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The replicator region of the Rhizobium leguminosarum cryptic plasmid pRL8JI   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract The replicator region of the cryptic plasmid pRL8JI from Rhizobium leguminosarum strain 3841 was cloned and sequenced. The recombinant plasmid (pYK3) was selected by function from a partial Eco RI library of total DNA cloned in pSUP202 and shows incompatibility with plasmid pRL8JI when conjugated into R. leguminosarum strains 3841 and its derivative 1062. The cloned insert (∼ 10.5 kb) comprises five Eco RI fragments none of which confers replicative stability when cloned individually. A single 5.0-kb Bam HI fragment, that spans all five Eco RI fragments and confers replicative stability on pSUP202 in R. leguminosarum , has been sequenced. This replicator region shows organisational and sequence similarity to the replicator regions of the Agrobacterium plasmids pTiB6S3 and pRiA4b. It has three open reading frames ( repA, repB, repC ) and a conserved intergenic sequence.  相似文献   

A previously described (R. A. de Maagd, C. A. Wijffelman, E. Pees, and B. J. J. Lugtenberg, J. Bacteriol. 170:4424-4427, 1988) Sym plasmid-dependent, naringenin-inducible 50-kilodalton protein of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae is further characterized in this paper. The protein was overproduced by constructing a strain containing multiple copies of the R. meliloti nodD gene, which facilitated its purification. An antiserum was used to screen Tn5 insertion mutants located in the pRL1JI region found to be responsible for the production of the 50-kilodalton protein. These inserts define a new nod locus left of the nod genes identified previously. Mutations in this region affect the nodulation ability in a way which is dependent on the bacterial background as well as on the host plant. The mutants nodulate normally in a strain RBL1532 (R. leguminosarum biovar viciae strain 248, cured of its Sym plasmid) background on all three tested host plant species. In contrast, in a strain RBL5045 (R. leguminosarum biovar trifolii strain RCR5, cured of its Sym plasmid) background, nodulation on Vicia sativa is severely impaired, whereas nodulation on Vicia hirsuta and Trifolium subterraneum is apparently unaltered.  相似文献   

Thirty Tn5- or Tn1831-induced nodulation (nod) mutants of Rhizobium leguminosarum were examined for their genetic and symbiotic properties. Thirteen mutants contained a deletion in Sym plasmid pRL1JI. These deletions cover the whole nod region and are 50 kb in size. All remaining seventeen mutations are located in a 6.6 kb EcoRI nod fragment of the Sym plasmid. Mutations in a 3.5 kb part on the right hand side of this 6.6 kb fragment completely prevent nodulation on Vicia sativa. All mutants in this 3.5 kb area are unable to induce marked root hair curling and thick and short roots.Mutations in a 1.5 kb area on the left hand side of the 6.6 kb nod fragment generate other symbiotic defects in that nodules are only rarely formed and only so after a delay of several days. Moreover, infection thread formation is delayed and root hair curling is more excessive than that caused by the parental strain. Their ability to induce thick and short roots is unaltered.Mutations in this 1.5 kb region are not complemented by pRmSL26, which carries nod genes of R. meliloti, whereas mutations in the 3.5 kb region are all complemented by pRmSL26.Abbreviations Rps repression of production of small bacteriocin - Mep medium bacteriocin production - Nod nodulation - Fix fixation - Tsr thick and short roots - Flac root hair curling - Hsp host specificity - Flad root hair deformation - Tc tetracycline - Km kanamycin - Cm chloramphenicol - Sp spectinomycin - Sm streptomycin - R resistant  相似文献   

Analysis of the regulation of plasmid transfer genes on the symbiotic plasmid pRL1JI in Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae has revealed a novel regulatory relay that is specifically poised to detect an N-acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL) made by different cells (potential recipients of pRL1JI). Adjacent to the traI-trbBCDEJKLFGHI plasmid transfer operon on pRL1JI are two regulatory genes, bisR and traR, which encode LuxR-type quorum-sensing regulators required for conjugation. Potential recipients of pRL1JI induce the traI-trb operon and plasmid transfer via a quorum-sensing relay involving BisR, TraR and the traI-trb operon in donor cells. BisR induces expression of traR in response to N-(3-hydroxy-7-cis-tetradecenoyl)-l-homoserine lactone (3-OH-C14:1-HSL), which is produced by CinI in potential recipient strains. In donor strains (carrying pRL1JI), BisR represses the expression of the chromosomal gene cinI; this repression results in a very low level of formation of 3-OH-C14:1-HSL and hence relatively low levels of expression of traR and the traI-trb operon in strains carrying pRL1JI. However, if 3-OH-C14:1-HSL from potential recipients is present, then traR and plasmid transfer are induced. The induction of traR occurs at very low concentrations of 3-OH-C14:1-HSL (around 1 nm). TraR then induces the traI-trb operon in a quorum-sensing dependent manner in re-sponse to the TraI-made AHLs, N-(3-oxo-octanoyl)-l-homoserine lactone and N-(octanoyl)-l-homoserine lactone. The resulting autoinduction results in high levels of expression of the traI-trb operon. Premature expression of the traI-trb operon is reduced by TraM, which probably titres out TraR preventing expression of traI when there are low levels of traR expression. Expression of traR in stationary phase cells is limited by feedback inhibition mediated by TraI-made AHLs.  相似文献   

An expression vector containing the Rhizobium leguminosarum nodA promoter cloned in front of the Escherichia coli lacZ gene was used to characterize the properties of the R. leguminosarum nodA gene-inducing compound(s) present in sterile root exudate of the host plant Vicia sativa L. subsp. nigra (L.). The major inducing compound was flavonoid in nature, most likely a flavanone. The commercially available flavonoids naringenin (5,7,4'-trihydroxyflavanone), eriodictyol (5,7,3'4'-tetrahydroxyflavanone), apigenin (5,7,4'-trihydroxyflavone), and luteolin (5,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxyflavone) induced the nodA promoter to the same level as the root exudate. On the basis of chromatographic properties, it was concluded that none of these compounds is identical to the inducer that is present in root exudate. The induction of the nodA promoter by root exudate and by the most effective inducer naringenin was very similar, as judged from the genetic requirements and the kinetics of induction.  相似文献   

Summary On the Rhizobium leguminosarum PRE sym plasmid, fixABC and a novel gene fixW were identified upstream of the regulatory gene nifA. The molecular masses of FixABC, 29, 44 and 50 kDa respectively, were estimated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and of FixW, 25 kDa, by PAGE and nucleotide sequencing. Hybridization studies using bacteroid mRNA as a probe showed that fixABC is one operon which can be transcribed independently of fixW. Nucleotide sequencing revealed that both fixW and fixA are preceded by a nif consensus promoter. The fixA promoter partly overlaps the 3-terminal coding region of fixW, indicating that readthrough from fixW into fixA is possible. Two open reading frames, ORF71 and ORF79, precede fixW and form one operon with fixW. ORF71 contains sequences homologous to the fixA promoter and 5-terminal coding region. One more duplication of fixA sequences was detected, also located within the sym plasmid nif/fix clusters. One duplication of fixW sequences was found. No fixW homologue could be found in other nitrogen fixing organisms except in a number of R. leguminosarum strains.  相似文献   

Rhizobium trifolii T37 contains at least three plasmids with sizes of greater than 250 megadaltons. Southern blots of agarose gels of these plasmids probed with Rhizobium meliloti nif DNA indicated that the smallest plasmid, pRtT37a, contains the nif genes. Transfer of the Rhizobium leguminosarum plasmid pJB5JI, which codes for pea nodulation and the nif genes and is genetically marked with Tn5, into R. trifolii T37 generated transconjugants containing a variety of plasmid profiles. The plasmid profiles and symbiotic properties of all of the transconjugants were stably maintained even after reisolation from nodules. The transconjugant strains were placed into three groups based on their plasmid profiles and symbiotic properties. The first group harbored a plasmid similar in size to pJB5JI (130 megadaltons) and lacked a plasmid corresponding to pRtT37a. These strains formed effective nodules on peas but were unable to nodulate clover and lacked the R. trifolii nif genes. This suggests that genes essential for clover nodulation as well as the R. trifolii nif genes are located on pRtT37a and have been deleted. The second group harbored hybrid plasmids formed from pRtT37a and pJB5JI which ranged in size from 140 to ca. 250 megadaltons. These transconjugants had lost the R. leguminosarum nif genes but retained the R. trifolii nif genes. Strains in this group nodulated both peas and clover but formed effective nodules only on clover. The third group of transconjugants contained a hybrid plasmid similar in size to pRtT37b. These strains contained the R. trifolii and R. leguminosarum nif genes and formed N2-fixing nodules on both peas and clover.  相似文献   

Plasmids pIM13, pT127 and pBC16 delta 1, introduced by transformation into Clostridium acetobutylicum N1-4081, were shown to replicate in, and to confer antibiotic resistance upon this new host. Recombinant plasmids were constructed by inserting erythromycin-resistant plasmid pIM13 into the unique ClaI site of pBR322 or by ligating a tetracycline-resistant determinant of plasmid pT127 to HindIII-linearized pIM13. The hybrid plasmids replicated and expressed erythromycin resistance in C. acetobutylicum strain N1-4081 and in Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis, indicating that they might be useful as shuttle vectors for transferring genes between these strains. The efficiency and stability of different replicons in C. acetobutylicum were compared.  相似文献   

The region of the Rhizobium leguminosarum plasmid pRL1JI involved in nodulation and nitrogen fixation has been cloned on a series of four overlapping cosmid clones. These clones represent ˜60 kb of pRL1JI DNA on which a series of Tn5-induced fix and nod alleles have been identified, with the two most distant alleles being separated by ˜45 kb of DNA. The mutant alleles fell into three groups, two clusters of fix alleles separated by one cluster of nod alleles. Within one group of fix alleles, DNA homologous to the nifA gene of Klebsiella pneumoniae has been identified, whereas the pRL1JI DNA homologous to the K. pneumoniae nitrogenase genes is present within the other group of fix alleles.  相似文献   

The soil bacteria rhizobia have the capacity to establish nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with their leguminous host plants. In most Rhizobium species the genes for nodule development and nitrogen fixation have been localized on large indigenous plasmids that are transmissible, allowing lateral transfer of symbiotic functions. A recent paper reports on the complete sequencing of the symbiotic plasmid pNGR234a from Rhizobium species NGR234(1), revealing not only putative new symbiotic genes but also possible mechanisms for evolution and lateral dispersal of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing abilities among rhizobia.  相似文献   

The symbiotic plasmid (pSym) of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii 4S5, which carries Tn5-mob, was successfully transferred into Agrobacterium tumefaciens A136 by using a conjugation method. The resulting transconjugants induced the development of ineffective nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots of white clover seedlings. Depending on the manner in which the pSym was retained, the transconjugants were divided into two groups of strains, Afp and Afcs. pSym was retained as a plasmid in the Afp strains but was integrated into the int gene encoding a phage-related integrase on the linear chromosome of A. tumefaciens A136 in strain Afcs1 (one of the Afcs strains) to form a symbiosis island. Conjugation was performed between strain Afcs1 and R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii H1 (a pSym-cured derivative of wild-type strain 4S), and the Rhizobium H1tr strains were screened as transconjugants. Eighteen of the H1tr strains induced effective nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots of the host plants. pSym was transferred into all of the transconjugants, except for strain H1tr1, at the same size as pSym of strain 4S5. In strain H1tr1, pSym was integrated into the chromosome as a symbiosis island. These data suggest that pSym can exist among Rhizobium and Agrobacterium strains both as a plasmid and as a symbiosis island with transposon mediation.  相似文献   

One remarkable characteristic of the genomes of some Rhizobium species is the frequent occurrence of rearrangements. In some instances these rearrangements alter the symbiotic properties of the strains. However, no detailed molecular mechanisms have been proposed for the generation of these rearrangements. To understand the mechanisms involved in the formation of rearrangements in the genome of Rhizobium phaseoli, we have designed a system which allows the positive selection for amplification and deletion events. We have applied this system to investigate the stability of the symbiotic plasmid of R. phaseoli. High-frequency amplification events were detected which increase the copy number of a 120-kb region carrying nodulation and nitrogen fixation genes two to eight times. Deletion events that affect the same region were also found, albeit at a lower frequency. Both kinds of rearrangements are generated by recombination between reiterated nitrogenase (nifHDK) operons flanking the 120-kb region.  相似文献   

Previously, several mutants which nodulated peas but which failed to fix nitrogen were isolated following Tn5 mutagenesis of pRL 1JI, a symbiotic plasmid of Rhizobium leguminosarum. Two of these alleles, fix52::Tn5 and fix137::Tn5 were in a region of pRL 1JI which hybridized to a probe that contained the nifA gene and the amino-terminal region of the nifB gene of Klebsiella pneumoniae. The nitrogen fixation defect of the fix52::Tn5 mutant strain was corrected by a 2.0kb fragment of the corresponding wild-type DNA cloned in a wide host-range plasmid. The DNA sequence of this region revealed an open reading frame corresponding to the gene within which the fix52::Tn5 allele was located. The polypeptide corresponding to this open reading frame had a deduced molecular weight of 39,936 and the gene was termed fixZ. The deduced amino acid sequence of the fixZ gene product contained two clusters of cysteine residues, suggesting that the protein may contain an iron-sulphur cluster. The sequence of the fixZ polypeptide was very similar to the sequence of the K. pneumoniae nifB gene (provided by W. Arnold and A. Pühler) which is required for the synthesis of the FeMo-cofactor of nitrogenase. It was shown that the previously observed hybridization was due to homology between the amino terminal regions of fixZ and nifB. Upstream from fixZ was found another open reading frame whose 5' terminus was not established, but within which was located the fix137::Tn5 allele. This gene was termed fixY. The deduced amino acid sequence of the sequenced part of fixY showed similarity to that of the regulatory nifA gene of K. pneumoniae (provided by W. J. Buikema and F. M. Ausubel). Thus in R. leguminoarum the fix genes that correspond to the nifA and nifB genes are in the same relative orientation as in K. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

A 3.2kb fragment of DNA cloned from Rhizobium leguminosarum has been shown to contain the genes necessary for the induction of root hair curling, the first observed step in the infection of leguminous plants by R. leguminosarum. The DNA sequence of this region has been determined and three open reading frames were identified: genes corresponding to these open reading frames have been called nodA, nodB and nodC and are transcribed in that order. Mutations within the nodC gene completely blocked root hair curling. However, a subcloned fragment containing only the nodC gene did not induce normal root hair curling (although some branching was observed), indicating that the nodA and B genes may also be required for normal root hair curling. From an analysis of the predicted amino acid sequences of the nodAB and C genes it appeared unlikely that their products are secreted; therefore it is concluded that the induction of root hair curling could be due to a secreted metabolite.  相似文献   

The distribution of two genetically modified Rhizobium leguminosarum strains was investigated in the field. One, RSM2004, released in 1987, carries a Tn5 marker on its conjugative symbiotic plasmid (pSym). The second, CT0370, released at the same site in 1994, has a gusA gene integrated into its chromosome but no pSym. Plate counts indicated that the CT0370 population became established at a higher level than RSM2004. However, when peas, alfalfa and barley were grown, RSM2004 was found to outnumber CT0370 on all roots and by 100-fold on pea. Although the transfer of pSym from RSM2004 to CT0370 could be detected on plates and in microcosm studies with high inoculum densities, no transfer was detected in the field. Subsequent transfer of pSym from RSM2004 to CT0370 demonstrated that it conferred an advantage in the rhizosphere. In addition to increasing host fitness, plasmids may transfer, or mobilise other genetic elements, to other bacteria. This is more likely in sites such as the rhizosphere, where cells are active and numbers are high. The distribution of pSym and other genetic elements associated with rhizobia, in bacterial sub-populations from the soil and roots of the different plants, was investigated using PCR. The genetic elements studied were: ISRm3, an insertion element from Sinorhizobium meliloti; pSB102, a broad host range mer plasmid; the Rhizobium nodC gene (carried on pSym) and plasmid replication origins repCI and repCII. As expected, ISRm3 was detected in rhizoflora cultured from alfalfa but not the other plants. The mer gene was ubiquitous but the transfer region of pSB102 was not detected. The nodC and both repC primers amplified products from all the plants, giving further evidence for the occurrence of plasmids originating from Rhizobium in the rhizoflora of non-host plants. Despite the abundance of elements associated with transferable plasmids in rhizobia, none was detected in either inoculant strain. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a 3.2 kb region following the hydrogenase structural operon (hupSLCDEF) in the H2-uptake gene cluster from Rhizobium leguminosarum by viciae strain 128C53 has been determined. Five closely linked genes encoding products of 16.3 (HupG), 30.5 (HupH), 8.0 (HupI), 18.4 (HupJ) and 38.7 (HupK) kDa were identified 166 bp downstream from hupF. Transposon insertions into hupG, hupH, hupJ and hupK suppress the H2-oxidizing capability of the wild-type strain. The amino acid sequence deduced from hupI contains two Cys-X-X-Cys motifs, characteristic of rubredoxins, separated by 29 amino acid residues showing strong sequence homology with other bacterial rubredoxins. The amino acid-derived sequence from hupG and hupH showed homology to products from genes hyaE and hyaF of the operon encoding hydrogenase 1 from Escherichia coli, and hupJ and hupK were related to open reading frames identified in Rhodobacter capsulatus and Azotobacter vinelandii hydrogenase gene clusters. An involvement of the hupGHIJK gene cluster in redox reactions related to hydrogenase synthesis or activity is predicted on the basis of the function as electron carrier attributed to rubredoxin.  相似文献   

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