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Mature human dendritic cells (mDCs) are the most powerful APCs known today, having the unique ability to induce primary immune responses. One of the best known surface markers for mDCs is the glycoprotein CD83, which is strongly up-regulated during maturation, together with costimulatory molecules such as CD80 and CD86. When CD83 surface expression was inhibited by interference with the messenger RNA export or by infection with certain viruses, DCs showed a dramatically reduced capability to induce T cell proliferation. However, in these cases side effects on other cellular functions cannot be excluded completely. In this study we present an efficient method to specifically influence CD83 surface expression by the use of RNA interference. We used small-interfering RNA targeted against CD83 and carefully evaluated an electroporation protocol for the delivery of the duplex into the cells. Furthermore, we identified freshly prepared immature DCs as the best target for the application of a CD83 knockdown and we were also able to achieve a long lasting silencing effect for this molecule. Finally, we were able to confirm that CD83 functions as an enhancer during the stimulation of T cells, significantly increases DC-mediated T cell proliferation, and goes hand in hand with clear changes in cytokine expression during T cell priming. These results were obtained for the first time without the use of agents that might cause unwanted side effects, such as low m.w. inhibitors or viruses. Therefore, this method presents a suitable way to influence DC biology.  相似文献   

In HIV infection, dendritic cells (DCs) may play multiple roles, probably including initial HIV uptake in the anogenital mucosa, transport to lymph nodes, and subsequent transfer to T cells. The effects of HIV-1 on DC maturation are controversial, with several recent conflicting reports in the literature. In this study, microarray studies, confirmed by real-time PCR, demonstrated that the genes encoding DC surface maturation markers were among the most differentially expressed in monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDCs), derived from human blood, treated with live or aldrithriol-2-inactivated HIV-1(BaL). These effects translated to enhanced cell surface expression of these proteins but differential expression of maturation markers was only partial compared with the effects of a conventional potent maturation stimulus. Such partially mature MDDCs can be converted to fully mature cells by this same potent stimulus. Furthermore, live HIV-1 stimulated greater changes in maturation marker surface expression than aldrithriol-2-inactivated HIV-1 and this enhanced stimulation by live HIV-1 was mediated via CCR5, thus suggesting both viral replication-dependent and -independent mechanisms. These partially mature MDDCs demonstrated enhanced CCR7-mediated migration and are also able to stimulate interacting T cells in a MLR, suggesting DCs harboring HIV-1 might prepare CD4 lymphocytes for transfer of HIV-1. Increased maturation marker surface expression was also demonstrated in native DCs, ex vivo Langerhans cells derived from human skin. Thus, HIV initiates maturation of DCs which could facilitate subsequent enhanced transfer to T cells.  相似文献   

CD40 ligation ablates the tolerogenic potential of lymphoid dendritic cells   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The outcome of dendritic cell (DC) presentation of P815AB, a tolerogenic tumor/self peptide, depends on a balance between the respective immunogenic and tolerogenic properties of myeloid (CD8 alpha(-)) and lymphoid (CD8 alpha(+)) DC. We have previously shown that CD8(-) DC can be primed by IL-12 to overcome inhibition by the CD8(+) subset and initiate immunogenic presentation in vivo when the two types of peptide-pulsed DC are cotransferred into recipient hosts. IFN-gamma enhances the inhibitory activity of CD8(+) DC on Ag presentation by the other subset, blocking the ability of IL-12-treated CD8(-) DC to overcome suppression. We report here that CD40 ligation on lymphoid DC ablated their inhibitory function on Ag presentation as well as IFN-gamma potentiation of the effect. CD40 modulation of IFN-gamma action on lymphoid DC involved a reduction in IFN-gamma R expression and tryptophan-degrading ability. This effect was accompanied in vitro by an impaired capacity of the CD40-modulated and IFN-gamma-treated DC to initiate T cell apoptosis. In vivo, not only did CD40 triggering on lymphoid DC abrogate their tolerogenic activity, but it also induced the potential for immunogenic presentation of P815AB. Importantly, a pattern similar to P815AB as well as CD40 modulation of lymphoid DC function were observed on testing reactivity to NRP, a synthetic peptide mimotope recognized by diabetogenic CD8(+) T cells in nonobese diabetic mice.  相似文献   

An understanding of the biochemical control of dendritic cell (DC) differentiation/activation is essential for improving T cell immunity by various immunotherapeutic approaches, including DC immunization. Ligation of CD40 enhances DC function, including conditioning for CTL priming. NF-kappaB, and particularly RelB, is an essential control pathway for myeloid DC differentiation. Furthermore, RelB regulates B cell Ag-presenting function. We hypothesized that CD40 ligand (CD40L) and TNF-alpha, which differ in their capacity to condition DC, would also differ in their capacity to activate NF-kappaB. DC differentiated for 2 days from monocytes in the presence of GM-CSF and IL-4 were used as a model, as NF-kappaB activity was constitutively low. The capacity of DC to activate T cells following CD40L treatment was enhanced compared with TNF-alpha treatment, and this was NF-kappaB dependent. Whereas RelB/p50 translocation induced by TNF-alpha was attenuated after 6 h, RelB/p50 nuclear translocation induced by CD40L was sustained for at least 24 h. The mechanism of this difference related to enhanced degradation of IkappaBalpha following CD40L stimulation. However, NF-kappaB activation induced by TNF-alpha could be sustained by blocking autocrine IL-10. These data indicate that NF-kappaB activation is essential for T cell activation by DC, and that this function is enhanced if DC NF-kappaB activation is prolonged. Because IL-10 moderates DC NF-kappaB activation by TNF-alpha, sustained NF-kappaB activation can be achieved by blocking IL-10 in the presence of stimuli that induce TNF-alpha.  相似文献   

Mature dendritic cells (DC) are efficient, antigen-presenting cells required for the stimulation of naive T lymphocytes. Many members of the tumour necrosis factor (TNF) receptor family are involved in DC maturation, such as Fas, CD40, OX40L, LIGHT (homologous to lymphotoxins, exhibits inducible expression, and competes with HSV glycoprotein D for herpes virus entry mediator (HVEM), a receptor expressed by T lymphocytes) or RANK (receptor activator of NFkappaB), with different, but often overlapping effects. We focused our attention on RANK DC stimulation, since RANK ligand (RL) is expressed on activated T lymphocytes with different kinetic and expression patterns from the other members of TNF family previously cited. After culture with RL-transfected cells, a significant percentage of immature DC generated from monocytes (Mo-DC) acquired a typical, mature DC morphology and phenotype characterised by up-regulation of CD83, DC-LAMP (lysosome-associated membrane glycoprotein), HLA class I, CD86 and CD54. The functional RL-mediated maturation was demonstrated by a decrease in DC macropinocytosis and acquisition of the capacity to stimulate allogenic T-cells. Among the various cytokines tested, we detected only a weak up-regulation of IL-12p40. Our results show that ligation of RANK on DC cell surfaces is not only a survival stimulus, but also induces a partial and specific mature DC phenotype, the physiological significance of which is under investigation.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of severe lower respiratory tract infections in children, the elderly, and immune-compromised individuals. CD4 and CD8 T cells play a crucial role in the elimination of RSV from the infected lung, but T cell memory is not sufficient to completely prevent reinfections. The nature of the adaptive immune response depends on innate immune reactions initiated after interaction of invading pathogens with host APCs. For respiratory pathogens myeloid dendritic cell (DC) precursors that are located underneath the epithelial cell layer lining the airways may play a crucial role in primary activation of T cells and regulating their functional potential. In this study, we investigated the role of human monocyte-derived DC in RSV infection. We showed that monocyte-derived DC can be productively infected, which results in maturation of the DC judged by the up-regulation of CD80, CD83, CD86, and HLA class II molecules. However, RSV infection of DC caused impaired CD4 T cell activation characterized by a lower T cell proliferation and ablation of cytokine production in activated T cells. The suppressive effect was caused by an as yet unidentified soluble factor produced by RSV-infected DC.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) play an essential role in the induction and maintenance of an effective immune response and express multiple siglecs. In the present study, we investigated whether or not the ligation of tumor-produced mucins with Siglec-9 expressed on immature DCs is related to escape from immunosurveillance in the tumor-bearing state.Expression of Siglec-9 was up-regulated on the development of monocytes into immature DCs and was decreased in mature DCs. Binding of various mucins and artificial glycopolymers carrying poly (NeuAc α2,6 LacNAc) or poly (NeuAc α2,3 LacNAc) to Siglec-9 was demonstrated by means of a plate assay. These mucins also bound to the surface of immature DCs. When immature DCs were treated with LPS in the presence of these mucins or artificial glycopolymers, the production of IL-12 was significantly reduced, but that of IL-10 was not. Furthermore, IL-12 production was decreased to a similar level on treatment with anti-Siglec-9 mAb. Mucins prepared from serum of cancer patients actually could bind to Siglec-9. These results suggest that Siglec-9 expressed on DCs is involved in immunoregulation through ligation with mucins in an epithelial cancer patient.  相似文献   

Despite the very high percentage of long-term remissions in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in children, some of them suffer from recurrence of the disease. New treatment modalities, e.g. effective geno- and immunotherapy are needed. The use of neoplasmatic cells to present tumor antigens is one of the approaches in cancer vaccines. ALL cells lack the expression of costimulatory molecules and are poor antigen presenting cells (APCs) for T-cell activation. CD40/40L interaction stimulates B-cells to proliferate, differentiate, upregulate costimulatory molecules and increase antigen presentation. The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that ALL cells can be turned into professional APCs by CD40L activation. Children with B-cell precursor ALL were enrolled into the study. Mononuclear cells from bone marrow or peripheral blood were stimulated with CD40L and interleukin 4. Results: 1) after culture we noted upregulation of all assessed costimulatory, adhesion and activatory molecules i.e. CD1a, CD11c, CD40, CD54, CD80, CD83, CD86, CD123, HLA class I and II; 2) CD40L activated ALL cells induced proliferation of allogeneic T-cells (measured by [(3)H]thymidine incorporation). These results confirm the possibility of enhancing the immunogenicity of ALL cells with the CD40L system and indicate that this approach can be used in immunotherapeutic trials.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) represent a unique set of APCs that initiate immune responses through priming of naive T cells. Maturation of DC is a crucial step during Ag presentation and can be induced by triggering a broad spectrum of DC surface receptors. Although human DC express several receptors for the Fc portion of IgG which were described to play an important role in Ag internalization, little is known about the effects of IgG or immune complexes on DC maturation. In this study, we show that cross-linking of FcgammaR-type II (CD32) with immobilized IgG (imIgG) can induce maturation of human monocyte-derived DC via the NF-kappaB signaling pathway. IgG-mediated maturation was accompanied by a moderate increase of IL-10 secretion, whereas no IL-12 production was observed. Involvement of CD32 was further supported by experiments with the anti-CD32 mAb, which blocked IgG-triggered DC maturation and cytokine secretion significantly. Furthermore, DC cultivated in the presence of imIgG induced allogeneic T cell proliferation. Because this imIgG-induced maturation was considerably impaired in monocyte-derived DC from systemic lupus erythematosus patients, we suggest that DC, which matured in the presence of immune complexes, may contribute to prevention of pathological immune responses.  相似文献   

Tumors produce a number of immunosuppressive factors that block the maturation of CD34+ stem cells into dendritic cells (DC). We hypothesized that tumors might also interfere with the maturation and/or function of human monocyte-derived DC. In contrast to stem cells, we found that CD14+ cells responded to tumor culture supernatant (TSN) by increasing expression of APC surface markers, up-regulating nuclear translocation of RelB, and developing allostimulatory activity. Although displaying these characteristics of mature DC, TSN-exposed DC lacked the capacity to produce IL-12, did not acquire full allostimulatory activity, and rapidly underwent apoptosis. The effects of TSN appeared to be specific for maturing DC, and were not reversed by Abs against known DC regulatory factors including IL-10, vascular endothelial growth factor, TGF-beta, or PGE2. Supernatants collected from nonmalignant cell sources had no effect on DC maturation. The altered maturation and early apoptosis of monocyte-derived DC may represent another mechanism by which tumors evade immune detection.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and the concomitant decline in the ratio of reduced glutathione (GSH) to oxidized glutathione (GSSG) were demonstrated in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DC). Further, their relation to the maturation of DC, characterized by the production of cytokines, up-regulation of cell surface molecules and allo-stimulatory capacity, was examined. The LPS-induced ROS generation was demonstrated using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in intact cells, and was also confirmed using laser scanning confocal microscopy. The GSH/GSSG was assesed using a glutathione assay kit. When the DC were treated with alpha-phenyl-tert-butylnitrone, the ROS generation was attenuated, but the declined GSH/GSSG was not attenuated, and only cytokine production was suppressed among the above-mentioned maturation characteristics. When the DC were treated with glutathione monoethyl ester, both the ROS generation and the declined GSH/GSSG were attenuated, and the maturation characteristics were all suppressed. These findings suggest that the LPS-induced ROS generation and the concomitant decline in GSH/GSSG occur in human monocyte-derived DC and that the former is involved in cytokine production, while the latter is involved in the up-regulation of cell surface molecules and allo-stimulatory capacity. Since the cytokine production and the allo-stimulatory capacity of DC play an important role in inflammatory and immune responses, differential regulation of the ROS generation and the declined GSH/GSSG may be useful as therapeutic tools in diseases where both responses become entangled, such as sepsis and graft-versus-host disease.  相似文献   

Interactions between dendritic cells (DCs) and activated T cells are critically important for the establishment of an effective immune response. To develop the basis for a new DC-based cancer vaccine, we investigated cell-to-cell interactions between human monocyte-derived DCs and autologous T cells that are activated to express the CD40 ligand (CD40L). Peripheral blood monocytes were cultured in the presence of granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and interleukin 4 (IL-4) to induce differentiation of DCs. Activated T cells (ATs) consisted of autologous peripheral blood lymphocytes that had been activated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and then stimulated with calcium ionophore to up-regulate expression of CD40L. Coculture of these DCs and ATs induced significant production of interleukin 12 (IL-12) and also enhanced the production of interferon (IFN-). The production of IL-12 was blocked by an anti-CD40L antibody or by separation of the DC and AT fractions by a permeable membrane. Furthermore, coculture of DCs and ATs induced DCs to upregulate CD83 expression and stimulated migration of DCs toward the macrophage inflammatory protein 3- (MIP-3). ATs also migrated toward the MIP-3. These results suggest a combination of DCs and ATs as a potentially effective therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The development of dendritic cell (DC)-based vaccines using antigen-encoding mRNA requires identification of the critical parameters for efficient ex vivo loading of DCs. Exogenously delivered mRNA can induce DC activation, but the molecular mechanisms involved are unknown. The aim of the present study was to identify the means by which mRNA-dependent activation of DCs occurs. METHODS: In vitro transcribed mRNA molecules were delivered into porcine monocyte-derived DCs (MoDCs) using different non-viral gene transfer procedures. Using the green fluorescent protein (GFP) as reporter gene, as well as rhodamine-labeled RNA, intracellular delivery and transfection efficiency were assessed by confocal microscopy and flow cytometry. DC activation was monitored in terms of MHC class II and CD80/86 upregulation, as well as the production of type I interferon (IFN-alpha/beta). RESULTS: mRNA-lipofected MoDCs produced type I IFN and upregulated MHC class II and CD80/86. Computational analysis of the mRNA molecules predicted highly ordered secondary structures forming double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). This dsRNA was also detectable by immunofluorescence in mRNA-lipofected cells, using antibody specific for dsRNA. Digestion of the mRNA prior to lipofection with a double-strand-specific RNase, but not a single-strand-specific RNase, abrogated DC activation. Impairment of protein kinase R (PKR) with 2-aminopurine also interfered with the activation. CONCLUSIONS: Double-stranded secondary structures on mRNA delivered by lipofection can activate MoDCs. This could have important implications for mRNA-based immunomodulation of DCs, DC-based immunotherapy, and formulation of RNA-based vaccines. In addition, this report describes the first in vitro steps towards development of a novel large animal model system to evaluate DC-based vaccines against infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Honokiol (HNK) is a phenolic compound isolated from the bark of houpu (Magnolia officinalis), a plant widely used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine. While substantial evidence indicates that HNK possesses anti-inflammatory activity, its effect on dendritic cells (DCs) during the inflammatory reaction remains unclear. The present study investigates how HNK affects lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated human monocyte-derived DCs. Our experimental results show that HNK inhibits the inflammatory response of LPS-induced DCs by (1) suppressing the expression of CD11c, CD40, CD80, CD83, CD86, and MHC-II on LPS-activated DCs, (2) reducing the production of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-12p70 but increasing the production of IL-10 and TGF-β1 by LPS-activated DCs, (3) inhibiting the LPS-induced DC-elicited allogeneic T-cell proliferation, and (4) shifting the LPS-induced DC-driven Th1 response toward a Th2 response. Further, our results show that HNK inhibits the phosphorylation levels of ERK1/2, p38, JNK1/2, IKKα, and IκBα in LPS-activated DCs. Collectively, the findings show that the anti-inflammatory actions of HNK on LPS-induced DCs are associated with the NF-κB and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Chen T  Li Z  Jing T  Zhu W  Ge J  Zheng X  Pan X  Yan H  Zhu J 《FEBS letters》2011,(3):2975-573
There is increasing evidence that microRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in cell proliferation, apoptosis and differentiation that accompany inflammatory responses. However, whether miRNAs are associated with dendritic cell (DC) immuno-inflammatory responses to oxidized low density lipoprotein (oxLDL) stimulation is yet unknown. Our study aims to explore the link of miRNA to lipid-overload and the immuno-inflammatory mechanism for atherosclerosis. Human primary monocyte-derived DCs were transfected with miR-146a mimics and inhibitor, and then stimulated by oxLDL. For the flow cytometric analysis of the DC immunophenotype, supernatants were collected to determine inflammatory chemokine markers. Our study clearly revealed that miRNA-146a regulates the maturation process and pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion in DCs by targeting CD40L in ox-LDL-stimulated DCs.  相似文献   

Human plasmacytoid precursor dendritic cells (ppDC) are a major source of type I IFN upon exposure to virus and bacteria, yet the stimulus causing their maturation into DCs is unknown. After PBMC activation with immunostimulatory bacterial DNA sequences (CpG-DNA) we found that ppDC are the primary source of IFN-alpha. In fact, either CpG-DNA or dsRNA (poly(I:C)) induced IFN-alpha from purified ppDC. Surprisingly, only CpG-DNA triggered purified ppDC survival, maturation, and production of TNF, GM-CSF, IL-6, and IL-8, but not IL-10 or IL-12. Known DC activators such as CD40 ligation triggered ppDC maturation, but only IL-8 production, while bacterial LPS was negative for all activation criteria. An additional finding was that only CpG-DNA could counteract IL-4-induced apoptosis in ppDC. Therefore, CpG-DNA represents a pathogen-associated molecular pattern for ppDC. In contrast to these finding, CpG-DNA, like LPS, caused TNF, IL-6, and IL-12 release from PBMC and purified monocytes; however, differentiation of monocytes into DCs with GM-CSF and IL-4 unexpectedly resulted in refractoriness to CpG-DNA, but not LPS. Taken together, these results suggest that within a DC subset a multiplicity of responses can be generated by distinct environmental stimuli and that responses to a given stimulus may be dissimilar between DC subsets.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs), a critical component of innate immunity, are the most potent APCs. When DCs mature, they can elicit strong T cell responses. We studied the kinetics of Ag-induced phenotypic and functional maturation of human monocyte-derived DCs using an in vitro T cell-independent culture system. With this model, we herein show that an Ag that has recently or repetitively been exposed ("exposed Ag") rapidly induces a high level of maturation; however, an Ag that has never or only remotely been exposed ("unexposed Ag") slowly induces a low level of maturation. The kinetics of Ag-induced maturation of DCs possibly implies a novel mechanism for immunological memory that would provide maximal host protection from repetitively invading pathogens in the environment.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) such as benzo(a)pyrene (BP) are environmental carcinogens exhibiting potent immunosuppressive properties. To determine the cellular bases of this immunotoxicity, we have studied the effects of PAHs on differentiation, maturation, and function of monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DC). Exposure to BP during monocyte differentiation into DC upon the action of GM-CSF and IL-4 markedly inhibited the up-regulation of markers found in DC such as CD1a, CD80, and CD40, without altering cell viability. Besides BP, PAHs such as dimethylbenz(a)anthracene and benzanthracene also strongly altered CD1a levels. Moreover, DC generated in the presence of BP displayed decreased endocytic activity. Features of LPS-mediated maturation of DC, such as CD83 up-regulation and IL-12 secretion, were also impaired in response to BP treatment. BP-exposed DC poorly stimulated T cell proliferation in mixed leukocyte reactions compared with their untreated counterparts. In contrast to BP, the halogenated arylhydrocarbon 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, which shares some features with PAHs, including interaction with the arylhydrocarbon receptor, failed to phenotypically alter differentiation of monocytes into DC, suggesting that binding to the arylhydrocarbon receptor cannot mimic PAH effects on DC. Overall, these data demonstrate that exposure to PAHs inhibits in vitro functional differentiation and maturation of blood monocyte-derived DC. Such an effect may contribute to the immunotoxicity of these environmental contaminants due to the major role that DC play as potent APC in the development of the immune response.  相似文献   

Although most vaccines are administered i.m., little is known about the dendritic cells (DCs) that are present within skeletal muscles. In this article, we show that expression of CD64, the high-affinity IgG receptor FcγRI, distinguishes conventional DCs from monocyte-derived DCs (Mo-DCs). By using such a discriminatory marker, we defined the distinct DC subsets that reside in skeletal muscles and identified their migratory counterparts in draining lymph nodes (LNs). We further used this capability to analyze the functional specialization that exists among muscle DCs. After i.m. administration of Ag adsorbed to alum, we showed that alum-injected muscles contained large numbers of conventional DCs that belong to the CD8α(+)- and CD11b(+)-type DCs. Both conventional DC types were capable of capturing Ag and of migrating to draining LNs, where they efficiently activated naive T cells. In alum-injected muscles, Mo-DCs were as numerous as conventional DCs, but only a small fraction migrated to draining LNs. Therefore, alum by itself poorly induces Mo-DCs to migrate to draining LNs. We showed that addition of small amounts of LPS to alum enhanced Mo-DC migration. Considering that migratory Mo-DCs had, on a per cell basis, a higher capacity to induce IFN-γ-producing T cells than conventional DCs, the addition of LPS to alum enhanced the overall immunogenicity of Ags presented by muscle-derived DCs. Therefore, a full understanding of the role of adjuvants during i.m. vaccination needs to take into account the heterogeneous migratory and functional behavior of muscle DCs and Mo-DCs revealed in this study.  相似文献   

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