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Increased nonenzymatic glycosylation of all major classes of apolipoproteins has been demonstrated in diabetes. In this work we deal with the in vitro nonenzymatic glycosylation of apolipoprotein H, whose role in lipid metabolism is still poorly understood and whose levels increase in diabetes. Apolipoprotein H was isolated from human plasma and purified through a combination of affinity chromatography and continuous elution electrophoresis. The in vitro glycosylation was performed by incubating purified apolipoprotein H with high concentration of glucose. Our results indicate that the in vitro nonenzymatic glycosylation has no effect on the physical properties of apolipoprotein H, despite the fact that this apolipoprotein contains a high number of lysine residues. Since the in vitro concentration of glucose was far higher than the levels normally found in diabetic subjects, it is unlikely for apolipoprotein H to become glycosylated in diabetes.  相似文献   

The specific binding of digoxigenin-labeled lectins to carbohydrate moieties is used to characterize the carbohydrate chains bound to apolipoprotein H. Our results show that apolipoprotein H is rich in sialic acid linked (2–6) to galactose or N-acetylgalactosamine. Sialic acid is not (2–3)-linked to galactose. Galactose is (1–4)-linked to N-acetylglucosamine and (1–3)-linked to N-acetylgalactosamine. High-mannose N-glycan chains are barely detectable. After N-glycosidase F treatment the molecular weight is substantially reduced. The main band is 32,500 daltons. Carbohydrate O-linked chains, which are mainly represented by sialic acid, are (2–6)-linked to galactose or N-acetylgalactosamine. Galactose is also organized in O-linked chains and it is (1–4)-linked to N-acetylglucosamine and (1–3)-linked to acetylgalactosamine. Biochemical analysis of carbohydrate structures reveals that no specific carbohydrate complex is bound to a single isoform.  相似文献   

β细胞素(betacellulin,BTC)是目前较受关注的胰岛再生因子,但其促胰腺、胰岛再生的机制不清.BTCe是betacellulin的功能片段,促细胞增殖能力与BTC相同.实验通过原核表达方法获得BTCe蛋白,MTT法证实其促3T3-L1细胞增殖能力.将BTC或BTCe作用于原代培养的大鼠胰岛,观察其对胰岛分泌的急性及长期影响作用,实时定量PCR及免疫荧光检测胰岛内关键基因的表达.将质粒pcDNA3.1-BTCe注射入链脲霉素(STZ)诱导的糖尿病大鼠肌肉中,观察对大鼠血糖的影响作用.加入BTC或BTCe可明显提高体外培养大鼠胰岛的GSIS水平,但实时定量PCR及免疫荧光显示胰岛内4种关键基因的表达并无明显变化;pcDNA3.1-BTCe转染糖尿病大鼠15~20天后血糖出现下降,糖耐量明显改善;免疫荧光显示:胰腺内有大量PDX-1 的导管细胞及胰岛素阳性细胞出现.推测BTC及BTCe对体外长期培养的大鼠胰岛具有一定的保护作用,可能通过促进胰腺内PDX-1 的导管细胞及胰岛素阳性细胞的增殖、诱导对STZ诱导的糖尿病大鼠的高血糖具有一定缓解作用.  相似文献   

We have earlier identified and purified two protein-lysine N-methyltransferases (Protein methylase III) fromEuglena gracilis [J. Biol. Chem.,260, 7114 (1985)]. The enzymes were highly specific toward histone H1 (lysine-rich), and the enzymatic products were identified as -N-mono-, di- and trimethyllysines. These earlier studies, however, were carried out with rat liver histone H1 as thein vitro substrate. Presently, histone H1 has been purified fromEuglena gracilis through Bio-Rex 70 and Bio-Gel P-100 column chromatography. TheEuglena histone H1 showed a single band on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and behaved like other histone H1 of higher animals, whereas it had a much higherR f value than the other histones H1 in acid/urea gel electrophoresis. When theEuglena histone H1 was [methyl-3H]-labeledin vitro by a homologous enzyme (one of the twoEuglena protein methylase III) and analyzed on two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, three distinctive subtypes of histone H1 were shown to be radiolabeled, whereas five subtypes of rat liver histone H1 were found to be labeled. Finally, by the combined use of a strong cation exchange and reversed-phase Resolve C18 columns on HPLC, we demonstrated thatEuglena histone H1 contains approximately 9 mol% of -N-methyllysines (1.40, 1.66, and 5.62 mol% for -N-mono-, di- and trimethyllysines, respectively). This is the first demonstration of the natural occurrence of -N-methyllysines in histone H1.  相似文献   

为探究乌龙茶水提液的不同膜分离工艺对产品品质、生化成分及体外抗氧化活性的影响,采用陶瓷膜(500 nm)和超滤膜(20、10、5、3.5 kD)对乌龙茶水提液进行分离,经喷雾干燥制得茶粉。通过感官品质、物理性质等方面评价不同膜分离工艺所制备的茶粉品质,并对茶粉的主要生化成分进行分析比较。同时,通过DPPH自由基清除力、FRAP氧化还原力、羟基自由基清除力、抗超氧阴离子活力方法评价茶粉的体外抗氧化活性。结果表明,陶瓷膜透过液的感官品质综合得分最高,体外抗氧化活性亦最高。500 nm陶瓷膜可有效分离与富集茶多酚(TPs)、游离氨基酸(FAAs)、咖啡碱(CAF)、可溶性糖(SPS)等物质,还可达到除杂效果,经陶瓷膜分离后的乌龙茶水提液再经超滤膜分离,对TPs、CAF、SPS、儿茶素组分无分离与富集效果。截留分子量小于10 kDa的超滤膜可有效分离与富集游离氨基酸。500 nm陶瓷膜截留液的SPS含量最高,但综合感官品质最差,抗氧化活性最低。基于品质、功效、节能3大要素考虑,500 nm陶瓷膜透过液制备的茶粉综合品质最优。  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the C-terminal end of histone H2A.X is the most characterized histone post-translational modification in DNA double-stranded breaks (DSB). DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) is one of the three phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase-like family of kinase members that is known to phosphorylate histone H2A.X during DNA DSB repair. There is a growing body of evidence supporting a role for histone acetylation in DNA DSB repair, but the mechanism or the causative relation remains largely unknown. Using bacterially expressed recombinant mutants and stably and transiently transfected cell lines, we find that DNA-PK can phosphorylate Thr-136 in addition to Ser-139 both in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, the phosphorylation reaction is not inhibited by the presence of H1, which in itself is a substrate of the reaction. We also show that, in contrast to previous reports, the ability of the enzyme to phosphorylate these residues is not affected by the extent of acetylation of the core histones. In vitro assembled nucleosomes and HeLa S3 native oligonucleosomes consisting of non-acetylated and acetylated histones are equally phosphorylated by DNA-PK. We demonstrate that the apparent differences in the extent of phosphorylation previously observed can be accounted for by the differential chromatin solubility under the MgCl2 concentrations required for the phosphorylation reaction in vitro. Finally, we show that although H2A.X does not affect nucleosome conformation, it has a de-stabilizing effect that is enhanced by the DNA-PK-mediated phosphorylation and results in an impaired histone H1 binding.  相似文献   

CYP107H1, from Bacillus subtilis 168 known as fatty acid hydroxylase, showed the ortho-specific hydroxylation activity to daidzein, when coupled to the putidaredoxin reductase (camA) and putidaredoxin (camB) from Pseudomonas putida as the redox partners. The electron transfer system of the three proteins was constructed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) system using the two plasmids containing different selection markers. The daidzein hydroxylation was demonstrated with recombinant whole cell and in vitro system using the artificial redox partner for electron transfer. The identification of the hydroxylation reaction yielding 7,3′,4′-trihydroxyisoflavone was elucidated using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC–MS). This oxidizing activity of CYP107H1 towards daidzein represents the new hydroxylation of aromatic compound as substrate.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis and X-ray absorption spectroscopy studies have previously shown that the tRNA-guanine transglycosylase (TGT) from Escherichia coli is a zinc metalloprotein and identified the enzymic ligands to the zinc [Chong et al. (1995), Biochemistry 34, 3694–3701; Garcia et al. (1966), Biochemistry 35, 3133–3139]. During these studies one mutant, TGT (C265A), was found to exhibit a significantly lower specific activity, but was not found to be involved in the zinc site. The present report demonstrates that TGT is inactivated by treatment with thiol reagents (e.g., DTNB, MMTS, and N-ethylmaleimide). Further, this inactivation is shown to be due to modification of cysteine 265. The kinetic parameters for the mutants TGT (C265A) and TGT (C265S), however, suggest that this residue is not performing a critical role in the TGT reaction. We conclude that cysteine 265 is in the active site of TGT, but is not performing a critical catalytic function. This conclusion is supported by the recent determination of the X-ray crystal structure of the TGT from Zymomonas mobilis [Romier et al. (1966), EMBO J. 15, 2850–2857], which reveals that the residue corresponding to cysteine 265 is distant from the putative catalytic site, but is in the middle of a region of the enzyme surface proposed to bind tRNA.  相似文献   

为研发一种用于治疗2型糖尿病的新型生物药物,本研究运用实验室前期构建的10rolglp-1基因和CRISPR/Cas9基因组编辑技术创建了重组酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)工程菌株。构建了向导RNA(guide RNA,gRNA)表达载体pyES2-gRNA、供体载体pNK1-L-PGK-10rolGLP-1-R和Cas9表达载体pGADT7-Cas9,将这些表达载体共转化酿酒酵母INVSc1菌株,通过同源重组途径敲入PGK-10rolGLP-1表达单元,最终得到具有降血糖功能、高表达10rolGLP-1的酿酒酵母。通过SDS-PAGE和蛋白质印迹,筛选出2种稳定表达10rolGLP-1的酿酒酵母重组菌株。降血糖实验结果表明,重组降血糖酿酒酵母对糖尿病小鼠模型具有显著的降血糖作用,其血糖下降平缓,可避免引起低血糖风险。体重变化和多尿等其他症状也明显改善,表明本研究构建的口服降血糖酿酒酵母有望成为一种简单有效、经济实用的糖尿病生物药物。  相似文献   

The diabetes mellitus (DM)-induced reduction of neurogenesis in the hippocampus is consequently accompanied by cognitive decline. The present study set out to define the critical role played by long noncoding RNA H19 (lncRNA H19) in the apoptosis of hippocampal neurons, as well as oxidative stress (OS) in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced DM mice through regulation of insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) methylation. The expression of lncRNA H19 in the hippocampal neurons and surviving neurons were detected. Hippocampal neurons were cultured and transfected with oe-H19, sh-H19, oe-IGF2, or sh-IGF2, followed by detection of the expressions of IGF2 and apoptosis-related genes. Determination of the lipid peroxide and glutathione levels was conducted, while antioxidant enzyme activity was identified. The IGF2 methylation, the binding of lncRNA H19 to DNA methyltransferase, and the binding of lncRNA H19 to IGF2 promoter region were detected. DM mice exhibited high expressions of H19, as well as a decreased hippocampal neurons survival rate. Higher lncRNA H19 expression was found in DM. Upregulated lncRNA H19 significantly increased the expression of Bax and caspase-3 but decreased that of Bcl-2, thus promoting the apoptosis of hippocampal neuron. Besides, upregulation of lncRNA H19 induced OS. LncRNA H19 was observed to bind specifically to the IGF2 gene promoter region and promote IGF2 methylation by enriching DNA methyltransferase, thereby silencing IGF2 expression. Taken together, downregulated lncRNA H19 reduces IGF2 methylation and enhances its expression, thereby suppressing hippocampal neuron apoptosis and OS in STZ-induced (DM) mice.  相似文献   

Aqueous extract of Ocimum canum Sim, (Lamiaceae) is used by some Ghanaians to manage diabetes mellitus. In vivo modulation of levels of fasting blood glucose by 0. canum extract was evaluated in type-II diabetes mellitus using the C57BL/KsJ db/db genetically diabetic animal model, and its effects on glucose-stimulated insulin release in vitro were monitored using isolated rat pancreatic beta-islet cells. The results showed that fasting blood glucose levels and body weight decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in diabetic and non-diabetic C57BL/KsJ mice, which were administered aqueous extract of 0. canum. In vitro, the 0. canum extract significantly enhanced insulin release from isolated rat pancreatic beta-islet cells. Insulin release was found to be dependent on glucose concentration and increased with increasing O. canum concentration in the incubation medium up to an optimum extract concentration of 0.03 mg/ml. Release of the hormone decreased beyond this concentration of extract in the medium. Addition to the medium of Desmodium adscendens, a plant preparation used to manage inflammatory disorders, did not increase but rather inhibited insulin secretion by the pancreatic beta-islet cells. These results could explain the use of 0. canum in Ghanaian folk medicine to manage diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Thirty-two steers orally inoculated with a four-strain mixture (1010 CFU) of nalidixic acid-resistant Escherichia coli O157:H7 had sun-dried Ascophyllum nodosum seaweed (Tasco-14™) added to their barley-based diet (860 g/kg barley grain and 90 g/kg whole crop barley silage, dry matter basis) to assess its effectiveness in reducing fecal shedding of the pathogen. Steers were housed in four groups of eight and received Tasco-14™ in the diet, in place of barley, at levels (as fed) of 10 g/kg for 14 days (T1-14), 20 g/kg for 7 days (T2-7), 20 g/kg for 14 days (T2-14), or not at all (i.e., control, CON). The dietary treatments commenced 7 days after E. coli O157:H7 inoculation and fecal shedding patterns were examined over 14 weeks. Water, water–trough interface, feed and fecal pat samples were also collected weekly and cultured for E. coli O157:H7. Detection of the pathogen in fecal samples was less frequent (P<0.05) in T1-14 (99/168) and T2-7 (84/168) versus CON (135/168) and T2-14 (115/168), and the concentrations of E. coli O157:H7 recovered in feces from T1-14 and T2-7 steers were lower (P<0.005) than from CON or T2-14 steers. Rates of decline in shedding of E. coli O157:H7 were similar among treatments, but final numbers of E. coli O157:H7 were lower (P<0.05) in T1-14 and T2-7 as compared to T2-14 and CON. Fecal volatile fatty acid concentrations and pH were similar among treatments, suggesting no fecal alterations that were antagonistic to survival. E. coli O157:H7 was present in 1 (from T2-7) of 56 cattle drinking water samples, 2 of 56 (T1-14, CON) feed samples and 32 of 56 fecal pats. A second experiment investigated effects of the dietary treatment on growth performance of non-inoculated sheep. Tasco-14™ was administered to 40 individually fed Canadian Arcott lambs beginning at day 56 of a 105-day finishing period. The lambs received Tasco-14™ at 0 g/kg (control, CON), at 10 g/kg for 14 days (T1-14), 20 g/kg for 14 days (T2-14), 10 g/kg for 28 days (T1-28) or at 20 g/kg for 7 days (T2-7) as a top-dress on their pelleted, barley grain-based diet (n = 8). E. coli O157:H7 was not isolated from fecal samples collected at 4-week intervals, but generic E. coli populations were lower (P<0.05) in T1-28 lambs than in other treatments. Average daily gain, feed intake, feed efficiency and carcass traits did not differ among treatments. Our challenge study supports past studies showing that Tasco-14™ decreases shedding of E. coli O157:H7 by cattle. The lamb study shows that this additive did not directly affect feed intake or animal growth.  相似文献   

目的:研究白花地胆草(Elephantopus mollis H.B.K.)的乙醇提取物EM-12抗肿瘤作用分子机制。方法:MTT检测EM-12对卵巢癌细胞活性影响;克隆形成抑制实验检测EM-12对卵巢癌细胞增殖能力的影响;GO功能分析(gene ontology analysis)分析EM-12对卵巢癌2774-C10细胞的影响;PI单染检测细胞周期;Annexin V-FITC/PI双染法检测细胞凋亡;Western blotting检测细胞凋亡、周期相关蛋白。结果:MTT实验结果表明,EM-12可以显著抑制卵巢癌细胞的活性;RNASeq及GO功能分析表明EM-12诱导2774-C10发生G1/S期阻滞;克隆形成抑制实验结果表明,EM-12可以显著抑制卵巢癌细胞的增殖;流式细胞术结果表明,随着药物浓度的增加,凋亡率逐渐增加,并且G_1期细胞比例逐渐增加,S期细胞比例减少,发生G_1/S期阻滞。Western blotting结果表明,随着药物浓度的增加cyclin E_2、cyclin D_1、CDK2、CDK6蛋白水平下降,并伴随caspase-8、caspase-3活化及多聚ADP核糖聚合酶PARP酶切失活。结论:EM-12诱导卵巢癌细胞发生G_1/S期阻滞,且通过死亡受体通路诱导细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

Comamonas terrigena N3H was immobilized by covalent linking on silanized inorganic supports and by physical entrapment of cells within calcium alginate beads and reticulated polyurethane foam. Both entrapped cells were efficient for the primary biodegradation of the anionic surfactants dihexyl sulphosuccinate (DHSS) and dioctyl sulphosuccinate (DOSS), furthermore, exhibiting, in the case of polyurethane immobilized cells, a positive fractionating effect of the substrate by adsorption onto the polymer matrix. The overall kinetics for the surfactant removal from water were well-fitted to a biphasic process, a rapid passive sorption step of the surfactant onto the cell-loaded support and the intrinsic primary biodegradation slower step, both acting synergically.  相似文献   

BackgroundSetaria italica (common name- foxtail, kangni) is one of the major food crops which is prominently cultivated in southern regions of India and in certain regions of Uttar Pradesh. Besides the crop’s consumption as a general source of carbohydrate rich cereal, the seeds of the crop are comprised of more fiber. So, it is recommended to add in the dietary supplementation of the diabetic people across the country.ObjectiveIn this paper, it intends to investigate the antidiabetic activity and antioxidant activity of S. italica (foxtail millet) seeds in diabetic rats.MethodsThe six genotypes of foxtail millets (S. italica) namely Kangni-1, Kangni-4, Kangni-5, Kangni-6, Kangni-7 & Kangni-10 respectively were subjected to in vitro investigations via. comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) involving blood glucose study, Kidney & Liver function test, and antioxidant study (Catalase test; Glutathione S-transferase (GST); Superoxide Dismutase (SOD); glutathione (GSH); hiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) & Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and were performed in vivo animal investigations in Wistar rats. The STZ induced diabetic rats were fed with doses of different S. italica seed aqueous extract to evaluate its anti-hyperglycemic activity by oral administration of SISAE. Further, it was compared with Glibenclamide which acts as one of the standard oral hypoglycemic agents.ResultsFrom achieved outcomes, a significant fall of blood glucose level (70%) produced 300 mg SISAE/kg b.w. after 6 h of extract administration. However, no change could be produced by these doses of the SISAE in normal rats’ blood glucose levels. A significant fall in glucose level along with significant glycemic control by lower HbA1c levels was observed in diabetic treated rats after 3 weeks of treatment with 300 mg of SISAE/kg b.w./day when comparing to untreated diabetic rats. Among these five genotypes of S. italica, the differences in the glycemic index were found. a significant fall could be found in blood glucose levels of Wistar rats, when every experimental rat was incorporating with the extract of different genotypes of Setaria italica L. Beauv than the rats treated with Glibenclamide in every 7 days of interval. The level of catalase, SOD, GST, GPx, GSH and TBARS showed variation while the rats were fed with the extract of S. italica in the liver test of rats. In kidney function test, the result shows that there is significant relationship between foxtail extract and kidney function of STZ induced diabetes rats. They show the change in their serum creatinine level, serum urea and serum uric acid.ConclusionThe result obtained from the study shows that the extract of S. italica seeds is capable for the hypolipidemic and antihyperglycemic activities, thereby, they serve as one of the good sources for herbal medicinal items.  相似文献   

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