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I examine the relationship between micronutrient deficiency and the prevalence of mothers’ overweight/obesity in Egypt using the 1997 Egyptian Integrated Household Survey. The ordered logit results show an overlap between micronutrient deficiency and the prevalence of mothers’ overweight/obesity in Egypt. The odds of being overweight/obese are 80.8% higher for micronutrient deficient mothers than for non-deficient mothers, keeping all other variables constant. These results have at least two interesting policy implications. First, as the potential impact of the interaction between micronutrient deficiency and chronic diseases is not well known, the coexistence of micronutrient deficient and overweight/obese women can raise new and serious public health problems in the country. Second, the Egyptian food subsidy program, which lowers the relative prices of energy-dense, nutrient-poor food items, can be one of the major factors for the emergence of overweight/obese and micronutrient deficient mothers in the country. Changing the orientation of the food subsidy program may help to simultaneously address this double burden of mothers’ malnutrition.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine changes in prevalence of overweight and obesity, using International Obesity Task Force criteria, in three cohorts of children and youth living in Cracow, Poland, in 1971, 1983 and 2000. Rates of overweight and obesity doubled among boys and girls, from 7.5% and 6.5% in 1971, to 15.2% and 11.8% in the year 2000. The greatest increases in prevalence occurred in the youngest age groups (7-12 years for boys and 7-10 years for girls), increases being less extensive among adolescents, and lowest of all in the oldest age groups (16-18 years in boys and 14-18 years in girls). The absence of a positive secular trend in BMI among adolescent females relative to males may be due to sociocultural pressures associated with transition to a free market economy in Poland. The extent to which girls attempt to achieve the ideal body, as portrayed by media and society more generally, increases across adolescence.  相似文献   

Twenty-three studies reporting cross-sectional and longitudinal data were conducted in 14 different countries between 1998 and 2008. The number of preschool age children totaled more than 43,837 with one study not reporting a sample size. Studies used both international (i.e., International Obesity Task Force (IOTF), World Health Organization (WHO)) and national reference standards (i.e., United States - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Spain - SRS, Italy - Luciano) to classify children as overweight or obese. Within the same sample the percentage of children classified in these categories often showed a 1.5- to 2-fold difference in the prevalence of overweight/obesity with greatest differences in the between country-specific standards (CDC vs. Luciano). WHO percentages frequently exceeded the IOTF percentages. The prevalence of overweight/obese children escalated with increasing age from 2-5 years in both boys and girls with girls showing higher frequencies in 2/3rds of the 72 sex-paired comparisons. The results indicate a recent high prevalence of overweight and obesity in middle and high income countries, among both well-off and lower income segments of populations, in both rural and urban areas, and among all ethnic and racial groups represented. Because a high proportion of preschool overweight/ obese children will continue to increase their adiposity and are at risk for the early onset of metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders and behavioral problems, concerted public health efforts are needed to coordinate culturally-appropriate parental and caregiver education, home lifestyle changes, dietary and exercise modifications that will reverse the current trajectory.  相似文献   

The prevalence of overweight children in the United States has increased dramatically over the past two decades, and is creating well-known public health problems. Moreover, there is also evidence that children who are not overweight are becoming heavier. We use quantile regression models along with standard ordinary least squares (OLS) models to explore the correlates of childhood weight status and overweight as measured by the Body Mass Index (BMI). This approach allows the effects of covariates to vary depending on where in the BMI distribution a child is located. Our results indicate that OLS masks some of the important correlates of child BMI at the upper and lower tails of the weight distribution. For example, mother's education has no effect on black children, but is associated with improvements in BMI for overweight white boys and underweight white girls. Conversely, mother's cognitive aptitude has no effect on white boys, but is associated with BMI improvements for underweight black children and overweight white girls. Further, we find that underweight white children and black girls experience similar improvements in BMI as they get older, but that for black boys there is little if any association between age and BMI anywhere in the BMI distribution.  相似文献   

Celia Rodd  Atul K. Sharma 《CMAJ》2016,188(13):E313-E320
Background:Previous studies have shown an increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among Canadian children from 23.3% to 34.7% during 1978–2004. We examined the most recent trends by applying current definitions of overweight and obesity based on World Health Organization (WHO) body mass index (BMI) thresholds and recently validated norms for waist circumference and waist:height ratio.Methods:We examined directly measured height and weight data from the Canadian Community Health Survey (2004–2005) and the Canadian Health Measures Survey (2009–2013). We calculated z scores for BMI, height and weight based on the 2014 WHO growth charts for Canada, including the new extension of weight-for-age beyond 10 years. To calculate z scores for waist circumference and waist:height ratios, we used new charts from the reference population in the US NHANES III (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988–1994).Results:Data were available for 14 014 children aged 3–19 years for the period 2004–2013. We observed a decline in the prevalence of overweight or obesity, from 30.7% (95% confidence interval [CI] 29.7% to 31.6%) to 27.0% (95% CI 25.3% to 28.7%) (p < 0.001) and stabilization in the prevalence of obesity at about 13%. These trends persisted after we adjusted for age, sex and race/ethnicity. Although they declined, the median z scores for BMI, weight and height were positive and higher than those in the WHO reference population. The z scores for waist circumference and waist:height ratio were negative, which indicated that the Canadian children had less central adiposity than American children in historic or contemporary NHANES cohorts.Interpretation:After a period of dramatic growth, BMI z scores and the prevalence of overweight or obesity among Canadian children decreased from 2004 to 2013, which attests to progress against this important public health challenge.Ongoing pan-Canadian surveys such as the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) and Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) are important to evaluate the health of our population using representative national samples.1,2 Self-reported heights and weights replaced direct measurement during 1978–2004, which underestimated true rates of overweight and obesity.3 A subsequent comparison of directly measured heights and weights during the same period showed an alarming increase in the prevalence of overweight or obesity among Canadian children aged 2–17 years, from 23.3% (95% confidence interval [CI] 20.5% to 26.0%) to 34.7% (95% CI 33.0% to 36.4%) based on the new World Health Organization (WHO) definitions.1In Canada, the definitions of overweight and obesity changed with the introduction of the 2010 WHO growth charts for Canada.4,5 Previous definitions were based on body mass index (BMI) percentiles from the 2000 US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) growth charts.6 In addition to revising these percentile thresholds, the WHO charts were based on a different reference population; as a result, the proportion of Canadian children classified as overweight or obese increased with the introduction of the new WHO charts.1,7,8 Moreover, the absolute percentile thresholds now vary by age, with toddlers (2 to ≤ 5 yr) having higher thresholds to define overweight and obesity than older children (age > 5 to 19 yr).4Results from the United States have shown a decline in obesity rates among toddlers and a plateau in rates among older children;9,10 stabilization has also been noted in other jurisdictions (e.g., Germany and Australia).1116 We undertook this study to determine the most recent trends in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among Canadian children using the current WHO weight charts for Canada applied to a representative sample of children.  相似文献   

This study was designed to provide estimates of overweight (OW), obesity (OB), and abdominal OB (AO) in a representative sample of adolescents throughout the whole of Greece. A total of 14,456 adolescents aged 13-19 years (6,677 boys and 7,779 girls) had direct measurements (height, weight, waist circumference (WC)) taken at school during 2003. The overall prevalence of OW including OB in the population studied was 29.4% in boys and 16.7% in girls. OB prevalence was also higher in boys than in girls (6.1% vs. 2.7%), whereas prevalence of AO was higher in girls than in boys (21.7% vs. 13.5%). Rates of OW, OB, and AO were significantly more prevalent in the Greek than in the foreign male population (immigrants). OW% in adolescent girls was independently associated with smoking and alcohol consumption. The prevalence of OW and OB in Greek adolescents is high, particularly in boys, comparable with that reported for most Mediterranean European countries. AO, mainly in adolescent girls, also appears high. Preventive and treatment strategies are urgently needed to combat this OB epidemic in Greece.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to estimate consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) and investigate factors that affect participation in therapy to reduce weight or prevent obesity. As for the decision to participate in obesity prevention therapy, the results show that the price charged for therapy is the key factor. Furthermore, the gender, education, income, the concern that work achievement is affected by obesity, and health condition variables are found to be important and significant determinants of the decision to participate in the therapy. The average willingness to pay for obesity reduction therapy which could reduce weight by 5 kg in 3 months is estimated to be NT$12,531 (US$362) among the sample respondents. The results of the profile analysis suggest that obese females with high education, high income, who think that obesity affects work achievement, and who have tried to control their weight are the most likely to be willing to pay the greatest amount for the weight-reduction therapy.  相似文献   

In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) about one in six children under 5 years of age--or about 9 million children--suffer from longer-run undernourishment reflected in stunting. This paper introduces, places in perspective and presents a common micro analytical framework for the seven papers in this symposium that investigate the household and community determinants of child malnourishment in eight countries in LAC. These papers are the outcomes of a research project supported by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Research Department Latin American and Caribbean Research Network Project on "Child Health, Poverty and the Role of Social Policies" in 2003-2004.  相似文献   

There is much evidence to suggest that both genes and prenatal environment influence life chances. However, recent within-twin estimates also raise questions about how the influence of genes and prenatal environment may vary across different subgroups of a population and over time. This paper explores such potential variation within the 1st year of life. Using data on twin births from the 1995-1997 Matched Multiple Birth Database and an analytic strategy based on the Weinberg assumption, this paper considers how associations between birth weight and infant mortality vary across identical and fraternal twins, gestational age, and time. Results suggest that the influence of genes and prenatal environment vary most significantly by gestational age. In pregnancies that lasted less than 37 weeks, within-twin variation in prenatal environment is able to account for negative associations between birth weight and infant mortality. However, in pregnancies that lasted 37 weeks or longer, underlying genetic variation across fraternal twins appears to be largely responsible for birth weight-mortality associations. Such distinct findings by gestation suggest that genes and prenatal environment may play varying roles in birth weight-mortality associations across different situations.  相似文献   

The 20-m shuttle run (20-mSRT) is a widely used field test to estimate peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) and thus to assess aerobic fitness of adolescents (11). The purpose of this study was to analyse differences in basic anthropometric measurements (stature, body mass, percent body fat, BMI) and in aerobic fitness of Hungarian and Ukrainian adolescent boys and girls. We examined gender differences in maximal speed (km h-1), in peak VO2 (mL kg-1 min-1) and maximal heart rate (HRmax min-1). Two hundred ninety-two Ukrainian (mean age=16.5±0.5) and 374 (mean age=16.5±0.5) Hungarian adolescents volunteered to participate in this study. Differences were analysed using factorial analysis of the variance (ANOVA) and Student's t-test. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Hungarian boys and girls were significantly taller, heavier and had higher percent body fat than their Ukrainian counterparts. Altogether 10% of Hungarians and 7% of Ukrainians were classified overweight or obese according to Cole's BMI classification (4). VO2peak of Ukrainians (mean=49.44±5.29 mL kg-1 min-1) were significantly higher than that of Hungarians (mean=41.93±8.40 mL kg-1 min-1). Maximal heart rate also differed significantly (Ukrainians mean=201.12±8.43 min-1 vs. Hungarians mean=185.38±18.38 min-1).In conclusion, aerobic fitness of the Ukrainian adolescents was significantly higher than that of the Hungarians independently of BMI or gender.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe objective of this study was to compare the association between mental well-being between obese (classes 1 and 2), over-weight and non-obese population-based individualsMethodsA population-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia. A total of 1019 Saudi nationals aged ≥ 18 years participated in the survey. BMI scores were used to categorize participants into three groups: Obese, overweighted and non-obese/non-overweight. Mental well-being was evaluated by using the validated Arabic version of the General Health Questionnaire version 12 (GHQ-12).ResultsWe used total GHQ score (Mean=12; SD=5.23) to compare mental well-being between the four BMI class categories. The overall one-way ANOVA model was statistically significant (F = 7.018, d = 6, P < 0.001). In multivariate analysis, after adjusting for sociodemographic variables, diabetes and smoking statuses we found that higher psychological distress (as evident by a higher total GHQ score) was associated with higher BMI. The unstandardized Beta regression coefficient = 2.627; P = 0.034). Females were more likely to have higher psychological distress than males (unstandardized Beta = 1.466, P = 0.003). Job status whether being unemployed or ‘civilian’ (civil worker) was significantly associated with higher psychological distress (unstandardized Beta = 1.405, P = 0.041). Being diabetic has a 1.6 times higher risk of psychological distress (unstandardized Beta = 1.604, P = 0.027).ConclusionThe study highlights the public health implications of psychological distress amongst individuals with overweight and obesity in Saudi Arabia. Future longitudinal studies should explore the temporality of this relationship.  相似文献   

The aim of this article was to investigate the prevalence of overweight and obesity using selected anthropometric variables in a sample of hospitalized coronary heart disease (CHD) patients in Croatia (N = 1,298). Prevalence of overweight and obesity in surveyed patient population was high: 48.2% of participants were overweight and 28.6% were obese according to their body mass index; measured through waist-to-hip ratio 54.5% of participants were centrally obese. These data on prevalences of overweight, obesity and central obesity show that although there are some reassuring trends, there is still considerable amount of work to be done if the prevalence of this cardiovascular risk factor is to be reduced further among Croatian CHD patients. While the prevalence of obesity seems to be on the decline, the prevalence of overweight is rising, which may be just an early warning sign of an incoming wave of obesity epidemic in future years.  相似文献   

The rising prevalence of generalized obesity is well documented, but less is known about trends in abdominal obesity. Levels of abdominal obesity and overweight are reported for adults in the Health Survey for England (HSE) by survey year and age for 1993-2008. HSE is a nationally representative cross-sectional population survey using an interviewer-administered questionnaire and measurement of waist circumference (WC) by nurse, allowing calculation of abdominal overweight and obesity (≥94 cm and ≥102 cm in men, and ≥80 cm and ≥88 cm in women). A total of 40,001 men and 46,397 women aged 18-67 provided data on WC in this period. Between 1993 and 2008 abdominal overweight rose from 44.9% to 62.3% in men, and from 46.6% to 66.8% in women, while abdominal obesity rose from 19.2% to 35.7% in men, and from 23.8% to 43.9% women. However, the rates of increase over time in England appear to be slowing down: curves with a less than linear increase each year were a better fit to the data than a linear trend. There was some variation across the age range in the time trend in abdominal obesity and overweight, in that the absolute increases over time were slightly less for younger adults.  相似文献   

The potential effect that food prices may have on the health of the U.S. population needs to be further explored, particularly in light of the rising food prices currently being observed. Declining food prices over time have been singled out as a main contributor, for example, to the rising trend in obesity. In this paper we use data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the American Chamber of Commerce Researchers Association, the Consumer Expenditure Survey, and the United States Department of Agriculture to analyze trends in various types of food prices, to create a food price index, and to estimate the price of a calorie. Results may be used by future researchers in estimating the health implications of these trends. We find that while the general trend in food prices has been declining, that of restaurant meal prices and prices of fruits and vegetables has risen over time. It is doubtful that the decline in food prices has been sufficiently large to account for the large increase in caloric intake that is said to have contributed to the obesity epidemic in the U.S.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine secular trends in overweight/obesity among 7‐ to 15‐year‐olds for the periods 1985, 1997, and 2004. Research Method and Procedures: Data from representative surveys conducted in New South Wales, Australia, in 1985, 1997, and 2004 were analyzed. Height and weight were measured, and BMI categories were created using International Obesity Task Force definitions. Students were grouped as Grades 2 + 4 + 6 and 8 + 10. Results: The prevalences of overweight/obesity for 1985, 1997, and 2004 were 10.9%, 20.6%, and 25.7% among the younger boys and 10.6%, 19.5%, and 26.1% among the older boys. The average annual rate of increase for 1985 to 1997 was 0.81% and for 1997 to 2004 was 0.73% among the younger boys and was 0.74% and 0.94% for the two periods among the older boys. The prevalences of overweight/obesity in 1985, 1997, and 2004 were 14.0%, 22.0%, and 24.8% among the younger girls and 8.3%, 17.9%, and 19.8% among the older girls, respectively. The average annual rates of increase for the two periods were 0.8% and 0.4% among the younger girls and 0.80% and 0.27% among the older girls. Change in the prevalence of overweight/obesity and socioeconomic status were not associated. Discussion: Over the period 1985 to 1997, the prevalence of overweight and obesity increased significantly among the younger and older boys and the younger girls. The prevalence of overweight, but not obesity, increased among the older girls over this period. Over the period 1997 to 2004, the prevalence of overweight/obesity combined increased significantly among boys of both age groups but not among girls.  相似文献   

Objective: The goal was to estimate the prevalence of overweight, obesity, underweight, and abdominal obesity among the adult population of Iran. Research Methods and Procedures: A nationwide cross‐sectional survey was conducted from December 2004 to February 2005. The selection was conducted by stratified probability cluster sampling through household family members in Iran. Weight, height, and waist circumference (WC) of 89,404 men and women 15 to 65 years of age (mean, 39.2 years) were measured. The criteria for underweight, normal‐weight, overweight, and Class I, II, and III obesity were BMI <18.5, 18.5 to 24.9, 25 to 29.9, 30 to 34.9, 35 to 39.9, and ≥40 (kg/m2), respectively. Abdominal obesity was defined as WC ≥102 cm in men and ≥88 cm in women. Results: The age‐adjusted means for BMI and WC were 24.6 kg/m2 in men and 26.5 kg/m2 in women and 86.6 cm in men and 89.6 cm in women, respectively. The age‐adjusted prevalence of overweight or obesity (BMI ≥25) was 42.8% in men and 57.0% in women; 11.1% of men and 25.2% of women were obese (BMI ≥30), while 6.3% of men and 5.2% of women were underweight. Age, low physical activity, low educational attainment, marriage, and residence in urban areas were strongly associated with obesity. Abdominal obesity was more common among women than men (54.5% vs. 12.9%) and greater with older age. Discussion: Excess body weight appears to be common in Iran. More women than men present with overweight and abdominal obesity. Prevention and treatment strategies are urgently needed to address the health burden of obesity.  相似文献   

Following German re-unification, East Germany moved from a state-socialist to a market-based economic system. Using West Germany as a “control group”, we examine how the change affected the level and the equality of the biological standard of living. We find that before unification, East Germany had a lower but somewhat more equally distributed biological standard of living than the West. After unification, East Germany rapidly caught up in terms of height but at the expense of equality. This suggests that a trade-off exists between a high and an equally distributed biological standard of living. Unlike previous research, we find that West Germany's pre-unification height advantage was smallest in towns with 5000-20,000 inhabitants and largest in cities with 20,000-100,000 inhabitants (females) or in cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants (males). Between regions, height converged both in East and West Germany, but particularly markedly among East-German males. Equality convergence, like height convergence, is significantly larger for East than for West-German males.  相似文献   

The study provides the body mass index (BMI), the prevalence of overweight (OW) and obesity (OB) in Lithuanian children and adolescents, 1985-2002. In the 2000-2002 more than 9000 schoolchildren of 7-18 years old were investigated in the 5 biggest towns and surrounding settlements of Lithuania. These data were compared with the 1985 data. The prevalence of OW and OB was estimated using the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) cut-off points. The prevalence of OW in Lithuanian children and adolescents was higher among younger schoolchildren in comparison with older adolescents. OW was lower among the older girls in comparison with the older boys: 4.60%-11.50%/4.80%0-13.62% in the 7-13 years girls/boys, versus 1.50%-6.60%/3.90%-9.50% in the 14-18 years old girls/boys. The prevalence of OW among younger Lithuanian adolescents did not change significantly in the last 15 years, but it slightly decreased in older boys and demonstrably diminished in older adolescent girls. In generally, the prevalence of OW among Lithuanian adolescents is low in comparison with the prevalence of OW in children from the other countries.  相似文献   

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