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Cell-free preparations from the unicellular green alga, Chlorella vulgaris, catalyze the conversion of glutamate to delta-aminolevulinate, which is the first committed step in heme and chlorophyll biosynthesis. Most activity remains in the supernatant fraction after centrifugation at 264,000g. Additional activity can be solubilized from the high-speed pellet by treatment with 0.5 M NaCl. After gel filtration through Sephadex G-25, the reaction catalyzed by the high-speed supernatant requires glutamate, ATP, Mg2+, and NADPH. Boiled extract is inactive. The pH optimum is between 7.8 and 7.9 and the temperature optimum is 30 degrees C. Concentrations required for half-maximal activity are 0.05 mM glutamate, 0.4 mM ATP, 6 mM MgCl2, and 0.4 mM NADPH or 0.7 mM NADH. The reaction requires no additional amino donor. Involvement of pyridoxal phosphate in the catalytic mechanism is suggested by sensitivity to pyridoxal antagonists; 50% inhibition is achieved with 5 microM gabaculine or 0.4 mM aminooxyacetate. Involvement of two or more enzymes is suggested by the nonlinear reaction rate dependence on protein concentration. Evidence for the involvement of an activated glutamate intermediate was obtained by product formation after sequential addition and removal of substrates, and by inhibition (80%) with 1 mM hydroxylamine. Protoheme inhibits the activity by 50% at 1.2 microM. Preincubation of the extract with ATP causes stimulation and/or stabilization of the activity compared to preincubation without ATP or no preincubation. In preparations obtained from C. vulgaris strain C-10, which requires light for greening, dark-grown cells yield one-third as much activity as 4-h-greened cells.  相似文献   

delta-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA), the universal biosynthetic precursor of tetrapyrrole pigments, is synthesized from glutamate in plants, algae, and many bacteria via a three-step process that begins with activation by ligation of glutamate to tRNA(Glu), followed by reduction to glutamate-1-semialdehyde (GSA) and conversion of GSA to ALA. The GSA aminotransferase step requires no substrate other than GSA. A previous study examined whether the aminotransferase reaction proceeds via intramolecular or intermolecular N transfer and concluded that the reaction catalyzed by Chlamydomonas extracts occurs via intermolecular N transfer (Y.-H.L. Mau and W.-Y. Wang [1988] Plant Physiol 86: 793-797). However, in that study the possibility was not excluded that the result was a consequence of N exchange among product ALA molecules during the incubation, rather than intermolecular N transfer during the conversion of GSA to ALA. Therefore, this question was reexamined in another species and with additional controls. A gel-filtered extract of Chlorella vulgaris cells was incubated with ATP, Mg2+, NADPH, tRNA, and a mixture of L-glutamate molecules, one-half of which were labeled with 15N and the other half with 13C at C-1. The ALA product was purified, derivatized, and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A significant fraction of the ALA molecules was heavy by two mass units, indicating incorporation of both 15N and 13C. These results show that the N and C atoms of each ALA molecule were derived from different glutamate molecules. Control experiments indicated that the results could not be attributed to exchange of N atoms between glutamate or ALA molecules during the incubation. These results confirm the earlier conclusion that GSA is converted to ALA via intermolecular N transfer and extend the results to another species. The labeling results, combined with the results of kinetic and inhibitor studies, support a model for the GSA aminotransferase reaction in which a single molecule of GSA is converted to ALA via an enzyme-bound 4,5-diaminovaleric acid intermediate.  相似文献   

Studies on enzymatic hydrolysis of cell proteins in green microalgae Chlorella vulgaris 87/1 are described. Different proteases can be used for production of hydrolysates from ethanol extracted algae. The influence of reaction parameters on hydrolysis of extracted biomass with pancreatin was considered, and the composition of hydrolysates (Cv-PH) was investigated in relation to the starting materials. Significant changes in the degree of hydrolysis were observed only during the first 2h and it remained constant throughout the process. An enzyme-substrate ratio of 30-45 units/g algae, an algae concentration of 10-15% and pH values of 7.5-8.0 could be recommended. Differences in the chromatographic patterns of Cv-PH and a hot-extract from Chlorella biomass were observed. Adequate amounts of essential amino acids (44.7%) in relation to the reference pattern of FAO for human nutrition were found, except for sulfur amino acids. Cv-PH could be considered as a potential ingredient in the food industry.  相似文献   

小球藻的玻璃化超低温保存法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
先用含0.5 m01·L-1甘油和0.4 mol·L-1蔗糖的预处理液处理20min,然后用含30%蔗糖 15%乙二醇 10%二甲基亚砜 BBMG培养液的玻璃化液处理,在0℃下预冻60min后,将小球藻投入液氮.此法存活率较高,可达到60.14%,小球藻种质保存效果较好.通过试验初步建立了小球藻玻璃化法超低温保存的技术程序.  相似文献   

Metabolism of Urea by Chlorella vulgaris   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Urea metabolism was studied with nitrogen-starved cells of Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck var. viridis (Chodat), a green alga which apparently lacks urease. Incorporation of radioactivity from urea-(14)C into the alcohol-soluble fraction was virtually eliminated in cell suspensions flushed with 10% CO(2) in air. This same result was obtained when expected acceptors of urea carbon were replenished by adding ornithine and glucose with the urea. Several carbamyl compounds, which might be early products of urea metabolism and a source of the (14)CO(2), were not appreciably labeled. If cells were treated with cyanide at a concentration which inhibited ammonia uptake completely and urea uptake only slightly, more than half of the urea nitrogen taken up was found in the medium as ammonia. Cells under nitrogen gas in the dark were unable to take up urea or ammonia, but the normal rate of uptake was resumed in light. Since 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea did not selectively inhibit this uptake, an active respiration supported by light-dependent oxygen evolution in these cells was ruled out. A tentative scheme for urea metabolism is proposed to consist of an initial energy-dependent splitting of urea into carbon dioxide and ammonia. This reaction in Chlorella is thought to differ from a typical urease-catalyzed reaction by the apparent requirement of a high energy compound, possibly adenosine triphosphate.  相似文献   

Glutamate was converted to the chlorophyll and heme precursor delta-aminolevulinic acid in soluble extracts of Euglena gracilis. delta-Aminolevulinic acid-forming activity depended on the presence of native enzyme, glutamate, ATP, Mg2+, NADPH or NADH, and RNA. The requirement for reduced pyridine nucleotide was observed only if, prior to incubation, the enzyme extract was filtered through activated carbon to remove firmly bound reductant. Dithiothreitol was also required for activity after carbon treatment. delta-Aminolevulinic acid formation was stimulated by RNA from various plant tissues and algal cells, including greening barley leaves and members of the algal groups Chlorophyta (Chlorella vulgaris, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii), Rhodophyta (Cyanidium caldarium), Cyanophyta (Anacystis nidulans, Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803), and Prochlorophyta (Prochlorothrix hollandica), but not by RNA derived from Escherichia coli, yeast, wheat germ, bovine liver, and Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. E. coli glutamate-specific tRNA was inhibitory. Several of the RNAs that did not stimulate delta-aminolevulinic acid formation nevertheless became acylated when incubated with glutamate in the presence of Euglena enzyme extract. RNA extracted from nongreen dark-grown wild-type Euglena cells was about half as stimulatory as that from chlorophyllous light-grown cells, and RNA from aplastidic mutant cells stimulated only slightly. delta-Aminolevulinic acid-forming enzyme activity was present in extracts of light-grown wild-type cells, but undetectable in extracts of aplastidic mutant and dark-grown wild-type cells. Gabaculine inhibited delta-aminolevulinic acid formation at submicromolar concentration. Heme inhibited 50% at 25 microM, but protoporphyrin IX, Mg-protoporphyrin IX, and protochlorophyllide inhibited only slightly at this concentration.  相似文献   

The fermentation of glucose by Chlorella vulgaris   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

The rate of short-term accumulation of [35S]sulfite in Chlorellavulgaris cells was found to be strongly dependent on the pHof the medium. The rate increased with decreased pH, and theincrease in rate closely paralleled the increase in the concentrationof the un-ionized form of sulfite. When the pH of the mediumwas increased, fast accumulation ceased immediately. The rateof accumulation showed a strong temperature dependence, withan apparent temperature coefficient of 1.93 per 10°C rise,between 10 and 25°C. Because pKa values of sulfite shiftwith temperature, the rates were corrected by dividing by theconcentration of the un-ionized form of sulfite present at therespective temperatures. The temperature coefficient was thenfound to decrease to 1.45. When cells which had been allowedto accumulate [35S]sulfite for 20 min were transferred to amedium containing no sulfite, more than 50% of the accumulated[35S] was released into the medium in 20 min. Our results arecompatible with a simple diffusion model of SO2 transport intoChlorella cells. (Received September 26, 1996; Accepted January 20, 1997)  相似文献   

The Assimilation of Acetate by Chlorella vulgaris   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The acetate metabolism of autotrophically grown, acetate-adaptedand acetate-grown cells is compared. All oxidize acetate rapidlyand assimilate about half of the acetate added in short-termexperiments. Kinetic analysis of the incorporation of 14C-acetatereveals citrate as a primary product of acetate assimilationin all cells in darkness. Malate formed from acetate-I-14C byacetate-grown cells is asymmetrically labelled in a manner consistentwith a primary incorporation of acetate into malate by a malatesynthase reaction. The chief difference between autotrophic and acetate-grown cellsis the faster rate at which the latter incorporate acetate carboninto compounds outside the tricarboxylic acid cycle. In particular,incorporation into protein and carbohydrate is much faster inacetate-grown cells and it is suggested that enzymes catalysingreactions leading away from the tricarboxylic acid cycle mayincrease in activity in acetate-grown cells. Light greatly stimulates acetate incorporation into lipide andalso increases the synthesis of protein and carbohydrate.  相似文献   

The autoimmune blistering skin disease pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is caused primarily by autoantibodies against desmosomal cadherins. It was reported that apoptosis can be detected in pemphigus skin lesions and that apoptosis can be induced by PV-IgG in cultured keratinocytes. However, the role of apoptosis in PV pathogenesis is unclear at present. In this study, we provide evidence that apoptosis is not required for acantholysis in PV. In skin lesions from two PV patients, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) positivity, but not cleaved caspase-3, was detected in single keratinocytes in some lesions but was completely absent in other lesions from the same patients. In cultures of human keratinocytes (HaCaT and normal human epidermal keratinocytes), PV-IgG from three different PV patients caused acantholysis, fragmented staining of Dsg 3 staining, and cytokeratin retraction in the absence of nuclear fragmentation, TUNEL positivity, and caspase-3 cleavage and hence in the absence of detectable apoptosis. To further rule out the contribution of apoptotic mechanisms, we used two different approaches that are effective to block apoptosis induced by various stimuli. Inhibition of caspases by z-VAD-fmk as well as overexpression of Fas-associated death domain-like interleukin-1beta-converting enzyme (FLICE)-like inhibitory proteins FLIP(L) and FLIP(S) to inhibit receptor-mediated apoptosis did not block PV-IgG-induced effects, indicating that apoptosis was not required. Taken together, we conclude that apoptosis is not a prerequisite for skin blistering in PV but may occur secondary to acantholysis.  相似文献   

Summary The flocculation of Chlorella vulgaris by Lactobacillus casei was studied to determine whether the latter could act as a suitable flocculant for the removal of Chlorella from algal ponds. The flocculating activity of the Lactobacilli was caused by the bacterial cells themselves, and not by diffusible products of bacterial metabolism. Diffusible products of algal metabolism inhibited flocculation. For algae resuspended in water, the best flocculation occurred at pH values less than 3.5 where the charges on the bacterial and algal cells were opposite. For flocculation at least one bacterium was required for every algal cell; in terms of cell concentrations,10 mg/l of bacteria were required to flocculate an algal suspension of 1,000 mg/l. The mechanism of flocculation implied by the results is that positively charged cells of L. casei adsorb to the surface of negatively charged cells of C. vulgaris neutralizing the charge and thus destabilizing the algal suspension. Because of the low pH required and because diffusible products of algal metabolism inhibit the flocculation, it is unlikely that L. casei could be usefully employed as a flocculant of Chlorella from algal ponds.  相似文献   

EmrE is an Escherichia coli multidrug transporter that confers resistance to a variety of toxins by removing them in exchange for hydrogen ions. The detergent-solubilized protein binds tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP(+)) with a K(D) of 10 nM. One mole of ligand is bound per approximately 3 mol of EmrE, suggesting that there is one binding site per trimer. The steep pH dependence of binding suggests that one or more residues, with an apparent pK of approximately 7.5, release protons prior to ligand binding. A conservative Asp replacement (E14D) at position 14 of the only membrane-embedded charged residue shows little transport activity, but binds TPP(+) at levels similar to those of the wild-type protein. The apparent pK of the Asp shifts to <5.0. The data are consistent with a mechanism requiring Glu14 for both substrate and proton recognition. We propose a model in which two of the three Glu14s in the postulated trimeric EmrE homooligomer deprotonate upon ligand binding. The ligand is released on the other face of the membrane after binding of protons to Glu14.  相似文献   

Antifolates, which are among the first antimicrobial agents invented, inhibit cell growth by creating an intracellular state of folate deficiency. Clinical resistance to antifolates has been mainly attributed to mutations that alter structure or expression of enzymes involved in de novo folate synthesis. We identified a Mycobacterium smegmatis mutant, named FUEL (which stands for folate utilization enzyme for leucovorin), that is hypersusceptible to antifolates. Chemical complementation indicated that FUEL is unable to metabolize folinic acid (also known as leucovorin or 5-formyltetrahydrofolate), whose metabolic function remains unknown. Targeted mutagenesis, genetic complementation, and biochemical studies showed that FUEL lacks 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate synthase (MTHFS; also called 5-formyltetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase; EC activity responsible for the only ATP-dependent, irreversible conversion of folinic acid to 5,10-methenyltetrahydrofolate. In trans expression of active MTHFS proteins from bacteria or human restored both antifolate resistance and folinic acid utilization to FUEL. Absence of MTHFS resulted in marked cellular accumulation of polyglutamylated species of folinic acid. Importantly, MTHFS also affected M. smegmatis utilization of monoglutamylated 5-methyltetrahydrofolate exogenously added to the medium. Likewise, Escherichia coli mutants lacking MTHFS became susceptible to antifolates. These results indicate that folinic acid conversion by MTHFS is required for bacterial intrinsic antifolate resistance and folate homeostatic control. This novel mechanism of antimicrobial antifolate resistance might be targeted to sensitize bacterial pathogens to classical antifolates.  相似文献   

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