewed by K. Naumann.

Ramschandran, G. N. (Ed.): Aspects of protein structure. Proceedings of a symposium held in Madras 14–18 January 1963 and organized by the University of Madras. London und New York, Academic Press, 1963, 380 S., 130 Abb., Leinen, 84 s. Reviewed by P. Hermann.  相似文献   

The Ajanta Caves     

Picturing Time Braun, Marta, Picturing Time: The Work of Etienne‐Jules Marey (1830–1904). Chicago, IL.: University of Chicago Press, 1992, 72 pp., 270 halftones, 65 line drawings, $65.00 hardbound.

A Bibliography of Ethnographic Film Husmann, Rolf, Ingrid Wellinger, Johannes Rühl, and Martin Taureg, A Bibliography of Ethnographic Film. Hamburg and Münster: Lit Verlag (Göttinger Kulturwissenschaftliche Schriften, 1), 1992, 340 pp., 5 indexes.  相似文献   

Four Animated 8 mm Loops in Colour on Human Physiology Available from Macmillan &; Co Ltd., 4 Little Essex Street, London, W.C.2. Price: Standard 8 £4 15s. Super 8 £5 5s.

Macmillan 8 mm Loop Films

Animal Sounds: A set of five 7″ L.P. records published by B.P.C. Publishing Ltd. for Animal Life. Each record 14s.  相似文献   


Hahn, E.: Chemische Pflanzenschutzmittel. 2. neubearb. Auflage, 300 S., zahlreiche Abbildungen, Berlin 1970: VEB Dt. Landwirtschafts-Verlag. Reviewed by H.-H. Schmidt.

Ahrens, G.: Die Giftprüfung. Leitfaden zum Ablegen der Prüfung im Umgang mit Giften. 9. neubearbeitete Aufl., 214 S., Leipzig 1971: Johann Ambrosius Barth. Reviewed by H. Reifenstein.

Schuster G.: Virus und Viruskrankheiten. 3., erw. Auflage, 295 S., 152 Abb., Wittenberg 1972: A. Ziemsen Verlag. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.

Fritsche, R.; Karl, E.; Lehmann, W.; Proeseler, G.: Tierische Vektoren pflanzenpathogener Viren. 1. Auflage 521 S., 88 Abb., 27 Tab., 27 Taf., Jena 1972: VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.

Arlt, K.; Feyerabend, G.: Herbizide und Kulturpflanzen. 1. Aufl., 1. Bd., 170 S., 38 Abb., Berlin 1972: Akademie-Verlag. Reviewed by K. Schuhmann.

Popkova, K. W.: Fitoflora kartofelja. 1. Aufl., 176 S., 9 Abb., Moskau 1972: Kolos. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Liv?ig, I. Z.; Mitrofanov, V. I.: Kle??i roda Bryobia C. L. Koch, 1S36 (Acariformes, Bryobiidae). Bd. 51, 60 Abb., Jalta 1971. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Kirjanova, E. S.; Krall, E.: Paraziticeskie Nematody Rastenij i mery bor'ba s nimi. 1. Aufl., Band I und II, 447 S. (Bd. I); 522 S. (Bd. II); 357 Abb. (Bd. I); 491 Abb. (Bd. II), Leningrad 1969 (Bd. I), 1971 (Bd. II): Nauka. Reviewed by H. Decker.

Jermoljev, E. H.; Pozděna, J.: Serologie rostlinných patogenu. 261 S., 65 Abb., Praha 1972: Academia. Reviewed by L. Albrechtová.

Brcák, J.: Vztahy rostlinných viru k prenasecum. 318 S., 50 Abb., Praha 1971: Academia. Reviewed by J. Chod.

Kiraly, Z.; Szalay-Marzsó, L. (Editor): Biochemical and Ecological Aspects of Plant-Parasite Relations 1. Auflage, 1. Band. 425 S. Budapest 1971 Akademiaè Kiadó. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Horváth, J.: Növényvfrusok, vektorok, virusátvitel. 514 S., 89 Abb., 61 Tab., Budapest 1972: Akadémiai Kiadó. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Mededelingen van de faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Gent. Heft 35, Nr. 2, 402 S., zahlr. Abb. u. Tab., Gent 1970: Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen. Reviewed by R. Zielke.

O'Brien, R. D.; Yamamoto, I.: Biochemical Toxicology of Insecticides. 218 S., 35 Abb., 44 Tab., New York, London 1970: Academic Press. Reviewed by H. Beitz.

Nord, E. F. (Ed.): Advances in Enzymology. vol. 33, 595 S., 114 Abb., 52 Tab., New York, London, Sydney, Toronto 1970: Interscience Publishers, a division of John Wiley &; Sons, Inc. Reviewed by H. Hofferek.

Jager, K. W.: Aldrin, Dieldrin, Endrin &; Telodrin. 234 S., 25 Abb., 55 Tab., Amsterdam, London, New York 1970: Elsevier Publishing Company. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.  相似文献   

Findley, James S.; Harris, Arthur H.; Wilson, Don E.; and Jones, Clyde Mammals of New Mexico Albuquerque: The University of New Mexico Press, 1975 360 pp., $8.50 Reviewed by Vagn Flyger

Piers, Helen Grasshopper and Butterfly New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1975 80 pp., $5.95, library edition $5.72 Reviewed by N. N. Raghuvir

Gergely, Tibor Animals: A Picture Book of Facts and Figures New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1975 47 pp., $5.95, library edition $5.72 Reviewed by Theodore W. Munch

Johnsgard, Paul A. Waterfowl of North America Bloomington, Indiana University Press 1975,575 pp. Reviewed by Kate Curry Vahle

Jacobson, Daniel The Fishermen (Indians of North America) New York: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1975 87 pp., $4.90 Reviewed by Robert W. Boenig

Janzen, Daniel H. Ecology of Plants in the Tropics (The Institute of Biology's Studies in Biology, No. 58) London: Edward Arnold (Distributed by Crane, Russak &; Co., New York), 1975 65 pp., $3.75 Reviewed by Rex E. Kerstetter

London, Carolyn The Hospital Doctors, Nurses and Mystery Workers New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1976 86 pp., $5.72 Library Edition Reviewed by Philip C. Anderson

Buxton, Ralph Nature's Gliders Chicago: Children's Press, 1975 32 pp., individuals $6.60, institutions $4.95 Reviewed by Sue Hall

Clarke, H. T. (revised by B. Haynes) A Handbook of Organic Analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative (fifth edition) New York: Crane, Russak &; Co., 1975 291 pp., cloth $35.00, paper $16.00 Reviewed by Lawrence Powell Eblin

Simon, Seymour Discovering What Garter Snakes Do New York: McGraw-Hill Junior Books, 1975 48 pp., $4.72 Reviewed by Carl Gans

Dobbs, Austen, ed. The Birds of Nottinghamshire: Past and Present North Pomfret, Vt.: David &; Charles, 1975 226 pp., $17.00 Reviewed by Gerald R. Rising

Ashworth, J. M., and Dee, Jennifer The Biology of Slime Moulds (The Institute of Biology's Studies in Biology, No. 56) New York: Crane, Russak &; Co., Inc., 1975 67 pp., $3.75 Reviewed by Emanuel D. Rudolph

Exline, Joseph D. Individualized Techniques for Teaching Earth Science West Nyack, N.Y.: Parker Publishing Co., 1975 230 pp., $10.95 Reviewed by Waring B. Hill

Stadtfeld, Curtis K. Whitetail Deer: A Year's Cycle New York: The Dial Press, 1975 163 pp., $7.95 Reviewed by Paul F. Connor

Carrier, Rick Fly: The Complete Book of Sky Sailing New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1975 128 pp., $7.95 Reviewed by A.D. Goddard

Duncan, Wilbur H. Woody Vines of the Southeastern United States Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1975 76 pp., $2.50 Reviewed by A. J. Sharp

Barnes, R. S. K. Estuarine Biology (The Institute of Biology's Studies in Biology no. 49) New York: Crane, Russak &; Co., 1975 76 pp., $3.25 Reviewed by Brother G. Nicholas

Bendick, Jeanne How Heredity Works: Why Living Things Are As They Are (Finding-out books) New York: Parent's Magazine Press, 1975 64 pp., $4.59 Reviewed by Donald J. Nash  相似文献   


Horsfall, J. G. (Ed.): Annual Review of Phytopathology. Vol. 4. VII + 423 S. Palo Alto, 1966: Annual Reviews, Inc. Leinen, 9,00 $. Reviewed by K. Naumann.

Gregory, P. H. und Monteith, J. L. (Ed.): Airborne microbes. Seventeenth Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology held at the Imperial College, London April 1967. XII + 385 S., mit Abb. u. Tab. London, 1967: Cambridge University Press, Leinenrücken, 75 s. Reviewed by H. J. Müller.

Raper, J. R.: Genetics of sexuality in higher fungi. VIII + 283 S., mit Abb. u. Tab., New York, 1966: The Ronald Press Company, Leinen, 12,00 $. Reviewed by M. Schmiedeknecht.

Albrecht, F. O.: Polymorphisme phasaire et biologie des acridiens migrateurs. X + 194 S., 52 Abb. Paris, 1967: Masson et Cie, Éditeurs, karton., 50 F. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Wigglesworth, V. B.: Insect physiology. VII + 134 S., 12 Abb., London, 1966: Methuen &; Co Ltd., brosch., 10 s 6 d. Reviewed by G. Schäller.

Machlis, L. (Ed.): Annual Review of Plant Physiology. Vol. 18. VIII + 480 S., mit Abb. u. Tab., Palo Alto, Ca., 1967: Annual Reviews, Inc., Leinen, 9,00 $. Reviewed by H. Wolffgang.

Newton, B. A. und Reynolds, P. E. (Ed.): Biochemical studie of antimicrobial drugs. (Sixteenth symposium of the Society for General Microbiology held at the Royal Institution, London, April 1966). X + 349 S., mit Abb. u. Tab., London, 1966: Cambridge University Press, Halbleinen, 60 s. Reviewed by H. J. Müller.

Pilet, P.-É.: La cellule, structure et fonctions. 406 S., 310 Abb.; 32 ganzs. Abb., Paris 1966: Schwarz-Weiß-Tafeln. Masson et Cie, Editeurs, brosch. 38 F. Reviewed by K. Schmelzer.

Ciba (Ed.): Dimecron 257 S. Basle, Switzerland, 1967: P.O. Box — CIBA — Kunststoff Reviewed by Horst Beitz.

Bellamy, L. J.: Ultrarot-Spektrum und chemische Konstitution. 2. Auflage, 325 S., 11 Abb., 23 Tab. Darmstadt, 1966: Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff Verlag, kart., 28,— DM Reviewed by Volker Müller.

Bahr, G. F.; Zeitler, E. H. (Ed.): Quantitative electron microscopy. 1965, VIII + 605 (1340) S., mit Abb. u. Tab., Leinen, 16,00 $, Baltimore (Md.), The Williams &; Wilkins Company. Reviewed by H. B. Schmidt.  相似文献   


Ananda S. Prasad (Hrsg.:) Trace Elements in Human Health and Disease, Volume I Zinc and copper. Verl. Academic Press, New York 1976, 470 Seiten, Format A 5, 114 Abb., 92 Tab. Reviewed by A. Hennig.  相似文献   


Ashley H. Robins, BIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ON HUMAN PIGMENTATION, (Cambridge Studies in Biological Anthropology, 7), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, xiii + 253 pp., £37.50.

Ulfried Geuter, THE PROFESSIONALIZATION OF PSYCHOLOGY IN NAZI GERMANY. Cambridge Studies in the History of Psychology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, v‐xxi + 335 pp., npl.

Clare Midgley, WOMEN AGAINST SLAVERY. THE BRITISH CAMPAIGNS, 1780–1870, London: Routledge, 1992, xii + 281 pp., £37.50.

Maryinez Lyons, THE COLONIAL DISEASE: A SOCIAL HISTORY OF SLEEPING SICKNESS IN NORTHERN ZAIRE, 1900–1940, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, xvi + 335 pp., £50.00.

Wim van Binsbergen, TEARS OF RAIN: ETHNICITY AND HISTORY IN CENTRAL WESTERN ZAMBIA, London and New York: Kegan Paul International, 1992, 495 pp., £45.00.

Albert B. Robillard (ed.) SOCIAL CHANGE IN THE PACIFIC ISLANDS, London: Kegan Paul International, 1992, xvi + 507 pp., £45.

Sarah Radcliffe and Sallie Westwood (eds) ‘VIVA’: WOMEN AND POPULAR PROTEST IN LATIN AMERICA, London: Routledge, 1993, 270 pp., £12.99 pb; £40.00 hb.

Cindi Katz and Janice Monk (eds) FULL CIRCLES: GEOGRAPHIES OF WOMEN OVER THE LIFECOURSE, London: Routledge, 1993, 317 pp., £12.99 pb; £40 hb.

Hans van Amersfoort and Hans Knippenberg (eds), STATES AND NATIONS. THE REBIRTH OF THE ‘NATIONALITIES QUESTION’ IN EUROPE, Netherlands Geographical Studies 137, Amsterdam: Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, 1991, 189 pp., Dfl. 29.50.

Elizabeth D. Huttman, Wim Blauw and Juliet Saltman (eds), URBAN HOUSING SEGREGATION OF MINORITIES IN WESTERN EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES, Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1991, xiii + 431 pp., npl.

Roger Daniels, Sandra C. Taylor, and Harry H. L. Kitano (eds) JAPANESE AMERICANS: FROM RELOCATION TO REDRESS, Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1992, 264 pp., $17.95 US (paper only).

David J. O'Brien and Stephen S. Fugita, THE JAPANESE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1991, 178 pp., £8.99 (paper).

Paul James Rutledge, THE VIETNAMESE EXPERIENCE IN AMERICA, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1992, 173 pp., npl.  相似文献   

Pettingill, Olin Se wall, Jr. Another Penguin Summer New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1975 80 pp., $10.00 Reviewed by A. Gilbert Wright

Grant, Verne Genetics of Flowering Plants New York: Columbia University Press, 1975 514 pp., $20.00 Reviewed by Martin Labar

Gutnik, Martin J. Energy: Its Past, Its Present, Its Future Chicago: Childrens Press, 1975 46 pp., individuals $6.60, institutions $4.95 Reviewed by George G. Mallinson

Wild, Robin, and Jocelyn Wild How Animals Work for Us New York: Parents' Magazine Press 64 pp., $4.99, 1975 Reviewed by Harold W. Puffer

Morse, Roger A. Bees and Bee-Keeping Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press 295 pp., $13.50, 1975 Reviewed by W.L. Gojmerac

Heintze, Carl The Bottom of the Sea and Beyond New York: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1975 144 pp., $5.95 Reviewed by Albert C. Jensen

Cottrell, Alan Portrait of Nature New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1975 236 pp., $9.95 Reviewed by Paul S. Cohen

Hart, Leslie A. How the Brain Works New York: Basic Books, 1975 260 pp., $10.50 Reviewed by Julie Ann Miller

Schneider, Herman Science Fun for You in a Minute or Two New York: McGraw-Hill Junior Books, 1975 64 pp., $4.72 Reviewed by Julian R. Brandou

Williamson, H.D. The Year of the Koala New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1975 209 pp., $8.95 Reviewed by Austin T. Hyde

Heady, Eleanor B. Plants on the Go: A Book about Reproduction and Seed Dispersal (Finding-out books) New York: Parent's Magazine Press, 1975 64 pp., $4.59 Reviewed by Herbert Grossman

Durden, Kent A Fine and Peaceful Kingdom New York: Simon and Schuster 160 pp., $7.95, 1975 Reviewed by Robert Deitchman  相似文献   

Masculinity and nationalism: gender and sexuality in the making of nations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Richard G. Fox (ed.), NATIONALIST IDEOLOGIES AND THE PRODUCTION OF NATIONAL CULTURE, Washington: American Anthropological Association, 1990, 177 pp., $17.00.

Michael Watson (ed.), CONTEMPORARY MINORITY NATIONALISM, London: Routledge, 1990, 277 pp., £35.00.

Christie Davies, ETHNIC HUMOR AROUND THE WORLD, A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1990, 404 pp., $39.95.

Elizabeth Fox‐Genovese, WITHIN THE PLANTATION HOUSEHOLD: BLACK AND WHITE WOMEN OF THE OLD SOUTH, Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1988, 544 pp., $34.95 and $12.95 (paper).

Darlene Clark Hine, BLACK WOMEN IN WHITE: RACIAL CONFLICT AND COOPERATION IN THE NURSING PROFESSION, 1890–1950, Btoomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1989, 264 pp., $35.00 and $12.95 (paper).

Pnina Werbner, THE MIGRATION PROCESS, Oxford: Berg, 1989, 391 pp., $56.00.

Elaine Pinderhughes, UNDERSTANDING RACE, ETHNICITY AND POWER: THE KEY TO EFFICACY IN CLINICAL PRACTICE, New York: The Free Press; London: Collier Macmillan, 1989, 269 pp., £20.00.

Paul B. Pedersen, Juris G. Draguns, Walter J. Lonner, Joseph E. Trimble, COUNSELLING ACROSS CULTURES, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1989, (third edition), xii + 402 pp., £14.35 (paper).

Roland Littlewood and Morris Lipsedge, ALIENS AND ALIENISTS: ETHNIC MINORITIES AND PSYCHIATRY, London: Unwin Hyman, 1989, (second edition), xvii + 334 pp., £32.00 and £10.95 (paper).

H. Russell Bernard and Jesús Salinas Pedraza, NATIVE ETHNOGRAPHY; A MEXICAN INDIAN DESCRIBES HIS CULTURE, London: Sage Publications, 1989, 648 pp., £62.00 (Illustrated).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Hugh Honour, THE IMAGE OF THE BLACK IN WESTERN ART, IV FROM THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION TO WORLD WAR I, Cambridge, Mass. and London: Harvard University Press, 1989; part i, 379 pp., 196 ill., part ii, 306 pp., 183 ill., £34.95 each volume.

Deborah Willis‐Thomas, AN ILLUSTRATED BIO‐BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BLACK PHOTOGRAPHERS, 1940–1988, New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1989, 483 pp., $85.00.


Arthur Aughey, UNDER SIEGE: ULSTER UNIONISM AND THE ANGLO‐IRISH AGREEMENT, London: Hurst & Co, 1989, xv + 214 pp., £18.50.

Richard Jenkins (ed.), NORTHERN IRELAND: STUDIES IN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC LIFE, London: Avebury, 1989, xii + 197 pp., £23.50.

J. I. Little, NATIONALISM, CAPITALISM, AND COLONIZATION IN NINETEENTH‐CENTURY QUEBEC: THE UPPER ST. FRANCIS DISTRICT, Kingston, Montreal, London: McGill‐Queen's University Press, 1989, 336 pp., £31.45.


Carole Marks, FAREWELL ‐ WE'RE GOOD AND GONE: THE GREAT BLACK MIGRATION, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989, x + 209 pp., $37.50 and $12.95 (paper).

James R. Grossman, LAND OF HOPE: CHICAGO, BLACK SOUTHERNERS, AND THE GREAT MIGRATION, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989, 384 pp., £23.95.


John M. MacKenzie (ed.), IMPERIALISM AND POPULAR CULTURE, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1989, 264 pp., (illus.), £10.95 (paper).

Anne Phillips, THE ENIGMA OF COLONIALISM: BRITISH POLICY IN WEST AFRICA, James Currey and Indiana University Press, vii + 184 pp., £25.00 and £8.95 (paper).

John Darwin, BRITAIN AND DECOLONISATION: THE RETREAT FROM EMPIRE IN THE POST‐WAR WORLD, London: Macmillan, 1988, xiii + 383 pp., £33.00, and £9.95 (paper).

Tony Kushner and Kenneth Lunn (eds), TRADITIONS OF INTOLERANCE: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES ON FASCISM AND RACE DISCOURSE IN BRITAIN, Manchester University Press, 1989, 245 pp., £29.95.  相似文献   


Roder, W.; Feyerabend, G.; Rogoll, H.: Landwirtschaftlicher Pflanzenschutz. 560 S., 217 Abb. Berlin: VEB Dt. Landwirtschaftsverlag, 1975. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Libbert, E. (Hrsg.): Kompendium der allgemeinen Biologie. 1. Aufl. 474 S., 179 Abb., 12 Tab. Jena: VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1976. Reviewed by J. Richter.

Kllinkowski, M.; Mühle, E.; Reinmuth, E.; Bochow, H.: Phytopathologie und Pflanzenschutz. 2., überarbeitete u. erweiterte Aufl. 3. Bd. 914 S., 523 Abb. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1976. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Börner, H.: Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz. 2., überarb. Aufl., 419 S., 74 Abb. Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer, 1975. Reviewed by W. Lehmann.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Psychobiology: The Biological Bases of Behavior Pp. 382, illustrated. New York: Scientific American, 1967. 70s. (cloth), 40s. (paper). Reviewed by O. Lowenstein

Organisation in Plants W. M. M. BARON Pp. vi+218, 117 figs. London: Edward Arnold Ltd., 2nd ed., 1967.18s. (paper), 30s. (boards). Reviewed by J. W. Hannay

A First Biology ERIC SPRINGTHORPE Pp. 103. London: Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd., 1967. 10s. 6d. Reviewed by J. A. Barker

The Biology of Lichens MASON E. HALE, JR. Pp. viii + 176, 60 figs, 15 plates. London: Edward Arnold Ltd., 1967. 42s. Reviewed by K. A. Kershaw

Experiments in the Study of Biology J. J. W. BAKER, G. E. ALLEN, E. GAGE and S. K. WEBSTER Pp. 58. London: Addison-Wesley, 1967. Reviewed by C. F. Stoneman

Microbiological Methods C. H. COLLINS Pp. xii+404, illustrated. London: Butterworths, 2nd ed. 1967. 62s. Reviewed by N. J. Butler

The New Microbiology Ed. JOHN E. FLYNN New York: McGraw Hill Book Co., 1966. Reviewed by W. Howard Hughes

,i>Pergamon Programmed Texts Introduction to Genetics: Science of Heredity A. J. S. MCMILLAN Pp. 410, 64 figs, 6 plates. 1966. J. Audrey Stretch

An Introduction to Biochemistry Vol. 1 A. J. S. MCMILLAN Pp. 208. 1966. J. Audrey Stretch

Biology, Vol. 1 A. VERRINDER Pp. 274, 126 figs. 1966. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Commonwealth and International Library. 25s. (flexi-cover), 35s. (hard cover). J. Audrey Stretch

Grasses JAMES GROVES Published by the School Natural History Society, 1966, and obtainable from M. J. Wootton, Esq., 19A King's Gardens, Cranham, Upminster, Essex. 3s.

Biology Teaching in Schools Involving Experiment or Demonstration with Animals or with Pupils Compiled by J. J. BRYANT The Association for Science Education, 1967. 2s. 9d.

Handbook of Marine Biology for Borth, Cardiganshire A compilation of results and work completed by members of King Edward's School, Birmingham. Obtainable from the School. 6s. 6d.

Clarendon Biographies (16) Charles Darwin R. C. OLBY Pp. 64, 3 figs, 12 plates. London; Oxford University Press, 1967. 9s. 6d. (boards), 5s. (limp).

New Questions in O-Level Biology (Book 2) Plants and Invertebrates J. J. HEAD Pp. 70, illustrated. London: Oliver & Boyd, 1967. 6s. (Teachers' guide. Pp. 32. 5s.)

Revision Exercises in Biology J. D. MAUNDER and C. JOHNSTON Pp. xiii + 130, illustrated. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1967. 8s. 6d.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Andrew Hacker, TWO NATIONS: BLACK AND WHITE, SEPARATE, HOSTILE, UNEQUAL, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1992, vii + 257 pp., $24.95.

Catherine Silk and John Silk, RACISM AND ANTI‐RACISM IN AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1990, x + 186 pp., £27.50.

Therese Daniels and Jane Gerson (eds), THE COLOUR BLACK, BLACK IMAGES IN BRITISH TELEVISION, London: BFI Publishing, 1989, 160 pp., £4.95 (paper).

Jim Pines and Paul Willemen (eds), QUESTIONS OF THIRD CINEMA, London: BFI Publishing, 1989, x + 246 pp., £7.95 (paper).

David R. Roediger, THE WAGES OF WHITENESS: RACE AND THE MAKING OF THE AMERICAN WORKING CLASS, London: Verso, 1991, 191 pp., £12.95 (paper).

William Cohen, AT FREEDOM'S EDGE: BLACK MOBILITY AND THE SOUTHERN WHITE QUEST FOR RACIAL CONTROL, 1861–1915, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1991, 340 pp., $42.50.

Robert L. Cooper, LANGUAGE PLANNING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990, 216 pp., £27.50, £9.95 (paper).

Emmanual Sivan and Menachem Friedman (eds), RELIGIOUS RADICALISM AND POLITICS IN THE MIDDLE EAST, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990, 244 pp., n.p.

Eliezer Ben‐Rafael and Stephen Sharot, ETHNICITY, RELIGION, AND CLASS IN ISRAELI SOCIETY, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, 287 pp., £32.50.  相似文献   


Klinkowski, M.; Mühle, E.; Reinmuth, E.; Bochow, H.; Phytopathologie und Pflanzenschutz 2. Auflage, 820 S., 1. Band, 231 Abb., Berlin: Akademie-Verlag 1973. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Israilskij, V. P. (Ed.): Rukovodstvo dlja izu?enia bakterialnych boleznei rastenij 3. Aufl. 343 S., 12 Abb., 12 Tab. Moskau: Kolos 1968. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Vrånceanu, A. V.: Floarea-Soarelui 322 S., 80 Abb. Bucuresti: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste, Romania 1974. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Birger, M. O.: Spravo?nik po mikrobiologiěeskim i virusologiěeskim metodam issledovanija. 2. Aufl. 456 S., 6 Abb., 82 Tab. Moskau: Medizin 1973. Reviewed by W. Ficke.

Verderevskaja, T.D.; Lemanova, N.B.; Abramenko, N. M. (Herausgeber): Virusnye bolesni plodovo-jagodnych kultur i vinograda v Moldavii. Band I, 180 S., 9 Abb., Ki?inev: Kartja moldovenjaské 1973. Reviewed by H. Kegler.

Verderevskaja, T. D.; Lemanova, N. B.; Abramenko, N. M. (Herausgeber): Virusnye bolezni plodovo-jagodnych kultur i vinograda v Moldavii. Band II, 144 S., 7 Abb. Ki?inev: Kartja moldovenjaské 1973. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.

Wyniger, R.: Insektenzucht. 368 S., 497 Abb. Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer 1974. Reviewed by W. Lehmann.

Buchanan, R.E.; Gibbons, N. E. (Ed.): Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. 8. Aufl., 1268 S., zahlr. Abb. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins 1975. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Stephen Cornell, THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE: AMERICAN INDIAN POLITICAL RESURGENCE, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988, 278 pp., $29.95.

Jack D. Forbes, BLACK AFRICANS AND NATIVE AMERICANS: COLOR, RACE AND CASTE IN THE EVOLUTION OF RED‐BLACK PEOPLES, Oxford and New York: Basil Blackwell, 1988, 334 pp., £35.00.

Maryon McDonald, ’WE ARE NOT FRENCH!’: LANGUAGE, CULTURE AND IDENTITY IN BRITTANY, London: Routledge, 1989, 384 pp., £40.00.

Ronald Grigor Suny, THE MAKING OF THE GEORGIAN NATION, London: I. B. Taurus and Co. Ltd., 1989, ix‐395 pp., £29.50.

Shlomo Deshen, THE MELLAH SOCIETY: JEWISH COMMUNITY LIFE IN SHERIFIAN MOROCCO, translated and revised from the Hebrew by the author. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1989, xii + 152 pp., £23.95 and £9.50 (paper).

Roger Waldinger, Howard Aldrich, Robin Ward and Associates, ETHNIC ENTREPRENEURS: IMMIGRANT BUSINESS IN INDUSTRIAL SOCIETIES, Sage Series on Race and Ethnic Relations, vol. 1., Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1990, 226 pp., £29.25 and £13.95 (paper).

Saul Dubow, RACIAL SEGREGATION AND THE ORIGINS OF APARTHEID IN SOUTH AFRICA, 1919–36, St Antony's and Macmillan, London, 1989, xi and 250 pp., £35.00.



Nicole Hahn Rafter (ed.), WHITE TRASH: THE EUGENICS FAMILY STUDIES 1877–1919, Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1988, 382 pp., £36.00.

Neil R. McMillen, DARK JOURNEY ‐ BLACK MISSISSIPPIANS IN THE AGE OF JIM CROW, Urbana, Ill: University of Illinois Press, 1989, N.P.L.  相似文献   


Thomasius, H. (Herausg.) Wald, Landeskultur und Gesellschaft 2. überarb. Auflage., 466 S., 122 Abb., Jena: VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag 1978. Reviewed by S. Prien.

W. W. Djoshkin: Leben und Umwelt 1. Auflage, 205 S. 21 Abb. Moskau/Leipzig/Jena/Berlin: Mir/Urania 1978. Reviewed by W. Tarnow.

Ahrens, G. Giftgesetz und Giftverkehr 386 S., Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth 1979. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.

Schliephake, G.; Klimt, K.: Die Tierwelt Deutschlands — Thysanoptera, Fransenflügler 1. Aufl., 477 S. 66. Teil, 528 Abb,. Jena: VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag 1979. Reviewed by Th. Wetzel.

Fröhlich, G. (Herausg.): Phytopatologie und Pflanzenschutz 295 S., 62 Abb., Jena: VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag 1979. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Lyr, H.; Polter, C. (Hrsg.): Systemfungizide 371 S., zahlr. Abb., Berlin: Akademie-Verlag 1979. Reviewed by K. Naumann.

Mohamed Ali Mohamed Ali: Ecological and Physiological Studies on the Alfalfa Ladybird 200 S., zahlr. Abb., Budapest: Akadémiai Kiado 1979. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Piffl, E. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Acarology 752 S., zahlr. Abb., Budapest: Akadémiai Kiado 1979. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Godan, D.: Schadschnecken und ihre Bekämpfung 467 S., 203 Abb. Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer Verlag 1979. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.  相似文献   

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