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Radiosequence analysis of peptide fragments of the estrogen receptor (ER) from MCF-7 human breast cancer cells has been used to identify cysteine 530 as the site of covalent attachment of an estrogenic affinity label, ketononestrol aziridine (KNA), and an antiestrogenic affinity label, tamoxifen aziridine (TAZ). ER from MCF-7 cells was covalently labeled with [3H]TAZ or [3H]KNA and purified to greater than 95% homogeneity by immunoadsorbent chromatography. Limit digest peptide fragments, generated by prolonged exposure of the labeled receptor to trypsin, cyanogen bromide, or Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease, were purified to homogeneity by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and the position of the labeled residue was determined by sequential Edman degradation. With both aziridines, the labeled residue was at position 1 in the tryptic peptide, position 2 in the cyanogen bromide peptide, and position 7 in the V8 protease peptide. This localizes the site of labeling to a single cysteine at position 530 in the receptor sequence. The identity of cysteine as the site of labeling was confirmed by HPLC comparison of the TAZ-labeled amino acid (as the phenylthiohydantoin and phenylthiocarbamyl derivatives) and the KNA-labeled amino acid (as the phenylthiocarbamyl derivative) with authentic standards prepared by total synthesis. Cysteine 530 is located in the hormone binding domain of the receptor, near its carboxyl terminus. This location is consistent with earlier studies using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to analyze the size of the proteolytic fragments containing the covalent labeling sites for TAZ and KNA and the antigen recognition sites for monoclonal antibodies. The fact that both the estrogenic and antiestrogenic affinity labeling agents react covalently with the same cysteine indicates that differences in receptor-agonist and receptor-antagonist complexes do not result in differential covalent labeling of amino acid residues in the hormone binding domain.  相似文献   

The possibility that estrogen receptors may exist in uterine plasma membranes was investigated by covalent labeling of estrogen receptors in mouse uterine cells with [3H]tamoxifen aziridine (TA). Isolated epithelial and stromal cells of immature mice were incubated with [3H]TA in the presence or absence of unlabeled tamoxifen, homogenized and separated into nuclear, cytosolic and microsomal fractions by differential centrifugation. These fractions were subjected to SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the proteins labeled covalently with TA were visualized by autoradiography. Proteins labeled specifically with [3H]TA were observed almost exclusively in the nuclear fraction of both epithelial and stromal cells. In contrast, very little labeled protein was detected in the cytosolic or microsomal fraction. Although these data do not preclude the possibility that estrogen binding sites are present in plasma membranes of uterine cells, this cellular fraction is definitely not labeled to a significant extent by [3H]TA. Thus, if membrane estrogen binding sites exist, their structural conformations may be different from that of nuclear estrogen receptors.  相似文献   

Iododesethyl tamoxifen aziridine (I-Tam-Az), an analog of the estrogen receptor-affinity label tamoxifen aziridine (Tam-Az) in which the ethyl group has been replaced by an iodine, has been prepared by two routes: (a) metallation of a bromotriarylethylene system, followed by reaction with iodine, and aziridinylation, and (b) direct iodination of a trimethylstannyl triarylethylene system that is the immediate precursor of I-Tam-Az. The latter method can be used to prepare [125I]I-Tam-Az rapidly and in good yield, both at carrier-added and no-carrier-added levels; specific activities greater than 200 Ci/mmol have been obtained. In competitive radiometric binding assays with the estrogen receptor, I-Tam-Az has an apparent affinity of ca. 20%, equivalent to that of Tam-Az. It also undergoes rapid and selective time-dependent, irreversible binding to the estrogen receptor. [125I]I-Tam-Az reacts covalently with estrogen receptor in uterine cytosol preparations; its attachment is rapid and efficient, but somewhat less selective than that of Tam-Az. Estrogen receptor in intact MCF-7 human breast cancer cells can also be labeled with [125I]I-Tam-Az, and autoradiographic analysis of salt extracts of labeled nuclear estrogen receptor on SDS-polyacrylamide slab gels shows highly selective labeling of a 65K protein. [125I]I-Tam-Az is an efficient, selective affinity label for the estrogen receptor, available at high specific activity, and should be useful in studies on estrogen receptor structure, dynamics, and chromatin interactions.  相似文献   

Desmethylnafoxidine aziridine (Naf-Az), an affinity label for the estrogen receptor based structurally on the antiestrogen nafoxidine, has been prepared in unlabeled and in high specific activity, tritium-labeled form and has been evaluated for its apparent competitive binding, and time-dependent irreversible, covalent attachment to the estrogen receptor. Naf-Az was synthesized through a key 1,2-diaryl-3,4-dihydronaphthalene intermediate that was prepared from 6-methoxy-1-tetralone by two routes involving alternate strategies for arylation. Conversion of the diaryldihydronaphthalene to Naf-Az through a series of deprotection-activation reactions culminated in ethyleneimine displacement of a methanesulfonate. The tritium-labeled material was prepared by tritium-iodine exchange on an iodinated methanesulfonate precursor, followed by ethyleneimine displacement. Compared to our previously-prepared reagent tamoxifen aziridine (Tam-Az), Naf-Az has a higher apparent competitive binding affinity, and it reacts with the estrogen receptor in cytosol preparations and in intact MCF-7 breast cancer cells rapidly and with at least comparable efficiency and selectivity. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis confirms its selective labeling of the Mr 66,000 estrogen receptor. Naf-Az should prove to be useful in studies aimed at characterizing the properties and structure of estrogen receptors.  相似文献   

Estrogen receptor interaction with estrogen response elements   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:33  

The metal-binding properties of partially purified untransformed or salt-dissociated bovine estrogen receptors were studied using zinc-chelated iminodiacetic acid gels. Only the salt-dissociated 5S receptor is retained by the metal-chelated resin, and this interaction is dependent on the presence of dithiothreitol. The untransformed 9S receptor is not retained, indicating that the zinc-interacting amino acid residues may be masked by receptor-associated proteins such as 90K heat-shock protein or because of an unfavorable receptor conformation.  相似文献   

The study of the mechanism of interaction of antiestrogens with the estrogen receptor is complicated by the limited solubility of these compounds and their nonspecific, hydrophobic interactions with proteins in estrogen receptor preparations and with the glass or plastic wall of the test tube. The organic solvent dimethylformamide increases the solubility of these compounds in aqueous solution and interferes with hydrophobic interactions with solid phases and thereby reduces their loss from the solution. For these reasons some investigators use dimethylformamide in the antiestrogen-estrogen receptor binding assay. In this study we report that dimethylformamide interferes with the estrogen receptor's binding kinetics and the estradiol-induced activation of the estrogen receptors, and inactivates the receptor.  相似文献   

A model for the interaction of 31 amino acid fragment (protein) from DNA binding domain of human estrogen receptor (hER) with a five base pair DNA sequence 5'GGTCA 3' from estrogen regulatory element (ERE) has been obtained using a step-wise procedure based on structural data on model peptides, DNA binding domain of hER, steric constrains imposed by tetrahedral coordination of the Cys sulphurs with zinc ion and classical secondary structural elements. Structure of the protein as well as its complex with DNA is obtained by energy minimization followed by refinement by molecular mechanics. The complex is stabilized by H-bonds between Lys22, Lys26 and Arg27 with DNA bases G2, T3 and T6. Lys22 also made H-bond with the backbone of G2. The backbone of Cys18 H-bonded with N7 of G1. DNA was in distorted B form and showed evidence of protein-induced conformational changes.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modifications of the estrogen receptor (ER) are emerging as important regulatory elements of cross talk between different signaling pathways. ER phosphorylation, in particular, has been implicated in the ligand-independent effects of ER and in tamoxifen resistance of breast tumors. In our studies, Western immunoblot analysis of endogenous ER in parental MCF-7 cells reveals specific, ligand-dependent phosphorylations at S118 and S167, with this ligand dependence being lost in tamoxifen-resistant, MCF-7 Her2/neu cells. Using highly purified components and sensitive fluorescence methods in an in vitro system, we show that phosphorylation by different kinases alters ER action through distinct mechanisms. Phosphorylation by Src and protein kinase A increases affinity for estradiol (E2), whereas ER phosphorylation by MAPK decreases trans-hydroxytamoxifen (TOT) binding. Affinity of ER for the consensus estrogen response element is also altered by phosphorylation in a ligand-specific manner, with decrease in affinity of MAPK- and Src-phosphorylated ER in the presence of TOT. ER phosphorylation by MAPK, AKT, or protein kinase A increases recruitment of steroid receptor coactivator 3 receptor interaction domain to the DNA-bound receptor in the presence of E2. Taken together, these results suggest that ER phosphorylation alters receptor functions (ligand, DNA, and coactivator binding), effecting changes that could lead to an increase in E2 agonism and a decrease in TOT antagonistic activity, reflecting changes encountered in tamoxifen resistance in endocrine therapy of breast cancer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The classic model of estrogen action requires that the estrogen receptor (ER) activates gene expression by binding directly or indirectly to DNA. Recent studies, however, strongly suggest that ER can act through nongenomic signal transduction pathways and may be mediated by a membrane bound form of the ER. Estradiol covalently linked to membrane impermeable BSA (E2-BSA) has been widely used as an agent to study these novel membrane-associated ER events. However, a recent report suggests that E2-BSA does not compete for E2 binding to purified ER in vitro. To resolve this apparent discrepancy, we performed competition studies examining the binding of E2 and E2-BSA to both purified ER preparations and ER within intact cells. To eliminate potential artifacts due to contamination of commercially available E2-BSA preparations with unconjugated E2 (usually between 3-5%), the latter was carefully removed by ultrafiltration. RESULTS: As previously reported, a 10-to 1000-fold molar excess of E2-BSA was unable to compete with 3H-E2 binding to ER when added simultaneously. However, when ER was pre-incubated with the same concentrations of E2-BSA, the binding of 3H-E2 was significantly reduced. E2-BSA binding to a putative membrane-associated ER was directly visualized using fluorescein labeled E2-BSA (E2-BSA-FITC). Staining was restricted to the cell membrane when E2-BSA-FITC was incubated with stable transfectants of the murine ERalpha within ER-negative HeLa cells and with MC7 cells that endogenously produce ERalpha. This staining appeared highly specific since it was competed by pre-incubation with E2 in a dose dependent manner and with the competitor ICI-182,780. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that E2-BSA does bind to purified ER in vitro and to ER in intact cells. It seems likely that the size and structure of E2-BSA requires more energy for it to bind to the ER and consequently binds more slowly than E2. More importantly, these findings demonstrate that in intact cells that express ER, E2-BSA binding is localized to the cell membrane, strongly suggesting a membrane bound form of the ER.  相似文献   

Indenestrol A (IA) and indenestrol B (IB) are analogs and metabolites of diethylstilbestrol (DES). These compounds have high binding affinity with the estrogen receptor (ER) but possess weak uterotropic activity. Due to their chemical structures, IA and IB exist as mixtures of enantiomers. We investigated whether the poor biological activity of these compounds was due to differential activity of the enantiomers. We also utilized these compounds as probes to determine the extent of stereochemical sensitivity in the ER ligand binding site. The IA and IB enantiomers were separated to greater than 98% purity using a chiral high pressure liquid chromatography column. Their enantiomeric nature was confirmed by mass spectrometry and NMR. The purified IA enantiomer peak 1 was derivatized with 4-bromobenzoyl chloride. The resulting di(4-bronobenzoate) IA was analyzed by x-ray crystallography and the absolute enantiomeric conformation assigned is C(3)-R. The IA enantiomers designated IA-R and A-S were assayed by competitive binding to cytosolic ER. The competitive binding index was estradiol, 100; DES, 286; IA-Rac (racemic mixture of IA), 143; IA-R, 3; and IA-S, 285; the index showed that ER demonstrates a stereochemical chiral preference. The IB enantiomers did not show a binding preference: IB, 145; IB-1, 100; and IB-2, 143. The differences in the IA enantiomer binding were shown to be due to competitive interactions by Lineweaver-Burk analysis of saturation binding of estradiol to ER in the presence of 1-, 5-, and 10-fold molar excess of competitor. Differences in binding affinity of the enantiomers could be partially explained by differences in the association rate constant (k+1) determined by association rate inhibition studies in which IA-S was 15 times more active than IA-R. Nuclear estrogen receptor levels were measured 1 h after in vivo treatment with doses of 5-20 micrograms/kg. The IA-Rac produced only 60% of the levels is compared with DES. Nuclear ER levels were checked every 30 min up to 2 h with no apparent difference, indicating that the low early levels were not due to a delayed estrogen receptor retention. When the enantiomers were tested individually only a dose of 10 micrograms/kg IA-S translocated ER to a level comparable to DES, while IA-R showed low levels at several doses. These results suggest that the poor biological activity of IA may be related to the differential ER interaction of its enantiomers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We designed and synthesized an estrogen receptor (ER) down-regulator (5), which is a derivative of tamoxifen with a long alkyl side chain. Compound 5 effectively reduced ER protein levels in MCF-7 cells and had an antagonistic effect.  相似文献   

The ligand binding and G-protein coupling of the bovine hippocampal 5-HT1A receptor as a function of temperature was monitored. There is an almost complete and irreversible loss in agonist binding at 50°C. However, the antagonist binding is reduced only by 50%, and this could be reversed if the temperature is lowered to 25°C. Interestingly, the agonist binding of the 5-HT1A receptor in membranes exposed to 50°C is inhibited to a much lesser extent by GTP-γ-S, a non-hydrolysable analogue of GTP, indicating uncoupling of the 5-HT1A receptor to G-proteins at 50°C. We propose that high temperature selectively and irreversibly inactivates G-proteins thereby affecting G-protein-receptor interaction and agonist binding of the 5-HT1A receptor.  相似文献   

A low concentration estrogen-derivatized affinity resin has been used in a rapid, single step purification of the untransformed estrogen receptor from calf uterine cytosols prepared without sodium molybdata. The procedure isolates the Mr 65,000 estrogen receptor in association with the bovine heat shock protein hsp90. Small amounts of proteolyzed receptor ranging in size from Mr 50,000 to 60,000 are also present in the purified extracts. Results from affinity chromatography of receptor cytosols either untreated or presaturated with estradiol suggest that two proteins of Mr 22,000 and 38,000 are co-purified with the untransformed receptor complex and may represent additional nonhormone-binding components of the native receptor form. Some indication of the stability of protein-protein interactions within the oligomeric complex has been derived from differential salt elution studies with heparin-sepharose and affinity gel-immobilized untransformed receptor. On size exclusion high performance liquid chromatography the untransformed complex eluted with a Stokes radius of 75 +/- 2 A (n = 18), but was shown to be sensitive to extended ultracentrifugal analysis dissociating to the receptor homodimer, sedimentation coefficient 5.3 +/- 0.3 s (n = 5). Preliminary data on urea- and heat-induced transformation of the isolated receptor to the DNA-binding state is presented.  相似文献   

Using electromobility shift assay the interaction of fragments of two paralogous rat estrogen sulfotransferase (Ste) genes with proteins of nuclear extracts from male and female rat liver was studied. Male-specific DNA–protein complexes were revealed with labeled oligonucleotides corresponding to fragments +1150/+1449, +1358/+1449, +1397/+1449, and +1417/+1449 of intron 1 of the Ste1 gene. The removal of a 20 bp region corresponding to the sequence +1430/+1449, or even either 5"- or 3"-terminal 5 bp of this region abolished the selective interaction of the oligonucleotides with the malespecific protein(s). According to the results of the experiments on mutual competition of the oligonucleotides, the fragment of the Ste2 gene corresponding to the sequence +1397/+1449 of the Ste1 gene formed complexes with the same male-specific protein(s) as the fragment of the Ste1 gene did. The data suggest the mapped element to participate in gender differentiation of the expression of the Ste1 and Ste2 genes.  相似文献   

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