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The in vitro production of juvenile hormones (JH) was investigated by using corpora allata (CA) of larvae and corpora cardiaca-corpora allata (CC-CA) complexes of adult females of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda. In female moths, JH release was high compared to that in 5th and 6th instar larvae. Concentrations of 0.11-0.12 mM methionine, 180-200 mM Na(+), 5.8-8.3 mM K(+), 10-50 mM Ca(2+) and a pH range of 5.7-6.3 yielded optimal incorporation of L-[methyl-(3)H] methionine in vitro by CC-CA complexes. The highest hourly incorporation occurred during a 9-h incubation period following a 1.5-h lag-phase. JH release from CC-CA complexes of adult females was shown to be age-dependent with a peak value on day 2 (approx. 4 pmol h(-1) CA(-1)). By a combination of reversed phase (RP)- and normal phase (NP)-high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), two major labelled products released by the complex were separated. One compound co-migrated with chemically synthesized JH II diol, the second compound with JH III diol. Only traces of JH II and III could be detected in some samples. Gland extracts also contained both the major radiolabelled products. Double labelling experiments using [3H]methionine and [14C]acetate confirmed their de novo synthesis in CC-CA complexes of female moths. The nature of chemically synthesized reference JH III diol was proved by LC-MS (ESI mass spectrometry) and 1H-NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy).  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Lepidopteran juvenile hormone (JH) esterase appearsto have a functional role in the regulation of embryogenesis,larval growth and development, and adult reproduction. In preovipositionaland newly laid eggs of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta,JH esterase activity was elevated presumably to metabolize maternalJHs, and then declined after blastoderm formation. Also, a singlepeak in hemolymph JH esterase activity was found prior to ecdysisin the second through the fourth instar of M. sexta, the functionof which is unclear. However, in the last instar, elevated hemolymphJH esterase activity was noted prior to wandering and againprior to ecdysis to scavenge the last traces of JH necessaryfor normal development. The hemolymph JH esterase is likelyof multiple tissue origin for the prewandering peak with thefat body excluded as a source for the prepupal peak; an inhibitoryfactor from the brain and JH regulate JH esterase biosynthesis.In adult cabbage loopers, Trichoplusia ni, elevated hemolymphJH esterase activity appeared to be important in reducing theJH titer and preventing egg maturation. Structure/activity datawith trifluoromethylketones were incorporated into the designof a novel, JH esterase inhibitor, the sulfone and hydrate ofoctylthio-1,1,1- trifluoropropan-2-one, with selective and persistent,in vivo inhibitory activity. The topical application of thiscompound to last instar larvae and virgin adults of T. ni producedjuvenizing effects (delayed pupation and induced egg maturation/oviposition,respectively) providing direct evidence of a functional rolefor JH esterase in lepidopteran development.  相似文献   

A bioassay for juvenile hormone activity in last-stage larvae of Adoxophyes orana M. was developed, in order to compare the morphogenetic activity of this compound and its analogues. After topical application, the activity of two non-sesquiterpenoids possessing the methylene-dioxyphenyl group greatly exceeded that of all other compounds tested, including three sesquiterpenoids and one non-sesquiterpenoid in which the methylenedioxy group was replaced by chlorine.
Zusammenfassung Er wurde ein Bio-Versuch zur Feststellung der Juvenilhormonaktivität im letzten Larvenstadium von Adoxophyes orana entwickelt, um die morphogenetische Aktivität dieser Verbindung und ihrer Analoge vergleichen zu können. Nach topischer Applikation übertraf die Aktivität zweier Non-Sesquiterpenoide, die eine Methylendioxyphenyl-Gruppe besitzen, die aller anderen geprüften Substanzen bei weitem, einschließlich dreier Sesquiterpenoide und eines Non-Sesquiterpenoids, deren Methylendioxy-Gruppe durch Chlor ersetzt war.

Juvenile hormone action: a 2007 perspective   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Juvenile hormone (JH) is a key hormone in regulation of the insect's life history, both in maintaining the larval state during molts and in directing reproductive maturation. This short review highlights the recent papers of the past year that lend new insight into the role of this hormone in the larva and the mechanisms whereby it achieves this role.  相似文献   

We determined whether defense by individual bees against non-nestmates in honey bees (Apis mellifera) is correlated with their juvenile hormone (JH) titers, which are known to vary developmentally and seasonally. We bioassayed winter and summer bees for aggressive and non-aggressive individuals. Bees in winter could not be distinguished by task group, but bees in summer were segregated into nurses and guards. JH titers were correlated with aggressive behavior at two levels. First, winter bees and summer nurses, known to have lower JH titers, both showed less aggression toward foreign bees than did summer guards. Second, aggressive individuals had significantly higher JH titers than did non-aggressive bees within each colony. Inter-colonial variation in aggressiveness was maintained during summer and winter, suggesting a genetic basis for these differences. An alarm pheromone test further substantiated the existence of inter-colonial differences. We found significant variation in JH titers among different colonies, but this variation was not significantly associated with colony-level aggressiveness. The correlation between JH and levels of aggressiveness within a colony suggests a regulatory role for JH, but variation among colonies involves factors other than JH.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone (JH) acid O-methyltransferase (JHAMT) is the enzyme that transfers a methyl group from S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) to the carboxyl group of JH acids to produce active JHs in the corpora allata. While the JHAMT gene was originally identified and characterized in the silkworm Bombyx mori, no orthologs from other insects have been studied until now. Here we report on the functional characterization of the CG17330/DmJHAMT gene in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Recombinant DmJHAMT protein expressed in Escherichia coli catalyzes the conversion of farnesoic acid and JH III acid to their cognate methyl esters in the presence of SAM. DmJHAMT is predominantly expressed in corpora allata, and its developmental expression profile correlates with changes in the JH titer. While a transgenic RNA interference against DmJHAMT has no visible effect, overexpression of DmJHAMT results in a pharate adult lethal phenotype, similar to that obtained with application of JH analogs, suggesting that the temporal regulation of DmJHAMT is critical for Drosophila development.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1987,17(7):1039-1043
Of a series of derivatives of JH I and methoprene, iodovinylmethoprenol (IVMA) proved most active (ed50s of 3.2 pmol and 20 nM in the Manduca black larval assay and in the prevention of the 20-hydroxyecdysone-induced change to pupal commitment in the epidermis in vitro, respectively). When incubated with nuclei isolated from day 1 fifth instar abdominal epidermis, [125I]IVMA bound specifically to two components with Kds of 4 and 59 nM. This binding was competed by IVMA and methoprene but not by JH I; similar binding by [3H]JH I was not competed by IVMA or methoprene. Specific binding of IVMA was not found in pupally committed epidermis from wandering larvae, but it reappeared in pupal abdominal and thoracic epidermis but not in the wings. Culture of day 2 fifth instar epidermis with 20-hydroxyecdysone to cause pupal commitment caused the loss of the IVMA nuclear binders whereas culture in the absence of hormortes had no effect, indicating that 20HE in the absence of JH downregulates JH receptors.  相似文献   

A new sensitive method for determining juvenile hormone (JH) hydrolysis has been developed which measures the release of tritiated methanol from JH labelled in the methyl ester group. Using this assay we investigated the interaction of JH with haemolymph esterases and haemolymph JH-binding protein. Haemolymph from fifth instar larvae of Manduca sexta contains two families of esterases which can be distinguished by their reactivity with diisopropylphosphorofluoridate (DFP). One group consists of general esterases which are capable of hydrolysing free JH but not JH complexed to the binding protein and are completely inhibited by low concentrations of DFP (10−4 M). The other group (JH-specific esterases), relatively DFP resistant, has little detectable general esterase activity but can hydrolyse JH bound to the binding protein as well as free JH. The major JH-esterase has a sedimentation coefficient of 4·98 S and a diffusion coefficient of 6·4 × 10−7 cm2 sec−1. The molecular weight calculated from these values is 6·7 × 104. The general esterases are present throughout the larval stage, but the JH-specific esterases are barely detectable until the fourth day of the fifth instar when they suddenly appear at a high concentration. Since the general esterases cannot hydrolyse bound JH, one function of the binding protein is to protect JH during transport in the early instars, thus confirming that the binding protein is a true carrier of JH. In the late fifth instar prior to metamorphosis, however, JH-specific esterases appear in the haemolymph resulting in the hydrolysis of JH complexed to the carrier protein. Thus, by lowering JH titre, the JH-esterases play an important rôle in development in M. sexta.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone (JH) binding components from the fat body of the African migratory locust were analyzed in a search for a potential nuclear JH receptor. Biosynthetically prepared 10R[3H]JH III gave a high proportion of specific binding to isolated nuclei and extracted proteins; data obtained with the JH analogs, [3H]methoprene and [3H]pyriproxyfen, on the other hand, were obscured by abundant non-specific binding. The vast majority of the high affinity JH III binding activity present in cytosolic and nuclear extracts was due to a high molecular weight JH binding protein (JHBP) which has previously been identified in locust hemolymph. This protein has several chromatographic forms which interfered in the search for a nuclear JH receptor. When specific antiserum was used to remove JHBP from nuclear extracts, a novel JH binding activity (NBP) was detected. NBP could be separated from JHBP by precipitation with ammonium sulfate. NBP displayed a high affinity for JH III (Kd = 0.25 nM) and JH I and JH II competed strongly for JH III binding, whereas methoprene and pyriproxyfen showed apparent competition when present in 1,000-fold excess. NBP was present in nuclear extracts at approximately 25,000 sites per cell; levels were similar in male and female locusts and were not greatly affected by the presence or absence of JH. The characteristics of NPB make it a strong candidate for a nuclear JH receptor. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone and the adult development of Drosophila   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Our previous study [Kou et al., 2008. Juvenile hormone levels are increased in winners of cockroach fights. Horm. Behav. 52, 252–260] showed that the basic principle of the challenge hypothesis (hormone levels can respond to social stimuli to modulate aggression in vertebrates] could be applied to juvenile hormone (JH) levels and aggression in the lobster cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea. In that study, 80- to 85-day-old socially naïve males were used, as fighting is much more easily initiated in these older animals than in younger males, and JH III levels in the dominant were found to be significantly increased after an encounter compared to before the encounter and were significantly higher than those in the subordinates. In N. cinerea, newly emerged males usually show no aggressiveness towards each other and aggression is only initiated after several days of close contact. To investigate the development of aggression from an early age, in the present study, newly emerged males were paired to investigate the relationship between JH levels and aggression. The results showed that injection of JH III significantly increased the probability of the young males being fight winners. In each age group in which aggression was initiated, the dominants had significantly higher JH levels than either the subordinates or the same aged non-fighters. JH injection of subordinates on the day of rank establishment had no effect on the probability of rank switch. These results indicate that, (i) in newly emerged male pairs, JH plays a decisive role in rank establishment and the fact that dominant status is significantly associated with a higher JH titer and subordinate status with a lower JH titer is consistent with the basic principle of the challenge hypothesis, and (ii) after rank establishment, the lack of effect of JH treatment on rank change is consistent with the idea of “social inertia” in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The causes and consequences of sexual dimorphism are major themes in biology. Here we explore the endocrine regulation of sexual dimorphism in horned beetles. Specifically, we explore the role of juvenile hormone (JH) in regulating horn expression in females of two species with regular sexual dimorphism for pronotal horns (females have much shorter horns than males) and a third species with a rare reversed sexual dimorphism for both pronotal and head horns (females have much larger horns in both body regions compared with males). Applications of the JH analog methoprene caused females of the two more typical species to grow significantly shorter pronotal horns than control females, whereas no consistent effect on pronotal horn development was detected in the third, sex-reversed species. Instead, females in this species showed an unexpected and significant increase in head horn expression in response to methoprene treatment. Lastly, horn shape was also affected in females of one of the regularly sexually dimorphic species, but in the opposite direction than horn length. Although methoprene exerted a feminizing effect on female horn length in this species, it significantly masculinized horn shape by inducing a peculiar shape change observed naturally only in males. Our results suggest that JH influences both overall size and shape of female horns, but does so flexibly and as a function of species, sex and horn location. We use our results to review current models on the role of endocrine mechanisms in development and evolution of horned beetle diversity.  相似文献   

In Manduca sexta the major size increase of ovarian follicles is accomplished by two processes: (1) vitellogenesis in which follicular volume and dry weight increase simultaneously, and (2) hydration in which absorption of water by the oocyte accounts for an 80% increase in volume prior to chorion formation. Vitellogenic growth occurs in both a slow and rapid phase. Rapid vitellogenic growth is initiated only by follicles of a threshold size (1 mm) and is a juvenile hormone (JH)-dependent event. In the absence of JH follicles grow to 1 mm and then degenerate.  相似文献   

Failure of the brain to stimulate the prothoracic gland to release ecdysone has been widely regarded as the basis for diapause in insect pupae. In diapause-destined flesh flies, the absence of a peak of moulting hormone around the time of pupal head eversion supports this contention, but in addition, major pulses of juvenile hormone (JH) activity with a rhythmicity of 24 hr are unique to flesh flies destined for pupal diapause. JH activity persists during diapause, and a pulse of JH precedes the rise of moulting hormone that initiates adult development.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone levels are increased in winners of cockroach fights   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In lobster cockroach (Nauphoeta cinerea) adult males, concomitant expression of attack behavior and an increase in juvenile hormone (JH) III titer can be induced by contact with an isolated antenna [Chou et al., 2007. Antenna contact and agonism in the male lobster cockroach, Nauphoeta cinerea. Horm. Behav. 52, 252–260]. In the present study, socially naïve N. cinerea males that were either aggressive posture-adopting (i.e., “ready-for-fight”) or not (i.e., “non-ready-for-fight”) were paired to ask if status was determined by JH III levels before the encounter and if JH III levels were altered in dominants and subordinates after the encounter. The results showed that, although in the non-aggressive posture-adopting male pairs, the one with higher JH titers before the encounter was more likely to become the dominant, this was not the case in pairs formed between aggressive posture-adopting males or between non-aggressive posture-adopting and aggressive posture-adopting males. In all types of male pairs combined, JH III levels in the dominant were significantly increased after the encounter compared with before the encounter and were significantly higher than those in the subordinates, suggesting that the JH III increase in the dominants may serve to sustain aggression. JH III application before rank formation had a significant effect on establishment of dominant status in non-aggressive posture-adopting, but not aggressive posture-adopting, males. After rank formation, JH III application to subordinates had no effect on rank switch. These results indicate that the relationship between JH and aggression in this cockroach species is broadly consistent with the vertebrate challenge hypothesis, which predicts that testosterone levels increase in response to social stimuli to modulate aggression.  相似文献   

The commercial production of baculovirus insecticides is limited by the need to produce the virus in living insects. The influence of juvenile hormone analogs (JHA) on the growth and survival of Spodoptera exigua larvae placed on treated diet in the fifth instar was examined. Weight increases observed in methoprene- and fenoxycarb-treated larvae were over three-fold greater than that of control insects, whereas other compounds resulted in lower weight gains (pyriproxyfen) or highly variable responses (hydroprene). Approximately 90% and 70% of fenoxycarb and methoprene-treated larvae, respectively, molted to a supernumerary sixth instar and attained a final weight at 8–10 days post-treatment that was approximately double the maximum weight observed in control larvae. Inoculation of fenoxycarb and methoprene-treated sixth instars with a nucleopolyhedrovirus (SeMNPV) resulted in 2.4- or 2.9-fold increases in final weights, compared to control larvae inoculated in the fifth instar. The total yield of SeMNPV occlusion bodies (OBs) per larva was 2.7- and 2.9-fold greater in fenoxycarb- and methoprene-treated larvae, respectively, compared to fifth instar controls. A significant but small increase in the yield of OBs/mg larval weight was observed in fenoxycarb-treated insects but not in the methoprene treatment. The LC50 value of OBs harvested from fenoxycarb-treated insects was slightly higher than that of OBs from control insects, whereas no such difference was observed in OBs from methoprene-treated insects. We conclude that appropriate use of JHA technology is likely to provide considerable benefits for the mass production of baculoviruses.  相似文献   

Application of juvenile hormone esterase inhibitor 3-octylthio-1,1,1- trifluropropan-2-one (OTFP) to 5th instar nymphs and virgin females of D. cingulatus revealed the profound role played by juvenile hormone esterase (JHE) in metamorphosis and reproduction. The ability of OTFP to cause delay and the formation of malformed nymphs, suggests that inhibition of JHE in vivo maintains a higher than normal hemolymph JH titer. It is obvious that OTFP does inhibit in vivo JHE activity in late instar nymphs. Further, the application of JHE inhibitor, OTFP to virgin females demonstrates that substituted trifluropropanones can indirectly stimulate egg development by inhibiting JHE activity in virgin females.  相似文献   

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