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Summary The effect of transverse fragmentation on the segment pattern of the short germ embryo of the locust Schistocerca gregaria has been investigated at two stages subsequent to the formation of the germ anlage. Following fragmentation both anterior and posterior partial embryos were observed, although rarely in a single egg. Anterior partial patterns usually terminated with a segment visible at the time of fragmentation or with the next segment due to appear. Posterior partial patterns began with a wide range of segments depending on the level of fragmentation.Anterior and posterior partial patterns developing in a single egg were usually not complementary and the segments missing sometimes included some segments visible when the embryo was fragmented. Non-complementary patterns resulted following fragmentation in all regions, while complementary patterns only occurred after fragmentation in the visibly-segmented region.The results suggest that following fragmentation isolated posterior portions of the embryo continue to form segments, while isolated anterior regions usually do not. This effect could result from variable damage to an existing pattern of unequally-sized segment primordia, or from the disruption of a process of sequential segmentation in the elongating posterior region of the embryo. The results are broadly compatible with the progress zone model proposed by Summerbell et al. (1973).  相似文献   

Explanted oocytes and eggs of different developmental stages from the Hymenopteron Pimpla were fused in pairs as parabiotic tandems. Interactions within the tandem were analysed by time lapse films. Except for the exchange of nuclei, no joint development was observed, and each partner followed its own time pattern. The rapid cell cycles of the cleavage energids switched over to longer cycles according to the local developmental stage of the different egg regions, although all of the nuclei were still contained in a single plasmodium. In a second experimental series, nuclei in newly deposited eggs were X-rayed and replaced by cleavage energids from later stages injected into the wrong (=posterior) egg pole. Even injected blastoderm nuclei immediately took up mitotic activities and underwent rapid cell cycles characteristic of early cleavage. Normal embryos could be formed, although the nuclei had populated the egg in a reverse direction.  相似文献   

Summary A monoclonal antibody (MAb) that binds to a cell surface antigen selectively localized to epithelial cells undergoing morphogenesis was used to study the segmentation of the growing embryonic leg of the cockroachPeriplaneta americana. The MAb labels circumferential stripes of cells at locations where invagination will occur to form the leg segments. The formation of these stripes precedes any morphological change in the epithelial layer or in individual cells. The temporal and spatial distribution of the antigen indicates the existence of a prepattern for leg segmentation, examination of which can give information about pattern generating mechanisms. Although highly stereotyped, the sequence in which the stripes appear does not follow a simple pattern proceeding in one direction along the proximal-distal axis. It is proposed that each stripe is a boundary in a positional field. Stripe formation leads to the division of the leg into a repeating series of identical positional fields. Three different mechanisms for the formation of stripes of MAb labeled cells have been observed and the role of each in the evolution of the insect leg is discussed. Measurements of leg and leg segment lengths when the various stripes appear has demonstrated considerable variation, particularly at the early stages of segmentation. Rules or mechanisms generating pattern at early stages of development are not rigid. Variations arising are compensated for by later occurring events so that stereotyped structures are formed.  相似文献   

Generating developmental gradients by temperature gradients established within a developing organism is an easy, non-invasive technique to study physiological interdependencies between locally separated subsystems. A linear temperature gradient of about 10° C/mm was maintained up to 5 h in either direction along the long axis of a long-germ-type hymenopteran egg, which was simultaneously filmed by the 16 mm timelapse technique. The result was a dramatic desynchronization of development, which between the egg poles could reach up to 9.3 h relative to normal development. Within the same egg, up to seven mitotic waves (i.e. eight different nuclear generations) were observed at the same time, and the subsequent cellularization process was extremely asynchronous. The initial regions of the mitotic waves, the fountain flow of the ooplasm, and the gastrulation process were shifted towards the egg pole kept at higher temperatures. Developmental processes occurring successively in normal development now took place simultaneously, with either direction of the temperature gradient. For instance, while gastrulation had started in the warm region, midblastula transition and cellularization were in progress in the middle of the egg, and intravitelline nuclear multiplication occurred at the cold pole, by rapid and still biphasic cell cycles. In some respects, development resembled that of a short-germ-type insect egg. Nevertheless, the developmental processes were resynchronized after the temperature gradient was switched off. Surprisingly, the extreme desynchronization during early development did not affect the segment pattern of the resulting embryos. The technique of inducing well-defined developmental asynchronies might be applied in Drosophila to analyse the subtle interplay between maternal and zygotic gene activities described in this species.  相似文献   

Summary The eggs of the gall midgeHeteropeza pygmaea develop parthenogenetically inside of the mother larva. They lack a chorion and remain enveloped by the follicular epithelium. After experimental elimination of the follicular epithelium naked eggs are formed, which reach the blastoderm stage but remain spherical instead of assuming an elongated shape. To analyze this peculiar egg development and the roles of egg shape and envelope during development, the ultrastructure of cleaving normal and naked eggs was investigated. It was shown that the number of elements of Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum strongly increases during early cleavage. Their association with cleavage furrows and nuclei suggests that these organelles play a dominant role in membrane production. Egg yolk consists of lipids and glycogen, wheareas no proteins are found. Cleaving eggs contain numerous vesicles with lysosomal characteristics, indicating intense autophagic processes. Cleavage furrow formation occurs independently from the positioning of cleavage nuclei. The numerous microtubules, which are associated with cleavage furrows and nuclei and located in the egg periphery, the intercellular bridges, and in the central part of the egg, suggest that the cytoskeleton has an important role in cleavage furrow formation, blastoderm layer establishment, and yolk localization. Since these processes are accurately accomplished in naked spherical eggs, they can be considered as independent of normal egg shape and the follicular epithelium.  相似文献   

Summary Mice were immunized with membrane preparations of epidermal cells taken from different parts (internal and external face of femur and apex and base of tibia) of the metathoracic legs of cockroach larvae. Using indirect immunofluorescence, anti-internal face of femur antibodies were observed to bind preferentially to membranes from the internal face of the femur; similarly, anti-external face of femur antibodies bound preferentially to membranes from the external face of the femur. We also found a preferential binding of anti-apex of tibia antibodies to membranes from the apex of the tibia and anti-base of the tibia antibodies to membranes from the base of the tibia. When anti-tibia sera were tested on membranes from the femur, anti-apex of tibia antibodies bound preferentially to membranes from the apex of the femur, and anti-base of tibia antibodies bound preferentially to membranes from the base of the femur.This demonstrates that epidermal cell membranes from the different parts of the leg differ in their antigenic properties, and that these differences are related to their position around the appendage and along the proximodistal axis of segments.These results are in agreement with those of previous graft experiments and with the concept of ordered sequences in insect appendages.  相似文献   

Summary We describe the range of phenotypes caused by cell death when larvae of the heat-sensitive cell-lethal mutant,l(1)ts726 ofDrosophila, are subjected to heat treatment at different stages of development. When the treatment extends into the pupal period, certain bristles fail to develop but the disc derivatives are otherwise normal. Earlier treatments cause the replacement of sets of leg and eye-antennal markers by mirror image duplications of neighbouring sets. The results are compared in detail with those expected under a gradient model proposed earlier to account for the phenotype. It is found that although the results for the second leg are in excellent agreement with the predictions of the model, a more elaborate hypothesis is necessary to account for the eye-antennal disc data. Abnormal head patterns fall into several distinct categories, any one of which could be explained by postulating the existence of a gradient, if other categories did not also occur. The markers affected in each case belong to overlapping sets, and each category of pattern can be induced by heat treatments administered throughout the temperature-sensitive period. The statistical distribution of the data is such that only one category of pattern would be detected in a small scale experiment. The possible implications relative to pattern formation in normal development are discussed.Supported by NRC (Canada) grant number A6485 to M.A.R. and funds from the Committee for Computer Utilisation of the University of Alberta  相似文献   

Summary The double abdomen type of embryonic segment pattern can develop in posterior fragments ofCallosobruchus eggs. In this type of pattern, a series of posterior segments is joined in reversed polarity to an equal set from the original pattern persisting in normal polarity. Reversed and non-reversed sets are fused in a plane of mirror symmetry, which shows in the larval cuticle as a symmetry line. This line may be located anywhere in the posterior thorax or the anterior abdomen. The reversed abdomen may be incomplete caudally due to secondary causes. Polarity reversal and concomitant double abdomen formation occurred only when temporary constriction was terminated before cellularization of the blastoderm, and only when the anterior fragment was degenerating. Maximum reversal frequency was 94% of analyzable posterior partial larvae when the constriction was applied slightly anterior to the middle of the egg when the egg contained 4–32 nuclei. Reversal was often restricted to longitudinal strips of the larval cuticle. The longitudinal borderlines between the reversed and the non-reversed strips ran predominantly along the larval midlines. Such borderlines probably existed in the blastoderm anywhere around its circumference, but borderlines in the future mesoderm and serosa would be internalized during gastrulation and dorsal closure, respectively, and the embryonic midlines would then become secondary borderlines visible in the larval cuticle. If a morphogen is involved in segment pattern formation, its transport in the egg must be polarized longitudinally in order to account for reversals restricted to longitudinal cuticular strips.  相似文献   

4D microscopic observations of Caenorhabditis elegans development show that the nematode uses an unprecedented strategy for development. The embryo achieves pattern formation by sorting cells, through far-ranging movements, into coherent regions before morphogenesis is initiated. This sorting of cells is coupled to their particular fate. If cell identity is altered by experiment, cells are rerouted to positions appropriate to their new fates even across the whole embryo. This cell behavior defines a new mechanism of pattern formation, a mechanism that is also found in other animals. We call this new mechanism "cell focusing". When the fate of cells is changed, they move to new positions which also affect the shape of the body. Thus, this process is also important for morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Autoradiographs of tritiated thymidine uptake and subsequent light- and electron-microscopical examination revealed an onset of perineurial glial cell proliferation 3 days after injury to the CNS. The number of cells labelled increased rapidly until 7 days post-lesioning. At 2 weeks, the labelled cells equalled the number of nuclei present in the perineurium. No label was seen in the subperineurial cells, possibly because of the inability of the label to penetrate into a region where localised division is taking place.Prior to the onset of thymidine uptake, the damaged nerve cord was invaded by an exogenous reactive cell. The number of these cells increased rapidly in the first 48 h, then decreased as a negative exponential, very few remaining after 7 days. We suggest that this cell type must either return to the haemocoel or transform into a functional glial cell class.The repair of the insect central nervous system can be divided into three phases which show striking similarities to vertebrate repair sequences. These include: initial invasion of the lesion by exogenous cells, subsequent proliferation of glial cells, the longer term flux of cell numbers, their distribution and the time scale of events. This suggests that the insect CNS might provide a system for examining common cellular mechanisms and events.  相似文献   

R. W. Korn 《Protoplasma》1994,180(3-4):145-152
Summary Examples of short-range inhibition in plant development were sought which satisfy four criteria for simplicity of expression. The range of inhibition extends only to adjacent cells and these criteria are (1) pattern of expression is within a two-dimensional array of cells, (2) cells of the array do not proliferate during pattern formation, (3) spacing between special cells extends only for a distance of one cell, and (4) no unequal cell divisions occur to complicate the pattern of cell arrangement. In one case of hairs or trichomes, the cells are evenly dispersed over the adaxial surface of the sepal ofSalvia splendens L. The R value of Clark and Evans is 1.64 for hair arrangement and hairs are formed from 21.1% of the epidermal cells. Based on cell behavior and an assumed method of inhibition, ordinary differential equations were written for formation of three types of cells in the tissue, free cells (F), trichome-bearing cells (T), and inhibited cells (I). Computer generated numerical solutions for these equations give cell type frequencies of 0.056 (F), 0.198 (T), and 0.745 (I), close to the observed values of 0.057 (F), 0.211 (T), and 0.731 (I). A similar approach was employed in analysis for the deployment of the cotton fibers in the ovular epidermis ofGossypium hirsutum L. and for that of the floating stomata of the fernAnemia phyllitidis (L). Sw. In general, these three patterns of epidermal deriviatives are most easily explained by one-cell wide inhibition fields between inhibiting special cells and inhibited contiguous cells. Other patterns in plants cannot be explained by this mechanism.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans embryo achieves pattern formation by sorting cells into coherent regions before morphogenesis is initiated. The sorting of cells is coupled to their fate. Cells move extensively relative to each other to reach their correct position in the body plan. Analyzing the mechanism of cell sorting in in vitro culture experiments using 4D microscopy, we show that all AB-derived cells sort only according to their local neighbors, and that all cells are able to communicate with each other. The directions of cell movement do not depend on a cellular polarity but only on local cell-cell interactions; in experimental situations, this allows even the reversal of the polarity of whole regions of the embryo. The work defines a new mechanism of pattern formation we call "cell focusing".  相似文献   

The well known and most important function of nucleoli is ribosome biogenesis. However, the nucleolus showed delayed development and malfunction in somatic cell nuclear transfer (NT) embryos. Previous studies indicated that nearly half rRNA genes (rDNA) in somatic cells were inactive and not transcribed. We compared the rDNA methylation level, active nucleolar organizer region (NORs) numbers, nucleolar proteins (upstream binding factor (UBF), nucleophosmin (B23)) distribution, and nucleolar-related gene expression in three different donor cells and NT embryos. The results showed embryonic stem cells (ESCs) had the most active NORs and lowest rDNA methylation level (7.66 and 6.76%), whereas mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) were the opposite (4.70 and 22.57%). After the donor cells were injected into enucleated MII oocytes, cumulus cells and MEFs nuclei lost B23 and UBF signals in 20 min, whereas in ESC-NT embryos, B23 and UBF signals could still be detected at 60 min post-NT. The embryos derived from ESCs, cumulus cells, and MEFs showed the same trend in active NORs numbers (7.19 versus 6.68 versus 5.77, p < 0.05) and rDNA methylation levels (6.36 versus 9.67% versus 15.52%) at the 4-cell stage as that in donor cells. However, the MEF-NT embryos displayed low rRNA synthesis/processing potential at morula stage and had an obvious decrease in blastocyst developmental rate. The results presented clear evidences that the rDNA reprogramming efficiency in NT embryos was determined by the rDNA activity in donor cells from which they derived.  相似文献   

Summary In Periplaneta americana, SEM of abdominal nervous connectives revealed a rapid accumulation of haemocytes on the surface of the neural lamella within 24 h of selective disruption of the underlying neuroglia by ethidium bromide. After 4 days the neural lamella was effectively clear of adhering haemocytes, but showed characteristic blisters, which, it is postulated, represented the points of entry of the cells from the haemocoel into the underlying tissues. A notable subsequent feature was a substantial increase in the number of cells within repairing connectives. Initially, there was a marked asymmetry in their distribution, with significantly higher numbers of cells anterior to, and within, the lesion area. It seems likely that this polarity resulted from differential cell division within the connectives. The initial asymmetry disappeared after seven days. However, increased perineurial cell numbers were maintained in the lesion area after one month and were still apparent two months after selective glial disruption. There was no equivalent increase in cell numbers in the lesion zone of cultured cords or, in vivo, after injection of the DNA-scission drug, bleomycin, treatments which preclude haemocyte involvement. It is suggested that in the absence of haemocytes and with suppression of proliferation by endogenous cells, repair is achieved by redeployment or growth of adjacent, undamaged glia.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase (AP) and human lysozyme (h-LYZ), which contain two and four disulfide bonds, respectively, were expressed in a cell-free protein synthesis system constructed from Spodoptera frugiperda 21 (Sf21) cells. AP was expressed in a soluble and active form using the insect cell-free system under non-reducing conditions, and h-LYZ was expressed in a soluble and active form under non-reducing conditions after addition of reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG), and protein disulfide isomerase (PDI). The in vitro synthesized proteins were purified by means of a Strep-tag attached to their C termini. Approximately 41 microg AP and 30 microg h-LYZ were obtained from 1 mL each of the reaction mixture. The efficiency of protein synthesis approached that measured under reducing conditions. Analysis of the disulfide bond arrangements by MALDI-TOF MS showed that disulfide linkages identical to those observed in the wild-type proteins were formed.  相似文献   

The rap (retina aberrant in pattern) gene encodes the Fizzy-related protein (Fzr), which as an activator of the ubiquitin ligase complex; APC/C (anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome) facilitates the cell cycle stage-specific degradation of cyclins. Loss-of-function mutations in rap cause unscheduled accumulation of cyclin B in the developing eye imaginal disc, resulting in additional mitotic cycles and defective patterning of the developing Drosophila eye. Targeted mis-expression of rap/fzr in the eye primordial cells causes precocious cell cycle exit, and smaller primordial eye fields, which either eliminate or drastically reduce the size of the adult eye. Although mitosis is inhibited in the mis-expression animals, cells with abnormally large nuclei form tumor-like structures from continued endoreplication, cell growth and retinal differentiation. Interestingly, overexpression of Rap/Fzr in the eye primordia also increases the size of the antennal primordium resulting in the induction of ectopic antennae. These results suggest that Rap/Fzr plays an essential role in the timely exit of precursor cells from mitotic cycles and indicate that mechanisms that regulate cell cycle exit are critical during pattern formation and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

A recombinant baculovirus was constructed by the homologous recombination between wild-type AcMNPV DNA and a baculovirus transfer vector containing a gene coding for the 30K protein originating from silkworm hemolymph. The 30K protein was successfully expressed in Sf9 cells infected with the recombinant baculovirus (AcMNPV/30K). To investigate the effect produced by the expression of the 30K protein, host cell viability after infection was compared with that of Sf9 cells infected with AcMNPV/β-gal. The viability of the cells infected with AcMNPV/β-gal began to decrease exponentially 3 days after infection, whereas that of the cells infected with AcMNPV/30K remained at a high level until 5 days after infection. This indicates that the 30K protein increases cell longevity after viral infection. This increased cell longevity is considered to be due to the inhibition of host cell apoptosis induced by a baculovirus, and the extent of apoptosis was measured by the flow cytometric method. The percentage of the sub-G1 fraction, which represents the extent of apoptosis, was decreased by the expression of the 30K protein. This indicates that the expression of the 30K protein in insect cells increases host cell longevity by inhibiting apoptosis.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine early cyto-histological events associated with the reduced number of shoots formed at the end of culture in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) thin cell layers treated with methyl jasmonate (MJ) [S. Biondi et al. (2001) J Exp Bot 52:1–12]. The results show that 0.1–10 M MJ strongly stimulated mitotic activity early in culture relative to untreated controls. Treatment with MJ also induced anomalous mitoses. Enhanced proliferative growth was confirmed by northern analysis and in situ hybridisation using cDNA probes of the G1/S phase-specific genes ubiquitin carboxyl-extension protein (ubi-CEP), topoisomerase 1 (top1) and ribonucleotide reductase (RNR). The formation of meristematic cell clusters on day 5 was also enhanced by 1 M MJ, but subsequent development of these cell clusters into meristemoids and shoot primordia was reduced by all MJ concentrations in a dose-dependent manner. Cell expansion was stimulated by MJ concentrations ranging from 0.001 to 10 M; expanded cells frequently occurred around and within meristemoids and shoot primordia, and displayed thickened and suberised cell walls; cell wall thickness increased with increasing MJ concentration. These cytological events caused alterations in the tunica and stem differentiation of the shoot dome. The apparently paradoxical role of MJ, which deregulates shoot formation through a stimulation of growth events, i.e., mitotic activity and cell expansion, is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The expression of the neural crest cell (NCC) markers acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and the HNK-1-epitope is compared from the emigration of cephalic NCC until the formation of the cranial nerves V-X in chicken and quail hindbrain. We show that NCC transiently express acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity during their emigration; NCC migrate into butyrylcholinesterase (BChE)-positive areas of the cranial mesenchyme. Along these migratory tracks that foreshadow the course of later projecting cranial nerves, BChE increases strongly in cells that may represent immature Schwann cells. Both AChE and BChE, but not HNK-1, are expressed in the ectodermal placodes. In NCC, HNK-1 is expressed strongly only when they approach their destination sites. Their intense expression of HNK-1 then leads to the establishment of tunnel-shaped HNK-1 matrices, within which G4-positive cranial neurites begin to extend. We conclude that AChE and HNK-1 expression in cephalic NCC serve different functions, since AChE is related to their migration, and HNK-1 to their aggregation and the formation of an extracellular neurite scaffold.  相似文献   

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