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Daniel G. Bedo 《Chromosoma》1974,48(2):181-190
Salivary gland chromosomes from four populations of Anatopynia dyari were examined together with mitotio and meiotic chromosomes from one of the sites. Both mitotic and meiotic cells possess large blocks of heterochromatin, some of which fluoresce brightly after quinacrine staining. Mitotic figures show twelve chromosomes consisting of a graded size series with 5 meta- and submetacentric pairs and one small telocentric pair. — Salivary gland chromosomes have a loose chromocentre and three distinct size classes of chromosomes. The size classes include 1 long metacentric, 4 medium acrocentrics and 1 very small telocentric which is also twice the thickness of the rest of the complement. Quinacrine staining produces bright fluorescence of the centromeric third of chromosome VI, some ectopically paired regions of the chromocentre, basal bands and the telomeres of some chromosomes. — The discrepancy between arm ratios and relative lengths of mitotic and polytene chromosomes is explained by under-replication of nonfluorescing heterochromatin in the latter case. Brightly fluorescing heterochromatin behaves in an anomalous manner suggesting that it is either over, or else not severely under-replicated in salivary glands. The extra thickness of chromosome VI also suggests that it undergoes an extra round of replication. — A common complex rearrangement was found in the long arm of chromosome III in three of the populations. In the one population tested it was in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium.  相似文献   

The chironomid Prodiamesa olivacea possesses 3 pairs of chromosomes. The underreplication of the right arm in the polytene 3rd was presented earlier and is here shown to affect in females the cell nuclei of salivary glands, Malpighian tubules and the hindgut. The same somatic nuclei in males exhibit also a polytene 3rd with specific characteristics inasmuch as it contains half the relative DNA value of the female nuclei (3% instead of 6% complemental portion). — In male meiocytes the two partners in each of the 3 diakinetic bivalents were recognized to be homomorphic. In view of this morphological criterium the polytene situation in males must be due either to an unknown elimination process or to the underreplication of both right arms and further one left arm of the 3rd chromosomes. The latter model interprets the elements of the 3rd pair as differently polytenizing heterosomes in P. olivacea.With gratitude dedicated to Professor Wolfgang Beermann on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates thatCuscuta babylonica Choisy has holocentric chromosomes. Evidence for this phenomenon comes from three different observations. (1) Mitosis: During metaphase and anaphase the sister-chromatids are situated parallel to the equatorial plane with no sign of localized kinetochore activity. (2) Inverted meiosis in microsporocytes. (3) X-rayed microsporocytes, in which the numerous chromosome fragments do not show any lagging or formation of micronuclei. We assume that only one out of the three subgenera inCuscuta, namely subg.Cuscuta, has holocentric chromosomes, while the two other subgenera have monocentric chromosomes.  相似文献   

Nucleolar-organizer region, nucleolus and mode of association of the sex bivalent were analyzed in spermatecytes of Chelymorpha variabilis Boheman. This species (2n=10II+Xyp) shows the typical sex chromosome system of the group Polyphaga. The results of silver staining techniques showed the nucleolar organizer region localized in a subterminal position of an autosomal bivalent. During meiotic prophase the nucleolus was distinguished with the silver staining and acridine orange fluorescence technique up to diakinesis. The independence of nucleolus and sex bivalent Xyp during meiosis is demonstrated. The positively silver staining but negatively orange-red material found within the parachute could be involved in the regular co-orientation of both sex chromosomes. After a longer hypotonic treatment, sex bivalents were observed elongated and paired only at one end during the pachytene stage. Along these sex chromosomes, C-bands showed positive blocks located in the pericentromeric and telomeric regions. Heterochromatic association of both sex chromosomes was suggested.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of the subfamilies of Chironomidae (Diptera)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The phylogeny of the subfamilies of Chironomidae are cladistically analysed using parsimony. A data matrix is presented and some characters discussed. Different outgroup taxa, constraints and options are used, characters unordered or ordered, weighted or unweighted, the results reweighted or not and the results discussed. Telmatogetoninae in all cladograms forms the sister group of the remaining subfamilies. Aphroteniinae in some cladograms forms the sister group of all subfamilies except Telmatogetoninae, whereas in other cladograms, including the preferred cladogram, it is part of Tanypodoinae, which otherwise includes Podonominae, Usumbaromyiinae and Tanypodinae. Chilenomyiinae is basal in Tanypodoinae in some cladograms. In most cladograms, including the preferred cladogram, it is basal in Chironomoinae, which also includes Buchonomyiinae, Diamesinae, Prodiamesinae, Orthocladiinae and Chironominae. The preferred cladogram is compared with the relationships between different subfamilies suggested by previous authors.  相似文献   

Summary A series of experiments were carried out to determine whether substrate selection could be demonstrated in the case of chironomid larvae of the species Nilodorum brevibucca Freeman in the absence of competition for food. Definite substrate preferences were exhibited. In particular, coarse sand was avoided, and this could be related to the suitability of the particles as a tube building material. In addition, the substrate affected the rate of migration and settlement of larvae. The application of these results to field distribution patterns of chironomid larvae has been considered.
Zusammenfassung Eine Series von Experimenten wurde ausgeführt, um festzustellen, ob eine Auswahl von Substraten in Abwesenheit eines Wettstreits um Nahrung im Falle der Species Nilodorum brevibucca Freeman demonstreit werden kann. Es zeigte sich eindeutige Bevorzugung von Substraten. Grober Sand wurde besonders vermieden, was durch die Eignung der Partikel als Baumaterial für die Röhren bedingt sein könnte. Außerdem wurde die Wanderungsrate und die Ansiedlung von Larven durch das Substrat beeinträchtigt. Die Anwendung dieser Resultate auf das Verteilungsschema von Chironomiden-Larven im Feld wurde erwogen.

Now at Biology Department, Chancellor College, University of Malawi.  相似文献   

Chromosomes of Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae (10 males and 20 females) collected from a tributary of the Tietê River (Botucatu, S.P. Brazil) were examined using kidney and testicular cells. Both males and females presented 2n=50 chromosomes and 1 to 8 small supernumerary microchromosomes. C-banding demonstrated positively stained heterochromatic blocks in almost every chromosome and a pattern of interstitial bands located in the same position in relation to the centromere on the long arm of a large number of chromosomes. Two large NORs were detected in pair 19 of all the silver-stained metaphases; zero to 6 additional small NORs were detected in other chromosomes. A general survey of the occurrence of supernumerary chromosomes in fishes is presented.  相似文献   

InArabidopsis thaliana the ribosomal RNA genes (rRNA genes or rDNA) are clustered in tandemly repeated blocks in two nucleolus organizer regions (NORs). Cytogenetic analysis has shown that the NORs are localized on chromosome 2 (NOR 2) and 4 (NOR 4). Recently the map position of NOR 2 was determined using a RFLP which was larger than 100 kb. In the course of a fingerprint analysis of differentArabidopsis ecotypes we have detected four rDNA polymorphisms between the ecotypes Landsberg (La) and Niederzenz (Nd). Mapping of these polymorphisms using established segregating F2 populations reveals that all polymorphisms detected are dominant. Three of them map to the locus on the second chromosome that has been shown to harbour the NOR 2. The fourth polymorphism can be unambigously assigned to the upper arm of the fourth chromosome. This is the first polymorphism found which originates in the second rDNA cluster ofArabidopsis thaliana. It enables localization of NOR 4 and thus completes the mapping of rDNA genes in the NORs ofArabidopsis.  相似文献   

In polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster, regions of pericentric heterochromatin coalesce to form a compact chromocenter and are highly underreplicated. Focusing on study of X chromosome heterochromatin, we demonstrate that loss of either SU(VAR)3-9 histone methyltransferase activity or HP1 protein differentially affects the compaction of different pericentric regions. Using a set of inversions breaking X chromosome heterochromatin in the background of the Su(var)3-9 mutations, we show that distal heterochromatin (blocks h26-h29) is the only one within the chromocenter to form a big "puff"-like structure. The "puffed" heterochromatin has not only unique morphology but also very special protein composition as well: (i) it does not bind proteins specific for active chromatin and should therefore be referred to as a pseudopuff and (ii) it strongly associates with heterochromatin-specific proteins SU(VAR)3-7 and SUUR, despite the fact that HP1 and HP2 are depleted particularly from this polytene structure. The pseudopuff completes replication earlier than when it is compacted as heterochromatin, and underreplication of some DNA sequences within the pseudopuff is strongly suppressed. So, we show that pericentric heterochromatin is heterogeneous in its requirement for SU(VAR)3-9 with respect to the establishment of the condensed state, time of replication, and DNA polytenization.  相似文献   

The allocyclic X chromosome in early female mouse embryos undergoes DNA replication either late or early in the S phase. Earlier studies indicated that the early-replicating X chromosome is restricted to the trophectoderm and primitive endoderm cell lineages in which the allocyclic X is almost exclusively paternal in origin. There has been, however, no compelling evidence for the genetic inactivity of the early-replicating X chromosome and a shift from early to late replication or vice versa. The present study employing a combination of 3H-thymidine autoradiography and BrdU labeling-acridine orange fluorescence staining in day-6 female mouse embryos found that the early-replicating X chromosome can change directly into a late-replicating one. The activity state of the early-replicating X chromosome was examined by electrophoretic determination of the X linked enzyme, phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK-1), in tissues isolated from 6.0-day and day-8.5 Pgk-1a/Pgk-1b embryos. Only the maternally derived Pgk-1 allele was expressed in the proximal endoderm and extraembryonic ectoderm of 6.0-day and the chorion of 8.5-day embryos. Thus, the early-replicating, paternally derived X chromosome found in about 70%-80% of the cells in these tissues seems to be repressed like the late-replicating one.  相似文献   

A chironomid midge, Cricotopus lebetis Sublette (Diptera: Chironomidae), was discovered feeding on Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle (Hydrocharitaceae) in Crystal River, Citrus, Co., Florida, in the 1990s. Larvae of the midge mine the apical meristems of hydrilla, causing terminal branching and stunting of the plant. We investigated the fundamental host range of the midge by conducting a series of no-choice and paired-choice tests. No-choice developmental tests with neonate larvae revealed that the fundamental host range of C. lebetis included not only on hydrilla but also several other aquatic plants in different families, suggesting that this insect is not a hydrilla specialist. In paired-choice bioassays, larval colonisation of Elodea canadensis Michx. (Hydrocharitaceae) and Najas guadalupensis (Spreng.) Magnus (Najadaceae) was greater than colonisation of H. verticillata. Behavioural bioassays in a Y-tube olfactometer and in Petri dishes suggested that neonate larvae were not able to locate host plant material, whereas older larvae were successful in finding hosts. In paired-choice oviposition tests, adult females discriminated between potential oviposition sites, with greater numbers of eggs laid on E. canadensis and N. guadalupensis than on H. verticillata. This study is the first detailed account of host searching and oviposition behaviour of a phytophagous chironomid midge. The results will be used to assess the potential value of C. lebetis as a biological control agent of hydrilla.  相似文献   

Summary Trypsin-banded metaphase plates provided by one whole blood culture of a normal adult female were analyzed as to the chromosome distribution by measuring: (1) distances between centromeres; (2) angles formed between a centromere, the gravity center of the metaphase plane, and a second centromere; and (3) the measured tendency to associate, as defined by Galperin (1969b). These data are correlated with Ag-NOR staining findings obtained from 72 cells from another culture of the same individual. In these cells, the chromosome pairs are identified using a simultaneous Ag-NOR staining and acridine orange banding technique. The silver precipitation is also correlated with the scored satellite associations in these cells. The results show a correlation between all concerned parameters, indicating that the nucleolar function of the human acrocentric chromosomes, as demonstrated by the silver precipitation technique, is probably one of the major determinants of the proximity of these chromosomes. There is a pronounced correlation of the Ag-NOR findings with those measured parameters which describe best the preferential small distances between chromosomes (angle analysis and tendency to associated data). Moreover, the association patterns of the acrocentrics with small amounts of NOR provide some evidence for the interference of other determinants cogoverning the position of the human D-and G-group chromosomes.To whom offprint requests should be sent  相似文献   

A review of the genusChironomus (Diptera,Chironomidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dr. Jon Martin 《Chromosoma》1971,35(4):418-430
Two cytologically distinguishable species have been found in material ofChironomus australis. These species have been calledCh. australis andCh. duplex. Both belong to thepseudothummi-cytological grouping because they have the chromosome arm combinations AE, BF, CD, G.Ch. duplex shows a modified arm pattern due to a tandem fusion of arm G to arm E.—The banding patterns of the polytene chromosomes of the two species are compared to each other and to the Australian standard species,Ch. oppositus. Ch. australis is very close cytologically toCh. oppositus, whileCh. duplex, which is considered a derived species because of the tandem fusion, shows a number of inversion differences from the morphologically similarCh. australis. Ch. duplex is polymorphic for six inversions, four of which are simple inversions, the other two are complex involving also the transposition of some bands.Ch. australis appears to be monomorphic.  相似文献   

By genetical, cytological, and filter saturation hybridization methods it is shown that the Y chromosome of Drosophila hydei contains two separate nucleolus organizers, one on the short arm, the second near the tip of the long arm.  相似文献   

The chromosome number in the damselflyEnallagma cyathigerum (Charp.) is 2n =27, 2n =28, n =14 (13). The sex determining mechanism is XX-XO, the X segregates postreductionally in the male.  相似文献   

The karyotypes and chromosomal polymorphism of Chironomus pseudothummi were investigated in different parts of its range. It was established that chromosomal variability in the natural populations of this species was represented mainly by the inversion polymorphism of arm G. Only rare and unique inversions were found as heterozygous in arms C, D, and E. In total, the 14 banding sequences of polytene chromosomes form the banding sequences pool of Ch. pseudothummi. Geographic differences in distribution of chromosomal banding sequences throughout the range were established. The presence of banding sequences pstG1 and pstG2 is characteristic of European populations. Banding sequence pstG1 was completely vanished with simultaneous increase in frequency of pstG2 and appearance of new inversion banding sequence pstG3 in Siberian populations. The differences in the set of the rare and unique inversions in arms C, D, and E between west-European and west-Siberian populations were revealed.  相似文献   

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