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The taphonomy of ancient microbial communities is understood via rare windows of microbes that are successfully entombed and preserved in the fossil record. Laboratory investigations using live bacterial cultures, combined with observations on microfossils preserved in ferriferous oolitic beds formed around 161 million years ago, were used to constrain conditions that are conducive to preservation by mineralization. Lab experiments confirmed redox conditions in conjunction with bacterial Fe metabolism as the critical parameter. When Fe was mobilized during the reductive dissolution of ferric hydroxide in laboratory studies, bacteria did not sorb sufficient amounts of ferriferous phases to result in casts. By contrast, iron-oxidizing bacteria sorbed sufficient ferric hydroxide to entomb the cells, although there was variation in Fe oxide sorption within a single culture. The comparison of information from lab and field investigations opens an avenue to infer processes of preservation by mineralization in a geological time frame.  相似文献   

Resolving the question of (1) land plant and (2) vascular land plant evolution is a complex problem. It requires a continued, multidisciplinary effort. We are all grateful to Dianne Edwards and her colleagues (Edwards et al. 1979) for pursuing one such line of research with careful attention to morphology and stratigraphy. Their efforts, however, are confined to one small part of the globe, and they perforce involve only one type of evidence effective with regard to questions of vascular plant evolution once the land estate has been reached. They do not deal with the basic question of vascular and non-vascular land plant origins. The so-called Přídolí benchmark that remained the sine qua nun for vascular plant evolution when Dianne Edwards began her studies has now been irrevocably breached. What other supposedly sacrosanct benchmarks will also crumble as the result of future discoveries, now that vascular plants have been recovered from lower Ludlovian strata? Nevertheless, pre-Devonian plant megafossils are too rare to yield definitive results with regard to the origin of land plants prior to the vascular estate, even though they could in principle (as emphasized by Edwards et al. 1979) provide the least ambiguous evidence. We must look elsewhere than to megafossils for evidence suggesting links in time between green algal ancestors, major groups of living green land Plants, and the many extinct groups of enigmatic higher land plants in the crucial Early Paleozoic time interval.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - Various methods for the study of microfossils (AR-PR1) in macerates, thin sections, and fresh chips have been compared. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages....  相似文献   

Microfossils have been detected in several formations of the McArthur Group (about 1600 m.y. old), in petrological thin sections and in macerations. Some of these occur associated with a lead-zinc ore body; others have been found in well-preserved dolomites and cherts. The variety of microfossils observed is considerable, and their state of preservation is good. Large numbers of singlecelled, colonial and multicellular organisms occur; in the latter, at least one clear case of cell differentiation can be demonstrated. Some of the organisms are morphologically comparable with blue-green algae such as the Chroococaceae, but, unlike the well-known Bitter Springs microflora, the assemblage is notably poor in filamentous algae. The filaments that do occur are not septate, and may represent discarded blue-green algal sheaths. Many of the microorganisms are extremely small in size, and in some cases, colonial structures composed of large numbers of 1 m diameter cells are present, that may represent bacterial remains. Most of the microfossils occur in stromatolitic cherts, but the lead-zinc orebody from which some were obtained is a fine-grained dolomitic shale.Stratigraphically, this new assemblage occurs in sediments of age intermediate between the well-known Gunflint Chert assemblage and the equally well-known Bitter Springs flora. The level of organization of the microfossils represents a great advance on the of the Gunflint Chert microfossils, in that demonstrably colonial and large multicellular microorganisms occur, as well as cells of a relatively large size. No convincing evidence for the presence of nuclei or nuclear membranes has yet been found in McArthur Group microorganisms, but the large size and organizational complexity of some of the structures suggests that the origin of the eukaryotic cell may occur rather earlier in geologic times than previous indications have suggested.  相似文献   

Biomineralization is the process by which living organisms or organic matrices produced by them initiate and structure deposition of inorganic polymers/minerals. Deep-sea polymetallic nodules and crusts have recently been recognized as biominerals that are formed around bio-seeds; these deposits are of economic value. A detailed understanding of their formation will contribute to their sustainable exploitation in the future. Polymetallic nodules grow concentrically around discrete nuclei that have recently been described as bio-seeds formed from microorganisms, diatoms, or coccoliths. In the present study, polymetallic nodules from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone have been analyzed. It is described that the approximately 5-cm large polymetallic nodules are composed of micronodules (size of 100–450 μm) that aggregated to nests (2–3 mm). High-resolution scanning electron microscopy (HR-SEM) and high-resolution energy dispersive X-ray (HR-EDX) spectroscopic analyses revealed that the micronodules are composed of discrete layers of Mn and Fe. Imprints of microorganisms/microbe-like assemblies are found in the Mn-rich regions of the micronodules. HR-SEM/EDX analyses confirmed that these microorganisms are surrounded by a Mn-rich environment. These findings strongly suggest that those organisms acted as bio-seeds that allowed the deposition of Mn(IV) minerals which in turn helped Fe minerals to associate. Hence, these data support the concept that the growth of the polymetallic nodules starts as a biomineral and is completed by genuine mineralic depositions. It is expected that these data will contribute to the development of strategies for a sustainable exploitation of the polymetallic nodules.  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscopy of polished, slightly etched rock surfaces of samples from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden, revealed the presence of excellently preserved calcareous microfaunas and microfloras. This paper illustrates several morphotypes of calcareous micro-organisms of unknown biological affinity, attributed to the new family Ovummuridae. Specimens of Ovummurus duoportius Minoura and Chitoku, a problematical microfossil, which was first described from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Kansas, USA, were found in addition to comparable micro-organisms attributed to the following new taxa: Minourella gotlandica gen. et sp. nov., Arouxina pluricellata gen. et sp. nov. and Samtlebenella circumcamerata gen. et sp. nov. In addition, a few other problematical micro-organisms, probably belonging to the same family, are described under open nomenclature. The enigmatic microfossils are compared with other known calcareous organisms, their possible biological affinities are discussed, and the different stages of diagenetic alteration and destruction are illustrated.  相似文献   

Paleontological Journal - The study of stromatolites of the Vendian Chencha Formation (Ediacaran) of the Baikal-Patom Highland (Central Siberia) was carried out using an integrated approach:...  相似文献   

Stromatolitic cherts of the late Precambrian Gaoyuzhuang Formation at the Stratotype section of the “Sinian Suberathem” near Jixian, North China, contain a varied assemblage of well-preserved filamentous and coccoid blue-green algae. This assemblage constitutes perhaps one of the well-preserved, diverse Precambrian microbiota now known. The fossiliferous cherts occur in the lower part of this formation which is about 1500 Ma-old interpolated depending on Pb-Pb ages yielded from the middle part of it and K-Ar ages yielded from the underlying Dahongyu Formation. Fifteen new taxa of microfossils, comprising 6 new genera, are here described from the Gaoyuzhuang stromatolitic cherts. All species of blue-green algae have been recognized in the assemblage and refer to the modern Chroococcaceae, OsciUatoriaceae, Nostocaceae and Rivullariaceae. Most of these fossil algae are comparable in morphological details particularly to living Cyanophyta. It is evident that the cyanophytes had become well-diversified already by the late Precambrian. This evidence indicates that at least the morphological details are similar to those exhibited in living cyanophytes and these blue-green algae have not changed since Gaoyuzhuang time. This apparent evolutionary conservatism is probably attributable to a wide ecological tolerance and flexibility and also reflects its inherent genetic stability. The plant phylogenesis especially of Cyanophyta is discussed in this paper according to microfossil records detected in the thin sections of stromatolitic cherts from the Gaoyuzhuang Formation. Based on morphological characteristics and their generations Rivullariaceae may originate from Oscillatoriaceae. In addition algal biocoenoses in this stromatolitic chert grew in the form of laminar mats in the apparently subtital to intertital environment. The paleoclimate was subtropical or tropical. The following new taxa are here described:Microcystopsis yaoi, Eoaphanothece zhuiana, Oscillatoriopsis acuminata, O. hemisphaerica, O. disciformis, O. glabra, O. tuberculata, Eophormidium liangii, E. capitatum, E. semicirculare, Schizothropsis caudata, Paleoisocystis monosporata, P. disporata, Anabaenidium sophoroides and Paleocalothrix xui.  相似文献   

Silicified oolites and pisolites from Bed 18 of the Upper Proterozoic (about 700-800 Ma) Limestone-Dolomite "Series" of the Eleonore Bay Group, central East Greenland, contain a diverse suite of organically preserved microfossils that is, for the most part. [Of the] assemblages previously described from Proterozoic cherts and shales. Three principal assemblages occur in these rocks: 1) a class bound assemblage found in detrital carbonate grains (now silicified) that served as nuclei for ooid and pisoid growth, as well as in uncoated mud and mat clasts that were carried into the zone of ooid and pisoid deposition; 2) an epilithic and interstitial assemblage consisting of microorganisms that occurred on top of and between grains; and 3) a euendolithic assemblage composed of microbes that actively bored into coated grains. The Upper Proterozoic euendolithic assemblage closely resembles a community of euendolithic cyanobacteria found today in shallow marine ooid sands of the Bahama Banks. Thirteen species are described, of which eight are new, five representing new genera: Eohyella dichotoma n. sp., Eohyella endoatracta n. sp., Eohyella rectoclada n. sp., Thylacocausticus globorum n. gen. and sp., Cunicularius halleri n. gen. and sp., Graviglomus incrustus n. gen. and sp., Perulagranum obovatum n. gen. and sp., and Parenchymodiscus endolithicus n. gen. and sp.  相似文献   

A diverse assemblage of exceptionally well-preserved microorganisms, including several previously unknown taxa, has been discovered in stromatolitic black chert from the ca. 680-790 Ma-old Min'yar Formation (Suite) of the southern Ural Mountains, USSR. Like most ancient and modern stromatolitic communities, the Min'yar microflora is dominated by filamentous and unicellular cyanobacteria. Geologic evidence indicates that the microbial community inhabited a shallow water, presumably marine environment. The microfossils occur in two interlaminated and thinly interbedded sedimentary fabrics: 1, fact to wavy-laminated Stratifera-like stromatolitic laminae that presumably were deposited during periods of little wave action; and 2, intraclast grainstone that formed as a result of desiccation and (or) wave agitation. Microfossils are both better preserved and more abundant in the intraclasts than in the Stratifera-like laminae. The occurrence of probable pseudomorphs after replacement of sulfate minerals provides additional evidence for a shallow water, periodically emergent depositional environment for the Min'yar microbial mats. Kerogenous microfossils are three-dimensionally preserved, permineralized in fine-grained silica of primary or early diagenetic origin. In many aspects the Min'yar assemblage is comparable to that of the well-known ca. 850 Ma-old Bitter Springs Formation of central Australia. The following taxa are herein described: Division? Schizomycophyta or ? Cyanophyta, Biocatenoides sp.; Family Oscillatoriaceae, Eomycetopsis robusta Schopf emend. Knoll and Golubic, Rhicnonema antiquum Hofmann, Entosphaeroides? sp., Palaeolyngbya? sp., Siphonophycus capitaneum n. gen., n. sp.; Family? Oscillatoriaceae or? Rivulariaceae, Caudiculophycus? sp.; Family? Scytonemataceae or? Stigonemataceae, Ramivaginalis uralensis n. gen., n. sp.; Family Chroococcaceae, Sphaerophycus medium Horodyski and Donaldson, Eosynechococcus amadeus Knoll and Golubic, Gloeodiniopsis lamellosa Schopf emend. Knoll and Golubic, Gloeodiniopsis magna n. sp., Eoaphanocapsa oparinii n. gen., n. sp.; Division? Chlorophycophyta or? Rhodophycophyta, Glenobotrydion majorinum Schopf and Blacic. Also discussed in the taxonomic section, but not formally described, are intermediate-diameter tubular sheaths (Oscillatoriaceae), small tubular sheaths enclosed by larger tubular sheaths (Oscillatoriaceae?), and undifferentiated spheroidal unicells.  相似文献   

A faunistic survey covering 25 sites in estuaries, coastal lakes and ponds along the west coast of South Africa between the Cape of Good Hope in the south and the Olifants River in the north was carried out in May 2014. The study aimed to establish a dataset with ecological and distribution data of ostracods and foraminifers for later palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that the distribution of the 19 foraminifer and 32 ostracod taxa was controlled mainly by habitat structure, but that specific conductivity (salinity) was best and solely described by the second axis, highlighting the usefulness of the two microfossil groups for salinity reconstructions. Habitat structure was demonstrated by the foraminifer species Trochamminita irregularis’ preference for stillwater areas of lakes. Sarscypridopsis aculeata and Sarscypridopsis glabrata were the dominant ostracod species in coastal ponds and lakes. However, their living distributions excluded each other, with S. aculeata preferring areas of lower salinity and S. glabrata dominating areas of higher salinity up to hyperhaline conditions in small, closed water bodies.  相似文献   

Well preserved microfossils were here described from the middle of Hebiancun Formation, Hutuo Group, northern China, estimated to be 2,000 2,400 Ma years old based on the K-Ar and U-Pb isotopic. They were coccoids (Globophycuswenshanensis Xu sp. nov.) and filamentous (Siphonophycus cf. kestron and Siphonophycus sp.) and occur in petrographic thin sections. The coccoids were preserved by permineralization in the chert part of the conical stromatolites (Zhongtiaoshanella) and the filamentous in black chert. The paleoenviromental modal for the setting of the Hebiancun Formation was able to be reconstructed according to the microfossit assemblage and different lithology observed. The formation was divided in ascending orders as follows: The breccia; the thick sandy dolomite; the black chert in which the filamentous microfossils in subparalled colonies were preserved; and the dolomite with conical stromatolites in which the coccoidal microfossils with hyaline and unlamelleted sheath was observed. As mentioned above, it was conjectured that the descent and uplift of the geosynclinal area led to transgression and regression during the Hebiancun time. Compared with the all microfloras in the world known uptodate the characteristics of the microfossils from Hebiancun Formation was similar to that from Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa. Both of them show of the big sizeof the algal bodies inspite of different types. The algae Seemed to have a big cell period during their systematization.  相似文献   

Cold-water coral (CWC) ecosystems occur worldwide and play a major role in the ocean''s carbonate budget and atmospheric CO2 balance since the Danian (~65 m.y. ago). However their temporal and spatial evolution against climatic and oceanographic variability is still unclear. For the first time, we combine the main macrofaunal components of a sediment core from a CWC mound of the Melilla Mounds Field in the Eastern Alboran Sea with the associated microfauna and we highlight the importance of foraminifera and ostracods as indicators of CWC mound evolution in the paleorecord. Abundances of macrofauna along the core reveal alternating periods dominated by distinct CWC taxa (mostly Lophelia pertusa, Madrepora oculata) that correspond to major shifts in foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages. The period dominated by M. oculata coincides with a period characterized by increased export of refractory organic matter to the seafloor and rather unstable oceanographic conditions at the benthic boundary layer with periodically decreased water energy and oxygenation, variable bottom water temperature/density and increased sediment flow. The microfaunal and geochemical data strongly suggest that M. oculata and in particular Dendrophylliidae show a higher tolerance to environmental changes than L. pertusa. Finally, we show evidence for sustained CWC growth during the Alleröd-Younger-Dryas in the Eastern Alboran Sea and that this period corresponds to stable benthic conditions with cold/dense and well oxygenated bottom waters, high fluxes of labile organic matter and relatively strong bottom currents  相似文献   

Siliceous sinters that precipitate around modern hot spring systems are able to fossilize the indigenous microbial communities, forming molds that accurately outline the shape of the microorganisms. Over time, the biomass decays, and only silica molds or their infill may remain as evidence of the former living cells. However, little is known regarding the fidelity of such silica molds in terms of size and morphology, and the preservation of critical parameters for the identification of ancient silicified microorganisms by silica molds remains untested. Here we report experiments examining the formation of microbial molds of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus in silica gel. We demonstrate that post-depositional processes, primarily desiccation, are crucial for obtaining accurate and robust molds, and that initial desiccation acts to strengthen cell molds against further alteration. However, all silica gel treatments systematically created preservational biases (changes in size, additional structures) that may be misleading and may complicate the identification of fossil microorganisms.  相似文献   

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