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为了探明我国东北阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林地表葬甲多样性及其空间变异特征,在胜山、丰林、凉水和长白山的4个大型森林动态监测样地内,通过布置900个陷阱调查了36 hm2范围内的地表葬甲群落基本特征。基于群落物种数量、个体数量和总体长,分析了地表葬甲多样性及其空间变异性。结果表明:(1)东北阔叶红松林区域物种库包含12个葬甲物种,密度为0.018只/m2,总平均体长达0.32 mm/m2。北方花葬甲(Nicrophorus tenuipes)是东北阔叶红松林内的广布物种,黑葬甲(Nicrophorus concolor)等五个物种具有明显的生境偏好,仅存在于单个局域物种库内。(2)物种数量、个体数量和总体长在胜山、丰林、凉水和长白山样地存在明显差异,其中纬度较低的局域物种库(凉水、长白山)可维持更高的物种多样性,纬度最高的局域物种库(胜山)维持较低的物种多样性。(3)地表葬甲群落在胜山和丰林样地存在显著的空间自相关性,在凉水和长白山样地则不显著。(4)葬甲群落具有较明显的空间异质性,长白山样地的空间变异...  相似文献   

In this study, we compared ground-dwelling beetle assemblages (Coleoptera) from a range of different oak fragments and surrounding conifer plantations to evaluate effects of forest size and surrounding matrix habitat in a temperate forest of north China. During 2000, beetles were sampled via pitfall traps within two large oak fragments (ca. 2.0-4.0 ha), two small oak fragments (ca. 0.2-0.4 ha) and two surrounding matrices dom- inated by pine plantations (〉4 ha) in two sites of different aspects. Overall, no significantly negative effects from forest patch size and the surrounding matrix habitat were detected in total species number and abundance of ground-dwelling beetles. However, compared with small oak patches or pine plantations, more species were associated with an affinity for at least one large oak patch of the two aspects. Multivariate regression trees showed that the habitat type better determined the beetle assemblage structure than patch size and aspect, indicating a strong impact of the surrounding matrix. Linear mixed models indicated that species richness and abundance of all ground-dwelling beetles or beetle families showed different responses to the selected environmental variables. Our results suggest that more disturbed sites are significantly poorer in oak forest specialists, which are usually more abundant in large oak fragments and decrease in abundance or disappear in small fragments and surrounding matrix habitats. Thus, it is necessary to preserve a minimum size of forest patch to create conditions characteristic for forest interior, rather than the more difficult task of increasing habitat connectivity.  相似文献   

Deadwood is widely recognized to be an important issue for biodiversity conservation in forest ecosystems. Establishing guidelines for its management requires a better understanding of relationships between woody debris characteristics and associated species assemblages. Although deadwood diameter has been identified as an important factor predicting occurrence of many saproxylic species, the boundary between small and large diameter has not yet been precisely defined. In commercial forests, it is also of critical importance to know which diameter is large enough to host the beetle species associated with large logs in order to ensure cost-effectiveness of biodiversity conservation measures. We investigated the differences in saproxylic beetle assemblages among four different diameter classes of downed woody oak and maritime pine debris, in France. Beetles were sampled using in situ emergence traps. The diameter of deadwood pieces ranged from 1 to 40 cm. No patterns of nestedness associated with the gradient of diameter size were identified for either tree species. More indicator saproxylic species were observed in large logs and branches than in small logs. A clear distinction appeared in assemblage composition around the 5-cm diameter threshold whereas no similar pattern occurred around the 10 cm value, i.e. the classical threshold used in forestry to distinguish fine woody debris from coarse woody debris. For both tree species, the mean body length of beetles increased with the diameter of deadwood suggesting that the quantity of available resources per piece may constitute a limiting factor for large beetle species. This study confirms that not only large deadwood pieces are relevant for saproxylic biodiversity conservation but also the smallest pieces. Therefore, forest managers would be well advised to maintain a high diversity of deadwoods to maintain saproxylic biodiversity.  相似文献   

Abstract The influence of edge effect on ground-dwelling beetles (Coleoptera) across a forest-clearcut ecotone was studied in Wolong Natural Reserve, southwestern China. During the field research, a total of 30 739 beetles were collected with pitfall traps along transects, which extending 100 m from the edge into the forest interior and 100 m into the clearcut. Of the collection, Carabidae comprised 92%, Staphylinidae 3%, Curculionidae 2%, and Tenebrionidae 2%, and these four families can be considered as abundant groups. Family richness, Shannon diversity and equitability display a significant decrease from forest interior, edge to clearcut. Based on the family composition and abundance, ground-dwelling beetles of the forest interior can be separated from those in the clearcut by Principal coordinate analysis ordination, and beetle assemblages in the forest edge were more similar to forest assemblages than to those found in the clearcut by cluster analysis. Seasonal dynamics of family richness showed a monotone peak in the middle season, with a highest value in the forest interior and a lowest value in the clearcut. Family abundance showed two peaks in the middle season, always with more individuals in the clearcut than in the forest interior or in the edge. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that the cover of shrub and litter were the two most important factors in determining family richness, Shannon diversity, equitability and abundance. Our results show that the forest edge and clearcut have obviously different composition and diversity of ground-dwelling beetles from forest interior at the family level. However, more edges have been formed due to increasing forest fragmentation (clearcutting or logging), so it is necessary to preserve large and intact forest to protect the diversity of ground-dwelling beetles in Wolong Natural Reserve.  相似文献   

Abstract  This study compares litter-dwelling beetles in mature wet eucalypt forest with those in young forest regenerated following clearfelling. The aims of the study were to determine the extent to which these forest ages support differing litter beetle assemblages, and to identify species characteristic of each age. Beetles were collected with pitfall traps in a spatially replicated study design to avoid confounding forest age and site differences. Three transects of traps were located in each of mature and young forest stands at four study sites. Beetle abundance was greatest in young forest, and young and mature forest supported distinctly different beetle assemblages. Of 37 commonly collected species, an indicator species analysis found 9 species characteristic of young logging regeneration, and 7 species characteristic of mature unlogged forest. These species could be useful in other Tasmanian studies concerning forest management impacts. Only two significant indicator species were carabids, suggesting that focusing only on carabids as indicators of forest management may be undesirable.  相似文献   

The southern pine beetle, Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmerman, is the most destructive insect pest of pine forests in the southeastern United States, Mexico, and Central America. Southern pine beetle aggressively attacks pine trees, and when in epidemic stages, they are capable of killing even the most healthy pine trees in a short period of time. Despite the amount of destruction caused by the southern pine beetle and the amount of monetary loss faced by the timber industry and recreation, the population genetics of this species has been limited to comparisons among distant geographic locations. This study investigates the fine-scale genetic population structure of the southern pine beetle in Mississippi. Very little genetic differentiation was observed among samples. Bayesian assignment testing failed to detect multiple groups within all samples; estimates of genetic differentiation and genetic distance were very low in magnitude; and a Mantel test did not reveal a significant relationship between genetic distance and geographic distance. These results suggest that management of the southern pine beetle needs to consider the potential movements of individuals within and among national forests and should be focused on a large scale, at least as big as continuously forested areas and possibly even multiple forests. These results further suggest that removal of beetle-infested trees is important.  相似文献   

The proportion of planted forests in the Mediterranean Basin is one of the largest in the world. These plantations are dominated by pine species and present a series of characteristics such as low elevation, high competition or small tree size that make them more vulnerable to droughts. However, quantitative assessments of their post-drought growth resilience in accordance with species, site factors and tree characteristics are lacking. In this study we sampled 164 trees at four forest sites located in the drought-prone Sierra Nevada, southeastern Spain. We compared growth responsiveness to drought in rear-edge planted vs. relic natural Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and coexisting Pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica) stands. Our objective was to characterize and compare the different growth responses to drought between species and sites and the effect of the main physiographic factors (altitude, aspect, and slope) on these responses since the influence of these factors on post-drought resistance and resilience has received little attention to date. Our results reveal that the planted pine sites with the lowest mean growth rates displayed greater resistance during drought, and that higher altitude was associated with improved resistance and/or resilience for all species and sites. Natural pine and Pyrenean oak stands were better adapted to the dry climatic conditions of the Mediterranean region where the study was undertaken, displaying greater resistance and/or resilience and lower influence of drought on growth in comparison to stands of planted pines. These results suggest that promoting the conservation of high-elevation pine plantations and enhancing the regeneration of natural pine and oak may improve the resistance and resilience of these drought-prone forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

This data paper reports census data of ground-dwelling beetle and other fauna of the forest floor environment; collections were made from a network of 22 forest sites in Japan. To our knowledge, this represents the largest dataset for long-term monitoring of a ground-dwelling beetle community and other taxa in a ground environment in forests, which covers a broad climatic range in the temperate zone and is freely available. The network forms part of the Monitoring Sites 1000 Project launched by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan. It covers subalpine, cool- and warm-temperate and subtropical climatic zones and the four major forest types of Japan. Thirty-three permanent plots usually 1 ha in size were established in old-growth, secondary natural and a few plantation forests. Censuses of the ground-dwelling beetle community were conducted using pitfall trapping and forest floor environment monitoring every year from 2004 to the present. During the initial 9 years of the census (2004–2012), 59,762 beetle individuals (including 3182 larvae) of more than 314 species were recorded. This dataset includes taxonomy and biomass of each beetle individual and each taxonomic group of other invertebrates coincidently captured in pitfall trapping. The dataset also includes data related to ground coverage by forest floor vegetation, dry mass of the accumulated organic litter layer, and carbon and nitrogen contents and cellulose decomposition rate in organic layer and surface mineral soil. The data could be used to investigate geographical patterns and intra- and inter-annual dynamics of individual body mass, populations and community structures of ground-dwelling beetles, and their relationships with the forest floor environment. Furthermore, the data could be analyzed with other open datasets related to tree community dynamics and litter fall continuously measured in the same study plots. This dataset also provides information related to the distribution and average body mass of each beetle species.  相似文献   

Although changes to interspecific relationships can significantly alter the composition of insect assemblages, they are often ignored when assessing impacts of environmental change. Long-term ground beetle data were used in this study to analyse ecological networks from three habitats at two sites in Scotland. A Bayesian Network inference algorithm was used to reveal interspecific relationships. The significance and strength of relationships between species (nodes) were estimated along with other network properties. Links were identified as positive relationships if co-occurrences of beetles correlated positively, and as negatives relationships if there was a negative correlation between the occurrences of the species. Most of the species had few links and only 10% of the nodes were connected with several links. Calathus fuscipes, a common carabid in the samples, was the most connected, with nine links to other species. More interspecific relationships were found to be positive than negative, with 48 and 23 links, respectively. The modular structure of the network was assessed and eight separate sub-networks were found. Habitat preferences of the species were clearly represented in the structure of the sets of those five sub-networks containing more than one species and were in line with the findings of the indicator species analysis. In our study, we showed that generated Bayesian networks can model interspecific relationships between carabid species. Due to the relative ease of the collection of field data and the high information content of the results, this method could be incorporated into everyday ecological analysis.  相似文献   

Cunningham SA  Murray W 《Oecologia》2007,151(2):303-312
We examined body length differences between the beetle fauna of Eucalyptus plantation forests and remnant Eucalyptus forest in the same region using aerial and arboreal sampling. Mean body length of plantation-using species was greater than for remnant forest species, and the same pattern was apparent in the mean of all individuals collected regardless of species. This pattern was true for both Malaise-trap-collected beetles (aerial) and canopy-collected (arboreal) beetles. The tendency for plantation-restricted species to have longer bodies is significant even if clade is treated as a random factor in the analysis. Greater body length among plantation-using species is consistent with a few other studies that have found body size of insect species in early successional environments is typically greater than in late successional environments. Some studies suggest that larger species are better dispersers, which can rapidly colonise early successional habitats. In this study, however, there was little relationship between body length and the number of sites occupied; suggesting dispersal was not a major determinant of community membership. Two different patterns in this study support the hypothesis that body size differences are linked to trophic structure of the communities. First, the body length shift comparing remnant users to plantation users was greater among phytophages than for predators or saprophages. Second, saprophages were typically smaller than phytophages, and constituted a larger fraction of the remnant forest using fauna, driving down the mean body length in the saprophage-rich remnant forest community.  相似文献   

Despite high diversity levels of beetles inhabiting dung and carcasses, very few studies have attempted a comparative assessment of copro-necrophile beetle communities in relation to spatio-temporal variations, particularly in the tropics where the vast majority of beetles occur. We compared beetle assemblages attracted to pads of cattle dung and rat carcasses in four contrasting vegetation types associated with oak forest. In a total of 52 transects including 3,952 dung pad days and 2,600 carcass-trap days we recorded 14,989 beetles representing 406 species and 33 families. Necrophiles (323 species and 33 families) were considerably more diverse than coprophiles (172 species and 16 families). Staphylinidae were taxonomically and numerically dominant, comprising 45% of species and 66% of individuals, respectively. Species estimators (Chao 2) suggested that the observed beetle richness represented 68% of coprophile and 56% of necrophile species richness, with rare species constituting the majority of the species: singletons and doubletons?=?89 species (52%) of coprophiles and 166 species (51%) of necrophiles. Beetle assemblages varied in diversity and composition as regards to vegetation type and season: samples from less disturbed vegetation types (continuous oak forest and ravines) had higher beetle diversity, and a strong seasonality effect was recorded for necrophiles, but not for coprophiles. In addition, an indicator value analysis (IndVal), showed that relatively preserved vegetation types recorded more indicator species as compared to disturbed sites. Our studies clearly demonstrates that the least fragmented oak forest and ravine are the most valuable areas for necrophile and coprophile beetles in Neotropical Mexico, especially for specialist beetles.  相似文献   

The effects of mixing tree species on tree growth and stand production have been abundantly studied, mostly looking at tree species diversity effects while controlling for stand density and structure. Regarding the shift towards managing forests as complex adaptive systems, we also need insight into the effects of structural diversity. Strict forest reserves, left for spontaneous development, offer unique opportunities for studying the effects of diversity in tree species and stand structure. We used data from repeated inventories in ten forest reserves in the Netherlands and northern Belgium to study the growth of pine and oak. We investigated whether the diversity of a tree's local neighbourhood (i.e., species and structural diversity) is important in explaining its basal area growth. For the subcanopy oak trees, we found a negative effect of the tree species richness of the local neighbours, which – in the studied forests – was closely related to the share of shade-casting tree species in the neighbourhood. The growth of the taller oak trees was positively affected by the height diversity of the neighbour trees. Pine tree growth showed no relation with neighbourhood diversity. Tree growth decreased with neighbourhood density for both species (although no significant relationship was found for the small pines). We found no overall diversity-growth relationship in the studied uneven-aged mature forests; the relationship depended on tree species identity and the aspect of diversity considered (species vs. structural diversity).  相似文献   

The oil palm is an economically important crop cultivated in the North of Brazil. Damage caused by insects is one of the main causes of reduced productivity for the oil palm. Before this research, only the beetles of the family Curculionidae were considered to be oil palm pests in Brazil. However, for the first time, we report on the damage caused by a giant rhinoceros beetle to oil palm plantations in Pará, Brazil. The beetle was identified as Golofa claviger (Linnaeus, 1771), which has a single record in Brazil (Pará) but is widely distributed in South America. The species occurs in an unprecedentedly high abundance of local specimens. The attacks are concentrated on the central cluster of young palms. Feeding behavior is identified as the main cause of the damage as the beetles use their mouthparts to rip the plant tissues, causing wedge-shaped cuts on young fronds that have not yet unfurled. After an attack, the leaflets of the unfurled fronds are partially destroyed.  相似文献   

Ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) are important in agro-ecosystems as generalist predators of invertebrate pests and weed seeds and as prey for larger animals. However, it is not well understood how cropping systems affect ground beetles. Over a 2-yr period, carabids were monitored two times per month using pitfall traps in a conventional chemical input, 2-yr, corn/soybean rotation system and a low input, 4-yr, corn/soybean/triticale-alfalfa/alfalfa rotation system. Carabid assemblages were largely dominated by a few species across all cropping treatments with Poecilus chalcites Say comprising >70% of pitfall catches in both years of study. Overall carabid activity density and species richness were higher in the low input, 4-yr rotation compared with the conventionally managed, 2-yr rotation. There were greater differences in the temporal activity density and species richness of carabids among crops than within corn and soybean treatments managed with different agrichemical inputs and soil disturbance regimes. Detrended correspondence analysis showed strong yearly variation in carabid assemblages in all cropping treatments. The increase in carabid activity density and species richness observed in the 4-yr crop rotation highlights the potential benefits of diverse crop habitats for carabids and the possibility for managing natural enemies by manipulating crop rotations.  相似文献   

Lindgren funnel traps baited with aggregation pheromones are widely used to monitor and manage populations of economically important bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). This study was designed to advance our understanding of how funnel trap catches assess bark beetle communities and relative abundance of individual species. In the second year (2005) of a 3-yr study of the bark beetle community structure in north-central Arizona pine (Pinus spp.) forests, we collected data on stand structure, site conditions, and local bark beetle-induced tree mortality at each trap site. We also collected samples of bark from infested (brood) trees near trap sites to identify and determine the population density of bark beetles that were attacking ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex Lawson, in the area surrounding the traps. Multiple regression models indicated that the number of Dendroctonus and Ips beetles captured in 2005 was inversely related to elevation of the trap site, and positively associated with the amount of ponderosa pine in the stand surrounding the site. Traps located closer to brood trees also captured more beetles. The relationship between trap catches and host tree mortality was weak and inconsistent in forest stands surrounding the funnel traps, suggesting that trap catches do not provide a good estimate of local beetle-induced tree mortality. However, pheromone-baited funnel trap data and data from gallery identification in bark samples produced statistically similar relative abundance profiles for the five species of bark beetles that we examined, indicating that funnel trap data provided a good assessment of species presence and relative abundance.  相似文献   

We examined abundance and flight periodicity of five Ips and six Dendroctonus species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) among three different elevation bands in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex. Lawson) forests of northcentral Arizona. Bark beetle populations were monitored at 10 sites in each of three elevation bands (low: 1,600-1,736 m; middle: 2,058-2,230 m; high: 2,505-2,651 m) for 3 yr (2004-2006) using pheromone-baited Lindgren funnel traps. Trap contents were collected weekly from March to December. We also studied temperature differences among the elevation bands and what role this may play in beetle flight behavior. Bark beetles, regardless of species, showed no consistent elevational trend in abundance among the three bands. The higher abundances of Ips lecontei Swaine, I. calligraphus ponderosae Swaine, Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmerman, and D. brevicomis LeConte at low and middle elevations offset the greater abundance of I. knausi Swaine, D. adjunctus Blandford, D. approximatus Dietz, and D. valens LeConte at high elevations. I. pini (Say) and I. latidens LeConte were found in similar numbers across the three bands. Flight periodicity of several species varied among elevation bands. In general, the flight period shortened as elevation increased; flight initiated later and terminated earlier in the year. The timing, number, and magnitude of peaks in flight activity also varied among the elevation bands. These results suggest that abundance and flight seasonality of several bark beetles are related to elevation and the associated temperature differences. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to bark beetle management and population dynamics.  相似文献   

Giant knotweeds (Reynoutria spp.) are highly productive and aggressive invaders in riparian wetlands of Europe and North America. We sampled ground-dwelling beetles by pitfall traps from six sites comparing monotypic Reynoutria stands with the invaded native Urtica-dominated stands. Three sites were located in a semi-natural softwood forest and three sites were on a ruderal embankment. The analyses are based on a total of 13,244 individuals from 218 species. Location and site significantly influenced beetle assemblages. Moreover, there were pronounced differences between vegetation stands. The monotypic Reynoutria stands exhibited lower beetle abundance, species richness and rarefaction diversity irrespective of location. However, the negative effect on species richness, abundance and assemblage similarities were stronger on the transformed ruderal embankment than in the semi-natural softwood forest. Reynoutria invasion seems to influence microclimatic conditions. We found a higher abundance of silvicolous and a lower abundance of xerophilous ground beetles in the Reyountria stands than in the Urtica-dominated stands. Feeding guilds reacted differently to Reynoutria invasion that reduced the abundance of predators and herbivores but enhanced that of detritivores. Detritivores assumingly profit from the perennial presence of the large quantities of Reynoutria litter. We conclude that highly productive invaders pauperise the arthropod fauna and alter link strengths in trophic cascades shifting primary producer-based food webs to detritus-based food webs.  相似文献   

元谋干热河谷不同人工林中鞘翅目甲虫多样性比较   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在元谋干热河谷采用网扫法调查了云南松林、桉树林、新银合欢林、桉树+新银合欢林、印楝林及多树种混交的人工林鞘翅目昆虫多样性。结果表明,鞘翅目甲虫标本925号,计71种,分属18个科,其中叶甲科种类最丰富,象甲科数量最丰富。人工林鞘翅目昆虫群落物种丰富度在7~23,Shannon—Wiener多样性指数在1.249~2.562,昆虫多样性总体较低。各样地鞘翅目群落之间为不相似水平。云南松林鞘翅目昆虫群落物种丰富度、Shannon—Wiener指数、Simpson指数及Pielou指数分别为20、2.562、0.104和0.855,其多样性最高,多树种混交林较高,印楝林较低,而桉树林、新银合欢林、桉树+新银合欢林多样性极低。多树种混交的恢复对昆虫多样性提高有显著促进作用。  相似文献   

  1. Cork oak landscapes are fascinating ecosystems, historically managed for cork extraction. The persistence in this habitat of many hollow veteran trees provides suitable micro-habitats for saproxylic beetles.
  2. We investigated the saproxylic beetle community of two isolated cork oak woodlands of central Italy with different degree of recovery after human transformation: (1) an open woodland and (2) a dense mixed woodland, both dominated by cork oak trees.
  3. We found endemic, rare and threatened saproxylic beetles in both the areas, confirming the important conservation value of cork oak landscapes. In the open woodland we observed a higher number of species in all trophic categories, except for mycophagous specialists. Several microhabitat variables reflected the different stage of recovery of the two woodlands.
  4. Our findings suggest the crucial role of diversified environments in protected areas: even a small difference in the degree of recovery (i.e., tree closeness) can affect the number of beetle species. Specifically, we found (1) more xerophilous species in the open woodland and (2) more mesophilous species in the dense mixed woodland.

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