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The significance of female color polymorphism in Odonata remains controversial despite many field studies. The importance of random factors (founder effects, genetic drift and migration) versus selective forces for the maintenance of this polymorphism is still discussed. In this study, we specifically test whether the female color polymorphism of Ischnura graellsii (Odonata, Coenagrionidae) is under selection in the wild. We compared the degree of genetic differentiation based on RAPD markers (assumed to be neutral) with the degree of differentiation based on color alleles. Weir and Cockerham's theta values showed a significant degree of population differentiation for both sets of loci (RAPD and color alleles) but the estimated degree of population differentiation (theta) was significantly greater for the set of RAPD loci. This result shows that some sort of selection contributes to the maintenance of similar color morph frequencies across the studied populations. Our results combined with those of previous field studies suggest that at least in some I. graellsii populations, density-dependent mechanisms might help to prevent the loss of this polymorphism but cannot explain the similarity in morph frequencies among populations.  相似文献   

Y Takahashi  N Nagata  M Kawata 《Heredity》2014,112(4):391-398
Understanding the relative importance of selection and stochastic factors in population divergence of adaptive traits is a classical topic in evolutionary biology. However, it is difficult to separate these factors and detect the effects of selection when two or more contrasting selective factors are simultaneously acting on a single locus. In the damselfly Ischnura senegalensis, females exhibit color dimorphism and morph frequencies change geographically. We here evaluated the role of selection and stochastic factors in population divergence of morph frequencies by comparing the divergences in color locus and neutral loci. Comparisons between population pairwise FST for neutral loci and for the color locus did not detect any stochastic factors affecting color locus. Although comparison between population divergence in color and neutral loci using all populations detected only divergent selection, we detected two antagonistic selective factors acting on the color locus, that is, balancing and divergent selection, when considering geographical distance between populations. Our results suggest that a combination of two antagonistic selective factors, rather than stochastic factors, establishes the geographic cline in morph frequency in this system.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea , exhibits a flower color polymorphism at the W locus throughout the southeastern North America. The W locus controls whether flowers will be darkly pigmented ( WW ), lightly pigmented ( Ww ), or white with pigmented rays ( ww ). In this report, we describe results of a perturbation, or convergence, experiment using five plots designed to determine whether balancing selection operates on the W locus. The pattern of gene frequency changes obtained are indicative of balancing selection operating at the W locus, providing direct evidence that both the alleles are actively maintained by selection.  相似文献   

体色多型普遍存在于各昆虫类群,体色多型不仅是生物多样性的体现,而且多样的着色模式对于昆虫本身具有重要的生物学意义.研究体色多型对探讨昆虫遗传多态性、适应机制及生物进化等具有重要的意义.本文主要从昆虫体色多型的分子调控机制进行综述,以期为今后探讨昆虫多态性、适应机制及生物进化提供参考.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is one of the main processes involved in the emergence and maintenance of heritable color polymorphisms in a variety of taxa. Here, we test whether the intensity of sexual selection, estimated from population sex ratio, predicts morph diversity in Podarcis muralis, a color polymorphic lizard with discrete white, yellow, orange, white‐orange, and yellow‐orange male and female phenotypes (i.e., morphs). In a sample of 116 Pyrenean populations and 5421 lizards, sex ratios (m/f) vary from 0.29 to 2.5, with the number of morphs for each sex ranging from 2 to 5. Male‐biased sex ratios are associated with increased morph diversity as measured with Shannon's diversity index. The main factor accounting for this relationship is male morph richness (i.e., the number of morphs). In contrast, female morph diversity is not related to sex ratio. These results suggest a relationship between the intensity of male intrasexual competition and male morph diversity. While other selective forces may interact with sexual selection in maintaining the color polymorphisms in P. muralis, this evidence suggests a complex evolutionary scenario possibly involving frequency‐dependent selection of alternative reproductive tactics and/or complex balancing selection.  相似文献   

A simple difference equation model of the dynamics of the B-chromosome of Myrmeleotettix maculatus is developed, validated with field data, and analysed. The maintenance of the B in a population is due to a frequency-dependent balance between a net meiotic drive and strong selection against karyotypes containing 2 B's. This equilibrium will be subject to substantial fluctuations even in moderately large populations. In the long run a B is likely to be maintained in a population despite the selection of suppressor genes, which will tend to remain polymorphic in the population. These qualitative conclusions are likely to apply to many B-chromosome systems.  相似文献   

Aims Exploring the characteristics and function of a flower color polymorphism contributes to our understanding of floral evolution in angiosperms. However, little information is available on stigma color polymorphisms in flowering plants despite their important functional role in plant reproduction.Methods We studied a stigma color polymorphism at the individual level in Acer pictum subsp. mono (aka A. mono) by investigating stigma-color morph proportion and comparing stigma performance and components of female fitness (pollen adhesion, pollen germination, fruit set, seed set and fruit weight) between the two morphs (red and greenish-yellow stigma) within natural populations at Dongling Mountain in the north of China. In the flowering period, we conducted hand pollination in natural populations and then made microscopic observations using the aniline blue fluorescence method.Important findings Individuals in the studied populations did not change their stigma color between years, and flowers produced by a single tree were uniform in their stigma color. This strongly suggests that stigma color variation is genetically controlled. The percentage of the red stigma flowers with germinated pollen grains was significantly higher than that of the greenish-yellow stigma flowers when hand pollination was conducted in the early flowering period, but not so in the late flowering period. There was no significant difference in the percentage of flowers with pollen adhesion to the stigma between the two morphs. Fruit set of the red morph was significantly higher than that of the greenish-yellow morph. Our findings suggest that the red morph may be more advantageous for pollen germination and fruit set than the greenish-yellow morph, which may provide a functional explanation for the high incidence of the red stigma morph in the studied populations. Alternative explanations for the stigma color polymorphism are discussed to stimulate further work.  相似文献   

Long days (short nights) (LD 16:8) and high temperatures (> 15°C) have an apterizing effect on the short day (LD 12:12) induced, presumptive gynopara of Aphis fabae. Transfer of presumptive gynoparae to long days (15°C) or to 25°C (short days) at varying times during postnatal development demonstrate that the adult form is determined by the second day of the second instar, i.e. 5 days after birth at 15°C. Transfer on day 1 induces maximum apterization with the proportion of aphids affected decreasing with age at transfer.Apterization induced by long days immediately after birth can, to some extent, be cancelled by return to short days but only up to day 4. Thus long days are morphogenetically more potent than short days at the beginning of larval development. At temperatures above 15°C the proportion of aphids apterized increases almost linearly.Apterized insects can be distinguished from juvenilized insects in the fifth-instar. Topical application of juvenile hormone (JH) induces both apterization and juvenilization of presumptive gynoparae but at different times during larval development, JH treatment during the early-instars promotes apterization but induces little juvenilization, whereas maximum juvenilization, without apterization, is produced by middle-instar treatment. The apterizing effects of JH are, thus, not due to its neotenic action.The response profile of JH-induced apterization is similar to that observed with long days and 25°C. It is suggested that such conditions increase endogenous JH levels in A. fabae. The three naturally occurring JH's differ in activity in the order JH I > JH II > JH III. Both long-day and JH-apterized insects switch from the normal ovipara production of the adult gynopara to vivipara production.  相似文献   

All three naturally occurring juvenile hormones (JH's) were shown to have effects on the parthenogenetic/gamic polymorphism of Aphis fabae; they mimicked long day conditions by inducing parthenogenetic forms. When topically applied to fourth instar gynoparae, JH caused the appearance of oviparous/viviparous intermediate morphs in the progeny. JH induced both wing development and embryogenesis in embryonic, presumptive oviparae. Embryogenesis was induced by lower doses of JH. Adult, embryo-containing alatae produced by treatment with high JH doses were capable of flight, and whilst reluctant to reproduce, their few viable progeny were oviparae. They did, however, differ from normal gynoparae in size, occasional presence of scent plaques on the metathoracic tibiae, numbers of secondary rhinaria on the antennae and morphogenetic response to postnatal rearing in long day conditions. The presumptive, oviparous embryos most sensitive to JH treatment were shown to be ca 323 μm in length, close to the stage where their germaria differentiate as parthenogenetic or gamic. Similar effects were observed in the progeny of JH-treated, teneral adult gynoparae but there was no effect on the morph of progeny of long day, alate virginoparae. The JH's differed in potency in the order JH I > JH II > JH III. The treatment of fourth instar gynoparae also induced a terminal batch of apparently normal viviparous progeny in a number of aphids. This result was obtained even at JH doses below threshold for the appearance of oviparous/viviparous intermorphs.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphisms are powerful model systems to study the maintenance of diversity in nature. In some systems, polymorphisms are limited to female coloration; these are thought to have arisen as a consequence of reducing male mating harassment, commonly resulting in negative frequency‐dependent selection on female color morphs. One example is the damselfly Ischnura elegans, which shows three female color morphs and strong sexual conflict over mating rates. Here, we present research integrating male tactics, and female evolutionary strategies (female mating behavior and morph‐specific female fecundity) in populations with different morph‐specific mating frequencies, to obtain an understanding of mating rates in nature that goes beyond the mere measure of color frequencies. We found that female morph behavior differed significantly among but not within morphs (i.e., female morph behavior was fixed). In contrast, male tactics were strongly affected by the female morph frequency in the population. Laboratory work comparing morph‐specific female fecundity revealed that androchrome females have lower fecundity than both of the gynochrome female morphs in the short term (3‐days), but over a 10‐day period one of the gynochrome female morphs became more fecund than either of the other morphs. In summary, our study found sex‐specific dynamics in response to different morph frequencies and also highlights the importance of studying morph‐specific fecundities across different time frames to gain a better understanding of the role of alternative reproductive strategies in the maintenance of female‐limited color polymorphism.  相似文献   

Flower color polymorphlsm exhibited by natural populations provides an opportunity for understanding the evolutionary mechanisms contributing to the diversity of floral morphology.However,little is known about the color polymorphism of female organs in flowering plants.Here we report gynoecium color polymorphism in Butomus umbellatus (Butomaceae),an emergent,aquatic monocot.Populations from Mishan,northeastern China comprised two morphs; gynoecia are either pink,as observed in other areas,or white.We measured floral traits and female fecundity in the two gynoecium color morphs in the field.There was no significant difference in plant height,pedicel length,and flower size including petal,sepal and gynoecium between the two morphs,but plants with pink gynoecia had wider inflorescence stalks,larger inner whorl anthers and produced more pollen and ovules than those with white gynoecia.Correspondingly,we found that seed production was significantly higher in the pink than in the white morph.This new finding suggested selection against white gynoecia in part because of low fecundity,consistent with the rarity of the white gynoecium morph in this species.  相似文献   

The proportions of carotenoids responsible for column coloration were determined for a population of the sea anemone Bunodosoma granulifera from Grand Cayman using TLC. This population exhibited a very low degree of polymorphism for these proportions, compared to previously sampled populations from Puerto Rico and Curaçao. In addition to the carotenoid pigment system a second system possessing pigments similar to bilins was found for the first time in this genus. This population was also assayed electrophoretically for enzymes encoded by 12 loci. Analysis of these data suggested that the reduced polymorphism for column color may be the result of selection. Although the proportions of carotenoids varied little, the amount of carotenoid per unit of epidermal tissue varied almost four-fold from 0.05 to 0.19 μg/mg dry wt.  相似文献   

Narcissus, the daffodil genus, exhibits an unusual diversity of sexual systems, with populations that are monomorphic, dimorphic or trimorphic for style length. Associated with this variation are striking differences among species in floral morphology and pollination biology. This diversity provides an opportunity to investigate the evolution of mating polymorphisms, and to determine how floral morphology promotes transitions among sexual systems. Because of the absence of heteromorphic incompatibility in Narcissus, floral morphology plays a key role in governing patterns of outcrossed mating. Phylogenetic evidence indicates that stylar monomorphism is ancestral in the genus, with multiple origins of stylar polymorphism, including independent origins of stigma-height dimorphism, distyly and tristyly. Sexual polymorphisms have evolved only in lineages with narrow floral tubes that are pollinated by Lepidoptera and/or long-tongued bees. Populations of polymorphic Narcissus species are typically dominated by the long-styled morph and display imperfect reciprocity in the positions of sexual organs. These features are consequences of the unusual association between stylar polymorphism and a self-incompatibility system that permits intramorph mating.  相似文献   

Aims Interspecific and intraspecific variation in flower color in natural populations provides an opportunity for us to understand the evolution and maintenance of diversity of floral traits. Compared to corolla color, little is known about the color polymorphism of sexual organs in flowering plants. To explore evolutionary transitions of androecium color and polymorphism within species, interspecific and intraspecific variation in androecium (anther and pollen) color in the genus Epimedium (Berberidaceae) was investigated.Methods To explore the geographical patterns of anther/pollen color variation in Epimedium species, data of 45 species were collected and their phylogeny was constructed based on available DNA sequences. To investigate whether intraspecific variation in androecium color relates to habitat preference, three environmental factors were measured in the field population of Epimedium pubescens in northeastern Sichuan, China, which plants had green or yellow androecia. Vegetative and reproductive traits of this species were compared between the two color morphs.Important findings Androecium (anther and pollen) color polymorphism in field populations of Epimedium pubescens is reported here where nine populations are monomorphic with a green androecium but three populations are dimorphic with individuals having either a green or a yellow androecium. Inflorescence stalk height, stalk diameter, leaf number, flower number and spur length (as well as spur and nectar volume) were not significantly different between two morphs. Compared to the yellow morph, the green morph had relatively larger leaves and anthers, but smaller sepals. The green morph produced more pollen and larger seeds, but the same number of ovules. Seed set was not significantly different between green and yellow morph. Investigations of environmental factors in the color dimorphic populations of E. pubescens indicated that the green morph was more likely to occur in habitats with relatively lower light intensity. The distribution survey of 45 Epimedium species showed that species with a green androecium tended to appear at lower elevations. Comparative phylogenetic analysis showed that transitions from yellow to a green androecium or to androecial color dimorphism occurred at least seven times. This genus, characterized by anther color diversity and containing some species with anther color polymorphism, provides a model system in which to study the evolution and maintenance of colorful sexual organs in flowering plants.  相似文献   

Sinervo  Barry 《Genetica》2001,(1):417-434
Analysis of evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS) and decade-long field studies indicate that two color morphs of female side-blotched lizards exhibit density- and frequency-dependent strategies. Orange females are r-strategists: they lay large clutches of small progeny that are favored at low density. Conversely, yellow females are K-strategists: they lay small clutches of large progeny that are favored when carrying capacity is exceeded and the population crashes to low density. Interactions among three male morphs resembles a rock-paper-scissors (RPS) game. Fertilization success of males depends on frequency of neighboring morphs. Orange males usurp territory from blue neighbors and thereby mate with many females. However, orange males are vulnerable to cuckoldry by sneaky yellow males that mimic females. The yellow strategy is thwarted in turn by the mate-guarding strategy of blue. Sinervo and Lively (1996) developed a simple asexual model of the RPS game. Here, we model the dynamics of male and female morphs with one- and two-locus genetic models. Male and female games were considered in isolation and modeled as games that were genetically coupled by the same locus. Parameters for payoff matrices, which describe the force of frequency-dependent selection in ESS games, were estimated from free-ranging animals. Period of cycles in nature was 5 years for males and 2 years for females. Only the one locus model with three alleles (o, b, y) was capable of driving rapid cycles in male and female games. Furthermore, the o allele must be dominant to the y allele in females. Finally, the amplitude of male cycles was only reproduced in genetic models which allowed for irreversible plasticity of by genotypes, which is consistent with hormonally-induced changes that transform some males with yellow to dark blue. We also critique experimental designs that are necessary to detect density- and frequency-dependent selection in nature. Finally, runaway ESS games are discussed in the context of self-reinforcing genetic correlations that build and promote the formation of morphotypic variation.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of 'prey' density on frequency-dependent selection by human 'predators'. Eighty subjects were presented with computer-generated populations of two cryptically coloured characters on the screen of a colour monitor. Each subject was given the prey at a single combination of one of two frequencies and one of five densities, and was instructed to delete the prey as fast as possible with a light-pen. The results suggested that the degree of selection was inversely proportional to prey density, but there was no evidence that any frequency-dependent component of selection was affected.  相似文献   

Female polymorphism is considered to be maintained through negative frequency-dependent selection imposed by costly male harassment. However, few studies have questioned whether male harassment negatively affects female morph success and does so differently for female morphs, especially in the wild. In the present study, we quantified female morph condition (relative body mass and energy reserves) for a colour polymorphic damselfly under natural conditions and evaluated these measures against variation in proxies of male harassment (population density and operational sex ratio) and ambient temperature. Differences in protein content between female morphs were detected and the variation in condition could partly be explained from concomitant variation in proxies of male harassment. Specifically, the relationship between protein content and operational sex ratio differed between morphs in that the negative effect of male harassment was more pronounced in gynomorphs than in andromorphs. In addition, ambient temperature affected the body mass and protein content of female morphs differently, with andromorphs having higher condition values in favourable weather conditions, whereas, for gynomorphs, the patterns tended to be opposite. In conclusion, the results obtained in the present study suggest that male harassment negatively and differentially affects female morph success. Future studies should aim to elucidate whether the observed effects of ambient temperature contribute to the maintenance of the polymorphism.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 545–554.  相似文献   

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