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This paper describes genes from yeast and mouse with significant sequence similarities to aDrosophila gene that encodes the blood cell tumor suppressor pendulin. The protein encoded by the yeast gene, Srp1p, and mouse pendulin share 42% and 51% amino acid identity withDrosophila pendulin, respectively. All three proteins consist of 10.5 degenerate tandem repeats of 42 amino acids each. Similar repeats occur in a superfamily of proteins that includes theDrosophila Armadillo protein. All three proteins contain a consensus sequence for a bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) in the N-terminal domain, which is not part of the repeat structure. Confocal microscopic analysis of yeast cells stained with antibodies against Srp1p reveals that this protein is intranuclear throughout the cell cycle. Targeted gene disruption shows thatSRP1 is an essential gene. Despite their sequence similarities,Drosophila and mouse pendulin are unable to rescue the lethality of anSRP1 disruption. We demonstrate that yeast cells depleted of Srp1p arrest in mitosis with a G2 content of DNA. Arrested cells display abnormal structures and orientations of the mitotic spindles, aberrant segregation of the chromatin and the nuclei, and threads of chromatin emanating from the bulk of nuclear DNA. This phenotype suggests that Srplp is required for the normal function of microtubules and the spindle pole bodies, as well as for nuclear integrity. We suggest that Srp1p interacts with multiple components of the cell nucleus that are required for mitosis and discuss its functional similarities to, and differences fromDrosophila pendulin.  相似文献   

Bipolar spindle formation is essential for the accurate segregation of genetic material during cell division. Although centrosomes influence the number of spindle poles during mitosis, motor and non-motor microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) also play key roles in determining spindle morphology. TPX2 is a novel MAP also characterized in Xenopus cell-free extracts. To examine hTPX2 (human TPX2) function in human cells, we used siRNA to knock-down its expression and found that cells lacking hTPX2 arrest in mitosis with multipolar spindles. NuMA, gamma-tubulin, and centrin localize to each pole, and nocodazole treatment of cells lacking hTPX2 demonstrates that the localization of gamma-tubulin to multiple spindle poles requires intact microtubules. Furthermore, we show that the formation of monopolar microtubule arrays in human cell extracts does not require hTPX2, demonstrating that the mechanism by which hTPX2 promotes spindle bipolarity is independent of activities focusing microtubule minus ends at spindle poles. Finally, inhibition of the kinesin Eg5 in hTPX2-depleted cells leads to monopolar spindles, indicating that Eg5 function is necessary for multipolar spindle formation in the absence of hTPX2. Our observations reveal a structural role for hTPX2 in spindles and provide evidence for a balance between microtubule-based motor forces and structural spindle components.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein is a multisubunit minus-end-directed microtubule motor that serves multiple cellular functions. Genetic studies in Drosophila and mouse have demonstrated that dynein function is essential in metazoan organisms. However, whether the essential function of dynein reflects a mitotic requirement, and what specific mitotic tasks require dynein remains controversial. Drosophila is an excellent genetic system in which to analyze dynein function in mitosis, providing excellent cytology in embryonic and somatic cells. We have used previously characterized recessive lethal mutations in the dynein heavy chain gene, Dhc64C, to reveal the contributions of the dynein motor to mitotic centrosome behavior in the syncytial embryo. Embryos lacking wild-type cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain were analyzed by in vivo analysis of rhodamine-labeled microtubules, as well as by immunofluorescence in situ methods. Comparisons between wild-type and Dhc64C mutant embryos reveal that dynein function is required for the attachment and migration of centrosomes along the nuclear envelope during interphase/prophase, and to maintain the attachment of centrosomes to mitotic spindle poles. The disruption of these centrosome attachments in mutant embryos reveals a critical role for dynein function and centrosome positioning in the spatial organization of the syncytial cytoplasm of the developing embryo.  相似文献   

NudC is a highly conserved protein necessary for cytoplasmic dynein-mediated nuclear migration in Aspergillus nidulans. NudC interacts genetically with Aspergillus NudF and physically with its mammalian orthologue Lis1, which is crucial for nuclear and neuronal migration during brain development. To test for related roles for NudC, we performed in utero electroporation into embryonic rat brain of cDNAs encoding shRNAs as well as wild-type and mutant forms of NudC. We show here that NudC, like Lis1, is required for neuronal migration during neocorticogenesis and we identify a specific role in apical nuclear migration in radial glial progenitor cells. These results identify a novel neuronal migration gene with a specific role in interkinetic nuclear migration, consistent with cytoplasmic dynein regulation.  相似文献   

We isolated a Dictyostelium cytokinesis mutant with a defect in a novel locus called large volume sphere A (lvsA). lvsA mutants exhibit an unusual phenotype when attempting to undergo cytokinesis in suspension culture. Early in cytokinesis, they initiate furrow formation with concomitant myosin II localization at the cleavage furrow. However, the furrow is later disrupted by a bulge that forms in the middle of the cell. This bulge is bounded by furrows on both sides, which are often enriched in myosin II. The bulge can increase and decrease in size multiple times as the cell attempts to divide. Interestingly, this phenotype is similar to the cytokinesis failure of Dictyostelium clathrin heavy-chain mutants. Furthermore, both cell lines cap ConA receptors but form only a C-shaped loose cap. Unlike clathrin mutants, lvsA mutants are not defective in endocytosis or development. The LvsA protein shares several domains in common with the molecules beige and Chediak-Higashi syndrome proteins that are important for lysosomal membrane traffic. Thus, on the basis of the sequence analysis of the LvsA protein and the phenotype of the lvsA mutants, we postulate that LvsA plays an important role in a membrane-processing pathway that is essential for cytokinesis.  相似文献   

R Hishida  T Ishihara  K Kondo    I Katsura 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(16):4111-4122
Proteins of the tolloid/bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-1 family play important roles in the differentiation of cell fates. Among those proteins are BMP-1, which plays a role in cartilage and bone formation in mammals, the TOLLOID protein, which is required for the establishment of the dorsoventral axis of Drosophila embryos and BP10/SpAN, which are thought to act in the morphogenesis of sea urchins. These proteins have some properties in common. First, they contain the astacin metalloprotease domain, the CUB domain and the epidermal growth factor-like domain. Second, they are expressed in embryos at stages expected for their role in cell differentiation. Third, at least BMP-1 and TOLLOID are thought to interact with proteins of the transforming growth factor-beta family. We report that the hch-1 gene of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans encodes a tolloid/BMP-1 family protein. The protein has the characteristic domains common to the tolloid/ BMP-1 family. Like other members of the family, it is expressed in embryos. However, the phenotype of hch-1 mutants shows that it is required for normal hatching and normal migration of a post-embryonic neuroblast. Furthermore, in spite of its expression in embryogenesis, it is not required for the viability of embryos. These results show new functions of the tolloid/BMP-1 family proteins and give insight into their evolution.  相似文献   

In order to examine the consequences of a transient increase or decrease in intracellular calmodulin (CaM) levels, two bovine-papilloma-virus (BPV)-based expression vectors capable of inducibly synthesizing CaM sense (BPV-MCM) or anti-sense (BPV-CaMAS) RNA have been constructed and used to stably transform mouse C127 cells. Upon addition of Zn2+, cells containing the BPV-MCM vector have transiently increased CaM mRNA and protein levels. Cells carrying the BPV-CaMAS vector transiently produce CaM anti-sense RNA resulting in a significant decrease in intracellular CaM concentration. Increased CaM caused a transient acceleration of proliferation, while the anti-sense RNA induced decrease in CaM caused a transient cell cycle arrest. Flow cytometric analysis showed that progression through G1 and mitosis was affected by changes in CaM levels. These data indicate that CaM levels may limit the rate of cell-cycle progression under normal conditions of growth.  相似文献   

Deshpande G  Calhoun G  Schedl P 《Genetics》2006,174(3):1287-1298
The FMR family of KH domain RNA-binding proteins is conserved from invertebrates to humans. In humans, inactivation of the X-linked FMR gene fragile X is the most common cause of mental retardation and leads to defects in neuronal architecture. While there are three FMR family members in humans, there is only a single gene, dfmr1, in flies. As in humans, inactivation of dfmr1 causes defects in neuronal architecture and in behavior. dfmr1 has other functions in the fly in addition to neurogenesis. Here we have analyzed its role during early embryonic development. We found that dfmr1 embryos display defects in the rapid nuclear division cycles that precede gastrulation in nuclear migration and in pole cell formation. While the aberrations in nuclear division are correlated with a defect in the assembly of centromeric/centric heterochromatin, the defects in pole cell formation are associated with alterations in the actin-myosin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Loss-of-function mutations in the gene COH1, also known as VPS13B, lead to autosomal recessive Cohen syndrome. However, the cellular distribution and function of the encoded protein COH1 (3997 amino acids), which lacks functional homologies to other mammalian proteins, have remained enigmatic. We show here that COH1 is a peripheral Golgi membrane protein that strongly co-localizes with the cis-Golgi matrix protein GM130. Consistent with its subcellular localization, COH1 depletion using RNAi causes fragmentation of the Golgi ribbon into ministacks. Disruption of Golgi organization observed in fibroblasts from Cohen syndrome patients suggests that Golgi dysfunction contributes to Cohen syndrome pathology. In conclusion, our findings establish COH1 as a Golgi-associated matrix protein required for Golgi integrity.  相似文献   

Fibrillarin is a key small nucleolar protein in eukaryotes, which has an important role in pre-rRNA processing during ribosomal biogenesis. Though several functions of fibrillarin are known, its function during the cell cycle is still unknown. In this study, we confirmed the dynamic localization of fibrillarin during the cell cycle of HeLa cells and also performed functional studies by using a combination of immunofluorescence microscopy and RNAi technique. We observed that depletion of fibrillarin has almost no effect on the nucleolar structure. However, fibrillarin-depleted cells showed abnormal nuclear morphology. Moreover, fibrillarin depletion resulted in the reduction of the cellular growth and modest accumulation of cells with 4n DNA content. Our data suggest that fibrillarin would play a critical role in the maintenance of nuclear shape and cellular growth.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,129(6):1491-1507
We describe the dynamic intracellular localization of Drosophila Pendulin and its role in the control of cell proliferation. Pendulin is a new member of a superfamily of proteins which contains Armadillo (Arm) repeats and displays extensive sequence similarities with the Srp1 protein from yeast, with RAG-1 interacting proteins from humans, and with the importin protein from Xenopus. Almost the entire polypeptide chain of Pendulin is composed of degenerate tandem repeats of approximately 42 amino acids each. A short NH2-terminal domain contains adjacent consensus sequences for nuclear localization and cdc2 kinase phosphorylation. The subcellular distribution of Pendulin is dependent on the phase of cell cycle. During interphase, Pendulin protein is exclusively found in the cytoplasm of embryonic cells. At the transition between G2 and M-phase, Pendulin rapidly translocates into the nuclei where it is distributed throughout the nucleoplasm and the areas around the chromosomes. In the larval CNS, Pendulin is predominantly expressed in the dividing neuroblasts, where it undergoes the same cell cycle-dependent redistribution as in embryos. Pendulin is encoded by the oho31 locus and is expressed both maternally and zygotically. We describe the phenotypes of recessive lethal mutations in the oho31 gene that result in a massive decrease or loss of zygotic Pendulin expression. Hematopoietic cells of mutant larvae overproliferate and form melanotic tumors, suggesting that Pendulin normally acts as a blood cell tumor suppressor. In contrast, growth and proliferation in imaginal tissues are reduced and irregular, resulting in abnormal development of imaginal discs and the CNS of the larvae. This phenotype shows that Pendulin is required for normal growth regulation. Based on the structure of the protein, we propose that Pendulin may serve as an adaptor molecule to form complexes with other proteins. The sequence similarity with importin indicates that Pendulin may play a role in the nuclear import of karyophilic proteins and some of these may be required for the normal transmission and function of proliferative signals in the cells.  相似文献   

Ohkuni K  Okuda A  Kikuchi A 《Genetics》2003,165(2):517-529
Nbp2p is a Nap1-binding protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae identified by its interaction with Nap1 by a two-hybrid system. NBP2 encodes a novel protein consisting of 236 amino acids with a Src homology 3 (SH3) domain. We showed that NBP2 functions to promote mitotic cell growth at high temperatures and cell wall integrity. Loss of Nbp2 results in cell death at high temperatures and in sensitivity to calcofluor white. Cell death at high temperature is thought not to be due to a weakened cell wall. Additionally, we have isolated several type-2C serine threonine protein phosphatases (PTCs) as multicopy suppressors and MAP kinase-kinase (MAPKK), related to the yeast PKC MAPK pathway, as deletion suppressors of the nbp2Delta mutant. Screening for deletion suppressors is a new genetic approach to identify and characterize additional proteins in the Nbp2-dependent pathway. Genetic analyses suggested that Ptc1, which interacts with Nbp2 by the two-hybrid system, acts downstream of Nbp2 and that cells lacking the function of Nbp2 prefer to lose Mkk1, but the PKC MAPK pathway itself is indispensable when Nbp2 is deleted at high temperature.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: During asymmetric cell division in the Drosophila nervous system, Numb segregates into one of two daughter cells where it is required for the establishment of the correct cell fate. Numb is uniformly cortical in interphase, but in late prophase, the protein concentrates in the cortical area overlying one of two centrosomes in an actin/myosin-dependent manner. What triggers the asymmetric localization of Numb at the onset of mitosis is unclear. RESULTS: We show here that the mitotic kinase Aurora-A is required for the asymmetric localization of Numb. In Drosophila sensory organ precursor (SOP) cells mutant for the aurora-A allele aurA(37), Numb is uniformly localized around the cell cortex during mitosis and segregates into both daughter cells, leading to cell fate transformations in the SOP lineage. aurA(37) mutant cells also fail to recruit Centrosomin (Cnn) and gamma-Tubulin to centrosomes during mitosis, leading to spindle morphology defects. However, Numb still localizes asymmetrically in cnn mutants or after disruption of microtubules, indicating that there are two independent functions for Aurora-A in centrosome maturation and asymmetric protein localization during mitosis. Using photobleaching of a GFP-Aurora fusion protein, we show that two rapidly exchanging pools of Aurora-A are present in the cytoplasm and at the centrosome and might carry out these two functions. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that activation of the Aurora-A kinase at the onset of mitosis is required for the actin-dependent asymmetric localization of Numb. Aurora-A is also involved in centrosome maturation and spindle assembly, indicating that it regulates both actin- and microtubule-dependent processes in mitotic cells.  相似文献   

The NUF2 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes an essential 53-kd protein with a high content of potential coiled-coil structure similar to myosin. Nuf2 is associated with the spindle pole body (SPB) as determined by coimmunofluorescence with known SPB proteins. Nuf2 appears to be localized to the intranuclear region and is a candidate for a protein involved in SPB separation. The nuclear association of Nuf2 can be disrupted, in part, by 1 M salt but not by the detergent Triton X-100. All Nuf2 can be removed from nuclei by 8 M urea extraction. In this regard, Nuf2 is similar to other SPB- associated proteins including Nufl/SPC110, also a coiled-coil protein. Temperature-sensitive alleles of NUF2 were generated within the coiled- coil region of Nuf2 and such NUF2 mutant cells rapidly arrest after temperature shift with a single undivided or partially divided nucleus in the bud neck, a shortened mitotic spindle and their DNA fully replicated. In sum, Nuf2 is a protein associated with the SPB that is critical for nuclear division. Anti-Nuf2 antibodies also recognize a mammalian 73-kd protein and display centrosome staining of mammalian tissue culture cells suggesting the presence of a protein with similar function.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,123(6):1635-1648
The smc1-1 mutant was identified initially as a mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that had an elevated rate of minichromosome nondisjunction. We have cloned the wild-type SMC1 gene. The sequence of the SMC1 gene predicts that its product (Smc1p) is a 141-kD protein, and antibodies against Smc1 protein detect a protein with mobility of 165 kD. Analysis of the primary and putative secondary structure of Smc1p suggests that it contains two central coiled-coil regions flanked by an amino- terminal nucleoside triphosphate (NTP)-binding head and a conserved carboxy-terminal tail. These analyses also indicate that Smc1p is an evolutionary conserved protein and is a member of a new family of proteins ubiquitous among prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The SMC1 gene is essential for viability. Several phenotypic characteristics of the mutant alleles of smc1 gene indicate that its product is involved in some aspects of nuclear metabolism, most likely in chromosome segregation. The smc1-1 and smc1-2 mutants have a dramatic increase in mitotic loss of a chromosome fragment and chromosome III, respectively, but have no increase in mitotic recombination. Depletion of SMC1 function in the ts mutant, smc1-2, causes a dramatic mitosis-related lethality. Smc1p-depleted cells have a defect in nuclear division as evidenced by the absence of anaphase cells. This phenotype of the smc1- 2 mutant is not RAD9 dependent. Based upon the facts that Smc1p is a member of a ubiquitous family, and it is essential for yeast nuclear division, we propose that Smc1p and Smc1p-like proteins function in a fundamental aspect of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell division.  相似文献   

Endocytosis resumes during late mitosis and is required for cytokinesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent work has underscored the importance of membrane trafficking events during cytokinesis. For example, targeted membrane secretion occurs at the cleavage furrow in animal cells, and proteins that regulate endocytosis also influence the process of cytokinesis. Nonetheless, the prevailing dogma is that endosomal membrane trafficking ceases during mitosis and resumes after cell division is complete. In this study, we have characterized endocytic membrane trafficking events that occur during mammalian cell cytokinesis. We have found that, although endocytosis ceases during the early stages of mitosis, it resumes during late mitosis in a temporally and spatially regulated pattern as cells progress from anaphase to cytokinesis. Using fixed and live cell imaging, we have found that, during cleavage furrow ingression, vesicles are internalized from the polar region and subsequently trafficked to the midbody area during later stages of cytokinesis. In addition, we have demonstrated that cytokinesis is inhibited when clathrin-mediated endocytosis is blocked using a series of dominant negative mutants. In contrast to previous thought, we conclude that endocytosis resumes during the later stages of mitosis, before cytokinesis is completed. Furthermore, based on our findings, we propose that the proper regulation of endosomal membrane traffic is necessary for the successful completion of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Kinetochore dynein has been implicated in microtubule capture, correcting inappropriate microtubule attachments, chromosome movement, and checkpoint silencing. It remains unclear how dynein coordinates this diverse set of functions. Phosphorylation is responsible for some dynein heterogeneity (Whyte, J., Bader, J. R., Tauhata, S. B., Raycroft, M., Hornick, J., Pfister, K. K., Lane, W. S., Chan, G. K., Hinchcliffe, E. H., Vaughan, P. S., and Vaughan, K. T. (2008) J. Cell Biol. 183, 819-834), and phosphorylated and dephosphorylated forms of dynein coexist at prometaphase kinetochores. In this study, we measured the impact of inhibiting polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) on both dynein populations. Phosphorylated dynein was ablated at kinetochores after inhibiting Plk1 with a small molecule inhibitor (5-Cyano-7-nitro-2-(benzothiazolo-N-oxide)-carboxamide) or chemical genetic approaches. The total complement of kinetochore dynein was also reduced but not eliminated, reflecting the presence of some dephosphorylated dynein after Plk1 inhibition. Although Plk1 inhibition had a profound effect on dynein, kinetochore populations of dynactin, spindly, and zw10 were not reduced. Plk1-independent dynein was reduced after p150(Glued) depletion, consistent with the binding of dephosphorylated dynein to dynactin. Plk1 phosphorylated dynein intermediate chains at Thr-89 in vitro and generated the phospho-Thr-89 phospho-epitope on recombinant dynein intermediate chains. Finally, inhibition of Plk1 induced defects in microtubule capture and persistent microtubule attachment, suggesting a role for phosphorylated dynein in these functions during prometaphase. These findings suggest that Plk1 is a dynein kinase required for recruitment of phosphorylated dynein to kinetochores.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):2573-2586
BIK1 function is required for nuclear fusion, chromosome disjunction, and nuclear segregation during mitosis. The BIK1 protein colocalizes with tubulin to the spindle pole body and mitotic spindle. Synthetic lethality observed in double mutant strains containing a mutation in the BIK1 gene and in the gene for alpha- or beta-tubulin is consistent with a physical interaction between BIK1 and tubulin. Furthermore, over- or underexpression of BIK1 causes aberrant microtubule assembly and function, bik1 null mutants are viable but contain very short or undetectable cytoplasmic microtubules. Spindle formation often occurs strictly within the mother cell, probably accounting for the many multinucleate and anucleate bik1 cells. Elevated levels of chromosome loss in bik1 cells are indicative of defective spindle function. Nuclear fusion is blocked in bik1 x bik1 zygotes, which have truncated cytoplasmic microtubules. Cells overexpressing BIK1 initially have abnormally short or nonexistent spindle microtubules and long cytoplasmic microtubules. Subsequently, cells lose all microtubule structures, coincident with the arrest of division. Based on these results, we propose that BIK1 is required stoichiometrically for the formation or stabilization of microtubules during mitosis and for spindle pole body fusion during conjugation.  相似文献   

After mid-blastula transition, populations of cells within the Xenopus embryo become motile. Using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides, we find that Vg1 RBP, an RNA-binding protein implicated in RNA localization in oocytes, is required for the migration of cells forming the roof plate of the neural tube and, subsequently, for neural crest migration. These cells are properly determined but remain at their site of origin. Consistent with a possible role in cell movement, Vg1 RBP asymmetrically localizes to extended processes in migrating neural crest cells. Given that Vg1 RBP is a member of the conserved VICKZ family of proteins, expressed in embryonic and neoplastic cells, these data shed light on the likely role of these RNA-binding proteins in regulating cell movements during both development and metastasis.  相似文献   

Mutations in the human dynamin-related protein Drp1 cause mitochondria to form perinuclear clusters. We show here that these mitochondrial clusters consist of highly interconnected mitochondrial tubules. The increased connectivity between mitochondria indicates that the balance between mitochondrial division and fusion is shifted toward fusion. Such a shift is consistent with a block in mitochondrial division. Immunofluorescence and subcellular fractionation show that endogenous Drp1 is localized to mitochondria, which is also consistent with a role in mitochondrial division. A direct role in mitochondrial division is suggested by time-lapse photography of transfected cells, in which green fluorescent protein fused to Drp1 is concentrated in spots that mark actual mitochondrial division events. We find that purified human Drp1 can self-assemble into multimeric ring-like structures with dimensions similar to those of dynamin multimers. The structural and functional similarities between dynamin and Drp1 suggest that Drp1 wraps around the constriction points of dividing mitochondria, analogous to dynamin collars at the necks of budding vesicles. We conclude that Drp1 contributes to mitochondrial division in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

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