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Rousettus leschenaulti is an abundant species in many countries of South‐East Asia, including south China. We isolated seven microsatellite loci in R. leschenaulti from genomic DNA enriched for CA repeats with the enriched library method. A total of 56 samples from a population in the Guangxi Province of China were tested with these microsatellite markers. The polymorphism ranged from seven to 16 alleles, and the observed heterozygosity was 84–94%. It is the first time microsatellite markers were characterized from R. leschenaulti, and these markers can be an important tool for analysing population structure and genotypic diversity.  相似文献   

The pituitary glands of normal and experimental male and female bats were examined by light and electron microscopy. Six cell types were identified in the anterior pituitary by differential staining techniques, ultrastructural characteristics and changes brought about during the different phases of the sexual cycle. Conventional methods like removal of thyroids, testes and adrenals, and animals in lactation withdrawal and treatment with propylthio-uracil, cyproterone acetate and metyrapone were employed. A marked predominance of somatotrophin and luteotrophin (LTH) cells were present in the intact adult female bat pituitary gland. LTH cells were also observed in milk retention experiments. The two gonadotrophic cell types were randomly distributed throughout the gland. Hypertrophy of two gonadotroph cells was observed in response to the physiological conditions of the animals, gonadectomy and administration of the male antifertility drug cyproterone acetate. Thyrotrophin and adrenocorticotrophin cells were identified by ablation of the respective target organs, thyroids and adrenals, and after treatment with propylthio-uracil and metyrapone. On the basis of the pathological conditions of the bats, the possible functional significance of the different cell types is also discussed.  相似文献   

Two metrically defined subspecies have traditionally been recognised within the Palaearctic distribution range of the Egyptian fruit bat Rousettus aegyptiacus; the larger R. a. aegyptiacus in Egypt and the northern part of the Middle East and the smaller R. a. arabicus in the southern Middle East. An extensive material of R. aegyptiacus from all parts of this area, i.e. the Levant (incl. Turkey and Cyprus), Egypt (incl. Sinai), northern Sudan, Yemen, Oman, Iran, and Pakistan, as well as comparative samples from its sub-Saharan range, were tested using both morphological and genetic approaches in order to revise the species’ taxonomic status. The results indicated two possible processes, depending on the method used. Genetic analysis of the mitochondrial genome (nd1 and cytb) indicated low variation (< 2.0% of genetic distance) and lack of geographical structure while morphometric analysis indicated significant metric differences. Two basic size morphotypes were found within the Palaearctic range, with a rather mosaic-like geographical distribution and a lack of clear size distinction between the two categories, though intermediate types were detected. Thus, we suggest that all Palaearctic populations of R. aegyptiacus represent one form, the nominotypical subspecies, which is uniform in genetic traits but plastic in metric traits.  相似文献   

The paper describes in detail the cytomorphology of different types of germ cells, the 10 typical cellular associations or stages of the cycle of seminiferous epithelium (CSE), frequency of appearance of these stages, pattern of spermatogonial stem cell renewal and per cent degeneration of various germ cells in R. leschenaulti. Of the 14 steps of spermiogenesis (stained with PAS-haematoxylin) the first 10 were associated with the stages I-X, whereas, the remaining were found in association with one of the first six stages. The frequency of appearance of the various stages ranged from 3.84% (stage V) to 19.84% (stage I). These observations indicate that stage V is of shortest duration and stage I is of the longest duration in the bat. Five types of spermatogonia (A1, A2, A3, In and B) were identified based on their shape, size and nuclear morphology. Type A spermatogonia are oval with a large nucleus containing 1 or 2 nucleoli. The chromatin showed progressive condensation from A1 to A3 so that the latter appeared darkest among all the A type spermatogonia. The In type derived from A3 are smaller but appear darker than A3 due to heterochromatin crusts along the inner border of the nucleus. The B type spermatogonia derived from In are round and possess single nucleolus. The B type spermatogonia divided mitotically before entering meiosis or the actual production of the primary spermatocytes. The various spermatogonia divided mitotically at fixed stages of the cycle giving rise to their next generations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We studied the movements and foraging behaviour of Epomophorus gambianus and Rousettus aegyptiacus during the dry season in Rhodesia. The nightly activity of both species was concentrated in the riparian forest where they fed on the fruits of Diospyros senensis. Epomophorus gambianus roosted during the day high in the thick canopy of Trichelia emetica or Kigelia africana along the river banks and began foraging, each one in a preferred D. senensis shrub, before 1845 hrs. Rousettus aegyptiacus arrived in the study area approximately one hour later and appeared to forage in groups. The temporal separation of the feeding times of the two species of bats may provide a basis for the partitioning of a single species food resource.  相似文献   

Aging disrupted the photic entrainment in old (∼15 years) frugivorous Rousettus leschenaulti bats as natural light - dark (LD) cycles in the field or artificial LD cycles of 12 h of light at 2000 lux and 12 h of complete darkness failed to entrain them (Vanlalnghaka & Joshi 2005; Vanlalnghaka et al. 2005). The results were attributed to the age-related decline in photic sensitivity and/or the period of zeitgeber (T) deviating too much from the free-running period (τ) of bats. In the present study, the old bats were subjected to LD cycles in which the intensity of the photophase was raised to 6000 lux and Ts of 23.2 h and 24.9 h were exactly that of τ in the scotophase of LD cycles and in constant darkness, respectively. These LD cycles also failed to entrain the old bats which unambiguously demonstrates that aging in R. leschenaulti disrupted the integrity of the photic entrainment mechanism.  相似文献   


A red fruit bat (Pteropus scapulatus Peters, 1862) was picked up freshly dead after hitting power lines in a storm in Hamilton East, North Island, between 1927 and 1929 and kept, stuffed, on a Waikato farm. Unusually large southerly migrations of the red fruit bat into New South Wales and Victoria occurred for a few years after the severe drought in Queensland in 1926–27. This specimen may have been on migration, and blown across the Tasman by a storm. This is the first confirmed record of an Australian bat reaching New Zealand alive in European times.  相似文献   

1. Haematological values and iron status of wild and captive fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus) were determined. 2. Plasma iron concentrations were 175 micrograms/dl in wild males, and 286-316 micrograms/dl in captive bats. 3. Total splenic stores were small (around 100 micrograms) in relation to hepatic stores (3 mg) and total haem iron (2.6 mg). 4. Haemoglobin levels, red cell counts and haematocrits were unusually high and mean corpuscular volumes low. 5. Lactating wild bats showed no deficits in iron status or in haematological values. 6. It is concluded that the ascorbic acid content of fruit, together with the bats' high food requirement, has ensured an ample iron supply in this vegetarian species.  相似文献   

球果蝠Sphaerias blanfordi(Thomas,1891)是亚洲南部喜马拉雅-印度支那地区的特有种,甚为罕见而少有报道.曾被认为是单型种,几乎无雄性特征的描述.蔡桂全和张遁治(1980)根据采自西藏东南部墨脱的2只雄性标本订了一亚种一墨脱亚种Sphaerias blanfordi motuoensis,其主要特征是颈下侧有一对灰黄色的圆形毛斑.中国科学院昆明动物研究所先后在云南西北部高黎贡山地区采获25号标本(9♂♂,16♀♀),发现球果蝠两性在外形上有明显的性别差异,雄性的颈下侧有一对圆形、灰黄色的刷状毛斑,但雌性均无;对比墨脱标本,认为墨脱亚种的鉴别特征不可靠,亚种不能成立.Lunde(2003)曾报道采自越南北部Mt.Tay Con Linh Ⅱ地区的43号标本,其前臂长和上犬齿外宽明显与印度、缅甸和云南西北部高黎贡山地区的标本不同,可能是真正的地理亚种.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of megabats (Mammalia: Chiroptera: Megachiroptera) has been addressed only on molecular grounds, as little effort has previously been made to describe the impressive morphological variation of the group in terms of phylogenetically informative characters. Here we provide a morphological matrix of 236 characters from the integument, dentition, cranial and post‐cranial skeleton, digestive apparatus and urogenital system. This data set covers most characters discussed previously in more restricted taxonomic contexts, as well a large number of new characters. Our aim was to generate a phylogenetic hypothesis for megabats based on a combined analysis of morphological characters and available gene sequence data from four mitochondrial and one nuclear loci. We used direct optimization under conventional equal costs, as well as under a cost ratio that maximizes homology when inapplicables (gaps) are present. Our results contradict the allegedly high level of conflict between the molecular and morphological partitions. We found that, although morphology alone recovered trees different and to some extent incompatible with those from previous molecular analyses, the combination of the two sources of evidence easily accommodated the morphological and molecular signals, yielding a resolved and relatively well‐supported phylogeny of Megachiroptera that is in reasonable agreement with the current morphology‐based taxonomy of the group. Overall congruence favored the maximization of homology by a narrow margin. In addition, partial analyses showed that implied weighting of morphology performed slightly better than equal weighting with respect to the combined analyses. © The Willi Hennig Society 2005.  相似文献   

We report observations of allomaternal care, or epimeletic (care-giving) behaviour, exhibited by one female toward another, before, during, and after giving birth, in the Rodrigues fruit bat, Pteropus rodricensis (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae). Interactions between the expectant mother and other roost mates, from the onset to completion of birth, were observed continuously over a period of approximately three hours. The attending female assisted the mother when she: (I) intermittently groomed her anovaginal region; (2) grasped her with partially outstretched wings; (3) 'tutored' her in a feet-down birthing posture; (4) groomed the emerging pup; and (5) physically assisted the mother by manoeuvring the pup into a suckling position. This is the first report of extensive assistance given by a female bat to another during parturition. We suggest that epimeletic behaviour may be common in the highly social Chiroptera, especially among primiparous or inexperienced females and/or when an expectant mother experiences difficulty during labour and parturition. Our observations support the hypothesis that roosting associations in bats may be as important as relatedness in explaining the occurrence of apparently altruistic acts.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in body size and sexual dimorphism of the short‐nosed fruit bat (Cynopterus sphinx) was investigated in peninsular India. Bats were sampled at 12 localities along a 1200 km latitudinal transect that paralleled the eastern flanks of the Western Ghats. The geographic pattern of variation in external morphology of C. sphinx conforms to the predictions of Bergmann's Rule, as indicated by a steep, monotonic cline of increasing body size from south to north. This study represents one of the first conclusively documented examples of Bergmann's Rule in a tropical mammal and confirms that latitudinal clines in body size are not exclusively restricted to temperate zone homeotherms. Body size was indexed by a multivariate axis derived from principal components analysis of linear measurements that summarize body and wing dimensions. Additionally, length of forearm was used as a univariate index of structural size to examine geographic variation in a more inclusive sample of bats across the latitudinal transect. Multivariate and univariate size metrics were strongly and positively correlated with body mass, and exhibited highly concordant patterns of clinal variation. Stepwise multiple regression on climatological variables revealed that increasing size of male and female C. sphinx was associated with decreasing minimum temperature, increasing relative humidity, and increasing seasonality. Although patterns of geographic size variation were highly concordant between the sexes, C. sphinx also exhibited a latitudinal cline in the magnitude and direction of sexual size dimorphism. The size differential reversed direction across the latitudinal gradient, as males averaged larger in the north, and females averaged larger in the south. The degree of female‐biased size dimorphism across the transect was negatively correlated with body size of both sexes. Canonical discriminant analysis revealed that male‐ and female‐biased size dimorphism were based on contrasting sets of external characters. Available data on geographic variation in the degree of polygyny in C. sphinx suggests that sexual selection on male size may play a role in determining the geographic pattern of sexual size dimorphism.  相似文献   

We studied the blood profile of the free-living fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus) during the beginning of the activity period (around various feeding trees) and upon return to the day roost during 1994–1995. Results of the present study suggest that during winter and early spring bats are characterized by a poor physical and physiological state as reflected in the blood profile, revealing elevated urea and uric acid concentrations. It was found that at the end of the resting phase, R. aegyptiacus was in a mild state of dehydration (increased hematocrit and hemoglobin levels). At the end of activity, upon return to the day roost, both hematocrit and hemoglobin levels decreased but bats still maintained a high plasma osmolality. Several components in the blood are effected by the feeding time and show a cyclic change in concentration. The reverse relationship between glucose and triglyceride levels may indicate that glucose is the energy source during the active phase and that fat is the energy source during the resting period. The low cholesterol level in the blood reflects its absence in the fruit diet. Accepted: 5 February 1999  相似文献   

Spinal cords were removed from ten Egyptian fruit bats Rousettus aegyptiacus and the lipids analysed. The major phosphatides were choline glycerophosphatide (32.3%), ethanolamine glycerophosphatide (29.3%), serine glycerophosphatide (15.2%) and phosphatidylinositol (8.4%). Sphingomyelin accounted for 13.8% of the phospholipid. Glycosphingolipids amounted to 43.2 mol/100 mol lipid phosphorus, plasmalogens 32.5 mol/100 mol P and cholesterol 159.5 mol/100 mol P. The fatty acid composition of whole cord, sphingomyelin and non-hydroxy cerebroside were determined. The results were compared with data from other species.  相似文献   

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