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This study was designed to determine whether patients with Type II diabetes could be taught to discriminate blood glucose after experiencing a variety of blood glucose levels and receiving feedback on the accuracy of their estimates. Thirty-six subjects (18 on oral agents and 18 on insulin) were randomly assigned to one of two feedback conditions: (1) current feedback, which received accurate information regarding their blood glucose levels, (2) noncurrent feedback, which received blood glucose levels from the preceding session. Subjects were exposed to a wide range of blood glucose values in six training sessions by ingesting drinks with three different caloric loads. In pre/post comparisons using several indices of accuracy, both groups showed significant improvement in estimating blood glucose levels. However, feedback on current blood glucose levels did not produce greater improvement than noncurrent. Accuracy was unrelated to the degree to which subjects reported associating internal sensations to their estimates. Failure to find differences between the two feedback conditions may have been due to the noncurrent feedback group's receiving fairly accurate information, to the difficulty of the discrimination task, and to the limited number of training trials.The authors thank Marsha D. Marcus, Ph.D., for her contributions to this study.  相似文献   

This report uses a single case format to describe clinical observations on the use of biofeedback-assisted relaxation in Type I insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. It is suggested that treatment based on relaxation training may be utilized in diabetics provided that certain conditions are met and that the relaxation procedure is modified to conform to the special requirements of persons taking insulin. Since both client characteristics and type of training protocol can markedly affect outcome, it may be especially important to tailor the training protocol for each insulin-dependent diabetic patient, based on careful and continuous monitoring of treatment effects.  相似文献   

Self-management of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is dependent on a negative feedback loop of blood glucose (BG) fluctuations, which in turn directs treatment decisions to maintain normal BG. Although this feedback is typically accomplished by self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG), SMBG has limitations, and patients often rely on what their BG "feels" like. Two studies were performed to evaluate whether patients could learn to more accurately "feel"/discriminate their BG on the basis of internal cues or internal plus external BG cues. In Study I, BG Awareness Training significantly improved pre- to posttreatment BG estimation accuracy, relative to a control group. Study II replicated BG Awareness Training efficacy in improving BG estimation accuracy. Improvement in estimation accuracy was related only to initial accuracy; those who were initially less accurate improved the most. This improvement was represented in a 31% reduction in dangerous BG estimation errors and a 9% increase in accurate estimates. Resulting estimations were, however, still significantly less accurate than SMBG at the end of training.  相似文献   

During frontal EMG biofeedback training, the relationship between frontal EMG and digital skin temperature was investigated in two experiments, which varied the number of baseline and feedback sessions. The results of Experiment 1 suggested a general relaxation effect, where digital temperature increased as frontal EMG decreased, especially for subjects with initially low hand temperature. Experiment 2 extended the number of baseline and feedback sessions and qualified the results of Experiment 1. EMG and digital temperature did not simultaneously converge toward general relaxation over the extended baseline or feedback sessions in Experiment 2. Furthermore, when the feedback signal was introduced, digital temperature dropped quickly but recovered to baseline levels within three feedback sessions; this drop in digital temperature was interpreted within the context of attentional demands of the biofeedback task. The results appeared consistent with the view that frontal biofeedback training teaches a discriminative skill of lower frontal EMG, and that this skill does not readily generalize to digital skin temperature.This research was supported by Grant 2 S06RR08038-17 funded by the National Institutes of Mental Health.  相似文献   

The older segments of the U.S. population are expanding rapidly and account for a disproportionate amount of health care, including treatment for pain-related musculoskeletal disorders. In a prospective study with objective measures and one-year follow-up, Middaugh et al. (1988) found that older patients (55–78 yr; N=17, 76% success) treated in a multidisciplinary chronic pain rehabilitation program enjoyed a success rate equal to that of younger patients (29–48 yr; N=20, 70% success). The current study presents additional data on these two groups of patients to compare their ability to learn the physiological self-regulation skills taught in the biofeedback/relaxation component of the multimodal program. This component included progressive muscle relaxation training, diaphragmatic breathing instruction, and EMG biofeedback. Repeated measures ANOVA showed significant increases in digital skin temperature (peripheral vasodilation) and decreases in respiration rate both within and across training sessions (p values=.04 to .0001) with no differences between age groups (p>.05). EMG measures for the upper trapezius ms in patients with cervical pain showed similar deficits in muscle control at evaluation and similar improvements with biofeedback training for the two age groups. These findings indicate that older pain patients responded well to the biofeedback/relaxation training component of the multimodal pain program.This research was supported in part by NIDRR grant No. H133G90085, Department of Education, DHEW, and by the Medical University of South Carolina General Clinical Research Center under NIH grant No. RR1070.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of a 12-session frontal electromyographic biofeedback training regimen on the headache activity of eight tension headache sufferers aged 62 and older. The biofeedback sessions were slightly modified for a geriatric population, essentially to increase comprehension and retention of rationale and instructions. Post-treatment assessment at three months revealed significant decreases in overall headache activity (50% or greater) in 50% of the subjects, and moderate improvement (35%–45%) in three of the remaining four subjects. Significant clinical and/or statistical prepost differences were also found for the number of headache-free days, peak headache activity, and medication index. This is the first prospective study of biofeedback training for tension headache in an elderly population and, unlike previous retrospective studies, suggests that such therapy may be an effective intervention in the treatment of tension headaches in the elderly.The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the views of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. This study was supported by a Department of Veterans Affairs MERIT-Review awarded to the first author.  相似文献   

Fifteen years of research in the self-regulatory treatment of hypertension by the author is summarized. A model relating expectations, task performance, home practice, and biochemical variables to the thermal biofeedback treatment of hypertension is presented.Essentially, all of the research reported herein was supported by various grants from NHLBI: HL-14906, HL-18814, HL-27622, and HL-31189.  相似文献   

Blood pressure (BP) response to biofeedback-assisted relaxation is not uniform among hypertensive individuals. The purpose of this exploratory study was to determine if selected psychophysiological variables could be used to identify individuals able to lower blood pressure using biofeedback-assisted relaxation. Responders were defined using a preset criterion of 5 mm Hg or greater decrease in mean arterial pressure. A logistic regression model derived from five variables (heart rate, finger temperature, forehead muscle tension, plasma renin response to furosemide, and mean arterial pressure response to furosemide) provided significant predictive power for BP response, exhibiting a sensitivity of 84.6% and a specificity of 80.0%. With future validation, the proposed model may provide useful information to identify patients likely to benefit from biofeedback-assisted relaxation.  相似文献   

Biofeedback in treatment of urinary incontinence in stroke patients   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Urinary incontinence can occur poststroke owing to weakness or incoordination of sphincter muscles, impaired bladder sensation, or hyperreflexic, neurogenic bladder. Four male subjects who had urinary incontinence associated with a stroke that had occurred 8 months to 10 years earlier, and who averaged 1.6 to 7.5 accidental voidings per week, participated in an outpatient study with a 4-week scheduled-voiding baseline, 2 to 5 sessions of biofeedback-assisted bladder retraining, and 6- to 12-month follow-up. Training sessions included stepwise filling of the bladder and manometric feedback display of bladder pressure, abdominal pressure, and external anal sphincter pressure. Training procedures were designed to teach subjects to attend to bladder sensations, inhibit bladder contractions, and improve voluntary sphincter muscle control. All four subjects achieved and maintained continence regardless of substantial differences in subject characteristics, including laterality of stroke, degree of sensory impairment, and independence in daily activities.  相似文献   

Recent work in our laboratory has shown that vasodilation produced during temperature biofeedback training is mediated through a nonneural, beta-adrenergic mechanism. Here we sought to determine if the effects of feedback training for vasoconstriction are produced through a neural or nonneural pathway and whether other measures of physiological activity are correlated with these changes. Nine normal subjects received temperature feedback vasoconstriction training in which feedback was delivered only during periods of successful performance. In a subsequent session, the nerves to one finger were blocked with a local anesthetic while finger blood flow was recorded from this and other fingers. Vasoconstriction occurred during feedback in the intact fingers but not in the nerve-blocked finger and was accompanied by increased skin conductance and heart rate. These data demonstrate that temperature feedback vasoconstriction training is mediated through an efferent, sympathetic nervous pathway. In contrast, temperature feedback vasodilation training is mediated through a nonneural, beta-adrenergic mechanism.This work was supported by research grant HL-30604 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.  相似文献   

The objective of the present case study was to examine the therapeutic effects of thermal biofeedback-assisted autogenic training on a patient with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), vascular disease, and symptoms of intermittent claudication. The patient received thermal biofeedback from the hand for five sessions, then from the foot for 16 sessions, while hand and foot skin temperature were monitored simultaneously. In addition, the patient was instructed in autogenic training and practiced daily at home. Follow-up measurements were taken at 12 and 48 months. Within-session foot temperature rose specifically in response to foot temperature biofeedback and starting foot temperature rose between sessions. Posttreatment blood pressure was reduced to a normal level. Attacks of intermittent claudication were reduced to zero after 12 sessions and walking distance increased by about a mile per day over the course of treatment. It would appear that thermal biofeedback and autogenic training are potentially promising therapies for persons with diabetes and peripheral vascular disease.Preparation of this article was supported in part by NIDDK grant No. R0128288 and the Commonwealth of Virginia Diabetes Clinical Research Institute.  相似文献   

Five young adults received audio biofeedback training to reduce trapezius EMG levels while they engaged in reading in an office, seated at a table. A multiple-baseline-across subjects design was employed in two separate studies. After training, all subjects demonstrated reduced EMG levels while reading in a home or library setting. The first study suggested that subjects reduced EMG levels by minimizing movements and altering their postures; the second study systematically demonstrated changes in such behavior, which was correlated with EMG levels. The data provide evidence that EMG biofeedback resulted in response generalization across several motoric classes, and in stimulus generalization from the training setting to the natural environment. The importance of assessing generalization is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the history of biofeedback research and application in the USSR. The approach of USSR scientists to the study of basic mechanisms of biofeedback and the status of clinical applications of biofeedback in the Soviet Union are described. Trends in the publication of biofeedback-related papers in Russian are presented, and the present state of the art described. Promising prospects for biofeedback research and application are discussed.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular reactivity (heart rate, systolic, and diastolic BP) to mental arithmetic and cold pressor were measured before and after treatment as part of the cross-cultural (USSR and USA) evaluation of thermal biofeedback and autogenic training (in comparison with self-relaxation) as treatments for mild hypertension in unmedicated males. There were no statistically reliable decreases in cardiovascular reactivity from before to after treatment. However, downward shifts in basal levels of systolic and diastolic BP at post-treatment led treated patients to have lower stress-induced levels of BP.The American portion of this research was supported by a grant from the NHLBI, HL-31189. We express appreciation to officials at the USSR Cardiology Research Center, Academician Igor Shkhvatsabaya, and Professor Vadim Zaitsev for their support, as well as to Dr. Steve Weiss, of NHLBI, for his instigation of this research.  相似文献   

Reports of subjective experiences of 73 hypertensive patients who were treated with thermal biofeedback for hand warming were obtained over 16 treatment sessions. Most of the differential responding in subjective report occurred in the first 5 sessions. Differences in reports of throbbing were associated with medication status during treatment (presence of sympatholytic antihypertensive agent). From 4 to 9% of patients report negative subjective experiences at any one session. When short-term clinical successes (either elimination of medication or reduction of BP) were compared with short-term failures, it was found that successes reported more warmth, more likelihood of falling asleep, and more dreamlike experiences. The latter were more likely to occur suddenly for the successes. Correlational analyses revealed consistent positive associations between reports of warmth and relaxation with highest temperature achieved in the session and consistent negative associations between experiencing physical sensations and degree of temperature change within the session.This research was supported in part by grants from NHLBI, HL-27622 and HL-31189.  相似文献   

This study examined the efficacy of behavioral strategies in alleviating pain and anxiety associated with severe orthopedic trauma. Sixty-four patients with multiple fractures were divided into four groups: (1) control, (2) attention only, (3) EMG biofeedback-assisted relaxation, and (4) audiotaped relaxation training. All were measured over at least six sessions, or as long as hospital stay permitted. Significant between group differences were found on the following: systolic blood pressure, pheripheral temperature, subjective units of discomfort, state anxiety, with a trend for use of sleep medications. No differences were found on other vital signs, EMG recordings, or other medications. EMG-biofeedback relaxation and relaxation training were relatively equivalent for all measures, and little or no change was observed for those patients who received attention only or served as controls.  相似文献   

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