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An interplay among experimental studies of protein synthesis, evolutionary theory, and comparisons of DNA sequence data has shed light on the roles of natural selection and genetic drift in ‘silent’ DNA evolution.  相似文献   

Much effort and interest have focused on assessing the importance of natural selection, particularly positive natural selection, in shaping the human genome. Although scans for positive selection have identified candidate loci that may be associated with positive selection in humans, such scans do not indicate whether adaptation is frequent in general in humans. Studies based on the reasoning of the MacDonald–Kreitman test, which, in principle, can be used to evaluate the extent of positive selection, suggested that adaptation is detectable in the human genome but that it is less common than in Drosophila or Escherichia coli. Both positive and purifying natural selection at functional sites should affect levels and patterns of polymorphism at linked nonfunctional sites. Here, we search for these effects by analyzing patterns of neutral polymorphism in humans in relation to the rates of recombination, functional density, and functional divergence with chimpanzees. We find that the levels of neutral polymorphism are lower in the regions of lower recombination and in the regions of higher functional density or divergence. These correlations persist after controlling for the variation in GC content, density of simple repeats, selective constraint, mutation rate, and depth of sequencing coverage. We argue that these results are most plausibly explained by the effects of natural selection at functional sites—either recurrent selective sweeps or background selection—on the levels of linked neutral polymorphism. Natural selection at both coding and regulatory sites appears to affect linked neutral polymorphism, reducing neutral polymorphism by 6% genome-wide and by 11% in the gene-rich half of the human genome. These findings suggest that the effects of natural selection at linked sites cannot be ignored in the study of neutral human polymorphism.  相似文献   

Population differentiation can be driven in large part by natural selection, but selectively neutral evolution can play a prominent role in shaping patters of population divergence. The decomposition of the evolutionary history of populations into the relative effects of natural selection and selectively neutral evolution enables an understanding of the causes of population divergence and adaptation. In this study, we examined heterogeneous genomic divergence between alpine and lowland ecotypes of the allopolyploid plant, Anemone multifida. Using peak height and dominant AFLP data, we quantified population differentiation at non-outlier (neutral) and outlier loci to determine the potential contribution of natural selection and selectively neutral evolution to population divergence. We found 13 candidate loci, corresponding to 2.7% of loci, with signatures of divergent natural selection between alpine and lowland populations and between alpine populations (Fst  = 0.074–0.445 at outlier loci), but neutral population differentiation was also evident between alpine populations (FST  = 0.041–0.095 at neutral loci). By examining population structure at both neutral and outlier loci, we determined that the combined effects of selection and neutral evolution are associated with the divergence of alpine populations, which may be linked to extreme abiotic conditions and isolation between alpine sites. The presence of outlier levels of genetic variation in structured populations underscores the importance of separately analyzing neutral and outlier loci to infer the relative role of divergent natural selection and neutral evolution in population divergence.  相似文献   

One often reads the following claims: (1) The modern conception of natural selection differs from Darwin's own conception only with respect to incidental features; (2) Natural selection is a very simple idea with enormous explanatory power. Both claims are problematic. R.A. Fisher famously argued that given a particulate view of inheritance, selection could proceed in a powerful manner even with frequent crossing, small fitness advantages and a low mutation rate. This is quite different from Darwin's view, which (roughly translated into a modern idiom) insists on infrequent crossing, large fitness advantages and a high mutation rate. The modern conception of natural selection is not the same as Darwin's, unless we describe natural selection in the most abstract manner. When so described, the ability of natural selection to account for adaptation is questionable.  相似文献   

In what follows, I consider the role of analogy in the first edition of Darwin’s Origin. I argue that Darwin follows Herschel’s methodology and hence exploits an analogy between artificial and natural selection that allows him generalize selection as a cause of evolutionary change. This argument strategy is not equivalent to an argument from analogy. Reading Darwin’s argument as conforming to Herschel’s two-step methodology of causal analysis followed by generalization allows us to understand the role and placement of Darwin’s discussion of artificial selection in the Origin, without making the mistake of portraying Darwin’s argument for the existence and character of natural selection as an analogical argument.  相似文献   

The 3′-peptidyl-tRNA conjugates that possess a hydrolysis-resistant ribose-3′-amide linkage instead of the natural ester linkage would represent valuable substrates for ribosomal studies. Up to date, access to these derivatives is severely limited. Here, we present a novel approach for the reliable synthesis of non-hydrolyzable 3′-peptidyl-tRNAs that contain all the respective genuine nucleoside modifications. In short, the approach is based on tRNAs from natural sources that are site-specifically cleaved within the TΨC loop by using DNA enzymes to obtain defined tRNA 5′-fragments carrying the modifications. After dephosphorylation of the 2′,3′-cyclophosphate moieties from these fragments, they are ligated to the respective 3′-peptidylamino-tRNA termini that were prepared following the lines of a recently reported solid-phase synthesis. By this novel concept, non-hydrolyzable 3′-peptidyl-tRNA conjugates possessing all natural nucleoside modifications are accessible in highly efficient manner.  相似文献   

Natural selection should no longer be thought of simply as a primitive (magical) concept that can be used to support all kinds of evolutionary theorizing. We need to develop causal theories of natural selection; how it arises. Because the factors contributing to the creation of natural selection are expected to be complex and intertwined, theories explaining the causes of natural selection can only be developed through the experimental method. Microbial experimental evolution provides many benefits that using other organisms does not. Microorganisms are small, so millions can be housed in a test tube; they have short generation times, so evolution over hundreds of generations can be easily studied; they can grow in chemically defined media, so the environment can be precisely defined; and they can be frozen, so the fitness of strains or populations can be directly compared across time. Microbial evolution experiments can be divided into two types. The first is to measure the selection coefficient of two known strains over the first 50 or so generations, before advantageous mutations rise to high frequency. This type of experiment can be used to directly test hypotheses. The second is to allow microbial cultures to evolve over many hundreds or thousands of generations and follow the genetic changes, to infer what phenotypes are selected. In the last section of this article, I propose that selection coefficients are not constant, but change as the population becomes fitter, introducing the idea of the selection space.This article is about natural selection. For many years, I have asked my undergraduate students to memorize this definition of natural selection: Natural selection is the differential reproduction and survival of different phenotypes when, at least, part of the differences in phenotypes is caused by differences in genotype. This can also be expressed as differential growth rates of subpopulations when the subpopulations are distinguished by genetic differences. When expressed as differences in the growth rates in terms of the Malthusian growth parameter, m, then natural selection is the difference in birth rates minus the difference in death rates.From demography, we know that birth rates are very variable depending on the environment. In humans in the United States, the birth rate dropped during the economic depression of the 1930s, rose after World War II to produce a baby boom, and dropped afterward. Worldwide, birth rates drop with the provision of government-provided old-age assistance, also with the increasing survival of children previously born. Thus, birth rates are very sensitive to many environmental conditions. Likewise for death rates. We have long known that starvation, disease, war, and fratricide will increase the death rate, often dramatically. There has been a drop in death rates since 1750 as transportation and social organization improved, preventing starvation in local areas as the crops failed. The 1918 flu spiked the death rate and disease could again raise the death rate dramatically. The black plague is famous for wiping out a third to half of some European populations and changing social conditions. Today, high fructose sweetener is blamed for increasing the death rate among lower class Americans. Thus, the environment changes birth and death rates, sometimes dramatically, sometimes very subtly.Turning back to natural selection, natural selection is the difference between two subpopulations, defined by a genetic difference in their birth and death rates weighted by the effects of all environments experienced by these subpopulations over the time period of the observation. Will natural selection be even more complex than population demography or will it be simpler? It could be much more complicated because the response of the birth and death rates of the two subpopulations in the different environments could be different, giving different norms of reaction. Also, the epistasis and dominance could make the reactions of various individuals within each subpopulation to the changing environment very different. Or it could be much simpler when the genetic difference gives different effects only in one environment. For example, continued synthesis of the lactase gene is selected in human populations that ingest lactose as adults.This complexity embedded in the concept of natural selection has been known for a long time. In population genetics, it is assumed that one can estimate an average selection coefficient over all the environments experienced by the population in a set period without needing to specify the environments or their effect on birth and death rates. This selection coefficient is then used to project gene frequency change over time. Because population genetics is interested in the effects or consequences of natural selection, not the causes, it is satisfactory to treat natural selection as a constant without understanding the causes of natural selection. Unfortunately, this simplification has led to a caricature of natural selection as a constant, given a genetic difference.The model of natural selection that I currently use is given in Figure 1. Here, the definition of natural selection as I gave to my students is an expanded definition because phenotypes are generated by genotypes in an environment (the epigenetic environment) and natural selection is generated by differences in phenotypes in an environment (the selective environment). The interaction of genetic variation, epigenetic environment, phenotypic variation, and the selective environment generate natural selection. These are the “causes” of natural selection. The “effects” of natural selection produce changes in allele frequencies giving rise to adaptive evolution. I believe that the most important function of experimental evolution will be to figure out the causal rules or laws of natural selection. I have previously made the analogy of natural selection evolution with force in physics (Dykhuizen 1995). Newton described the effects of force; the understanding of the causes of force were performed over the next 300 years leading to an understanding of electromagnetism, thermodynamics, atomic energy, etc. This understanding has led to most of the practical applications from physics. Hopefully, the same can be performed for natural selection. But, as the causes of force were much stranger than expected, the causes of natural selection will be stranger than we now imagine. Only by doing experiments will we be forced to accept whatever strangeness there is in natural selection.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.The current model of natural selection indicating the complexity of its causes and distinguishing causes from effects. Population genetics studies only the effects of natural selection.  相似文献   

Despite many compelling applications in economics, sociobiology, and evolutionary psychology, group selection is still one of the most hotly contested ideas in evolutionary biology. Here we propose a simple evolutionary model of behavior and show that what appears to be group selection may, in fact, simply be the consequence of natural selection occurring in stochastic environments with reproductive risks that are correlated across individuals. Those individuals with highly correlated risks will appear to form “groups”, even if their actions are, in fact, totally autonomous, mindless, and, prior to selection, uniformly randomly distributed in the population. This framework implies that a separate theory of group selection is not strictly necessary to explain observed phenomena such as altruism and cooperation. At the same time, it shows that the notion of group selection does captures a unique aspect of evolution—selection with correlated reproductive risk–that may be sufficiently widespread to warrant a separate term for the phenomenon.  相似文献   

The genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are a key component of the adaptive immune system and among the most variable loci in the vertebrate genome. Pathogen-mediated natural selection and MHC-based disassortative mating are both thought to structure MHC polymorphism, but their effects have proven difficult to discriminate in natural systems. Using the first model of MHC dynamics incorporating both survival and reproduction, we demonstrate that natural and sexual selection produce distinctive signatures of MHC allelic diversity with critical implications for understanding host–pathogen dynamics. While natural selection produces the Red Queen dynamics characteristic of host–parasite interactions, disassortative mating stabilizes allele frequencies, damping major fluctuations in dominant alleles and protecting functional variants against drift. This subtle difference generates a complex interaction between MHC allelic diversity and population size. In small populations, the stabilizing effects of sexual selection moderate the effects of drift, whereas pathogen-mediated selection accelerates the loss of functionally important genetic diversity. Natural selection enhances MHC allelic variation in larger populations, with the highest levels of diversity generated by the combined action of pathogen-mediated selection and disassortative mating. MHC-based sexual selection may help to explain how functionally important genetic variation can be maintained in populations of conservation concern.  相似文献   

This is the first of a two-part essay on the history of debates concerning the creativity of natural selection, from Darwin through the evolutionary synthesis and up to the present. Here I focus on the mid-late nineteenth century to the early twentieth, with special emphasis on early Darwinism and its critics, the self-styled “mutationists.” The second part focuses on the evolutionary synthesis and some of its critics, especially the “neutralists” and “neo-mutationists.” Like Stephen Gould, I consider the creativity of natural selection to be a key component of what has traditionally counted as “Darwinism.” I argue that the creativity of natural selection is best understood in terms of (1) selection initiating evolutionary change, and (2) selection being responsible for the presence of the variation it acts upon, for example by directing the course of variation. I consider the respects in which both of these claims sound non-Darwinian, even though they have long been understood by supporters and critics alike to be virtually constitutive of Darwinism.  相似文献   

Sexually selected traits may also be subject to non‐sexual selection. If optimal trait values depend on environmental conditions, then “narrow sense” (i.e., non‐sexual) natural selection can lead to local adaptation, with fitness in a certain environment being highest among individuals selected under that environment. Such adaptation can, in turn, drive ecological speciation via sexual selection. To date, most research on the effect of narrow‐sense natural selection on sexually selected traits has focused on precopulatory measures like mating success. However, postcopulatory traits, such as sperm function, can also be under non‐sexual selection, and have the potential to contribute to population divergence between different environments. Here, we investigate the effects of narrow‐sense natural selection on male postcopulatory success in Drosophila melanogaster. We chose two extreme environments, low oxygen (10%, hypoxic) or high CO2 (5%, hypercapnic) to detect small effects. We measured the sperm defensive (P1) and offensive (P2) capabilities of selected and control males in the corresponding selection environment and under control conditions. Overall, selection under hypoxia decreased both P1 and P2, while selection under hypercapnia had no effect. Surprisingly, P1 for both selected and control males was higher under both ambient hypoxia and ambient hypercapnia, compared to control conditions, while P2 was lower under hypoxia. We found limited evidence for local adaptation: the positive environmental effect of hypoxia on P1 was greater in hypoxia‐selected males than in controls. We discuss the implications of our findings for the evolution of postcopulatory traits in response to non‐sexual and sexual selection.  相似文献   

While several researchers have suggested that evolution should be explored from the initial years of schooling, little information is available on effective resources to enhance elementary school students’ level of understanding of evolution by natural selection (LUENS). For the present study, we designed, implemented, and evaluated an educational activity planned for fourth graders (9 to 10 years old) to explore concepts and conceptual fields that were historically important for the discovery of natural selection. Observation field notes and students’ productions were used to analyze how the students explored the proposed activity. Additionally, an evaluation framework consisting of a test, the evaluation criteria, and the scoring process was applied in two fourth‐grade classes (N = 44) to estimate elementary school students’ LUENS before and after engaging in the activity. Our results show that our activity allowed students to link the key concepts, resulting in a significant increase of their understanding of natural selection. They also reveal that additional activities and minor fine‐tuning of the present activity are required to further support students’ learning about the concept of differential reproduction.  相似文献   

Brian P. Bradley 《Genetics》1980,95(4):1033-1042
Populations of Drosophila melanogaster in constant 25° and fluctuating 20/29° environments showed increases in developmental stability, indicated by decreases in bilateral asymmetry of sterno-pleural chaeta number. In both environments, rates of decrease in asymmetry were greater under natural selection (control lines) than under artificial stabilizing selection. Overall mean asymmetry was greater in the fluctuating environment.—There was no evidence that decreased asymmetry was due to heterozygosity, and the decline in asymmetry was not explained by the decline in chaeta number in the lines under only natural selection. However, the decline was consistent with changes in total phenotypic variance and environmental variance.—The divergence between lines after 39 generations of selection was seen in differences in asymmetry and also in the genotype-environment interaction expressed in cross-culturing experiments.  相似文献   

Two α-methylchalcones (2c and 2d), on oxidation with thallium (III) nitrate, afford the corresponding 2-methylisoflavones (4c and 4d, respectively), 4c being the natural isoflavone isolated from Glycyrrhiza glabra. This synthesis is the first of 2-methylisoflavones starting from α-methylchalcones, which could also be the precursors in Nature.  相似文献   

In this paper, we compare the mechanisms of protein synthesis and natural selection. We identify three core elements of mechanistic explanation: functional individuation, hierarchical nestedness or decomposition, and organization. These are now well understood elements of mechanistic explanation in fields such as protein synthesis, and widely accepted in the mechanisms literature. But Skipper and Millstein have argued (2005) that natural selection is neither decomposable nor organized. This would mean that much of the current mechanisms literature does not apply to the mechanism of natural selection. We take each element of mechanistic explanation in turn. Having appreciated the importance of functional individuation, we show how decomposition and organization should be better understood in these terms. We thereby show that mechanistic explanation by protein synthesis and natural selection are more closely analogous than they appear--both possess all three of these core elements of a mechanism widely recognized in the mechanisms literature.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), the cause of tuberculosis (TB), is estimated to infect a new host every second. While analyses of genetic data from natural populations of M.tb have emphasized the role of genetic drift in shaping patterns of diversity, the influence of natural selection on this successful pathogen is less well understood. We investigated the effects of natural selection on patterns of diversity in 63 globally extant genomes of M.tb and related pathogenic mycobacteria. We found evidence of strong purifying selection, with an estimated genome-wide selection coefficient equal to −9.5×10−4 (95% CI −1.1×10−3 to −6.8×10−4); this is several orders of magnitude higher than recent estimates for eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. We also identified different patterns of variation across categories of gene function. Genes involved in transport and metabolism of inorganic ions exhibited very low levels of non-synonymous polymorphism, equivalent to categories under strong purifying selection (essential and translation-associated genes). The highest levels of non-synonymous variation were seen in a group of transporter genes, likely due to either diversifying selection or local selective sweeps. In addition to selection, we identified other important influences on M.tb genetic diversity, such as a 25-fold expansion of global M.tb populations coincident with explosive growth in human populations (estimated timing 1684 C.E., 95% CI 1620–1713 C.E.). These results emphasize the parallel demographic histories of this obligate pathogen and its human host, and suggest that the dominant effect of selection on M.tb is removal of novel variants, with exceptions in an interesting group of genes involved in transportation and defense. We speculate that the hostile environment within a host imposes strict demands on M.tb physiology, and thus a substantial fitness cost for most new mutations. In this respect, obligate bacterial pathogens may differ from other host-associated microbes such as symbionts.  相似文献   

One of the main achievements of the modern synthesis is a rigorous mathematical theory for evolution by natural selection. Combining this theory with statistical models makes it possible to estimate the relevant parameters so as to quantify selection and evolution in nature. Although quantification is a sign of a mature science, statistical models are unfortunately often interpreted independently of the motivating mathematical theory. Without a link to theory, numerical results do not represent proper quantifications, because they lack the connections that designate their biological meaning. Here, we want to raise awareness and exemplify this problem by examining a recent study on natural selection in a contemporary human population. Stulp et al. (2015) concluded that natural selection may partly explain the increasing stature of the Dutch population. This conclusion was based on a qualitative assessment of the presence of selection on height. Here, we provide a quantitative interpretation of these results using standard evolutionary theory to show that natural selection has had a minuscule effect.  相似文献   

We report the synthesis of bombyxin-IV, a disulfide-linked, heterodimeric, insulin superfamily peptide from the silkworm,Bombyx mori. The two chains (A- and B-chains) were synthesized separately by the solid-phase method using fluoren-9-ylmethoxycarbonyl (Fmoc) group as a protecting group for -amino group. Three disulfide bonds were bridged step by step (A6–A11, A20–B22, and A7–B10) in a good yield. Synthetic bombyxin-IV was identical with natural one with regard to the retention time on a reversed-phase column and the molecular weight measured by mass spectrometry. Circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of the synthetic bombyxin-IV was very similar to that of the natural one. The specific activity of synthetic bombyxin-IV is equal to that of natural one (0.1 ng/Samia unit). These results suggest that the synthetic bombyxin-IV has the tertiary structure identical with the natural peptide. Our method developed for synthesis of bombyxin-IV would be generally applicable to the synthesis of insulin-like heterodimeric peptides.  相似文献   

The [PSI+] prion may enhance evolvability by revealing previously cryptic genetic variation, but it is unclear whether such evolvability properties could be favored by natural selection. Sex inhibits the evolution of other putative evolvability mechanisms, such as mutator alleles. This paper explores whether sex also prevents natural selection from favoring modifier alleles that facilitate [PSI+] formation. Sex may permit the spread of “cheater” alleles that acquire the benefits of [PSI+] through mating without incurring the cost of producing [PSI+] at times when it is not adaptive. Using recent quantitative estimates of the frequency of sex in Saccharomyces paradoxus, we calculate that natural selection for evolvability can drive the evolution of the [PSI+] system, so long as yeast populations occasionally require complex adaptations involving synergistic epistasis between two loci. If adaptations are always simple and require substitution at only a single locus, then the [PSI+] system is not favored by natural selection. Obligate sex might inhibit the evolution of [PSI+]-like systems in other species.  相似文献   

The [PSI+] prion may enhance evolvability by revealing previously cryptic genetic variation, but it is unclear whether such evolvability properties could be favored by natural selection. Sex inhibits the evolution of other putative evolvability mechanisms, such as mutator alleles. This paper explores whether sex also prevents natural selection from favoring modifier alleles that facilitate [PSI+] formation. Sex may permit the spread of “cheater” alleles that acquire the benefits of [PSI+] through mating without incurring the cost of producing [PSI+] at times when it is not adaptive. Using recent quantitative estimates of the frequency of sex in Saccharomyces paradoxus, we calculate that natural selection for evolvability can drive the evolution of the [PSI+] system, so long as yeast populations occasionally require complex adaptations involving synergistic epistasis between two loci. If adaptations are always simple and require substitution at only a single locus, then the [PSI+] system is not favored by natural selection. Obligate sex might inhibit the evolution of [PSI+]-like systems in other species.  相似文献   

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