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The mechanisms by which the placenta adapts to exogenous stimuli to create a stable and healthy environment for the growing fetus are not well known. Low oxygen tension influences placental function, and is associated with preeclampsia, a condition displaying altered development of placental trophoblast. We hypothesized that oxygen tension affects villous trophoblast by modulation of gene expression through DNA methylation. We used the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip array to compare the DNA methylation profile of primary cultures of human cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts under < 1%, 8% and 20% oxygen levels. We found no effect of oxygen tension on average DNA methylation for either cell phenotype, but a set of loci became hypermethylated in cytotrophoblasts exposed for 24 h to < 1% oxygen, as compared with those exposed to 8% or 20% oxygen. Hypermethylation with low oxygen tension was independently confirmed by bisulfite-pyrosequencing in a subset of functionally relevant genes including CD59, CFB, GRAM3 and ZNF217. Intriguingly, 70 out of the 147 CpGs that became hypermethylated in < 1% oxygen overlapped with CpG sites that became hypomethylated upon differentiation of cytotrophoblasts into syncytiotrophoblasts. Furthermore, the preponderance of altered sites was located at AP-1 binding sites. We suggest that AP-1 expression is triggered by hypoxia and interacts with DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) to target methylation at specific sites in the genome, thus causing suppression of the associated genes that are responsible for differentiation of villous cytotrophoblast to syncytiotrophoblast.  相似文献   

The energization of System A in cultured human fibroblasts has been studied by measuring the energy transfer from the electrochemical gradient of Na+ to the chemical gradient of the site A-specific substrate amino acid 2-methylaminoisobutyric acid. The co-transport Na+/amino acid, studied by kinetic analysis and radiochemical measurements, showed a coupling ratio of 1:1. The assessment of the Na+ electrochemical gradient in cultured adherent cells relied on the development of noninvasive procedures as follows: the membrane electrical potential was estimated from the accumulation of L-arginine at equilibrium (Bussolati, O., Laris, P. C., Nucci, F. A., Dall'Asta, V., Longo, N., Guidotti, G. G., and Gazzola, G. C. (1987) Am. J. Physiol. 253, C391-C397); the chemical gradient of Na+ was determined from spectrometric measurements of Na+. The accumulation of 2-methylaminoisobutyric acid was strongly sensitive to changes of Na+ gradient and of membrane electrical potential, indicating that the electrochemical gradient of Na+ contributed energy for the uphill transport of the amino acid through System A. Changes in the Na+ electrochemical gradient were obtained by: (i) alterations of extracellular concentration of Na+; (ii) changes of membrane electrical potential obtained by variation of extracellular [K+]; and (iii) changes of [Na+]in and membrane electrical potential upon incubation of the cells in serum-free saline solutions (Dall'Asta, V., Gazzola, G. C., Longo, N., Bussolati, O., Franchi-Gazzola, R., and Guidotti, G. G. (1986) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 860, 1-8). The correlation between the chemical gradient of 2-methylaminoisobutyric acid and the Na+ electrochemical potential followed a straight line with a yield close to the thermodynamic equilibrium, thus suggesting that the energy stored in the gradient of Na+ electrochemical potential is fully adequate to energize the intracellular accumulation of site A-reactive amino acids in human fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Glutamine and alanine are important precursors for the synthesis of glutamate. Provided to neurons by neighboring astrocytes, these amino acids are internalized by classical system A amino acid carriers. In particular, System A transporter (SAT1) is a highly efficient glutamine transporter, whereas SAT2 exhibits broad specificity for neutral amino acids with a preference for alanine. We investigated the localization and the functional relevance of SAT1 and SAT2 in primary cultures of hippocampal neurons. Both carriers have been expressed since early developmental stages and are uniformly distributed throughout all neuronal processes. However, whereas SAT1 is present in axonal growth cones and can be detected at later developmental stages at the sites of synaptic contacts, SAT2 does not appear to be significantly expressed in these compartments. The non-metabolizable amino acid analogue alpha-(methylamino)-isobutyric acid, a competitive inhibitor of system A carriers, significantly reduced miniature excitatory postsynaptic current amplitude in neurons growing on top of astrocytes, being ineffective in pure neuronal cultures. alpha-(Methylamino)-isobutyric acid did not alter neuronal responsitivity to glutamate, thus excluding a postsynaptic effect. These data indicate that system A carriers are expressed with a different subcellular distribution in hippocampal neurons and play a crucial role in controlling the astrocyte-mediated supply of glutamatergic neurons with neurotransmitter precursors.  相似文献   

This work describes the isolation of a full-length (VfAAP2) and three partial amino acid transporter genes (VfAAPa, VfAAPb, VfAAPc) from broad bean (Vicia faba L.). The function of VfAAP2 was tested by heterologous expression in a yeast mutant deficient in proline uptake. VfAAP2 mediates proton-dependent proline uptake with an apparent Km of about 1 mM. Analysis of substrate specificity by competition experiments showed that aromatic amino acids, neutral aliphatic acids and L-citrulline are the best competitors, whereas basic amino acids do not compete with proline. Northern analysis indicates that all VfAAPs exhibit different patterns of expression. VfAAP2 is most strongly expressed in the stem and at a lower level in sink leaves and pods. VfAAPa, VfAAPb and VfAAPc are most strongly expressed in the flowers, but their expression in the other organs varies.  相似文献   

There is no knowledge of the transport mechanisms by which solutes cross the cat placenta or any other endotheliochorial placenta. Here, we investigated whether the amino acid transport systems beta and A are present in the cat placenta using a placental fragment uptake technique. Data were compared with studies in the human placenta, in which the presence of these two transport systems has been well established. A time course of [(3)H]taurine (substrate for system beta) and [(14)C]MeAIB (nonmetabolizable substrate for system A) uptake was determined in the term cat and human placental fragments in the presence and absence (choline substituted) of Na(+), and further studies were carried out over 15 min. Taurine uptake into both cat and human placenta fragments was found to be Na(+) and Cl(-) dependent, and Na(+)-dependent taurine uptake was blocked by excess beta-alanine. MeAIB uptake was found to be Na(+) dependent, and Na(+)-dependent MeAIB uptake was blocked by excess MeAIB or glycine. Western blotting and immunohistochemistry performed on cat and human placenta showed expression of TAUT and ATA2 (SNAT2), proteins associated with system beta and system A activity, respectively. This study therefore provides the first evidence of the presence of amino acid transport systems beta and A in the cat placenta.  相似文献   

Hypoxia and amino acid deprivation downregulate expression of extracellular matrix genes in lung fibroblasts. We examined the effect of hypoxia on amino acid uptake and protein formation in human lung fibroblasts. Low O(2) tension (0% O(2)) suppressed incorporation of [(3)H]proline into type I collagen without affecting [(35)S]methionine labeling of other proteins. Initial decreases in intracellular [(3)H]proline incorporation occurred after 2 h of exposure to 0% O(2), with maximal suppression of intracellular [(3)H]proline levels at 6 h of treatment. Hypoxia significantly inhibited the uptake of radiolabeled proline, 2-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB), and 2-(methylamino)isobutyric acid (methyl-AIB) while inducing minor decreases in leucine transport. Neither cycloheximide nor indomethacin abrogated hypoxia-related suppression of methyl-AIB uptake. Efflux studies demonstrated that hypoxia inhibited methyl-AIB transport in a bidirectional fashion. The downregulation of amino acid transport was not due to a toxic effect; function recovered on return to standard O(2) conditions. Kinetic analysis of AIB transport revealed a 10-fold increase in K(m) accompanied by a small increase in maximal transport velocity among cells exposed to 0% O(2). These data indicate that low O(2) tension regulates the system A transporter by decreasing transporter substrate affinity.  相似文献   

Preeclampsia is associated with systemic inflammation and increased expression of placental Th1-cytokines. IL-10 and calcitriol inhibit proinflammatory cytokines expression in human placenta helping to fetal allograft toleration. Regulation of placental IL-10 by calcitriol and Th-1 cytokines has not yet been fully elucidated. Since it is believed that calcitriol promotes a shift from a Th1- to a Th2 profile, we hypothesized that it would stimulate IL-10 in a normal and an inflammatory scenario to conjointly restrain inflammation. Therefore, we investigated calcitriol effects upon IL-10 expression in cultured human trophoblasts obtained from normal (NT) and preeclamptic (PE) pregnancies. Similar studies in the presence of TNF-α (as an inflammatory stressor) were also performed. Calcitriol dose-dependently inhibited IL-10 expression in NT, PE and TNF-α-challenged trophoblasts (P<0.05). This effect was prevented by a vitamin D receptor (VDR) antagonist. IL-10 expression was significantly stimulated by TNF-α and IL-1β, inhibited by IFN-γ and was not affected by IL-6. Finally, calcitriol inhibited TNF-α and IL-1β stimulation upon IL-10. In summary, in cultured human trophoblasts, calcitriol down-regulates IL-10 expression under normal as well as under natural and experimental inflammatory conditions. This effect is mediated by the VDR and might involve direct inhibition of TNF-α. In view of these and previous results it seems that in placenta calcitriol suppresses both Th1- and Th2 cytokines while undertakes the anti-inflammatory effects of IL-10 by itself, since both factors exert this task redundantly. The regulation of IL-10 by IFN-γ suggests that this cytokine could be a viable candidate to explain low IL-10 levels in preeclampsia.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of rodent hepatocytes to infection by mouse type C retroviruses was examined in vivo and in vitro and compared with the expression of two membrane proteins that function as transporters for the cationic amino acids CAT-1 and CAT-2. CAT-1 expression in rodents determines susceptibility to ecotropic retrovirus infection by serving as the virus receptor. Recently, it has been suggested that CAT-2 may be a receptor for amphotropic murine leukemia virus. In the present study, CAT-1 expression was observed in Hepa1, a cell line derived from a murine hepatoma, and in rat hepatocytes propagated on collagen monolayers in vitro but not in intact or regenerating rat liver in vivo. The expression of CAT-1 correlated with susceptibility to infection by an ecotropic retrovirus encoding beta-galactosidase. CAT-2 expression was observed in hepatocytes in vitro and in vivo, consistent with reports of infection of regenerating and cultured hepatocytes by amphotropic retroviruses. However, introduction of murine CAT-2 into nonpermissive Chinese hamster cells was not sufficient to confer susceptibility to amphotropic retrovirus infection, using a protocol that could easily demonstrate CAT-1-dependent infection by an ecotropic virus. Our data establish CAT-1 as a major determinant of ecotropic retrovirus infection in rodent hepatocytes and suggest that CAT-2 is not a receptor for viruses in the amphotropic subgroup.  相似文献   

The absorption of lysine is facilitated by leucine, but there is no information regarding the effect of crude protein, lysine and leucine levels on the expression of cationic amino acid transporters in pigs. Therefore, an experiment was conducted with 20 pigs (14.9 +/- 0.62 kg initial body weight) to evaluate the effect of two protein levels, and the content of lysine, threonine, methionine and leucine in low crude protein diets on the expression of b(0,+) and CAT-1 mRNA in jejunum, Longissimus dorsi and Semitendinosus muscles and serum concentration of amino acids. Treatments were as follows: (i) wheat-soybean meal diet, 20% crude protein (Control); (ii) wheat diet deficient in lysine, threonine and methionine (Basal diet); (iii) Basal diet plus 0.70% L-lysine, 0.27% L-threonine, 0.10% DL-methionine (Diet LTM); (iv) Diet LTM plus 0.80% L-leucine (Diet LTM + Leu). Despite the Basal diet, all diets were formulated to meet the requirements of lysine, threonine and methionine; Diet LTM + Leu supplied 60% excess of leucine. The addition of lysine, threonine and methionine in Diet LTM increased the expression of b(0,+) in jejunum and CAT-1 in the Semitendinosus and Longissiums muscles and decreased CAT-1 in jejunum; the serum concentration of lysine was also increased (p < 0.01). Further addition of L-leucine (Diet LTM + Leu) decreased the b(0,+) expression in jejunum and CAT-1 in the Longissimus dorsi muscle (p < 0.05), increased the serum concentration ofleucine and arginine and decreased the concentration of isoleucine (p < 0.05). Pigs fed the Control diet expressed less b(0,+) in jejunum, and CAT-1 in the Semitendinosus and Longissiums muscles expressed more CAT-1 in jejunum (p < 0.05) and had lower serum concentration ofisoleucine, leucine and valine (p < 0.05), but higher lysine concentrations (p < 0.01) than those fed Diet LTM. These results indicated that both, the level and the source of dietary amino acids, affect the expression of cationic amino acid transporters in pigs fed wheat-based diets.  相似文献   

A cDNA that encodes a novel Na+-independent neutral amino acid transporter was isolated from FLC4 human hepatocarcinoma cells by expression cloning. When expressed in Xenopus oocytes, the encoded protein designated LAT3 (L-type amino acid transporter 3) transported neutral amino acids such as l-leucine, l-isoleucine, l-valine, and l-phenylalanine. The LAT3-mediated transport was Na+-independent and inhibited by 2-aminobicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2-carboxylic acid, consistent with the properties of system L. Distinct from already known system L transporters LAT1 and LAT2, which form heterodimeric complex with 4F2 heavy chain, LAT3 was functional by itself in Xenopus oocytes. The deduced amino acid sequence of LAT3 was identical to the gene product of POV1 reported as a prostate cancer-up-regulated gene whose function was not determined, whereas it did not exhibit significant similarity to already identified transporters. The Eadie-Hofstee plots of LAT3-mediated transport were curvilinear, whereas the low affinity component is predominant at physiological plasma amino acid concentration. In addition to amino acid substrates, LAT3 recognized amino acid alcohols. The transport of l-leucine was electroneutral and mediated by a facilitated diffusion. In contrast, l-leucinol, l-valinol, and l-phenylalaninol, which have a net positive charge induced inward currents under voltage clamp, suggesting these compounds are transported by LAT3. LAT3-mediated transport was inhibited by the pretreatment with N-ethylmaleimide, consistent with the property of system L2 originally characterized in hepatocyte primary culture. Based on the substrate selectivity, affinity, and N-ethylmaleimide sensitivity, LAT3 is proposed to be a transporter subserving system L2. LAT3 should denote a new family of organic solute transporters.  相似文献   

Human heteromeric amino acid transporters (HATs) play key roles in renal and intestinal re-absorption, cell redox balance and tumor growth. These transporters are composed of a heavy and a light subunit, which are connected by a disulphide bridge. Heavy subunits are the two type II membrane N-glycoproteins rBAT and 4F2hc, while L-type amino acid transporters (LATs) are the light and catalytic subunits of HATs. We tested the expression of human 4F2hc and rBAT as well as seven light subunits in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. 4F2hc and the light subunit LAT2 showed the highest expression levels and yields after detergent solubilization. Co-transformation of both subunits in Pichia cells resulted in overexpression of the disulphide bridge-linked 4F2hc/LAT2 heterodimer. Two sequential affinity chromatography steps were applied to purify detergent-solubilized heterodimers yielding ~1 mg of HAT from 2 l of cell culture. Our results indicate that P. pastoris is a convenient system for the expression and purification of human 4F2hc/LAT2 for structural studies.  相似文献   

We here investigated whether an acute bout of endurance exercise would induce the expression of amino acid transporters that regulate leucine transport across plasma and lysosomal membranes in rat skeletal muscle. Rats ran on a motor-driven treadmill at a speed of 28 m/min for 90 min. Immediately after the exercise, we observed that expression of mRNAs encoding l-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1) and CD98 was induced in the gastrocnemius, soleus, and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles. Sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 2 (SNAT2) mRNA was also induced by the exercise in those three muscles. Expression of proton-assisted amino acid transporter 1 (PAT1) mRNA was slightly but not significantly induced by a single bout of exercise in soleus and EDL muscles. Exercise-induced mRNA expression of these amino acid transporters appeared to be attenuated by repeated bouts of the exercise. These results suggested that the expression of amino acid transporters for leucine may be induced in response to an increase in the requirement for this amino acid in the cells of working skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

We have investigatedL-arginine transport systems in the human placentalsyncytiotrophoblast across gestation using purified microvillous (MVM)and basal (BM) plasma membrane vesicles. In MVM from first-trimesterand term placentas, L-arginine transport was by systemsy+ and y+L. In BM (term placentas), however,there was evidence for system y+L only. The Michaelisconstant of system y+L was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in first-trimester compared with term MVM and lower in termMVM compared with BM (P < 0.05). There was no functionalevidence for system b0+ in term MVM or BM. Cationic aminoacid transporter (CAT) 1, CAT 4, and 4F2hc were detected using RT-PCRin placentas throughout gestation. rBAT was not detected in termplacentas. An ~85-kDa and an ~135-kDa protein was detected byWestern blotting in MVM under reducing and nonreducing conditions,respectively, consistent with the 4F2hc monomer and the 4F2hc-lightchain dimer, and their expression was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in term compared with first-trimester MVM. These proteinswere not detected in BM despite functional evidence for systemy+L. These data suggest different roles for 4F2hc in thedevelopment and polarization of cationic amino acid transporters in the syncytiotrophoblast.


The free amino acid pool of cultured human cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Summary We have compared hormone production by early gestation and term human placental trophoblasts cultured in Ham's F10 medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum with that by cells cultured in serum-free HB102 medium. Mean daily production of progesterone on Days 3 to 7 was approximately 25% less by both early gestation and term cells cultured in HB102 as compared to Ham's F10, but production was maintained at a stable level for at least 7 d longer than the cells in Ham's. Estradiol production from 10−6 M dehydroepiandrosterone by both early gestation and term cells was comparable in both media. Human placental lactogen production on Days 3 to 7 was 40% less by cells cultured in HB102. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) output by early gestation cells was also 50% less in HB102 but term cells in HB102 produced twice as much hCG as those in Ham's F10. 3B-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3BHSD) activity in early gestation and term cells and 11B-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11BHSD) activity of early gestation cultures was comparable in the two media. 11BHSD activity was decreased in the term cultures, and this decrease was more marked in Ham's than in HB102. Sulfatase and aromatase activities in the early gestation cultures were comparable in both media; sulfatase activity was comparable and aromatase activity only 20% less in the term cells cultured in HB102. These results indicate that serum-free HB102 supports differential function of human trophoblast cells and is useful for studies of placental activity for as long as 14 d in culture.  相似文献   



The epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors HER2 and HER4 and the ligands HB-EGF and NRG1 are crucial for heart development. The purpose of our study was to investigate the role of the complete EGF system in relation to hypoxia of the heart.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We examined the mRNA expression by real time PCR of the 4 receptors and 12 ligands from the EGF-system in paired normoxic and hypoxic biopsies isolated from human hearts during coronary artery bypass operation. Compared to normoxic biopsies, hypoxic samples showed down-regulation of HER2 (P = 0.0005) and NRG1 (both α (P = 0.02) and β (P = 0.03) isoforms). In contrast, HB-EGF (P = 0.0008), NRG2β (P = 0.01) and EGFR (P = 0.02) were up-regulated. As HER2 is essential for heart development and we find its expression reduced under hypoxia we investigated the effect of HER2 inhibition in hypoxic HL-1 cardiomyocytes by treatment with trastuzumab (20 nM). This resulted in inhibition of cardiomyocyte proliferation, but interestingly only in hypoxic cells. Co-treatment of HL-1 cells with HB-EGF (10 nM) but not with NRG-1 (5 ng/ml) rescued the cardiomyocytes from HER2 inhibition. HL-1 cardiomyocytes exposed to hypoxia revealed nuclear translocation of activated MAPK and the activity of this downstream signaling molecule was decreased by HER2 inhibition (20 nM trastuzumab), and re-established by HB-EGF (10 nM).


Hypoxia in the human heart alters the expression of the EGF system. Mimicking the HER2 down-regulation seen in the human heart in cultured cardiomyocytes inhibited their proliferation under hypoxic conditions. Interestingly, HB-EGF is induced in the hypoxic human hearts, and rescues hypoxic cardiomyocytes from the effect of HER2 inhibition in the in vitro model. The results have implications for future treatment strategies of patients with ischemic heart disease.  相似文献   

Function and structure of heterodimeric amino acid transporters   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Heterodimeric amino acid transporters are comprised of twosubunits, a polytopic membrane protein (light chain) and an associated type II membrane protein (heavy chain). The heavy chain rbAT (related to b0,+ amino acid transporter) associates with the lightchain b0,+AT (b0,+ amino acid transporter) toform the amino acid transport system b0,+, whereas thehomologous heavy chain 4F2hc interacts with several light chains toform system L (with LAT1 and LAT2), system y+L (withy+LAT1 and y+LAT2), system x(with xAT), or system asc (with asc1). The association of light chainswith the two heavy chains is not unambiguous. rbAT may interact withLAT2 and y+LAT1 and vice versa; 4F2hc may interact withb0,+AT when overexpressed. 4F2hc is necessary fortrafficking of the light chain to the plasma membrane, whereas thelight chains are thought to determine the transport characteristics ofthe respective heterodimer. In contrast to 4F2hc, mutations in rbATsuggest that rbAT itself takes part in the transport besides servingfor the trafficking of the light chain to the cell surface. Heavy and light subunits are linked together by a disulfide bridge. The disulfidebridge, however, is not necessary for the trafficking of rbAT or 4F2heterodimers to the membrane or for the functioning of the transporter.However, there is experimental evidence that the disulfide bridge inthe 4F2hc/LAT1 heterodimer plays a role in the regulation of a cationchannel. These results highlight complex interactions between thedifferent subunits of heterodimeric amino acid transporters and suggestthat despite high grades of homology, the interactions between rbAT and4F2hc and their respective partners may be different.


Amino acids are compartmentalized in the vacuoles of microorganisms and plants. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, basic amino acids accumulate preferentially into vacuoles but acidic amino acids are almost excluded from them. This indicates that selective machineries operate at the vacuolar membrane. The members of the amino acid/auxin permease family and the major facilitator superfamily involved in the vacuolar compartmentalization of amino acids have been recently identified in studies using S. cerevisiae. Homologous genes for these transporters are also found in plant and mammalian genomes. The physiological significance in response to nitrogen starvation can now be discussed.  相似文献   

Structure-function relationships of heterodimeric amino acid transporters   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Heterodimeric amino acid transporters mediate the transfer of amino acids between organs and between different cell types. Members of this particular family of amino acid transporters are constituted by a heavy chain and an associated light chain. The heavy chain is a type II membrane protein with an intracellular amino terminus, a single transmembrane helix, and a large extracellular domain. The light chain, in contrast, is a typical helix-bundle protein with 12 putative transmembrane helices. Two different heavy chains, designated 4F2hc and rbAT, and seven different light chains have been identified to date. Deletion studies indicate that the extracellular domain of the heavy chain has two subdomains. The carboxy-terminal tip of 4F2hc is critical for recognition of certain light chains, whereas the carboxy-terminal tip of rbAT is involved in substrate transport. Sequence alignments suggest that the major part of the extracellular domain forms an α/β domain similar to bacterial α-amylases. A structural model of the rbAT extracellular domain is presented that is in agreement with experimental observations from several mutations and that aligns well with the α-amylase domain.  相似文献   

You X  Yang R  Tang X  Gao L  Ni X 《Biology of reproduction》2006,74(6):1067-1072
Estrogens and corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) produced by the placenta play pivotal roles in the control of parturition in human and other primates. There is a strong correlation between maternal CRH and estrogen concentrations throughout gestation. To investigate whether CRH produced locally in the placenta could modulate estrogen production, we obtained human placental trophoblasts from uncomplicated term pregnancies and cultured them for 72 h. Cells were then treated with CRH and with a CRH receptor antagonist, alpha-helical CRH9-41. The results showed that CRH stimulated, but alpha-helical CRH9-41 inhibited, the production of estradiol in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Consistent with this thesis, CRH increased whereas alpha-helical CRH decreased the mRNA levels of STS, CYP19A1, and HSD17B1, the key enzymes for estrogen synthesis. These results suggest that, in the placenta, endogenously produced CRH exhibits a tonic stimulatory effect on estrogen production.  相似文献   

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