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We investigated the effects of maternal glucocorticoid exposure in the spiny mouse, a precocial species with a relatively long gestation, few offspring, and in which nephrogenesis is complete before birth. We hypothesized that exposure of the fetus to glucocorticoids before the formation of glomeruli would result in adult hypertensive offspring with fewer nephrons. Furthermore, we hypothesized that this nephron deficit would result from changes in expression of genes involved in branching morphogenesis. Osmotic pumps implanted in pregnant spiny mice at midgestation (day 20) delivered dexamethasone (dex; 125 microg/kg) or saline for 60 h. Females were killed at day 23 of gestation and kidneys were frozen for real-time PCR analysis or allowed to deliver their offspring. At 20 wk of age, blood pressure was measured in the offspring for 1 wk before nephron number was determined using unbiased stereology. Males and females exposed to dex had significantly fewer nephrons (male: saline: 7,870 +/- 27, dex: 6,878 +/- 173; female: saline: 7,526 +/- 62, dex: 5,886 +/- 382; P < 0.001) compared with controls. Dex had no effect on basal blood pressure. Fetal kidneys collected at day 23 of gestation from dex-exposed mothers showed increased mRNA expression of BMP4 (P < 0.05), TGF-beta(1) (P < 0.05), genes known to inhibit branching morphogenesis and gremlin (P < 0.01), an antagonist of BMP4, compared with saline controls. This study shows for the first time an upregulation of branching morphogenic genes in the fetal kidney in a model of excess maternal glucocorticoids that leads to a nephron deficit in the adult. This study also provides evidence that a reduced nephron number does not necessarily lead to development of hypertension.  相似文献   

Fetal hypoxia leads to progressive cardiac remodeling in rat offspring. The present study tested the hypothesis that maternal hypoxia results in reprogramming of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression patterns and fibrillar collagen matrix in the developing heart. Pregnant rats were treated with normoxia or hypoxia (10.5% O(2)) from day 15 to 21 of gestation. Hearts were isolated from 21-day fetuses (E21) and postnatal day 7 pups (PD7). Maternal hypoxia caused a decrease in the body weight of both E21 and PD7. The heart-to-body weight ratio was increased in E21 but not in PD7. Left ventricular myocardium wall thickness and cardiomyocyte proliferation were significantly decreased in both fetal and neonatal hearts. Hypoxia had no effect on fibrillar collagen content in the fetal heart, but significantly increased the collagen content in the neonatal heart. Western blotting revealed that maternal hypoxia significantly increased collagen I, but not collagen III, levels in the neonatal heart. Maternal hypoxia decreased MMP-1 but increased MMP-13 and membrane type (MT)1-MMP in the fetal heart. In the neonatal heart, MMP-1 and MMP-13 were significantly increased. Active MMP-2 and MMP-9 levels and activities were not altered in either fetal or neonatal hearts. Hypoxia significantly increased tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-3 and TIMP-4 in both fetal and neonatal hearts. In contrast, TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 were not affected. The results demonstrate that in utero hypoxia reprograms the expression patterns of MMPs and TIMPs and causes cardiac tissue remodeling with the increased collagen deposition in the developing heart.  相似文献   

The quality of food eaten by pregnant animals may influence fetal neurotransmitter biosynthesis by altering the relative availability of precursor amino acids. Fetal brain concentrations of tryptophan and the neurotransmitter serotonin increase following the consumption of a carbohydrate-fat meal or after the injection of insulin in fasting animals; in contrast, the fetal concentrations of these compounds are reduced in animals whose mothers eat a meal containing casein protein or amino acids which compete with tryptophan for uptake from maternal blood into the placenta and fetus.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to achieve a definitive and unambiguous identification of fiber types in canine skeletal muscles and of myosin isoforms that are expressed therein. Correspondence of canine myosin isoforms with orthologs in other species as assessed by base sequence comparison was the basis for primer preparation and for expression analysis with RT-PCR. Expression was confirmed at protein level with histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, and SDS-PAGE combined together and showed that limb and trunk muscles of the dog express myosin heavy chain (MHC) type 1, 2A, and 2X isoforms and the so-called "type 2dog" fibers express the MHC-2X isoform. MHC-2A was found to be the most abundant isoform in the trunk and limb muscle. MHC-2X was expressed in most but not all muscles and more frequently in hybrid 2A-2X fibers than in pure 2X fibers. MHC-2B was restricted to specialized extraocular and laryngeal muscles, although 2B mRNA, but not 2B protein, was occasionally detected in the semimembranosus muscle. Isometric tension (P(o)) and maximum shortening velocity (V(o)) were measured in single fibers classified on the basis of their MHC isoform composition. Purified myosin isoforms were extracted from single muscle fibers and characterized by the speed (V(f)) of actin filament sliding on myosin in an in vitro motility assay. A close proportionality between V(o) and V(f) indicated that the diversity in V(o) was due to the different myosin isoform composition. V(o) increased progressively in the order 1/slow < 2A < 2X < 2B, thus confirming the identification of the myosin isoforms and providing their first functional characterization of canine muscle fibers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of chronic weight-bearing activity as the primary inducer of compensatory muscle growth and changes in myosin isoform expression in rodent fast-twitch plantaris muscle. Thus, female rats were subjected to the independent and simultaneous exposure of functional overload (induced via synergist removal) and hindlimb unweighting (suspension) for 6 wk. Groups (n = 7/group) consisted of normal-control (NC); overload (OV); normal-suspension (N-SUS); and overload-suspension (OV-SUS). Body weight of both suspension groups was significantly less than both the NC and OV groups (P less than 0.001). Compared with the NC group, normalized plantaris weight (mg/g body wt) of both the OV and OV-SUS groups was greater, whereas that of the N-SUS was lower (P less than 0.001). However, normalized plantaris weight was greater in OV compared with OV-SUS by 35% (P less than 0.001). Myofibril protein content (mg/g) and Ca2+-regulated myofibril adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) specific activity were similar for all groups except that ATPase was lower in the OV group compared with the other groups (P less than 0.05). Native myosin isoform analysis revealed a significant increase in the expression of slow and intermediate myosin and the repression of fast myosin 1 (Fm1) in OV compared with NC. This shift in expression was not as pronounced in the OV-SUS group. Interestingly, only traces of slow myosin were observed in the N-SUS group compared with the other groups. These results suggest that weight bearing is an essential component of the overload model for inducing significant increases in both muscle mass and slow myosin isoform expression. Second, lack of weight bearing, while not markedly affecting fast myosins, appears to repress the expression of slow myosin.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle cells express isoforms of actin and myosin heavy chains (MHC). In early postnatal animals the nonmuscle (NM) actin and MHC isoforms in vascular (aorta) smooth muscle were present in relatively high percentages. More than 30% of the MHC and 40% of the actin isoforms were NM. The relative percentage of the NM isoforms decreased significantly as the animals reached maturity, with NM MHC less than 10% and NM actin less than 30% of the totals. Concurrent with this decrease in NM isoforms was an increase in the smooth muscle (SM) isoforms. The relative changes and time frame in which these changes occurred were very similar for the actin and MHC isoforms. In arterial tissue there were species differences for changes with development in the two SM MHC isoforms (SM1 and SM2). The ratio of SM1:SM2 in young rat aorta was approximately 0.5, while this same ratio was approximately 3 in young swine carotid. Both adult rats and swine had a SM1:SM2 MHC ratio of approximately 1.2. Rat bladder smooth muscle showed no significant change in NM vs SM ratio between young and old rats, while the SM1:SM2 ratio decreased from 2.7 to 1.7 between these age groups. The shifts in alpha and beta actin were similar to those in the vascular tissue, but of much smaller magnitude.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of chronic maternal renal insufficiency on fetal renal function, we studied nine fetuses whose mothers underwent subtotal nephrectomy at least 2 mo before mating (STNxF) and seven fetuses from intact ewes (IntF) (126-128 days of gestation, term 150 days). STNxF had lower hematocrit (P < 0.05), plasma chloride (P < 0.01), and creatinine levels (P < 0.01), and the length-to-width ratio of their kidneys was reduced (P < 0.05). They excreted twice as much urine (P < 0.05) and sodium (P < 0.01). Total (P = 0.01) and proximal fractional sodium reabsorptions (P < 0.05) were lower in STNxF; distal delivery of sodium (P < 0.05) and distal fractional sodium reabsorption (P < 0.05) were higher. They tended to have suppressed renin levels (P = 0.06). Infusions of amino acids (alanine, glycine, proline, and serine at 0.32 mmol/min for 1 h and 0.64 mmol/min for 2 h intravenously), known to stimulate renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate in fetal sheep, did so in IntF (P < 0.01). Arterial pressure also increased (P < 0.01). These effects were not observed in STNxF. In summary, chronic maternal renal insufficiency was associated with profound alterations in fetal renal excretion of fluid and electrolytes and impaired renal hemodynamic and glomerular responses to amino acid infusion. Whether these marked changes in the renal function of fetuses carried by STNx ewes are associated with alterations in renal function in postnatal or adult life remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Coordinated expression of species-specific myosin heavy chain (MHC) and troponin (Tn) isoforms may bring about a dynamic complementarity to match muscle contraction speed with species-specific heart rates. Contractile system function and dynamic force-length measurements were made in muscle fibers from mouse and rat hearts and in muscle fibers after reconstitution with either recombinant homologous Tn or orthologous Tn. The rate constants of length-mediated cross-bridge (XB) recruitment (b) and tension redevelopment (k(tr)) of mouse fibers were significantly faster than those of rat fibers. Both the tension cost (ATPase/tension) and rate constant of length-mediated XB distortion (c) were higher in the mouse than in the rat. Thus the mouse fiber was faster in all dynamic and functional aspects than the rat fiber. Mouse Tn significantly increased b and k(tr) in rat fibers; conversely, rat Tn significantly decreased b and k(tr) in mouse fibers. Thus the length-mediated recruitment of force-bearing XB occurs much more rapidly in the presence of mouse Tn than in the presence of rat Tn, demonstrating that the speed of XB recruitment is regulated by Tn. There was a significant interaction between Tn and MHC such that changes in either Tn or MHC affected the speed of XB recruitment. Our data demonstrate that the dynamics of myocardial contraction are different in the mouse and rat hearts because of sequence heterogeneity in MHC and Tn. At the myofilament level, coordinated expression of complementary regulatory contractile proteins produces a functional dynamic phenotype that allows the cardiovascular systems to function effectively at different heart rates.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The effect of functional overload produced by tenotomy of synergistic gastrocnemius muscle on the expression of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms in the plantaris and soleus muscles of the rat was studied using gradient sodium dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gel electrophoresis.
  • 2.2. Five weeks tenotomy, the plantaris and soleus muscle weights induced by tenotomy of the gastrocnemius muscle were 44.3% (P < 0.005) and 37.4% (P < 0.005), respectively, heavier than the contralateral control muscles.
  • 3.3. Although four types of MHC isoforms were observed in both control and experimental plantaris, the percentage of MHC isoforms in the control and experimental muscles differed; the hypertrophied plantaris muscle contained more HCI (P < 0.05), HCIIa and HCIId (P < 0.05) and less HCIIb (P < 0.05) than the control muscle.
  • 4.4. The control soleus muscle contained two MHC isofonns, HCI and HCIIa. However, there was only a single HCI isoform in the hypertrophied soleus muscle.
  • 5.5. These results indicate that overloading a skeletal muscle by removing its synergists produces not only the muscle hypertrophy but also the changes in the expression of MHC isofonns.

Early embryonic and late fetal mouse myogenic cells showed distinct patterns of perinatal myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform expression upon differentiation in vitro. In cultures of somite or limb muscle cells isolated from Day 9 to Day 12 embryos, differentiated cells that expressed perinatal MHC were rare and perinatal MHC was not detectable by immunoblotting. In cultures of limb muscle cells isolated from Day 13 to Day 18 fetuses, in contrast, the perinatal MHC isoform was easily detected and was expressed in a substantial percentage of myocytes and myotubes. Analyses of clonally derived muscle colonies and cytosine arabinoside-treated fetal muscle cell cultures suggested that different fetal muscle cell nuclei initiated perinatal MHC expression at different times. In both embryonic and fetal cell cultures, the embryonic MHC isoform was expressed by all differentiated cells examined. A small number of myotubes in fetal muscle cell cultures showed a mosaic distribution of MHC isoform accumulation in which the perinatal MHC isoform accumulated in a restricted region of the myotube near particular nuclei, whereas the embryonic MHC isoform accumulated throughout the myotube. Thus, the myogenic program of fetal, but not embryonic, mouse myogenic cells includes expression of the perinatal MHC isoform upon differentiation in culture.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1993,53(4):PL51-PL55
The administration of norethindrone, a synthetic progestin, to female rats caused marked decreases in the cholesterol and protein contents of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), A 84% decrease in the total apolipoprotein (apo) E of HDL was associated with a 80% decrease in the proportions of apoE isoforms E1 and E2, whereas E3 and E4 were unchanged. This appears to be the first demonstration of hormonally-induced modification of the apoE phenotype.  相似文献   

Administration of dexamethasone to pregnant rats at 19 days gestation increased phosphatidylcholine synthesis (45%) from radioactive choline in type II cells. This enhanced synthesis of phosphatidylcholine was accompanied by an increased conversion of choline phosphate into CDP-choline. Similar results were obtained by incubating organotypic cultures of 19-day-fetal rat lung with cortisol. The increased conversion of choline phosphate into CDP-choline correlated with an enhanced choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase activity (31% after dexamethasone treatment; 47% after cortisol exposure) in the cell homogenates. A similar increase (26% after dexamethasone treatment; 39% after cortisol exposure) was found in the microsomal-associated enzyme. No differences in cytosolic enzyme activity were observed. The specific activity of the microsomal enzyme was 3-4 times that of the cytosolic enzyme. Most of the enzyme activity was located in the microsomal fraction (58-65%). The treatments had no effect on the total amount of enzyme recovered from the cell homogenates. These results, taken collectively, are interpreted to indicate that the active form of cytidylyltransferase in type II cells is the membrane-bound enzyme and that cytidylyltransferase activation in type II cells from fetal rat lung after maternal glucocorticoid administration occurs by binding of inactive cytosolic enzyme to endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

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