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All pancreatic endocrine cells, producing glucagon, insulin, somatostatin, or PP, differentiate from Pdx1+ progenitors that transiently express Neurogenin3. To understand whether the competence of pancreatic progenitors changes over time, we generated transgenic mice expressing a tamoxifen-inducible Ngn3 fusion protein under the control of the pdx1 promoter and backcrossed the transgene into the ngn3(-/-) background, devoid of endogenous endocrine cells. Early activation of Ngn3-ER(TM) almost exclusively induced glucagon+ cells, while depleting the pool of pancreas progenitors. As from E11.5, Pdx1+ progenitors became competent to differentiate into insulin+ and PP+ cells. Somatostatin+ cells were generated from E14.5, while the competence to make glucagon+ cells was dramatically decreased. Hence, pancreas progenitors, similar to retinal or cortical progenitors, go through competence states that each allow the generation of a subset of cell types. We further show that the progenitors acquire competence to generate late-born cells in a mechanism that is intrinsic to the epithelium.  相似文献   

Hypercalcemia occurring in a patient with an islet cell carcinoma of the pancreas suggests the diagnosis of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type I and associated hyperparathyroidism. We describe a patient with an islet cell carcinoma and hypercalcemia in whom low concentrations of PTH, the absence of skeletal metastases, hypophosphatemia, and elevated nephrogenous cAMP alternatively suggested the syndrome of humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy. The peptide PTHrP was measured in the patient's serum during the course of therapy by an immunoradiometric assay directed toward the midportion of the molecule. Hypercalcemia was treated with an investigational aminobisphosphonate. The concentration of PTHrP[56-86] increased over time and fell after the patient received chemotherapy directed toward the islet cell tumor.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Ghrelin, an endogenous ligand of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R), was recently identified in the stomach. Ghrelin is produced in a population of endocrine cells in the gastric mucosa, but expression in intestine, hypothalamus and testis has also been reported. Recent data indicate that ghrelin affects insulin secretion and plays a direct role in metabolic regulation and energy balance. On the basis of these findings, we decided to examine whether ghrelin is expressed in human pancreas. Specimens from fetal to adult human pancreas and stomach were studied by immunocytochemistry, for ghrelin and islet hormones, and in situ hybridisation, for ghrelin mRNA. RESULTS: We identified ghrelin expression in a separate population of islet cells in human fetal, neonatal, and adult pancreas. Pancreatic ghrelin cells were numerous from midgestation to early postnatally (10% of all endocrine cells). The cells were few, but regularly seen in adults as single cells at the islet periphery, in exocrine tissue, in ducts, and in pancreatic ganglia. Ghrelin cells did not express any of the known islet hormones. In fetuses, at midgestation, ghrelin cells in the pancreas clearly outnumbered those in the stomach. CONCLUSIONS: Ghrelin is expressed in a quite prominent endocrine cell population in human fetal pancreas, and ghrelin expression in the pancreas precedes by far that in the stomach. Pancreatic ghrelin cells remain in adult islets at lower numbers. Ghrelin is not co-expressed with any known islet hormone, and the ghrelin cells may therefore constitute a new islet cell type.  相似文献   

The pancreas emerges independently from dorsal and ventral domains of embryonic gut endoderm. Gene inactivation experiments in mice have identified factors required for dorsal pancreas development, but factors that initiate the ventral pancreas have remained elusive. In this study, we investigated the hypothesis that the emergence of the ventral pancreas is related to the emergence of the liver. We find that the liver and ventral pancreas are specified at the same time and in the same general domain of cells. Using embryo tissue explantation experiments, we find that the default fate of the ventral foregut endoderm is to activate the pancreas gene program. FGF signalling from the cardiac mesoderm diverts this endoderm to express genes for liver instead of those for pancreas. No evidence was found to indicate that the cell type choice for pancreas or liver involves a selection for growth or viability. Cardiac mesoderm or FGF induces the local expression of sonic hedgehog, which in turn is inhibitory to pancreas but not to liver. The bipotential precursor cell population for pancreas and liver in embryonic development and its fate selection by FGF has features that appear to be recapitulated in the adult pancreas and are reflected in the evolution of these organs.  相似文献   

Developmental regulation of the intrathymic T cell precursor population   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The maturation potential of CD4-8- thymocytes purified from mice of different developmental ages was examined in vivo after intrathymic injection. As previously reported, 14-day fetal CD4-8- thymocytes produced fewer CD4+ than CD8+ progeny in peripheral lymphoid tissues, resulting in a CD4+:CD8+ ratio of less than or equal to 1.0. In contrast, adult CD4-8- thymocytes generated CD4+ or CD8+ peripheral progeny in the proportions found in the normal adult animal (CD4+:CD8+ = 2 to 3). Here we have shown that CD4-8- precursor cells from the 17-day fetal thymus also produced peripheral lymphocytes with low CD4+:CD8+ ratios. Precursors from full term fetuses produced slightly higher CD4+:CD8+ ratios (1.1-1.6) and precursors from animals three to 4 days post-birth achieved CD4+:CD8+ ratios intermediate between those produced by fetal and adult CD4-8- thymocytes. Parallel changes in the production of alpha beta TCR+ peripheral progeny were observed. Fetal CD4-8- thymocytes generated fewer alpha beta TCR+ progeny than did adult CD4-8- thymocytes. However, peripheral lymphocytes arising from either fetal or adult thymic precursors showed similar proportions of gamma delta TCR+ cells. The same pattern of progeny was observed when fetal CD4-8- thymocytes matured in an adult or in a fetal thymic stromal environment. In contrast to fetal thymic precursors, fetal liver T cell precursors resembled adult CD4-8- thymocytes by all parameters measured. These results suggest that fetal thymic precursors are intrinsically different from both adult CD4-8- thymocytes and fetal liver T cell precursors. Moreover, they lead to the hypothesis that the composition of the peripheral T cell compartment is developmentally regulated by the types of precursors found in the thymus. A model is proposed in which migration of adult-like precursors from the fetal liver to the thymus approximately at birth triggers a transition from the fetal to the adult stages of intrathymic T cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Adrenomedullin is an α-amidated 52-amino acid peptide involved in many physiological actions, among others the regulation of insulin secretion. Using immunohistochemical methods, we found that adrenomedullin immunoreactivity first appears at day 11.5 of embryonic development in the rat, coinciding with the appearance of pancreatic glucagon. The early appearance of adrenomedullin in the developing pancreas may indicate an active involvement in either the morphogenesis of the organ or its endocrine/paracrine/autocrine hormone regulation during intrauterine life. We also investigated the pattern of colocalizations of adrenomedullin with the other pancreatic hormones. At some point during development all the cell types express adrenomedullin, progressively evolving towards the adult pattern where only the pancreatic polypeptide cells contain a strong immunoreactivity for adrenomedullin. At this point the remaining cells of the islet are, in general, weakly stained. This sequential and time-dependent expression of adrenomedullin suggests a tight regulation similar to that observed for other modulatory substances responsible for embryonic morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Identification of endogenous signals that regulate expansion and maturation of organ-specific progenitor cells is a major goal in studies of organ development. Here we provide evidence that growth differentiation factor 11 (GDF11), a member of the TGF-beta ligand family, governs the number and maturation of islet progenitor cells in mouse pancreas development. Gdf11 is expressed in embryonic pancreatic epithelium during formation of islet progenitor cells that express neurogenin 3. Mice deficient for Gdf11 harbor increased numbers of NGN3+ cells, revealing that GDF11 negatively regulates production of islet progenitor cells. Despite a marked expansion of these NGN3+ islet progenitors, mice lacking Gdf11 have reduced beta-cell numbers and evidence of arrested beta-cell development, indicating that GDF11 is also required for beta-cell maturation. Similar precursor and islet cell phenotypes are observed in mice deficient for SMAD2, an intracellular signaling factor activated by TGF-beta signals. Our data suggest that Gdf11 and Smad2 regulate islet cell differentiation in parallel to the Notch pathway, which previously has been shown to control development of NGN3+ cells. Thus, our studies reveal mechanisms by which GDF11 regulates the production and maturation of islet progenitor cells in pancreas development.  相似文献   

Specific antibodies to human glycophorin A and spectrin were used to study the expression of these membrane proteins in normal and pathologic human bone marrow. In immunofluorescence experiments spectrin and glycophorin A are found in 50–60% of the nucleated cells in normal bone marrow. These two proteins are expressed at all stages of red cell differentiation and can be traced at least to the earliest morphologically recognizable nucleated red cell precursor, the proerythroblast; the two proteins are specific for cells of the red cell series and are not found to be expressed in lymphocytic, granulocytic cells or platelets. These conclusions were drawn from studies on bone marrow in patients with a temporary block in erythropoiesis at the level of stem cells or of the pronormoblast. Bone marrow from these individuals either lacked all nucleated cells stainable for glycophorin A and spectrin or contained only pronormoblasts. Similar findings were obtained on spleen cells from mice which were made severely anemic by multiple injections with N-acetyl-phenylhydrazine. Antibodies to a sialoglycoprotein isolated from mouse red cell membranes stain 70–80% of all cells in the spleen of anemic animals, while only 1–2% of such cells are seen in the spleen of normal animals. Spectrin and glycophorin A could be labeled metabolically and isolated using specific antibodies. The human tumor cell line K562 expresses both membrane proteins, but induction experiments with various agents thus far have failed to change their expression.  相似文献   

Mice deficient in neurogenin 3 (Ngn3) fail to generate pancreatic endocrine cells and intestinal endocrine cells. Hypothalamic neuropeptides implicated in the control of energy homeostasis might also be affected in Ngn3 homozygous null mutant mice. We investigated the expression of two prominent orexigenic neuropeptides, neuropeptide Y (NPY) and agouti-related protein (AgRP), in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus of newborn wild-type and Ngn3 null mutant mice. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that, in Ngn3 null mutants, the number of NPY-immunoreactive neurons and nerve fibers was markedly increased in the arcuate nucleus, and the nerve fibers were widely distributed in the hypothalamic area, including the paraventricular and dorsomedial nuclei. Little increase of AgRP immunoreactivity was detected in the arcuate nucleus of mutant mice. In situ hybridization analysis confirmed the increased population of the NPY neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the mutants. The NPY mRNA level, as estimated by laser capture microdissection and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction, was 371% higher in Ngn3 null mutants than in wild-type mice. AgRP mRNA levels did not differ significantly between the null mutants and wild-type mice. Thus, up-regulation of the hypothalamic NPY system is probably a feature characteristic of Ngn3 null mice.  相似文献   

Summary Rats rendered diabetic by streptozotocin were subjected to pancreas transplantation. After twenty weeks, the duct-ligated pancreas transplant was studied morphometrically to determine the effect of duct occlusion on the various cell populations of the islets. Concomitantly, the streptozotocin-treated host pancreas was examined for a possible influence of the graft on the diabetic pattern of islet cell population. Twenty weeks after pancreas transplantation, the volume fractions of insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide cells in the graft islets did not differ from those of the normal control pancreas. In the pancreas of nontransplanted diabetic rats, insulin-positive B cells were reduced from 60–65% to less than 10% of the islet volume, whereas non-B cells were significantly increased in volume density. The changes in fractional volume of the various islet cells correlated fairly well with changes in plasma concentration of the corresponding pancreas hormones. In the recipient's own pancreas, the relative volumes of glucagon and somatostatin cells were unaffected by the pancreas transplant. However, the insulin cell mass was significantly increased, and comprised about 20% of the islet volume, while cells containing pancreatic polypeptide were found only sporadically.Supported by Nordic Insulin Fund, The Swedish Diabetes Association, and MFR, proj. no. 4499. The technical assistance by M. Maxe and M. Carlesson is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

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