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Net productivity and biomass night losses in outdoor chemostat cultures ofPhaeodactylum tricornutum were analyzed in two tubular airlift photobioreactors at different dilution rates, photobioreactor surface/volume ratios and incident solar irradiance. In addition, an approximate model for the estimation of light profile and average irradiance inside outdoor tubular photobioreactors was proposed. In both photobioreactors, biomass productivity increased with dilution rate and daily incident solar radiation except at the highest incident solar irradiances and dilution rates, when photoinhibition effect was observed in the middle of the day. Variation of estimated average irradiance vs mean incident irradiance showed two effects: first, the outdoor cultures are adapted to average irradiance, and second, simultaneous photolimitation and photoinhibition took place at all assayed culture conditions, the extent of this phenomena being a function of the (incident)1 irradiance and light regime inside the culture. Productivity ranged between 0.50 and 2.04 g L–1 d–1 in the tubular photobioreactor with the lower surface/volume ratio (S/V = 77.5 m–1) and between 1.08 and 2.76 g L–1 d–1 in the other (S/V = 122.0 m–1). The optimum dilution rate was 0.040 h–1 in both reactors. Night-time biomass losses were a function of the average irradiance inside the culture, being lower in TPB0.03 than TPB0.06, due to a better light regime in the first. In both photobioreactors, biomass night losses strongly decreased when the photoinhibition effect was pronounced. However, net biomass productivity also decreased due to lower biomass generation during the day. Thus, optimum culture conditions were obtained when photolimitation and photoinhibition were balanced.  相似文献   

The Nostoc cyanobiont of the lichen Peltigera canina when grown on N2 possesses, in the motile stage, discrete unbranched non-flagellar appendages (fimbriae or pili). These arise from the host cell surface in a peritrichous manner, have an axial hole, are 7.0 ±0.3 nm in diameter and are up to 3 m long. They do not haemagglutinate guinea pig red blood corpuscles and differ from the major fimbrial types reported for Gram-negative heterotrophic bacteria and from sex pili. They may be involved in motility and specificity in symbiotic cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

An acetone extract of Nodularia harveyana wasshown to be toxic to the free-living nematode Cephaloboides oxycerca. This antagonistic effect wastested in pot culture trials with lyophilized biomasson gall induction by the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita, using different methods ofapplication of the cyanobacterial biomass to thetomato plants. The trials revealed a possibleutilization of biomass of this cyanobacterium as aprotection agent against this phytoparasite.  相似文献   

Investigation of N2-fixing cyanobacteria from Thai soil was carried out at 2-month intervals between July 1997 and November 1999 to determine the population number, population dynamics and favourable habitats. Sites were selected in three parts of Thailand; North, Central and Northeast. In each part, various soil ecosystems were used as sampling sites; at highest elevation as on the top of the mountain, in the middle and at the foot of the mountain, as well as in flat areas of agricultural practice and uncultivated areas. Generally, a high population of N2-fixing cyanobacteria was found in agricultural areas where rice cultivation was practised, rather than in other sites. The population dynamics in the mountain and uncultivated areas were less fluctuating than in agricultural areas. The population densities in agricultural areas increased in the rainy season and decreased during the dry season. Other environmental factors such as temperature, moisture and pH also affected the population densities in different habitats. Cyanobacterial diversity was notably influenced by the type of ecosystem in both dry and rainy seasons. The cultivation area containing rice in rotation with other crops contained the most genetically diverse range of species.  相似文献   

A cytotoxic compound was produced by the marine cyanobacteriumLyngbya sp. Pearl strain in large laboratory-scale batch cultures. Adsorption and fractionation of methanol extracts with reverse phase (C-18) cartridges provided a rapid method for removal of bioassay interference from salts, biopolymers and pigments and concentration of the cytotoxic principles. Cytotoxicity to the murine leukemia cell line P-388 was produced in two cycles coinciding with the initiation of exponential growth and again during the late exponential growth phase. Antiviral activity against influenza virus PR8 was found in extracts prepared from early exponential growth phase cells but antiviral activity was not detected in extracts of mid-log or late-log growth phase cells. These differences in bioactivity suggests that the cytotoxic principles produced during early and late exponential growth may be different compounds. Cytotoxicity assays using murine P-388 leukemia indicates that the semi-pure compound has an IC50 of < 0.25 μg ml−1 to this cell line. P-388 cytotoxicity in cell extracts increased during the late exponential growth phase and the specific yield was estimated at approximately 0.14 mg g−1 (dry cells).  相似文献   

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) shoots associated with the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis Kütz. (ATCC 29413) were regenerated in mixed cultures of tobacco callus and the cyanobacterium. The cyanobacteria were localized inside the tissues as well as on the surface of regenerated shoots, formed heterocysts, and were capable of acetylene reduction.  相似文献   

Three water bloom samples were collected in August 1986 from the southern Baltic Sea. Acute toxicity of the samples was determined by mouse bioassay and the toxins were further studied by HPLC. The bloom samples contained equal amounts of cyanobacteria Nodularia spumigena and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae and were hepatotoxic. Two hepatotoxic Nodularia spumigena strains were isolated from the samples. The isolates produce a toxic peak indistinguishable from the bloom material in the HPLC analysis. The toxicity of the fractions was verified by mouse bioassay. Thus the toxicity of the bloom samples was in all likelihood caused by Nodularia spumigena.  相似文献   

A vertical flat-plate photobioreactor was developed for the outdoor culture of microalgae using sunlight as the light source. The ability for biomass production and CO2 fixation was evaluated by using a cyanobacterium, Synechocystis aquatilis SI-2. The average areal productivity was 31 g biomass m–2 d–1, which corresponded to a CO2 fixation rate of 51 g CO2 m–2 d–1, sustainable in the northern region of Japan during the winter time (January and February). The relationships between the efficiency of solar energy utilization of the reactor and its effect factors (cell concentration and irradiation) were investigated.  相似文献   

S. Boussiba 《Plant and Soil》1991,137(1):177-180
The large scale production of nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria is discussed and the use of ammonia excreting mutants ofAnabaena siamensis is described.Gloeotrichia natans is considered for use as a biofertilizer and for the production of phycobiliproteins.  相似文献   

Minimal inhibitory concentration values of HgCl2 and 5 organomercurials were determined against 24 mercury-resistant N2-fixing soil bacteria previously isolated from soil and identified in our laboratory. These bacterial strains also displayed multiple antibiotic resistant properties. Typical growth pattern of a highly mercury-resistantBeijerinckia sp (KDr2) was studied in liquid broth supplemented with toxic levels of mercury compounds. Four bacterial strains were selected for determining their ability to volatilize mercury and their Hg-volatilizing capacity was different. Cell-free extracts prepared from overnight mercury-induced cells catalyzed Hg2+-induced NADPH oxidation. Specific activities of Hg2+-reductase which is capable of catalyzing conversion of Hg2+ →Hg(o) of 10 Hg-resistant bacterial strains are also reported.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using fish farm effluents was evaluated as a source of inorganic nutrients for mass production of marine diatoms. Batch cultures were conducted from May to July 1995 in 16-L outdoor rectangular tanks, homogenized by gentle aeration (0.2 L air L–1 h–1). The effluents from the two fish farms studied were both characterized by high concentrations of inorganic materials (NH4-N, PO4-;P, Si(OH)4-Si) and were shown to support production of marine diatoms. Moreover, periodic measurements of inorganic matter levels in the cultures showed that clearance was efficacious (90% in 3–5 days). Water purification efficiency and culture productivity were further increased through appropriate nutrient balancing. When effluents were limited in silicate, addition of Na2SiO3 induced a significant increase in both diatom biomass and nutrient removal efficiency. In this case, up to 720 000 cell mL–1 were produced dominated bySkeletonema costatum. By contrast, in effluents loaded with silicate, adjustment of the N:P:Si ratio by NH4-N and PO4-P supplementation then gave increased biomass production. In this case, the maximum cell density found was 450 000 cell mL–1, dominated byChaetoceros spp.Author for correspondence  相似文献   

Localization of glutamine synthetase in thin sections of nitrogen-fixing Anabaena cylindrica was performed using immuno-gold/transmission electronmicroscopy. The enzyme was present in all of the three cell types possible; vegetative cells, heterocysts and akinetes. The specific gold label was always more pronounced in heterocysts compared with vegetative cells, and showed a uniform distribution in all three types. No specific label was associated with subcellular inclusions such as carboxysomes, cyanophycin granules and polyphosphate granules. When anti-glutamine synthetase antiserum was omitted, no label was observed.Abbreviation GS glutamine synthetase  相似文献   

Cultures of Trichodesmium from the Northern and Southern Great Barrier Reef Lagoon (GBRL) have been established in enriched seawater and artificial seawater media. Some cultures have been maintained with active growth for over 6years. Actively growing cultures in an artificial seawater medium containing organic phosphorus (glycerophosphate) as the principal source of phosphorus have also been established. Key factors that contributed to the successful establishment of cultures were firstly, the seed samples were collected from depth, secondly, samples were thoroughly washed and thirdly, incubations were conducted under relatively low light intensities (PAR 40–50molquantam–2s–1). N2 fixation rates of the cultured Trichodesmium were found to be similar to those measured in the GBRL. Specific growth rates of the cultures during the exponential growth phase in all enriched media were in the range 0.2–0.3day–1 and growth during this phase was characterised by individual trichomes (filaments) or small aggregations of two to three trichomes. Characteristic bundle formation tended to occur following the exponential growth phase, which suggests that the bundle formation was induced by a lack of a necessary nutrient e.g. Fe. Results from some exploratory studies showed that filament-dominated cultures of Trichodesmium grew over a range of relatively low irradiances (PAR 5–120molquantam–2s–1) with the maximum growth occurring at 40–50molquantam–2s–1. These results suggest that filaments of the tested strain are well adapted for growth at depth in marine waters. Other studies showed that growth yields were dependent on salinity, with maximum growth occurring between 30 and 37psu. Also the cell yields decreased by an order of magnitude with the reduction of Fe additions from 450 to 45nM. No active growth was observed with the 4.5nM Fe addition.  相似文献   

Trichodesmium sp., isolated from the Great Barrier Reef lagoon, was cultured in artificial seawater media containing a range of Fe concentration. Fe additions stimulated growth, N2 fixation, cellular chlorophyll a content, light-saturated chlorophyll a-specific gross photosynthetic capacity (Pm chla) and the dark respiration rate (Rd chla). Cell yields only doubled for 9 nM Fe relative to zero added Fe, whereas N2 fixation increased 11-fold considerably for 450 nM Fe. The results suggest that N2 fixation of Trichodesmium is more sensitive to Fe limitation than are the cell yields.  相似文献   

A laboratory-determined critical concentration of phosphorus in the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena was used to assess the phosphorus sufficiency of field populations in the Peel-Harvey Estuarine System, Western Australia. Nutrient addition bioassays indicated that phosphorus was the limiting nutrient. Since river flow, and thus phosphorus input, to the estuary ceases 1–2 months before the onset of Nodularia blooms, the phosphorus contained in these blooms was derived from sediment release and nutrient recycling. A progressive increase in the mean cellular phosphorus concentration of Nodularia from 1981 to 1983 indicated that sediments were releasing a greater amount of phophorus each year. Although evidence suggests that the biomass of recent Nodularia blooms is now limited by physical factors, the additional phosphorus contained in each bloom will increase the supply of phosphorus to other organisms. Cellular phosphorus concentrations in Nodularia appeared to be correlated with river phosphorus loadings in the Peel Inlet but not in the Harvey Estuary.  相似文献   

Summary The productivity of three species of Azolla (A. pinnata, A. filiculoides andA. caroliniana) in outdoor culture has been evaluated at different planting densities. The highest yields were obtained with biomass concentration ranging from 40 to 70g d.w. m–2. The mean productivity over a 90 days period (from May 10th to August 10th) ranged from 10g d.w. m–2 day–1 forA. filiculoides up to 11.5 g d.w. m–2 day–1 forA. caroliniana. The nitrogen content of the dried biomasses was 48.3 mg (g d.w.)–1 forA. pinnata, 51.5mg (g d.w.)–1 forA. filiculoides and 52.3 mg (g d.w.)–1 forA. caroliniana. Very little variations of the nitrogen content of the ferns during the experimental period were observed.The nitrogen-fixing efficiency of the Azolla-Anabaena azollae symbiosis grown in outdoor conditions was evaluated both by direct measurement of the amount of N2 fixed by the culture and by the C2H2-reduction and H2-evolution tests in an air atmosphere. These tests were performed outdoor under the same environmental conditions as the growing cultures. For all the species the ratios of C2H2-reduced to N2-fixed were unexpectedly low, ranging from 2.04 (A. pinnata) to 1.50 (A. caroliniana).The results suggest that the reliability of the C2H2-reduction assay, particularly when applied to complex biological N2-fixing systems, must be re-examined.  相似文献   

Hydrogen production by Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413 and of its mutant PK84, grown in batch cultures, was studied in a photobioreactor. The highest volumetric H(2) production rates of native and mutant strains were found in cultures grown at gradually increased irradiation. The native strain evolved H(2) only under an argon atmosphere with the actual rate as high as the potential rate (measured in small vials under optimal conditions). In this case 61% of oxygenic photosynthesis was used for H(2) production. In contrast the mutant PK84 produced H(2) during growth under CO(2)-enriched air. Under these conditions at the maximum rate of H(2) production (10 mL h(-1) L(-1)), 13% of oxygenic photosynthesis was used for H(2) production and the actual H(2) production was only 33% of the potential. Under an atmosphere of 98% argon + 2% CO(2) actual H(2) production by mutant PK84 was 85% of the potential rate and 66% of oxygenic photosynthesis was used for H(2) production. Hydrogen production under argon + CO(2) by the mutant was strictly light-dependent with saturation at about 300 microE m(-2) s(-1). However, the rate of photosynthesis was not saturated at this irradiation. At limiting light intensities (below 250 microE m(-2) s(-1)) 33-58% of photosynthesis was used for H(2) production. Hydrogen evolution by PK84 under air + 2% CO(2) was also stimulated by light; but was not saturated at 332 microE m(-2) s(-1) and did not cease completely in darkness. The rate of oxygen photoevolution was also not saturated. A mechanism for increasing cyanobacterial hydrogen production is proposed.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis, respiration, N2 fixation and ammonium release were studied directly in Nodularia spumigena during a bloom in the Baltic Sea using a combination of microsensors, stable isotope tracer experiments combined with nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (nanoSIMS) and fluorometry. Cell-specific net C- and N2-fixation rates by N. spumigena were 81.6±6.7 and 11.4±0.9 fmol N per cell per h, respectively. During light, the net C:N fixation ratio was 8.0±0.8. During darkness, carbon fixation was not detectable, but N2 fixation was 5.4±0.4 fmol N per cell per h. Net photosynthesis varied between 0.34 and 250 nmol O2 h−1 in colonies with diameters ranging between 0.13 and 5.0 mm, and it reached the theoretical upper limit set by diffusion of dissolved inorganic carbon to colonies (>1 mm). Dark respiration of the same colonies varied between 0.038 and 87 nmol O2 h−1, and it reached the limit set by O2 diffusion from the surrounding water to colonies (>1 mm). N2 fixation associated with N. spumigena colonies (>1 mm) comprised on average 18% of the total N2 fixation in the bulk water. Net NH4+ release in colonies equaled 8–33% of the estimated gross N2 fixation during photosynthesis. NH4+ concentrations within light-exposed colonies, modeled from measured net NH4+ release rates, were 60-fold higher than that of the bulk. Hence, N. spumigena colonies comprise highly productive microenvironments and an attractive NH4+ microenvironment to be utilized by other (micro)organisms in the Baltic Sea where dissolved inorganic nitrogen is limiting growth.  相似文献   

3种水稻土中7株固氮蓝细菌的分离与特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【背景】蓝细菌是水生和陆地生态系统中生物固氮的主要贡献者。【目的】增加对稻田土壤固氮蓝细菌的了解,获得用于进一步研究的可培养固氮蓝细菌菌株。【方法】选择3种具有不同固氮能力的水稻土,采用BG11-N培养基分离培养固氮蓝细菌菌株,对新分离菌株进行形态特征观察,通过基因组DNA的nifH基因扩增明确其固氮潜力,进一步采用乙炔还原法和~(15)N_2示踪法定量测定其固氮能力,通过基因组DNA的16SrRNA基因序列比对进行鉴定。【结果】在光照培养条件下,采用BG11-N培养基共分离纯化得到自养菌株7株,细胞呈圆形或椭圆形、单列、无分枝、丝状和念珠状,在固体培养基上形成团垫状菌落。新分离菌株在BG11-N培养基中生长状况良好,以基因组DNA为模板可扩增出nifH基因,乙炔还原法和~(15)N_2示踪法测定结果显示具有较高固氮能力,同时具有铁载体生成能力。结合16S rRNA基因序列比对和形态特征,7株菌被初步鉴定隶属于念珠藻科(Nostocaceae)。【结论】从水稻土中分离到在稻田生物固氮中发挥重要作用的蓝细菌(念珠藻科)菌株,可培养固氮蓝细菌菌株固氮能力较高,兼具铁载体生成能力,可作为进一步深入研究的微生物资源,具有潜在的研究应用价值。  相似文献   

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