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Conclusion The circadian rhythm of melatonin synthesis in the pineal glands of various species has been summarized. The night-time elevation of melatonin content is in most if not all cases regulated by the change of N-acetyltransferase activity. In mammals, the N-acetyltransferase rhythm is controlled by the central nervous system, presumably by suprachiasmatic nuclei in hypothalamus through the superior cervical ganglion. In birds, the circadian oscillator that regulates the N-acetyltransferase rhythm is located in the pineal glands. The avian pineal gland may play a biological clock function to control the circadian rhythms in physiological, endocrinological and biochemical processes via pineal hormone melatonin.  相似文献   

Effects of short-term administration of corticosterone and cortisol on plasma levels of thyroid hormones, gonado-somatic index and testicular histology have been reported in catfish, Clarias gariepinus during different phases of its breeding cycle. Corticosterone administration had no significant effect on plasma levels of T4, T3 and T3/T4 ratio, irrespective of doses and phases of breeding cycle. However, 5 microg dose of cortisol significantly increased plasma levels of T3 and the T3/T4 ratio during quiescent and regressive phases, while it significantly decreased plasma levels of T4 during progressive phase. During breeding phase, 2 microg and 5 microg doses of cortisol significantly decreased plasma levels of T4 and T3, respectively, while 5 microg dose of cortisol alone reduced T3/T4 ratio. Irrespective of phases of annual breeding cycle and doses, short-term administration of corticosterone and cortisol had no significant effect either on GSI or testicular histology. These findings suggest that corticosterone is ineffective in stimulating plasma levels of thyroid hormones, while cortisol, depending on dose and phase/season, may differentially increase, decrease or have no effect on plasma levels of thyroid hormones in C. gariepinus.  相似文献   

In vitro effects of gonadal hormones (testosterone, 17beta-estradiol estriol and estrone) and corticosteroid hormones (corticosterone and cortisol) were studied on arylalklyamine N-acetyltransferase (AA-NAT) activity in the pineal organ of the fish, C. gariepinus during quiescent, progressive, breeding and regressive phases of its annual breeding cycle. The pineals were collected under dim red light, maintained in organ culture for 7 hr and incubated with three concentrations (10(-6), 10(-5) and 10(-4) M) of hormones for 6 hr. The treatments with gonadal hormones and corticosteroid hormones inhibited pineal AA-NAT activity in a dose-dependent manner during all the phases of the breeding cycle. AA-NAT activity was comparatively more sensitive to the inhibitory effects of the gonadal hormones during the regressive phase and less sensitive during the quiescent phase. Further, the enzyme activity was more sensitive to the inhibitory effects of corticosteroid hormones (corticosterone and cortisol) during the breeding phase and less sensitive during the quiescent phase. These findings seem to suggest that gonadal hormones and corticosteroid hormones have direct inhibitory influence on AA-NAT activity and, hence melatonin synthesis in the photoreceptive pineal organ of C. gariepinus.  相似文献   

Irisin was first identified in muscle cells. We detected irisin immunoreactivity in various organs of the crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata). In the epidermis, irisin immunoreactivity was localized mainly in stratum basale, stratum spinosum and stratum granulosum layers; immunoreactivity was not observed in the stratum corneum. In the dermis, irisin was found in the external and internal root sheath, cortex and medulla of hair follicles, and in sebaceous glands. Irisin immunoreactivity was found in the neural retina and skeletal muscle fibers associated with the eye. The pineal and thyroid glands also exhibited irisin immunoreactivity.  相似文献   

Serum T4 and T3 in wild Atlantic cod Gadus morhua ranged from 1 to 12 ng ml−1 and from 2 to 27 ng ml−1 respectively over a 3-year period. In general, the concentrations increased from summer (T3) or early autumn (T4) to maxima in mid-winter and declined abruptly during spring. The T4/T3 monthly means were lowest in summer and highest in winter. The seasonal patterns of thyroid hormones were weakly correlated with changes in water temperature. However, both T4 and T3 co-varied simultaneously with photoperiod. In addition, T3 was correlated with the hepatosomatic index and condition factor during summer and autumn. It is suggested that the seasonal changes in the release of T4 from the thyroid were photoperioddriven, and that the course of T3 was regulated by the metabolic state of the fish during the somatic growth period.  相似文献   

G season-specific effect of a sub-lethal ambient ammonium chloride concentration on the total autolysis of protein in different tissues of the Indian air-breathing murrel,Chauna punctatos (Bloch), has been demonstrated. While its effect on the autotytie levels of protein of different tissues (except white muscle) was marginal in the winter-adapted fish, the same in the summer-adapted fish was more pronounced. In general a reduction in the autolysic levels of the tissue protein of the ammonium chloride-stressed fish was observed. In certain tissues like white muscle of an ammonium chloride-stressed fish and gill of the ammonium hydroxide-stressed fish, augmented levels of autolysis were noticed. The present findings suggest that the accumulation of amino acids in different tissues of the ammonia-stressed fish, as observed earlier, can be explained best by mechanisms other than ammonia induced increased breakdown of proteins.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro effects of thyroidal hormones (MIT, DIT, T3, T4), propyl thiouracil (PTU), testosterone and cyproterone acetate were studied on the rate of tissue (liver, muscle, kidney and brain) respiration of adult male C. batrachus during winter and summer/rainy seasons. Monoiodotyrosine (MIT) and diiodothyrosine (DIT) increased the respiratory rate in a dose-dependent and temperature-independent manner. Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) stimulated tissue respiration during summer/rainy months but not during winter. PTU decreased tissue respiration during summer/rainy season and also at simulated low temperature. Testosterone invariably stimulated the rate of respiration of the tissues, while in vivo treatment with cyproterone acetate significantly decreased the metabolic rate of all the tissues. The findings suggest that in C. batrachus MIT and DIT may be more important than T3 and T4 at low temperature, endogenous thyroid hormones are involved indirectly in energy metabolism even during winter/at low temperature and testicular hormones are actively involved in the respiration.  相似文献   

Sharaf SM 《Theriogenology》2012,77(8):1709-1716
Nine groups each of four fish were injected with a single intramuscular dose of the following preparations: Physiological saline (0.9% NaCl) as a control group, 0.5 ml kg−1 Ovaprim, 20 and 40 μg kg−1 BW of GnRHa, 8 and 16 mL kg−1 pimozide tablets and the following combination of GnRHa with pimozide (GP): 20 μg + 4 mg, 30 μg + 8 mg and 40 μg + 16 mg kg−1 BW. The primary oocyte diameter (POD) before hormone administration ranged from 943.3 to 1071.0 μm. The latency periods (LP) were in the range of 9.0 to 12.0 h after injection. The highest ovulation ratio (OR) was observed in groups Ovaprim, GP(30 + 8) and GP(40 + 16). Other treatments were effective for ovulation, the ovulation ratio in Groups G(40) and GP(20 + 4) were significantly higher than G(20) treatment. The ovulation index (OI) was in the range 62 to 77% and showed significant differences among groups. There was no significant difference in fertilization ratio (FR) among Ovaprim, GP(30 + 8) and GP(40 + 16) groups, while there were significant difference between the previous group and G(20) and G(40) groups. Control, P8, P16 showed negative results in all the parameters LP, OED, OR, OI and FR. Levels of sex steroids were analyzed on 6 and 12 h after initiation of treatments. A significant increase in plasma E2 with GP(30 + 8) injection was observed 6 and 12 h after injection, while there were no significant increase between all the other groups 6 h after injection. Treatments with GP(20 + 4) resulted in a significant increase in plasma T concentration in females compared with control after 6 h. In contrast, plasma T and E2 concentrations were lower during the combined GP(20 + 4), GP(30 + 8) and GP(40 + 16) after 12 h than after 16 h of injection. The combined treatments (GnRHa + PIM) are better compared with Ovaprim which gave the same results, they have some advantages, such as reliable response and low cost. Ovaprim is more than 3 to 5-fold of the cost of (GnRH + PIM). Therefore, this method could be useful tool for commercial catfish breeders to ensure spawning success.  相似文献   

Indiscriminate discharge of pharmaceutical waste into the aquatic ecosystem may pose serious health challenges to aquatic biota. The effect of acute exposure to ibuprofen was evaluated using changes in behaviour and haematological parameters under static bio-assay method in Clarias gariepinus. Test specimens were exposed to acute concentrations of ibuprofen (0.28, 0.33, 0.38, 0.43 and 0.48 mg l?1) for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h durations respectively. Behavioural and phenotypic changes were observed in surviving fish. There were significant (p < 0.05) concentration and duration-dependent increases in erythrocyte (RBC), haemoglobin (Hb), pack cell volume (PCV) and leukocytes (WBC) in treated fish compared to the control. Insignificant decreases (p > 0.05) in mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were observed in treated fish compared to the control. Ibuprofen elicited dose and duration- dependent decrease in neutrophil counts with the decreases being significant (p < 0.05) in the higher doses of 0.43 and 0.48 mg l?1. Ibuprofen did not elicit any significant changes in monocytes, basophils and eosinophils. Changes observed in this study showed that ibuprofen negatively affected the health of the fish and we recommend that discharge of ibuprofen into the aquatic environment should be monitored and controlled.  相似文献   


Adult male roseringed parakeets were transferred to 16L: 8D (LP), or 8L: 16D (SP) for 45 or 90 days on four particular dates corresponding to the different phases of an annual testicular cycle and the cytological responses of the pineal were studied comparing them with the features in respective natural photoperiodic (NP) birds. Different cytological characteristics including the values of nuclear diameter in pinealocytes indicated that LP for 45 days during the pre‐breeding phase and for 90 days during each phase resulted in an increased pineal activity, while SP for 45 and 90 days induced inhibitory responses of the pineal during each, but not the progressive phase of the annual testicular cycle. During the latter phase, none of the artificial photoperiodic schedules, other than LP for 90 days, influenced the cytological features of the pineal. The results suggest that the photosensitivity of the pineal in these parakeets varies in relation to the testicular functions in an annual testicular cycle, but the seasonal pattern of photoperiodic response of the pineal and that of the previously studied testes in the same birds does not seem to be identical.  相似文献   

Arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AA-NAT) is the rate-limiting enzyme of melatonin biosynthetic pathway. In vitro effects of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) and indoleamines (serotonin, N-acetylserotonin and melatonin) were studied on AA-NAT activity in the pineal organ of the fish, C. gariepinus during different phases of its annual breeding cycle. Further, in vitro effects of leptin on AA-NAT activity in the pineal organ were studied in fed and fasted fishes during summer and winter seasons. Treatments with 5-HTP and indoleamines invariably stimulated pineal AA-NAT activity in a dose-dependent manner during all the phases. However, leptin increased AA-NAT activity in a dose-dependent manner only in the pineal organ of the fed fishes, but not of the fasted fishes irrespective of the seasons.  相似文献   

A correlation between the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and the level of rT3, and occasionally between BMR and T3 or T4 was found in 12 month fasting cockerels. The birds were fasted for 48 hrs and BMR was measured eight times (before fasting, at 6, 12, 24, 30, 36, and 48 hrs of fasting, and 4 hours after fasting). Blood samples for plasma collection were taken immediately after measuring the BMR. During starvation a decrease in BMR was observed. After refeeding BMR returned to the starting level. The decrease in BMR was accompanied by an increase in rT3 and T4 plasma levels. Between BMR and levels of T4 and rT3 negative coefficients of correlation were observed (r = -0.20 and r = -0.42, respectively). Contrary to this, the T3 level declined and was correlated with BMR (r = 0.62). After refeeding, the T3 level rapidly increased against the control value. Moreover, a high coefficient of correlation (r = -0.39) was found between the level of T3 and rT3. The data show that the reduction in plasma T3 level and increase in the rT3 one during starvation may be due to inhibition of deiodination of T4 to T3, since rT3 is a competitive inhibitor of this reaction. The presented results support the suggestion that in birds T3 is the metabolically active thyroid hormone, and rT3 antagonizes this effect.  相似文献   


This study aimed to investigate the existence of day-night differences in the time for anesthesia and recovery in tambaqui exposed to the anesthetic eugenol and the influence of feeding time. Thus, we evaluated: (1) swimming activity; (2) food anticipatory activity (FAA) as a synchronizer of swimming activity and change to susceptibility to anesthetic; and (3) the effects of diurnal/nocturnal anesthesia exposure of fish feeding in the mid-light phase: 12:00 h (ML) and fish feeding in the mid-dark phase: 00:00 h (MD). Our findings revealed strictly nocturnal activity for tambaqui (94.2%), known as diurnal fish to date. Moreover, FAA was observed in tambaqui fed at MD, which showed a sustained increase in activity that began 2 h before feeding time and lasted until feeding. In contrast, no FAA was observed in fish fed at ML. Regarding anesthesia by day or night, the tambaqui treated with eugenol exhibited no difference in induction time. However, differences were observed in recovery times, with fish anesthetized at day recovering in 1–2 min and fish anesthetized at night recovering in 5–7 min. In short, our findings revealed for the first time the nocturnal behavior of tambaqui. These results indicated that recovery by day/night by eugenol in tambaqui has a strong dependence of behavioral patterns and the time of day.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the variations in the interference of neuroendocrine pineal gland and metabolically active thyroid gland in a tropical bird, Perdicula asiatica. Maximum pineal gland activity (pineal weight and melatonin level), minimum thyroid gland activity (weight, T3/T4 and thymidine kinase activity) along with less oxidative load (MDA level, SOD, CAT and ABTS activity) were observed during reproductively inactive phase (RIP) was observed. Further, a robust and significant rhythmicity was noted in melatonin levels during RIP and RAP, but no significant rhythmicity was noted in T4/T3 level by cosinor analysis. Overall, melatonin and thyroid circadian profile suggested that melatonin might be acting as an antioxidant molecule with time of the day effect in rescuing thyroid gland from free radical load in birds.  相似文献   

Microelectrophoretic application of sex hormones onto pineal cells in guinea pigs has shown different responses in pregnant females as compared to males. In pregnant females estrone caused excitation in 74% of the cells tested, while progesterone and testosterone, prolactin, and HCG were inhibitory in a majority of the cells. In contrast, in males estrone caused excitation of only 19% but inhibition of 37%. A smaller percentage of cells was inhibited by progesterone, while the predominant response to testosterone was excitation. These results suggest that the pineal gland may be under a feedback control.This work was supported by the Volkswagenwerk-Stiftung, Grant I/35472.Visiting scientist supported by grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Royal Society.  相似文献   

Microsatellites have proved to be useful for the detection of weak population structure in marine fishes and other species characterized by large populations and high gene flow. None the less, uncertainty remains about the net effects of the particular mutational properties of these markers, and the wide range of locus polymorphism they exhibit, on estimates of differentiation. We examined the effect of varying microsatellite polymorphism on the magnitude of observed differentiation in a population survey of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Genetic differentiation at 14 microsatellite loci among six putative populations from across the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea was weak but significant on large geographical scales and conformed to an isolation-by-distance pattern. A negative relationship was found between locus variability and the magnitude of estimated population subdivision. Estimates of F(ST) declined with locus polymorphism, resulting in diminished power to discriminate among samples, and we attribute this loss to the effects of size homoplasy. This empirical result suggests that mutation rates of some microsatellite loci are sufficiently high to limit resolution of weak genetic structure typical of many marine fishes.  相似文献   


The diurnal patterns of changes in plasma cortisol, growth hormone (GH), somatostatin‐14 (SRIF), thyroid hormones (L‐thyroxine, T4 and triiodo‐L‐thyronine, T3) and glucose were investigated in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, both during single meal‐feeding and during a progressive fast of 13 weeks. All measured variables exhibited a diurnal pattern in fed rainbow trout, most of which appeared to be correlated with the time of feeding (30–60 min after the onset of light), while additional changes, associated with the scotophase were also found for cortisol. Although fasting had no affect on mean daily plasma cortisol or SRIF concentrations, there was a progressive increase in mean daily plasma GH concentrations and a progressive decrease in mean daily plasma thyroid hormone and glucose concentrations associated with fasting. However, for GH, significant changes were not evident until week 10 of the fast. In addition, fasting appeared to phase‐shift the diurnal patterns of plasma GH, cortisol and glucose concentrations; the consequence of such a shift is that conclusions as to the effects of fasting, if based on a single time of sampling, may be flawed.  相似文献   

The effect of organochlorine insecticides lindane (1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane) and DDT (1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl)ethane) were studied in terms of their effects on the rat pineal N-acetyltransferase (NAT) activity, hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT) activity and pineal and serum melatonin levels during the day (2000h) and at night (2300 and 0100h). Additionally, pineal levels of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), serotonin (5-HT), and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA) were estimated. Nocturnal NAT activity was increased after lindane administration; likewise, lindane augmented pineal and serum melatonin levels at 2300h. Conversely, DDT was without a statistically significant effect on either NAT activity or on pineal or serum melatonin levels. Neither lindane nor DDT significantly influenced pineal HIOMT values either during the day or at night. Likewise, neither insecticide consistently influenced pineal levels of either 5-HTP, 5-HT or 5-HIAA. The results indicate that the organochlorine insecticide, lindane, modifies pineal melatonin synthesis in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary Dipsosaurus dorsalis were collected at approximately monthly intervals over 2 years for measurements of plasma concentrations of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) in field-active lizards. Additionally, lizards were collected at four times of the year for an assessment of seasonal variations in standard (SMR) and maximal ( max) rates of O2 consumption, tissue oxidative capacity, and locomotor endurance capacity. All measured variables were lowest in animals retrieved from hibernation. During the active season, plasma T4 was highest in the spring and late summer and was significantly lower in early and middle summer. Plasma T3 underwent similar seasonal variations, but the late summer resurgence was less pronounced than for T4. There was a significant correlation between plasma T4 and T3 on an individual basis during the active season. Standard metabolic rate was highest in newly emerged animals and decreased progressively during the active season. There was no association between plasma thyroid hormones and standard metabolism in field-active lizards, contrary to expectations based on previous experimental studies. Maximal , hepatic and mixed hind-limb muscle mass-specific citrate synthase activity, and endurance underwent patterns of seasonal variation similar to the pattern of variation in thyroid hormones. These data suggest that thyroid hormones may be involved in the regulation of aerobic energetic capacities in field-active lizards, consistent with previous experimental reports. High endurance capacity may have been important in selection for metabolic responses to thyroid hormones.Abbreviations CSA citrate synthase activity - SMR standard metabolic rate - T3 triiodothyronine - T4 thyroxine  相似文献   

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