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Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in the northern Alaska region den in coastal areas and on offshore drifting ice. We evaluated changes in the distribution of polar bear maternal dens between 1985 and 2005, using satellite telemetry. We determined the distribution of maternal dens occupied by 89 satellite collared female polar bears between 137°W and 167°W longitude. The proportion of dens on pack ice declined from 62% in 1985–1994 to 37% in 1998–2004 (P = 0.044) and among pack ice dens fewer occurred in the western Beaufort Sea after 1998. We evaluated whether hunting, attraction to bowhead whale remains, or changes in sea ice could explain changes in den distribution. We concluded that denning distribution changed in response to reductions in stable old ice, increases in unconsolidated ice, and lengthening of the melt season. In consort, these changes have likely reduced the availability and quality of pack ice denning habitat. Further declines in sea ice availability are predicted. Therefore, we expect the proportion of polar bears denning in coastal areas will continue to increase, until such time as the autumn ice retreats far enough from shore that it precludes offshore pregnant females from reaching the Alaska coast in advance of denning.  相似文献   

Recent reductions in thickness and extent have increased drift rates of Arctic sea ice. Increased ice drift could significantly affect the movements and the energy balance of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) which forage, nearly exclusively, on this substrate. We used radio‐tracking and ice drift data to quantify the influence of increased drift on bear movements, and we modeled the consequences for energy demands of adult females in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas during two periods with different sea ice characteristics. Westward and northward drift of the sea ice used by polar bears in both regions increased between 1987–1998 and 1999–2013. To remain within their home ranges, polar bears responded to the higher westward ice drift with greater eastward movements, while their movements north in the spring and south in fall were frequently aided by ice motion. To compensate for more rapid westward ice drift in recent years, polar bears covered greater daily distances either by increasing their time spent active (7.6%–9.6%) or by increasing their travel speed (8.5%–8.9%). This increased their calculated annual energy expenditure by 1.8%–3.6% (depending on region and reproductive status), a cost that could be met by capturing an additional 1–3 seals/year. Polar bears selected similar habitats in both periods, indicating that faster drift did not alter habitat preferences. Compounding reduced foraging opportunities that result from habitat loss; changes in ice drift, and associated activity increases, likely exacerbate the physiological stress experienced by polar bears in a warming Arctic.  相似文献   

We report on the lens pigmentation and visual pigments of 52 species of demersal deep-sea fishes caught at depths ranging from 480 m to 4110 m in the Porcupine Seabight and Goban Spur area of the North-eastern Atlantic. Only one species, caught between 480 and 840 m, had a lens with large amounts of pigment, consistent with the hypothesis that heavily pigmented lenses in deep-sea fish serve to enhance the contrast of bioluminescent signals by removing much of the background radiance, which is only visible to fish living shallower than 1000 m. Low concentrations of lens pigmentation were also observed in a further two species (Rouleina attrita and Micromesisteus poutassou). The retinae of all species except five, contained only a single visual pigment, as determined by microspectrophotometry of individual rods, and/or spectrophotometry of retinal wholemounts and retinal extracts. Those fishes caught between 500 m and 1100 m had wavelengths of peak sensitivity (max) ranging from 476 nm to 494 nm, while most fish living below 1100 m tended to be more conservative with (max) values ranging from 475 nm to 485 nm. The only exceptions to this were three deep-living species caught between 1600 m and 2000 m whose retinae contain abnormally short-wave sensitive visual pigments (Cataetyx laticepsmax 468 nm; Alepocephalus bairdiimax 467 nm; Narcetes stomias max 472 nm), suggesting adaptation for the detection of short-wave bioluminescence.  相似文献   

The consequences of habitat fragmentation include reduced habitat availability, increased isolation and patch extinction. This study investigates the occupancy patterns of Lontra felina , a little known and endangered marine otter, on naturally discontinuous habitat and the relationship between otter occupancy and rocky seashore patches, patch size and isolation and human influences. Marine otter occupancy was determined through direct sightings and the presence/absence of spraints, and measured by logistic regression and general linear models. The study was conducted in Chile between 28°S and 40°S, and consisted of eight study sites. Within these sites, a total of 23 rocky seashore patches, 2.3–63.8 km long, were surveyed from January 2005 to March 2006. The strongest predictors of marine otter occurrence were rocky seashore patches larger than 5 km long and <6 km apart. These networks should be no farther than 20 km from contiguous (without sandy beaches) rocky seashore patches over 15 km long.  相似文献   

The convergent polygynous mating systems of marine iguanas and otariid pinnipeds depend on the existence of large female aggregations. These can build up where abundant marine food resources occur around oceanic islands which harbour fewer predators than continental areas. For marine iguanas distribution of food resources appears to determine the location of colonies, while for pinnipeds habitat choice is more decisive. In marine iguanas females benefit from gregariousness through reduced predation risk and social thermoregulation. In pinnipeds, sea lions may derive thermoregulatory benefits from gregariousness, while fur seals appear to be largely non-gregarious. In both groups males defend territories in areas of high female density. Large sexual size dimorphism presumably evolved in response to strong selection for high fighting potential of males. The capability to fast for prolonged periods of territory tenure is considered a secondary benefit of large male size, but not the driving force behind its evolution. We hypothesize that marginal males, through continuous sexual harassment of females that stay outside territories, have exerted pressure towards the evolution of female gregariousness.  相似文献   

Although the concentrations of carbohydrate in the colostrum and in the mid-lactation milk of polar bear (Ursus maritimus) were similar, the oligosaccharide patterns differed. The colostrum sample contained Neu5Ac(α2-3)Gal(β1-4)Glc (3′-N-acetylneuraminyllactose), GalNAc(α1-3)[Fuc(α1-2)]Gal(β1-4)Glc (A-tetrasaccharide), Fuc(α1-2)Gal(β1-4)Glc (2′-fucosyllactose) and Gal(β1-4)Glc (lactose). The mid-lactation milk contained Gal(α1-3)[Fuc(α1-2)]Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]Glc (B-pentasaccharide), GalNAc(α1-3)[Fuc(α1-2)]Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]Glc (A-pentasaccharide), Gal(α1-3)[Fuc(α1-2)]Gal(β1-4)Glc (B-tetrasaccharide), A-tetrasaccharide, Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]Glc (3-fucosylisoglobotriose), Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)Glc (isoglobotriose) and lactose. The dominant saccharides in the colostrum were 3′-N-Acetylneuraminyllactose and lactose, whereas isoglobotriose was the dominant saccharide in the mid-lactation milk in which lactose was only a minor component. Isoglobotriose, which had previously been found to be a dominant saccharide in mature milk from the Ezo brown bear, the Japanese black bear and the polar bear, was not found in the polar bear colostrum.  相似文献   

Two trisaccharides, three tetrasaccharides, two pentasaccharides, one hexasaccharide, one heptasaccharide, one octasaccharide and one decasaccharide were isolated from polar bear milk samples by chloroform/methanol extraction, gel filtration, ion exchange chromatography and preparative thin-layer chromatography. The oligosaccharides were characterized by 1H-NMR as follows: the saccharides from one animal: Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)Glc (α3′-galactosyllactose), Fuc(α1-2)Gal(β1-4)Glc (2′-fucosyllactose), Gal(α1-3)[Fuc(α1-2)]Gal(β1-4)Glc (B-tetrasaccharide), GalNAc(α1-3)[Fuc(α1-2)]Gal(β1-4)Glc (A-tetrasaccharide), Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)GlcNAc(β1-3)Gal(β1-4)Glc, Gal(α1-3)[Fuc(α1-2)]Gal(β1-4)GlcNAc(β1-3)Gal(β1-4)Glc, Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)GlcNAc(β1-3)[Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)GlcNAc(β1-6)]Gal(β1-4)Glc; the saccharides from another animal: α3′-galactosyllactose, Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]Glc, A-tetrasaccharide, GalNAc(α1-3)[Fuc(α1-2)]Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]Glc (A-pentasaccharide), Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]GlcNAc(β1-3)Gal(β1-4)Glc, Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]GlcNAc(β1-3)Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]Glc (difucosylheptasaccharide) and Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]GlcNAc(β1-3){Gal(α1-3)Gal(β1-4)[Fuc(α1-3)]GlcNAc(β1-6)}Gal(β1-4)Glc (difucosyldecasaccharide). Lactose was present only in small amounts. Some of the milk oligosaccharides of the polar bear had α-Gal epitopes similar to some oligosaccharides in milk from the Ezo brown bear and the Japanese black bear. Some milk oligosaccharides had human blood group A antigens as well as B antigens; these were different from the oligosaccharides in Ezo brown and Japanese black bears.  相似文献   

The visual pigments and oil droplets in the retina of the diurnal gecko Gonatodes albogularis were examined microspectrophotometrically, and the spectral sensitivity under various adapting conditions was recorded using electrophysiological responses. Three classes of visual pigments were identified, with max at about 542, 475, and 362 nm. Spectral sensitivity functions revealed a broad range of sensitivity, with a peak at approximately 530–540 nm. The cornea and oil droplets were found to be transparent across a range from 350–700 nm, but the lens absorbed short wavelength light below 450 nm. Despite the filtering effect of the lens, a secondary peak in spectral sensitivity to ultraviolet wavelengths was found. These results suggest that G. albogularis does possess the visual mechanisms for discrimination of the color pattern of conspecifics based on either hue or brightness. These findings are discussed in terms of the variation in coloration and social behavior of Gonatodes.Abbreviations ERG electroretinogram - MSP microspectrophotometry - UV ultraviolet - max wavelength of maximum absorbance  相似文献   

As climate change advances the date of spring breakup in Hudson Bay, polar bears are coming ashore earlier. Since they would have lost some of their opportunities to hunt ringed seals from a sea ice platform, they may be deficient in energy. Subadult polar bears appear to come ashore before more mature individuals and the earliest subadults are beginning to overlap the nesting period of the large colony of snow geese also occupying the Cape Churchill Peninsula. The eggs these bears are known to eat could make up some of their energy shortfall. The earlier these eggs are consumed during the snow goose nesting period, the greater would be the energy that is available. Recent studies have shown that the annual survival rate for subadult bears declined in contrast to that of prime aged individuals. If this reduction in survival is related to an increasing energy deficit, as suggested by some, the consumption of goose eggs may reverse the trend and help stabilize the population, at least for some period of time. The total number of polar bears that could benefit from this resource will depend on the increasing temporal overlap with the nesting period and on the foraging behaviors of individuals eating the eggs. It is likely that other food sources will also have to play a role if the polar bears are to persist.  相似文献   

The expense of traditional capture‐recapture methods, interest in less invasive survey methods, and the circumpolar decline of polar bear (Ursus maritimus) habitat require evaluation of alternative methods for monitoring polar bear populations. Aerial line transect distance sampling (DS) surveys are thought to be a promising monitoring tool. However, low densities and few observations during a survey can result in low precision, and logistical constraints such as heavy ice and fuel and safety limitations may restrict survey coverage. We used simulations to investigate the accuracy and precision of, DS for estimating polar bear abundance in sea ice habitats, using the Chukchi Sea subpopulation as an example. Simulation parameters were informed from a recent pilot survey. Predictions from a resource selection model were used for stratification, and we compared two ratio estimators to account for areas that cannot be sampled. The ratio estimator using predictions of resource selection by polar bears allowed for extrapolation beyond sampled areas and provided results with low bias and CVs ranging from 21% to 36% when abundance was >1,000. These techniques could be applied to other DS surveys to allocate effort and potentially extrapolate estimates to include portions of the landscape that are logistically impossible to survey.  相似文献   

The marine otter (Lontra felina) inhabits patches of rocky coastline from central Peru to southern Chile and is classified as Endangered by the IUCN. Given the limited information available about the species, we set out to assess marine otter diet with a view to detecting latitudinal differences, and to assess marine otter activity budgets and interspecific interactions (including anthropogenic) at Peruvian fishing villages and to compare results with similar Chilean studies. Nine study sites from central Chile to southern Peru were sampled for otter spraints to assess relative frequency of prey types and two fishing ports in southern Peru were monitored through focal and scan observations to assess activity patterns, interspecific interactions, habitat use patterns, and dive durations. Results indicate that toward the northern part of its range, crustaceans become less important and fish more important in the diet. Interactions were observed between marine otters and other species, including stray dogs and cats. The strong dependence of marine otters on the availability of safe rocky shelters, and the species’ apparent tolerance to living alongside humans raise conservation concerns about vulnerability to anthropogenic threats. These factors, if not correctly managed, could turn some of these rocky seashore patches into population sinks.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between sea ice conditions, food availability, and the fall distribution of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in terrestrial habitats of the Southern Beaufort Sea via weekly aerial surveys in 2000–2005. Aerial surveys were conducted weekly during September and October along the Southern Beaufort Sea coastline and barrier islands between Barrow and the Canadian border to determine polar bear density on land. The number of bears on land both within and among years increased when sea-ice was retreated furthest from the shore. However, spatial distribution also appeared to be related to the availability of subsistence-harvested bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) carcasses and the density of ringed seals (Phoca hispida) in offshore waters. Our results suggest that long-term reductions in sea-ice could result in an increasing proportion of the Southern Beaufort Sea polar bear population coming on land during the fall open-water period and an increase in the amount of time individual bears spend on land.  相似文献   

Enumerating and examining marine animal carcasses is important for quantifying mortality rates and determining causes of mortality. Drifter experiments are one tool for estimating at‐sea mortality and determining factors affecting carcass drift, but they require validation to confirm drifters accurately replicate the drift characteristics of the species of interest. The goal of this study was to determine whether dummies constructed from car tires were appropriate substitutes for sea otter (Enhydra lutris) carcasses. We released 33 sets of targets (carcasses and dummies) in a one‐to‐one ratio on 15 randomly chosen dates between January 1995 and December 1996. They were telemetrically tracked until they beached or were no longer detected. Beaching rates were similar between carcasses (69.7%) and dummies (66.7%). Our results indicated that there was no statistical difference in the drifting pattern, as measured by distance traveled and location, between carcasses and dummies, and that cumulative wind speed, days since release, and release month were predictors of drift patterns. We concluded that dummies constructed from car tires do imitate sea otter carcasses and could be used to estimate at‐sea mortality of sea otters, or, if released during or after an oil spill, could be used to direct search efforts for carcasses.  相似文献   

We examined the use of the ratio of serum urea to serum creatinine as a physiological biomarker of fasting to monitor temporal patterns in the feeding ecology of polar bears (Ursus maritimus). Blood was collected from 436 polar bears in the eastern Beaufort Sea during April and May of 1985–1986 and 2005–2006. The proportions of polar bears fasting were 9.6% in 1985, 10.5% in 1986, 21.4% in 2005, and 29.3% in 2006. We used stepwise logistic regression analysis to evaluate factors that could influence the binary response variable of fasting or not fasting. Significant predictor variables of fasting were: the 2005 and 2006 capture years, solitary adult male bears, and adult male bears that were accompanying an estrous female. The increased number of polar bears in a physiological fasting state from all sex, age, and reproductive classes in 2005 and 2006 corresponded with broad scale changes in Arctic sea ice composition, which may have affected prey availability. The higher proportion of adult males fasting from all years was attributed to spring breeding behavior.  相似文献   

One of the primary mechanisms by which sea ice loss is expected to affect polar bears is via reduced body condition and growth resulting from reduced access to prey. To date, negative effects of sea ice loss have been documented for two of 19 recognized populations. Effects of sea ice loss on other polar bear populations that differ in harvest rate, population density, and/or feeding ecology have been assumed, but empirical support, especially quantitative data on population size, demography, and/or body condition spanning two or more decades, have been lacking. We examined trends in body condition metrics of captured bears and relationships with summertime ice concentration between 1977 and 2010 for the Baffin Bay (BB) and Davis Strait (DS) polar bear populations. Polar bears in these regions occupy areas with annual sea ice that has decreased markedly starting in the 1990s. Despite differences in harvest rate, population density, sea ice concentration, and prey base, polar bears in both populations exhibited positive relationships between body condition and summertime sea ice cover during the recent period of sea ice decline. Furthermore, females and cubs exhibited relationships with sea ice that were not apparent during the earlier period (1977–1990s) when sea ice loss did not occur. We suggest that declining body condition in BB may be a result of recent declines in sea ice habitat. In DS, high population density and/or sea ice loss, may be responsible for the declines in body condition.  相似文献   

Sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) historically occurred in Washington State, USA, until their local extinction in the early 1900s as a result of the maritime fur trade. Following their extirpation, 59 sea otters were translocated from Amchitka Island, Alaska, USA, to the coast of Washington, with 29 released at Point Grenville in 1969 and 30 released at La Push in 1970. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has outlined 2 main objectives for sea otter recovery: a target population level and a target geographic distribution. Recovery criteria are based on estimates of population abundance, equilibrium abundance (K), and geographic distribution; therefore, estimates of these parameters have important management implications. We compiled available survey data for sea otters in Washington State since their translocation (1977–2019) and fit a Bayesian state-space model to estimate past and current abundance, and equilibrium abundance at multiple spatial scales. We then used forward projections of population dynamics to explore potential scenarios of range recolonization and as the basis of a sensitivity analysis to evaluate the relative influence of movement behavior, frontal wave speed, intrinsic growth, and equilibrium density on future population recovery potential. Our model improves upon previous analyses of sea otter population dynamics in Washington by partitioning and quantifying sources of estimation error to estimate population dynamics, by providing robust estimates of K, and by simulating long-term population growth and range expansion under a range of realistic parameter values. Our model resulted in predictions of population abundance that closely matched observed counts. At the range-wide scale, the population size in our model increased from an average of 21 independent sea otters (95% CI = 13–29) in 1977 to 2,336 independent sea otters (95% CI = 1,467–3,359) in 2019. The average estimated annual growth rate was 12.42% and varied at a sub-regional scale from 6.42–14.92%. The overall estimated mean K density of sea otters in Washington was 1.71 ± 0.90 (SD) independent sea otters/km2 of habitat (1.96 ± 1.04 sea otters/km2, including pups), and estimated densities within the current range correspond on average to 87% of mean sub-regional equilibrium values (range = 66–111%). The projected value of K for all of Washington was 5,287 independent sea otters (95% CI = 2,488–8,086) and 6,080 sea otters including pups (95% CI = 2,861–9,300), assuming a similar range of equilibrium densities in currently un-occupied habitats. Sensitivity analysis of simulations of sea otter population growth and range expansion suggested that mean K density estimates in currently occupied sub-regions had the largest impact on predicted future population growth (r2 = 0.52), followed by the rate of southward range expansion (r2 = 0.26) and the mean K density estimate of currently unoccupied sub-regions to the south of the current range (r2 = 0.04). Our estimates of abundance and sensitivity analysis of simulations of future population abundance and geographic range help determine population status in relation to population recovery targets and identify the most influential parameters affecting future population growth and range expansion for sea otters in Washington State.  相似文献   

Habitat characteristics are primary determinants of nearshore marine communities. However, biological drivers like predation can also be important for community composition. Sea otters (Enhydra lutris ssp.) are a salient example of a keystone species exerting top‐down control on ecosystem community structure. The translocation and subsequent population growth and range expansion of the northern sea otter (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) in Washington State over the last five decades has created a spatio‐temporal gradient in sea otter occupation time and density, and acts as a natural experiment to quantify how sea otter population status and habitat type influence sea otter diet. We collected focal observations of sea otters foraging at sites across the gradient in varying habitat types between 2010 and 2017. We quantified sea otter diet composition and diversity, and long‐term rates of energy gain across the gradient. We found that sea otter diet diversity was positively correlated with cumulative sea otter density, while rate of energy gain was negatively correlated with cumulative density. Additionally, we found that habitat type explained 1.77 times more variance in sea otter diet composition than sea otter cumulative density. Long‐term diet studies can provide a broader picture of sea otter population status in Washington State.  相似文献   

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