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Normal adult human melanocytes grown either in the presence of phorbol ester or dialyzed hypothalamic extract were analyzed for their cell surface sialic acid and galactose content. In both cases, cells expressed large amounts of sialic acid, whereas they differed in their terminal nonreducing beta-D-galactosyl residues linked to N-acetyl galactosamine; such residues were accessible to peanut agglutinin and Bauhinia purpurea lectin on cells grown in phorbol ester and inaccessible on cells grown with dialyzed hypothalamic extract. In addition, striking differences in morphology and growth characteristics were observed between adult melanocytes grown with phorbol ester or with dialyzed hypothalamic extract. Thus, pure cultures of normal adult human melanocytes grown in the presence of dialyzed hypothalamic extract displayed cell surface properties different from those of melanocytes grown with phorbol ester. Cultures of melanocytes with dialyzed hypothalamic extract are likely to reflect known cell surface characteristics of human melanocytes in the skin. Such cultures could represent a useful model to study normal behavior and tumor progression of pigmented cells.  相似文献   

Expression of the potassium channel ROMK in adult and fetal human kidney   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The renal potassium channel ROMK is a crucial element of K+ recycling and secretion in the distal tubule and the collecting duct system. Mutations in the ROMK gene (KCNJ1) lead to hyperprostaglandin E syndrome/antenatal Bartter syndrome, a life-threatening hypokalemic disorder of the newborn. The localization of ROMK channel protein, however, remains unknown in humans. We generated an affinity-purified specific polyclonal anti-ROMK antibody raised against a C-terminal peptide of human ROMK. Immunoblotting revealed a 45 kDa protein band in both rat and human kidney tissue. In human kidney sections, the antibody showed intense staining of epithelial cells in the cortical and medullary thick ascending limb (TAL), the connecting tubule, and the collecting duct. Moreover, a strong expression of ROMK protein was detected in cells of the macula densa. In epithelial cells of the TAL expression of ROMK protein was mainly restricted to the apical membrane. In human fetal kidney expression of ROMK protein was detected mainly in distal tubules of mature nephrons but not or only marginally in the collecting system. No expression was found in early developmental stages such as comma or S shapes, indicating a differentiation-dependent expression of ROMK protein. In summary, these findings support the proposed role of ROMK channels in potassium recycling and in the regulation of K+ secretion and present a rationale for the phenotype observed in patients with ROMK deficiency.  相似文献   

Treatment of polymorphonuclear leukocytes with sialidase release about one-half of the total sialic acid of the cells. Such treatment affects neither phagocytic ingestion nor glycolysis. These results are in contrast to earlier data in the literature that indicate suppression of both functions mentioned upon desialation of these cells. The presence of an inhibitor of glycolysis that contaminated the crude enzyme previously used is suggested.  相似文献   

Recently, we showed that porcine sialoadhesin (pSn) mediates internalization of the arterivirus porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) in alveolar macrophages (Vanderheijden et al., J. Virol. 77:8207-8215, 2003). In rodents and humans, sialoadhesin, or Siglec-1, has been described as a macrophage-restricted molecule and to specifically bind sialic acid moieties. In the current study, we investigated whether pSn is a sialic acid binding protein and, whether so, whether this property is important for its function as a PRRSV receptor. Using untreated and neuraminidase-treated sheep erythrocytes, we showed that pSn binds sialic acid. Furthermore, pSn-specific monoclonal antibody 41D3, which blocks PRRSV infection, inhibited this interaction. PRRSV attachment to and infection of porcine alveolar macrophages (PAM) were both shown to be dependent on the presence of sialic acid on the virus: neuraminidase treatment of virus but not of PAM blocked infection and reduced attachment. Enzymatic removal of all N-linked glycans on the virus with N-glycosidase F reduced PRRSV infection, while exclusive removal of nonsialylated N-linked glycans of the high-mannose type with endoglycosidase H had no significant effect. Free sialyllactose and sialic acid containing (neo)glycoproteins reduced infection, while lactose and (neo)glycoproteins devoid of sialic acids had no significant effect. Studies with linkage-specific neuraminidases and lectins indicated that alpha2-3- and alpha2-6-linked sialic acids on the virion are important for PRRSV infection of PAM. From these results, we conclude that pSn is a sialic acid binding lectin and that interactions between sialic acid on the PRRS virion and pSn are essential for PRRSV infection of PAM.  相似文献   

The expression patterns of intermediate filament proteins in fetal and normal or nonpathological adult human lung tissues are described using (chain-specific) monoclonal antibodies. In early stages of development (9-10 weeks and 25 weeks of gestation) only so-called simple cytokeratins such as cytokeratins 7 (minor amounts). 8, 18 and 19 are detected in bronchial epithelial cells. At later stages of development, the cytokeratin expression patterns become more complex. The number of bronchial cells positive for cytokeratin 7 increases, but basal cells in the bronchial epithelium remain negative. These latter cells show, however, expression of cytokeratin 14 in the third trimester of gestation. Developing alveolar epithelial cells express cytokeratins 7, 8, 18 and 19. In adult human bronchial epithelium cytokeratins 4 (varying amounts), 7, 8, 13 (minor amounts), 14, 18 and 19 can be detected, with the main expression of cytokeratins 7, 8, and 18 in columnar cells and the main expression of cytokeratin 14 in basal cells. Vimentin is detected in all mesenchymal tissues. In addition, fetal lung expresses vimentin in bronchial epithelium, however, to a lesser extent with increasing age, resulting in the expression of vimentin in only few scattered bronchial cells at birth. Also in adult bronchial epithelium the expression of vimentin is noticed in part of the basal and columnar epithelial cells. Desmin filaments, present in smooth muscle cells of the lung, appear to alter their protein structure with age. In early stages of development smooth muscle cells surrounding blood vessels are partly reactive with some cytokeratin antibodies and with a polyclonal desmin antibody. At week 9-10 and week 25 of gestation a monoclonal antibody to desmin, however, is not reactive with blood vessel smooth muscle cells but is only reactive with smooth muscle cells surrounding bronchi. With increasing age the reactivity of cytokeratin antibodies with smooth muscle cells in blood vessels decreases, while the reactivity with the monoclonal desmin antibody increases. Our results show that during differentiation profound changes in the intermediate filament expression patterns occur in the different cell types of the developing lung.  相似文献   

A new, mild method is described for spin-labelling sialic acid residues in situ. The procedure involves the formation of C-1 sialamides and has been applied to a serum glycoprotein, a mucin, tissue sections from human colon, and erythrocyte membrane components. The selectivity of the method and its possible applicability to other types of labelling are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the participation of carbohydrate residues in the adhesion of spermatozoa to the oviductal epithelium in the rat. We first examined, by lectin labeling, the distribution of glycoconjugates in rat oviducts obtained under various hormonal environments. Several classes of glycoconjugates were abundant in the epithelium, and the expression of some of these molecules varied differentially in ampulla and isthmus, along the estrous cycle and with estradiol and progesterone treatment. Proestrous rats were intraoviductally injected with lectins Dolichos biflorus, Erythrina cristagalli, Helix pomatia, Arachis hypogea, Ulex europaeus I, Triticum vulgaris, or Tritrichomonas mobilensis and were inseminated with 10-20 million epididymal spermatozoa in each uterine horn. Three hours later, the total number of spermatozoa present in the oviduct and the proportion adhering to the epithelium were determined. Intraoviductal administration of lectins did not affect the total number of spermatozoa recovered from the oviduct and only the sialic acid-binding lectin TML decreased the percentage of sperm cells adhering to the epithelium. The involvement of sialic acid in sperm-oviduct adhesion was further explored, inseminating spermatozoa preincubated with mannose, galactose, sialic acid, fucose, fetuin, or asialofetuin. Sialic acid and fetuin inhibited sperm-oviduct binding while other carbohydrates had no effect. Using TML lectin immunohistochemistry, we found that sialic acid-rich glycoconjugates are equally localized in the epithelium of ampulla and isthmus of proestrous rats. The electrophoretic pattern of sialic acid-rich glycoproteins of the epithelium showed 15 major protein bands, for which molecular mass ranged from 200 to 50 kDa with no difference between ampulla and isthmus or between estrous cycle stages. Binding sites for sialic acid-fluorescein isothiocyanate were demonstrated on the surface of rat spermatozoa, and biotinylated sialic acid recognized 11 plasma membrane proteins of sperm cells. These groups of sialic acid-rich glycoproteins in the oviductal epithelium and of sialic acid-binding proteins in the plasma membrane of sperm cells are good candidates for further studies to characterize the molecules responsible for sperm binding. We conclude that there are segment-specific changes of sugar residues present in the oviductal epithelium associated with different endocrine environments. Sperm-oviduct adhesion in the rat occurs by interaction of sialoglycoconjugates present in the epithelial cells with sialic acid-binding proteins on the sperm surface. This replicates the situation previously found in hamsters, disclosing for the first time that species-specificity in the sugar involved in sperm binding is not absolute.  相似文献   

Summary. Background: Down syndrome (DS, trisomy 21) is the most common genetic cause of mental retardation. A large series of biochemical defects have been observed in fetal and adult DS brain that help in unraveling the molecular mechanisms underlying mental retardation. Aims: As sialylation of glycoconjugates plays an important role in brain development, this study aimed to look at the sialic acid metabolism by measuring sialic acid synthase (SAS; N-acetylneuraminate synthase) in early second trimester fetal control and DS brain. Results: In this regard, protein profiling was performed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis coupled to matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass-spectrometry followed by database search and subsequent quantification of spot using specific software. SAS, the enzyme catalyzing synthesis of N-acetyl-neuraminic acid (syn: sialic acid) was represented as a single spot and found to be significantly and manifold reduced (P < 0.01) in cortex of fetuses with DS (control vs. DS, 0.052 ± 0.025 vs. 0.012 ± 0.006). Conclusion: The intriguing finding of the manifold decrease of SAS in DS fetal cerebral cortex as early as in the second trimester of pregnancy may help to explain the brain deficit observed in DS. Decreased SAS may well lead to altered sialic acid metabolism, required for brain development and, more specifically, for sialylation of key brain proteins, including neuronal cell adhesion molecule and myelin associated glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The content and accessibility of terminal sialic acid and galactose residues of rat hepatocytes in primary culture were determined by in situ labeling using either periodate or sialidase/galactose oxidase treatment followed by sodium borotritiide reduction. Rat erythrocytes which were used for comparison showed a strongly enhanced tritium incorporation into galactose after sialidase treatment. In contrast, with freshly prepared rat hepatocytes only a small amount of galactose labeling was achieved after sialidase treatment. The amount of galactose labeled following sialidase treatment increased with time in culture up to day 6 and roughly paralleled the increase of the total sialic acid content. Major changes of sialic acid-containing glycoconjugates were restricted to the gangliosides. There was a transient drop in surface labeling of ganglioside-associated sialic acid on the first day in culture. The specific radioactivity of the in situ-tritiated ganglioside-sialic acid also fell by 50% in this period. Between day 2 and 4, there was an increase in gangliosidesialic acid labeling but the specific radioactivity of the sialic acid remained constant. This indicates that newly synthesized gangliosides but not the preexisting ones were accessible to periodate oxidation. The data allow conclusions about turnover and topology of the sialic acid-containing glycolipids.  相似文献   

Summary Expression of fetal antigens in early and late passages of tissue culture cells derived from C3H/HeN and C57BL/KaLw mouse fetal cells and from lung tissue of young C57BL/6N mice was investigated by the isotopic antiglobulin technique. The late passage lines of fetal cells had undergone “spontaneous” neoplastic transformation in culture. The antisera were produced by syngeneic immunization with 5000 R x-irradiated tissues from C3H/HeN and C57BL/6N fetuses of 1 to 2 weeks gestation. Fetal antigens were found to be retained even after 5 years in cell lines derived from fetal tissues In these lines no consistent change in fetal antigen expression could be correlated with neoplastic transformation. In contrast, the early passages of adult cells did not have detectable amounts of fetal antigens. However, fetal antigen(s) was demonstrated in cells of the late passages, and cells of both lines grew as sarcomas when next assayed 55 days later. In addition, fetal antigens were also present in established tumor lines in culture.  相似文献   

C C Ting  K K Sanford  F M Price 《In vitro》1978,14(2):207-211
Expression of fetal antigens in early and late passages of tissue culture cells derived from C3H/HeN and C57BL/KaLw mouse fetal cells and from lung tissue of young C57BL/6N mice was investigated by the isotopic antiglobulin technique. The late passage lines of fetal cells had undergone "spontaneous" neoplastic transformation in culture. The antisera were produced by syngeneic immunization with 5000 R x-irradiated tissues from C3H/HeN and C57BL/6N fetuses of 1 to 2 weeks gestation. Fetal antigens were found to be retained even after 5 years in cell lines derived from fetal tissues. In these lines no consistent change in fetal antigen expression could be correlated with neoplastic transformation. In contrast, the early passages of adult cells did not have detectable amounts of fetal antigens. However, fetal antigen(s) was demonstrated in cells of the late passages, and cells of both lines grew as sarcomas when next assayed 55 days later. In addition, fetal antigens were also present in established tumor lines in culture.  相似文献   

The effects of maternal malnutrition on fetal lung growth and surface forces were studied in albino rats. Pregnant albino rats were subjected to one of the following diets: rat chow ad lib. (controls), partial food deprivation (intake one-half that of the controls), complete food deprivation for 4 days (on gestation day 3-7, 9-13, or 17-21), low protein (8%), and fat free. The fetal lungs were studied on the 21st day of gestation (delivered by cesarean section) or at birth (gestation day 22). Fetuses and neonates after maternal food deprivation (FD) on the 17-21 day of pregnancy, and after a low-protein (LP) diet during pregnancy, had significantly smaller body weight and lung wet or dry weight/body weight ratio (hypocellular lungs). The minimum surface tension (gamma min) of fetal lung extracts was significantly increased with FD and LP. This was associated with a reduction of about 35% in lung lecithin content, expressed per lung DNA. The earlier in pregnancy the rat was subjected to 4-day food deprivation the less the effect on the fetus. At birth the gamma min and the lung lecithin content reached control values. This recovery occurred after birth (at age 4-10 h) and prior to first feeding. However, the lungs remained small and hypocellular. The results indicate that the nutritional status of the pregnant rat influences the surface activity and the growth of the fetal lung.  相似文献   

Summary Fibroblasts derived from patients with I-cell disease have been shown to accumulate many natural substrates including a three to fourfold increase in sialic acid content compared to that found in normal fibroblasts. This diverse accumulation of storage material is due to a massive deficiency of multiple lysosomal hydrolases as they are preferentially excreted into the culture fluid. There is evidence that the I-cell plasma membrane itself is abnormal with respect to certain transferase activities and in its sensitivity to freezing and Triton X-100. In this study, we have shown that a neuraminidase-sensitive substrate, and perhaps others in I-cell fibroblasts, contribute to an increased electronegativity of the I-cell fibroblast surface and to the cells' sensitivity to freezing. We also found that neuraminidase treatment of I-cell fibroblasts before preservative freezing in liquid nitrogen enables the cells to adapt more easily to subculture upon thawing. This project was supported in part by National Institutes of Health (NIH) BRSG Grant RR-05493, NIH Grant 1-R01-HD-11453-01-A1, National Science Foundation Grant PCM 77-05733, and Maternal and Child Health Service Project 417. Georgirene D. Vladutiu is the recipient of Research Career Development Award 1K04 HD 00312-01A1 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

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