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In women, sexual function, hormones and aging are inextricably related. Sexual activity in women involves interest and motivation, the ability to become aroused and achieve orgasm, the pleasure of the experience and subsequent personal satisfaction. Androgens, as endogenous hormones or given as a therapy, potentially influence female sexual function, with research into the effects of exogenous androgens in women mostly devoted to effects on sexual desire. Some studies have been conducted to delineate the effects of testosterone on arousal, however arousal determined by laboratory measures does not always correlate with subjective reporting of a sensation of arousal. Overall large randomised controlled trials of exogenous testosterone show benefits over placebo on sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, pleasure and satisfaction. The aspects of consideration of androgen therapy for women that continue to stimulate debate in this therapeutic area include whether female sexual dysfunction is a condition that merits pharmacotherapy, how effective is such treatment and whether testosterone therapy is safe.  相似文献   

Single individuals typically have higher testosterone compared to those who are partnered, suggesting that individual differences in testosterone are associated with mating effort, or people's motivation to find a sexual partner. However, there is less consistent evidence for links between testosterone and sociosexuality, or people's orientation toward uncommitted sexual activity. Based on Penke and Asendorpf's (2008) conceptualization, we propose that a more nuanced measure of sociosexuality may reveal more robust associations with testosterone. In the current study, we assessed relations between three components of sociosexuality—desire, behavior, and attitudes—and endogenous testosterone levels in men and women. We found that partnered status was indeed associated with lower testosterone in both men and women, but only among those who reported more restricted sociosexuality. Partnered men who reported greater desire for uncommitted sexual activity had testosterone levels that were comparable to those of single men; partnered women who reported more frequent uncommitted sexual behavior had testosterone levels that were comparable to those of single women. These findings provide new evidence that people's orientations toward sexual relationships, in combination with their relationship status, are associated with individual differences in testosterone. The current results are also among the first to demonstrate sociosexuality-testosterone associations in both men and women, and they reveal that the nature of these associations varies by gender. Together, these findings highlight the utility of a multifaceted conceptualization of sociosexuality and the implications of this conceptualization for neuroendocrine processes.  相似文献   

The copulatory neuromuscular system of lizards is highly sexually dimorphic. Adult males possess bilateral penises called hemipenes, which are independently controlled by two muscles, the retractor penis magnus (RPM) and transversus penis (TPN). These structures are not obvious in adult females. However, in adult female leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius), testosterone induces hemipene growth. We investigated whether these structures develop de novo in adulthood or are histologically present as rudimentary structures in the female leopard gecko. We also investigated the extent of sexual dimorphisms and plasticity in the associated neuromuscular components. To do this, we compared copulatory morphology (sizes of hemipenes, RPM and TPN muscle fibers, and associated motoneurons, as well as motoneuron and RPM fiber number) in adult females treated with testosterone, control females, and control males. All of the geckos possessed hemipenes, RPMs and TPNs, but these structures were indeed vestigial in control females. Testosterone induced striking increases in hemipene and copulatory muscle fiber size in females, but not to levels equivalent to control males. In parallel, males with increased levels of androgenic activity had larger hemipenes, suggesting naturally occurring steroid-induced plasticity. Copulatory motoneurons were not sexually dimorphic in size or number, and these measures did not respond to testosterone. The data demonstrate that the copulatory system of leopard geckos, in which gonadal sex is determined by egg incubation temperature, differs from that of many species (both reptilian and mammalian) with genotypic sex determination. Indeed, the system is remarkable in that adult females have normally occurring intersex characteristics and they exhibit substantial steroid-induced morphological plasticity in adulthood.  相似文献   

The hormonal control of begging and sibling competition is largely unknown, but recent evidence suggests a role for steroid hormones. We tested the influence of the aromatizable androgen testosterone (T), the non-aromatizable androgen 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and 17beta-estradiol (E) on both begging behavior and aggressive behavior in black-headed gull chicks (Larus ridibundus). Chicks of this species have a conspicuous begging display, while their frequently performed early aggressive behavior is facilitated by testosterone and important for territorial defense. Hormone treatment was applied by implants between days 6 and 16 after hatching. Behavior was tested by means of standard stimulus tests. The results were validated in a second experiment under semi-natural conditions. Begging was suppressed by T and DHT and not affected by E. Aggressive Pecking was strongly facilitated by T. The erect threat posture, characteristic for older chicks, was facilitated by T, DHT, and E and the nest-oriented threat display, typical for young chicks, only by T and DHT. Growth was suppressed in the T group. The results indicate that androgen production, needed for territorial defense, has costs in terms of a suppression of begging and growth. It is discussed to what extent older chicks may avoid these costs by converting testosterone to estrogen and why pre-natal and post-natal exposure to androgens differ in their effect on begging behavior.  相似文献   

Vikram A  Kushwaha S  Jena GB 《Steroids》2011,76(4):416-423
Prostatic hyperplasia is a common problem of the aged men population. Recent experimental and clinical studies provide sufficient evidence that apart from androgens, insulin also plays an important role in the pathogenesis of prostatic hyperplasia. The present study was aimed to investigate the relative influence of testosterone and insulin on the cellular proliferation and prostatic growth. Effect of testosterone on the prostate of hypoinsulinemic, and glandular injection of insulin-receptor antagonist S961 on the prostate of castrated Sprague-Dawley rat (220 ± 10 g) was examined. Significant decrease in the weight of the ventral prostate was observed in the streptozotocin-induced hypoinsulinemic rats (∼6 fold), which is restored by the intervention of testosterone. Although, glandular injection of S961 did not led to any change in the frequency of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) positive cells in normal rats, significant decrease was observed in the castrated rats. Castration led to increase in the frequency of the caspase-3 and the TUNEL positive cells in the ventral prostate. Further, long-term (6 weeks) administration of S961 induced significant decrease in the weight of the ventral prostate. Results of the present study provide that both testosterone and insulin promote prostatic cell proliferation and change in the level of either of the hormone results in the destabilization of cellular equilibrium, and modulation of the insulin-receptor signaling in the prostate may provide an alternative strategy for the treatment of prostatic enlargement. Further, studies are required to better understand the interplay between these hormones in the regulation of prostatic growth.  相似文献   

Variation in metabolism affects energy budgets of individuals and may serve as a mechanism that influences variation at whole organism or population levels. For example, sex differences in metabolic expenditure may contribute to bioenergetic sources of sexual size dimorphism. We measured oxygen consumption rates of 48 western diamondback rattlesnakes (Crotalus atrox) from a sexually dimorphic population and tested the effects of body mass, body temperature and time of day, in three groups of snakes: males, non-reproductive females, and vitellogenic females. Metabolic rates of male and non-reproductive female C. atrox were similar to rates reported for other rattlesnakes (mass exponents ranging from 0.645–0.670). Oxygen consumption was affected by body mass, body temperature and time of day, and was approximately 1.4 times greater in vitellogenic females than in non-reproductive females. No differences were found between males and non-reproductive females. Accordingly, differences in metabolic rate apparently do not contribute directly to sexual dimorphism in this population. Nevertheless, estimates of size-dependent maintenance expenditure lead us to hypothesize that adult female body size may represent a compromise between selection for increased litter size (accomplished by increasing body size), and selection for increased reproductive frequency (accomplished by decreasing body size, and, therefore inactive maintenance expenditure); this is a mechanistic scenario suggested previously for some endotherms. Accepted: 20 May 1998  相似文献   

Information regarding sexual maturity and reproductive cycles in skates has largely been based on gross morphological changes within the reproductive tract. While this information has proved valuable in obtaining life history information, it also necessitates sacrificing the skates to obtain this data. In contrast, few studies have used circulating steroid hormones to establish when these batoids become reproductively capable or for the determination of reproductive cyclicity. This study summarizes our current knowledge of hormonal analyses in determining skate reproductive status and offers information that suggests analysis of circulating steroid hormone concentrations provide a means to determine size at sexual maturity and asses reproductive cycles without the need to sacrifice the skate.  相似文献   

The present study examined the ability of clitoral stimulation (CLS) to induce conditioned place preference (CPP) and Fos protein in the brain. Ovariectomized, hormone-primed Long-Evans rats were randomly assigned to receive either distributed CLS (1 stimulation every 5 s for 1 min prior to being placed in one distinctive side of a nonbiased CPP box for 2 min, after which the cycle of stimulation and CPP exposure were repeated for 4 more cycles, totaling 60 stimulations) or continuous CLS (1 stimulation per second for 1 min with 2 min in one side of the CPP box, repeated for 4 more cycles, totaling 300 stimulations). Two days later, females were placed into the other side of the CPP box without prior stimulation. CPP was tested after 5 sequential exposures each of CLS and no stimulation. Females given distributed stimulation developed a significant CPP whereas females given continuous stimulation did not. CLS induced Fos in hypothalamic and limbic structures, including the nucleus accumbens, piriform cortex, arcuate nucleus, and dorsomedial portion of the ventromedial hypothalamus, compared to no stimulation. However, distributed CLS induced more Fos in the medial preoptic area than continuous CLS or no stimulation. In contrast, continuous CLS induced more Fos in the posteroventral medial amygdala compared to no stimulation. These data indicate that CLS induces a reward state in the rat and a pattern of Fos activation in regions of the brain that process genitosensory input, incentive salience, and reward.  相似文献   

Canonically, the sexual dimorphism in the brain develops perinatally, with adult sexuality emerging due to the activating effects of pubescent sexual hormones. This concept does not readily explain why children have a gender identity and exhibit sex-stereotypic behaviours. These phenomena could be explained if some aspects of the sexual brain networks have childhood forms, which are transformed at puberty to generate adult sexuality. The bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST) is a dimorphic nucleus that is sex-reversed in transsexuals but not homosexuals. We report here that the principal nucleus of the BNST (BNSTp) of mice has developmental and adult forms that are differentially regulated. In 20-day-old prepubescent mice, the male bias in the principal nucleus of the BNST (BNSTp) was moderate (360 ± 6 vs 288 ± 12 calbindin+ ve neurons, p < 0.0001), and absent in mice that lacked a gonadal hormone, AMH. After 20 days, the number of BNSTp neurons increased in the male mice by 25% (p < 0.0001) and decreased in female mice by 15% (p = 0.0012), independent of AMH. Adult male AMH-deficient mice had a normal preference for sniffing female pheromones (soiled bedding), but exhibited a relative disinterest in both male and female pheromones. This suggests that male mice require AMH to undergo normal social development. The reported observations provide a rationale for examining AMH levels in children with gender identity disorders and disorders of socialization that involve a male bias.  相似文献   

目的:研究脑胶质瘤患者手术前后睾酮水平变化,并分析其临床意义。方法:选取2010年2月到2015年6月我院脑胶质瘤患者80例为研究组,并选择同期颅脑良性肿瘤患者80例为对照组,两组均给予手术治疗,检测术前和术后3天、术后1周患者睾酮水平。结果:研究组术后各病理类型睾酮水平较治疗前显著降低(P0.05),但不同病理类型之间睾酮水平比较无统计学意义(P0.05);研究组术前睾酮水平显著高于对照组,比较差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);术后3天、术后一周研究组睾酮水平与术前比较显著降低,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05);术后1周研究组睾酮水平与术后3天比较无统计学意义(P0.05);对照组术前和术后各时间睾酮水平比较无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:脑胶质瘤患者会出现睾酮水平紊乱,当睾酮水平明显增高时应警惕脑胶质瘤的可能性。  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to test whether testicular hormones secreted during puberty masculinize and defeminize the expression of adult reproductive behavior. Experiment 1 tested the hypothesis that gonadal hormones during puberty masculinize behavioral responses to testosterone (T) in adulthood. Male hamsters were castrated either before puberty (noTduringP) or after puberty (TduringP). All males were implanted with a 2.5-mg T pellet 6 weeks following castration and tested once for masculine reproductive behavior 7 days after the onset of T replacement. TduringP males displayed significantly more mounts, intromissions, and ejaculations than noTduringP males. Experiment 2 tested the hypothesis that gonadal hormones during puberty defeminize behavioral responses to estrogen (EB) and progesterone (P). Eight weeks following castration, noTduringP and TduringP males were primed with EB and P and tested for lordosis behavior with a stud male. Behavioral responses of males were compared to that of ovariectomized (OVX) and hormone primed females. NoTduringP males and OVX females displayed significantly shorter lordosis latencies than TduringP males. Experiment 3 investigated whether prolonged T treatment or sexual experience could reverse the deficits in masculine behavior caused by the absence of T during puberty. Extending the T treatment from 7 to 17 days did not ameliorate the deficits in masculine behavior caused by absence of T during puberty. Similarly, when the level of sexual experience was increased from one to three tests, the deficits in masculine behavior persisted. These studies demonstrate that gonadal hormones during puberty further masculinize and defeminize neural circuits and behavioral responsiveness to steroid hormones in adulthood.  相似文献   

In the brain, the conversion from androgen into estrogen is an important process for the differentiation of the brain function in male rodents. The aromatase is expressed in some nucleus of the brain. To assess the functional significance of the aromatase gene in development and activation of sex-specific behavior, we analyzed behavioral phenotypes of the aromatase knockout (ArKO) male mice. ArKO males obviously decreased their fertility and showed deficits in male sexual behavior including mount, intromission and ejaculation. Noncontact penile erection was not significantly affected by defect of the aromatase gene. A reduction of aggressive behavior against male intruders was also observed in ArKO males, while they tend to exhibit aggression toward estrous females during male copulatory tests. Moreover, the infanticide toward the pups was observed in the ArKO males, whereas characteristic parental behavior, but not infanticide was observed in wild-type males. These results indicate that aromatase gene expression is a critical step not only for motivational and consummatory aspects of male sexual behavior, but also for aggressive and parental behaviors in male mice.  相似文献   

The 1959 publication of “Organizing action of prenatally administered testosterone propionate on the tissues mediating mating behavior in the female guinea pig” by Charles H. Phoenix, Robert W. Goy, Arnold A. Gerall, and William C. Young transformed how sex differences in mating behavior were thought to develop. Previous work provided extensive evidence that steroid hormones activated patterns of male and female sexual behavior, but only activated the behavioral patterns typical of a given sex. The 1959 paper explained this phenomenon by arguing that androgens, or their metabolites, acting at specific time(s) during development sexually dimorphically organized the tissues mediating mating behavior, which were activated by appropriate hormonal stimulation in adulthood. Thus, exposure to steroids at specific time(s) permanently altered the structure or function of the organism. The exact hormone, exact timing, exact mechanism, and exact tissues were unspecified in the article. The last two paragraphs of the discussion illustrate the investigators' unresolved views. The first proposes that the ‘organization’ was likely to be functional and not evident in visible structure, whereas the next paragraph argues that behavioral change implies structural change and thus structural changes are the likely consequence of steroid actions. These unresolved issues have produced extensive work in the intervening 50 years. The papers in this issue mark the 50th anniversary of this landmark paper and reflect the scope and relevance of the issues raised in the original paper and demonstrate the progress that has been made in understanding the Organizational Hypothesis and its impact on sexual differentiation.  相似文献   

The putative role of the endocannabinoid system and the effects of cannabis use in male and female sexual functioning are summarized. The influence of cannabis intake on sexual behavior and arousability appear to be dose-dependent in both men and women, although women are far more consistent in reporting facilitatory effects. Furthermore, evidence from nonhuman species indicate somewhat more beneficial than debilitating effects of cannabinoids on female sexual proceptivity and receptivity while suggesting predominantly detrimental effects on male sexual motivation and erectile functioning. Data from human and nonhuman species converge on the ephemeral nature of THC-induced testosterone decline. However, it is clear that cannabinoid-induced inhibition of male sexual behavior is independent of concurrent declines in testosterone levels. Investigations also reveal a suppression of gonadotropin release by cannabinoids across various species. Historical milestones and promising future directions in the area of cannabinoid and sexuality research are also outlined in this review.  相似文献   

The hormonal regulation of sexual behavior has been the topic of study for over 50 years and yet controversies persist regarding the importance of early versus late events and the identity of the critical neural and cellular substrates. We have taken a mechanistic approach toward the masculinizing actions of the gonadal steroid estradiol, as a means to understand how organization of the neuroarchitechture during a perinatal sensitive period exerts enduring influences on adult behavior. We have identified important roles for prostaglandins, FAK and paxillin, PI3 kinase and glutamate, and determined that cell-to-cell signaling is a critical component of the early organizational events. We have further determined that the mechanisms mediating different components of sexual behavior are distinct and regionally specific. The multitude of mechanisms by which the steroid estradiol, exerts divergent effects on the developing nervous system provides for a multitude of phenotypes which can vary significantly both within and between the sexes.  相似文献   

In most bird species, male courtship behavior is controlled by testosterone (T) and its metabolites. In species breeding in temperate and arctic regions T circulates at high levels during a relatively short courtship period because high levels of T can be costly in terms of immunocompetence and parental care. Few studies have investigated androgen modulation of courtship behavior in tropical birds. Male golden-collared manakins (Manacus vitellinus) aggregate in leks for several months and perform spectacular, acrobatic courtship displays. Here we examined whether T is elevated in golden-collared manakins during the displaying period and if courtship behavior is modulated by androgen action on androgen receptors. We measured T levels in displaying males at the beginning of the breeding season and again, one month later. In addition, both wild and captive males were treated with the anti-androgen, flutamide, and their courtship behavior was recorded for several weeks. T levels were relatively high shortly after leks were established but decreased substantially a month later, even though the amount of courtship did not change. Flutamide reduced male courtship activity for one week, but display behavior then increased after two weeks of flutamide treatment. Our studies show that androgens modulate male manakin courtship, but the amount of courtship is not directly correlated with the concentration of circulating T. These results suggest that the relationships between androgen and courtship might differ between tropical and temperate birds.  相似文献   

Periadolescent male guinea pigs housed continuously with their mother since birth exhibit little maternally directed sexual behavior. However, if rehoused apart from the mother for 24 h, they show elevations in circulating testosterone concentrations and display frequent sexual responses and increased social/courtship behavior upon reunion with her. We investigated the role of testosterone in the disinhibition of maternally directed sexual and social/courtship behavior. Subcutaneous implants of testosterone (Experiment 1) did not trigger maternally directed sexual behavior or an increase in social/courtship behavior among males housed continuously with their mothers. Further, neither blocking androgen receptors (Experiment 2) nor preventing the surge in testosterone (Experiment 3) prevented males housed without the mother from exhibiting increased maternally directed sexual and social/courtship behavior upon reunion. These findings indicate that the increase in testosterone that males exhibit when rehoused apart from the mother is neither sufficient nor necessary for the disinhibition of maternally directed sexual and social/courtship behavior observed when mother and son are reunited.  相似文献   

Non-breeding Nazca booby adults exhibit an unusual and intense social attraction to non-familial conspecific nestlings. Non-parental Adult Visitors (NAVs) seek out and approach unguarded nestlings during daylight hours and display parental, aggressive, and/or sexual behavior. In a striking parallel to the “cycle of violence” of human biology, degree of victimization as a nestling is strongly correlated with frequency of future maltreatment behavior exhibited as an adult. Here, we investigate candidates for permanent organization of this behavior, including immediate and long-term changes in growth and circulating corticosterone and testosterone due to victimization, by protecting some nestlings with portable exclosures that prevented NAV visits and comparing them to controls. During maltreatment episodes, nestlings experience an approximately five-fold increase in corticosterone concentration, and corticosterone remains elevated approximately 2.8-fold until at least the following morning. Our results are consistent with the possibility that repeated activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis permanently organizes future adult maltreatment behavior. No effect on growth, acute or chronic changes in testosterone, or chronic corticosterone elevation was detected or appeared to be components of an organizational effect. This unusual behavior presents an opportunity to investigate neural, endocrine, and behavioral organization resulting from early social trauma that may be conserved across vertebrate classes.  相似文献   

The transient actions of gonadal steroids on the adult brain facilitate social behaviors, including reproduction. In male rodents, testosterone acts in the posterior medial amygdala (MeP) and medial preoptic area (MPOA) to promote mating. Adult neurogenesis occurs in both regions. The current study determined if testosterone and/or sexual behavior promote cell proliferation and survival in MeP and MPOA. Two experiments were conducted using the thymidine analog BrdU. First, gonad-intact and castrated male hamsters (n = 6/group) were compared 24 h or 7 weeks after BrdU. In MeP, testosterone-stimulated cell proliferation 24 h after BrdU (intact: 22.8 ± 3.9 cells/mm2, castrate: 13.2 ± 1.4 cells/mm2). Testosterone did not promote cell proliferation in MPOA. Seven weeks after BrdU, cell survival was sparse in both regions (MeP: 2.5 ± 0.6 and MPOA: 1.7 ± 0.2 cells/mm2), and was not enhanced by testosterone. In Experiment 2, gonad-intact sexually-experienced animals were mated weekly to determine if regular neural activation enhances cell survival 7 weeks after BrdU in MeP and MPOA. Weekly mating failed to increase cell survival in MeP (8.1 ± 1.6 vs. 9.9 ± 3.2 cells/mm2) or MPOA (3.9 ± 0.7 vs. 3.4 ± 0.3 cells/mm2). Furthermore, mating at the time of BrdU injection did not stimulate cell proliferation in MeP (8.9 ± 1.7 vs. 8.1 ± 1.6 cells/mm2) or MPOA (3.6 ± 0.5 vs. 3.9 ± 0.7 cells/mm2). Taken together, our results demonstrate a limited capacity for neurogenesis in the mating circuitry. Specifically, cell proliferation in MeP and MPOA are differentially influenced by testosterone, and the birth and survival of new cells in either region are not enhanced by reproductive activity.  相似文献   

Two groups of weanling rats were subjected to malnutrition, one with periodic injections of testosterone (males) and the other with estradiol (females). Two other groups (castrated males or castrated females) received normal feedings. In control animals, the relative weights (mg/gm body weight) of testes, seminal vesicles, and ovaries were greater than in malnourished rats. However, relative weights of those organs in hormone-treated, malnourished animals were greater than in those subjected to malnutrition alone and still greater than in controls. Normal sexual cranial dimorphism (SCD) was decreased 16% by male castration, 23% by malnutrition, and 83% by estradiol treatment in malnourished females. On the other hand, normal SCD was increased 20% by female castration and more than 200% by testosterone treatment in malnourished males. All monosexual comparisons corroborated the bisexual range of distances found. Testicular but not ovarian secretions seemed to influence sexual cranial dimorphism. Malnutrition delayed SCD because of a deficiency of testosterone level in stressed males. It is suggested that estradiol in females may counteract sexual cranial development and that its inhibitory effect may be additive to the testosterone deficit evoked by malnutrition.  相似文献   

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