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Metabolic engineering was used to disrupt glutamine metabolism in microspores in order to block pollen development. We used a dominant-negative mutant (DNM) approach of cytosolic glutamine synthetase (GS1) gene under the microspore-specific promoter NTM19 to block glutamine synthesis in developing pollen grains. We observed partial male sterility in primary transgenic plants by using light microscopy, FDA, DAPI and in vitro pollen germination test. Microspores started to die in the early unicellular microspore stage, pollen viability in all primary transgenic lines ranged from 40-50%. All primary transgenics produced seeds like control plants, hence the inserted gene did not affect the sporophyte and was inherited through the female germline. We regenerated plants by in vitro microspore embryogenesis from 4 individual lines, pollen viability of progeny ranged from 12 to 20%, but some of them also showed 100% male sterility. After foliage spray with glutamine, 100% male-sterile plants were produced viable pollen and seed set was also observed. These results suggested that mutated GS1 activity on microspores had a significant effect on normal pollen development. Back-cross progenies (T2) of DH 100% male-sterile plants showed normal seed set like primary transgenics and control plants.  相似文献   

Potter FJ  Wiskich JT  Dry IB 《Planta》2001,212(2):215-221
Plant mitochondria contain an alternative oxidase (AOX) acting as a terminal electron acceptor of the alternative pathway in the electron transport chain. Here we describe the production of inducible antisense Aox1a plants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. and the procedures used to determine the resulting alternative pathway activity. The Arabidopsis Aox1a cDNA sequence was cloned behind a copper-inducible promoter system in the antisense orientation. Arabidopsis thaliana (Columbia) plants were transformed by in-planta vacuum infiltration with Agrobacterium containing the antisense construct. Whole-leaf ethanol production was used as a measure to investigate alternative pathway activity in the presence of antimycin A. After 24 h, leaves from the copper-induced, antisense line F1.1 produced up to 8.8 times more ethanol (via aerobic fermentation) than the non-induced and wild-type leaves, indicating effective cytochrome pathway inhibition by antimycin A and a decreased alternative pathway activity in induced F1.1 leaves. Transgene expression studies also revealed no expression in non-induced leaves and up until 24 h post-induction. Copper-induced transgenic leaves were less susceptible to alternative pathway inhibition than non-induced transgenic leaves, as seen via tissue-slice respiratory studies, and mitochondrial respiration, using F1.1 cell cultures, also supported this. These results demonstrate the successful production of a transgenic line of Arabidopsis in which the alternative pathway activity can be genetically manipulated with an inducible antisense system. Received: 31 March 2000 / Accepted: 10 May 2000  相似文献   

Several strategies involving the use of antisense and ribozyme constructs in different expression vectors were investigated as methods of suppressing gene expressionin planta. We had previously identified an efficiently cleaving ribozyme (Rz), with two catalytic units and 60 nucleotide (nt) of complementary sequence, to the ligninforming peroxidase of tobacco (TPX). This Rz was cloned behind the 35S CaMV (35S) and nopaline synthase (NOS) promoters, and into a vector utilising the tobacco tyrosine tRNA for expression. For comparison with more traditional antisense strategies, full-length TPX antisense (AS) constructs were also constructed behind the NOS and 35S promoters. Populations of transgenic tobacco containing these constructs were produced and compared to control plants transformed with the vector only. Significant suppression of peroxidase expression in the range of 40–80% was seen in the T0 and T1 populations carrying 35S-AS, 35S-Rz and tRNA-Rz constructs. Co-segregation of the suppressed peroxidase phenotype and the tRNA-Rz transgenes was demonstrated. Northern blot analysis indicated that levels of TPX mRNA were lower in the Rz plants. No evidence of mRNA cleavage was observed and thus it was unclear if the Rz constructs were acting as Rzsin vivo. Transgenic plants containing the tRNA-Rz construct had significantly lower levels of peroxidase than the other transgenic plants. There was no significant difference in levels of suppression of TPX between the short Rz in the 35S vector and the full-length AS constructs. Although peroxidase levels were significantly reduced in transgenic plants carrying 35S-AS, 35S-Rz and tRNA-Rz constructs, no significant difference in lignin levels was observed.  相似文献   

The activity and location of carbonic anhydrase has been modified by transformation of tobacco with antisense and over-expression constructs. Antisense expression resulted in the inhibition of up to 99% of carbonic anhydrase activity but had no significant impact on net CO2 assimilation. Stomatal conductance and susceptibility to water stress appeared to increase in response to the decline in carbonic anhydrase activity. An over-expression construct designed to increase cytosolic carbonic anhydrase abundance resulted in a significant increase in net activity, a small increase in stomatal conductance but little impact on CO2 assimilation. Chloroplastic carbonic anhydrase activity was enhanced by the expression of an additional construct which targeted the polypeptide to the organelle. The increase in chloroplastic carbonic anhydrase appeared to be accompanied by a concomitant increase in Rubisco activity.  相似文献   

Broomrape (Orobanche ramosa L.) is the most important parasitic plant that infests tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Chemical treatment of the soil is not effective and crop rotation is not acceptable to solve this problem because of the long viability period of Orobanche seeds in the soil. Application of systemic herbicides in the field with herbicide resistant tobacco could be a successful tool for broomrape control. Several tobacco cultivars were transformed with a mutant ahas3R gene for resistance to the herbicide chlorsulfuron (Glean®, DuPont). Transformed plants were selfed and the segregation of resistance was followed in the next generation. The efficiency of the herbicide was demonstrated in greenhouse and field trials. An Orobanche/tobacco growth system was used in order to prove the lethal effect of the herbicide to the attached broomrape plants.  相似文献   

利用农杆菌系统介导 ,采用叶盘转化法 ,将在水稻谷蛋白启动子驱动下的外源ipt基因导入烟草植株中 ,经过抗生素筛选、PCR与测序分析检测出转基因植株。成熟的转基因烟草种子经过ELISA细胞分裂素试剂盒检测 ,发现iPAs含量为对照的 2 .43倍 ,此外 ,种子的重量也增加了 7.8%。  相似文献   

We studied temporal and spatial expression patterns of the potato proteinase inhibitor II (PI-II) promoter, using transgenic tobacco (Nkotiana tabacum L cv. Xanthi) plants that carried a fusion between the PI-II promoter and the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat) gene. Pl-ll promoter activity was low when plants were young, but increased as plants grew. In 8-week-old plants, old leaves showed higher activity than young leaves. At flowering stage (ca. 15 weeks), the overall promoter activity was reduced to a lower level except in the petals. Compared with stems or petioles at the flowering stage, the roots and floral organs showed minimal activity for the Pl-ll promoter. We used several environmental stimuli to examine the induction of the Pl-ll promoter in different organs. Promoter induction was effected by wounding or methyl jasmonate in stems, petioles, sepals, and leaves. The induction was highest in leaves, as was sucrose-enhanced wound induction. These results suggest that the Pl-ll gene is temporally and spatially regulated. We also established a transient assay system in tobacco BY2 suspension cells to elucidate the upstream regulatory region of the Pl-ll promoter. A field strength of 0.75 kV/cm and 400 μF capacitance were optimal electroporation conditions for our transient assay.  相似文献   

Regulation of alternative oxidase gene expression in soybean   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Soybean (Glycine max cv. Stevens) suspension cells were used to investigate the expression of the alternative oxidase (Aox) multigene family. Suspension cells displayed very high rates of cyanide-insensitive respiration, but Aox3 was the only isoform detected in untreated cells. Incubation with antimycin A, citrate, salicylic acid or at low temperature (10 °C) specifically induced the accumulation of the Aox1 isoform. Aox2 was not observed under any conditions in the cells. Increases in Aox1 protein correlated with increases in Aox1 mRNA. Treatment of soybean cotyledons with norflurazon also induced expression of Aox1. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) were detected upon incubation of cells with antimycin, salicylic acid or at low temperature, but not during incubation with citrate. Aox1 induction by citrate, but not by antimycin, was prevented by including the protein kinase inhibitor staurosporine in the medium. The results suggest that multiple pathways exist in soybean to regulate expression of Aox genes and that Aox1 specifically is induced by a variety of stress and metabolic conditions via at least two independent signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Ethylene production was measured during vegetative and reproductive development in normal tobacco plants and in transgenic tobacco plants carrying antisense genes for tomato ACC oxidase driven by the 35S CaMV promoter (Hamilton et al., 1990). When expressed in three independently derived transgenic plants, the antisense ethylene gene failed to affect ethylene production in young/mature leaves or in stems but it did inhibit ethylene production in roots by 37–58%. Ethylene production in developing flowers (i.e. from small unopened flower buds up until open flowers at anthesis) was not affected in transgenic plants but ethylene production in fruits was inhibited by 35%. The most dramatic effect on ethylene production in transgenic plants was seen immediately after wounding leaf tissue, in which case the antisense gene inhibited wound ethylene production by 72%. Thus, the antisense gene composed of a 35S CaMV promoter driving a heterologous ACC oxidase sequence had differential effects on ethylene production in tobacco plants.  相似文献   

The alternative oxidase (AOX) of plant mitochondria transfers electrons from the ubiquinione pool to oxygen without energy conservation and prevents the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) when the ubiquinone pool is over-reduced. Thus, AOX may be involved in plant acclimation to a number of oxidative stresses. To test this hypothesis, we exposed wild-type (WT) Xanthi tobacco plants as well as Xanthi plants transformed with the Bright Yellow tobacco AOX1a cDNA with enhanced (SN21 and SN29), and decreased (SN10) AOX capacity to an acute ozone (O3) fumigation. As a result of 5 h of O3 exposition (250 nL L(-1)), SN21 and SN29 plants surprisingly showed localized leaf damage, whereas SN10, similarly to WT plants, was undamaged. In keeping with this observation, WT and SN21 plants differed in their response to O3)for the expression profiles of catalase 1 (CAT1), catalase 2 (CAT2), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) genes, and for the activity of these antioxidant enzymes, which were induced in WT. Concomitantly, although ozone induced H2O2 accumulation in WT and in all transgenic lines, only in transgenics with high AOX capacity the H2O2 level in the post-fumigation period was high. The alternative pathway of WT plants was strongly stimulated by O3, whereas in SN21 plants, the respiratory capacity was always high across the treatment. The present results show that, far from exerting a protective role, the overexpression of AOX triggers an increased O3 sensitivity in tobacco plants. We hypothesize that the AOX overexpression results in a decrease of mitochondrial ROS level that in turn alters the defensive mitochondrial to nucleus signalling pathway that activates ROS scavenging systems.  相似文献   

Plants in their natural environment frequently face various abiotic stresses, such as drought, high salinity, and chilling. Plant mitochondria contain an alternative oxidase (AOX), which is encoded by a small family of nuclear genes. AOX genes have been shown to be highly responsive to abiotic stresses. Using transgenic plants with varying levels of AOX expression, it has been confirmed that AOX genes are im- portant for abiotic stress tolerance. Although the roles of AOX under abiotic stresses have been extensively studied and there are several excellent reviews on this topic, the differential expression patterns of the AOX gene family members and the signal regulation of AOX gene(s) under abiotic stresses have not been extensively summarized. Here, we review and discuss the current progress of these two important issues.  相似文献   

Lignin is a major structural polymer of secondarily thickended plant vascular tissue and fibres, imparting mechanical strength to stems and trunks and hydrophobicity to conducting vessels. Constitutive expression of a lucerne caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase antisense RNA in transgenic tobacco leads to a significant reduction in lignin content, particularly in the younger parts of the stems, without apparent alterations in lignin monomer composition. These observations open up the possibility of genetically manipulating plants with reduced lignin for improved processing and biomass digestibility.  相似文献   

Plant mitochondrial genomes (mtDNAs) are large and undergo frequent recombination events. A common phenotype that emerges as a consequence of altered mtDNA structure is cytoplasmic-male sterility (CMS). The molecular basis for CMS remains unclear, but it seems logical that altered respiration activities would result in reduced pollen production. Analysis of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) mtDNAs indicated that CMS-associated loci often contain fragments of known organellar genes. These may assemble with organellar complexes and thereby interfere with normal respiratory functions. Here, we analyzed whether the expression of truncated fragments of mitochondrial genes (i.e. atp4, cox1 and rps3) may induce male sterility by limiting the biogenesis of the respiratory machinery. cDNA fragments corresponding to atp4f, cox1f and rps3f were cloned in-frame to a mitochondrial localization signal and a C-termini HA-tag under a tapetum-specific promoter and introduced to tobacco plants by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The constructs were then analyzed for their effect on mitochondrial activity and pollen fertility. Atp4f , Cox1f and Rps3f plants demonstrated male sterility phenotypes, which were tightly correlated with the expression of the recombinant fragments in the floral meristem. Fractionation of native organellar extracts showed that the recombinant ATP4f-HA, COX1f-HA and RPS3f-HA proteins are found in large membrane-associated particles. Analysis of the respiratory activities and protein profiles indicated that organellar complex I was altered in Atp4f, Cox1f and Rps3f plants.  相似文献   

Several lines of transgenic tobacco that expressed an ethylene-forming enzyme from Pseudomonas syringae fused with -glucuronidase as a histochemical marker under the control of tobacco alcohol dehydrogenase gene (NtADH) promoter were constructed. The NtADH promoter was previously shown to be active in late growth stage when expressed in BY2 cultured tobacco cells (Nicotiana tabacum). Ethylene production and expression of the marker gene in transgenic tobacco took place only in roots, and the root-limited expression was explicable by induction of NtADH promoter under anaerobic condition.  相似文献   

Previously, we have shown that the expression of a 3-hydroxysteroid-oxidase gene in transgenic tobacco initiated a series of biochemical events leading to the conversion of sterol to stanol. As a result, the plants maintained a diminished sterol pool and a modified relative sterol ratio but demonstrated no observable morphological abnormalities. The maintenance of normal higher plant physiology in the absence of particular sterols or in the presence of modified sterol ratios is controversial. In this report, we present additional biochemical and physiological characteristics of transgenic tobacco expressing an Actinomyces 3-hydroxysteroid-oxidase gene. The total steroid accumulated in the transgenic plants is 6-fold higher than in control plants and consists of sterol, 3-ketosteroid and stanol. The relative abundance of sterols within whole plant and individual organs is grossly altered as ethylated side chain sterols account for 99% of the total sterol pool in the transgenic tobacco. Stigmasterol is readily apparent in all tissues and cholesterol is found at measurable levels in specific organs, while campesterol and sitosterol are detected at trace levels in the transgenic plants. Stanols and 3-ketosteroids accumulate in all tissues and represent 77% of the measurable steroid pool in the transgenic plants. The sum of sterol, the respective 3-ketosteroid plus stanol provide a relative abundance of steroid, which is similar to the abundance of sterol accumulated in control tissue. In vitro photosynthetic electron transport measurements demonstrate altered activity of chloroplasts under a variety of reaction conditions, indicating a link between the modified steroid pool and a modulation of chloroplast membrane function.  相似文献   

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