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Summary The presence of phospholipids reduces the breakdown of amylose catalyzed by -amylase, phosphorylase and -amylase. The activities of the -amylases of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) disminish to less than 10% of the activity in the control without the phospholipids. When the amylose was complexed with phospholipids the activity of the -amylase of Bacillus subtilis was reduced to about 25% of the control value. A similar effect was observed for the amylases of Zea mays leaves. The phosphorylase effected almost no phosphorolysis of the complexed amylose, but starch synthesis from glucose-1-phosphate proceeded at a rate that was about 60% of that with pure amylose. The activity of the synthetase from bundle sheath cells of maize leaves was not influenced much by the presence of phospholipids, whereas the branching enzyme of maize endosperm did not produce any amylopectin from the complexed amylose. —These facts could explain the simultaneous deposition of amylose and amylopectin in the starch granules. Some of the newly formed glucan chains may be protected by formation of a complex with the phospholipids. This protected amylose can not undergo branching or breakdown, but it can be elongated owing to the activity of synthetase or phosphorylase. Amylopectin is formed from the chains that are not complexed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Wirkung des in Wasser gegebenen Thioharnstoffs auf den Sauerstoffverbrauch der Fische (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch.) wird untersucht. Die Fische waren an niedrige Temperaturen angepaßt.Der Sauerstoffverbrauch der Fische bei niedrigen Temperaturen (7–9° C) während einer 30tägigen Behandlung mit Thioharnstoff (1 g/l) erreicht eine durchschnittliche Steigerung von 61,23%.In ähnlichen Temperaturbedingungen (5–7° C) und während der gleichen Behandlungsperiode verursacht eine doppelte Thioharnstoffdosis (2 g/l) eine Steigerung des Sauerstoffverbrauchs der Fische.Der hypermetabolische Effekt des Thioharnstoffs ist schon nach den ersten drei Tagen der Behandlung deutlich; er zeigt eine beträchtliche Verminderung in den folgenden 24 Std nach dem Einstellen der Behandlung.
The action of thiourea administered in water on the oxygen consumption of fishes in hypothermic conditions
Summary The action of thiourea administered in water on the oxygen consumption of fishes (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch.) acclimatized to low temperatures (7–9° C) was investigated.The results of the performed experiments led to the following conclusions.At 7 to 9° C, during a thiourea treatment period of 30 days (1 g/l of water), the oxygen consumption of fishes recorded an average increase by 61.23 per cent.Under similar conditions (5–7° C) and doubling the thiourea dosis (2 g/l of water) an increase of the oxygen consumption by 158.92 per cent was stated.The hypermetabolic effect of thiourea is onsetting after the first three days of treatment and decreases significantly only after 24 hours from stopping the latter.

The influence of temperature on the respiratory processes of pupae of males, females and workers of the red wood antFormica polyctena Foerst. has been investigated by means of the Warburg technique. At temperatures between 16° and 32° C oxygen consumption values increase more or less along a straight line. Q10-values are reduced correspondingly, and in sexuals values reach below 1.0 at temperatures above 32° or 34° C. The curve then bends down. Between 16° and 20° C, Q10-values are above 5. They are higher in sexuals than in workers. In addition to inactivation of enzymes at high temperatures, diffusion of oxygen is considered to limit respiration with increasing temperatures. The relation of metabolism versus body size of different castes has been analyzed using a double logarithmic plot. In sexual forms and workers weight proportionality of metabolism could be established. Respiratory quotients of different castes decline with decreasing temperature; they reach a maximum at the optimal temperature for development, i. e. 28° C. The highest respiratory quotients as well as the most pronounced declines have been observed in workers. Undercooling leads to respiratory quotients close to 0.5, revealing uncomplete oxidation at low temperatures. It is concluded that the activity of decarboxylases is strongly inhibited.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungEs sei mir erlaubt, an dieser Stelle meinem hochverehrten Lehrer Prof. Dr. J.Nusbaum, wie auch dem Privatdozenten und Assistenten Dr.Rudolf Weigl, für die Anregung, wissenschaftliche Leitung und Unterstützung meinen innigsten Dank auszusprechen.  相似文献   

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