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Optimal sequence alignment using affine gap costs   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
When comparing two biological sequences, it is often desirable for a gap to be assigned a cost not directly proportional to its length. If affine gap costs are employed, in other words if opening a gap costsv and each null in the gap costsu, the algorithm of Gotoh (1982,J. molec. Biol. 162, 705) finds the minimum cost of aligning two sequences in orderMN steps. Gotoh's algorithm attempts to find only one from among possibly many optimal (minimum-cost) alignments, but does not always succeed. This paper provides an example for which this part of Gotoh's algorithm fails and describes an algorithm that finds all and only the optimal alignments. This modification of Gotoh's algorithm still requires orderMN steps. A more precise form of path graph than previously used is needed to represent accurately all optimal alignments for affine gap costs.  相似文献   

An algorithm for aligning biological sequences is presented that is an adaptation of the sequence generating function approach used in the statistical mechanics of biopolymers. This algorithm uses recursion relationships developed from a partition function formalism of alignment probabilities. It is implemented within a dynamic programming format that closely resembles the forward algorithm used in hidden Markov models (HMM). The algorithm aligns sequences or structures according to the statistically dominant alignment path and will be referred to as the SDP algorithm. An advantage of this method over previous ones is that it allows more complicated and physically realistic gap penalty functions to be incorporated into the algorithm in a facile manner. The performance of this algorithm in a case study of aligning the heavy and light chain from the variable region of an immunoglobulin is investigated.  相似文献   

Fast, optimal alignment of three sequences using linear gap costs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Alignment algorithms can be used to infer a relationship between sequences when the true relationship is unknown. Simple alignment algorithms use a cost function that gives a fixed cost to each possible point mutation-mismatch, deletion, insertion. These algorithms tend to find optimal alignments that have many small gaps. It is more biologically plausible to have fewer longer gaps rather than many small gaps in an alignment. To address this issue, linear gap cost algorithms are in common use for aligning biological sequence data. More reliable inferences are obtained by aligning more than two sequences at a time. The obvious dynamic programming algorithm for optimally aligning k sequences of length n runs in O(n(k)) time. This is impractical if k>/=3 and n is of any reasonable length. Thus, for this problem there are many heuristics for aligning k sequences, however, they are not guaranteed to find an optimal alignment. In this paper, we present a new algorithm guaranteed to find the optimal alignment for three sequences using linear gap costs. This gives the same results as the dynamic programming algorithm for three sequences, but typically does so much more quickly. It is particularly fast when the (three-way) edit distance is small. Our algorithm uses a speed-up technique based on Ukkonen's greedy algorithm (Ukkonen, 1983) which he presented for two sequences and simple costs.  相似文献   

Based on the observation that a single mutational event can delete or insert multiple residues, affine gap costs for sequence alignment charge a penalty for the existence of a gap, and a further length-dependent penalty. From structural or multiple alignments of distantly related proteins, it has been observed that conserved residues frequently fall into ungapped blocks separated by relatively nonconserved regions. To take advantage of this structure, a simple generalization of affine gap costs is proposed that allows nonconserved regions to be effectively ignored. The distribution of scores from local alignments using these generalized gap costs is shown empirically to follow an extreme value distribution. Examples are presented for which generalized affine gap costs yield superior alignments from the standpoints both of statistical significance and of alignment accuracy. Guidelines for selecting generalized affine gap costs are discussed, as is their possible application to multiple alignment. Proteins 32:88–96, 1998. Published 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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    We describe an exhaustive and greedy algorithm for improving the accuracy of multiple sequence alignment. A simple progressive alignment approach is employed to provide initial alignments. The initial alignment is then iteratively optimized against an objective function. For any working alignment, the optimization involves three operations: insertions, deletions and shuffles of gaps. The optimization is exhaustive since the algorithm applies the above operations to all eligible positions of an alignment. It is also greedy since only the operation that gives the best improving objective score will be accepted. The algorithms have been implemented in the EGMA (Exhaustive and Greedy Multiple Alignment) package using Java programming language, and have been evaluated using the BAliBASE benchmark alignment database. Although EGMA is not guaranteed to produce globally optimized alignment, the tests indicate that EGMA is able to build alignments with high quality consistently, compared with other commonly used iterative and non-iterative alignment programs. It is also useful for refining multiple alignments obtained by other methods.  相似文献   

    Multiple sequence alignment using partial order graphs   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
    MOTIVATION: Progressive Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) methods depend on reducing an MSA to a linear profile for each alignment step. However, this leads to loss of information needed for accurate alignment, and gap scoring artifacts. RESULTS: We present a graph representation of an MSA that can itself be aligned directly by pairwise dynamic programming, eliminating the need to reduce the MSA to a profile. This enables our algorithm (Partial Order Alignment (POA)) to guarantee that the optimal alignment of each new sequence versus each sequence in the MSA will be considered. Moreover, this algorithm introduces a new edit operator, homologous recombination, important for multidomain sequences. The algorithm has improved speed (linear time complexity) over existing MSA algorithms, enabling construction of massive and complex alignments (e.g. an alignment of 5000 sequences in 4 h on a Pentium II). We demonstrate the utility of this algorithm on a family of multidomain SH2 proteins, and on EST assemblies containing alternative splicing and polymorphism. AVAILABILITY: The partial order alignment program POA is available at http://www.bioinformatics.ucla.edu/poa.  相似文献   



    Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is a useful tool in bioinformatics. Although many MSA algorithms have been developed, there is still room for improvement in accuracy and speed. In the alignment of a family of protein sequences, global MSA algorithms perform better than local ones in many cases, while local ones perform better than global ones when some sequences have long insertions or deletions (indels) relative to others. Many recent leading MSA algorithms have incorporated pairwise alignment information obtained from a mixture of sources into their scoring system to improve accuracy of alignment containing long indels.  相似文献   



    Automated software tools for multiple alignment often fail to produce biologically meaningful results. In such situations, expert knowledge can help to improve the quality of alignments.  相似文献   

    Multiple sequence alignment with hierarchical clustering.   总被引:147,自引:8,他引:147       下载免费PDF全文
    F Corpet 《Nucleic acids research》1988,16(22):10881-10890
    An algorithm is presented for the multiple alignment of sequences, either proteins or nucleic acids, that is both accurate and easy to use on microcomputers. The approach is based on the conventional dynamic-programming method of pairwise alignment. Initially, a hierarchical clustering of the sequences is performed using the matrix of the pairwise alignment scores. The closest sequences are aligned creating groups of aligned sequences. Then close groups are aligned until all sequences are aligned in one group. The pairwise alignments included in the multiple alignment form a new matrix that is used to produce a hierarchical clustering. If it is different from the first one, iteration of the process can be performed. The method is illustrated by an example: a global alignment of 39 sequences of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

    In this paper we demonstrate a practical approach to construct progressive multiple alignments using sequence triplet optimizations rather than a conventional pairwise approach. Using the sequence triplet alignments progressively provides a scope for the synthesis of a three-residue exchange amino acid substitution matrix. We develop such a 20 x 20 x 20 matrix for the first time and demonstrate how its use in optimal sequence triplet alignments increases the sensitivity of building multiple alignments. Various comparisons were made between alignments generated using the progressive triplet methods and the conventional progressive pairwise procedure. The assessment of these data reveal that, in general, the triplet based approaches generate more accurate sequence alignments than the traditional pairwise based procedures, especially between more divergent sets of sequences.  相似文献   

    Elucidation of interrelationships among sequence, structure, function, and evolution (FESS relationships) of a family of genes or gene products is a central theme of modern molecular biology. Multiple sequence alignment has been proven to be a powerful tool for many fields of studies such as phylogenetic reconstruction, illumination of functionally important regions, and prediction of higher order structures of proteins and RNAs. However, it is far too trivial to automatically construct a multiple alignment from a set of related sequences. A variety of methods for solving this computationally difficult problem are reviewed. Several important applications of multiple alignment for elucidation of the FESS relationships are also discussed.For a long period, progressive methods have been the only practical means to solve a multiple alignment problem of appreciable size. This situation is now changing with the development of new techniques including several classes of iterative methods. Today's progress in multiple sequence alignment methods has been made by the multidisciplinary endeavors of mathematicians, computer scientists, and biologists in various fields including biophysicists in particular. The ideas are also originated from various backgrounds, pure algorithmics, statistics, thermodynamics, and others. The outcomes are now enjoyed by researchers in many fields of biological sciences.In the near future, generalized multiple alignment may play a central role in studies of FESS relationships. The organized mixture of knowledge from multiple fields will ferment to develop fruitful results which would be hard to obtain within each area. I hope this review provides a useful information resource for future development of theory and practice in this rapidly expanding area of bioinformatics.  相似文献   

    Most multi-alignment methods are fully automated, i.e. they are based on a fixed set of mathematical rules. For various reasons, such methods may fail to produce biologically meaningful alignments. Herein, we describe a semi-automatic approach to multiple sequence alignment where biological expert knowledge can be used to influence the alignment procedure. The user can specify parts of the sequences that are biologically related to each other; our software program uses these sites as anchor points and creates a multiple alignment respecting these user-defined constraints. By using known functionally, structurally or evolutionarily related positions of the input sequences as anchor points, our method can produce alignments that reflect the true biological relationships among the input sequences more accurately than fully automated procedures can do.  相似文献   

    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: ProGraphMSA is a state-of-the-art multiple sequence alignment tool which produces phylogenetically sensiblegap patterns while maintaining robustness by allowing alternative splicings and errors in the branching pattern ofthe guide tree. RESULTS: This is achieved by incorporating a graph-based sequence representation combined with the advantages of thephylogeny-aware gap placement algorithm of Prank. Further, we account for variations in the substitution patternby implementing context-specific profiles as in CS-Blast and by estimating amino acid frequencies from inputdata. CONCLUSIONS: ProGraphMSA shows good performance and competitive execution times in various benchmarks.  相似文献   



    While most multiple sequence alignment programs expect that all or most of their input is known to be homologous, and penalise insertions and deletions, this is not a reasonable assumption for non-coding DNA, which is much less strongly conserved than protein-coding genes. Arguing that the goal of sequence alignment should be the detection of homology and not similarity, we incorporate an evolutionary model into a previously published multiple sequence alignment program for non-coding DNA, Sigma, as a sensitive likelihood-based way to assess the significance of alignments. Version 1 of Sigma was successful in eliminating spurious alignments but exhibited relatively poor sensitivity on synthetic data. Sigma 1 used a p-value (the probability under the "null hypothesis" of non-homology) to assess the significance of alignments, and, optionally, a background model that captured short-range genomic correlations. Sigma version 2, described here, retains these features, but calculates the p-value using a sophisticated evolutionary model that we describe here, and also allows for a transition matrix for different substitution rates from and to different nucleotides. Our evolutionary model takes separate account of mutation and fixation, and can be extended to allow for locally differing functional constraints on sequence.  相似文献   

    Multiple sequence alignment with the Clustal series of programs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
    The Clustal series of programs are widely used in molecular biology for the multiple alignment of both nucleic acid and protein sequences and for preparing phylogenetic trees. The popularity of the programs depends on a number of factors, including not only the accuracy of the results, but also the robustness, portability and user-friendliness of the programs. New features include NEXUS and FASTA format output, printing range numbers and faster tree calculation. Although, Clustal was originally developed to run on a local computer, numerous Web servers have been set up, notably at the EBI (European Bioinformatics Institute) (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/clustalw/).  相似文献   



    The widespread popularity of genomic applications is threatened by the “bioinformatics bottleneck” resulting from uncertainty about the cost and infrastructure needed to meet increasing demands for next-generation sequence analysis. Cloud computing services have been discussed as potential new bioinformatics support systems but have not been evaluated thoroughly.


    We present benchmark costs and runtimes for common microbial genomics applications, including 16S rRNA analysis, microbial whole-genome shotgun (WGS) sequence assembly and annotation, WGS metagenomics and large-scale BLAST. Sequence dataset types and sizes were selected to correspond to outputs typically generated by small- to midsize facilities equipped with 454 and Illumina platforms, except for WGS metagenomics where sampling of Illumina data was used. Automated analysis pipelines, as implemented in the CloVR virtual machine, were used in order to guarantee transparency, reproducibility and portability across different operating systems, including the commercial Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), which was used to attach real dollar costs to each analysis type. We found considerable differences in computational requirements, runtimes and costs associated with different microbial genomics applications. While all 16S analyses completed on a single-CPU desktop in under three hours, microbial genome and metagenome analyses utilized multi-CPU support of up to 120 CPUs on Amazon EC2, where each analysis completed in under 24 hours for less than $60. Representative datasets were used to estimate maximum data throughput on different cluster sizes and to compare costs between EC2 and comparable local grid servers.


    Although bioinformatics requirements for microbial genomics depend on dataset characteristics and the analysis protocols applied, our results suggests that smaller sequencing facilities (up to three Roche/454 or one Illumina GAIIx sequencer) invested in 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing, microbial single-genome and metagenomics WGS projects can achieve cost-efficient bioinformatics support using CloVR in combination with Amazon EC2 as an alternative to local computing centers.  相似文献   



    Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) plays a key role in biological sequence analyses, especially in phylogenetic tree construction. Extreme increase in next-generation sequencing results in shortage of efficient ultra-large biological sequence alignment approaches for coping with different sequence types.


    Distributed and parallel computing represents a crucial technique for accelerating ultra-large (e.g. files more than 1 GB) sequence analyses. Based on HAlign and Spark distributed computing system, we implement a highly cost-efficient and time-efficient HAlign-II tool to address ultra-large multiple biological sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree construction.


    The experiments in the DNA and protein large scale data sets, which are more than 1GB files, showed that HAlign II could save time and space. It outperformed the current software tools. HAlign-II can efficiently carry out MSA and construct phylogenetic trees with ultra-large numbers of biological sequences. HAlign-II shows extremely high memory efficiency and scales well with increases in computing resource.


    THAlign-II provides a user-friendly web server based on our distributed computing infrastructure. HAlign-II with open-source codes and datasets was established at http://lab.malab.cn/soft/halign.

    A multiple alignment has been constructed, containing 37 sequences from related families of membrane-bound receptors believed to share the same structural framework as rhodopsin. Sequence homology within families was high (occasionally greater than 90%), but homology between them was generally low (20% or less). Database pattern-scanning methods were therefore used to construct a set of discriminators to aid both the task of alignment and the identification of distantly related sequences showing similar rhodopsin-like transmembrane helices. The results indicate that these discriminators are uniquely able to identify each of the transmembrane helices without major cross-reaction with similar regions in unrelated integral membrane proteins. This ability engenders more accurate alignments of the sequences and facilitates structural analysis and model building of the receptors.  相似文献   

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