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Mutation rate (MR) is a crucial determinant of the evolutionary process. Optimal MR may enable efficient evolutionary searching and therefore increase the fitness of the population over time. Nevertheless, individuals may favor MRs that are far from being optimal for the whole population. Instead, each individual may tend to mutate at rates that selfishly increase its own relative fitness. We show that in some cases, undergoing a mutation is altruistic, i.e., it increases the expected fitness of the population, but decreases the expected fitness of the mutated individual itself. In this case, if the population is uniform (completely mixed, undivided), immutability is evolutionary stable and is probably selected for. However, our examination of a segregated population, which is divided into several groups (or patches), shows that the optimal, altruistic MR may out-compete the selfish MR if the coupling between the groups is neither too strong nor too weak. This demonstrates that the population structure is crucial for the succession of the evolutionary process itself. For example, in a uniform population, the evolutionary process may be stopped before the highest fitness is reached, as demonstrated in a one-pick fitness landscape. In addition, we show that the dichotomy between evolutionary stable and optimal MRs can be seen as a special case of a more general phenomenon in which optimal behaviors may be destabilized in finite populations, since optimal sub-populations may become extinct before the benefit of their behavior is expressed.  相似文献   

The levels of selection problem was central to Maynard Smith’s work throughout his career. This paper traces Maynard Smith’s views on the levels of selection, from his objections to group selection in the 1960s to his concern with the major evolutionary transitions in the 1990s. The relations between Maynard Smith’s position and those of Hamilton and G.C. Williams are explored, as is Maynard Smith’s dislike of the Price equation approach to multi-level selection. Maynard Smith’s account of the ‘core Darwinian principles’ is discussed, as is his debate with Sober and Wilson (1998) over the status of trait-group models, and his attitude to the currently fashionable concept of pluralism about the levels of selection.  相似文献   

Inclusive fitness theory provides a compelling explanation for the evolution of altruism among kin. However, a completely satisfactory account of non-kin altruism is still lacking. The present study compared the level of altruism found among siblings with that found among friends and mates and sought to reconcile the findings with an evolutionary explanation for human altruism. Participants (163 males and 156 females) completed a questionnaire about help given to a sibling, friend, or mate. Overall, participants gave friends and mates as much or more help than they gave siblings. However, as the cost of help increased, siblings received a progressively larger share of the help, whereas friends and mates received a progressively smaller share, despite the fact that participants were closer emotionally to friends and mates than they were to siblings. These findings help to explain the relative standing of friends and mates as recipients of altruistic aid.
Steve Stewart-WilliamsEmail:

The study of cooperation and altruism, almost since its inception, has been carried out without reference to the most numerous, diverse and very possibly most cooperative domain of life on the planet: bacteria. This is starting to change, for good reason. Far from being clonal loners, bacteria are highly social creatures capable of astonishingly complex collective behaviour that is mediated, as it is in colonial insects, by chemical communication. The article discusses recent experiments that explore different facets of current theories of the evolution and maintenance of cooperation using bacterial models. Not only do bacteria hold great promise as experimentally tractable, rapidly evolving systems for testing hypotheses, bacterial experiments have already raised interesting questions about the assumptions on which our current understanding of cooperation and altruism rests.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory often resorts to weak selection, where different individuals have very similar fitness. Here, we relate two ways to introduce weak selection. The first considers evolutionary games described by payoff matrices with similar entries. This approach has recently attracted a lot of interest in the context of evolutionary game dynamics in finite populations. The second way to introduce weak selection is based on small distances in phenotype space and is a standard approach in kin-selection theory. Whereas both frameworks are interchangeable for constant fitness, frequency-dependent selection shows significant differences between them. We point out the difference between both limits of weak selection and discuss the condition under which the differences vanish. It turns out that this condition is fulfilled by the popular parametrization of the prisoner's dilemma in benefits and costs. However, for general payoff matrices differences between the two frameworks prevail.  相似文献   

Multilevel selection: the evolution of cooperation in non-kin groups   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hamiltons (1964a, 1964b) landmark papers are rightly recognized as the formal basis for our understanding of the evolution of altruistic traits. However, Hamiltons equation as he originally expressed it is simplistic. A genetically oriented approach to studying multilevel selection can provide insights into how the terminology and assumptions used by Hamilton can be generalized. Using contextual analysis I demonstrated that Hamiltons rule actually embodies three distinct processes, group selection, individual selection, and transmission genetics or heritability. Whether an altruistic trait will evolve depends the balance of all of these factors. The genetical approach, and particularly, contextual analysis provides a means of separating these factors and examining them one at a time. Perhaps the greatest issue with Hamiltons equation is the interpretation of r. Hamilton (1964a) interpreted this as relatedness. In this paper I show that what Hamilton called relatedness is more generally interpreted as the proportion for variance among groups, and that many processes in addition to relatedness can increase the variance among groups. I also show that the evolution of an altruistic trait is driven by the ratio of the heritability at the group level to the heritability at the individual level. Under some circumstances this ratio can be greater than 1. In this situation altruism can evolve even if selection favoring selfish behavior is stronger than selection favoring altruism.  相似文献   

Populations can persist in directionally changing environments by evolving. Quantitative genetic theory aims to predict critical rates of environmental change beyond which populations go extinct. Here, we point out that all current predictions effectively assume the same specific fitness function. This function causes selection on the standing genetic variance of quantitative traits to become increasingly strong as mean trait values depart from their optima. Hence, there is no bound on the rate of evolution and persistence is determined by the critical rate of environmental change at which populations cease to grow. We then show that biologically reasonable changes to the underlying fitness function can impose a qualitatively different extinction threshold. In particular, inflection points caused by weakening selection create local extrema in the strength of selection and thus in the rate of evolution. These extrema can produce evolutionary tipping points, where long‐run population growth rates drop from positive to negative values without ever crossing zero. Generic early‐warning signs of tipping points are found to have little power to detect imminent extinction, and require hard‐to‐gather data. Furthermore, we show how evolutionary tipping points produce evolutionary hysteresis, creating extinction debts.  相似文献   

The naturalistic fallacy is mentionedfrequently by evolutionary psychologists as anerroneous way of thinking about the ethicalimplications of evolved behaviors. However,evolutionary psychologists are themselvesconfused about the naturalistic fallacy and useit inappropriately to forestall legitimateethical discussion. We briefly review what thenaturalistic fallacy is and why it is misusedby evolutionary psychologists. Then we attemptto show how the ethical implications of evolvedbehaviors can be discussed constructivelywithout impeding evolutionary psychologicalresearch. A key is to show how ethicalbehaviors, in addition to unethical behaviors,can evolve by natural selection.  相似文献   

Bacteria produce a great diversity of siderophores to scavenge for iron in their environment. We suggest that this diversity results from the interplay between siderophore producers (cooperators) and non-producers (cheaters): when there are many cheaters exploiting a siderophore type it is beneficial for a mutant to produce a siderophore unusable by the dominant population. We formulated and analysed a mathematical model for tagged public goods to investigate the potential for the emergence of diversity. We found that, although they are rare most of the time, cheaters play a key role in maintaining diversity by regulating the different populations of cooperators. This threshold-triggered feedback prevents any stain of cooperators from dominating the others. Our study provides a novel general mechanism for the evolution of diversity that may apply to many forms of social behaviour.  相似文献   

Certain general features are widely recognized in evolution, one of which is the variability in the rate at which morphological characters evolve and taxa are replaced by others. Although some rate-variability in evolution no doubt arises because of different rates of ecological change, it is proposed that some of the variability also arises from developmental, rather than ecological, sources. A theory is outlined whereby early-acting genes influencing the course of development evolve more slowly, but have individually larger effects, than genes affecting development at a later stage in the life-cycle. The erratic course of morphological evolution that results is illustrated by computer simulation. It is suggested that the applicability of the theory is restricted to long-term evolution and that variability in the rate of evolution over shorter periods may be of an entirely different nature.  相似文献   

We revisit a model for the evolution of costly social behaviour in the presence of reproductive skew. The model population is structured into groups, and reproductive skew is captured by assuming individuals adopt one of two social roles (dominant/subordinate). Unlike previous work, we adopt an ultimate perspective by tracking a mutant allele over the entire course of an invasion. Our main analysis applies the theory of branching processes, but a parallel analysis using the inclusive-fitness approach is also provided. Our first two results are modifications of known inequalities describing selective advantages for behaviours expressed conditional upon social status. We find that altruistic subordinate individuals are favoured more readily than previously thought; spiteful dominant individuals, however, are favoured less readily. Secondly, we identify the condition under which unconditional altruism (performed by both dominant and subordinate) will be adaptive. Our third main result shows that increasing the strength of selection can also change the range of parameters over which costly social behaviours are favoured. We find that stronger selection makes it relatively easier for subordinate altruism to emerge, but more difficult for dominant spite and unconditional altruism to occur. We discuss the possible implications of our results for human social evolution.  相似文献   

Patterns of human kinship commonly involve preferential treatment of relatives based on lineal descent (lineages) rather than degree of genetic relatedness (kindreds), presenting a challenge for inclusive fitness theory. Here, we examine effects of lineage and kindred characteristics on reproductive success (RS) and number of grandchildren for 130 men and 124 women in a horticultural community on Dominica. Kindreds had little effect on fitness independently of lineage characteristics. Fitness increased with the number of lineal relatives residing in the community but decreased beyond an apparently optimal lineage size, suggesting resource enhancement and competition among kin. Female-biased patrilineage sex ratio was positively associated with men’s fitness, while male-biased matrilineage sex ratio was positively associated with women’s fitness. Number of brothers in the community was negatively associated with men’s, but not women’s, fitness. Parents and number of sisters had no effect on either male or female reproduction; however, women with younger sisters had higher RS, suggesting benefits of kin support for childcare. In sum, imposed norms for lineage social organization may enhance lineal ancestors’ inclusive fitness at a cost to individual inclusive fitness. Research was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (BNS 8920569 and SBR 9205373); the University of Missouri Research Board to MVF; the Earthwatch Center for Field Research to MVF, Marsha B. Quinlan, and RJQ; and the B.S.U. Center for International Programs and Office of Academic Research and Sponsored Programs to RJQ. Marsha Quinlan and Napoleon Chagnon provided valuable advice on earlier drafts. Ed Hagen gave generous help with Descent software for kinship analysis. Many friends, teachers, and consultants in Bwa Mawego contributed generously to this study: the Durand clan—Juranie, Jonah, Elford, Induria, Margelia, Eugenia, Lillia, Elquimedo, Zexia, Delfine, Wilford, Nathalie, and Sarah; the Warringtons—Martina, Amatus, Onia, Belltina, Zabius, Sarah-Gene, and Heckery; the Laudats—Eddie, Benedict, and Dellie; the Laurents—Aron and Tito; the Lewises—Eddie, Melanie, Eulina, Spliffy, Ganjala, Julina, Jalina, and Marietta; Franklin Vigilante; Lawrence Prosper; Edmund Sanderson; Alex and Tita Alie; and especially Mistress Didi and Mr. McField Coipel. Rob Quinlan is Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Ball State University. His main interests include human evolutionary ecology, reproductive development, parental care, kinship, and medical anthropology. He has conducted fieldwork in Dominica since 1993. Mark Flinn is Associate Professor of Anthropology and Psychological Sciences at the University of Missouri-Columbia. His main interests include evolutionary theory, childhood stress, family relationships, and health. He has conducted fieldwork in Dominica every year since 1987.  相似文献   

Ectothermic body temperatures affect organismal performances and presumably fitness, and are strongly influenced by the thermal environment. Therefore, the processes of colonization of novel thermal habitats by lizards might involve changes in thermal preferences, performance curves (reaction norms) and field activity temperatures. According to theory based on optimality analysis, diverse aspects of the thermal biology of vertebrate ectotherms should co-evolve as to maximize performance at the temperature range more often experienced by animals in the field. One corollary of this premise is that derived lizard clades that experienced a significant shift in thermal ecology, in comparison with the ancestral condition, should prefer and select temperatures in a thermal gradient similar to those experienced in nature. Here we report an analysis of the premise stated before. Specifically, we verify whether or not Tropidurinae species from three major Brazilian habitats (the Rainforests, the semi-arid Caatingas and the Cerrados, a Savannah-like biome) differ in thermal ecology and thermoregulatory behavior. The Caatinga is believed to be the ancestral habitat of this sub-family, and differences are expected because species from semi-arid habitats usually exhibit high body temperatures for lizards, whereas forest specialists might be thermoconformers and active at low temperatures. We also compared selected temperatures in the laboratory by species from the two open habitats (Caatingas and Cerrados). Data were analyzed using both conventional and phylogenetic analysis tools. Although species from Caatingas exhibited higher activity temperatures in nature than those from Cerrados, mean selected temperatures were similar between ecological groups. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed these findings and evidenced large␣evolutionary divergence in field activity temperatures between sister species from different␣open habitats without coupled divergence in selected temperatures. Therefore, thermoregulatory behavior and ecological parameters did not evolve similarly during the colonization of contrasting open habitats by Tropidurinae.  相似文献   

More than a century ago, William Morton Wheeler proposed that social insect colonies can be regarded as superorganisms when they have morphologically differentiated reproductive and nursing castes that are analogous to the metazoan germ‐line and soma. Following the rise of sociobiology in the 1970s, Wheeler's insights were largely neglected, and we were left with multiple new superorganism concepts that are mutually inconsistent and uninformative on how superorganismality originated. These difficulties can be traced to the broadened sociobiological concept of eusociality, which denies that physical queen–worker caste differentiation is a universal hallmark of superorganismal colonies. Unlike early evolutionary naturalists and geneticists such as Weismann, Huxley, Fisher and Haldane, who set out to explain the acquisition of an unmated worker caste, the goal of sociobiology was to understand the evolution of eusociality, a broad‐brush convenience category that covers most forms of cooperative breeding. By lumping a diverse spectrum of social systems into a single category, and drawing attention away from the evolution of distinct quantifiable traits, the sociobiological tradition has impeded straightforward connections between inclusive fitness theory and the major evolutionary transitions paradigm for understanding irreversible shifts to higher organizational complexity. We evaluate the history by which these inconsistencies accumulated, develop a common‐cause approach for understanding the origins of all major transitions in eukaryote hierarchical complexity, and use Hamilton's rule to argue that they are directly comparable. We show that only Wheeler's original definition of superorganismality can be unambiguously linked to irreversible evolutionary transitions from context‐dependent reproductive altruism to unconditional differentiation of permanently unmated castes in the ants, corbiculate bees, vespine wasps and higher termites. We argue that strictly monogamous parents were a necessary, albeit not sufficient condition for all transitions to superorganismality, analogous to single‐zygote bottlenecking being a necessary but not sufficient condition for the convergent origins of complex soma across multicellular eukaryotes. We infer that conflict reduction was not a necessary condition for the origin of any of these major transitions, and conclude that controversies over the status of inclusive fitness theory primarily emanate from the arbitrarily defined sociobiological concepts of superorganismality and eusociality, not from the theory itself.  相似文献   

The evolution of population dynamics in a stochastic environment is analysed under a general form of density-dependence with genetic variation in r and K, the intrinsic rate of increase and carrying capacity in the average environment, and in σe2, the environmental variance of population growth rate. The continuous-time model assumes a large population size and a stationary distribution of environments with no autocorrelation. For a given population density, N, and genotype frequency, p, the expected selection gradient is always towards an increased population growth rate, and the expected fitness of a genotype is its Malthusian fitness in the average environment minus the covariance of its growth rate with that of the population. Long-term evolution maximizes the expected value of the density-dependence function, averaged over the stationary distribution of N. In the θ-logistic model, where density dependence of population growth is a function of Nθ, long-term evolution maximizes E[Nθ]=[1−σe2/(2r)]Kθ. While σe2 is always selected to decrease, r and K are always selected to increase, implying a genetic trade-off among them. By contrast, given the other parameters, θ has an intermediate optimum between 1.781 and 2 corresponding to the limits of high or low stochasticity.  相似文献   

The fitness of any evolutionary unit can be understood in terms of its two basic components: fecundity (reproduction) and viability (survival). Trade-offs between these fitness components drive the evolution of life-history traits in extant multicellular organisms. We argue that these trade-offs gain special significance during the transition from unicellular to multicellular life. In particular, the evolution of germ–soma specialization and the emergence of individuality at the cell group (or organism) level are also consequences of trade-offs between the two basic fitness components, or so we argue using a multilevel selection approach. During the origin of multicellularity, we study how the group trade-offs between viability and fecundity are initially determined by the cell level trade-offs, but as the transition proceeds, the fitness trade-offs at the group level depart from those at the cell level. We predict that these trade-offs begin with concave curvature in single-celled organisms but become increasingly convex as group size increases in multicellular organisms. We argue that the increasingly convex curvature of the trade-off function is driven by the cost of reproduction which increases as group size increases. We consider aspects of the biology of the volvocine green algae – which contain both unicellular and multicellular members – to illustrate the principles and conclusions discussed.  相似文献   

A fundamental goal of biology is to understand how new species arise and are maintained. Female mate choice is potentially critical to the speciation process: mate choice can prevent hybridization and thereby generate reproductive isolation between potentially interbreeding groups. Yet, in systems where hybridization occurs, mate choice by hybrid females might also play a key role in reproductive isolation by affecting hybrid fitness and contributing to patterns of gene flow between species. We evaluated whether hybrid mate choice behaviour could serve as such an isolating mechanism using spadefoot toad hybrids of Spea multiplicata and Spea bombifrons. We assessed the mate preferences of female hybrid spadefoot toads for sterile hybrid males vs. pure‐species males in two alternative habitat types in which spadefoots breed: deep or shallow water. We found that, in deep water, hybrid females preferred the calls of sterile hybrid males to those of S. multiplicata males. Thus, maladaptive hybrid mate preferences could serve as an isolating mechanism. However, in shallow water, the preference for hybrid male calls was not expressed. Moreover, hybrid females did not prefer hybrid calls to those of S. bombifrons in either environment. Because hybrid female mate choice was context‐dependent, its efficacy as a reproductive isolating mechanism will depend on both the environment in which females choose their mates as well as the relative frequencies of males in a given population. Thus, reproductive isolation between species, as well as habitat specific patterns of gene flow between species, might depend critically on the nature of hybrid mate preferences and the way in which they vary across environments.  相似文献   

The tetrapod limb, which has served as a paradigm for the study of development and morphological evolution, is becoming a paradigm for developmental evolution as well. In its origin and diversification, the tetrapod limb has undergone a great deal of remodeling. These morphological changes and other evolutionary phenomena have produced variation in mechanisms of tetrapod limb development. Here, we review that variation in the four major clades of limbed tetrapods. Comparisons in a phylogenetic context reveal details of development and evolution that otherwise may have been unclear. Such details include apparent differences in the mechanisms of dorsal-ventral patterning and limb identity specification between mouse and chick and mechanistic novelties in amniotes, anurans, and urodeles. As we gain a better understanding of the details of limb development, further differences among taxa will be revealed. The use of appropriate comparative techniques in a phylogenetic context thus sheds light on evolutionary transitions in limb morphology and the generality of developmental models across species and is therefore important to both evolutionary and developmental biologists.  相似文献   

Genetic and developmental constraints have often been invoked to explain patterns of existing morphologies. Yet, empirical tests addressing this issue directly are still scarce. We here set out to investigate the importance of maternal body size as an evolutionary constraint on egg size in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana, employing an artificial two-trait selection experiment on simultaneous changes in body and egg size (synergistic and antagonistic selection). Selection on maternal body size and egg size was successful in both the synergistic and the antagonistic selection direction. Yet, responses to selection and realized heritabilities varied across selection regimes: the most extreme values for pupal mass were found in the synergistic selection directions, whereas in the antagonistic selection direction realized heritabilities were low and nonsignificant in three of four cases. In contrast, for egg size the highest values were obtained in the lines selected for low pupal mass. Thus, selection on body size yielded a stronger correlated response in egg size than vice versa, which is likely to bias (i.e., constrain), if weakly, evolutionary change in body size. However, it seems questionable whether this will prevent evolution toward novel phenotypes, given enough time and that natural selection is strong. Correlated responses to selection were overall weak. Egg and larval development times tended to be associated with changes in maternal size, whereas variation in pupal development times weakly tended to follow variation in egg size. Lifetime fecundity was similar across selection regimes, except for females simultaneously selected for large body mass and small egg size, exhibiting increased fecundity. Multiple regressions showed that lifetime fecundity and concomitantly reproductive investment were primarily determined by longevity, as expected for an income breeder, whereas egg size was primarily determined by pupal mass. Evidence for a phenotypic trade-off between egg size and number was weak.  相似文献   

Summary The divergence pattern of mammalian ZFY-related genes from human (ZFY and ZFX) and mouse (Zfy-1 and Zfx) was reexamined on the basis of nucleotide substitutions at the synonymous codon-alternating positions. It is possible to explain the unusual divergence pattern of the mammalian Y-linked ZF genes by interchromosomal gene conversion by X-linked ZF genes. Furthermore, the rates of evolution of mammalian X- and Y-linked ZF genes were shown to agree well with those expected from our model. Offprint requests to: T. Miyata  相似文献   

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