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Human ecology and crime: A routine activity approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Prior explanations of the distributions of crime have tended to emphasize the criminal intentions of people without considering adequately the circumstances in which criminal acts occur. This paper examines how community structure generates these circumstances and applies Amos Hawley's human ecological theory in treating criminal acts as routine activities which feed upon other routine activities. For example, we consider how married women in the labor force, persons living alone, and lightweight durable goods provide offenders with circumstances favorable for carrying out certain illegal acts. We examine in particular how directcontact predatory violations require the convergence in space and time of offenders, suitable targets,and the absence of effective guardians.Various trends in the social structure can alter crime rates by affecting the likelihood of this convergence, without necessarily requiring changes in the criminal inclinations of individuals.  相似文献   

Humans have a dual nature. We are subject to the same natural laws and forces as other species yet dominate global ecology and exhibit enormous variation in energy use, cultural diversity, and apparent social organization. We suggest scientists tackle these challenges with a macroecological approach—using comparative statistical techniques to identify deep patterns of variation in large datasets and to test for causal mechanisms. We show the power of a metabolic perspective for interpreting these patterns and suggesting possible underlying mechanisms, one that focuses on the exchange of energy and materials within and among human societies and with the biophysical environment. Examples on human foraging ecology, life history, space use, population structure, disease ecology, cultural and linguistic diversity patterns, and industrial and urban systems showcase the power and promise of this approach.  相似文献   

Tropical grassy biomes (TGBs) are changing rapidly the world over through a coalescence of high rates of land-use change, global change and altered disturbance regimes that maintain the ecosystem structure and function of these biomes. Our theme issue brings together the latest research examining the characterization, complex ecology, drivers of change, and human use and ecosystem services of TGBs. Recent advances in ecology and evolution have facilitated a new perspective on these biomes. However, there continues to be controversies over their classification and state dynamics that demonstrate critical data and knowledge gaps in our quantitative understanding of these geographically dispersed regions. We highlight an urgent need to improve ecological understanding in order to effectively predict the sensitivity and resilience of TGBs under future scenarios of global change. With human reliance on TGBs increasing and their propensity for change, ecological and evolutionary understanding of these biomes is central to the dual goals of sustaining their ecological integrity and the diverse services these landscapes provide to millions of people.This article is part of the themed issue ‘Tropical grassy biomes: linking ecology, human use and conservation’.  相似文献   

We analyze evolution of individual flowering phenologies by combining an ecological model of pollinator behavior with a genetic model of inbreeding depression for plant viability. The flowering phenology of a plant genotype determines its expected daily floral display which, together with pollinator behavior, governs the population rate of geitonogamous selfing (fertilization among flowers on the same plant). Pollinators select plant phenologies in two ways: they are more likely to visit plants displaying more flowers per day, and they influence geitonogamous selfing and consequent inbreeding depression via their abundance, foraging behavior, and pollen carry‐over among flowers on a plant. Our model predicts two types of equilibria at stable intermediate selfing rates for a wide range of pollinator behaviors and pollen transfer parameters. Edge equilibria occur at maximal or minimal selfing rates and are constrained by pollinators. Internal equilibria occur between edge equilibria and are determined by a trade‐off between pollinator attraction to large floral displays and avoidance of inbreeding depression due to selfing. We conclude that unavoidable geitonogamous selfing generated by pollinator behavior can contribute to the common occurrence of stable mixed mating in plants.  相似文献   

Trade‐offs in species performances of different ecological functions is one of the most common explanations for coexistence in communities. Despite the potential for species coexistence occurring at local or regional spatial scales, trade‐offs are typically approached at a single scale. In recent years, ecologists have increasingly provided evidence for the importance of community processes at both local and regional spatial scales. This review summarizes the theoretical predictions for the traits associated with trade‐offs under different conditions and at different spatial scales. We provide a spatial framework for understanding trade‐offs, coexistence and the supportive empirical evidence. Predictions are presented that link the patterns of diversity observed to the patterns of trade‐offs that lead to coexistence at different spatial scales. Recent evidence for the evolution of trade‐offs under different conditions is provided which explores both laboratory microcosm studies and phylogenetic tests. Examining trade‐offs within a spatial framework can provide a strong approach to understanding community structure and dynamics, while explaining patterns of species diversity.  相似文献   

We used the predictions of the ideal free and ideal despoticdistributions (IFD and IDD, respectively) as a basis to evaluatethe link between spatial heterogeneity, behavior, and populationdynamics in a Caribbean coral reef fish. Juvenile three-spotdamselfish (Stegastes planifrons) were more closely aggregatedin patch reef habitat than on continuous back reef. Agonisticinteractions were more frequent but feeding rates were lowerin the patch versus the continuous reef habitat. Growth rateswere lower in patch reef habitat than on the continuous reef,but mortality rates did not differ. A separate experiment usingstandard habitat units demonstrated that the patterns observedin natural habitat were the result of the spatial distributionof the habitat patches rather than resource differences between habitats. Our results do not follow the predictions of simpleIFD or IDD models. This deviation from IFD and IDD predictionsmay be the result of a number of factors, including lack ofperfect information about habitat patches, high movement costs,and higher encounter rates of dispersed patches. Our resultsdemonstrate that behavioral interactions are an integral partof population dynamics and that it is necessary to considerthe spatial organization of the habitat in both behavioraland ecological investigations.  相似文献   

Stirling CJ  Lord JM 《Current biology : CB》2006,16(24):R1035-R1037
Misfolded proteins in the ER require the p97 AAA ATPase for dislocation across the membrane prior to degradation by the cytosolic proteasome. The mechanism by which dislocated proteins are delivered to the proteasome from p97 is unclear, but recent studies suggest an important regulatory role for the protein ataxin-3.  相似文献   

A temporal approach to linking aboveground and belowground ecology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ecologists are becoming increasingly aware of the role of aboveground-belowground relationships in controlling ecosystem processes and properties. Here, we review recent studies that show that relationships between aboveground and belowground communities operate over a hierarchy of temporal scales, ranging from days to seasons, to millennia, with differing consequences for ecosystem structure and function. We propose that a temporal framework is crucial to our understanding of the nature and ecological significance of relationships between aboveground and belowground communities.  相似文献   

Aim The global richness gradient of angiosperm families is correlated with current climate, and it has been claimed that historical processes are not necessary to understand patterns of plant family richness. This claim has drawn criticism, and there have been doubts about the quality of the data used to quantify the pattern. We revisit this issue using the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) III classification and revised range maps, and we incorporate an evolutionary variable, family age, to explore covariation between evolution and ecology and their links to climate via the tropical conservatism hypothesis (TCH). Location Global. Methods The richness pattern for 408 families was derived from range maps, and family ages were derived from a dated angiosperm phylogeny. Patterns were generated for all families, 143 families composed of trees, and 149 families composed of herbs. We also examined family range size patterns to test the extent to which extratropical floras are nested subsets of tropical floras. Ordinary least squares (OLS) multiple and partial regressions were used to generate climate models for richness, mean range size and mean age for each plant dataset and to evaluate the covariation between contemporary climate and clade age as correlates of family richness. Results We confirmed the strong association between contemporary climate and family richness. Age patterns predicted by TCH were also found for families comprising trees. The richness of herbaceous families, in contrast, was correlated with climate but the age pattern was not as predicted by TCH. Floras in cold and dry areas are strongly nested within richer tropical floras. Main conclusions Phylogenetic niche conservatism at the family level offers a likely explanation for the global diversity gradient of trees, but not for non‐desert herbs, probably because of the faster evolutionary rates for herbs and less constrained evolutionary responses to climate change. Thus, it appears that multiple processes account for the overall angiosperm family gradient. Our analysis also demonstrates that even very strong associations of taxon richness and climate do not preclude evolutionary processes, as has been widely argued, and that climatic and evolutionary hypotheses for richness gradients are not mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

Mikelsaar M 《Anaerobe》2011,17(6):463-467
Health care-associated infections are closely associated with different medical interventions which interrupt the balance of human microbiota. The occasional predominance of opportunistic pathogens may lead to their translocation into the lymph nodes and bloodstream, causing endogenous (primary or secondary) hospital infections. The question is raised as to if there is a possibility for prevention of the imbalance of GI microbiota during medical interventions in critically ill patients. Prophylactic selective decontamination of the digestive tract (SDD) simultaneously applies three to four different antimicrobials for the suppression of enteric aerobic microbes, which are potentially pathogenic microorganisms. However, there is no convincing evidence that the indigenous beneficial intestinal microbiota are preserved, resulting in reduced mortality of high-risk patients. In this overview, we have evaluated the antimicrobial treatment guidelines of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) for intra-abdominal infections in adults and seniors according to their safety for different Lactobacillus spp. The data from our group and in the literature have shown that all tested lactobacilli strains (nearly one hundred) were insusceptible to metronidazole while different species of lactobacilli of the three fermentation groups expressed particular antibiotic susceptibility to vancomycin, cefoxitin, ciprofloxacin and some new tetracyclines. We have relied on microbial ecology data showing that the GI tracts of adults and the elderly are simultaneously colonised at least with several (four to a maximum of 12) Lactobacillus species expressing variable intrinsic insusceptibility to the aforementioned antimicrobials, according to the provided data in table. This finding offers the possibility of preserving the colonisation of the intestine with some beneficial lactobacilli during antimicrobial treatment in critically ill patients with health care-associated infections. Several probiotic Lactobacillus spp. strains are intrinsically resistant to antimicrobials and can be used during antibacterial therapy, however, their application as an additive to antimicrobial treatment in critically ill patients needs to be investigated in well-designed clinical trials.  相似文献   

New fields of inquiry rarely spring fully grown from the forehead of a single genius, and in addition, it is often difficult to decide when a related set of inquiries has coalesced sufficiently to define a field. As measured by the solicitation and publication of review articles, human behavioral ecology has recently become a self-conscious field, for this is the third essay to review it1,2 and a book-length survey will appear later this year.3 In this two-part article, I will try to give readers a sense of the field by outlining its theoretical and methodological principles and key issues and by summarizing representative studies and unresolved questions in three main topical areas: subsistence strategies (Part I) and reproductive strategies and social interactions (Part II).  相似文献   

Human behavioral ecology is an interdisciplinary field of study applying theory from evolutionary ecology to a variety of anthropological questions. In Part I of this essay,1 which appeared in an earlier issue, I surveyed key theoretical and methodological elements of the field, and summarized representative studies and issues in the topical area of subsistence strategies. In Part II, I turn to studies of reproductive strategies, and those analyzing patterns of cooperation and competition in an ecological and adaptive framework. I conclude with a brief look at possible future developments in the field.  相似文献   

Many factors influence the evolution of primate grouping patterns, including phylogeny, demographic and life-history variables, and ecological factors such as access to food, predation pressure, and avoidance of infanticide. The interaction between these factors determines social organization.1 Because western lowland and mountain gorillas differ so dramatically in their habitats and foraging strategies, they provide a valuable opportunity to assess how changes in ecology influence this balance. Mountain gorillas live in high-altitude montane forests, are herbivorous, and live in stable and cohesive groups. Western lowland gorillas live in lowland rainforest and are much more frugivorous than mountain gorillas. It is not yet clear to what extent incorporating significant quantities of fruit in the diet influences western lowland gorilla sociality because they have been studied much less than have mountain gorillas. However, what is known about their behavior hints that there may also be considerable differences in their social organization, including changes in group size and cohesion and in the frequency and type of intergroup encounters. Gorillas thus provide a unique opportunity to reevaluate proposed models of ecological influences on social organization in African apes.© 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Caste evolution is a central process in the adaptive diversification of insect superorganisms. Nevertheless, how ecology shapes adaptive caste evolution remains poorly understood. Recent work with the ant genus Cephalotes has provided new comparative evidence that ecological specialization may drive adaptive caste specialization. Here, three key predictions of this adaptive hypothesis are supported, using a representative of the highest level of ecological specialization and the most specialized soldier phenotype. First, soldier defensive performance was maximal for the specific nesting resource used most often in nature. Second, colonies only used a specialized subset of available nesting resources and preferred the specific resource that maximizes soldier performance. Third, soldier performance and its limitations on resource use were found to have both direct and indirect consequences for colony reproduction. These findings suggest that the most specialized soldier phenotype in Cephalotes is indeed an adaptation to ecological specialization on a narrowly defined subset of available nesting resources.  相似文献   

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