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Molecular beacons represent a new family of fluorescent probes for nucleic acids, and have found broad applications in recent years due to their unique advantages over traditional probes. Detection of nucleic acids using molecular beacons has been based on hybridization between target molecules and molecular beacons in a 1:1 stoichiometric ratio. The stoichiometric hybridization, however, puts an intrinsic limitation on detection sensitivity, because one target molecule converts only one beacon molecule to its fluorescent form. To increase the detection sensitivity, a conventional strategy has been target amplification through polymerase chain reaction. Instead of target amplification, here we introduce a scheme of signal amplification, nicking enzyme signal amplification, to increase the detection sensitivity of molecular beacons. The mechanism of the signal amplification lies in target-dependent cleavage of molecular beacons by a DNA nicking enzyme, through which one target DNA can open many beacon molecules, giving rise to amplification of fluorescent signal. Our results indicate that one target DNA leads to cleavage of hundreds of beacon molecules, increasing detection sensitivity by nearly three orders of magnitude. We designed two versions of signal amplification. The basic version, though simple, requires that nicking enzyme recognition sequence be present in the target DNA. The extended version allows detection of target of any sequence by incorporating rolling circle amplification. Moreover, the extended version provides one additional level of signal amplification, bringing the detection limit down to tens of femtomolar, nearly five orders of magnitude lower than that of conventional hybridization assay.  相似文献   

Protein detection via direct enzymatic amplification of short DNA aptamers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Aptamers are single-stranded nucleic acids that fold into defined tertiary structures to bind target molecules with high specificities and affinities. DNA aptamers have garnered much interest as recognition elements for biodetection and diagnostic applications due to their small size, ease of discovery and synthesis, and chemical and thermal stability. Here we describe the design and application of a short DNA molecule capable of both protein target binding and amplifiable bioreadout processes. Because both recognition and readout capabilities are incorporated into a single DNA molecule, tedious conjugation procedures required for protein-DNA hybrids can be omitted. The DNA aptamer is designed to be amplified directly by either polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or rolling circle amplification (RCA) processes, taking advantage of real-time amplification monitoring techniques for target detection. A combination of both RCA and PCR provides a wide protein target dynamic range (1 microM to 10 pM).  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) are transfusion-transmitted human pathogens that have a major impact on blood safety and public health worldwide. We developed a microarray multiplex assay for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of these three viruses. The microarray consists of 16 oligonucleotide probes, immobilized on a silylated glass slide. Amplicons from multiplex PCR were labeled with Cy-5 and hybridized to the microarray. The assay detected 1 International Unit (IU), 10 IU, 20 IU of HBV, HCV, and HIV-1, respectively, in a single multiplex reaction. The assay also detected and discriminated the presence of two or three of these viruses in a single sample. Our data represent a proof-of-concept for the possible use of highly sensitive multiplex microarray assay to screen and confirm the presence of these viruses in blood donors and patients.  相似文献   

高灵敏可视化核酸试纸条法快速检测 HBV DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:本研究旨在建立一种基于试纸条的快速、灵敏及可视化检测乙型肝炎病毒核酸的方法.方法:利用聚合酶链反应扩增乙肝病毒的保守区,其中上、下游引物的5'端分别修饰异硫氰酸荧光素和生物素.核酸试纸条上的胶体金以及检测线处分别标记有链霉亲和素以及抗荧光素抗体.将扩增产物与展开液混合后点样,10min 后即可用肉眼判读结果.在优化了展开液成分、上样体积以及上样浓度之后,对该方法的灵敏度进行了评价.最后收集15例阴性样本及33例HBsAg 阳性样本,按血清标志物结果进行分类后使用核酸试纸条进行检测,并与实时荧光PCR的结果进行了比较.结果:试纸条检测乙肝病毒核酸的灵敏度为250eopies/mL.在临床样本的测定中,该方法与实时荧光定量PCR的特异性均为100%.且两种方法检测不同血清标志物类型的阳性检出率无差异.结论:核酸试纸条技术能够用于乙肝病毒核酸的可视化检测,与实时荧光PCR相比检测速度快,具有较好的灵敏度和特异性,适合流行病学调查以及在基层医院体检使用.  相似文献   

目的:本研究旨在建立一种基于试纸条的快速、灵敏及可视化检测乙型肝炎病毒核酸的方法。方法:利用聚合酶链反应扩增乙肝病毒的保守区,其中上、下游引物的5'端分别修饰异硫氰酸荧光素和生物素。核酸试纸条上的胶体金以及检测线处分别标记有链霉亲和素以及抗荧光素抗体。将扩增产物与展开液混合后点样,10 min后即可用肉眼判读结果。在优化了展开液成分、上样体积以及上样浓度之后,对该方法的灵敏度进行了评价。最后收集15例阴性样本及33例HBsAg阳性样本,按血清标志物结果进行分类后使用核酸试纸条进行检测,并与实时荧光PCR的结果进行了比较。结果:试纸条检测乙肝病毒核酸的灵敏度为250copies/mL。在临床样本的测定中,该方法与实时荧光定量PCR的特异性均为100%。且两种方法检测不同血清标志物类型的阳性检出率无差异。结论:核酸试纸条技术能够用于乙肝病毒核酸的可视化检测,与实时荧光PCR相比检测速度快,具有较好的灵敏度和特异性,适合流行病学调查以及在基层医院体检使用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Complex mixtures of DNA may be found in environmental and medical samples. There is a need for techniques that can measure low concentrations of target DNAs. For a multiplexed, flow cytometric assay, we show that the signal-to-noise ratio for fluorescence detection may be increased with the use of 3DNA dendrimers. A single fluorescent DNA molecule per bead could be detected with conventional flow cytometry instrumentation. METHODS: The analyte consisted of single-stranded (ss) DNA amplicons that were hybridized to capture probes on the surface of fluorescent polystyrene microspheres (beads) and initially labeled with streptavidin-R-phycoerythrin (single-step labeling). These beads have a low reporter fluorescence background and high efficiency of DNA hybridization. The DNA/SA-RPE complex was then labeled with 3DNA dendrimers and SA-RPE. The bead complexes were detected with a Luminex 100 flow cytometer. Bead standards were developed to convert the intensity to the number of SA-RPE labels per bead and the number of dendrimers per bead. RESULTS: The dendrimer assay resulted in 10-fold fluorescence amplification compared with single-step SA-RPE labeling. Based on concentration curves of pure target ss-amplicons, the signal-to-noise ratio of the dendrimer assay was greater by a factor of 8.5 over single-step SA-RPE labeling. The dendrimer assay was tested on 16S ribosomal DNA amplified from filter retentates of contaminated groundwater. Multiplexed detection of a single dendrimer-labeled DNA molecule per bead was demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: Multiplexed detection of DNA hybridization on a single molecule level per bead was achieved with conventional flow cytometry instrumentation. This assay is useful for detecting target DNAs at low concentrations.  相似文献   

Using modules of a specific 2,712-bp human DNA sequence and a specific 2,557-bp Escherichia coli DNA sequence, we created plasmids containing between 1 and 12 modules of single or chimeric sequence composition and tested them in human cells for their autonomous replication ability. We found that replication efficiency per generation increased with successive addition of human modules, to essentially 100% by six copies. Although a single copy of the bacterial module had negligible replication ability, the replication efficiency per generation of 12 bacterial modules was 66%. Chimeras composed of human and bacterial modules displayed intermediate replication levels. We also used two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to physically map where replication initiated on a half human-half E. coli plasmid. Our results suggest that autonomous replication in human cells is stimulated by simple sequence features which occur frequently in human DNA but are more rare in bacterial DNA.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction was used to detect and specifically identify Listeria monocytogenes. A 174-bp region of the listeriolysin O gene was shown to be specifically amplified in L. monocytogenes but not in other species of Listeria or in a number of other gram-positive and gram-negative organisms. Less than 50 organisms could routinely be detected by a procedure involving two rounds of 35 amplification cycles each and without the need for subsequent hybridization with labeled probes.  相似文献   

Reconstructing the origins of human hepatitis viruses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Infections with hepatitis B and C viruses (HBV, HCV) are widespread in human populations throughout the world, and are major causes of chronic liver disease and liver cancer. HBV, HCV and the related hepatitis G virus or GB virus C (referred to here as HGV/GBV-C) are capable of establishing persistent, frequently lifelong infections characterized by high levels of continuous replication. All three viruses show substantial genetic heterogeneity, which has allowed each to be classified into a number of distinct genotypes that have different geographical distributions and associations with different risk groups for infection. Information on their past transmission and epidemiology might be obtained by estimation of the time of divergence of the different genotypes of HCV, HBV and HGV/GBV-C using knowledge of their rates of sequence change. While information on the latter is limited to short observation periods and is therefore subject to considerable error and uncertainty, the relatively recent times of origin for genotype of each virus predicted by this method (HCV, 500-2000 years; HBV, 3000 years; HGV/GBV-C, 200 years) are quite incompatible with their epidemiological distributions in human populations. They also cannot easily be reconciled with the recent evidence for species-associated variants of HBV and HGV/GBV-C in a range of non-human primates. The apparent conservatism of viruses over long periods implied by their epidemiological distributions instead suggests that nucleotide sequence change may be subject to constraints peculiar to viruses with single-stranded genomes, or with overlapping reading frames that defy attempts to reconstruct evolution according to the principles of the 'molecular clock'. Large population sizes and intense selection pressures that optimize fitness may be additional factors that set virus evolution apart from that of their hosts.  相似文献   

Rapid growth of available sequence data has made the detection of nucleic acids critical to the development of modern life sciences. Many amplification methods based on gold nanoparticles and endonuclease for sensitive DNA detection have been developed. However, these approaches require specific target sequence for endonuclease recognition, which cannot be fulfilled in all systems. Replacing the restriction enzyme with a nuclease that does not require any specific recognition sequence may offer a universally adaptable system. Here we have developed a novel homogeneous, colorimetric DNA detection method, which consists of Exo III, a linker DNA, and two DNA-modified gold nanoparticles. This system is simple, low-cost, sensitive and selective. By coupling cyclic enzymatic cleavage and gold nanoparticle for signal amplification, our system provides a colorimetric detection limit of 15 pM, which is 3 orders of magnitude more sensitive than that of a general three-component sandwich assay format. Due to the intrinsic property of Exo III, our method shows excellent detection selectivity for single-base discrimination. More importantly, superior to other methods based on nicking and FokI endonuclease, our target sequence-independent platform is generally applicable for DNA sensing. This new approach could be widely applied to sensitive nucleic acids detection.  相似文献   

Conventional immunofluorescence detection of biologically relevant proteins and antigens in tissue sections is often limited by relatively weak signals that fade rapidly on illumination. We have developed an immunohistochemical protocol that combines the sensitivity of tyramide signal amplification with the photostability of quantum dots to overcome these limitations. This simple method provides a sensitive and stable fluorescence immunohistochemical alternative to standard chromogen detection.  相似文献   

New methods were developed for the detection of koi herpesvirus (KHV, CyHV-3) by LAMP, which were compared with the PCR for specificity and sensitivity. We designed two primer sets targeting a specific sequence within the 9/5 PCR amplicon (9/5 LAMP) and the upper region of the Sph I-5 PCR amplicon ( Sph I-5 LAMP), including a sequence highly conserved among the strains. The amplification was monitored in real-time based on the increase in turbidity, with magnesium pyrophosphate as the by-product. The reactions were carried out under isothermal conditions at 65°C for 60 min. The detection limit of both LAMP was six copies, equal to the modified Sph I-5 PCR. No cross-reactivity with other fish pathogenic viruses and bacteria was observed. Sph I-5 LAMP was found to have a quicker response in terms of the reaction velocity than 9/5 LAMP. Therefore, we consider Sph I-5 LAMP to be superior for routine use. Additionally, LAMP was found applicable to crude extract from gills and other organs. LAMP methods are superior in terms of sensitivity, specificity, rapidity and simplicity, and are potentially a valuable diagnostic tool for KHV infections.  相似文献   

Detection of specific DNA sequences in clinical samples is a key goal of studies on DNA biosensors and gene chips. Herein we present a highly sensitive electrochemical genosensor for direct measurements of specific DNA sequences in undiluted and untreated human serum and urine samples. Such genosensing relies on a new ternary interface involving hexanedithiol (HDT) co-immobilized with the thiolated capture probe (SHCP) on gold surfaces, followed by the incorporation of 6-mercapto-1-hexanol (MCH) as diluent. The performance of ternary monolayers prepared with linear dithiols of different lengths was systematically examined, compared and characterized by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, with HDT exhibiting the most favorable analytical performance. The new SHCP/HDT+MCH monolayer led to a 80-fold improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) for 1 nM target DNA in undiluted human serum over the common SHCP+MCH binary alkanethiol interface, and allowed the direct quantification of the target DNA down to 7 pM (28 amol) and 17 pM (68 amol) in undiluted/untreated serum and urine, respectively. It also displayed attractive antifouling properties, as indicated from the favorable S/N obtained after a prolonged exposure (24h) to untreated biological matrices. These attractive features of the SHCP/HDT+MCH sensor interface indicate considerable promise for a wide range of clinical applications.  相似文献   

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