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1. Three purported zinc metalloenzymes have been investigated from cell cultures of the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). 2. With the addition of increasingly higher concentrations of zinc to the tissue culture medium, the specific activity of LDH increased. 3. The results with MDH were equivocal. 4. The specific activity of alkaline phosphatase decreased in the presence of increasing amounts of zinc in the growth medium. 5. Zinc exogenously added to the LDH enzyme assay did not alter the LDH enzyme activity of cells grown without zinc.  相似文献   

We describe the cloning and characterization of seven microsatellite loci (six dinucleotide and one tetranucleotide) from fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). In a sample of 48 fish from a captive population, polymorphism at these loci ranged from 4 to 11 alleles with expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.59 to 0.82. These loci will be extremely useful to researchers currently studying the ecotoxicology, behaviour and population genetics of this species.  相似文献   

Anaesthesia with MS-222 followed by intra-peritoneal (ip) injection (with a 10% ethanol in corn oil carrier) of fathead minnow either as one or three (weekly) treatments did not affect survival, behaviour or secondary sexual characteristics of the fish. Fecundity of the fish, as indicated by fertility and hatching success, was also unaffected. Gonadal condition (relative gonad mass, histopathology) was not altered in either sex. Male and female plasma sex steroids (β;-oestradiol, testosterone, 11-ketotestosterone) and male vitellogenin concentrations were not significantly affected by the treatments. Females subjected to either ip treatment regime had significantly higher plasma vitellogenin concentrations than control females. However, based on previous data, this difference did not appear to be treatment-related. Overall, exposure of fathead minnows to chemicals via the ip route should not confound the interpretation of toxicity tests with potential endocrine disrupting chemicals.  相似文献   

Ovarian differentiation of fathead minnow Pimephales promelas occurred at between 10 and 25 days post‐hatch (dph)(8–11 mm fork length, L F, and 7–12 mg), and was characterized by the presence of meiotic cells in the centre of the gonad, location of the somatic cells at the periphery of the gonad and the formation of an ovarian cavity. In contrast with the developing ovary, in the presumptive testis somatic cells were scattered throughout the gonads and this was evident from 25 dph (fish >10 mm and >11 mg). In males, at 60 dph (15–26 mm and 39–220 mg) the efferent ducts (sperm ducts) were apparent and the testis lobules started to form, but germ cells (spermatogonia) did not enter meiosis until between 90 and 120 dph. Fish of both sexes reached full sexual maturity at between 120 and 150 dph (males: 33–59 mm and 400–2895 mg; females: 24–48 mm and 160–1464 mg). Differences in body size ( L F and mass) between males and females were only apparent when the fish were approaching full sexual maturity (120 dph).  相似文献   

Fathead minnows Pimephales promelas maintained at 25° C for 6 h had significantly higher superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity than fish maintained at 7 or 32° C, but hypoxic conditions (3 mg l?1 O2) over the same time period did not affect SOD activity. Fish in better body condition (length‐adjusted mass) had higher SOD activity. In a separate experiment, P. promelas maintained at three water temperatures (7, 23 and 32° C) for 31 days did not differ in liver acrolein, a biomarker of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Juvenile fathead minnows ( Pimephales promelas ) were stocked in tanks at different densities and different ration levels, in two experiments, to determine effects on final population density, growth and fecundity. Length and weight of fish increased with increased food availability. Egg size was exponentially related to growth and perhaps directly to ration level. High population density appeared to limit growth and gamete development regardless of food abundance. Additionally, water volume appeared to limit numbers (tolerance density) of fish which can be supported in a specific volume of water.  相似文献   

Environmental variables besides temperature such as length, weight, sex, and photoperiod were shown to affect the metabolic rate in gill and white muscle tissue. This required statistical adjustment to account for these factors. Oxygen consumption rates for gill tissue were greater following cold acclimation at all determination temperatures. This suggests thermal compensation had occurred. Metabolic rates for white muscle tissue showed inverse compensation between 7 °C and 15 °C, but little compensation was evident between 15 °C and 23 °C. Both gill and white muscle tissue had Q10 values ranging between 1–00 and 2–00. These are lower than values previously recorded for fathead minnows.  相似文献   

Age, growth and reproductive characteristics of fathead minnow Pimephales promelas populations inhabiting four lakes that varied in the extent and frequency of winterkill were studied in the boreal region of western Canada. The lifespan of fathead minnows inhabiting lakes prone to winterkill was 1–2 years shorter than those in less disturbed lakes. In populations prone to winterkill, fish displayed faster growth rates and grew to a larger size‐at‐age, particularly during the first year of life. Although lower population densities in winterkill lakes probably contributed to this increased growth, adults in these populations tended to spawn earlier in the season than the smaller adults in more stable populations. Fathead minnows in lakes prone to winterkill also matured at an earlier age and allocated a greater proportion of their body mass to gonads than conspecifics in the more benign, stable lakes. These trends are consistent with predictions for organisms in variable, unpredictable environments and, because fathead minnows are tolerant to a wide range of environmental conditions, suggest that variation in life‐history traits among populations is probably a product of both selection and phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

The fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) was employed to examine if dietary vitamin E supplementation could protect the inner ear from the deleterious effects of noise. Fish were fed one of the three experimental diets containing either: (1) low vitamin E content (14.5 mg/kg diet as alpha-tocopheryl acetate), (2) an adequate amount of vitamin E (50 mg/kg), or (3) high vitamin E content (450 mg/kg). After 4 weeks on the diet, fish were exposed to either 2 or 24 h of intense white noise (142 dB re: 1 microPa, bandwidth 0.3-4.0 kHz). Auditory thresholds were measured, using the auditory brainstem response (ABR) technique, within 0.5 days following noise exposure or within a recovery period of 1.5 days. Additionally, liver samples were analyzed for vitamin E content. Increased vitamin E supplementation was dose-dependently associated with a reduction in statistically significant threshold shifts after noise exposure and an enhancement of recovery (i.e., more complete recovery over a shorter period) for fish exposed to either 2 or 24 h of noise. The results obtained suggest that dietary vitamin E affords protection against noise exposure in a cyprinid fish.  相似文献   

Resazurin, introduced as a cell viability indicator under the trade name alamarBlue®, is generally regarded as nontoxic when used according to manufacturer’s suggested shorter-term incubation time specifications. However, problems arise when exposure times are extended to longer-term cultures on the order of days. To assess the effect of resazurin over longer incubation times, MCF7 (HTB-22), MCF10A (CRL-10317), 3T3-L1 (CL-173), and D1 (CRL-12424) cultures were tested with varying amounts of resazurin over 4- and 8-day periods. MCF7, 3T3-L1, and D1 cells cultured for 8 days with 20 % alamarBlue® had significantly less cell survivability. Specifically, levels of metabolic activity, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) concentration, and glucose consumption of the cell lines cultured for 8 days in medium with 20 % alamarBlue® were significantly lower (p < 0.05) than metabolic activity, DNA concentration, and glucose consumption of MCF7 cells cultured for 8 days in medium with no alamarBlue®. MCF7, 3T3-L1, and D1 cells used less glucose at concentrations as low as 5 %. Data also suggests the toxic effects are more pronounced in the cancerous cell line as compared to the noncancerous cells.  相似文献   

Measurement of vitellogenin (VTG) concentrations in the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) is currently being considered and evaluated for screening of endocrine active substances. One of the proposed methods, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based on VTG from carp (Cyprinus carpio), was recently evaluated in an inter-laboratory ring test using whole body homogenates from juvenile fathead minnows. The objective of the current study was to compare the performance of three different ELISAs for measuring fathead minnow VTG: (1) a heterologous carp VTG (cVTG) ELISA used in the ring test, (2) a homologous fathead minnow VTG (fVTG) ELISA, and (3) a hybrid ELISA with the antibody developed for cVTG, but using fVTG for coating the plates and preparing standard curves. VTG was measured in whole body homogenates from juvenile fathead minnows exposed to 17alpha-ethynylestradiol (EE(2); 10 ng/l) and whole body homogenates and plasma from adult fathead minnows exposed to 17beta-estradiol (E(2); 5 mg/kg; i.p.). The cVTG assay showed lower specificity for fathead minnow VTG in whole body homogenates and plasma from treated fish, compared to the fVTG assay. VTG concentrations in juvenile fathead minnow homogenates from the EE(2)-exposed group were approximately 50-fold higher when measured using the fVTG method compared to the cVTG method. Use of the homologous fVTG in the hybrid cVTG assay yielded VTG concentrations in the range of the fVTG assay but the low specificity persisted. The homologous fVTG assay is recommended to achieve accurate quantification of VTG levels in fathead minnows.  相似文献   

The fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) has been proposed as a model species for assessing the adverse effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on reproduction and development. The purpose of these studies was to develop baseline reproductive biology and endocrinology data for this species to support interpretation of tests with potential EDCs. Pairs of reproductively-active fathead minnows (n=70) were evaluated with respect to reproductive cyclicity in terms of spawning interval and fecundity. The mode and mean (+/-SE) spawning intervals for the fish in this study were 3.0 and 3.7+/-0.1 days, respectively. The mean number of eggs produced per spawn was 85+/-2.8. Animals were sacrificed at periodic intervals during the established spawning cycle and measurements made of gonadal condition (gonadosomatic index [GSI], histopathology) and plasma concentrations of vitellogenin and sex steroids (beta-estradiol, testosterone, 11-ketotestosterone). The GSI in females varied significantly as a function of spawning interval, with the largest values occurring day 2 post-spawn, just prior to the interval of maximum spawning activity. Plasma beta-estradiol concentrations in females also varied significantly relative to peak values in the GSI and spawning activity. Vitellogenin concentrations in the female, and male GSI and steroid concentrations did not vary significantly relative to position in the spawning cycle. Concentrations of beta-estradiol in females and 11-ketotestosterone in males were positively correlated with testosterone concentrations.  相似文献   

Fathead minnows Pimephales promelas were exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid [poly(I:C)] to observe immunological responses during simulated bacterial and viral challenge at the level of gene expression and granulocyte function. Complementary DNA libraries were created from LPS- and poly(I:C)-treated fish and c. 5000 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were sequenced. The ESTs were subjected to BLASTx analysis and 1500 genes were annotated, grouped by function and 20 immune genes were selected for expression studies by real-time PCR. Lipopolysaccharide treatment significantly downregulated expression of interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein 1 (nine-fold), Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12a (three-fold) and TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand, TRAIL (two-fold). In poly(I:C)-treated fish, a significant upregulation was observed for IFN-inducible and antiviral proteins belonging to the family of Mx proteins (73-fold) and chemokine CCL-C5a (28-fold). Blood neutrophil count was significantly increased in poly(I:C)-treated fish at 24 and 48 h post-injection. Neutrophil extracellular trap release and respiratory burst of kidney granulocytes were suppressed in poly(I:C)-treated fish, while degranulation of primary granules was not affected significantly by the treatment. The changes in gene expression and neutrophil function in P. promelas exposed to LPS and poly(I:C) support the use of this species as an alternative model for studies of pathogen effects on the innate immune system of fishes.  相似文献   

D B Thomas  C A Lingwood 《Cell》1975,5(1):37-42
Further evidence is presented in support of a model for growth control in which commitment for cell division is determined by an event in the preceding cell cycle. A study was made of conditions affecting synchronous growth following treatment of murine mastocytoma cells with excess thymidine at different phases of the cell cycle. Cells were synchronized by a physical procedure involving velocity sedimentation in a zonal rotor. Pulse treatment of such cultures with thymidine at times corresponding to the S, G2, and M periods had no effect on further growth. However, addition at G1, although having no immediate effect, arrested cell growth in the next cell cycle. This temporal effect may account for the decay of synchrony observed during double thymidine blockade or thymidine-FUdR blockade. When the time interval between two such blocks was 7 hr or less, P815Y cells were arrested after one synchronous division. At this critical time a majority of cells were at, or near, G1. It is suggested that thymidine exerts a hitherto unrecognized effect at the G1 interval.  相似文献   

Cultures of animal cells that have been deprived of glucose or grown in media containing one of several other sugars in lieu of glucose have an enhanced ability to transport radio-labeled glucose. We have investigated the metabolic fate of radio-labeled glucose under these starvation conditions and have observed marked alterations in the accumulation products. These alterations are most prominent in the class of nucleotide sugars. The implications of these observed changes to possible changes in surface architecture and cell phenotype are discussed.  相似文献   

P Raicu  F Mixich 《Mutation research》1992,283(3):215-219
Lipid vesicles (liposomes) have been shown to be a useful vehicle for the delivery of a variety of compounds to cultured cells. Using multilamellar vesicles (MLV) and small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) we were able to deliver the classical mutagen, sodium azide, into human heteroploid HEp-2 cells. With this method sodium azide is not diluted in culture medium, but it is 'focused' into cells, producing chromosomal aberrations and other major genetic damages. Our results indicate that liposomes are suitable vectors for introducing clastogenic substances into cultured human cells.  相似文献   

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