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The number of species‐rich seminatural grasslands in Northern Europe has decreased significantly due to the abandonment of traditional land use practices. To preserve these habitats, an increasing number of abandoned and overgrown grasslands have been restored by cutting down trees and shrubs and reintroducing grazing. These practices are considered a useful tool to recover the species richness of vascular plants, but their impact on other taxa is hardly known. Here we studied ants as one important group of grassland insects. We investigated (1) the effects of restoration of nongrazed and afforested seminatural grasslands, compared to continuously managed reference sites; and (2) the modulating impacts of habitat characteristics and time elapsed since restoration. We found a total of 27 ant species, 11 of these were characteristic of open habitats and seven characteristic of forests. Neither species richness per site nor the number of open‐habitat species, nor the number of forest species differed between restored and reference sites. Yet, within the restored sites, the total species richness and the number of open‐habitat species was positively related to the time since restoration and the percentage of bare rock. High frequencies of most open‐habitat species were associated with low vegetation, older restored sites, and reference sites. Most forest species showed their highest frequencies in tree‐ and shrub‐dominated habitat. We conclude that restoration efforts have been successful in terms of retrieving species richness. A regular and moderate grazing regime subsequent to the restoration is suggested in order to support a high abundance of open‐habitat species.  相似文献   

Lately there has been a shift in Sweden from grazing species‐rich semi‐natural grasslands towards grazing ex‐arable fields in the modern agricultural landscape. Grazing ex‐arable fields contain a fraction of the plant species richness confined to semi‐natural grasslands. Still, they have been suggested as potential target sites for re‐creation of semi‐natural grasslands. We asked to what extent does fine‐scale variation in soil conditions, management history and site location effect local plant diversity in grazed ex‐arable fields. We examined local soil conditions such as texture, pH, organic carbon, nitrogen (N) and extractable phosphate (P) and effects on plant richness in ten pairs of grazed ex‐fields and neighbouring semi‐natural grasslands in different rural landscapes. Each grassland pair where in the same paddock. A multivariate test showed that site location and land use history explained more of differences in species richness than local soil property variables. Plant species richness was positively associated to grazed ex‐fields with low pH, low N and P levels. Sites with high plant richness in semi‐natural grasslands also had more species in the adjacent grazed ex‐fields, compared to sites neighbouring less species‐rich semi‐natural grasslands. Although both soil properties and species richness were different in grazed ex‐fields compared to semi‐natural grassland, the site location within a landscape, and vicinity to species‐rich grasslands, can override effects of soil properties. In conclusion, if properly located, ex‐arable fields may be an important habitat to maintain plant diversity at larger spatio‐temporal scales and should considered as potential sites for grassland restoration.  相似文献   

Abstract. After abandonment many limestone grasslands have been overgrown by trees and shrubs; as a result, species-rich communities with many regionally rare and endangered species are vanishing. Some studies suggest that, in cases where grassland is being restored, the species composition and rate of change is strongly dependent on the initial conditions, i.e. the earlier presence of grassland species and the opportunity for colonization of new sites by grassland species. These hypotheses were tested in a five-year restoration experiment after the clearing of a 35-yr-old secondary pine wood developed on abandoned grassland. Tree cutting induced rapid changes in the floristic composition and species cover. The number of grassland species from the class Festuco-Brometea increased significantly in the restored grassland, but their cover was much lower than in the old grassland. Canonical Correspondence Analysis showed significant differences in species composition between the grassland restored in former wood gaps and that developed in former closed wood. In wood gap sites the cover of species from the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and tufted perennials was much higher, whereas the cover of Festuco-Brometea species was lower. Significantly more shrubs, woodland species, ruderal and nitrophilous species as well as annual and biennial species occurred in the former closed wood site. It was found that richness and composition of the restored grassland depended strongly on the community composition before tree cutting, as well as on the presence of grassland species in the neighbourhood. Periodical tree cutting enables the maintenance of a temporal-spatial mosaic of scrub-grassland communities in isolated habitats and the preservation of local species diversity.  相似文献   

Question: We asked how landscape configuration and present management influence plant species richness and abundance of habitat specialists in grasslands in a ‘modern’(much exploited and transformed) agricultural Swedish landscape. Location: Selaön, south‐eastern Sweden (59°24’ N, 17°10’ E). Methods: Present and past (150 and 50 years ago) landscape pattern was analysed in a 25 km2 area. Species richness was investigated in 63 different grassland patches; grazed and abandoned semi‐natural grasslands, and grazed ex‐arable fields. Influence of landscape variables; area, past and present grassland connectivity, present management on total species richness, density and abundance of 25 grassland specialists was analysed. Results: Semi‐natural grasslands (permanent unfertilised pastures or meadows formed by traditional agricultural methods) had declined from 60% 150 years ago to 5% today. There was a significant decline in species richness and density in abandoned semi‐natural grasslands. Total species richness was influenced by present management, size and connectivity to present and past grassland pattern. Landscape variables did not influence species density in grazed semi‐natural grassland suggesting that maintained grazing management makes grassland patches independent of landscape context. The abundance of 16 grassland specialists was mainly influenced by management and to some extent also by landscape variables. Conclusion: Although species richness pattern reflect management and to some extent landscape variables, the response of individual species may be idiosyncratic. The historical signal from past landscapes is weak on present‐day species richness in highly transformed, agricultural landscapes. Generalizations of historical legacies on species diversity in grasslands should consider also highly transformed landscapes and not only landscapes with a high amount of diversity hotspots left.  相似文献   

Questions: Which factors influence the persistence of vascular grassland plants in long‐abandoned (at least 50 yr) arable fields and meadows? What might be the implications of current levels of species richness on abandoned arable fields and meadows for future restoration? Location: Forested highlands of Kilsbergen, south central Sweden. Methods: The abundance of all vascular plant species was investigated in three habitat types: former arable fields, hay meadows and outlands (pastures) at 27 farms, abandoned for either approximately 50 yr or 90 yr. Time since abandonment, tree cover, soil depth, degree of soil podsol development, size of the infield area and two measures of connectivity were used as predictors for species richness and species composition. Results: Former outland had denser tree cover, fewer species and fewer grassland species than former arable fields and hay meadows, irrespective of time since abandonment. Former hay meadows and arable fields with a longer time since abandonment were less rich in species, more wooded and had greater podsolization than meadows and fields abandoned at a later stage. Species richness was higher in hay meadows and arable fields at farms with larger infield area and deeper soils compared with farms with smaller infield area and shallower soils. The greatest richness of species and most open habitat were former arable fields at larger farms abandoned 50 yr before the study. Former arable fields had the highest number of grassland species. Conclusion: After 50 yr of abandonment, former arable fields were the most important remnant habitats for grassland species and may be a more promising target for restoration than formerly managed grasslands.  相似文献   

Restored grasslands comprise an ever‐increasing proportion of grasslands in North America and elsewhere. However, floristic studies of restored grasslands indicate that our ability to restore plant communities is limited. Our goal was to assess the effectiveness of restoration seeding for recovery of key plant community components on former exotic, cool‐season pastures using a chronosequence of six restoration sites and three nearby remnant tallgrass prairie sites in West‐Central Iowa. We assessed trends in Simpson's diversity and evenness, richness and abundance of selected native and exotic plant guilds, and mean coefficient of conservatism (mean C). Simpson's diversity and evenness and perennial invasive species abundance all declined with restoration site age. As a group, restoration sites had greater richness of native C3 species with late phenology, but lower richness and abundance of species with early phenology relative to remnant sites. Total native richness, total native abundance (cover), mean C, and abundance of late phenology C3 plants were similar between restoration and remnant sites. Observed declines in diversity and evenness with restoration age reflect increases in C4 grass abundance rather than absolute decreases in the abundance of perennial C3 species. In contrast to other studies, restoration seeding appears to have led to successful establishment of tallgrass prairie species that were likely to be included in seeding mixtures. While several floristic measures indicate convergence of restoration and remnant sites, biodiversity may be further enhanced by including early phenology species in seeding mixes in proportion to their abundance on remnant prairies.  相似文献   

Question: How do various plant functional groups and types are related to regeneration of limestone grasslands and to temporal changes in cover of trees and shrubs? Which mechanisms are responsible for changes in differently treated grasslands? Location: Southern Poland, 50° 01'N, 19° 50'E. Methods: A 12‐year restoration experiment after the clearing of a 35‐yr‐old secondary pine wood developed on limestone grassland, and a parallel observation of succession in neighbouring abandoned grassland were carried out. Changes in cover of species with different functional traits and established strategies in relation to time and cover of shrub layer were analysed using multiple linear regression. Results: Over 12 years the composition and cover of species changed in the studied grasslands, but significant differences still occurred between the old grassland and the grassland restored in former wood gaps and that developed in former closed wood. Despite the very close proximity of the old grassland, the composition of restored grasslands was still much determined by initial conditions. In these grasslands, the cover of Festuco‐Brometea species was significantly lower than in the old grassland. In all sites, the cover of species with large leaves and with leaves distributed regularly along the stem, and the cover of CS strategists increased. With increasing shrub cover in restored grasslands, the cover of annuals and biennials, tall species, and R and CS strategists decreased. Conclusions: Limited availability of seeds seems the principal reason for the weak regeneration of xerothermic limestone grasslands. Trees and shrubs inhibit the developed of both early successional species and perennials occurring in established communities. They significantly hinder regeneration of grasslands and should be cut every five or six years.  相似文献   

Abstract. The biodiversity of species‐rich semi‐natural meadows is declining across Europe due to ceased management. In this study we aimed to find out how successfully the local species richness of an overgrown semi‐natural mesic meadow could be restored by sheep grazing after a long period of abandonment. The cover of vascular plant species in grazed plots and ungrazed exclosures was studied for five years and the responses of different functional plant groups were followed (herbs vs grasses, tall vs short species, species differing in flowering time, species representing different Grime's CSR strategies and species indicative of rich vs poor soil). Grazing increased species number by nearly 30%. On grazed plots the litter cover practically disappeared, favouring small herbs such as Rhinanthus minor, Ranunculus acris, Trifolium pratense and the grass Agrostis capillaris. Grazing decreased the cover of the late flowering tall herb Epilobium angustifolium but had no effect on the abundance of the early flowering tall herbs Anthriscus sylvestris or Geranium sylvaticum. We suggest that to succeed in restoration it is useful to determine the responses of different functional plant groups to grazing. Grassland managers need this information to optimize the methods and timing of management used in restoration. Additional management practices, such as mowing, may be needed in mesic meadows to decrease the dominance of tall species. The availability of propagules seemed to restrict further increase of species richness in our study area.  相似文献   

Restored grasslands and shrublands are integral parts of the semi-natural landscape and are of major importance for biodiversity in the northern Loess Plateau. Determining the underlying factors that control the richness and composition of herbaceous species in restored grasslands and shrublands is urgently needed. Thus, the specific objective of this study was to evaluate the relative importance of soil, plant, and topographic explanatory variables affecting the richness and composition of herbaceous species in restored shrubland and grassland ecosystems in a typical watershed within the northern Loess Plateau. In this study, 27 restored grassland sites and 16 restored shrubland sites were sampled during September 2009. Using variation partitioning (partial canonical correspondence analysis), we determined the individual and shared effects of these three sets of explanatory variables on herbaceous biodiversity in the two restored habitats. Most of the explained variation in plant diversity was related to the pure effect of soil, plant, and topographic variables. Restored shrublands had significantly more species than grasslands, and abandoned dam farmlands had significantly more species than other grassland sites. Moreover, botanical diversity responded differently to the explanatory variables in different plant communities. The pure effects of soil properties, soil moisture in particular, accounted for the largest fractions of explained variation in species diversity in restored grasslands. Both plant and topographic variables had balancing pure effects on species diversity in restored shrublands, in particular the shrub density and slope angle. We conclude that the maintenance of a moderate density of shrubs (less than 3600 shrubs per ha), construction of check-dams, and grazing at a low stocking rate, taking conditions of soil and topographic site into account, may help to conserve biodiversity in the northern Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Abstract. A regional vegetation survey of the temperate grassy woodlands (temperate savanna) in Australia was designed to assess the effects of clearing and grazing on the composition of vegetation remnants and the adjacent pasture matrix. Vegetation was sampled across a range of habitats using 77 0.1024‐ha quadrats; the relative abundance of species was recorded. Classification analysis clustered the sites into three main groups that corresponded to intensity of grazing/clearing followed by groups based on underlying lithology (basalt, metasediment, granites). Using Canonical Correspondence Analysis, exogenous disturbance and environmental variables were related to the relative abundance of species; grazing intensity had the highest eigenvalue (0.27) followed by tree canopy cover (0.25), lithology (0.18), altitude (0.17) and slope (0.10). Based on two‐dimensional ordination scores, six species response groups were defined relating to intensity of pastoralism and nutrient status of the landscape. Abundance and dominance of native shrubs, sub‐shrubs, twiners and geophytes were strongly associated with areas of less‐intense pastoralism on low‐nutrient soils. The strongest effects on species richness were grazing followed by canopy cover. Continuously grazed sites had lower native species richness across all growth forms except native grasses. There was no indication that intermediate grazing intensities enhanced forb richness as a result of competitive release. Species richness for all native plants was lowest where trees were absent especially under grazed conditions. Canopy cover in ungrazed sites appeared to promote the co‐existence of shrubs with the herbaceous layer. Predicted declines in forb richness in treeless, ungrazed, sites were not detected. The lack of a disturbance‐mediated enhancement of the herbaceous layer was attributed to habitat heterogeneity at 0.1 ha sampling scale.  相似文献   

1. Dung beetles perform relevant ecological functions in pastures, such as dung removal and parasite control. Livestock farming is the main economic activity in the Brazilian Pantanal. However, the impact of cattle grazing on the Pantanal's native dung beetle community, and functions performed by them, is still unknown. 2. This study evaluated the effects of cattle activity on dung beetle community attributes (richness, abundance, biomass, composition, and functional group) as well as their ecological functions (dung removal and soil bioturbation) in the Pantanal. In January/February 2016, dung beetles were sampled and their ecological functions measured in 16 sites of native grasslands in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, 10 areas regularly grazed by cattle and six control ungrazed areas (> 20 years of abandonment). 3. In all, 1169 individuals from 30 species of dung beetles were collected. Although abundance, species richness, and biomass did not differ between grasslands with and without cattle activity, species composition and functional groups differed among systems. Large roller beetles were absent from non‐cattle grasslands, and the abundance, richness, and biomass of medium roller beetles was higher in those systems. 4. Despite causing changes in species/functional group composition, the results of this study show that a density compensation of functional groups in cattle‐grazed natural grasslands seems to have conserved the ecological functions (dung removal and soil bioturbation), with no significant differences between systems. 5. Therefore, these results provide evidence that cattle breeding in natural grasslands of the Brazilian Pantanal can integrate livestock production with the conservation of the dung beetle community and its ecological functions.  相似文献   

Many wetland systems are being lost or degraded by human activities such as plantation forestry. Therefore, efforts to restore these wetland systems are important for biodiversity recovery. We assess the recovery of arthropod assemblages that occupy hydromorphic grassland topsoil and leaf litter after the removal of exotic pine trees. We sampled arthropods in three biotopes (natural untransformed hydromorphic grasslands, restored hydromorphic grasslands, and commercial pine plantations) replicated across a large‐scale timber‐grassland mosaic in the KwaZulu‐Natal Midlands, South Africa. In the restored sites, overall species richness, as well as species richness of spiders, ants, and orthopterans, was significantly higher than in plantations, and was as high as in natural, untransformed sites. Additionally, overall assemblage structure along with spider, beetle, ant, and orthopteran assemblages showed no significant differences between restored and natural grasslands. Therefore, pine tree removal enables recovery of these arthropod taxa to levels similar to those in natural hydromorphic grassland. Recovery was rapid, with the assemblages in some restored sites resembling those in untransformed sites after only 6 years, indicating a high level of resilience and recovery in these systems. Contrary to expectations, time since pine removal had a negative effect on arthropod recovery. This was due to the strongly negative effect of alien invasive American bramble (Rubus cuneifolius), which was most common in older restored sites, causing deviation from their restoration trajectory. The potential for arthropod recovery in these hydromorphic grasslands is high, but successful restoration is dependent on ongoing appropriate grassland management, especially removal of bramble.  相似文献   

Peat mining causes major degradation to bogs and natural regeneration of these sites is slow and often incomplete. Thus, restoration is an important tool for re-establishing natural ecosystem properties (although perhaps not the original species pool) in mined bogs. Because faunal recovery cannot be taken for granted following plant restoration, we assessed community assembly of higher flies (Diptera: Brachycera) in previously mined bogs 7 years after restoration. Species assemblages in restored sites were compared to those in nearby natural and abandoned mined sites. The three treatment types did not differ significantly in overall species composition, suggesting high resilience to disturbance. However, species richness and evenness were generally lower in abandoned sites than restored and natural sites, which had similar abundance distributions, indicating that restoration enhanced recovery of species diversity and community structure. Functional traits (trophic group, body size) provided a different insight into the status of restored sites. Trophic and small size-class (<5 mm) composition in restored sites were similar to those in abandoned sites. However, high species richness estimates indicated that predators and saprophages successfully colonized restored sites. Species assemblages were mostly affected by coverage of bare peat, Sphagnum mosses and ericaceous shrubs; trophic assemblages were affected by variables directly linked to feeding habits. Our results suggest that active restoration is needed for the renewal of high species and trophic diversity, although it is clear from environmental conditions and functional traits that the restored sites are not yet fully functioning peatlands 7 years after restoration.  相似文献   

Species richness of vascular plants and birds were examined in relation to five types of management (including abandonment) of oak-hazel woodland in south-central Sweden. The biodiversity of this type of woodland is affected by lengthy management in contrast to present emphasis on the fragmentation of more or less pristine forests. The woodlands derive from old deciduous forests but were a source of agricultural commodities from medieval time to end of the 19th century. Vascular plants and birds were censused during spring–summer for four years. Total number of plant species, species of field layer forbs, breeding birds and migrant birds were more numerous at simulated original management with mowing of small interior grasslands than at mechanical clearing or abandonment. Summer grazing led to intermediate numbers. Exotic plants were more common at long-time abandonment. Species richness of trees and shrubs, graminoids, all spring birds, resident birds and non-passerine birds did not exhibit any difference between treatments. Inter-site variation in species richness was usually smaller at abandonment than at true management. Species richness of plants and birds showed positive correlation in the particularly large sites examined. The general findings were in accordance with the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. Original management would secure most potential plant and bird species but extensive cattle grazing would also retain many species.  相似文献   

Restoration efforts often focus on plants, but additionally require the establishment and long‐term persistence of diverse groups of nontarget organisms, such as bees, for important ecosystem functions and meeting restoration goals. We investigated long‐term patterns in the response of bees to habitat restoration by sampling bee communities along a 26‐year chronosequence of restored tallgrass prairie in north‐central Illinois, U.S.A. Specifically, we examined how bee communities changed over time since restoration in terms of (1) abundance and richness, (2) community composition, and (3) the two components of beta diversity, one‐to‐one species replacement, and changes in species richness. Bee abundance and raw richness increased with restoration age from the low level of the pre‐restoration (agricultural) sites to the target level of the remnant prairie within the first 2–3 years after restoration, and these high levels were maintained throughout the entire restoration chronosequence. Bee community composition of the youngest restored sites differed from that of prairie remnants, but 5–7 years post‐restoration the community composition of restored prairie converged with that of remnants. Landscape context, particularly nearby wooded land, was found to affect abundance, rarefied richness, and community composition. Partitioning overall beta diversity between sites into species replacement and richness effects revealed that the main driver of community change over time was the gradual accumulation of species, rather than one‐to‐one species replacement. At the spatial and temporal scales we studied, we conclude that prairie restoration efforts targeting plants also successfully restore bee communities.  相似文献   

Local species richness of butterflies can be expected to benefit from both local habitat properties as well as the availability of suitable habitats and source populations in the surrounding landscape. Whether local species richness is dependent on local or landscape factors can be assessed by examining the relationship between local and landscape species richness. Here we studied how local species richness is related to landscape‐level species richness in landscapes differing in agricultural intensity. The relationship was linear for field boundaries in intensively cultivated landscapes and non‐linear in less‐intensively cultivated landscapes. In landscapes containing semi‐natural grasslands (on average 4% of overall land‐use), the relationship was non‐linear for field boundaries, but linear when considering local species richness of the grasslands themselves. These results show that local factors are more important than landscape factors in determining local species richness in landscapes which contained semi‐natural grasslands. Local species richness was limited by landscape factors in intensively cultivated landscapes. This interpretation was supported by the relationship between local species richness and landscape‐scale average mobility and generalist percentage of butterfly assemblages. We conclude that the management of field boundary habitat quality for butterflies is expected to be most effective in landscapes with semi‐natural grasslands, the species composition of which in turn is dependent on the regional occurrence of grasslands. Based on our results, managing non‐crop habitats for the conservation of habitat specialists and species with poor mobility will be most efficient in regions where patches of semi‐natural grasslands occur.  相似文献   

Question: Can species richness be a predictor for above‐ground biomass in natural grasslands at a regional scale? Location: A total of 647 sites across temperate natural grasslands of northern China. Methods: Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to examine the effect of species richness on above‐ground biomass. Asymptotically distribution‐free estimation was selected for parameter estimation. The SEM process was performed at five sample sizes (n=50, 100, 200, 300 and 647). Spatial structure in the original data was examined by calculating Moran's I. Results: SEM run at n=647 revealed a positive effect of species richness on above‐ground biomass after controlling for the influences of bioclimatic factors and grazing. At the four reduced sample size levels, the positive effect held true for most cases in 400 observations (>92%). Conclusions: Contrary to observations in previous studies in natural grasslands, our data showed a positive effect of species richness on above‐ground biomass. This suggests that, as a short‐term effect of diversity on productivity, niche complementarity among coexisting species tends to be an important process in arid and semi‐arid natural grasslands. We hold that biodiversity conservation is among the fundamental approaches required to maintain productivity of grasslands in arid and semi‐arid areas.  相似文献   

The preservation of remaining semi-natural grasslands in Europe has a high conservation priority. Previously, the effects of artificial fertilisation and grazing intensity on grassland animal and plant taxa have been extensively investigated. In contrast, little is known of the effects of tree and shrub cover within semi-natural grasslands and composition of habitats in the surrounding landscape on grassland taxa. We evaluated the effect that each of these factors has on species richness and community structure of vascular plants, butterflies, bumble bees, ground beetles, dung beetles and birds surveyed simultaneously in 31 semi-natural pastures in a farmland landscape in south-central Sweden. Partial correlation analyses showed that increasing proportion of the pasture area covered by shrubs and trees had a positive effect on species richness on most taxa. Furthermore, species richness of nectar seeking butterflies and bumble bees were negatively associated with grazing intensity as reflected by grass height. At the landscape level, species richness of all taxa decreased (butterflies and birds significantly so) with increasing proportion of urban elements in a 1-km2 landscape area centred on each pasture, while the number of plant and bird species were lower in landscapes with large proportion of arable fields. Our results differed markedly depending on whether the focus was on species richness or community structure. Canonical correspondence analyses (CCA) showed that the abundance of most taxa was ordered along a gradient describing tree cover within pastures and proportion of arable fields in the landscape. However, subsets of grassland birds and vascular plants, respectively, showed markedly different distribution patterns along axis one of the CCA. In contrast to current conservation policy of semi-natural pastures in Sweden, our results strongly advise against using a single-taxon approach (i.e., grassland vascular plants) to design management and conservation actions in semi-natural pastures. Careful consideration of conservation values linked to the tree and shrub layers in grasslands should always precede decisions to remove trees and shrubs on the grounds of promoting richness of vascular plants confined to semi-natural grasslands. Finally, the importance of landscape composition for mobile organisms such as birds entails that management activities should focus on the wider countryside and not exclusively on single pastures.  相似文献   

Habitat restoration is a key measure to counteract negative impacts on biodiversity from habitat loss and fragmentation. To assess success in restoring not only biodiversity, but also functionality of communities, we should take into account the re‐assembly of species trait composition across taxa. Attaining such functional restoration would depend on the landscape context, vegetation structure, and time since restoration. We assessed how trait composition of plant and pollinator (bee and hoverfly) communities differ between abandoned, restored (formerly abandoned) or continuously grazed (intact) semi‐natural pastures. In restored pastures, we also explored trait composition in relation to landscape context, vegetation structure, and pasture management history. Abandoned pastures differed from intact and restored pastures in trait composition of plant communities, and as expected, had lower abundances of species with traits associated with grazing adaptations. Further, plant trait composition in restored pastures became increasingly similar to that in intact pastures with increasing time since restoration. On the contrary, the trait composition of pollinator communities in both abandoned and restored pastures remained similar to intact pastures. The trait composition for both bees and hoverflies was influenced by flower abundance and, for bees, by connectivity to other intact grasslands in the landscape. The divergent responses across organism groups appeared to be mainly related to the limited dispersal ability and long individual life span in plants, the high mobility of pollinators, and the dependency of semi‐natural habitat for bees. Our results, encompassing restoration effects on trait composition for multiple taxa along a gradient in both time (time since restoration) and space (connectivity), reveal how interacting communities of plants and pollinators are shaped by different trait–environmental relationships. Complete functional restoration of pastures needs for more detailed assessments of both plants dispersal in time and of resources available within pollinator dispersal range.  相似文献   

Changes in plant species richness at various spatial scales were investigated by manipulative experiment in mountain grasslands. The aim of the research was to compare changes in species richness in newly abandoned sites and sites where restoration measures were applied after 20 years of abandonment. The plots were located in two vegetation types with different moisture regime. Species richness decreased significantly after abandonment, mainly at the finest spatial scale of 10 × 10 cm. There was significant increase of species richness on restored sites, but it was apparent mainly at a larger scale. However, even 4 years of regular mowing were not sufficient to restore species richness to the level typical for traditionally managed grasslands in the region. No significant difference was found in the performance of the 2 contrasting vegetation types (wet and dry) in relation to management measures. A significant difference in scale-dependent species richness was only observed. The dry type had a steeper species-area curve, with a lower number of species at the finest spatial scale. According to the results of the experiment, mountain grasslands are very vulnerable habitats, losing their conservation value quickly after abandonment. Restoration is possible due to an extensive species pool in the region, but return to the original species richness at all spatial scales is quite a long process.  相似文献   

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