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1. The monoamines serotonin (5-HT) and octopamine (OA) enhance the expression of swimming activity in the medicinal leech (Willard, 1981; Belanger and Orchard, 1988). We explored further the effects of these monoamines and related agents on swimming activity observed in isolated leech nerve cords. 2. We confirmed that swimming activity is induced reversibly following exposure of the nerve cord to 5-HT (50 microM); the half-maximal rate of swimming activity develops in about 15 min. Swimming activity returns to control levels about 30 min after drug washout. 3. Swim-induction by 5-HT is blocked by the presence of 10 microM cyproheptadine (a 5-HT antagonist). 4. Although apparently less effective than 5-HT, OA application to nerve cords also induced swimming activity. 5. Depletion of endogenous amines from nerve cords by acute exposure to reserpine (10-150 microM) blocked stimulus-evoked swimming activity within 4 hr. 6. Subsequent application of 5-HT (50 microM) or OA (100 microM) reinstated stimulus-evoked swimming and induced repeated episodes of non-triggered swimming activity. 7. Application of cAMP and cAMP analogs, as well as phosphodiesterase inhibitors (theophylline and IBMX), mimicked the effects of the monoamines, suggesting that 5-HT and OA may activate swimming activity by increasing neuronal cAMP. 8. We obtained episodes of swim-like activity from individual, isolated ganglia exposed to 5-HT or OA. Such episodes were usually brief, with variable cycle period. 9. We conclude that individual nerve cord ganglia contain the complete neuronal circuitry required to generate the rudiments of swimming activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The cell bodies and function of twelve neurons whose impulse pattern is clearly related to that of the swimming rhythm were identified in the segmental ganglion of the leech. These include excitatory and inhibitory motor neurons of the dorsal and ventral longitudinal muscles and the excitatory flattener motor neuron of the dorsoventral muscles. During swimming the membrane potential of these cells oscillates between a depolarized and a hyperpolarized phase. The activity of this ensemble of cells is sufficient to account for the contractile rhythm of the swimming animal. The following connections were found between these motor neurons. Electrotonic junctions link: (1) bilaterally homologous cells; (2) excitors of the dorsal longitudinal muscles; (3) excitors of the ventral longitudinal muscles; (4) inhibitors of both dorsal and ventral longitudinal muscles. The dorsal inhibitors project via an inhibitory pathway to the dorsal excitors, and the ventral inhibitor projects via an inhibitory pathway to the ventral excitors. The membrane potential oscillation of the excitors is at least partly attributable to the phasic inhibitory synaptic input which they receive from the inhibitors. The excitatory shortener motor neuron of the entire longitudinal musculature is maintained in an inactive state during swimming. This control is achieved by rectifying electrotonic junctions linking this neuron to the dorsal and ventral excitors. These junctions allow passage of only depolarizing current from the shortener to the dorsal and ventral excitors and of only hyperpolarizing current in the reverse direction. Furthermore, both dorsal and ventral inhibitors project via inhibitory pathways to the shortener neuron.We are greatly indebted to Ann Stuart for advice and help in this study, and for communicating to us some unpublished findings. We thank Elizabeth Mullenbach for excellent technical assistance.This research was supported by grant GB 31933 X from the National Science Foundation, and by Public Health Service Research grant GM 17866 and Training Grant GM 01389 from the Institute for General Medical Sciences.  相似文献   

The effects of serotonin on the electrical properties of swim-gating neurons (cell 204) were examined in leech (Hirudo medicinalis) nerve cords. Exposure to serotonin decreased the threshold current required to elicit swim episodes by prolonged depolarization of an individual cell 204 in isolated nerve cords. This effect was correlated with a more rapid depolarization and an increased impulse frequency of cell 204 in the first second of stimulation. In normal leech saline, brief depolarizing current pulses (1 s) injected into cell 204 failed to elicit swim episodes. Following exposure to serotonin, however, identical pulses consistently evoked swim episodes. Thus, serotonin appears to transform cell 204 from a gating to a trigger cell.Serotonin had little effect on the steady-state currentvoltage relation of cell 204. However, serotonin altered the membrane potential trajectories in response to injected current pulses and increased the amplitude of rebound responses occurring at the offset of current pulses. These changes suggest that serotonin modulates one or more voltage dependent conductances in cell 204, resulting in a more rapid depolarization and greater firing rate in response to injected currents. Thus, modulation of intrinsic ionic conductances in cell 204 may account in part for the increased probability of swimming behavior induced by serotonin in intact leeches.Abbreviations AHP afterhyperpolarizing potential - DCC discontinuous current clamp - DP dorsal posterior nerve - G2 segmental ganglion 2 - PIR postinhibitory rebound - RMP resting membrane potential  相似文献   

Expression of swimming in the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) is modulated by serotonin, a naturally occurring neurohormone. Exogenous application of serotonin engenders spontaneous swimming activity in nerve-cord preparations. We examined whether this activity is due to enhanced participation of swim motor neurons (MNs) in generating the swimming rhythm. We found that depolarizing current injections into MNs during fictive swimming are more effective in shifting cycle phase in nerve cords following serotonin exposure. In such preparations, the dynamics of membrane potential excursions following current injection into neuronal somata are substantially altered. We observed: 1) a delayed outward rectification (relaxation) during depolarizing current injection, most marked in inhibitory MNs; and 2) in excitor MNs, an enhancement of postinhibitory rebound (PIR) and afterhyperpolarizing potentials (AHPs) following hyperpolarizing and depolarizing current pulses, respectively. In contrast, we found little alteration in MN properties in leech nerve cords depleted of amines. We propose that enhanced expression of swimming activity in leeches exposed to elevated serotonin is due, partly, to enhancement of relaxation, PIR and AHP in MNs. We believe that as a consequence of alterations in cellular properties and synaptic interactions (subsequent paper) by serotonin, MNs are reconfigured to more effectively participate in generating and expressing the leech swimming rhythm.Abbreviations AHP Afterhyperpolarizing potential - DCC Discontinuous current clamp - DE Dorsal excitor motor neuron - DI Dorsal inhibitor motor neuron - IPSP Inhibitory postsynaptic potential - MN Motor neuron - PIR Postinhibitory rebound - VE Ventral excitor motor neuron - VI Ventral inhibitor motor neuron  相似文献   

The locomotor system of sanguivorous leeches is presented with a unique challenge: how to maintain mobility while coping with a >500% increase in body mass during feeding. A meal of this size is likely to disrupt the function of the muscular hydrostat during swimming, reducing speed and increasing predation risks. We quantified the effects of feeding to satiety on swimming kinematics, and the time course of recovery of swimming performance post-feeding in the medicinal leech Hirudo verbana . There was a 5.07 ± 0.04-fold increase in mass during feeding (mean ± sem , n =7). Despite this, leeches were able to swim immediately after feeding, reaching 27% of their pre-feeding speed. Reduced speed was a consequence of a reduction in both swimming cycle frequency and stride length to 69 and 42% of the pre-feeding values, respectively. Recovery of swimming ability was rapid, despite a prolonged increase in body mass. Fifty per cent restoration of swimming speed was achieved in c . 1 h while body mass was still 4.2-fold greater than before feeding. Rapid mass and volume reduction immediately post-feeding, and the properties of the obliquely striated swimming muscles appear to aid recovery of swimming performance. Such features that aid post-feeding recovery of mobility may have been important in the evolution of leech sanguivory.  相似文献   

Swimming behavior in the leech Hirudo medicinalis arises from neuronal circuits within the ventral nerve cord. Although the ventral nerve cord comprises a series of homologous segmental ganglia, it remains unresolved whether the swim oscillator circuits within individual ganglia are functionally equivalent. We have extended previous studies on pairs of ganglia to test whether individual ganglia throughout the nerve cord are capable of generating swim oscillations and to measure the cycle periods of local oscillations. We found that the swim-generating function of individual ganglia is broadly distributed, but not uniform. The swim-like oscillations in isolated ganglia from the anterior ganglia nerve cord were less robust than those from mid-cord. Swimming activity in posterior cord ganglia is even weaker we were unable to obtain swim-like oscillations from individual ganglia of the nerve cord posterior to segment 12. Swim-cycle periods exhibited a U-shaped function: those recorded in the most anterior individual ganglia (2.3 s for ganglion M2) and short chains of posterior ganglia (up to 4.0 s) were two to four times longer than those obtained from mid-cord ganglia (near 1.0 s). We conclude that the leech swim system comprises a functionally heterogeneous set of local oscillator units.  相似文献   

Observing the development of behavior provides an assay for the developmental state of an embryo’s nervous system. We have previously described the development of behaviors that were largely confined to one or a few segments. We now extend the work to a kinematic analysis of the development of swimming, a behavior that requires coordination of the entire body. When leech embryos first begin to swim they make little forward progress, but within several days they swim as effectively as adults. This increase in efficacy depends on changes in body shape and on improved intersegmental coordination of the swim central pattern generator. These kinematic details suggest how the swim central pattern generating circuit is assembled during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Control of leech swimming activity by the cephalic ganglia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigated the role played by the cephalic nervous system in the control of swimming activity in the leech, Hirudo medicinalis, by comparing swimming activity in isolated leech nerve cords that included the head ganglia (supra- and subesophageal ganglia) with swimming activity in nerve cords from which these ganglia were removed. We found that the presence of these cephalic ganglia had an inhibitory influence on the reliability with which stimulation of peripheral (DP) nerves and intracellular stimulation of swim-initiating neurons initiated and maintained swimming activity. In addition, swimming activity recorded from both oscillator and motor neurons in preparations that included head ganglia frequently exhibited irregular bursting patterns consisting of missed, weak, or sustained bursts. Removal of the two head ganglia as well as the first segmental ganglion eliminated this irregular activity pattern. We also identified a pair of rhythmically active interneurons, SRN1, in the subesophageal ganglion that, when depolarized, could reset the swimming rhythm. Thus the cephalic ganglia and first segmental ganglion of the leech nerve cord are capable of exerting a tonic inhibitory influence as well as a modulatory effect on swimming activity in the segmental nerve cord.  相似文献   

1. Leydig neurons fire spontaneously at low rates (less than 4 Hz), but their activity increases with mechanical stimulation or electrical stimulation of mechanosensory neurons. These conditions also cause acceleration of bursting in heart motor neurons. 2. The firing rate of Leydig cells was found to regulate heart rate in chains of isolated ganglia. When Leydig neurons were made to fire action potentials at relatively high frequencies (ca. 5-10 Hz), however, heart motor neurons ceased bursting and were either silenced or fired erratically. 3. Firing of Leydig neurons at high rates caused bilateral heart interneurons of ganglia 3 or 4 to fire tonically rather than in their normal alternating bursts Tonic firing of these heart interneurons accounts for the prolonged barrages of ipsps recorded in heart motor neurons and the disruption of their normal cyclic activity. 4. Preventing spontaneous activity of Leydig neurons with injected currents in isolated ganglia caused deceleration of the heartbeat rhythm but did not halt oscillation. 5. Electrical stimulation of peripheral nerve roots with Leydig neuron activity suppressed in isolated ganglia caused acceleration of heart rate.  相似文献   

Rhythmic animal movements originate in CNS oscillator circuits; however, sensory inputs play an important role in shaping motor output. Our recent studies demonstrated that leeches with severed nerve cords swim with excellent coordination between the two ends, indicating that sensory inputs are sufficient for maintaining intersegmental coordination. In this study, we examined the neuronal substrates that underlie intersegmental coordination via sensory mechanisms. Among the identified sensory neurons in the leech, we found the ventral stretch receptor (VSR) to be the best candidate for our study because of its sensitivity to tension in longitudinal muscle. Our experiments demonstrate that (1) the membrane potential of the VSR is depolarized during swimming and oscillates with an amplitude of 1.5–5.0 mV, (2) rhythmic currents injected into the VSR can entrain ongoing swimming over a large frequency range (0.9–1.8 Hz), and (3) large current pulses injected into the VSR shift the phase of the swimming rhythm. These results suggest that VSRs play an important role in generating and modulating the swim rhythm. We propose that coordinated swimming in leech preparations with severed nerve cords results from mutual entrainment between the two ends of the leech mediated by stretch receptors.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify neurons in the subesophageal ganglion of the medicinal leech which initiate swimming activity and to determine their output connections. We found two bilaterally symmetrical pairs of interneurons, Tr1 and Tr2, located in the first division of the subesophageal ganglion which initiate swimming activity in the isolated nervous system when depolarized with brief (1-3 s) current pulses. Tr1 and Tr2 are considered trigger neurons because elicited swimming episodes outlast the stimulus duration, and because the length of elicited swim episodes is nearly independent of the intensity with which Tr1 and Tr2 are stimulated. Tr1 and Tr2 have similar morphologies. The neurites of both cells cross contralaterally in the subesophageal ganglion, project posteriorly, and exit the subesophageal ganglion in the contralateral connective. The axons of Tr1 and Tr2 extend as far posterior as segmental ganglion 18 of the ventral nerve cord. Tr1 provides direct excitatory drive to three groups of segmental neurons which are capable of initiating swimming: swim-initiating interneurons (cells 204 and 205), serotonin-containing interneurons (cells 61 and 21), and the serotonergic Retzius cells. In addition, all Retzius cells in the subesophageal ganglion are excited directly by Tr1. These three groups of neurons are excited even if Tr1 stimulation is subthreshold for swim initiation. In contrast to Tr1, Tr2 stimulation evokes transient inhibition in swim-initiating and serotonin-containing interneurons, and has little immediate effect on Retzius cells. In addition, Tr2 indirectly inhibits several oscillator neurons, including cells 208, 33, and 60. When Tr1 is stimulated during a swimming episode the swim period decreases for several cycles, while stimulation of Tr2 during swimming episodes reliably resets the ongoing swimming rhythm. Our findings indicate that Tr1 and Tr2 are trigger neurons which initiate swimming activity by different pathways. These neurons also have functional interactions with the swim oscillator network since either Tr1 or Tr2 stimulation during swimming can modulate the ongoing swimming rhythm.  相似文献   

In papers I and II of this series, we described two pairs of interneurons, Tr1 and Tr2, in the leech subesophageal ganglion which can trigger swimming activity in the isolated central nervous system (CNS). In this paper, we describe sensory inputs to these trigger neurons from previously identified mechanosensory neurons. We found that: Weak mechanical stimulation (stroking) of a body wall flap attached to a segmental ganglion in an otherwise isolated CNS excites the contralateral Tr1 slightly. Strong mechanical stimulation (pinching) of a mid-body wall flap evokes a burst of impulses in the contralateral Tr1. For both means of stimulation the effects on the ipsilateral Tr1 and on the Tr2 cell pair were much weaker. Stroking a body wall flap attached to the head ganglion (supra- and subesophageal ganglia) in an otherwise isolated CNS excites both Tr1s and both Tr2s, although the effect is weaker for the Tr2s. Pinching strongly excites both trigger neurons bilaterally. Pressure and nociceptive mechanosensory neurons (P and N cells) in the subesophageal ganglion and the first segmental ganglion appear to make direct excitatory synapses with the contralateral Tr1 and Tr2. Mechanosensory interactions with the ipsilateral trigger neurons appear to be indirect. Functional inactivation of Tr1 by hyperpolarization does not prevent swim initiation either by weak mechanical stimulation of a body-wall flap or by intracellular stimulation of P cells.2+ We conclude that the trigger neurons, Tr1 and Tr2, provide an excitatory pathway by which mechanosensory stimulation can initiate leech swimming activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Current-clamp studies of cultured leech Retzius cells revealed inward rectification in the form of slow voltage sags in response to membrane hyperpolarization. Sag responses were eliminated in Na+-free saline and blocked by Cs+, but not Ba2+. Voltage clamp experiments revealed a Cs+-sensitive inward current activated by hyperpolarization negative to −70 mV. Cs+ decreased the frequency of spontaneous impulses in Retzius cells of intact ganglia. Plateau potentials were evoked in Retzius cells following block of Ca2+ influx with Ni2+ and suppression of K+ currents with internal tetraethylammonium. Plateau potentials continued to be expressed with Li+ as the charge carrier, but were eliminated when Na+ was replaced with N-methyl-d-glucamine. A persistent Na+ current with similar pharmacology that activated positive to −40 mV and reached its peak amplitude near −5 mV was identified in voltage-clamp experiments. Inactivation of the persistent Na+ current was slow and incomplete. The current was revealed by slow voltage ramps and persisted for the duration of 5-s voltage steps. Persistent Na+ current may underlie Na+-dependent bursting recorded in neurons of intact ganglia exposed to Ca2+-channel blockers. Accepted: 22 September 1998  相似文献   

Leech blood apparently contains considerably less chloride than generally used in physiological experi ments. Instead of 85–130 mM Cl used in experimental salines, leech blood contains around 40 mM Cl and up to 45 mM organic anions, in particular malate. We have reinvestigated the distribution of Cl across the cell membrane of identified glial cells and neurones in the central nervous system of the leech Hirudo medicinalis L., using double-barrelled Cl- and pH-selective micro electrodes, in a conventional leech saline, and in a saline with a low Cl concentration (40 mM), containing 40 mM malate. The interference of anions other than Clto the response of the ion-selective microelectrodes was estimated in Cl-free salines (Cl replaced by malate and/or gluconate). The results show that the absolute intracellu lar Cl activities (aCli) in glial cells and neurones, but not the electrochemical gradients of Cl across the glial and the neuronal cell membranes, are altered in the low Cl, malate-based saline. In Retzius neurones, aCli is lower than expected from electrochemical equilibrium, while in pressure neurones and in neuropil glial cells, aCli is distributed close to its equilibrium in both salines, re spectively. The steady-state intracellular pH values in the glial cells and Retzius neurones are little affected (0.1 pH units) in the low Cl, malate-based saline.  相似文献   

1. Repeating bursts of motor neurone impulses have been recorded from the nerves of completely isolated nerve cords of the medicinal leech. The salient features of this burst rhythm are similar to those obtained in the semi-intact preparation during swimming. Hence the basic swimming rhythm is generated by a central oscillator. 2. Quantitative comparisons between the impulse patterns obtained from the isolated nerve cord and those obtained from a semi-intact preparation show that the variation in both dorsal to ventral motor neurone phasing and burst duration with swim cycle period differ in these two preparations. 3. The increase of intersegmental delay with period, which is a prominent feature of swimming behaviour of the intact animal, is not seen in either the semi-intact or isolated cord preparations. 4. In the semi-intact preparation, stretching the body wall or depolarizing an inhibitory motor neurone changes the burst duration of excitatory motor neurones in the same segment. In the isolated nerve cord, these manipulations also change the period of the swim cycle in the entire cord. 5. These comparisons suggest that sensory input stabilizes the centrally generated swimming rhythm, determines the phasing of the bursts of impulses from dorsal and ventral motor neurones, and matches the intersegmental delay to the cycle period so as to maintain a constant body shape at all rates of swimming.  相似文献   

Higher-order projection interneurons that function in more than one behavior have been identified in a number of preparations. In this study, we document that stimulation of cell Tr1, a previously identified trigger interneuron for swimming in the medicinal leech, can also elicit the motor program for crawling in isolated nerve cords. We also show that motor choice is independent of the firing frequency of Tr1 and amount of spiking activity recorded extracellularly at three locations along the ventral nerve cord prior to Tr1 stimulation. On the other hand, during Tr1 stimulation there is a significant difference in the amount of activity elicited in the ventral nerve cord that correlates with the motor program activated. On average, Tr1 stimulation trials that lead to crawling elicit greater amounts of activity than in trials that lead to swimming.  相似文献   

In leech, the central annulus of each midbody segment possesses seven pairs of sensilla, which are mixed clusters of primary peripheral sensory neurons that extend their axons into the CNS where they segregate into distinct fascicles. Pathway selection by individual afferent growth cones of sensillar neurons was examined by double labeling using intracellular dye-filling with anitobody labeling in early Hirudo medicinalis embryos. The monoclonal antibody Lan3–2 was used because sensillar neuronal tracts are specifically labeled by this antibody. Examining 68 individually filled neurons we found that sensillar neuron growth cones bifurcate within the CNS, that they project long filopodia capable to sampling the local environment, and that all of them appeared to choose a single particular CNS fascicle without apparent retraction or realignment of growth cones. Furthermore, each side of the bifurcating afferent growth cones always chose the same fascicle, implying a specific choice of a distinct labeled pathway. By dye-filling individual central neurons (P-cells), we show that there are centrally projecting axons present at the time sensillar afferents enter the ganglionic primordia and select a particular fascicle, and we confirm that at least the dorsal peripheral nerve is likely to be pioneered by central neurons, not by the peripheral afferent. In the sensillum studied here, we sound examples of sensory neurons extending axons into one of all the avilable fascicles. Thus, an individual embryonic sensillum possesses a heterogeneous population of afferents with respect to the central fascicle chosen. This is consistent with the idea that segregation into distinct axon fascicles may be based upon functional differences between individual afferent neurons. Our findings argue strongly in favor of specific pathway selection by afferents in this system and are consistent with previous suggestions that there exists a hierarchy of cues, including surface glycoconjugates that mediate navigation of the sensillar growth cones and the fasciculation of their axons. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Photosensory input pathways in the medicinal leech   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The medicinal leech,Hirudo medicinalis possesses two types of photosensory organs: five bilateral pairs of eyes embedded in two longitudinal rows in the dorsal surface of the head, and seven bilateral pairs of sensilla situated in both the dorsal and the ventral surface of each of the 21 body segments. The photoreceptor cells of each eye or sensillum project their axons centrally via a characteristic cephalic or segmental nerve which carries the photosensory input to the brain or to the segmental ganglion. In response to a pulse of light the photoreceptors produce a train of impulses whose frequency first rises to anearly peak and then declines to asteady state plateau at which it remains until the end of the pulse. The amplitude of the early peak response and the level of the steady state plateau rise linearly with the log of the light pulse intensity, but the dynamic range of the early peak response is much narrower than that of the plateau. Both ocular and sensillar photoreceptors adapt to the intensity of interpulse background illumination; the ocular receptors adapt so completely that their level of background activity is nearly independent of the background light intensity, whereas the ventral sensillar photoreceptors adapt incompletely, so that their background activity rises with the background light intensity. Ocular and sensillar photoreceptors make their maximal response to green light at a wavelength of about 540 nm. They are almost insensitive to red and violet light at both extremes of the visible spectrum. The photosensory response of a single eye is directionally selective, whereas that of a single sensillum has much less directional selectivity. Several higher order sensory neurons were identified in the segmental ganglion that receive photosensory input from the sensilla. One of these neurons has the sensillum in the ipsilateral dorso-medial body wall of the same segment as its receptive field and another neuron the bilateral set of ventral sensilla in the body wall of the next posterior segment.We are indebted to Frank S. Werblin for valuable advice and discussions. We thank Kenneth L. Carlock for designing and constructing much of the special electronic equipment used in this study. We also thank Alexander Petruncola for his helpful suggestions regarding the computational analysis of the experimental results and for writing the computer programs used in the processing of the data.This research was supported by Grant No. GB 31933X from the National Science Foundation, and NIH research grant No. GM 17866 and Training Grant No. GM 00829 from the Institute for General Medical Sciences.  相似文献   

Summary The leech heartbeat consists of a constriction-dilation rhythm of two lateral heart tubes extending over the length of the body. The beats of the segmental sections of these two tubes are coordinated in such a manner that the heart tube of one body side produces a frontward peristaltic wave while the heart tube on the other body side produces nearly concerted constrictions. This rhythm is metastable, in that left and right heart tubes alternate between peristaltic and concerted constriction modes, with a given mode lasting for tens or hundreds of beat cycles.The constriction-dilation cycles of the segmental heart tube sections are controlled by a set of rhythmically active motor neurons, the heart excitors, or HE cells. A bilateral pair of HE cells is located in all but the two frontmost and the two rearmost segmental ganglia of the ventral nerve cord. Each HE cell innervates via excitatory synapses the circular muscle fibers in the wall of the ipsilateral heart tube section. The activity cycle of the HE cells consists of an active phase, during which they are depolarized and produce a burst of impulses, and an inactive phase during which they are repolarized by a burst of inhibitory synaptic potentials. The intersegmentally coordinated activity cycles of the HE cell set are maintained in an isolated ventral nerve cord. Hence the generation of the heart excitor rhythm does not require sensory feedback.We are indepted to Amy Kelly and King-Wai Yau for advice on the use of the intracellular staining technique and to John Kretz for calling to our attention the existence of an afferent impulse burst rhythm emanating from denervated heart tube preparations. We thank Georgia Harper for excellent technical assistance. This research was supported by Grant GB 31933X from the National Science Foundation and NIH research grants GM17866 and Training Grant GM 01389 from the Institute of General Medical Sciences.  相似文献   

Cell Tr2 is a neuron in the subesophageal ganglion of the leech that can trigger swim episodes. In this report, we describe the ability of Tr2 to terminate ongoing swim episodes as well as to trigger swimming. Stimulation of Tr2 terminated ongoing swim episodes in nearly every preparation tested, while Tr2 stimulation triggered swim episodes in only a minority of the preparations. We suggest that the primary role of Tr2 is in the termination rather than the initiation of swimming activity.The swim trigger neuron Tr3 and a swim-gating neuron, cell 21, hyperpolarized during Tr2-induced swim termination. Another swim-gating neuron, cell 204 was sometimes slightly excited, but more often, hyperpolarized during Tr2-induced swim termination. In contrast to these cells, Tr2 stimulation excited another swim-gating neuron, cell 61. The responses of the swimgating cells were variable in amplitude and sometimes not evident during Tr2-induced swim termination. Hence, the effects of Tr2 stimulation on swim-gating neurons seem unlikely to be the direct cause of swim termination.Oscillator cells examined during Tr2-induced swim termination include: 27, 28, 33, 60, 115, and 208. The largest effect seen in an oscillator neuron was in cell 208, which was repolarized by up to 10 mV during Tr2 stimulation. Tr2 stimulation did not produce any obvious synaptic effects in motor neurons DI-1, VI-1, and DE-3. Our findings indicate that other, yet undiscovered, connections are likely to be important in Tr2-induced swim termination. Therefore, we propose that cell Tr2 is probably a member of a distributed neural network involved in swim termination.Abbreviations DP dorsal posterior nerve - Mx midbody ganglion x - Rx neuromere x of the subsesophageal (rostral) ganglion - DE dorsal excitatory motor neuron - DI dorsal inhibitory motor neuron - VI ventral inhibitory motor neuron  相似文献   

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