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Aim To document the elevational pattern of epiphyte species richness at the local scale in the tropical Andes with a consistent methodology. Location The northern Bolivian Andes at 350–4000 m above sea level. Methods We surveyed epiphytic vascular plant assemblages in humid forests in (a) single trees located in (b) 90 subplots of 400 m2 each located in (c) 14 plots of 1 ha each. The plots were separated by 100–800 m along the elevational gradient. Results We recorded about 800 epiphyte species in total, with up to 83 species found on a single tree. Species richness peaked at c. 1500 m and declined by c. 65% to 350 m and by c. 99% to 4000 m, while forests on mountain ridges had richness values lowered by c. 30% relative to slope forests at the same elevations. The hump‐shaped richness pattern differed from a null‐model of random species distribution within a bounded domain (the mid‐domain effect) as well as from the pattern of mean annual precipitation by a shift of the diversity peak to lower elevations and by a more pronounced decline of species richness at higher elevations. With the exception of Araceae, which declined almost monotonically, all epiphyte taxa showed hump‐shaped curves, albeit with slightly differing shapes. Orchids and pteridophytes were the most species‐rich epiphytic taxa, but their relative contributions shifted with elevation from a predominance of orchids at low elevations to purely fern‐dominated epiphyte assemblages at 4000 m. Within the pteridophytes, the polygrammoid clade was conspicuously overrepresented in dry or cold environments. Orchids, various small groups (Cyclanthaceae, Ericaceae, Melastomataceae, etc.), and Bromeliaceae (below 1000 m) were mostly restricted to the forest canopy, while Araceae and Pteridophyta were well represented in the forest understorey. Main conclusions Our study confirms the hump‐shaped elevational pattern of vascular epiphyte richness, but the causes of this are still poorly understood. We hypothesize that the decline of richness at high elevations is a result of low temperatures, but the mechanism involved is unknown. The taxon‐specific patterns suggest that some taxa have a phylogenetically determined propensity for survival under extreme conditions (low temperatures, low humidity, and low light levels in the forest interior). The three spatial sampling scales show some different patterns, highlighting the influence of the sampling methodology.  相似文献   

Changes in terrestrial vascular plant diversity along a successional gradient were studied in a Costa Rican upper montane Quercus forest. In 1991 and 1992 species presence and cover were recorded in 12 successional 0.1 ha forest plots. A total of 176 species in 122 genera and 75 families were found. Asteraceae was the most speciose family. With the help of TWINSPAN three successional phases were classified: (i) Early Secondary Forest (ESF, 145 spp.), (ii) Late Secondary Forest (LSF, 130 spp.) and (iii) Primary Forest (PF, 96 spp.). Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) species ordination using DECORANA illustrates that different ecological species groups can be distinguished along the time sequence. Alpha diversity (Shannon-Wiener index, among others) in ESF and LSF was significantly greater than in PF. This is probably explained by downslope migration of numerous sub(alpine) species to cleared and recently abandoned montane sites. Beta diversity applying Sørensen's similarity coefficients declined during succession. Using linear regression, the minimum time required for floristic recovery following disturbance and abandonment was calculated at 65.9 years. A comparison with other studies shows that secondary forests in upper montane Costa Rica can be as diverse as in neotropical lowlands.  相似文献   

We documented the floristic composition of pteridophytes (ferns and fern allies) and Melastomataceae in Yasuní National Park, Amazonian Ecuador. Our main questions were: (1) Are the density of individuals, species richness, and/or species diversity (measured with Shannon's H′) of the two plant groups related to edaphic differences? and (2) How many of the pteridophyte and Melastomataceae species are non–randomly distributed in relation to a soil base content gradient within terra firme (non–inundated forest). To answer these questions, we sampled 27 line transects of 500 × 5 m distributed in an area of ca 20 × 25 km. The study area included a permanent 50 ha plot established to monitor forest dynamics; thus, our results also provide information on landscape–scale floristic variability to which results from within the plot can be compared. A total of 45,608 individuals and 140 species of pteridophytes, and 4893 individuals and 89 species of the Melastomataceae, were counted in the transects. Both with pteridophytes and with Melastomataceae, a clear negative correlation was found between the amount of extractable bases in the soil and the number of plant individuals encountered in a transect. With Melastomataceae, species richness and species diversity also were negatively correlated with soil base content, but with pteridophytes they were not. More than 50 percent of the common species of both pteridophytes and Melastomataceae were nonrandomly distributed along the soil cation content gradient within terra firme. We conclude that while the species richness patterns observed in one plant group are not indicative of similar patterns in other plant groups, it seems likely that a substantial (but unknown) proportion of species belonging to other plant groups will be found to show distribution patterns that reflect edaphic preferences within terra firme forests.  相似文献   

We studied the spatial heterogeneity of tree diversity, and of forest structure and productivity in a highly diverse tropical mountain area in southern Ecuador with the aim of understanding the causes of the large variation in these parameters. Two major environmental gradients, elevation and topography, representing a broad range of climatic and edaphic site conditions, were analyzed. We found the highest species richness of trees in valleys <2100 m. Valleys showed highest values of basal area, leaf area index and tree basal area increment as well. Tree diversity also increased from ridges to valleys, while canopy openness decreased. Significant relationships existed between tree diversity and soil parameters (pH, total contents of Mg, K, Ca, N and P), and between diversity and the spatial variability of pH and Ca and Mg contents suggesting a dependence of tree diversity on both absolute levels and on the small-scale heterogeneity of soil nutrient availability. Tree diversity and basal area increment were positively correlated, partly because both are similarly affected by soil conditions. We conclude that the extraordinarily high tree species richness in the area is primarily caused by three factors: (1) the existence of steep altitudinal and topographic gradients in a rather limited area creating a small-scale mosaic of edaphically different habitats; (2) the intermingling of Amazonian lowland plant species, that reach their upper distribution limits, and of montane forest species; and (3) the geographical position of the study area between the humid eastern Andean slope and the dry interandean forests of South Ecuador.  相似文献   

Autotrophic respiration involves the use of fixed carbon by plants for their own metabolism, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide as a by‐product. Little is known of how autotrophic respiration components vary across environmental gradients, particularly in tropical ecosystems. Here, we present stem CO2 efflux data measured across an elevation transect spanning ca. 2800 m in the Peruvian Amazon and Andes. Forest plots from five elevations were studied: 194, 210, 1000, 1500, and 3025 m asl Stem CO2 efflux (Rs) values from each plot were extrapolated to the 1‐ha plot level. Mean Rs per unit stem surface area declined significantly with elevation, from 1.14±0.12 at 210 m elevation to 0.62±0.09 μmol C m−2 s−1 at 3025 m elevation. When adjusted for changing forest structure with elevation, this is equivalent to 6.45±1.12 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 at 210 m elevation to 2.94±0.19 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 at 3025 m elevation. We attempted to partition stem respiration into growth and maintenance respiration components for each site. Both growth and maintenance respiration rates per unit stem showed similar, moderately significant absolute declines with elevation, but the proportional decline in growth respiration rates was much greater. Stem area index (SAI) showed little trend along the transect, with declining tree stature at higher elevations being offset by an increased number of small trees. This trend in SAI is sensitive to changes in forest stature or size structure. In the context of rapid regional warming over the 21st century, such indirect, ecosystem‐level temperature responses are likely to be as important as the direct effects of temperature on maintenance respiration rates.  相似文献   

The probability of long‐term persistence of a population is strongly determined by adult survival rates, but estimates of survival are currently lacking for most species of birds in the tropical Andes, a global biodiversity hotspot. We calculated apparent survival rates of birds in the Ecuadorian tropical Andes using a moderately long‐term (11 yr) capture–recapture dataset from three habitats that varied in how much they had been modified by human activities (native forest, introduced forest, and shrubs). We fit mark–recapture models for 28 species with habitat as a covariable. For all species, recapture rates between sampling sessions were low and varied from 0.04 for Rainbow Starfrontlets (Coeligena iris) to 0.41 for Stripe‐headed Brushfinches (Arremon assimilis) when averaged across all occupied habitats. Annual survival rates varied from 0.07 for Black‐crested Warblers (Margarornis squamiger) to 0.75 for Violet‐throated Metaltails (Metallura baroni). We found no significant differences in survival rates either among habitats or species grouped by habitat specialization. Because we found similar survival rates in native forest and human‐modified habitats, our results support those of recent studies concerning the potential value of secondary habitats for the conservation of some species of birds in the tropics. However, our conclusions are tempered by the uncertainty around the estimates of survival rates. Despite the relatively long‐term nature of our study, obtaining survival estimates for bird species in this region was challenging, and either more years of study or modification of field protocols may be needed to obtain more precise survival estimates.  相似文献   

Aim We examined changes in the species diversity and faunal composition of arctiid moths along a successional gradient at a fine spatial scale in one of the world's hot spots for moths, the Andean montane rain forest zone. We specifically aimed to discover whether moth groups with divergent life histories respond differentially to forest recovery. Location Southern Ecuador (province Zamora‐Chinchipe) along a gradient from early successional stages to mature forest understorey at elevations of 1800–2005 m a.s.l. Methods Moths were sampled with weak light traps at 21 sites representing three habitat categories (early and late succession, mature forest understorey), and were analysed at species level. Relative proportions were calculated from species numbers as well as from specimen numbers. Fisher's α was used as a measure of local diversity, and for ordination analyses non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) was carried out. Results Proportions of higher arctiid taxa changed distinctly along the successional gradient. Ctenuchini (wasp moths) contributed more strongly to ensembles in natural forest, whereas Lithosiinae (lichen moths) decreased numerically with forest recovery. Arctiid species diversity (measured as Fisher's α) was high in all habitats sampled. The three larger subordinated taxa contributed differentially to richness: Phaegopterini (tiger moths) were always the most diverse clade, followed by Ctenuchini and Lithosiinae. Local species diversity was higher in successional habitats than in forest understorey, and this was most pronounced for the Phaegopterini. Dominance of a few common species was higher, and the proportion of species represented as singletons was lower, than reported for many other tropical arthropod communities. NMDS revealed a significant segregation between ensembles from successional sites and from forest understorey for all larger subordinated taxa (Phaegopterini, Ctenuchini, Lithosiinae). Abandoned pastures held an impoverished, distinct fauna. Faunal segregation was more pronounced for rare species. Ordination axes reflected primarily the degree of habitat disturbance (openness of vegetation, distance of sites from mature forest) and, to a lesser extent, altitude, but not distance between sampling sites. Main conclusions Despite the geographical proximity of the 21 sites and the pronounced dispersal abilities of adult arctiid moths, local ecological processes were strong enough to allow differentiation between ensembles from mature forest and disturbed sites, even at the level of subfamilies and tribes. Differences in morphology and life‐history characteristics of higher arctiid taxa were reflected in their differential representation (proportions of species and individuals) at the sites, whereas patterns of alpha and beta diversity were concordant. However, concordance was too low to allow for reliable extrapolation, in terms of biodiversity indication, from one tribe or subfamily to the entire family Arctiidae. Phaegopterini (comprising more putative generalist feeders during the larval stages) benefited from habitat disturbance, whereas Ctenuchini (with host‐specialist larvae) were more strongly affiliated with forest habitats.  相似文献   

Question: Disturbance effects on dry forest epiphytes are poorly known. How are epiphytic assemblages affected by different degrees of human disturbance, and what are the driving forces? Location: An inter‐Andean dry forest landscape at 2300 m elevation in northern Ecuador. Methods: We sampled epiphytic bryophytes and vascular plants on 100 trees of Acacia macracantha in five habitats: closed‐canopy mixed and pure acacia forest (old secondary), forest edge, young semi‐closed secondary woodland, and isolated trees in grassland. Results: Total species richness in forest edge habitats and on isolated trees was significantly lower than in closed forest types. Species density of vascular epiphytes (species per tree) did not differ significantly between habitat types. Species density of bryophytes, in contrast, was significantly lower in edge habitat and on isolated trees than in closed forest. Forest edge showed greater impoverishment than semi‐closed woodland and similar floristic affinity to isolated trees and to closed forest types. Assemblages were significantly nested; habitat types with major disturbance held only subsets of the closed forest assemblages, indicating a gradual reduction in niche availability. Distance to forest had no effect on species density of epiphytes on isolated trees, but species density was closely correlated with crown closure, a measure of canopy integrity. Main conclusions: Microclimatic changes but not dispersal constraints were key determinants of epiphyte assemblages following disturbance. Epiphytic cryptogams are sensitive indicators of microclimate and human disturbance in montane dry forests. The substantial impoverishment of edge habitat underlines the need for fragmentation studies on epiphytes elsewhere in the Tropics.  相似文献   

Wolff D 《Annals of botany》2006,97(5):767-777
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: This study investigates 47 taxonomically related species (Gentianales), all native to a tropical montane forest in southern Ecuador, in terms of nectar chemistry and nectar volumes in relation to pollination biology. METHODS: Nectar volumes of covered (24-h production) and uncovered (standing crop) flowers were measured in the natural habitat. Sucrose, fructose and glucose were quantified in the nectar using high performance liquid chromatography. Flower visitors were observed. KEY RESULTS: Nectar sugar concentration did not differ significantly among the pollination syndromes. Regarding sugar composition, the only significant differences were found in chiropterophilous and myiophilous flowers, which had a significantly lower sugar ratio than sphingophilous flowers. A separation of chiropterophilous and myiophilous flowers from the other pollination syndromes is further substantiated by non-linear multidimensional scaling using the chord-normalized expected species shared index of dissimilarity based on nectar sugar compositions. The matrix test revealed no correlation of observed floral visitors to nectar concentrations; however, a weak significant correlation was found between floral visitors and nectar sugar compositions. The nectar volumes of covered and uncovered flowers are related to, and differ significantly among, pollination syndromes. Matrix tests revealed correlation between floral visitors and nectar volume of covered flowers and, to a lesser extent, of uncovered flowers. CONCLUSIONS: Sucrose is the predominant floral nectar sugar in the order Gentianales, suggesting that nectar sugar composition is a conservative characteristic. However, some degree of an adaptive convergence of floral nectar compositions to principal pollinator type within the constraints set by phylogenetic history is likely. The driving force to visitation appears to be the volume of nectar the visitor can expect to consume.  相似文献   

We studied temporal dynamics of diverse moth ensembles (Arctiidae and Geometridae) in early and late succession stages of forest recovery in the montane zone of southern Ecuador. Moths were sampled using weak light sources (2 × 15 W tubes per trap) during three sampling periods (March–April 2002, wet season; October–November 2002, and August–October 2003, both “dry” seasons). Arctiid moth abundance hardly varied between sampling periods. Estimates of local diversity were lower in 2002 (wet and dry season) than in the dry season 2003, and ensemble composition was more strongly affected by sampling period rather than habitat differences. Geometridae ensembles revealed stronger temporal patterns. Geometrid abundance increased about twofold from the wet to the dry season, and temporal effects on species composition were far more pronounced that in arctiids. These differences might hint to variation in the dependence of geometrid versus arctiid larvae on ephemeral plant resources. Despite these significant temporal dynamics, in both families only a few of the more common species analyzed individually showed strong temporal changes in abundance. Almost all common species occurred as adults during all sampling periods. Therefore, even though temporal dynamics of moth ensembles are not negligible, both moth families are suitable “indicators” of community diversity and change along the succession gradient. Samples must be large enough, however, and preferably should be collated over various times of the year and in parallel, to allow for valid statements about moth diversity and species compositions in relation to habitat differences. These recommendations undermine the validity of the concept of “rapid biodiversity inventories” for speciose tropical insect communities.  相似文献   

为了探索青藏高原湿润地区草地的演变规律和未来对气候变化的响应,以雅家埂高山带不同海拔草地为对象,研究了草地群落特征沿海拔梯度的变化,并分析了气候因子和土壤因子对群落特征的影响。结果表明:(1)沿海拔梯度草地群落特征具有明显分异,地上生物量随海拔升高呈现显著降低,而地下生物量和群落的根冠比呈现显著增加。群落多样性指数在较低海拔间呈现显著变化,而在较高海拔间变化不明显。总体而言,随海拔升高群落多样性增大,均匀度增大。(2)不同海拔群落特征差异主要由气候因子控制,且温度起主导作用,土壤因子的解释度可忽略。(3)整个海拔梯度上群落多样性指数与生物量呈负相关关系,支持根竞争和光竞争假说。  相似文献   

Evidence regarding the ability of agroforests to conserve biological diversity has been mixed; they tend to maintain avian communities with species richness similar to that of undisturbed forest ecosystems but generally do not completely preserve community composition. Using a combination of occupancy modeling and non-metric multidimensional scaling on point-count data, we assessed changes in avian community diversity and composition along a successional gradient in traditional Lacandon Maya agroforests and compared them to protected areas in the region. Bird species richness and diversity in Lacandon agroforests peaked in early secondary forest stages. These agroforests' mean Shannon–Weiner diversity was 5% higher than that of nearby protected areas, but their species richness was similar. Community composition in Lacandon agroforests changed throughout succession, with earlier stages supporting communities distinctly characterized by generalist species, while subsequent, less-intensively managed stages tended to support more forest-dwellers. The bird community observed in even the most mature secondary forest stages in Lacandon agroforests differed from that of undisturbed rain forest ecosystems. These results demonstrate the potential of traditional Lacandon agroforestry management to conserve avian biodiversity while ensuring food sovereignty for farmers. However, because the community composition of early-successional stages was different than later stages, shortening fallow cycles and reducing forest cover to increase agricultural production will limit the species this system can support. This study illustrates the value of incorporating traditional agroecosystems into conservation planning as well as maintaining protected areas, because the latter serve as refugia for species that require undisturbed forest habitat in an agroecological matrix.  相似文献   

The taxonomic diversity (TD) of tropical flora and fauna tends to increase during secondary succession. This increase may be accompanied by changes in functional diversity (FD), although the relationship between TD and FD is not well understood. To explore this relationship, we examined the correlations between the TD and FD of ants and forest age in secondary forests at the α‐ and β‐diversity levels using single‐ and multi‐trait‐based approaches. Our objectives were to understand ant diversity patterns and to evaluate the role of secondary forests in the conservation of biodiversity and in the resilience of tropical forests. Ant assemblages were sampled across a chronosequence in the Lacandon region, Mexico. All species were characterized according to 12 functional ecomorphological traits relevant to their feeding behavior. We found that TD and FD were related to forest age at the alpha level, but not at the beta level. α‐functional richness and divergence increased linearly with species richness and diversity, respectively. Also, the relationship between taxonomic and functional turnover was linear and positive. Our results indicated that functional traits were complementary across the chronosequence. The increase in FD was mainly driven by the addition of rare species with relevant traits. The older secondary forests did not recover all of the functions of old growth forest but did show a tendency to recovery. Because older successional stages support more TD and FD, we suggest developing agriculture and forestry management practices that facilitate rapid post‐agricultural succession and thereby better preserve the functionality of tropical forests.  相似文献   

Abstract In late 2001 a category 3 cyclone impacted forest plots that were established in Tonga in 1995, and additionally, one plot was accidentally burned by an escaped land‐clearing fire. Subsequent surveys provide observations of 10 years of forest dynamics in this poorly studied region, and the first reported observations of large interannual variation in juvenile (seedling and sapling) abundance in the western tropical Pacific. The severely disturbed (burned) plot was initially colonized by a non‐native early pioneer, Carica papaya L., but 3.5 years later a native pioneer, Macaranga harveyana (Muell. Arg.) Muell. Arg., was the most abundant tree species. The seedling layer included some long‐lived pioneers and shade‐tolerant species. Two mature forest plots affected only by the cyclone changed very little over a decade. Late‐successional shade‐tolerant species that dominated the overstory were also abundant as seedlings and saplings. This is in contrast with a 30‐ to 40‐year‐old, formerly cultivated, secondary forest plot that still shows no recruitment of late‐successional dominants, in spite of the proximity of remnant forest patches. This study suggests differing pathways of succession following shifting cultivation versus cyclone and fire disturbances in Tonga. Land use legacies appear to have a long‐lasting effect on community composition.  相似文献   

The control of nitrification was studied in a secondary successional gradient on Nantucket Island, MA. It was hypothesized that 1) variability in nitrification along the gradient is controlled by litter primary and secondary chemistry, and 2) differences in nitrate availability along the gradient are reflected in potential nitrate assimilation rates in plant tissue. Nitrification varied significantly (p<0.05) by successional stage in all study sites, generally increasing with successional age. The ratio of nitrification to total N mineralization did not vary significantly between successional stages, suggesting substrate limitation of nitrification. Litter terpenoid resin concentration was a significant predictor (p<0.05) of nitrification rate, but soil %C, %N, and water content also contributed significantly to a stepwise regression model predicting nitrification. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA), an index of potential nitrate assimilation, was measured in an assay species (Schizachyrium scoparium). Although there was no significant correlation with nitrification, NRA was significantly (p<0.05) negatively correlated with soil ammonium concentration along the successional gradient at one site, suggesting that plants preferentially utilized ammonium in this system.  相似文献   

该研究首次借助林冠塔吊调查了西双版纳国家级自然保护区龙脑香热带雨林样地内69棵树13个垂直高度上的附生苔藓植物,结果表明:目标样树上共记录到隶属于25科60属的90种附生苔藓,其中细鳞苔科物种数最多,占比达25.6%。13个垂直高度上共划分出三种生态类型:喜阳苔藓(散生巨树上45 m的区域),喜阴苔藓(乔木树干上15 m的区域),广布苔藓(广泛分布于宿主各个垂直高度上,生态位宽),并筛选出对微生境有特殊偏好的17种苔藓指示种(IndVal≥0.7,P0.05)。随宿主垂直高度的升高,扇型和交织型的苔藓占比降低,悬垂型苔藓占比先升高后降低,细平铺型和粗平铺型的苔藓占比升高。大气湿度、水汽压、胸径以及树皮粗糙度对附生苔藓生活型的分布偏好具有显著影响。总之,沿宿主垂直高度上的附生苔藓对微环境变化在生活型和形态结构上有着不同的响应方式,而同一种生态型的苔藓群落有相似的适应机制。因此,在森林林冠生境变化的监测和管理中,对微生境具有明显偏好的附生苔藓物种可作为有效的指示材料。  相似文献   

We studied temporal and spatial dynamics of extremely diverse moth ensembles (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea) along a gradient of forest disturbance ranging from undisturbed primary tropical rain forest to different kinds of modified forest and open cultivated land at the margin of Mount Kinabalu National Park (Sabah, East Malaysia). We sampled moths by light trapping during two periods (March‐May and August‐September 1997). We collected a total of 7724 individuals representing 680 species during 78 light‐trapping nights at six study sites. Species diversity (Fisher's α) of ensembles in undisturbed primary forest was distinctly higher than in disturbed or secondary forest. More pyraloid moths were attracted in undisturbed primary forest. Samples from disturbed primary or old‐growth secondary forest were statistically indistinguishable from the undisturbed primary forest ensemble in regard to species composition. Thus, pyraloid ensembles from disturbed forest with tall trees remaining appeared to represent impoverished subsets of the undisturbed primary forest community. The more heavily disturbed sites had a distinct fauna and showed a stronger faunal differentiation among each other. Four species of the genus Eoophyla, in which aquatic larvae feed on algae in fast‐running streams benefited prominently from forest disturbance. Temporal variation of ensembles was remarkably concordant across the disturbance gradient. Relative abundance variation of the commonest species was identical at all sites. Overall, pyraloid moths responded more sensitively to anthropogenic habitat alteration than most other moth taxa studied thus far in tropical regions and allowed for an analysis of diversity patterns at a high temporal resolution.  相似文献   

海南霸王岭热带山地雨林森林循环与树种多样性动态   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
通过对海南岛霸王岭热带山地雨林的调查 ,研究了热带山地雨林树种多样性特征随森林循环的动态变化规律。结果表明 :( 1 )热带山地雨林森林循环不同阶段斑块在森林景观中所占的面积比例分别是 :林隙阶段 ( G)占 38.5 0 % ,建立阶段 ( B)占 2 8.5 0 % ,成熟阶段 ( M)占 2 7.0 0 % ,衰退阶段 ( D)占 6 .0 0 %。 ( 2 )热带山地雨林中乔木树种的密度随森林循环的变化趋势是由 G→B→M呈现出逐渐增加的趋势 ,以成熟阶段达到最大 ,而到衰退阶段又趋于下降。灌木树种则表现出 G阶段斑块的密度最大 ,B阶段的最小 ,从 B到 M有所增加 ,到 D又稍有下降。 ( 3)热带山地雨林中不同高度级和不同径级的树木的密度在森林循环的不同阶段表现出不同的增减趋势 ,其随森林循环过程呈现出的动态变化可能与不同阶段斑块内的空间、环境及物种生物学特性有关。 ( 4 )热带山地雨林中树木的平均胸径、平均高、平均胸高断面积、平均单株材积随森林循环过程呈现出不断增加的趋势 ,其中平均胸径和平均高随森林循环的变化较为平缓 ,而平均胸高断面积和平均单株材积之变化较为陡急。 ( 5 )热带山地雨林森林循环不同阶段的物种多样性指数不同 ,其中 G和 B阶段的物种丰富度和多样性指数值较接近 ,M阶段的物种丰富度达到最大 ,D阶段则最小。  相似文献   

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