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Real-Time PCR Analysis of Vibrio vulnificus from Oysters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Vibrio vulnificus is an opportunistic human pathogen commonly found in estuarine environments. Infections are associated with raw oyster consumption and can produce rapidly fatal septicemia in susceptible individuals. Standard enumeration of this organism in shellfish or seawater is laborious and inaccurate; therefore, more efficient assays are needed. An oligonucleotide probe derived from the cytolysin gene, vvhA, was previously used for colony hybridizations to enumerate V. vulnificus. However, this method requires overnight growth, and vibrios may lack culturability under certain conditions. In the present study, we targeted the same locus for development of a TaqMan real-time PCR assay. Probe specificity was confirmed by amplification of 28 V. vulnificus templates and by the lack of a PCR product with 22 non-V. vulnificus strains. Detection of V. vulnificus in pure cultures was observed over a 6-log-unit linear range of concentration (102 to 108 CFU ml−1), with a lower limit of 72 fg of genomic DNA μl of PCR mixture−1 or the equivalent of six cells. Similar sensitivity was observed in DNA extracted from mixtures of V. vulnificus and V. parahaemolyticus cells. Real-time PCR enumeration of artificially inoculated oyster homogenates correlated well with colony hybridization counts (r2 = 0.97). Numbers of indigenous V. vulnificus cells in oysters by real-time PCR showed no significant differences from numbers from plate counts with probe (t test; P = 0.43). Viable but nonculturable cells were also enumerated by real-time PCR and confirmed by the BacLight viability assay. These data indicate that real-time PCR can provide sensitive species-specific detection and enumeration of V. vulnificus in seafood.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus is an autochthonous estuarine bacterium and a pathogen that is frequently transmitted via raw shellfish. Septicemia can occur within 24 h; however, isolation and confirmation from water and oysters require days. Real-time PCR assays were developed to detect and differentiate two 16S rRNA variants, types A and B, which were previously associated with environmental sources and clinical fatalities, respectively. Both assays could detect 102 to 103 V. vulnificus total cells in seeded estuarine water and in oyster homogenates. PCR assays on 11 reference V. vulnificus strains and 22 nontarget species gave expected results (type A or B for V. vulnificus and negative for nontarget species). The relationship between cell number and cycle threshold for the assays was linear (R2 = >0.93). The type A/B ratio of Florida clinical isolates was compared to that of isolates from oysters harvested in Florida waters. This ratio was 19:17 in clinical isolates and 5:8 (n = 26) in oysters harvested from restricted sites with poor water quality but was 10:1 (n = 22) in oysters from permitted sites with good water quality. A substantial percentage of isolates from oysters (19.4%) were type AB (both primer sets amplified), but no isolates from overlying waters were type AB. The real-time PCR assays were sensitive, specific, and quantitative in water samples and could also differentiate the strains in oysters without requiring isolation of V. vulnificus and may therefore be useful for rapid detection of the pathogen in shellfish and water, as well as further investigation of its population dynamics.  相似文献   

We compared three sets of oligonucleotide primers and two probes designed for Vibrio vulnificus hemolysin A gene (vvhA) for TaqMan-based real-time PCR method enabling specific detection of Vibrio vulnificus in oysters. Two of three sets of primers with a probe were specific for the detection of all 81 V. vulnificus isolates by TaqMan PCR. The 25 nonvibrio and 12 other vibrio isolates tested were negative. However, the third set of primers, F-vvh1059 and R-vvh1159, with the P-vvh1109 probe, although positive for all V. vulnificus isolates, also exhibited positive cycle threshold (C(T)) values for other Vibrio spp. Optimization of the TaqMan PCR assay using F-vvh785/R-vvh990 or F-vvh731/R-vvh1113 primers and the P-vvh874 probe detected 1 pg of purified DNA and 10(3) V. vulnificus CFU/ml in pure cultures. The enriched oyster tissue homogenate did not exhibit detectable inhibition to the TaqMan PCR amplification of vvhA. Detection of 3 x 10(3) CFU V. vulnificus, resulting from a 5-h enrichment of an initial inoculum of 1 CFU/g of oyster tissue homogenate, was achieved with F-vvh785/R-vvh990 or F-vvh731/R-vvh1113 primers and P-vvh875 probe. The application of the TaqMan PCR using these primers and probe, exhibited detection of V. vulnificus on 5-h-enriched natural oysters harvested from the Gulf of Mexico. Selection of appropriate primers and a probe on vvhA for TaqMan-PCR-based detection of V. vulnificus in post-harvest-treated oysters would help avoid false-positive results, thus ensuring a steady supply of safe oysters to consumers and reducing V. vulnificus-related illnesses and deaths.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe optimization of SYBR Green I-based real-time PCR parameters and testing of a large number of microbial species with vvh-specific oligonucleotide primers to establish a rapid, specific, and sensitive method for detection of Vibrio vulnificus in oyster tissue homogenate and Gulf of Mexico water (gulf water). Selected oligonucleotide primers for the vvh gene were tested for PCR amplification of a 205-bp DNA fragment with a melting temperature of approximately 87°C for 84 clinical and environmental strains of V. vulnificus. No amplification was observed with other vibrios or nonvibrio strains with these primers. The minimum level of detection by the real-time PCR method was 1 pg of purified genomic DNA or 102 V. vulnificus cells in 1 g of unenriched oyster tissue homogenate or 10 ml of gulf water. It was possible to improve the level of detection to one V. vulnificus cell in samples that were enriched for 5 h. The standard curves prepared from the real-time PCR cycle threshold values revealed that there was a strong correlation between the number of cells in unenriched samples and the number of cells in enriched samples. Detection of a single cell of V. vulnificus in 1 g of enriched oyster tissue homogenate is in compliance with the recent Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference guidelines. The entire detection method, including sample processing, enrichment, and real-time PCR amplification, was completed within 8 h, making it a rapid single-day assay. Rapid and sensitive detection of V. vulnificus would ensure a steady supply of postharvest treated oysters to consumers, which should help decrease the number of illnesses or outbreaks caused by this pathogen.  相似文献   

We developed a multiplexed real-time PCR assay using four sets of gene-specific oligonucleotide primers and four TaqMan probes labeled with four different fluorophores in a single reaction for detection of total and pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus, including the pandemic O3:K6 serotype in oysters. V. parahaemolyticus has been associated with outbreaks of food-borne gastroenteritis caused by the consumption of raw or undercooked seafood and therefore is a concern to the seafood industry and consumers. We selected specific primers and probes targeting the thermostable direct hemolysin gene (tdh) and tdh-related hemolysin gene (trh) that have been reported to be associated with pathogenesis in this organism. In addition, we targeted open reading frame 8 of phage f237 (ORF8), which is associated with a newly emerged virulent pandemic serotype of V. parahameolyticus O3:K6. Total V. parahaemolyticus was targeted using the thermolabile hemolysin gene (tlh). The sensitivity of the combined four-locus multiplexed TaqMan PCR was found to be 200 pg of purified genomic DNA and 104 CFU per ml for pure cultures. Detection of an initial inoculum of 1 CFU V. parahaemolyticus per g of oyster tissue homogenate was possible after overnight enrichment, which resulted in a concentration of 3.3 × 109 CFU per ml. Use of this method with natural oysters resulted in 17/33 samples that were positive for tlh and 4/33 samples that were positive for tdh. This assay specifically and sensitively detected total and pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus and is expected to provide a rapid and reliable alternative to conventional detection methods by reducing the analysis time and obviating the need for multiple assays.  相似文献   

A real-time quantitative PCR-based detection assay targeting the dnaJ gene (encoding heat shock protein 40) of the coral pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus was developed. The assay is sensitive, detecting as little as 1 CFU per ml in seawater and 104 CFU per cm2 of coral tissue. Moreover, inhibition by DNA and cells derived from bacteria other than V. coralliilyticus was minimal. This assay represents a novel approach to coral disease diagnosis that will advance the field of coral disease research.Vibrio coralliilyticus has recently emerged as a coral pathogen of concern on reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific. It was first implicated as the etiological agent responsible for bleaching and tissue lysis of the coral Pocillopora damicornis on Zanzibar reefs (2). More recently, V. coralliilyticus has been identified as the causative agent of white syndrome (WS) outbreaks on several Pacific reefs (14). WS is a collective term describing coral diseases characterized by a spreading band of tissue loss exposing white skeleton on Indo-Pacific scleractinian corals (16). V. coralliilyticus is an emerging model pathogen for understanding the mechanisms linking bacterial infection and coral disease (13) and therefore provides an ideal model for the development of diagnostic assays to detect coral disease. Current coral disease diagnostic methods, which are based primarily upon field-based observations of macroscopic disease signs, often detect disease only at the latest stages of infection, when control measures are least effective. The development of diagnostic tools targeting pathogens underlying coral disease pathologies may provide early indications of infection, aid the identification of disease vectors and reservoirs, and assist managers in developing strategies to prevent the spread of coral disease outbreaks. In this paper, we describe the development and validation of a TaqMan-based real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay that targets a segment of the V. coralliilyticus heat shock protein 40-encoding gene (dnaJ).Nucleotide sequences of the dnaJ gene were retrieved from relevant Vibrio species, including V. coralliilyticus (LMG 20984), using the National Center for Biotechnology Information''s (NCBI) Entrez Nucleotide Database search tool (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/). Gene sequences of strains not available in public databases (V. coralliilyticus strains LMG 21348, LMG 21349, LMG 21350, LMG 10953, LMG 20538, LMG 23696, LMG 23691, LMG 23693, LMG 23692, and LMG 23694) were obtained through extraction of total DNA using a Promega Wizard Prep DNA Purification Kit (Promega, Sydney, Australia), PCR amplification, and sequencing using primers and thermal cycling parameters described by Nhung et al. (8). A 128-bp region (nucleotides 363 to 490) containing high concentrations of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which were conserved within V. coralliilyticus strains but differed from non-V. coralliilyticus strains, was identified, and oligonucleotide primers Vc_dnaJ_F1 (5′-CGG TTC GYG GTG TTT CAA AA-3′) and Vc_dnaJ_R1 (5′-AAC CTG ACC ATG ACC GTG ACA-3′) and a TaqMan probe, Vc_dnaJ_TMP (5′-6-FAM-CAG TGG CGC GAA G-MGBNFQ-3′; 6-FAM is 6-carboxyfluorescein and MGBNFQ is molecular groove binding nonfluorescent quencher), were designed to target this region. The qPCR assay was optimized and validated using DNA extracted from V. coralliilyticus isolates, nontarget Vibrio species, and other bacterial species grown in marine broth (MB) (Table (Table1),1), under the following optimal conditions: 1× TaqMan buffer A, 0.5 U of AmpliTaq Gold DNA polymerase, 200 μM deoxynucleotide triphosphates (with 400 μM dUTP replacing deoxythymidine triphosphate), 0.2 U of AmpErase uracil N-glycosylase (UNG), 3 mM MgCl2, 0.6 μM each primer, 0.2 μM fluorophore-labeled TaqMan, 1 μl of template, and sterile MilliQ water for a total reaction volume to 20 μl. All assays were conducted on a RotoGene 300 (Corbett Research, Sydney, Australia) real-time analyzer with the following cycling parameters: 50°C for 120 s (UNG activation) and 95°C for 10 min (AmpliTaq Gold DNA polymerase activation), followed by 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 s (denaturation) and 60°C for 60 s (annealing/extension). During the annealing/extension phase of each thermal cycle, fluorescence was measured in the FAM channel (470-nm excitation and 510-nm detection).


Species, strain, and threshold cycle for all bacterial strains testeda
SpeciesStrainbOriginHost organismCT ± SEMcdnaJ gene sequence accession no.Reference
Vibrio coralliilyticusLMG 23696Nelly Bay, Magnetic Island, AustraliaMontipora aequituberculata12.43 ± 0.20HM21557014
LMG 23691Majuro Atoll, Republic of Marshall IslandsAcropora cytherea14.07 ± 1.33HM21557114
LMG 23693Nikko Bay, PalauPachyseris speciosa10.83 ± 2.76HM21557214
LMG 23692Nikko Bay, PalauPachyseris speciosa9.40 ± 0.36HM21557314
LMG 23694Nikko Bay, PalauPachyseris speciosad12.54 ± 0.24HM21557414
LMG 20984TIndian Ocean, Zanzibar, TanzaniaPocillopora damicornis12.80 ± 0.71HM2155752
LMG 21348Red Sea, Eilat, IsraelPocillopora damicornis13.81 ± 0.49HM2155763
LMG 21349Red Sea, Eilat,Pocillopora damicornis12.98 ± 0.94HM2155773
LMG 21350Red Sea, Eilat,Pocillopora damicornis11.49 ± 0.19HM2155783
LMG 10953Kent, United KingdomCrassostrea gigas (oyster) larvae10.53 ± 0.40HM2155793
LMG 20538Atlantic Ocean, Florianópolis, BrazilNodipecten nodosus (bivalve) larvae12.13 ± 0.50HM2155803
C1Caribbean Sea, La Parguera, Puerto RicoPseudopterogorgia americana14.53 ± 0.28HM21556815
C2Caribbean Sea, La Parguera, Puerto RicoPseudopterogorgia americanaNAHM21556915
Vibrio alginolyticusATCC 1774933.74 ± 0.33
Vibio brasiliensisDSM 1718437.84†
Vibrio calviensisDSM 1434727.06 ± 0.52
Vibrio campbelliiATCC 25920T39.10†
Enterovibrio campbelliiLMG 2136337.33 ± 2.41
Alliivibrio fischeriDSM 50731.36 ± 1.42
Vibrio fortisDSM 19133NA
Vibrio furnissiiDSM 19622NA
Vibrio harveyiDSM 19623NA
Vibrio natriegensATCC 1404828.56 ± 0.60
Vibrio neptuniusLMG 20536NA
Vibrio ordaliiATCC 3350925.56 ± 0.41
Vibrio parahaemolyticusATCC 17802NA
Vibrio proteolyticusATCC 1533830.00 ± 0.89††
Vibrio rotiferianusLMG 21460NA
Vibrio splendidusATCC 3312532.31 ± 0.82
Vibrio tubiashiiATCC 19109NA
Vibrio xuiiLMG 21346NA
Escherichia coliATCC 25922NA
Psychrobacter sp.AIMS 1618NA
Shewanella sp.AIMS C04125.34 ± 0.45
Open in a separate windowaOrigin, host organism, and dnaJ gene sequence accession numbers are shown for V. coralliilyticus strains.bStrain designations beginning with LMG were derived from the Belgian Coordinated Collections of Microorganisms, ATCC strains are from the American Type Culture Collection, DSM strains are from the Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH culture collection, AIMS strains are from the Australian Institute of Marine Science culture collection, and C1 and C2 were provided by Pamela Morris.c†, amplification in one of three reactions; ††, amplification in two of three reactions; NA, no amplification.dIsolated from seawater above coral.The qPCR assay specifically detected 12 out of 13 isolated V. coralliilyticus strains tested in this study (Table (Table1).1). The exception was one Caribbean strain (C2), which failed to give specific amplification despite repeated attempts. Positive detection of the target gene segment was determined by the increase in fluorescent signal beyond the fluorescence threshold value (normalized fluorescence, 0.010) at a specific cycle, referred to as the threshold cycle (CT). Specific detection was further confirmed by gel electrophoresis, which revealed a PCR product of the correct theoretical size (128 bp) (data not shown), and DNA sequencing, which confirmed the target amplified product to be a segment of the dnaJ gene. No amplification with the assay was detected for 13 other closely related Vibrio strains, including the closely related Vibrio neptunius and two non-Vibrio species (Table (Table1).1). A total of five other Vibrio strains and one non-Vibrio strain (Shewanella sp.) exhibited CT values less than the cutoff of 32 cycles. However, CT values for these strains (mean ± standard error of the mean [SEM], 27.96 ± 2.40) were all much higher than those for V. coralliilyticus strains (12.30 ± 1.52), and no amplicons were evident in post-qPCR gel electrophoresis (data not shown).The detection limit for purified V. coralliilyticus genomic DNA was 0.1 pg of DNA, determined by performing 10-fold serial dilutions (100 ng to 0.01 pg per reaction), followed by qPCR amplification. Similarly, qPCR assays of serial dilutions of V. coralliilyticus (LMG 23696) cells cultured overnight in MB (108 CFU ml−1 to extinction) were able to detect as few as 104 CFU (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Standard curves revealed a strong linear negative correlation between CT values and both DNA and cell concentrations of V. coralliilyticus over several orders of magnitude, with r2 values of 0.998 and 0.953 for DNA and cells, respectively (Fig. (Fig.11).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Standard curves delineating threshold (CT) values of fluorescence for indicators of pathogen presence: (A) concentration of V. coralliilyticus DNA and (B) number of V. coralliilyticus cells in pure culture. Error bars indicate standard error of the mean for three replicate qPCRs.Little interference of the qPCR assay was observed when purified V. coralliilyticus (LMG 23696) DNA (10 ng) was combined with 10-fold serial dilutions (0.01 to 100 ng per reaction) of non-V. coralliilyticus DNA (i.e., Vibrio campbellii [ATCC 25920T]). Over the entire range of nontarget DNA concentrations tested, the resulting CT values (mean ± SEM, 17.76 ± 0.53) were not significantly different from those of a control treatment containing 10 ng of V. coralliilyticus DNA and no nonspecific DNA (16.75 ± 0.18; analysis of variance [ANOVA], P = 0.51) (Table (Table2).2). Detection of V. coralliilyticus (LMG 23696) bacterial cells (104, 105, 106, 107, or 108 CFU per ml) in a background of non-V. coralliilyticus cells (i.e., V. campbellii [ATCC 25920T] at 0, 10, 104, or 107 CFU per ml) showed little reduction in assay sensitivity (see Fig. S1 in the supplemental material). For example, when V. coralliilyticus was seeded at 107 cells with similarly high concentrations of nontarget cells, little inhibition of the assay was observed.


Effect of nontarget bacterial DNA on the detection of 10 ng of purified V. coralliilyticus DNA
Amt of nontarget DNA (ng)CT (mean ± SEM)
10016.97 ± 0.33
1016.9 ± 0.08
116.74 ± 0.10
0.117 ± 0.09
0.0116.37 ± 0.43
0a16.75 ± 0.18
NTCb35.04 ± 0.02
Open in a separate windowaV. coralliilyticus (LMG 23696) DNA (10 ng) free of nontarget DNA and cells served as positive controls.bA qPCR mixture containing no bacterial DNA served as a no-template, or negative, control (NTC).The assay''s detection limit in seawater was tested by inoculating 10-fold serial dilutions of V. coralliilyticus (LMG 23696) cultures (grown overnight in MB medium, pelleted at 14,000 rpm for 10 min, and washed twice with sterile phosphate-buffered saline [PBS]) into 1 liter of seawater (equivalent final concentrations were 106 to 1 CFU ml−1). The entire volume of V. coralliilyticus-seeded seawater was filtered through a Sterivex-GP filter (Millipore), and DNA was extracted using the method described by Schauer et al. (11). The lowest detection limit for V. coralliilyticus cells seeded into seawater was 1 CFU ml−1 (Fig. (Fig.2),2), with no detection in a 1-liter volume of an unseeded seawater negative control. Standard curves revealed a strong correlation between CT values and the concentrations of V. coralliilyticus bacteria seeded into the seawater over several orders of magnitude (r2 of 0.968) (Fig. (Fig.22).Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Standard curves showing CT values of the fluorescent signal versus the number of V. coralliilyticus cells per ml seawater (▿), and cells per cm2 of M. aequituberculata tissue, with (○) or without (·) enrichment. Each dot represents an independent experiment. Error bars indicate standard error of the mean for three replicate qPCR runs.The detection limit in seeded coral tissue homogenate was determined by seeding 10-fold dilutions (1010 to 103 CFU ml−1) of pelleted, PBS-washed and resuspended (in 10 ml of sterile PBS) V. coralliilyticus cells onto healthy fragments (∼10 cm2) of the coral Montipora aequituberculata collected from Nelly Bay (Magnetic Island, Australia). Corals were collected in March 2009 and maintained in holding tanks supplied with flowthrough ambient seawater. Resuspended cells were inoculated onto M. aequituberculata fragments, each contained in an individual 3.8-liter plastic bag, allowed to sit at room temperature for 30 min, and then air brushed with compressed air until only white skeleton remained. One-milliliter aliquots of the resulting slurry (PBS, bacteria, and coral tissue) was vortexed for 10 min at 14,000 rpm, and DNA was extracted using a PowerPlant DNA Isolation Kit (Mo Bio, Carlsbad, CA). The lowest detection limits for V. coralliilyticus cells seeded onto coral fragments was 104 CFU per cm2 of coral tissue (Fig. (Fig.2).2). Again, standard curves revealed a strong correlation between CT values and the concentrations of seeded bacteria over several orders of magnitude (r2 of 0.981) (Fig. (Fig.2).2). When a 1-ml aliquot of the slurry was also inoculated into 25 ml of MB and enriched for 6 h at 28°C (with shaking at 170 rpm), the detection limit increased by 1 order of magnitude, to 103 CFU of V. coralliilyticus per cm2 of coral tissue (Fig. (Fig.2).2). The slope of the standard curve reveals some inhibition, particularly at the highest V. coralliilyticus concentrations, which could result from lower replication rates in the cultures with the highest bacterial densities (i.e., 109 CFU). However, since this effect is most pronounced only at the highest bacterial concentrations, the detection limit is still valid. In all trials, unseeded coral fragments and enrichment cultures derived from uninoculated coral fragments served as negative controls.The current study describes the first assay developed to detect and quantify a coral pathogen using a real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) approach. While previous studies have utilized antibodies or fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to detect coral pathogens (1, 6), the combination of high sensitivity and specificity, low contamination risk, and ease and speed of performance (5) make qPCR technology an ideal choice for rapid pathogen detection in complex hosts, such as corals. The assay developed is highly sensitive for V. coralliilyticus, detecting as few as 1 CFU ml−1 of seawater and 104 CFU cm−2 of coral tissue (103 CFU cm−2 of coral tissue with a 6-h enrichment). These detection limits are likely to be within biologically relevant pathogen concentrations. For example, antibodies for specific detection of the coral bleaching pathogen Vibrio shiloi showed that bacterial densities reached 8.4 × 108 cells cm−3 1 month prior to maximum visual bleaching signs on the coral Oculina patagonica (6). Each seeded seawater and coral (enriched and nonenriched) dilution assay was performed in triplicate. The linearity of the resulting standard curves indicates consistent extraction efficiencies over V. coralliilyticus concentrations spanning 6 orders of magnitude (Fig. (Fig.2)2) and provides strong support for the robustness of the assay. In addition, the presence of competing, non-V. coralliilyticus bacterial cells and DNA had a minimal impact on the detection of V. coralliilyticus. This is an important consideration for accurate detection within the complex coral holobiont, where the target organism is present within a matrix of other microbial and host cells.V. coralliilyticus, like V. shiloi (10), is becoming a model pathogen for the study of coral disease. Recent research efforts have characterized the organism''s genome (W. R. Johnson et al., submitted for publication), proteome (N. E. Kimes et al., submitted for publication), resistome (15), and metabolome (4) and enhanced our understanding of the genetic (7, 9) and physiological (7, 13) basis of its virulence. Before effective management response plans can be formulated, however, continuing research on the genetic and cellular aspects of V. coralliilyticus must be complemented with knowledge of the epidemiology of this pathogen, including information on its distribution, incidence of infection, and rates of transmission throughout populations. The V. coralliilyticus-specific qPCR assay developed in this study will provide important insights into the dynamics of pathogen invasion and spread within populations (6) while also aiding in the identification of disease vectors and reservoirs (12). These capabilities will play an important role in advancing the field of coral disease research and effective management of coral reefs worldwide.   相似文献   

Volume 61, no. 1, p. 100, Table 3: in columns 7 and 8, row 3, "-" should read "+." [This corrects the article on p. 98 in vol. 61.].  相似文献   

This study shows that naturally occurring Vibrio predatory bacteria (VPB) exert a major role in controlling pathogenic vibrios in seawater and shellfish. The growth and persistence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus were assessed in natural seawater and in the Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. The pathogens examined were V. vulnificus strain VV1003, V. parahaemolyticus O1:KUT (KUT stands for K untypeable), and V. parahaemolyticus O3:K6 and corresponding O3:K6 mutants deficient in the toxRS virulence regulatory gene or the rpoS alternative stress response sigma factor gene. Vibrios were selected for streptomycin resistance, which facilitated their enumeration. In natural seawater, oysters bioconcentrated each Vibrio strain for 24 h at 22°C; however, counts rapidly declined to near negligible levels by 72 h. In natural seawater with or without oysters, vibrios decreased more than 3 log units to near negligible levels within 72 h. Neither toxRS nor rpoS had a significant effect on Vibrio levels. In autoclaved seawater, V. parahaemolyticus O3:K6 counts increased 1,000-fold over 72 h. Failure of the vibrios to persist in natural seawater and oysters led to screening of the water samples for VPB on lawns of V. parahaemolyticus O3:K6 host cells. Many VPB, including Bdellovibrio and like organisms (BALOs; Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus and Bacteriovorax stolpii) and Micavibrio aeruginosavorus-like predators, were detected by plaque assay and electron microscopic analysis of plaque-purified isolates from Atlantic, Gulf Coast, and Hawaiian seawater. When V. parahaemolyticus O3:K6 was added to natural seawater containing trace amounts of VPB, Vibrio counts diminished 3 log units to nondetectable levels, while VPB increased 3 log units within 48 h. We propose a new paradigm that VPB are important modulators of pathogenic vibrios in seawater and oysters.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide Primers for PCR Amplification of Coelomate Introns   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract Seven novel oligonucleotide primer pairs for polymerase chain reaction amplification of introns from nuclear genes in coelomates were designed and tested. Each pair bound to adjacent exons that are separated by a single intron in most coelomate species. The primer sets amplified introns in species as widely separated by the course of evolution as oysters (Mollusca: Protostoma) and salmon (Chordata: Deuterostoma). Each primer set was tested on a further 6 coelomate species and found to amplify introns in most cases. These primer sets may therefore be useful tools for developing nuclear DNA markers in diverse coelomate species for studies of population genetics, phylogenetics, or genome mapping.  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR was used to analyze the temporal and spatial intraspecific diversity of 208 Vibrio vulnificus strains isolated from Galveston Bay water and oysters at five different sites between June 2000 and June 2001. V. vulnificus was not detected during the winter months (December through February). The densities of V. vulnificus in water and oysters were positively correlated with water temperature. Cluster analysis of RAPD PCR profiles of the 208 V. vulnificus isolates revealed a high level of intraspecific diversity among the strains. No correlation was found between the intraspecific diversity among the isolates and sampling site or source of isolation. After not being detected during the winter months, the genetic diversity of V. vulnificus strains first isolated in March was 0.9167. Beginning in April, a higher level of intraspecific diversity (0.9933) and a major shift in population structure were observed among V. vulnificus isolates. These results suggest that a great genetic diversity of V. vulnificus strains exists in Galveston Bay water and oysters and that the population structure of this species is linked to changes in environmental conditions, especially temperature.  相似文献   

A multiplex real-time PCR assay was developed using molecular beacons for the detection of Vibrio cholerae by targeting four important virulence and regulatory genes. The specificity and sensitivity of this assay, when tested with pure culture and spiked environmental water samples, were high, surpassing those of currently published PCR assays for the detection of this organism.  相似文献   

The antimicrobial susceptibilities of 168 Vibrio parahaemolyticus and 151 Vibrio vulnificus isolates recovered from 82 Louisiana Gulf and retail oysters in 2005 and 2006 were determined. Overall, the two vibrios remained susceptible to the majority of antimicrobials tested; reduced susceptibility was detected only in V. parahaemolyticus for ampicillin (81%; MIC ≥ 16 μg/ml). Additionally, V. parahaemolyticus displayed significantly higher MICs for cefotaxime, ciprofloxacin, and tetracycline than V. vulnificus.  相似文献   

Vibrio parahaemolyticus is an estuarine bacterium that is the leading cause of shellfish-associated cases of bacterial gastroenteritis in the United States. Our laboratory developed a real-time multiplex PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of the thermolabile hemolysin (tlh), thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh), and thermostable-related hemolysin (trh) genes of V. parahaemolyticus. The tlh gene is a species-specific marker, while the tdh and trh genes are pathogenicity markers. An internal amplification control (IAC) was incorporated to ensure PCR integrity and eliminate false-negative reporting. The assay was tested for specificity against >150 strains representing eight bacterial species. Only V. parahaemolyticus strains possessing the appropriate target genes generated a fluorescent signal, except for a late tdh signal generated by three strains of V. hollisae. The multiplex assay detected <10 CFU/reaction of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus in the presence of >104 CFU/reaction of total V. parahaemolyticus bacteria. The real-time PCR assay was utilized with a most-probable-number format, and its results were compared to standard V. parahaemolyticus isolation methodology during an environmental survey of Alaskan oysters. The IAC was occasionally inhibited by the oyster matrix, and this usually corresponded to negative results for V. parahaemolyticus targets. V. parahaemolyticus tlh, tdh, and trh were detected in 44, 44, and 52% of the oyster samples, respectively. V. parahaemolyticus was isolated from 33% of the samples, and tdh+ and trh+ strains were isolated from 19 and 26%, respectively. These results demonstrate the utility of the real-time PCR assay in environmental surveys and its possible application to outbreak investigations for the detection of total and pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus.  相似文献   

Representative encapsulated strains of Vibrio vulnificus from market oysters and oyster-associated primary septicemia cases (25 isolates each) were tested in a blinded fashion for potential virulence markers that may distinguish strains from these two sources. These isolates were analyzed for plasmid content, for the presence of a 460-bp amplicon by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA PCR, and for virulence in subcutaneously (s.c.) inoculated, iron-dextran-treated mice. Similar percentages of market oyster and clinical isolates possessed detectable plasmids (24 and 36%, respectively), produced the 460-bp amplicon (45 and 50%, respectively), and were judged to be virulent in the mouse s.c. inoculation-iron-dextran model (88% for each). Therefore, it appears that nearly all V. vulnificus strains in oysters are virulent and that genetic tests for plasmids and specific PCR size amplicons cannot distinguish between fully virulent and less virulent strains or between clinical and environmental isolates. The inability of these methods to distinguish food and clinical V. vulnificus isolates demonstrates the need for alternative subtyping approaches and virulence assays.  相似文献   

Real-time PCR analysis of Vibrio vulnificus from oysters   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Vibrio vulnificus is an opportunistic human pathogen commonly found in estuarine environments. Infections are associated with raw oyster consumption and can produce rapidly fatal septicemia in susceptible individuals. Standard enumeration of this organism in shellfish or seawater is laborious and inaccurate; therefore, more efficient assays are needed. An oligonucleotide probe derived from the cytolysin gene, vvhA, was previously used for colony hybridizations to enumerate V. vulnificus. However, this method requires overnight growth, and vibrios may lack culturability under certain conditions. In the present study, we targeted the same locus for development of a TaqMan real-time PCR assay. Probe specificity was confirmed by amplification of 28 V. vulnificus templates and by the lack of a PCR product with 22 non-V. vulnificus strains. Detection of V. vulnificus in pure cultures was observed over a 6-log-unit linear range of concentration (10(2) to 10(8) CFU ml(-1)), with a lower limit of 72 fg of genomic DNA micro l of PCR mixture(-1) or the equivalent of six cells. Similar sensitivity was observed in DNA extracted from mixtures of V. vulnificus and V. parahaemolyticus cells. Real-time PCR enumeration of artificially inoculated oyster homogenates correlated well with colony hybridization counts (r(2) = 0.97). Numbers of indigenous V. vulnificus cells in oysters by real-time PCR showed no significant differences from numbers from plate counts with probe (t test; P = 0.43). Viable but nonculturable cells were also enumerated by real-time PCR and confirmed by the BacLight viability assay. These data indicate that real-time PCR can provide sensitive species-specific detection and enumeration of V. vulnificus in seafood.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus is part of the natural estuarine microflora and accumulates in shellfish through filter feeding. It is responsible for the majority of seafood-associated fatalities in the United States mainly through consumption of raw oysters. Previously we have shown that a V. vulnificus mutant unable to express PilD, the type IV prepilin peptidase, does not express pili on the surface of the bacterium and is defective in adherence to human epithelial cells (R. N. Paranjpye, J. C. Lara, J. C. Pepe, C. M. Pepe, and M. S. Strom, Infect. Immun. 66:5659-5668, 1998). A mutant unable to express one of the type IV pilins, PilA, is also defective in adherence to epithelial cells as well as biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces (R. N. Paranjpye and M. S. Strom, Infect. Immun. 73:1411-1422, 2005). In this study we report that the loss of PilD or PilA significantly reduces the ability of V. vulnificus to persist in Crassostrea virginica over a 66-h interval, strongly suggesting that pili expressed by this bacterium play a role in colonization or persistence in oysters.  相似文献   

DNA extraction procedures and PCR conditions to detect Vibrio vulnificus cells naturally occurring in oysters were developed. In addition, PCR amplification of V. vulnificus from oysters seeded with biotype 1 cells was demonstrated. By the methods described, V. vulnificus cells on a medium (colistin-polymyxin B-cellobiose agar) selective for this pathogen were detectable in oysters harvested in January and March, containing no culturable cells (< 67 CFU/g), as well as in oysters harvested in May and June, containing culturable cells. It was possible to complete DNA extraction, PCR, and gel electrophoresis within 10 h by using the protocol described for oysters. V. vulnificus biotype 2 cells were also detected in eel tissues that had been infected with this strain and subsequently preserved in formalin. The protocol used for detection of V. vulnificus cells in eels required less than 5 h to complete. Optimum MgCl2 concentrations for the PCR of V. vulnificus from oysters and eels were different, although the same primer pair was used for both. This is the first report on the detection of cells of V. vulnificus naturally present in shellfish and represents a potentially powerful method for monitoring this important human and eel pathogen.  相似文献   

Postharvest processing (PHP) is used to reduce levels of Vibrio vulnificus in oysters, but process validation is labor-intensive and expensive. Therefore, quantitative PCR was evaluated as a rapid confirmation method for most-probable-number enumeration (QPCR-MPN) of V. vulnificus bacteria in PHP oysters. QPCR-MPN showed excellent correlation (R2 = 0.97) with standard MPN and increased assay sensitivity and efficiency.  相似文献   

A total of 85 isolates of Vibrio vulnificus were characterized by ribotyping with a probe complementary to 16S and 23S rRNA of Escherichia coli and by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR (RAPD-PCR) with a 10-mer oligonucleotide primer. The RAPD-PCR results were scanned, and the images were analyzed with a computer program. Ribotype membranes were evaluated visually. Both the ribotyping and the RAPD-PCR results showed that the collection of strains was genetically very heterogeneous. Ribotyping enabled us to differentiate U.S. and Danish strains and V. vulnificus biotypes 1 and 2, while the RAPD-PCR technique was not able to correlate isolates with sources or to differentiate the two biotypes, suggesting that ribotyping is useful for typing V. vulnificus strains whereas RAPD-PCR profiles may subdivide ribotypes. Two Danish clinical biotype 2 strains isolated from fishermen who contracted the infection cleaning eels belonged to the same ribotype as three eel strains (biotype 2), providing further evidence that V. vulnificus biotype 2 is an opportunistic pathogen for humans. One isolate (biotype 2) from Danish coastal waters also showed the same ribotype as the eel strains. This is, to our knowledge, the first time the isolation of V. vulnificus biotype 2 from coastal waters has been described.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to understand the seasonal distribution of Vibrio vulnificus in oysters from two estuaries and the effect of environmental factors on the abundance of V. vulnificus in tropical waters. V. vulnificus was detected in 56.6% of the samples tested by colony hybridization with an alkaline phosphatase-labeled oligonucleotide probe (VV-AP), and the counts ranged from <10/g during the summer months to 103/g in the monsoon season at both sites. The density of V. vulnificus appeared to be controlled more by salinity than by temperature. A nested PCR used in this study detected V. vulnificus in 85% of the samples following 18 h of enrichment in alkaline peptone water.  相似文献   

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