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Summary The egg cytoplasm of ascidian,Ciona intestinalis, segregates towards both the animal and vegetal poles within a few minutes of fertilization or parthenogetic activation with ionophore A23187. A constriction appears first on the egg surface near the animal pole and then moves to the vegetal pole. Carmine granules and spermatozoa attached to the egg surface move towards the vegetal pole with the movement of the constriction. Microvilli, which are distributed uniformly in unfertilized egg, disappear on the animal side of the constriction and became more dense on the vegetal side of the constriction. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that sub-cortical cytoplasm, containing numerous mitochondria and sub-cortical granules, moves towards the vegetal pole with the movement of the constriction and then concentrates into a cytoplasmic cap at the vegetal pole. An electron-dense layer appears in the cortex of the cap. The ooplasmic segregation and the cortical contraction were inhibited by cytochalasin B and induced by ionophore A23187. These observations suggest that ooplasmic segregation is caused by the cortical contraction which is characterised by a surface constriction and by the formation of an electron-dense layer.  相似文献   

Summary Ooplasmic segregation, i.e. the accumulation of pole plasm in theTubifex egg, consists of two steps: (1) Cytoplasm devoid of yolk granules and lipid droplets migrates toward the egg periphery and forms a continuous subcortical layer around the whole egg; (2) the subcortical cytoplasm moves along the surface toward the animal pole in the animal hemisphere and toward the vegetal pole in the vegetal hemisphere, and finally accumulates at both poles of the egg to form the animal and vegetal pole plasms. Whereas the subcortical layer increases in volume during the first step, it decreases during the second step. This is ascribed to the compact rearrangement in the subcortical layer of membraneous organelles such as endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. The number of membraneous organelles associated with the cortical layer increases during the second step. Electron microscopy reveals the presence of microfilaments not only in the cortical layer but also in the subcortical layer. Subcortical microfilaments link membraneous organelles to form networks; some are associated with bundles of cortical microfilaments. The thickness of the cortical layer differs regionally. The pattern of this difference does not change during the second step. On the other hand, the subcortical cytoplasm moves ahead of the stationary cortical layer. The accumulation of pole plasm is blocked by cytochalasin B but not by colchicine. The first step of this process is less sensitive to cytochalasin B than the second step, suggesting that these two steps are controlled by differnt mechanisms. The mechanical aspects of ooplasmic segregation in theTubifex egg are discussed in the light of the present observations.  相似文献   

In contrast with most other eggs, where the endoplasmic reticulum is mixed with many other organelles, in ascidians, continuous sheets and tubes of endoplasmic reticulum constitute the only prominent organelle in the immediate layer (0.5-1μm) beneath the plasma membrane, and occupies 16–20% of the cortical volume. We took advantage of this unusual stratification of the organelles in the ascidian egg, to carry X-ray microanalysis. Our measurements provide the first estimate of the calcium content of the endoplasmic reticulum network in an egg, and show it is the main calcium store.  相似文献   

MARCKS (myristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate) is a major substrate for protein kinase C (PKC), a kinase that has multiple functions during oocyte maturation and egg activation, for example, spindle function and cytoskeleton reorganization. We examined temporal and spatial changes in p-MARCKS localization during maturation of mouse oocytes and found that p-MARCKS is a novel centrosome component based its co-localization with pericentrin and gamma-tubulin within microtubule organizing centers (MTOCs). Like pericentrin, p-MARCKS staining at the MI spindle poles was asymmetric. Based on this asymmetry, we found that one end of the spindle was preferentially extruded with the first polar body. At MII, however, the spindle poles had symmetrical p-MARCKS staining. p-MARCKS also was enriched in the periphery of the actin cap overlying the MI or MII spindle to form a ring-shaped subdomain. Because phosphorylation of MARCKS modulates its actin crosslinking function, this localization suggests p-MARCKS functions as part of the contractile apparatus during polar body emission. Our finding that an activator of conventional and novel PKC isoforms did not increase the amount of p-MARCKS suggested that an atypical isoform was responsible for MARCKS phosphorylation. Consistent with this idea, immunostaining revealed that the staining patterns of p-MARCKS and the active form of the atypical PKC zeta/lambda isoform(s) were very similar. These results show that p-MARCKS is a novel centrosome component and also defines a previously unrecognized subdomain of the actin cap overlying the spindle.  相似文献   

Summary Mouse eggs at fertilization were permeated with glycerol solutions and then reacted with heavy meromyosin to show actin filaments by electron microscopy. The meiotic area of the egg surface is devoid of microvilli and is supported by a thick layer (0.6–0.8 m in width) of submembranous filaments. A much thinner layer (less than 0.3 m) is present in the remaining non-meiotic microvillous area and underlying its membrane is a very thick layer of cross-filaments and filament bundles.  相似文献   

 Cytoplasmic determinants that specify the fate of endoderm, muscle and epidermis cells are known to be localized in specific areas of fertilized eggs of ascidians. The presence of such cytoplasmic determinants in unfertilized eggs was demonstrated in previous studies, but no information has yet been proved about their distribution. To investigate the distribution of cytoplasmic determinants in unfertilized eggs, we devised a method for distinguishing the polarity of unfertilized eggs using vital staining and we performed cytoplasmic-transfer experiments by fusing blastomeres and cytoplasmic fragments from various identified regions of unfertilized eggs. Cytoplasmic fragments, that contained cortical and subcortical material, from five different positions along the animal-vegetal axis were prepared, and they were fused with a4.2 (presumptive-epidermis) or A4.1 (non-epidermis) blastomeres. The ectopic development of endoderm, muscle and epidermis cells that was promoted by the transplanted cytoplasm was assessed by examining the expression of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), myosin and epidermis-specific antigen, respectively. Differentiation of endoderm and muscle was observed at higher frequencies as cytoplasmic fragments closer to the vegetal pole were transplanted. Conversely, formation of epidermis was observed at higher frequencies as cytoplasmic fragments closer to the animal pole were transplanted. The results suggest that, in cortical and subcortical regions of unfertilized ascidian eggs, endoderm and muscle determinants are widely distributed along a gradient, with maximum activity at the vegetal pole, whilst epidermis determinants are also distributed along a gradient but with maximum activity at the animal pole. Recieved: 10 June 1996 / Accepted: 12 September 1996  相似文献   

Actin and nonmuscle myosin heavy chain (myosin-II) have been identified and localized in the cortex of unfertilized zebrafish eggs using techniques of SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting, and fluorescence microscopy. Whole egg mounts, egg fragments, cryosections, and cortical membrane patches probed with rhodamine phalloidin, fluorescent DNase-I, or anti-actin antibody showed the cortical cytoskeleton to contain two domains of actin: filamentous and nonfilamentous. Filamentous actin was restricted to microplicae and the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane where it was organized as an extensive meshwork of interconnecting filaments. The cortical cytoplasm deep to the plasma membrane contained cortical granules and sequestered actin in nonfilamentous form. The cytoplasmic surface (membrane?) of cortical granules displayed an enrichment of nonfilamentous actin. An antibody against human platelet myosin was used to detect myosin-II in whole mounts and egg fragments. Myosin-II colocalized with both filamentous and nonfilamentous actin domains of the cortical cytoskeleton. It was not determined if egg myosin was organized into filaments. Similar to nonfilamentous actin, myosin-II appeared to be concentrated over the surface of cortical granules where staining was in the form of patches and punctate foci. The identification of organized and interconnected domains of filamentous actin, nonfilamentous actin, and myosin-II provides insight into possible functions of these proteins before and after fertilization. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

 With the use of the monoclonal antibody UA301, which specifically recognizes the nervous system in ascidian larvae, the neuronal connections of the peripheral and central nervous systems in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis were observed. Three types of peripheral nervous system neurons were found: two located in the larval trunk and the other in the larval tail. These neurons were epidermal and their axons extended to the central nervous system and connected with the visceral ganglion directly or indirectly. The most rostral system (rostral trunk epidermal neurons, RTEN) was distributed bilateral-symmetrically. In addition, presumptive papillar neurons in palps were found which might be related to the RTEN. Another neuron group (apical trunk epidermal neurons, ATEN) was located in the apical part of the trunk. The caudal peripheral nervous system (caudal epidermal neurons, CEN) was located at the dorsal and ventral midline of the caudal epidermis. In the larval central nervous system, two major axon bundles were observed: one was of a photoreceptor complex and the other was connected with RTEN. These axon bundles joined in the posterior sensory vesicle, ran posteriorly through the visceral ganglion and branched into two caudal nerves which ran along the lateral walls of the caudal nerve tube. In addition, some immunopositive cells existed in the most proximal part of the caudal nerve tube and may be motoneurons. Received: 8 September 1997 / Accepted: 14 December 1997  相似文献   

Spatial reorganization of cytoplasm in zygotic cells is critically important for establishing the body plans of many animal species. In ascidian zygotes, maternal determinants (mRNAs) are first transported to the vegetal pole a few minutes after fertilization and then to the future posterior side of the zygotes in a later phase of cytoplasmic reorganization, before the first cell division. Here, by using a novel fluorescence polarization microscope that reports the position and the orientation of fluorescently labeled proteins in living cells, we mapped the local alignments and the time-dependent changes of cortical actin networks in Ciona eggs. The initial cytoplasmic reorganization started with the contraction of vegetal hemisphere approximately 20 s after the fertilization-induced [Ca2+] increase. Timing of the vegetal contraction was consistent with the emergence of highly aligned actin filaments at the cell cortex of the vegetal hemisphere, which ran perpendicular to the animal–vegetal axis. We propose that the cytoplasmic reorganization is initiated by the local contraction of laterally aligned cortical actomyosin in the vegetal hemisphere, which in turn generates the directional movement of cytoplasm within the whole egg.  相似文献   

Ooplasmic segregation is of great importance in the development of Annelida. The mechanisms of this process are very diverse in different groups of polychaetes, oligochaetes, and leeches (Fernandezet al., 1998). Ooplasmic segregation inNereis virens is connected with the first meiotic spindle formation and animal-vegetative axis appearance. Spherical polyaxial symmetry of the oocyte transforms into radial stratified symmetry in the course of ooplasmic segregation. There are two main steps of ooplasmic segregation inNereis virens. The first step begins after the cortical reaction when the central clear cytoplasm reaches the surface of the oocyte. The movement of the cytoplasm is sensitive to nocodazole, colchicine, and cytochalasin B and appears to be mediated by microtubules and, partly, by microfilaments. The second step is not sensitive to the microtubule inhibitors and is mediated mainly by actin filaments. Ooplasmic segregation inNereis virens may be considered as a primitive form of ooplasmic segregation in Annelida.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-proteasome system is essential for intracellular protein degradation, but there are few studies of this system in the extracellular milieu. Recently, we reported that a 70-kDa sperm receptor, HrVC70, on the vitelline coat is ubiquitinated and then degraded by the sperm proteasome during fertilization of the ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi. Here, we investigated the mechanism of extracellular ubiquitination. The HrVC70-ubiquitinating enzyme activity was found to be released from the activated sperm during the fertilization process. This enzyme was purified from an activated sperm exudate, by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and ubiquitin-agarose columns, and by glycerol density gradient centrifugation. The molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated to be 700 kDa. The purified enzyme requires CaCl2 and MgATP for activity, and is active in seawater. The purified enzyme preparation, but not the crude enzyme preparation, showed narrow substrate specificity to HrVC70. Moreover, ATP and ubiquitin are released from the activated sperm to the surrounding seawater during fertilization. These results indicate that ascidian sperm release a novel extracellular ubiquitinating enzyme system together with ATP and ubiquitin during penetration of the vitelline coat of the egg, which catalyzes the ubiquitination of the HrVC70, an essential component of ascidian fertilization.  相似文献   

When unfertilized eggs (UFE) of the solitary ascidian, Halocynthia roretzi, are released naturally they are strictly self-sterile, whereas almost all ovarian eggs isolated after spawning are self-fertile. Self-sterile eggs are prepared within a relatively short period of several hours before the spawning. The morphological changes in ovarian eggs during late oogenesis were studied with special reference to the establishment of self-sterility. Four types of eggs at serial developmental stages were classified according to the morphology of their external envelopes. Self-sterility was established in the last stage, from the ovarian egg type 3 (OVE3) to UFE stages. Ovarian eggs which had become committed to UFE were denoted as full-grown ovarian eggs (FOE). FOE were able to differentiate into self-sterile UFE in vitro, whereas OVE3 could not. Several morphological differences between OVE3 and UFE were found. OVE3 had a germinal vesicle (GV), a type of vitelline coat (VC-OVE3) and no expanded perivitelline space, whereas UFE had completed germinal vesicle break down (GVBD), had another type of coat (VC-UFE) and showed an expanded perivitelline space. There were also some differences in the mode of fertilization between OVE3 and UFE. In UFE, sperm became bound firmly to the vitelline coat and passed through the coat with the help of follicle cells, whereas in OVE3, sperm did not bind so strongly and entered the perivitelline space without the aid of follicle cells. The relationships between the establishment of self-sterility and these morphological and functional changes in ovarian eggs are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The ascidians Styela plicata, S. clava, and Mogula citrina are urochordates. The larvae of urochordates are considered to morphologically resemble the ancestral vertebrate. We asked whether larval and adult ascidian muscle actin sequences are nonmusclelike as in lower invertebrates, musclelike as in vertebrates, or possess characteristics of both. Nonmuscle and muscle actin cDNA clones from S. plicata were sequenced. Based on 27 diagnostic amino acids, which distinguish vertebrate muscle actin from other actins, we found that the deduced protein sequences of ascidian muscle actins exhibit similarities to both invertebrate and vertebrate muscle actins. A comparison to muscle actins from different vertebrate and invertebrate phylogenetic groups suggested that the urochordate muscle actins represent a transition from a nonmusclelike sequence to a vertebrate musclelike sequence. The ascidian adult muscle actin is more similar to skeletal actin and the larval muscle actin is more similar to cardiac actin, which indicates that the divergence of the skeletal and cardiac isoforms occurred before the emergence of urochordates. The muscle actin gene may be a powerful probe for investigating the chordate lineage. Offprint requests to: C.R. Tomlinson  相似文献   

Summary The eggs of the gall midgeHeteropeza pygmaea develop parthenogenetically inside of the mother larva. They lack a chorion and remain enveloped by the follicular epithelium. After experimental elimination of the follicular epithelium naked eggs are formed, which reach the blastoderm stage but remain spherical instead of assuming an elongated shape. To analyze this peculiar egg development and the roles of egg shape and envelope during development, the ultrastructure of cleaving normal and naked eggs was investigated. It was shown that the number of elements of Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum strongly increases during early cleavage. Their association with cleavage furrows and nuclei suggests that these organelles play a dominant role in membrane production. Egg yolk consists of lipids and glycogen, wheareas no proteins are found. Cleaving eggs contain numerous vesicles with lysosomal characteristics, indicating intense autophagic processes. Cleavage furrow formation occurs independently from the positioning of cleavage nuclei. The numerous microtubules, which are associated with cleavage furrows and nuclei and located in the egg periphery, the intercellular bridges, and in the central part of the egg, suggest that the cytoskeleton has an important role in cleavage furrow formation, blastoderm layer establishment, and yolk localization. Since these processes are accurately accomplished in naked spherical eggs, they can be considered as independent of normal egg shape and the follicular epithelium.  相似文献   


The mosaic behavior of blastomeres isolated from ascidian embryos has been taken as evidence that localized ooplasmic factors (cytoplasmic determinants) specify tissue precursor cells during embryogenesis. Experiments involving the transfer of egg cytoplasm have revealed the presence and localization of various kinds of cytoplasmic determinants in eggs of Halocynthia roretzi. Three cell fates, epidermis, muscle and endoderm, are fixed by cytoplasmic determinants. The three kinds of tissue determinants move in different directions during ooplasmic segregation. Prior to the onset of the first cleavage the three kinds of determinants reside in egg regions that correspond to the future fate map of the embryo and then they are differentially partitioned into specific blastomeres. In addition to tissue-specific determinants, there is evidence suggesting that ascidian eggs contain localized cytoplasmic factors that are responsible for controlling the cleavage pattern and morphogenetic movements. Transplantation of posterior-vegetal egg cytoplasm to an anterior-vegetal position causes a reversal of the anterior-posterior polarity of the cleavage pattern. Localized cytoplasmic factors in the posterior-vegetal region are involved in the generation of a unique cleavage pattern. When vegetal pole cytoplasm is transplanted to the animal pole or equatorial position of the egg, ectopic gastrulation occurs at the site of transplantation. This finding supports the idea that vegetal pole cytoplasm specifies the site of gastrulation. Recently, we started a cDNA project to analyze maternal mRNAs. An arrayed cDNA library of fertilized eggs of H. roretzi was constructed, and more than 2000 clones have been partially sequenced so far. To estimate the proportion of the maternal mRNAs that are localized in the egg and embryo, 150 randomly selected clones were examined by in situ hybridization. We found eight mRNAs that are localized in the eight-cell embryo, of which three were localized to the myoplasm (a specific region of the egg cytoplasm that is partitioned into muscle-lineage blastomeres) of the egg, and then to the postplasm of cleavage-stage embryos. These results indicate that the proportion of localized messages is much higher than we expected. These localized maternal messages may be involved in the regulation of various developmental processes.  相似文献   

Salje J  Löwe J 《The EMBO journal》2008,27(16):2230-2238
The R1 plasmid employs ATP-driven polymerisation of the actin-like protein ParM to move newly replicated DNA to opposite poles of a bacterial cell. This process is essential for ensuring accurate segregation of the low-copy number plasmid and is the best characterised example of DNA partitioning in prokaryotes. In vivo, ParM only forms long filaments when capped at both ends by attachment to a centromere-like region parC, through a small DNA-binding protein ParR. Here, we present biochemical and electron microscopy data leading to a model for the mechanism by which ParR-parC complexes bind and stabilise elongating ParM filaments. We propose that the open ring formed by oligomeric ParR dimers with parC DNA wrapped around acts as a rigid clamp, which holds the end of elongating ParM filaments while allowing entry of new ATP-bound monomers. We propose a processive mechanism by which cycles of ATP hydrolysis in polymerising ParM drives movement of ParR-bound parC DNA. Importantly, our model predicts that each pair of plasmids will be driven apart in the cell by just a single double helical ParM filament.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the organization of the cortex in fertilized eggs ofNassarius reticulatus by examining rotary-shadowed whole mounts of isolated cortices in the transmission electron microscope. The following components were distinguished: (a) the plasma membrane, with clathrin-coated areas and coated pits, (b) microfilaments and microtubules, and (c) a tubulovesicular network of endoplasmic reticulum. Microfilaments were identified by labeling with heavy meromyosin, and microtubules with a monoclonal anti-tubulin antibody, using both immunofluorescence microscopy and immunogold labeling for transmission electron microscopy. The microfilaments are organized in a network parallel to and closely associated with the plasma membrane, with typical Y- and X-shaped intersections. The endoplasmic reticulum is associated with this microfilamentous lattice. The microtubules also run parallel to the plasma membrane, but they are located at a greater distance, as can be inferred from stereo images. In the uncleaved egg, numerous microtubules are present in the egg cortex. Shortly before polar lobe formation, at the onset of mitosis, the microtubules disappear almost entirely. They reappear again at the end of first cleavage, as the polar lobe is being resorbed. The synthesis of cortical microtubules at this stage appears to depend on the presence of microtubule-organizing centers in the animal hemisphere of the egg, since microtubules do not reappear in isolated polar lobes. Clathrin-coated areas are present in both the animal and vegetal hemisphere before polar lobe formation. During mitosis, the clathrin-coated plaques and pits are found almost exclusively in the animal hemisphere. After resorption of the polar lobe, at the two-cell stage, no clathrin-coated areas were found at all.  相似文献   

The initial eggs produced by broiler breeder hens are relatively small compared with later in the production cycle. An evaluation of indices related to hatchability is required when these eggs are to be used for the production of broiler chicks. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate characteristics related to the hatchability of eggs from pullet-to-breeder transition phase, at 25 and 27 weeks of age, and from the peak of production period and five weeks later, at 32 and 37 weeks of age. Eggs from birds 25 weeks had a lesser fertility in Experiment 1. Mortality occurred unevenly in early (1–5 days), middle (6–17 days) and late (18–21 days) incubation, and greater mortality was observed after the internal membrane was ruptured. The younger the hen, the lighter the egg, chick, and shell, and the longer the time required to complete the hatching process. In Experiment 2, greater mortalities were observed at the early period (1–5 days) and after “pipping” of the internal and external membranes. Embryos from heavy eggs of breeder hens 37 weeks of age took less time to complete the hatching process. Results indicated the larger the egg, the heavier the chick and shell, and the lesser the shell percentage. As breeder age advanced, characteristics related to egg fertility and hatchability improved.  相似文献   

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