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The functional roles of bioelectrical signals (ES) created by the flow of specific ions at the mammalian lens equator are poorly understood. We detected that mature, denucleated lens fibers expressed high levels of the α1 and β1 subunits of Na+/K+‐ATPase (ATP1A1 and ATP1B1 of the sodium pump) and had a hyperpolarized membrane potential difference (Vmem). In contrast, differentiating, nucleated lens fiber cells had little ATP1A1 and ATP1B1 and a depolarized Vmem. Mimicking the natural equatorial ES with an applied electrical field (EF) induced a striking reorientation of lens epithelial cells to lie perpendicular to the direction of the EF. An EF also promoted the expression of β‐crystallin, aquaporin‐0 (AQP0) and the Beaded Filament Structural Protein 2 (BFSP2) in lens epithelial cells (LECs), all of which are hallmarks of differentiation. In addition, applied EF activated the AKT and CDC2 and inhibition of AKT reduced the activation of CDC2. Our results indicate that the endogenous bioelectrical signal at the lens equator promotes differentiation of LECs into denucleated lens fiber cells via depolarization of Vmem. Development of methods and devices of EF application or amplification in vivo may supply a novel treatment for lens diseases and even promote regeneration of a complete new lens following cataract surgery.  相似文献   

The nuclear matrix (NM) proteins of six tissue cultured lens epithelial cell lines and one embryonic rabbit epidermal cell line were analyzed to determine possible tissue and species specificity of these proteins. The NM proteins were isolated by the modified Penman technique. The tissue cultured cells were pulsed with [35S] methionine and nuclear matrix proteins were fractionated by two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis. The 2-D gels were dried and autoradiographed. The relative abundance of spot patterns of nuclear matrix proteins of different cells were compared. The data from these experiments revealed that all the examined cell lines have distinct spot patterns, however, all of NM profile showed a spot pattern in the 45 kDa region with acidic pH. Some of these spots cross-reacted with anti-vimentin antibodies, whereas a prominent protein spot in this region did not cross react with either vimentin or actin antibodies. The observed variations in the NM protein patterns of lens epithelial cells may reflect tissue and species specificity and also a role in the regulatory properties of these nuclear proteins in the eye tissue development. J. Cell. Biochem. 64:644–650. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Although several proteases have been identified in homogenates of cultured epithelial cells of the eye lens and in lens tissues, there is little information regarding intracellular protein degradation in intact lens cells in vitro. Cultured lens cells may be useful in the study of intracellular protein degradation in the lens, a tissue with a wide range of protein half-lives. This is of interest because alterations in protein turnover in the lens have been implicated in cataract formation. This study examines intracellular protein degradation in cultured bovine lens epithelial cells (BLEC). Cell cultures were incubated with radiolabeled leucine to label intracellular proteins. Protein degradation was measured by monitoring the release of trichloroacetic-acid-soluble radioactivity into the culture medium. The average half-life of long-lived proteins (half-life >50 h) was typically about 57 h in serum-supplemented medium. Average rates of degradation of long-lived proteins increased by up to 73% when fetal bovine serum was withdrawn from the culture medium. Serum had no effect on the degradation of short-lived proteins (half-life <10 h). Degradation of long-lived proteins in the presence and absence of serum was further studied in cultured BLEC from population doubling level (PDL) 2 to 43. Average half-life of proteins in serum-supplemented medium was 52 to 58 h and did not vary significantly as a function of PDL. Degradation rates in serum-free medium increased approximately twofold up to PDL 7, but returned by PDL 25 to original levels, which were maintained through PDL 43. This work was supported in part by grants from U. S. Department of Agriculture contract 53-3K06-5-10, Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund, Inc., and the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Foundation. D. A. E. is a recipient of a National Eye Institute postdoctoral fellowship.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to characterize a prominent nuclear matrix (NM) protein isolated from tissue cultured mouse lens epithelial cells. This NM protein was separated by SDS-PAGE and the stained gel band was analyzed by mass spectroscopy. Blast analysis of the amino acid sequence derived by mass spectroscopy revealed the presence of Lamin C in the NM of the mouse lens epithelial cells. We also examined nuclear proteins of adult and fetal human lenses. Data collected from these experiments showed the presence of Lamin C in both adult and fetal lens cells. However fetal lens cells only show Lamin C dimers, whereas adult human lens contained dimers, monomers and degraded Lamin C. Early and late passaged tissue cultured mouse lens epithelial cells also contained Lamin C in the nucleus with a preponderance of the dimer in the early passaged cells. The biological significance of the presence of dimers in human fetal lens cells and early passaged mouse lens cells is not known. However, it could suggest an enhanced docking capability of Lamin C dimers for other physiologically important nuclear proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Serially subcultured rat lens epithelial cells grow in different stages, which can be classified according to morphology, chromosome numbers and population kinetics. A lensspecific γ-crystallin appears in the diploid stage, when elongated cell types are observed. One of the β-crystallin bands (pH 5.7) disappears during aging in higher passage numbers of the diploid stage B. A weak band in the β-crystallin region (pH 6.4), which is present in all stages, becomes very intensive in aneuploid cells of stage D, which exhibit a fibroblast-like morphology. The work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Grant Ri 285/3.  相似文献   

Rat lens epithelial cells in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Lens epithelial cells from rats aged 5 days were grown in long-term cultures. These cells age, differentiate and transform spontaneously. Morphological observations indicate five different stages (A-E). The epithelial character is lost after the first two passages. Elongated cells appearing afterwards are considered as cells that have started differentiation to fiberlike cells. Big flattened cells are considered as senescent cells that have lost their proliferative capacity. Data from population kinetics also reflect these five stages. Chromosome analysis shows that three of the five stages are no longer diploid. Two alternative modes of spontaneous transformation are possible. The proliferative capacity of rat lens epithelial cells is higher than that of rat embryonic fibroblast systems. The investigations were supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Biology of Aging, Grants Ri 285/2 and Ri 285/3).  相似文献   

Ezrin and radixin and protein 4.1 were detected in the lens of the eye. These proteins were mainly present in the young elongating cortical fiber cells and localized to the plasma membranes. Moesin was not detected. Ezrin, radixin, and protein 4.1 provide another means whereby actin is linked to the plasma membrane in addition to the known adherens junctions in the lens.  相似文献   

Summary Alterations in proteolytic capabilities have been associated with abnormalities in the aged eye lens, but in vivo tests of this hypothesis have been difficult to pursue. To simulate aging, we cultured cells from an 8-yr-old rabbit to early (population-doubling level 20 to 30) and late (population-doubling level > 125) passage. Long-lived (t1/2>10 h) and short-lived (t1/2<10 h) intracellular proteins were labeled with [3H]leucine, and the ability of the cells to mount a proteolytic response to the stress of serum withdrawal was determined. For early passage cells, the average t1/2 of long-lived proteins in the presence and absence of serum was 62 and 39 h, respectively. For late-passage cells, the average t1/2 of long-lived proteins in the presence and absence of serum was 58 and 43 h, respectively. The net increase in intracellular proteolysis in the absence of serum was 59 and 35% for early and late-passage cells, respectively. Thus, in vitro-aged rabbit lens epithelial cells mount only 60% the proteolytic response to serum removal shown in “younger” cells. The enhanced ability of early passage cells to respond to serum removal seems to involve lower homeostatic levels of proteolysis in the presence of serum and greater enhancement of proteolysis in the absence of serum. Less than 2% of the protein is in the pool of short-lived proteins. Rates of proteolysis of short-lived proteins in the presence and absence of serum were indistinguishable. With respect to basal proteolytic rates in the presence of serum and ability to mount a proteolytic response upon serum withdrawal, these rabbit lens epithelial cells are similar to bovine lens epithelial cells and fibroblasts. This work was supported in part by contract 53-3K06-5-10 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, Massachusetts Lions Eye Research FUnd, Inc., the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Foundation, and a grant EY00362 from the National Eye Institute, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

The ocular environment is important for the establishment and maintenance of lens growth patterns and polarity. In the anterior chamber of the eye, the aqueous humour regulates lens epithelial cell proliferation whereas in the posterior, the vitreous humour regulates the differentiation of the lens cells into fiber cells. Members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) growth factor family have been shown to induce lens epithelial cells to undergo cell division and differentiate into fibers, with a low dose of FGF able to induce cell proliferation (but not fiber differentiation), and higher doses required to induce fiber differentiation. Both these cellular events have been shown to be regulated by the MAPK/ERK1/2 signalling pathway. In the present study, to better understand the contribution of ERK1/2 signalling in regulating lens cell proliferation and differentiation, we characterized the ERK1/2 signalling profiles induced by different doses of FGF, and compared these to those induced by the different ocular media. Here, we show that FGF induced a dose-dependent sustained activation of ERK1/2, with both a high (fiber differentiating) dose of FGF and vitreous, stimulating and maintaining a prolonged (up to 18 hr) ERK1/2 phosphorylation profile. In contrast, a lower (proliferating) dose of FGF, and aqueous, stimulated ERK1/2 phosphorylation for only up to 6 hr. If we selectively reduce the 18 hr ERK1/2 phosphorylation profile induced by vitreous to 6 hr, by specifically blocking FGF receptor signalling, the vitreous now fails to induce lens fiber differentiation but retains the ability to induce lens cell proliferation. These findings not only provide insights into the important role that FGF plays in the different ocular media that bathe the lens, but enlighten us on some of the putative molecular mechanisms by which one specific growth factor, in this case FGF, can elicit a different cellular response in the same cell type.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic proteins associated with adherens junctions were identified in the chicken ocular lens. The catenins, alpha, beta, and gamma, were present in epithelial and fiber cells, although their pattern of distribution changed with fiber cell differentiation. The sharp decline in alpha-catenin with fiber cell formation and the increasing Triton-insolubility of N-cadherin suggests that another subtype of alpha-catenin exists in the lens.  相似文献   

During the course of their differentiation, embryonic lens fibers undergo loss of their cytoplasmic organelles and nuclei. The denucleation process bears similarities to the nuclear breakdown that occurs during apoptosis. This has given rise to the hypothesis that this denucleation is analogous to apoptosis, but without the plasma membrane changes characteristic of apoptotic cell death. Previous work has shown that several members of the apoptotic cascade are active during denucleation. Here, we have overexpressed the anti-apoptotic molecule bcl-2 in developing lenses of the 8-day-old chick embryo in ovo, using the replication-competent retrovirus RCAS. We find that lenses overexpressing bcl-2 show varying degrees of distortion in comparison with untreated and negative insert controls, including a more spherical shape and disorganized fiber cells. All overexpressing lenses showed significantly higher numbers of smaller nuclei in the lens core, where denucleation begins. There was no change in cell size or pattern of proliferation. These in vivo results were confirmed in vitro using lens epithelial cell cultures, which differentiate into lentoids. The lentoids in treated cultures showed the same effect on nuclear number and size. We further found that in lenses overexpressing bcl-2 there was a reduction in the activation of caspase-9 and the cleavage of the caspase substrate DFF45, and, in the lens core, a failure of the nuclear chromatin to condense. These results provide strong support for the view that embryonic lens fiber cell denucleation is analogous to the nuclear degradation that occurs during apoptosis, and that similar control pathways are involved in both these phenomena.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed in our laboratory to study the effects of a mammalian 8 kD vitreous humor (VH) factor on the DNA synthesis and mitosis of the epithelial cells of organ cultured rabbit lens. The 8 kD polypeptide factor was purified from mature rabbit vitreous humor by liquid chromatography. Proliferative activities of the epithelial cells of organ cultured lenses were stimulated by 3% rabbit serum. The data from our experiments depicted that the 8 kD VH factor effectively inhibits DNA synthesis and mitosis by the epithelial cells of the organ cultured lens. Our experiments also showed that this 8 kD VH factor can maintain its growth inhibitory activity even when heated for 3 min at 95 degrees C. The growth inhibitory effect of the 8 kD VH factor was dose dependent. Using iodinated vitreal proteins it was demonstrated that the VH proteins are able to enter or bind to lens epithelial cells. The growth inhibitory effect of the 8 kD VH factor was also tested on tissue cultured lens epithelial cells. These experiments showed that the 8 kD VH factor has no growth inhibitory effect on the tissue cultured lens epithelial cells. This experiment has been repeated many times using different concentrations of the factor. These observations suggest that the 8 kD VH factor may have receptors in the lens capsular material (extracellular matrix) and the factor-receptor binding is essential for the growth inhibitory effect.  相似文献   

This review examines both recent and historical literature related to the biophysical chemistry of the proteins in the ageing eye, with a particular focus on cataract development. The lens is a vital component of the eye, acting as an optical focusing device to form clear images on the retina. The lens maintains the necessary high transparency and refractive index by expressing crystallin proteins in high concentration and eliminating all large cellular structures that may cause light scattering. This has the consequence of eliminating lens fibre cell metabolism and results in mature lens fibre cells having no mechanism for protein expression and a complete absence of protein recycling or turnover. As a result, the crystallins are some of the oldest proteins in the human body. Lack of protein repair or recycling means the lens tends to accumulate damage with age in the form of protein post-translational modifications. The crystallins can be subject to a wide range of age-related changes, including isomerisation, deamidation and racemisation. Many of these modification are highly correlated with cataract formation and represent a biochemical mechanism for age-related blindness.  相似文献   

Immunoproteasome expression in a nonimmune tissue,the ocular lens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interferon gamma (IFN gamma) induces the expression of three catalytic subunits of the 20S proteasome that can replace their constitutive homologues to form the "immunoproteasome," named to reflect its antigen presentation function. However, immunoproteasome levels and their modulation in nonimmune tissues remain unknown. A disrupted lens differentiation program observed in transgenic mice that constitutively express IFN gamma in the immune-privileged lens tissue suggests a role for this cytokine in differentiation. We have developed a competitive RT-PCR assay that demonstrates substantially increased levels of immuno subunits and unchanged levels of constitutive subunits in transgenic compared to wild-type lenses. Similar results were observed with IFN gamma treated alpha TN4-1 lens epithelial cells. A comparison of these subunits in different immune and nonimmune mouse tissues revealed unique expression patterns. The presence of immuno subunits in nonimmune tissues such as lens suggests that the immunoproteasome may also have nonimmune functions, such as that in lens differentiation.  相似文献   

The Ocular Lens Epithelium   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Bhat SP 《Bioscience reports》2001,21(4):537-563
An adult lens contains two easily discernible, morphologically distinct compartments, the epithelium and the fiber-cell mass. The fiber-cell mass provides the lens with its functional phenotype, transparency. Metabolically, in comparison to the fiber cells the epithelium is the more active compartment of the ocular lens. For the purposes of this review we will only discuss the surface epithelium that covers the anterior face of the adult ocular lens. This single layer of cells, in addition to acting as a metabolic engine that sustains the physiological health of this tissue, also works as a source of stem cells, providing precursor cells, which through molecular and morphological differentiation give rise to fiber cells. Morphological simplicity, defined developmental history and easy access to the experimenter make this epithelium a choice starting material for investigations that seek to address universal questions of cell growth, development, epithelial function, cancer and aging. There are two important aspects of the lens epithelium that make it highly relevant to the modern biologist. Firstly, there are no known clinically recognizable cancers of the ocular lens. Considering that most of the known malignancies are epithelial in origin this observation is more than an academic curiosity. The lack of vasculature in the lens may explain the absence of tumors in this tissue, but this provides only a teleological basis to a very important question for which the answers must reside in the molecular make-up and physiology of the lens epithelial cells. Secondly, lens epithelium as a morphological entity in the human lens is first recognizable in the 5th–6th week of gestation. It stays in this morphological state as the anterior epithelium of the lens for the rest of the life, making it an attractive paradigm for the study of the effects of aging on epithelial function. What follows is a brief overview of the present status and lacunae in our understanding of the biology of the lens epithelium.  相似文献   

The involvement of H2O2 in cataract development has been established inboth human patients and animal models. At the molecular level H2O2 has beenobserved to cause damage to DNA, protein and lipid. To explore the oxidativestress response of the lens system at the gene expression level, we haveexamined the effects of H2O2 on the mRNA change of the proto-oncogenes,c-jun, c-fos and c-myc in a rabbit lens cell line, N/N1003A. H2O2 treatmentof the rabbit lens epithelial cells for 60 min induces quick up-regulationof both c-jun and c-fos mRNAs. The maximal induction is 38 fold for c-jun at150 µM and 72 fold for c-fos at 250 µM H2O2. Treatment ofN/N1003A cells with 50-250 µM H2O2 for 60 min leads to a 2-5 foldincrease of the c-myc mRNA level. H2O2 also induces an up-regulation intransactivity of the activating protein-1 (AP-1) as shown with a reportergene driven by a prolactin gene promoter with 4 copies of AP-1 binding sitesinserted in the upstream of the promoter. Maximal induction occurs with 150µM H2O2. In the same system, the antioxidants, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC)and pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) at concentrations shown toup-regulate the mRNAs of both c-jun and c-fos, also enhance thetransactivity of AP-1. NAC and PDTC have different effects in modulating theinduction of AP-1 activity by H2O2 and TPA. These results reveal thatoxidative stress regulates expression of various regulatory genes in lenssystems, which likely affects cell proliferation, differentiation andviability and thus affect normal lens functions.  相似文献   

Aquaporin (AQP) 1 and AQP0 water channels are expressed in lens epithelial and fiber cells, respectively, facilitating fluid circulation for nourishing the avascular lens to maintain transparency. Even though AQP0 water permeability is 40-fold less than AQP1, AQP0 is selectively expressed in the fibers. Delimited AQP0 fiber expression is attributed to a unique structural role as an adhesion protein. To validate this notion, we determined if wild type (WT) lens ultrastructure and fiber cell adhesion are different in AQP0−/−, and TgAQP1+/+/AQP0−/− mice that transgenically express AQP1 (TgAQP1) in fiber cells without AQP0 (AQP0−/−). In WT, lenses were transparent with ‘Y’ sutures. Fibers contained opposite end curvature, lateral interdigitations, hexagonal shape, and were arranged as concentric growth shells. AQP0−/− lenses were cataractous, lacked ‘Y’ sutures, ordered packing and well-defined lateral interdigitations. TgAQP1+/+/AQP0−/− lenses showed improvement in transparency and lateral interdigitations in the outer cortex while inner cortex and nuclear fibers were severely disintegrated. Transmission electron micrographs exhibited tightly packed fiber cells in WT whereas AQP0−/− and TgAQP1+/+/AQP0−/− lenses had wide extracellular spaces. Fibers were easily separable by teasing in AQP0−/− and TgAQP1+/+/AQP0−/− lenses compared to WT. Our data suggest that the increased water permeability through AQP1 does not compensate for loss of AQP0 expression in TgAQP1+/+/AQP0−/− mice. Fiber cell AQP0 expression is required to maintain their organization, which is a requisite for lens transparency. AQP0 appears necessary for cell-to-cell adhesion and thereby to minimize light scattering since in the AQP0−/− and TgAQP1+/+/AQP0−/− lenses, fiber cell disorganization was evident.  相似文献   

beta-Catenin plays a key role in cadherin-mediated cell adhesion as well as in canonical Wnt signaling. To study the role of beta-catenin during eye development, we used conditional Cre/loxP system in mouse to inactivate beta-catenin in developing lens and retina. Inactivation of beta-catenin does not suppress lens fate, but instead results in abnormal morphogenesis of the lens. Using BAT-gal reporter mice, we show that beta-catenin-mediated Wnt signaling is notably absent from lens and neuroretina throughout eye development. The observed defect is therefore likely due to the cytoskeletal role of beta-catenin, and is accompanied by impaired epithelial cell adhesion. In contrast, inactivation of beta-catenin in the nasal ectoderm, an area with active Wnt signaling, results in formation of crystallin-positive ectopic lentoid bodies. These data suggest that, outside of the normal lens, beta-catenin functions as a coactivator of canonical Wnt signaling to suppress lens fate.  相似文献   

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