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The Ras-like GTPases regulate diverse cellular functions via the chemical cycle of binding and hydrolyzing GTP molecules. They alternate between GTP- and GDP-bound conformations. The GTP-bound conformation is biologically active and promotes a cellular function, such as signal transduction, cytoskeleton organization, protein synthesis/translocation, or a membrane budding/fusion event. GTP hydrolysis turns off the GTPase switch by converting it to the inactive GDP-bound conformation. The fundamental GTP hydrolysis mechanism by these GTPases has generated considerable interest over the last two decades but remained to be firmly established. This review provides an update on the catalytic mechanism with discussions on recent developments from kinetic, structural, and model studies in the context of the various GTP hydrolysis models proposed over the years.  相似文献   

Mishra R  Gara SK  Mishra S  Prakash B 《Proteins》2005,59(2):332-338
Ras superfamily GTP-binding proteins regulate important signaling events in the cell. Ras, which often serves as a prototype, efficiently hydrolyzes GTP in conjunction with its regulator GAP. A conserved glutamine plays a vital role in GTP hydrolysis in most GTP-binding proteins. Mutating this glutamine in Ras has oncogenic effects, since it disrupts GTP hydrolysis. The analysis presented here is of GTP-binding proteins that are a paradox to oncogenic Ras, since they have the catalytic glutamine (Glncat) substituted by a hydrophobic amino acid, yet can hydrolyze GTP efficiently. We term these proteins HAS-GTPases. Analysis of the amino acid sequences of HAS-GTPases reveals prominent presence of insertions around the GTP-binding pocket. Homology modeling studies suggest an interesting means to achieve catalysis despite the drastic hydrophobic substitution replacing the key Glncat of Ras-like GTPases. The substituted hydrophobic residue adopts a "retracted conformation," where it is positioned away from the GTP, as its role in catalysis would be unproductive. This conformation is further stabilized by interactions with hydrophobic residues in its vicinity. These interacting residues are strongly conserved and hydrophobic in all HAS-GTPases, and correspond to residues Asp92 and Tyr96 of Ras. An experimental support for the "retracted conformation" of Switch II arises from the crystal structures of Ylqf and hGBP1. This conformation allows us to hypothesize that, unlike in classical GTPases, catalytic residues could be supplied by regions other than the Switch II (i.e., either the insertions or a neighboring domain).  相似文献   

The stimulatory and inhibitory regulatory components of adenylyl cyclase (Ns and Ni), purified to apparent homogeneity without the use of regulatory ligands such as Mg, NaF, and guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate, were tested for GTPase activity by incubating them with [gamma-32P]GTP and measuring 32Pi liberation using a charcoal adsorption assay to separate hydrolyzed from nonhydrolyzed radioactivity. We found that Ni is capable of hydrolyzing GTP. The activity was shown to be due to Ni itself and not to presence of one of its minor contaminants by correlating activity with abundance of the 40,000 Da alpha i subunit throughout the last stages of purification and by showing co-migration on a sucrose density gradient of the GTP-hydrolyzing activity with the alpha i, beta, and gamma subunits of Ni and not with any one of three minor contaminants present in the preparation tested. Preparations of Ns, free of detectable Ni, exhibited less than 10% the capacity to hydrolyze GTP, as compared to Ni on an equal protein basis. The basic properties of the GTP-hydrolyzing activity of Ni were determined. The activity is dependent on Mg ion (apparent Km = 5 to 15 nM), and is rapidly lost upon incubation with Mg2+ in the absence of GTP. MgGTP and free GTP serve equally well as substrate (apparent Km about 40 nM). Isotopic dilution studies indicate that the GTP binding site has a relative affinity for guanine nucleotides in the order GTP = GTP gamma S greater than GDP = GMP-P(NH)P greater than GDP beta S with the highest difference (GTP versus GDP beta S) being about 10-fold. NaF inhibited GTP hydrolysis by Ni at concentrations at which it activates Ni in intact membranes.  相似文献   

The regulatory RAB and ARF GTPases for vesicular trafficking   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Nielsen E  Cheung AY  Ueda T 《Plant physiology》2008,147(4):1516-1526

Chen X  Fang L  Liu J  Zhan CG 《Biochemistry》2012,51(6):1297-1305
The catalytic mechanism for butyrylcholineserase (BChE)-catalyzed hydrolysis of acetylthiocholine (ATCh) has been studied by performing pseudobond first-principles quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical-free energy (QM/MM-FE) calculations on both acylation and deacylation of BChE. Additional quantum mechanical (QM) calculations have been carried out, along with the QM/MM-FE calculations, to understand the known substrate activation effect on the enzymatic hydrolysis of ATCh. It has been shown that the acylation of BChE with ATCh consists of two reaction steps including the nucleophilic attack on the carbonyl carbon of ATCh and the dissociation of thiocholine ester. The deacylation stage includes nucleophilic attack of a water molecule on the carboxyl carbon of substrate and dissociation between the carboxyl carbon of substrate and hydroxyl oxygen of Ser198 side chain. QM/MM-FE calculation results reveal that the acylation of BChE is rate-determining. It has also been demonstrated that an additional substrate molecule binding to the peripheral anionic site (PAS) of BChE is responsible for the substrate activation effect. In the presence of this additional substrate molecule at PAS, the calculated free energy barrier for the acylation stage (rate-determining step) is decreased by ~1.7 kcal/mol. All of our computational predictions are consistent with available experimental kinetic data. The overall free energy barriers calculated for BChE-catalyzed hydrolysis of ATCh at regular hydrolysis phase and substrate activation phase are ~13.6 and ~11.9 kcal/mol, respectively, which are in reasonable agreement with the corresponding experimentally derived activation free energies of 14.0 kcal/mol (for regular hydrolysis phase) and 13.5 kcal/mol (for substrate activation phase).  相似文献   

The standard Gibbs free energy change of hydrolysis of α-d-ribose 1-phosphate has been measured at pH 7.0, ionic strength 0.1 m, and 25 °C by combining the corresponding values of the two following reactions: adenosine + H2O ág adenine + ribose (ΔG0′ = ?2.3 ± 0.1 kcal/mol), catalyzed by adenosine nucleosidase, and ribose 1-phosphate + adenine ág adenosine + PiG0′ = ?3.1 ± 0.1 kcal/mol), catalyzed by adenosine phosphorylase. The standard Gibbs free energy changes were calculated for both reactions from the equilibrium constant. A value of -5.4 ± 0.15 kcal/mol, comparable to that of other hemiacetal phosphoric esters, was obtained for the hydrolysis of ribose 1-phosphate.  相似文献   

The (hemi)cellulolytic systems of two novel lignocellulolytic Penicillium strains (Penicillium pulvillorum TUB F-2220 and P. cf. simplicissimum TUB F-2378) have been studied. The cultures of the Penicillium strains were characterized by high cellulase and β-glucosidase as well moderate xylanase activities compared to the Trichoderma reesei reference strains QM 6a and RUTC30 (volumetric or per secreted protein, respectively). Comparison of the novel Penicillium and T. reesei secreted enzyme mixtures in the hydrolysis of (ligno)cellulose substrates showed that the F-2220 enzyme mixture gave higher yields in the hydrolysis of crystalline cellulose (Avicel) and similar yields in hydrolysis of pre-treated spruce and wheat straw than enzyme mixture secreted by the T. reesei reference strain. The sensitivity of the Penicillium cellulase complexes to softwood (spruce) and grass (wheat straw) lignins was lignin and temperature dependent: inhibition of cellulose hydrolysis in the presence of wheat straw lignin was minor at 35 °C while at 45 °C by spruce lignin a clear inhibition was observed. The two main proteins in the F-2220 (hemi)cellulase complex were partially purified and identified by peptide sequence similarity as glycosyl hydrolases (cellobiohydrolases) of families 7 and 6. Adsorption of the GH7 enzyme PpCBH1 on cellulose and lignins was studied showing that the lignin adsorption of the enzyme is temperature and pH dependent. The ppcbh1 coding sequence was obtained using PCR cloning and the translated amino acid sequence of PpCBH1 showed up to 82% amino acid sequence identity to known Penicillium cellobiohydrolases.  相似文献   

Evidence and arguments are summarized that suggest that intrinsic (tryptophan) protein fluorescence provides an excellent and convenient signal for monitoring both GEF (guanine nucleotide exchange factor) and GAP (GTPase activating protein) activity of a large number of small GTPases. In addition, post-translational modifications of Rab proteins occurring in a region known to be a hot spot for such modifications also lead to fluorescence changes that can be accurately monitored in a time-dependent manner. It is suggested that intrinsic fluorescence should be the first method chosen for monitoring such reactions of tryptophan-containing small GTPases.  相似文献   

From a mRNA of the brain of Bombyx mori, we isolated 8 cDNA clones (BRabs), each of which encodes a different member of Rab-protein family. Four of them have more than 80% amino acid identity to the corresponding members of Drosophila Rab proteins. The other 4 proteins show low sequence similarity to any of the known Rab proteins. However, all of them contain the region conserved in rab protein. Using RACE (Rapid Amplification of cDNA ends), the one full-length cDNA clone (BRab14) was isolated. The clone was expressed in Escherichia coli as a glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion protein. After purification, the fusion protein was cut with protease to remove GST-Tag and applied to a glutathione S-Sepharose column. The protein bound [(3)H]-GDP with association constant of 1.02 x 10(11) M(-1). Further, the protein was phosphorylated by protein kinase. This result suggests that Rab protein in the brain of Bombyx mori binds GDP or GTP and its function is regulated by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Cellulase, an enzymatic complex that synergically promotes the degradation of cellulose to glucose and cellobiose, free or adsorbed onto Si/SiO2 wafers at 60 °C has been employed as catalyst in the hydrolysis of microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel), microcrystalline cellulose pre-treated with hot phosphoric acid (CP), cotton cellulose (CC) and eucalyptus cellulose (EC). The physical characteristics such as index of crystallinity (IC), degree of polymerization (DP) and water sorption values were determined for all samples. The largest conversion rates of cellulose into the above-mentioned products using free cellulase were observed for samples with the largest water sorption values; conversion rates showed no correlation with either IC or DP of the biopolymer. Cellulose with large water sorption value possesses large pore volumes, hence higher accessibility. The catalytic efficiency of immobilized cellulase could not be correlated with the physical characteristics of cellulose samples. The hydrolysis rates of the same cellulose samples with immobilized cellulase were lower than those by the free enzyme, due to the diffusion barrier (biopolymer chains approaching to the immobilized enzyme) and less effective contact between the enzyme active site and its substrate. Immobilized cellulase, unlike its free counterpart, can be recycled at least six times without loss of catalytic activity, leading to higher overall cellulose conversion.  相似文献   

The R1441C mutation of LRRK2 disrupts GTP hydrolysis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mutations in Leucine Rich Repeat Kinase 2 (LRRK2) are the leading genetic cause of Parkinson's disease (PD). LRRK2 is predicted to contain kinase and GTPase enzymatic domains, with recent evidence suggesting that the kinase activity of LRRK2 is central to the pathogenic process associated with this protein. The GTPase domain of LRRK2 plays an important role in the regulation of kinase activity. To investigate how the GTPase domain might be related to disease, we examined the GTP binding and hydrolysis properties of wild type and a mutant form of LRRK2. We show that LRRK2 immunoprecipitated from cells has a detectable GTPase activity that is disrupted by a familial mutation associated with PD located within the GTPase domain, R1441C.  相似文献   

The GTP-binding protein Rap1 regulates integrin-mediated and other cell adhesion processes. Unlike most other Ras-related proteins, it contains a threonine in switch II instead of a glutamine (Gln61 in Ras), a residue crucial for the GTPase reaction of most G proteins. Furthermore, unlike most other GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) for small G proteins, which supply a catalytically important Arg-finger, no arginine residue of RapGAP makes a significant contribution to the GTPase reaction of Rap1. For a detailed understanding of the reaction mechanism, we have solved the structure of Rap1 in complex with Rap1GAP. It shows that the Thr61 of Rap is away from the active site and that an invariant asparagine of RapGAPs, the Asn-thumb, takes over the role of the cis-glutamine of Ras, Rho or Ran. The structure and biochemical data allow to further explain the mechanism and to define the important role of a conserved tyrosine. The structure and biochemical data furthermore show that the RapGAP homologous region of the tumour suppressor Tuberin is sufficient for catalysis on Rheb.  相似文献   

Fermentable sugar obtained from lignocellulosic material exhibits great potential as a renewable feedstock for the production of bio-ethanol. One potentially viable source of fermentable sugars is pyrolysis oil, commonly called bio-oil. Depending on the type of lignocellulosic material and the operating conditions used for pyrolysis, bio-oil can contain upwards of 10 wt% of 1,6-anhydro-β-d-glucopyranose (levoglucosan, LG), an anhydrosugar that can be hydrolyzed to glucose. This research investigated the extraction of levoglucosan from pyrolysis oil via phase separation, the acid-hydrolysis of the levoglucosan into glucose, and the subsequent fermentation of this hydrolysate into ethanol.Optimal selection of water-to-oil ratio, temperature and contact time yielded an aqueous phase containing a levoglucosan concentration of up to 87 g/L, a yield of 7.8 wt% of the bio-oil. Hydrolysis conditions of 125 °C, 44 min and 0.5 M H2SO4 resulted in a maximum glucose yield of 216% (when based on original levoglucosan), inferring other precursors of glucose were present in the aqueous phase. The aqueous phase contained solutes which inhibited fermentation, however, up to 20% hydrolysate solutions were efficiently fermented (yield = 0.46 g EtOH/g glucose; productivity = 0.55 g/L h) using high yeast inoculums (1 g/L in flask) and micro-aerophilic conditions.  相似文献   

We measuredsignificant undershoots of the concentrations of free ADP([ADP]) and Pi([Pi]) and the freeenergy of ATP hydrolysis (GATP) belowinitial resting levels during recovery from severe ischemic exercisewith 31P-nuclear magneticresonance spectroscopy in 11 healthy sports students. Undershoots ofthe rate of oxidative phosphorylation would be predicted if the rate ofoxidative phosphorylation would depend solely on free[ADP],[Pi], orGATP. However,undershoots of the rate of oxidative phosphorylation have not beenreported in the literature. Furthermore, undershoots of the rate ofoxidative phosphorylation are unlikely because there is evidence that a balance between ATP production and consumption cannot be achieved if anundershoot of the rate of oxidative phosphorylation actually occurs.Therefore, oxidative phosphorylation seems to depend not only on free[ADP],[Pi], orGATP. Anexplanation is that acidosis-related or other factors control oxidativephosphorylation additionally, at least under some conditions.


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