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Redox chemistry of the coupled atmosphere–hydrosphere system has coevolved with the biosphere, from global anoxia in the Archean to an oxygenated Proterozoic surface environment. However, to trace these changes to the very beginning of the rock record presents special challenges. All known Eoarchean (c. 3850–3600 Ma) volcanosedimentary successions (i.e. supracrustal rocks) are restricted to high‐grade gneissic terranes that seldom preserve original sedimentary structures and lack primary organic biomarkers. Although complicated by metamorphic overprinting, sulfur isotopes from Archean supracrustal rocks have the potential to preserve signatures of both atmospheric chemistry and metabolic fractionation from the original sediments. We present a synthesis of multiple sulfur isotope measurements (32S, 33S and 34S) performed on sulfides from amphibolite facies banded iron‐formations (BIFs) and ferruginous garnet‐biotite (metapelitic) schists from the pre‐3770 Ma Isua Supracrustal Belt (ISB) in West Greenland. Because these data come from some of the oldest rocks of interpretable marine sedimentary origin, they provide the opportunity to (i) explore for possible biosignatures of sulfur metabolisms in early life; (ii) assess changes in atmospheric redox chemistry from ~3.8 Ga; and (iii) lay the groundwork to elucidate sulfur biogeochemical cycles on the early Earth. We find that sulfur isotope results from Isua do not unambiguously indicate microbially induced sulfur isotopic fractionation at that time. A significantly expanded data set of Δ33S analyses for Isua dictates that the atmosphere was devoid of free oxygen at time of deposition and also shows that the effects of post‐depositional metamorphic remobilization and/or dilution can be traced in mass‐independently fractionated sulfur isotopes.  相似文献   

The nitrogen isotopic composition of organic matter is controlled by metabolic activity and redox speciation and has therefore largely been used to uncover the early evolution of life and ocean oxygenation. Specifically, positive δ15N values found in well-preserved sedimentary rocks are often interpreted as reflecting the stability of a nitrate pool sustained by water column partial oxygenation. This study adds much-needed data to the sparse Paleoarchean record, providing carbon and nitrogen concentrations and isotopic compositions for more than fifty samples from the 3.4 Ga Buck Reef Chert sedimentary deposit (BRC, Barberton Greenstone Belt). In the overall anoxic and ferruginous conditions of the BRC depositional environment, these samples yield positive δ15N values up to +6.1‰. We argue that without a stable pool of nitrates, these values are best explained by non-quantitative oxidation of ammonium via the Feammox pathway, a metabolic co-cycling between iron and nitrogen through the oxidation of ammonium in the presence of iron oxides. Our data contribute to the understanding of how the nitrogen cycle operated under reducing, anoxic, and ferruginous conditions, which are relevant to most of the Archean. Most importantly, they invite to carefully consider the meaning of positive δ15N signatures in Archean sediments.  相似文献   

The oldest and most wide-ranging signal of biological activity (biosignature) on our planet is the carbon isotope composition of organic materials preserved in rocks. These biosignatures preserve the long-term evolution of the microorganism-hosted metabolic machinery responsible for producing deviations in the isotopic compositions of inorganic and organic carbon. Despite billions of years of ecosystem turnover, evolutionary innovation, organismic complexification, and geological events, the organic carbon that is a residuum of the global marine biosphere in the rock record tells an essentially static story. The ~25‰ mean deviation between inorganic and organic 13C/12C values has remained remarkably unchanged over >3.5 billion years. The bulk of this record is conventionally attributed to early-evolved, RuBisCO-mediated CO2 fixation that, in extant oxygenic phototrophs, produces comparable isotopic effects and dominates modern primary production. However, billions of years of environmental transition, for example, in the progressive oxygenation of the Earth’s atmosphere, would be expected to have accompanied shifts in the predominant RuBisCO forms as well as enzyme-level adaptive responses in RuBisCO CO2-specificity. These factors would also be expected to result in preserved isotopic signatures deviating from those produced by extant RuBisCO in oxygenic phototrophs. Why does the bulk carbon isotope record not reflect these expected environmental transitions and evolutionary innovations? Here, we discuss this apparent discrepancy and highlight the need for greater quantitative understanding of carbon isotope fractionation behavior in extant metabolic pathways. We propose novel, laboratory-based approaches to reconstructing ancestral states of carbon metabolisms and associated enzymes that can constrain isotopic biosignature production in ancient biological systems. Together, these strategies are crucial for integrating the complementary toolsets of biological and geological sciences and for interpretation of the oldest record of life on Earth.Subject terms: Bacterial evolution, Applied microbiology, Biogeochemistry  相似文献   

Atmospheric composition and climate on the early Earth   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Oxygen isotope data from ancient sedimentary rocks appear to suggest that the early Earth was significantly warmer than today, with estimates of surface temperatures between 45 and 85 degrees C. We argue, following others, that this interpretation is incorrect-the same data can be explained via a change in isotopic composition of seawater with time. These changes in the isotopic composition could result from an increase in mean depth of the mid-ocean ridges caused by a decrease in geothermal heat flow with time. All this implies that the early Earth was warm, not hot.A more temperate early Earth is also easier to reconcile with the long-term glacial record. However, what triggered these early glaciations is still under debate. The Paleoproterozoic glaciations at approximately 2.4Ga were probably caused by the rise of atmospheric O2 and a concomitant decrease in greenhouse warming by CH4. Glaciation might have occurred in the Mid-Archaean as well, at approximately 2.9Ga, perhaps as a consequence of anti-greenhouse cooling by hydrocarbon haze. Both glaciations are linked to decreases in the magnitude of mass-independent sulphur isotope fractionation in ancient rocks. Studying both the oxygen and sulphur isotopic records has thus proved useful in probing the composition of the early atmosphere.  相似文献   

Submarine hydrothermal vents are the only comtemporary geological environment which may be called truly primeval; they continue to be a major source of gases and dissolved elements to the modern ocean as they were to the Archean ocean. Then, as now, they encompassed a multiplicity of physical and chemical gradients as a direct result of interactions between extensive hydrothermal activity in the Earth's crust and the overlying oceanic and atmospheric environments. We have proposed that these gradients provided the necessary multiple pathways for the abiotic synthesis of chemical compounds, origin and evolution of precells and precell communities and, ultimately, the evolution of free-living organisms. This hypothesis is consistent with the tectonic, paleontological, and degassing history of the earth and with the use of thermal energy sources in the laboratory to synthesize amino acids and complex organic compounds. In this paper, we expand upon the geophysical, chemical, and possible microbiological analogies between contemporary and Archean hydrothermal systems and suggest several hypotheses, related to our model for the origin and evolution of life at Archean vents, which can be tested in present-day hydrothermal systems.  相似文献   

Sulfate minerals are rare in the Archean rock record and largely restricted to the occurrence of barite (BaSO4). The origin of this barite remains controversially debated. The mass‐independent fractionation of sulfur isotopes in these and other Archean sedimentary rocks suggests that photolysis of volcanic aerosols in an oxygen‐poor atmosphere played an important role in their formation. Here, we report on the multiple sulfur isotopic composition of sedimentary anhydrite in the ca. 3.22 Ga Moodies Group of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, southern Africa. Anhydrite occurs, together with barite and pyrite, in regionally traceable beds that formed in fluvial settings. Variable abundances of barite versus anhydrite reflect changes in sulfate enrichment by evaporitic concentration across orders of magnitude in an arid, nearshore terrestrial environment, periodically replenished by influxes of seawater. The multiple S‐isotope compositions of anhydrite and pyrite are consistent with microbial sulfate reduction. S‐isotope signatures in barite suggest an additional oxidative sulfate source probably derived from continental weathering of sulfide possibly enhanced by microbial sulfur oxidation. Although depositional environments of Moodies sulfate minerals differ strongly from marine barite deposits, their sulfur isotopic composition is similar and most likely reflects a primary isotopic signature. The data indicate that a constant input of small portions of oxidized sulfur from the continents into the ocean may have contributed to the observed long‐term increase in Δ33Ssulfate values through the Paleoarchean.  相似文献   

Studies of microbial sulfate reduction have suggested that the magnitude of sulfur isotope fractionation varies with sulfate concentration. Small apparent sulfur isotope fractionations preserved in Archean rocks have been interpreted as suggesting Archean sulfate concentrations of <200 μm , while larger fractionations thereafter have been interpreted to require higher concentrations. In this work, we demonstrate that fractionation imposed by sulfate reduction can be a function of concentration over a millimolar range, but that nature of this relationship depends on the organism studied. Two sulfate‐reducing bacteria grown in continuous culture with sulfate concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 6 mm showed markedly different relationships between sulfate concentration and isotope fractionation. Desulfovibrio vulgaris str. Hildenborough showed a large and relatively constant isotope fractionation (34εSO4‐H2S ? 25‰), while fractionation by Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20 strongly correlated with sulfate concentration over the same range. Both data sets can be modeled as Michaelis–Menten (MM)‐type relationships but with very different MM constants, suggesting that the fractionations imposed by these organisms are highly dependent on strain‐specific factors. These data reveal complexity in the sulfate concentration–fractionation relationship. Fractionation during MSR relates to sulfate concentration but also to strain‐specific physiological parameters such as the affinity for sulfate and electron donors. Previous studies have suggested that the sulfate concentration–fractionation relationship is best described with a MM fit. We present a simple model in which the MM fit with sulfate concentration and hyperbolic fit with growth rate emerge from simple physiological assumptions. As both environmental and biological factors influence the fractionation recorded in geological samples, understanding their relationship is critical to interpreting the sulfur isotope record. As the uptake machinery for both sulfate and electrons has been subject to selective pressure over Earth history, its evolution may complicate efforts to uniquely reconstruct ambient sulfate concentrations from a single sulfur isotopic composition.  相似文献   

Meteorites, particularly type II carbonaceous chondrites, provide natural, tangible evidence for chemical evolution, but they do not appear to contain any evidence for biological evolution. On the other hand, some of the oldest sedimentary rocks of the earth have yielded good evidence for early biological evolution; whatever evidence there may be for chemical evolution in these old rocks is generally obscure. Carbonaceous chondrites (types I, II, and III) have been examined for thier content of various kinds of organic compounds. Amino acids have been reported to be present in the three types, but only in type II carbonaceous chondrites (Murray and Murchison) has an indigenous suite of amino acids been found which is apparently free of most terrestrial contaminations. These indigenous compounds are thought to have resulted from extraterrestrial, abiotic, chemical syntheses, and the presence of the amino acids in meteorites provides strong support for the theory of chemical evolution. The geological record of the Swaziland Sequence and Bulawayan System of Southern Africa contains morphological and chemical fossils which indicate that early biological evolution was taking place at least 3.0 to 3.3 aeons ago. Interpretation of the significance of the chemical fossil record has proven to be difficult. At present the occurrence of simple compounds in these very ancient rocks is believed to have little or nothing to do with biochemical processes three aeons ago. The bulk of the reduced carbonaceous material in these rocks, however, probably represents the residue of three billion years old and older organic matter. Isotopic studies of this carbonaceous material may provide chemical evidence for early biological evolution.  相似文献   

Nitrogen is an essential element to life and exerts a strong control on global biological productivity. The rise and spread of nitrogen‐utilizing microbial metabolisms profoundly shaped the biosphere on the early Earth. Here, we reconciled gene and species trees to identify birth and horizontal gene transfer events for key nitrogen‐cycling genes, dated with a time‐calibrated tree of life, in order to examine the timing of the proliferation of these metabolisms across the tree of life. Our results provide new insights into the evolution of the early nitrogen cycle that expand on geochemical reconstructions. We observed widespread horizontal gene transfer of molybdenum‐based nitrogenase back to the Archean, minor horizontal transfer of genes for nitrate reduction in the Archean, and an increase in the proliferation of genes metabolizing nitrite around the time of the Mesoproterozoic (~1.5 Ga). The latter coincides with recent geochemical evidence for a mid‐Proterozoic rise in oxygen levels. Geochemical evidence of biological nitrate utilization in the Archean and early Proterozoic may reflect at least some contribution of dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) rather than pure denitrification to N2. Our results thus help unravel the relative dominance of two metabolic pathways that are not distinguishable with current geochemical tools. Overall, our findings thus provide novel constraints for understanding the evolution of the nitrogen cycle over time and provide insights into the bioavailability of various nitrogen sources in the early Earth with possible implications for the emergence of eukaryotic life.  相似文献   

The oldest sedimentary rocks on Earth, the 3.8‐Ga Isua Iron‐Formation in southwestern Greenland, are metamorphosed past the point where organic‐walled fossils would remain. Acid residues and thin sections of these rocks reveal ferric microstructures that have filamentous, hollow rod, and spherical shapes not characteristic of crystalline minerals. Instead, they resemble ferric‐coated remains of bacteria. Modern so‐called iron bacteria were therefore studied to enhance a search image for oxide minerals precipitated by early bacteria. Iron bacteria become coated with ferrihydrite, a metastable mineral that converts to hematite, which is stable under high temperatures. If these unusual morphotypes are mineral remains of microfossils, then life must have evolved somewhat earlier than 3.8 Ga, and may have involved the interaction of sediments and molecular oxygen in water, with iron as a catalyst. Timing is constrained by the early in fall of planetary materials that would have heated the planet's surface.

Because there are no earlier sedimentary rocks to study on Earth, it may be necessary to expand the search elsewhere in the solar system for clues to any biotic precursors or other types of early life. Evidence from Mars shows geophysical and geochemical differentiation at a very early stage, which makes it an important candidate for such a search if sedimentation is an important process in life's origins. Not only does Mars have iron oxide‐rich soils, but its oldest regions have river channels where surface water and sediment may have been carried, and seepage areas where groundwater may have discharged. Mars may have had an atmosphere and liquid water in the crucial time frame of 3.9–4.0 Ga. A study of morphologies of iron oxide minerals collected in the southern highlands during a Mars sample return mission may therefore help to fill in important gaps in the history of Earth's earliest biosphere.  相似文献   

We determined the flight capabilities and feeding habits of adults of nine silphine beetle species and illustrated their relationship. We examined the silphine beetles for the presence or absence of flight muscles and estimated their feeding habits by comparing the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios for them with those of necrophagous nicrophorine species and carnivorous carabine species. Three species (Silpha longicornis, S. perforata and Phosphuga atrata) completely lacked individuals with flight muscles, and one species (Eusilpha japonica) showed flight muscle dimorphism. Stable isotope analysis suggested that these species were carnivores, mainly feeding on soil invertebrates. Most flight species showed higher isotopic ratios than the flightless species. Some of them have isotopic ratios close to those of the nicrophorine species, suggesting that these species mainly feed on vertebrate carcasses. Flightless silphine species would have limited ability to search for patchy and unpredictable carcass resources. Further studies are necessary to understand the adaptive evolution of flight capability and the feeding habits in this group.  相似文献   

Electrons, life and the evolution of Earth's oxygen cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biogeochemical cycles of H, C, N, O and S are coupled via biologically catalysed electron transfer (redox) reactions. The metabolic processes responsible for maintaining these cycles evolved over the first ca 2.3 Ga of Earth's history in prokaryotes and, through a sequence of events, led to the production of oxygen via the photobiologically catalysed oxidation of water. However, geochemical evidence suggests that there was a delay of several hundred million years before oxygen accumulated in Earth's atmosphere related to changes in the burial efficiency of organic matter and fundamental alterations in the nitrogen cycle. In the latter case, the presence of free molecular oxygen allowed ammonium to be oxidized to nitrate and subsequently denitrified. The interaction between the oxygen and nitrogen cycles in particular led to a negative feedback, in which increased production of oxygen led to decreased fixed inorganic nitrogen in the oceans. This feedback, which is supported by isotopic analyses of fixed nitrogen in sedimentary rocks from the Late Archaean, continues to the present. However, once sufficient oxygen accumulated in Earth's atmosphere to allow nitrification to out-compete denitrification, a new stable electron 'market' emerged in which oxygenic photosynthesis and aerobic respiration ultimately spread via endosymbiotic events and massive lateral gene transfer to eukaryotic host cells, allowing the evolution of complex (i.e. animal) life forms. The resulting network of electron transfers led a gas composition of Earth's atmosphere that is far from thermodynamic equilibrium (i.e. it is an emergent property), yet is relatively stable on geological time scales. The early coevolution of the C, N and O cycles, and the resulting non-equilibrium gaseous by-products can be used as a guide to search for the presence of life on terrestrial planets outside of our Solar System.  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotope ratio of fossil tooth enamel carbonate is determined by the photosynthetic systems of plants at the base of the animal's foodweb. In subtropical Africa, grasses and many sedges have C(4)photosynthesis and transmit their characteristically enriched 13C/(12)C ratios (more positive delta13C values) along the foodchain to consumers. We report here a carbon isotope study of ten specimens of Australopithecus africanus from Member 4, Sterkfontein (ca. 2.5 to 2.0Ma), compared with other fossil mammals from the same deposit. This is the most extensive isotopic study of an early hominin species that has been achieved so far. The results show that this hominin was intensively engaged with the savanna foodweb and that the dietary variation between individuals was more pronounced than for any other early hominin or non-human primate species on record. Suggestions that more than one species have been incuded in this taxon are not supported by the isotopic evidence. We conclude that Australopithecus africanus was highly opportunistic and adaptable in its feeding habits.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in soil ecological studies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The development of stable isotope techniques is one of the main methodological advances in ecology of the last decades of the 20th century. Many biogeochemical processes are accompanied by changes in the ratio between stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen (12C/13C and 14N/15N), which allows different ecosystem components and different ecosystems to be distinguished by their isotopic composition. Analysis of isotopic composition makes it possible to trace matter and energy flows through biological systems and to evaluate the rate of many ecological processes. The main concepts and methods of stable isotope ecology and patterns of stable isotope fractionation during organic matter decomposition are considered with special emphasis on the fractionation of isotopes in food chains and the use of stable isotope studies of trophic relationships between soil animals in the field.  相似文献   

Sulphur and carbon isotopic analyses on small samples of kerogens and sulphide minerals from biogenic and non-biogenic sediments of the 2.7 x 10(9) years(Ga)-old Belingwe Greenstone Belt (Zimbabwe) imply that a complex biological sulphur cycle was in operation. Sulphur isotopic compositions display a wider range of biological fractionation than hitherto reported from the Archaean. Carbon isotopic values in kerogen record fractionations characteristic of rubisco activity methanogenesis and methylotrophy and possibly anoxygenic photosynthesis. Carbon and sulphur isotopic fractionations have been interpreted in terms of metabolic processes in 2.7 Ga prokaryote mat communities, and indicate the operation of a diverse array of metabolic processes. The results are consistent with models of early molecular evolution derived from ribosomal RNA.  相似文献   

Measurements of the ratios of stable isotopes in the martian atmosphere and crust provide fundamental information about the evolution of the martian volatile and climate system. Current best estimates of the isotope ratios indicate that there has been substantial loss of gases to space and exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the crust throughout geologic time; exchange may have occurred through circulation of water in hydrothermal systems. Processes of volatile evolution and exchange will fractionate the isotopes in a manner that complicates the possible interpretation of isotopic data in terms of any fractionation that may have been caused by martian biota, and must be understood first. Key measurements are suggested that will enhance our understanding of the non-biological fractionation of the isotopes and of the evolution of the martian volatile system.  相似文献   

During the Archean era (3.9–2.5 Ga ago) the earth was dominatedby an oceanic lithosphere. Thus, understanding how life aroseand persisted in the Archean oceans constitutes a majorchallenge in understanding early life on earth. Using aradiative transfer model of the late Archean oceans, thephotobiological environment of the photic zone and the surfacemicrolayer is explored at the time before the formation of a significant ozonecolumn. DNA damage rates might have been approximately threeorders of magnitude higher in the surface layer of the Archeanoceans than on the present-day oceans, but at 30 m depth,damage may have been similar to the surface of the present-dayoceans. However at this depth the risk of being transported to surface waters in the mixed layer was high. The mixed layer mayhave been inhabited by a low diversity UV-resistant biota. Butit could have been numerically abundant. Repair capabilitiessimilar to Deinococcus radiodurans would be sufficient tosurvive in the mixed layer. Diversity may have beengreater in the region below the mixed layer and above the lightcompensation point corresponding to today's `deep chlorophyllmaximum'. During much of the Archean the air-water interface wasprobably an uninhabitable extreme environment for neuston. Thehabitability of some regions of the photic zone is consistentwith the evidence embodied in the geologic record, whichsuggests an oxygenated upper layer in the Archean oceans. Duringthe early Proterozoic, as ozone concentrations increased to acolumn abundance above 1 × 1017 cm-2, UV stresswould have been reduced and possibly a greater diversity oforganisms could have inhabited the mixed layer. However,nutrient upwelling from newly emergent continental crusts mayhave been more significant in increasing total planktonic abundance inthe open oceans and coastal regions than photobiologicalfactors. The phohobiological environment of the Archean oceanshas implications for the potential cross-transfer of life betweenother water bodies of the early Solar System, possibly on earlyMars or the water bodies of a wet, early Venus.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring stable isotope and trace elemental markers in otoliths have emerged as powerful tools for determining natal origins and environmental history of fishes in a variety of marine and freshwater environments. However, few studies have examined the applicability of this technique in large river-floodplain ecosystems. This study evaluated otolith microchemistry and stable isotopic composition as tools for determining environmental history of fishes in the Middle Mississippi River, its tributaries, and floodplain lakes in Illinois and Missouri, USA. Fishes were collected from 14 sites and water samples obtained from 16 sites during summer and fall 2006 and spring 2007. Otolith and water samples were analyzed for stable oxygen isotopic composition (δ18O) and concentrations of a suite of trace elements; otoliths were also analyzed for carbon isotopic composition (δ13C). Tributaries, floodplain lakes, and the Mississippi and Lower Missouri Rivers possessed distinct isotopic and elemental signatures that were reflected in fish otoliths. Fish from tributaries on the Missouri and Illinois sides of the middle Mississippi River could also be distinguished from one another by their elemental and isotopic fingerprints. Linear discriminant function analysis of otolith chemical signatures indicated that fish could be classified back to their environment of capture (Mississippi River, floodplain lake, tributary on the Illinois or Missouri side of the Mississippi River, or lower Missouri River) with 71–100% accuracy. This study demonstrates the potential applicability of otolith microchemistry and stable isotope analyses to determine natal origins and describe environmental history of fishes in the Middle Mississippi River, its tributaries, and floodplain lakes. The ability to reconstruct environmental history of individual fish using naturally occurring isotopic markers in otoliths may also facilitate efforts to quantify nutrient and energy subsidies to the Mississippi River provided by fishes that emigrate from floodplain lakes or tributaries.  相似文献   

Spheroidal microfossils mainly 20 to 100 μm in diameter and exhibiting granular surface textures have been recovered from Early Precambrian rocks by applying a new method of water separation in combination with thin chemical preparation. In contrast to the Acritarcha, these microfossils are characterized by a relatively low specific weight (close to one) and considerable fragility due to impregnation by mineral matter. They occur in Archean sediments of Hindustan, in rocks of the Baltic and Aldan Shields with ages of 3.0 to 3.5 billion (109) years, and in Proterozoic deposits in many regions of Euro-Asia. They commonly occur in great number in Precambrian sediments of West Africa. Australia and North America. These forms are here regarded asMenneria Lopuchin and are considered to be bluegreen algae.Menneria resembles alga-like forms reported by Engel, Nagy and their co-workers from the Onverwacht Series and microfossils reported by Schopf and Barghoorn from the Fig Tree Series, both of the Swaziland System of southern Africa. In addition to spheroidalmicrofossils, ribbon-like and filiform microstructures are here reported from Archean deposits. The biogenic structures here described from the Early Precambrian of Euro-Asia are considered to have been photosynthetic and planktonic. Their progressive evolution, intensive production of organic matter, and biogeochemical role in concentration of rare elements is discussed.  相似文献   

No community-accepted scientific methods are available today to guide studies on what role RNA played in the origin and early evolution of life on Earth. Further, a definition-theory for life is needed to develop hypotheses relating to the "RNA First" model for the origin of life. Four approaches are currently at various stages of development of such a definition-theory to guide these studies. These are (a) paleogenetics, in which inferences about the structure of past life are drawn from the structure of present life; (b) prebiotic chemistry, in which hypotheses with experimental support are sought that get RNA from organic and inorganic species possibly present on early Earth; (c) exploration, hoping to encounter life independent of terran life, which might contain RNA; and (d) synthetic biology, in which laboratories attempt to reproduce biological behavior with unnatural chemical systems.  相似文献   

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