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不同利用方式下稻田效益的综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言评价是多目标系统优化和决策的基础。和任何其他农业生态系统一样,稻田生态系统具有多目标、多功能的特点,单项指标难以反映系统的优劣。目前,川东南地区稻田开发利用方式多种多样,但效益评价主要是采用简单的比较分析或粗放的定性描述,尚未形成系统的  相似文献   

罗志义 《生态学报》1982,2(3):255-266
随着害虫的综合防治的发展,生态学中的许多基本概念越来越多地被运用到农业害虫防治系统中去,指导农业害虫防治工作的发展。早在六十年代初我国马世骏等运用生态观点对大田作物群落结构的特点、分类、影响大田作物群落更替的因素及控制大田作物害虫种群的途径进行过论述(马世骏,1962)到1976年又结合农业害虫的综合防治途径对农作物的生态系统结构和物质循环进行详细分析(马世骏,1976)1978年结合农业害虫测报展望对害虫种群结构及其多样性作了概括(马世骏,1978)。朱弘复在1978年对有害生物的治理的战略与  相似文献   

本文从温室害虫防治实践角度,对近20年来温室害虫研究进行了综述,主要内容包括:温室害虫种类与鉴定、重要害虫基础生物学研究、温室害虫共生微生物研究等温室害虫基础研究成果;从农业、物理、化学、生物等防治途径综述了温室害虫防治技术的主要进展。从加强植物检疫、重视温室内外害虫辗转规律研究、新型生防产品研发与应用、组合技术方案研发与应用、智慧温室害虫防控技术研发与应用及诱集及天敌庇护植物应用等方面进行了展望。  相似文献   

储藏物害虫的病原微生物包括病原细菌、真菌、病毒和病原原生动物等.本文综述了储藏物害虫病原微生物的研究与应用概况,并就病原微生物防治与其它防治方法的兼容作了简要概述,以期为储藏物害虫的生物防治提供参考.  相似文献   

城市生态系统的模拟方法:灵敏度模型及其改进   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
吕永龙  王如松 《生态学报》1996,16(3):309-313
评估城市生态系统的持续发展能力,探讨其持续发展对策是一个复杂的动态问题,需要运用动态的模拟方法进行。由德国著名生态控制论专家F.Vester和A.V.Hesler教授提出的“灵敏度模型”方法,将系统科学思想、生态控制论方法及城市规划融为一体,解释、模拟、评价和规划城市复杂的系统关系,是模拟城市生态系统很好的方法。本文对该方法进行了改进。改进后的“灵敏度模型”为评价城市持续发展能力、探讨其持续发展对策提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

稻田昆虫群落是农业昆虫群落总体的重要组成部分,也是稻田生态系统的重要结构。本文综述了我国稻田昆虫群落多样性及生态调控功能研究进展。显示,我国的稻田昆虫群落研究,主要围绕天敌资源利用与水稻害虫防治两个方面,且基于水稻害虫防治中心目标开展。而且,稻田昆虫群落常被分为捕食性昆虫、寄生性昆虫、中性昆虫、水稻害虫等亚群落或功能团被研究,且昆虫群落中重要天敌昆虫种群与重要水稻害虫种群密切联系。为此,本文主要就我国稻田昆虫群落与组成、稻田昆虫多样性与资源、水稻害虫发生动态、防治方法策略与害虫生态调控、食物网营养关系与能流、采样技术方法、稻田生态安全性评价指示生物等进展进行了介绍,并指出了未来发展的方向。  相似文献   

本文以中季稻区稻田主要害虫稻飞虱、稻纵卷叶螟和捕食天敌蜘蛛的田间系统调查资料为基础,以害虫—天敌—农药系统为研究对象,应用害虫管理系统工程的原理,处理害虫、捕食天敌与农药三者之间的关系。建立了稻纵叶螟—蜘蛛—甲胺磷和稻飞虱—蜘蛛—甲胺磷两系统优化管理模型,绘制了它们的优化反馈控制策略图,利用微机对系统进行最优监控。使用时输入当前田间害虫与天敌数量,就可对系统作出即时的预测和最优决策。该策略确立的控制害虫的最优性能指标,是使害虫对农作物的为害所造成的损失与防治费用之和最小,并且使害虫和天敌的数量处于系统平衡状态。文中比较分析了该策略与基于经济阈值的常规害虫管理策略,指出了新策略在害虫综合治理中对天敌数量进行控制和管理的作用及其意义。  相似文献   

“以菌治虫”是综合防治害虫的主要措施之一。进行害虫病原微生物的资源调查,研究病原微生物的特性、发病条件和生产使用方法等工作,是开展“以菌治虫”工作的基础。为此,我们对贵州省茶树害虫的病原微生物进行了调查研究。本文介绍其初步结果。  相似文献   

我国农业害虫综合防治研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
农业害虫综合防治是昆虫学的一门应用科学,旨在明确农作物害虫的发生危害与暴发成灾规律,提出害虫监测预警和可持续治理的理论与方法。在2012-2016年的5年间,我国提出了基于生态系统服务和多尺度空间管理的害虫生态调控新理论,发展了害虫行为调控技术和化学防治新技术,并在棉铃虫对Bt棉花抗性治理对策、稻飞虱的监测预警和综合防控技术、小菜蛾抗药性诊断及治理技术、青藏高原农牧害虫发生规律和分区治理等防治实践中取得了重要进展。根据国际上害虫综合防治学科发展趋势和我国的研究现状,将来还需要在害虫灾变机制研究、害虫绿色防控技术创新研发以及集成应用等方面进行深入探索,为我国农业害虫可持续治理以及化学农药减量使用提供有力的科技支撑。  相似文献   

中国农业生态系统外来种入侵及其管理现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业生态系统极易遭受外来生物入侵。作者根据文献资料和多年工作观察统计出入侵我国农业生态系统的外来生物共计92科175属239种, 其中植物155种, 动物55种, 微生物29种, 植物多为有意引入后逸生, 而动物和微生物则主要是无意引入。外来入侵种发生数量呈现从南到北、从东到西逐渐减少的趋势。这些入侵种中, 来源于美洲的最多(占45.04%), 其次是欧洲(22.90%); 菜地(包括温室大棚)和果园入侵种最多, 分别达64.85%和66.53%, 而半年期的秋熟旱地和夏熟旱地分别占34.31%和23.85%。其中17种外来杂草、10种害虫、7种病原菌为恶性有害生物, 应作为防除的重点目标。目前农业生态系统外来入侵物种的控制以化学防治为主, 但由于长期施用化学农药, 在侵入我国农田的入侵种中, 已有51种在世界不同地区演化出抗药性生物型, 因而需重视生物防治、农业和生态防治以及检疫等的综合应用。今后外来种对农业生态系统的入侵格局、机制和趋势, 入侵途径以及生物入侵和抗药性生物型对农业生态系统中有害生物群落演替的影响、转基因作物导致的生物入侵等问题值得关注。  相似文献   

A multitude of insects and mites attack fruit crops throughout the tropics. The traditional method for controlling most of these pests is the application of chemical pesticides. Growing concern on the negative environmental effects has encouraged the development of alternatives. Inundatively and inoculatively applied microbial control agents (virus, bacteria, fungi, and entomopathogenic nematodes) have been developed as alternative control methods of a wide variety of arthropods including tropical fruit pests. The majority of the research and applications in tropical fruit agroecosystems has been conducted in citrus, banana, coconut, and mango. Successful microbial control initiatives of citrus pests and mites have been reported. Microbial control of arthropod pests of banana includes banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) (with EPNs and fungi) among others Oryctes rhinoceros (L.) is one of the most important pests of coconut and one of the most successful uses of non-occluded virus for classical biological control. Key pests of mango that have been controlled with microbial control agents include fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) (with EPNs and fungi), and other pests. Also successful is the microbial control of arthropod pests of guava, papaya and pineapple. The challenge towards a broader application of entomopathogens is the development of successful combinations of entomopathogens, predators, and parasitoids along with other interventions to produce effective and sustainable pest management.  相似文献   

M. Baggiolini 《BioControl》1965,10(3):221-229
Summary The method of visual control proposed in this note consists of a periodic count of the principal pests and their antagonists occuring on some selected vegetative organs of trees that are representative of the culture. The percentage of infestation obtained in this manner corrected by an evaluation of other factors influencing the destructive potential of the pests is then translated into a ?degree of danger?. The results of this control indicate, therefore, the danger each of the pests holds for the culture and give an account of the critical level of tolerance.   相似文献   

化学防治自1940年代后虽然为农业和医界害虫防治带来许多的经济效益。相对的。因其对非标的生物(有益生物,野生生物.家畜及农场操作人员)有毒害作用.及其残留量(residue)可在空气中.土壤,水中发现.又可经作物带给消费。也使我们得考虑其安全性.  相似文献   

The functioning of natural microbial ecosystems is influenced by various biotic and abiotic conditions. The careful experimental manipulation of environmental conditions can drive microbial ecosystems toward exhibiting desirable types of functionality. Such manipulations can be systematically approached by viewing them as a combinatorial optimization problem, in which the optimal configuration of environmental conditions is sought. Such an effort requires a sound optimization technique. Genetic algorithms are a class of optimization methods that should be suitable for such a task because they can deal with multiple interacting variables and with experimental noise and because they do not require an intricate understanding or modelling of the ecosystem of interest. We propose the use of genetic algorithms to drive undefined microbial ecosystems in desirable directions by combinatorially optimizing sets of environmental conditions. We tested this approach in a model system where the microbial ecosystem of a human saliva sample was manipulated in successive steps to display increasing amounts of azo dye decoloration. The results of our experiments indicated that a genetic algorithm was capable of optimizing ecosystem function by manipulating the presence or absence of a set of 10 chemical supplements. Genetic algorithms hold promise for use as a tool in environmental microbiology for the efficient control of the functioning of natural and undefined microbial ecosystems.  相似文献   

The development of increasingly popular multiobjective metaheuristics has allowed bioinformaticians to deal with optimization problems in computational biology where multiple objective functions must be taken into account. One of the most relevant research topics that can benefit from these techniques is phylogenetic inference. Throughout the years, different researchers have proposed their own view about the reconstruction of ancestral evolutionary relationships among species. As a result, biologists often report different phylogenetic trees from a same dataset when considering distinct optimality principles. In this work, we detail a multiobjective swarm intelligence approach based on the novel Artificial Bee Colony algorithm for inferring phylogenies. The aim of this paper is to propose a complementary view of phylogenetics according to the maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood criteria, in order to generate a set of phylogenetic trees that represent a compromise between these principles. Experimental results on a variety of nucleotide data sets and statistical studies highlight the relevance of the proposal with regard to other multiobjective algorithms and state-of-the-art biological methods.  相似文献   

From Metchnikoff to Monsanto and beyond: the path of microbial control   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In 125 years since Metchnikoff proposed the use of Metarhizium anisopliae to control the wheat cockchafer and brought about the first field trials, microbial control has progressed from the application of naturalists' observations to biotechnology and precision delivery. This review highlights major milestones in its evolution and presents a perspective on its current direction. Fungal pathogens, the most eye-catching agents, dominated the early period, but major mycological control efforts for chinch bugs and citrus pests in the US had questionable success, and interest waned. The discoveries of Bacillus popilliae and Bacillus thuringiensis began the era of practical and commercially viable microbial control. A program to control the Japanese beetle in the US led to the discovery of both B. popilliae and Steinernema glaseri, the first nematode used as a microbial control agent. Viral insect control became practical in the latter half of the 20th century, and the first registration was obtained with the Heliothis nuclear polyhedrosis virus in 1975. Now strategies are shifting for microbial control. While Bt transgenic crops are now planted on millions of hectares, the successes of more narrowly defined microbial control are mainly in small niches. Commercial enthusiasm for traditional microbial control agents has been unsteady in recent years. The prospects of microbial insecticide use on vast areas of major crops are now viewed more realistically. Regulatory constraints, activist resistance, benign and efficacious chemicals, and limited research funding all drive changes in focus. Emphasis is shifting to monitoring, conservation, integration with chemical pesticides, and selection of favorable venues such as organic agriculture and countries that have low costs, mild regulatory climates, modest chemical inputs, and small scale farming.  相似文献   

Microorganisms are enormous but largely untapped natural resources for biological control of pests and diseases. There are two primary reasons for their underployment for pest or disease control: (1) the technical difficulties of using microorganisms for biological control, owing to a lack of fundamental information on them and their ecology, and (2) the costs of product development and regulatory approvals required for each strain, formulation, and use. Agriculture and forestry benefit greatly from the resident communities of microorganisms responsible for naturally occurring biological control of pest species, but additional benefits are achieved by introducing/applying them when or where needed. This can be done as (1) an inoculative release, (2) an augmentative application, or (3) an inundative application. Because of their specificity, different microbial biocontrol agents typically are needed to control different pests or the same pest in different environments. Four potential adverse effects are identified as safety issues (hazards) associated with the use of microorganisms for the biological control of plant pests and diseases. These are: (1) displacement of nontarget microorganisms, (2) allergenicity to humans and other animals, (3) toxigenicity to nontarget organisms, and (4) pathogenicity to nontarget organisms. Except for allergenicity, these are the same attributes that contribute to the efficacy of microbial biocontrol agents toward the target pest species. The probability of occurrence of a particular adverse nontarget effect of a microbial biocontrol agent may be a function of geographic origin or a specific trait genetically added or modified, but the safety issues are the still the same, including whether the microorganism intended for pest or disease control is indigenous, nonindigenous (imported and released), or genetically modified by traditional or recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology. Likewise, the probability of occurrence of a particular adverse nontarget effect may vary with method of application, e.g., whether as an aerosol, soil treatment, baits, or seed treatment, and may increase with increased scale of use, but the safety issues are still the same, including whether the microorganism is used for an inoculative release or augmentative or inundative application. Existing practices for managing microorganisms in the environment (e.g., plant pathogens,Rhizobium,plant inoculants) provide experience and options for managing the risks of microorganisms applied for pest and disease control. Moreover, experience to date indicates that any adverse nontarget effects, should they occur, are likely to be short-term or transitory effects that can, if significant, be eliminated by terminating use of the microbial biocontrol agent. In contrast, production agriculture as currently practiced, such as the use of tillage and crop rotations, has significant and long-term effects on nontarget organisms, including the intentional and unintentional displacement of microorganisms. Even the decision to leave plant pests and diseases unmanaged could have significant long-term environmental effects on nontarget organisms. Potential safety issues associated with the use of microbial biocontrol must therefore be properly identified and compared with the impact of other options for managing the pest or leaving the pest unmanaged. This paper provides a scientific framework for this process.  相似文献   

蔬菜害虫防治技术的发展与应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
郑建秋  罗维德 《昆虫知识》1992,29(3):172-175
<正> 我国幅员广、气候差异大、蔬菜品种多、茬口复杂、其害虫种类已达300多种,重要的有40余种。其发生情况常因蔬菜品种、栽培制度、气候类型不同而异。其  相似文献   

The increasing demand for a steady, healthy food supply requires an efficient control of the major pests and plant diseases. Current management practices are based largely on the application of synthetic pesticides. The excessive use of agrochemicals has caused serious environmental and health problems. Therefore, there is a growing demand for new and safer methods to replace or at least supplement the existing control strategies. Biological control, that is, the use of natural antagonists to combat pests or plant diseases has emerged as a promising alternative to chemical pesticides. The Bacilli offer a number of advantages for their application in agricultural biotechnology. Several Bacillus-based products have been marketed as microbial pesticides, fungicides or fertilisers. Bacillus-based biopesticides are widely used in conventional agriculture, by contrast, implementation of Bacillus-based biofungicides and biofertilizers is still a pending issue.  相似文献   

甘蔗螟虫绿色防控技术集成与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据甘蔗螟虫发生与危害特点,协调应用各单项绿色防控技术。在甘蔗生长前期施用高效低毒杀虫剂,中期及中后期实施以性诱剂和赤眼蜂协调应用为主的防治螟虫关键技术,并加强田间管理。在广东遂溪县、翁源县和广西扶绥县两省区三地技术集成应用示范,结果表明:螟害防控效果明显,并取得了良好的经济效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

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