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本文根据一枚产自中国新疆维吾尔自治区下侏罗统三工河组的昆虫化石标本建立1新属新种——秉氏巨沫蝉(Magnicercopis pingi Zhang, Chen et Zhang, gen. et sp. nov.), 归入已灭绝的半翅目原沫蝉科。本新属的衍征包括: MP脉3分支, 存在横脉im, MP脉分支处于CuA脉分支处的基侧。本文对新属种与中国侏罗纪的原沫蝉科类群, 尤其是Longucercopis xinjiangensis Zhang, Chen et Zhang, 2022进行了详细的翅脉对比: M. pingi盖翅长约为L. xinjiangensis的两倍、MP脉3分支(后者2分支)、MP脉首次分支处位于CuA脉分支处基侧(后者位于CuA脉分支处端侧)、M. pingi具横脉im (后者未见im脉)。这一发现不仅提高了对原沫蝉科多样性的认识, 也丰富了该科的翅脉信息。  相似文献   

Abstract: A new family, Sinoalidae Wang and Szwedo fam. nov., is described from the Middle Jurassic Daohugou Biota (Inner Mongolia, China). Two new genera with three new species (Sinoala parallelivena Wang and Szwedo gen. et sp. nov., Jiania crebra Wang and Szwedo gen. et sp. nov., and Jiania gracila Wang and Szwedo sp. nov.) are erected based on well‐preserved whole‐bodied specimens. The morphological characters of Procercopidae and the new family are given, and a key to the species of Sinoalidae is presented. The genera Luanpingia Hong, 1983 and Huabeicercopis Hong, 1983 are revised and attributed to Sinoalidae. The genera Mesocercopis Hong, 1983 and Sinotettegarcta Hong, 1986 are considered junior synonyms of Anthoscytina Hong, 1983. Taxa assigned to Sinoalidae fam. nov. cannot be attributed to any previously known family, but share some general (plesiomorphic) characters with ancient Clypeata, for example, postclypeus distinctly swollen, transversely wrinkled, antenna with a flagellum of a few elongate segments, frons with median ocellus and lateral ocelli on crown. Moreover, the new family is closely related to Procercopidae (Cercopoidea) based on a pronotum with a median incision at the hind margin; tegmen slender, partly punctuate, basal portion of Sc not exceeding apex of basal cell, and hind legs with lateral spines. It has a mixture of ancestral characters shared with Hylicelloidea and Jurassic Procercopidae and some derived characters. Therefore, it is tentatively placed in Cercopoidea. A preliminary phylogram of Clypeata is presented based on the combination of fossil and morphological data.  相似文献   

Abstract: Epipanfilovia oviformis gen. et sp. nov. (Neuroptera: Panfiloviidae) is described from the Middle Jurassic locality of Daohugou (Inner Mongolia, China) based on six specimens. A revised diagnosis of this family is provided. It includes two genera, Panfilovia Makarkin and Epipanfilovia gen. nov.; Osmylogramma Ponomarenko is removed from the family. Panfiloviidae is most closely related to another Jurassic family Grammolingiidae, and both are provisionally assigned to the superfamily Osmyloidea.  相似文献   

Wu Dai  Chris H. Dietrich 《ZooKeys》2012,(239):95-102
Tardrabassus pakneunensis, n. gen. & sp. is described and illustrated. The new genus shows morphological affinities to three leafhopper subfamilies, Tartessinae, Deltocephalinae, and Iassinae, but is tentatively placed in Iassinae based on the position of the ocelli, the reduced lateral frontal sutures, the leg chaetotaxy, and the structure of the male genitalia.  相似文献   

李传仁  郑乐怡 《昆虫学报》2002,45(5):648-650
记述七刺网蝽族一新属、新种Jingicoris yunanensis gen. Nov. et sp. Nov.。模式标本保存于南开大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Shih C  Yang X  Labandeira CC  Ren D 《ZooKeys》2011,(130):281-297
We describe a new genus and species of Mecoptera with siphonate mouthparts, Sinopolycentropus rasnitsynigen. et sp. n., assigned to the family Pseudopolycentropodidae Handlirsch, 1925. The specimen was collected from late Middle Jurassic nonmarine strata of the Jiulongshan Formation in Inner Mongolia, northeastern China. The new material provides additional evidence for an early diversification of pseudopolycentropodids that was ongoing during the Middle Jurassic. This diversity also adds to the variety of known pseudopolycentropodids with tubular proboscides that apparently fed on ovulate fluids produced by Mesozoic gymnosperms.  相似文献   

A remarkable new genus of tribe Opsiini (Deltocephalinae), Yinformibus gen. nov. including Yinformibus menglaensis sp. nov. is described from Yunnan of China. The new genus is placed in the tribe Opsiini based on male adults having a pair of aedeagal shafts, each with its own gonopore. Partial 28S rDNA and Histone H3 sequences are provided for the new species, and a phylogenetic analysis based on these markers for Deltocephalinae retrieved from GenBank suggests Opsiini is monophyletic and supports the placement of Yinformibus gen. nov. in Opsiini. The molecular results placed the new genus in a clade comprising Hishimonus Ishihara, Opsius Fieber, and an undescribed genus from Zambia. Additionally, we also analysed the relationships of Yinformibus gen. nov. with other genera based on morphology.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:85C23AC3-8B19-4F29-9F55-BFC392242B51  相似文献   

Three new species of Tettigarctidae from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou, China are described: Shuraboprosbole daohugouensis nov. sp., S. minuta nov. sp., and S. media nov. sp. The revised diagnostic characters of Shuraboprosbole Becker-Migdisova are provided based on well-preserved whole-bodied fossil tettigarctids. So far, only four definitive species of Tettigarctidae are recorded from the Mesozoic of China. The pronotum concealing major of mesonotum seems to be an autapomorphy of Tettigarctinae. The “cicadellid-like tarsi” found in Cicadellidae and Brazilian Tettigarctidae are probably a parallel evolution.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(4):205-209
The Middle Jurassic Ashangopsis daohugouensis, gen. et sp. n., of the prophalangopsid subfamily Chifengiinae is described based on two well-preserved specimens collected from the fossil locality near Daohugou at Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, Northeast China. The new genus is characterized by the particular shape of its pronotum, its hind leg, and stridulatory veins that only concern the cubital area but not the anal area, unlike in other Chifengiinae.  相似文献   

A new genus and species Linqibinia panae of paracymatophlebiid hawker dragonfly is described from the Middle Jurassic Haifanggou Formation (Inner Mongolia, China). Previously only known from Karatau in Kazakhstan, the discovery of another member of this family extends its range across Central Asia. It confirms that the Aeshnoptera was among the most diverse odonatan clades during the Middle-Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

群管星粉蚧Heliococcus dorsiporosus Danzig为中国新纪录种。本文重描了雌成虫的形态特征,首次记述了一龄若虫的形态特征,绘制了形态特征图。此外,还编制了星粉蚧属中国已知种类检索表。  相似文献   

An unusual species of Leptophlebiidae is described based on males, females, and nymphs from Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. As a consequence of its distinct characteristics on all stages, a new genus is established. The new genus can be distinguished from other South American Leptophlebiid genera mostly by: Adults: vein MA of fore wings asymmetrical; hind wings with costal projection well developed, Sc ending at cross vein near costal projection; tarsal claws dissimilar, one blunt other acute; projections of styliger plate forming two well developed lobes with rounded apex, ventrally obstructing view of the penes; penes fused on basal half, each lobe with a ventral furrow and a long and slender spine directed anteriorly. Nymphs: Head prognathous, wider than labrum; labrum with prominent median emargination, with three subtle crenulations; body flattened; hind wings pads present; tarsal claws with over 20 denticles, subapical denticle much larger than remaining denticles; gills long and narrow, present on abdominal segments I-VII; posterolateral projections present on abdominal segments VIII-IX. Phylogenetic analyses conducted based on a previously published data matrix that included other South America leptophlebiid genera placed Poranga nessimiani gen. nov. et sp. nov. as sister to Bessierus + Perissophlebioides. In most analyses this clade was recovered within the Farrodes complex. Nymphs of the new taxa are particularly similar to Bessierus, whereas adults share the very acute costal projection on hind wings seen in non-dipterous members of the Farrodes complex.  相似文献   

热带拂粉蚧Ferrisia malvastra(McDaniel),是一种分布广泛的多食性害虫,可取食30科58种植物,分布29个国家和地区.2014年6月于云南省大理市一未知植物上发现该虫,这是该虫在我国的首次报道.本文重新描述了热带拂粉蚧雌成虫形态特征并附特征图,并介绍其寄主植物、地理分布、生物学及经济意义.  相似文献   

A new species of Egidemia China, 1927, Egidemia impudica, is described and illustrated from the Department of Magdalena (Colombia). The male genitalia of the new species have a very peculiar, diagnostic feature: the pygofer is considerably reduced and truncate posteriorly, so that part of the aedeagus is exposed. A key to males of all known Egidemia species is provided. Notes comparing Egidemia impudica with the other nine known species of the genus are also given.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Pataniolidia magnifica Wei & Webb gen.n. , sp.n. from Thailand is described and illustrated, and placed in the leafhopper subfamily Stegelytrinae. Its unusual features, including 'membracid-like' legs and 'hairy' eggs, are discussed, and new tarsal sensilla for Cicadellidae are described.  相似文献   

To date, only two species of the genus Sharasargus are known. These Upper Jurassic species were found in Mongolia and Kazakhstan, respectively. We herein describe two new species from the Middle Jurassic, which were found in Inner Mongolia, China. They are the oldest known fossils of this genus. A key to Sharasargus species is given.  相似文献   

Macrodarumoides petalinus, a new genus and species of Issidae (Hemiptera) are described based on specimens from Yunnan and Guangxi, China.  相似文献   

A new species and a new record of the genus Balanococcus Williams are described from China.They are B.zhejiangensis sp.nov.and B.kwoni Pellizzari Danzig,2007.The new species,collected from Zhejiang,China under leaf sheath of Phyllostachys praecox,is similar to B.kwoni Pellizzari Danzig,but can be distinguished by its hind coxa inflated,and only small type of oral collar tubular ducts present on dorsal surface.A key to Chinese species of Balanococcus is given.All specimens examined are deposited in the Insect Collection of Beijing Forestry University.  相似文献   

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