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In a controlled greenhouse experiment young Deschampsia cespitosa,Grindelia integrifolia, Distichlis spicata and Salicornia virginicaplants were subjected to dry, field capacity, and saturatedsoil conditions. Plant height, stem diameter, stem density,number of leaves, number and length of internodes, and numberof primary and secondary branches varied among the three treatments.The quantity of aerenchyma in S. virginica was greatest in thesaturated treatment. In G. integrifolia the amount of secondaryxylem was greatest in the dry treatment. Maximum above- andbelow-ground biomass occurred under field capacity conditionsfor the four species. Root to shoot ratios of D cespitosa andS. virginica were not affected by changes in soil moisture whilethat of D. spicata was lowest in the saturated treatment andthat of G. integrifolia was lowest in the dry treatment. Key words: Salt marsh, soil moisture, plant structure  相似文献   

Re-establishing plant cover is essential for restoring ecosystem functions, but revegetation can be difficult in severe sites, such as salt marshes that experience hypersalinity and sedimentation. We tested three treatments (adding tidal creeks, planting seedlings in tight clusters, and rototilling kelp compost into the soil) in a site that was excavated to reinstate tidal flows and restore salt marsh. The magnitude of responses was the reverse of expectations, with tidal creeks having the least effect and kelp compost the most. On the marsh plain, kelp compost significantly increased soil organic matter (by 17% at 0–5 cm; p = 0.026 and 11.5% at 5–20 cm; p = 0.083), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (45% at 5–8 cm; p < 0.001) and inorganic nitrogen (35% at 5–8 cm; p < 0.006), and decreased bulk density (16% at 0–5 cm; p < 0.001 and 21% at 5–8 cm depth; p < 0.001) compared to control plots. Survivorship of kelp compost treated plantings increased, along with growth (> 50% increase in a growth index at 20 months after planting; p < 0.0001). In Spartina foliosa plots, kelp compost did not affect soil organic matter, but plants were taller (by ~11 cm; p = 0.003) and denser (47% more stems; p = 0.003). Planting seedlings 10-cm apart in tight clusters on the marsh plain increased survivorship by 18% (compared to 90-cm apart in loose clusters; p = 0.053), but not growth. Tidal creek networks increased survivorship of Batis maritima and Jaumea carnosa by ≥20% (p = 0.060 and 0.077, respectively). Kelp compost had a strong, positive influence on vegetation establishment by ameliorating some of the abiotic stress.  相似文献   

Tidal flow to salt marshes throughout the northeastern United States is often restricted by roads, dikes, impoundments, and inadequately sized culverts or bridge openings, resulting in altered ecological structure and function. In this study we evaluated the response of vegetation and nekton (fishes and decapod crustaceans) to restoration of full tidal flow to a portion of the Sachuest Point salt marsh, Middletown, Rhode Island. A before, after, control, impact study design was used, including evaluations of the tide‐restricted marsh, the same marsh after reintroduction of tidal flow (i.e., tide‐restored marsh), and an unrestricted control marsh. Before tidal restoration vegetation of the 3.7‐ha tide‐restricted marsh was dominated by Phragmites australis and was significantly different from the adjacent 6.3‐ha Spartina‐dominated unrestricted control marsh (analysis of similarities randomization test, p < 0.001). After one growing season vegetation of the tide‐restored marsh had changed from its pre‐restoration condition (analysis of similarities randomization test, p < 0.005). Although not similar to the unrestricted control marsh, Spartina patens and S. alterniflora abundance increased and abundance and height of Phragmites significantly declined, suggesting a convergence toward typical New England salt marsh vegetation. Before restoration shallow water habitat (creeks and pools) of the unrestricted control marsh supported a greater density of nekton compared with the tide‐restricted marsh (analysis of variance, p < 0.001), but after one season of restored tidal flow nekton density was equivalent. A similar trend was documented for nekton species richness. Nekton density and species richness from marsh surface samples were similar between the tide‐restored marsh and unrestricted control marsh. Fundulus heteroclitus and Palaemonetes pugio were the numerically dominant fish and decapod species in all sampled habitats. This study provides an example of a quantitative approach for assessing the response of vegetation and nekton to tidal restoration.  相似文献   

山西植被空间格局及演替   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在ArcGIS软件中采集1984年和2005年山西植被类型的图形,得到山西群系、森林、灌丛、草本植被及栽培植被的图形及面积,用叠置分析和景观格局分析方法研究植被的空间分布及其演替、空间格局及其变化。森林在西南部相对集中分布,在西北角增加明显,它在山西植被中所占面积及比重都最小,最为破碎。油松林在山西森林中占优势,恢复森林主要是油松林、小叶杨林、辽东栎林。1984年灌丛的面积在植被中最大,所占比例也最高,超过50%,集中连片分布面积较大,但灌丛缩减迅速,主要在中南部,在山西植被中遭破坏最为严重。沙棘、虎榛子灌丛和黄栌、连翘灌丛对灌丛的影响最大。草本植被主要在北部减少,在中南部分散增加,更加破碎。白羊草草丛在山西草本植被中占优势,蒿、禾草草原和百里香、禾草草原变化最大。栽培植被明显增加,在植被中所占比重急剧增加,成为山西优势植被。森林、栽培植被分别增加24.3%、71.5%,而灌丛、草本植被却分别减少70.3%,15.6%,演替主要是人为因素造成的。  相似文献   

We conducted a study to evaluate the relative importance of topography, grazing, the location of individual plants (microsite), and plant species in controlling the spatial variability of soil organic matter in shortgrass steppe ecosystems. We found that the largest spatial variation occurs in concert with topography and with microsite-scale heterogeneity, with relatively little spatial variability due to grazing or to plant species. Total soil C and N, coarse and fine particulate organic matter C and N, and potentially mineralizable C were significantly affected by topography, with higher levels in toeslope positions than in midslopes or summits. Soils beneath individual plants (Bouteloua gracilis and Opuntia polyacantha) were elevated by 2–3 cm relative to surrounding soils. All pools of soil organic matter were significantly higher in the raised hummocks directly beneath plants than in the soil surface of interspaces or this layer under plants. High levels of mineral material in the hummocks suggest that erosion is an important process in their formation, perhaps in addition to biotic accumulation of litter beneath individual plants. Over 50 y of heavy grazing by cattle did not have a significant effect on most of the soil organic matter pools we studied. This result was consistent with our hypothesis that this system, with its strong dominance of belowground organic matter, is minimally influenced by aboveground herbivory. In addition, soils beneath two of the important plant species of the shortgrass steppe, B. gracilis and O. polyacantha, differed little from one another. The processes that create spatial variability in shortgrass steppe ecosystems do not affect all soil organic matter pools equally. Topographic variability, developing over pedogenic time scales (centuries to thousands of years), has the largest effect on the most stable pools of soil organic matter. The influence of microsite is most evident in the pools of organic matter that turn over at time scales that approximate the life span of individual plants (years to decades and centuries).  相似文献   

土壤水分是晋西黄土区植被群落生长与恢复的主要限制因素,为定量探讨该区域不同植被群落土壤水分变化规律,选择山西吉县蔡家川流域3种典型植被群落(油松人工林、刺槐人工林、天然次生林)为研究对象,研究土壤水分时空变化特征,以及土壤水分与降雨、气温和土壤养分的变化关系。结果表明:(1)近10年,研究区降雨分布极不均匀,表现为降雨前期不足,集中在中后期;近10年植被群落生长季,天然次生林土壤水分最大,刺槐林最小,且两者存在显著差异,但均与油松林地差异不显著;(2)研究区3种植被群落0~60 cm土层中根系分布存在差异。其中,同种植被群落不同土层间根系分布均存在显著差异;不同植被群落中,天然次生林与油松、刺槐林的根系分布在20~60 cm土层存在显著差异;(3)研究区植被群落土壤水分具有明显分层现象,即0~40 cm土层土壤水分变化较大,而40~100 cm土层波动较小,基本维持在10%~15%;表土层(0~40 cm)土壤水分变化与植被根系分布有关,且植被根系分布与土壤水分呈显著负相关;(4)通过对土壤水分与降雨、气温、有机碳、全氮、全磷、全钾等因素进行分析,发现土壤水分与降雨呈显著正相关,油松林地相关系数最高;气温只与次生林的土壤水分呈显著正相关;土壤水分与有机碳、全氮、全磷、全钾存在正相关,其中与全磷相关度最高。  相似文献   

Soil nitrogen (N) mineralization in wetlands is sensitive to various environmental factors. To compare the effects of salinity and temperature on N mineralization, wetland soils from a tidal freshwater marsh locating in the Yellow River Delta was incubated over a 48-d anaerobic incubation period under four salinity concentrations (0, 10, 20 and 35‰) and four temperature levels (10, 20, 30 and 40°C). The results suggested that accumulated ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N) increased with increasing incubation time under all salinity concentrations. Higher temperatures and salinities significantly enhanced soil N mineralization except for a short-term (≈10 days) inhibiting effect found under 35‰ salinity. The incubation time, temperature, salinity and their interactions exhibited significant effects on N mineralization (P<0.001) except the interactive effect of salinity and temperature (P>0.05), while temperature exhibited the greatest effect (P<0.001). Meanwhile, N mineralization processes were simulated using both an effective accumulated temperature model and a one-pool model. Both models fit well with the simulation of soil N mineralization process in the coastal freshwater wetlands under a range of 30 to 40°C (R2 = 0.88–0.99, P<0.01). Our results indicated that an enhanced NH4+-N release with increasing temperature and salinity deriving from the projected global warming could have profound effects on nutrient cycling in coastal wetland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aboveground biomass, macro‐organic matter (MOM), and wetland soil characteristics were measured periodically between 1983 and 1998 in a created brackish‐water marsh and a nearby natural marsh along the Pamlico River estuary, North Carolina to evaluate the development of wetland vegetation and soil dependent functions after marsh creation. Development of aboveground biomass and MOM was dependent on elevation and frequency of tidal inundation. Aboveground biomass of Spartina alterniflora, which occupied low elevations along tidal creeks and was inundated frequently, developed to levels similar to the natural marsh (750 to 1,300 g/m2) within three years after creation. Spartina cynosuroides, which dominated interior areas of the marsh and was flooded less frequently, required 9 years to consistently achieve aboveground biomass equivalent to the natural marsh (600 to 1,560 g/m2). Aboveground biomass of Spartina patens, which was planted at the highest elevations along the terrestrial margin and seldom flooded, never consistently developed aboveground biomass comparable with the natural marsh during the 15 years after marsh creation. MOM (0 to 10 cm) generally developed at the same rate as aboveground biomass. Between 1988 and 1998, soil bulk density decreased and porosity and organic C and N pools increased in the created marsh. Like vegetation, wetland soil development proceeded faster in response to increased inundation, especially in the streamside zone dominated by S. alterniflora. We estimated that in the streamside and interior zones, an additional 30 years (nitrogen) to 90 years (organic C, porosity) are needed for the upper 30 cm of created marsh soil to become equivalent to the natural marsh. Wetland soil characteristics of the S. patens community along upland fringe will take longer to develop, more than 200 years. Development of the benthic invertebrate‐based food web, which depends on organic matter enrichment of the upper 5 to 10 cm of soil, is expected to take less time. Wetland soil characteristics and functions of created irregularly flooded brackish marshes require longer to develop compared with regularly flooded salt marshes because reduced tidal inundation slows wetland vegetation and soil development. The hydrologic regime (regularly vs. irregularly flooded) of the “target” wetland should be considered when setting realistic expectations for success criteria of created and restored wetlands.  相似文献   

城市绿化带植被覆盖度对盐碱地土壤盐分的调节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市绿化带土壤盐渍化成为近年来城镇化发展亟待解决的环境问题,本试验系统研究兰州新区城市绿化带植被覆盖度和不同肥力措施对盐碱地盐分的调节。结果表明“七叶树(Aesculus chinensis Bunge)+花叶楸(Catalpa bungei C.)+四季玫瑰(Rosa rugosa Thunb.)”的景观组合Ⅱ,在有机肥添加微生物菌剂的处理下,一个生长季平均植被覆盖度高达70.06%,表土脱盐率能达到53.51%,而“裸地”对照仅分别为20.62%和5.46%。景观组合Ⅱ处理pH值和电导率分别下降了12.54%和63.83%,“裸地”仅下降了3.14%和12.28%。相关性分析(P<0.05)表明,植被覆盖度与土壤含盐量(r=-0.949)高度负相关,与土壤有机质(r=0.887)和全氮(r=0.853)高度正相关。本研究认为,通过增加绿化带植被覆盖度、改善土壤肥力能有效改良盐碱地土壤盐分。  相似文献   

Microbial biomass, dehydrogenase activity, carbon metabolism, and aerobic bacterial populations were examined in cropped and fallow Pahokee muck (a lithic medisaprist) of the Florida Everglades. Dehydrogenase activity was two- to sevenfold greater in soil cropped to St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt) Kuntz) compared with uncropped soil, whereas biomass ranged from equivalence in the two soils to a threefold stimulation in the cropped soil. Biomass in soil cropped to sugarcane (Saccharum spp. L) approximated that from the grass field, whereas dehydrogenase activities of the cane soil were nearly equivalent to those of the fallow soil. Microbial biomass, dehydrogenase activity, aerobic bacterial populations, and salicylate oxidation rates all correlated with soil moisture levels. These data indicate that within the moisture ranges detected in the surface soils, increased moisture stimulated microbial activity, whereas within the soil profile where moisture ranges reached saturation, increased moisture inhibited aerobic activities and stimulated anaerobic processes.  相似文献   

The cycling of surface water, energy, nutrients, and carbon is different between semiarid grassland and shrubland ecosystems. Although differences are evident when grasslands are compared to shrublands, the processes that contribute to this transition are more challenging to document. We evaluate how surface redistribution of precipitation and plant responses to the resulting infiltration patterns could contribute to the changes that occur during the transition from grassland to shrubland. We measured soil water potential under grasses (Bouteloua eriopoda), shrubs (Larrea tridentata) and bare soil and changes in plant water relations and gas exchange following a 15 mm summer storm in the grassland–shrubland ecotone at the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge in central New Mexico USA. Following the storm, soil water potential (Ψs) increased to 30 cm depth beneath both grass and shrub canopies, with the greatest change observed in the top 15 cm of the soil. The increase in Ψs was greater beneath grass canopies than beneath shrub canopies. Ψs under bare soil increased only to 5 cm depth. The substantial redistribution of rainfall and different rooting depths of the vegetation resulted in high Ψs throughout most of the rooting volume of the grasses whereas soil moisture was unchanged throughout a large portion of the shrub rooting volume. Consistent with this pattern, predawn water potential (ΨPD) of grasses increased more than 5 MPa to greater than −1 MPa whereas ΨPD of shrubs increased to −2.5 MPa, a change of less than 2 MPa. Transpiration increased roughly linearly with ΨPD in both grasses and shrubs. In grasses, assimilation was strongly correlated with ΨPD whereas there was no relationship in shrubs where assimilation showed no significant response to the pulse of soil moisture following the storm. These data show that preferential redistribution of water to grass canopies enhances transpiration and assimilation by grasses following large summer storms. This process may inhibit shrubland expansion at the ecotone during periods without extreme drought.  相似文献   

An important source of new nitrogen in salt marsh ecosystems is microbial diazotrophy (nitrogen fixation). The diazotroph assemblages associated with the rhizospheres (sediment directly affected by the roots) of salt marsh plants are highly diverse, somewhat stable, and consist mainly of novel organisms. In Crab Haul Creek Basin, North Inlet, SC, the distribution of plant types into discrete zones is dictated by relatively minor differences in marsh elevation and it was hypothesized that the biotic and abiotic properties of the plant zones would also dictate the composition of the rhizosphere diazotroph assemblages. Over a period of 1 year, rhizosphere sediments were collected from monotypic stands of the black needlerush, Juncus roemerianus, the common pickleweed, Salicornia virginica, the short and tall growth forms of the smooth cordgrass Spartina alterniflora, and a mixed zone of co-occurring S. virginica and short form, S. alterniflora. DNA was extracted, purified and nifH sequences PCR amplified for denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis to determine the composition of the diazotroph assemblages. The diazotroph assemblages were strongly influenced by season, abiotic environmental parameters and plant host. Sediment chemistry and nitrogen fixation activity were also significantly influenced by seasonal changes. DGGE bands that significantly affected seasonal and zone specific clustering were identified and most of these sequences were from novel diazotrophs, unaffiliated with any previously described organisms. At least one third of the recovered nifH sequences were from a diverse assemblage of Chlorobia, and γ-, α-, β- and δ-Proteobacteria. Diazotrophs that occurred throughout the growing season and among all zones (frequently detected) were also mostly novel. These significant sequences indicated that diazotrophs driving the structure of the assemblages were diverse, versatile, and some were ubiquitous while others were seasonally responsive. Several ubiquitous sequences were closely related to sequences of actively N2 fixing diazotrophs previously recovered from this system. These sequences from ubiquitous and versatile organisms likely indicate the diazotrophs in these rhizosphere assemblages that significantly contribute to ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Microbial communities in extreme environments often have low diversity and specialized physiologies suggesting a limited resistance to change. The McMurdo Dry Valleys (MDV) are a microbially dominated, extreme ecosystem currently undergoing climate change-induced disturbances, including the melting of massive buried ice, cutting through of permafrost by streams, and warming events. These processes are increasing moisture across the landscape, altering conditions for soil communities by mobilizing nutrients and salts and stimulating autotrophic carbon inputs to soils. The goal of this study was to determine the effects of resource addition (water/organic matter) on the composition and function of microbial communities in the MDV along a natural salinity gradient representing an additional gradient of stress in an already extreme environment. Soil respiration and the activity of carbon-acquiring extracellular enzymes increased significantly (P < 0.05) with the addition of resources at the low- and moderate-salinity sites but not the high-salinity site. The bacterial community composition was altered, with an increase in Proteobacteria and Firmicutes with water and organic matter additions at the low- and moderate-salinity sites and a near dominance of Firmicutes at the high-salinity site. Principal coordinate analyses of all samples using a phylogenetically informed distance matrix (UniFrac) demonstrated discrete clustering among sites (analysis of similarity [ANOSIM], P < 0.05 and R > 0.40) and among most treatments within sites. The results from this experimental work suggest that microbial communities in this environment will undergo rapid change in response to the altered resources resulting from climate change impacts occurring in this region.  相似文献   

Gradual changes in vegetation structure and composition are expected to result from continuous environmental change with increasing elevation on mountains. Hence, the occurrence of abrupt or discrete ecotones in vegetation patterns is intriguing and may suggest key controls on community assembly in montane forests. We review tropical montane forest (TMF) zonation patterns focusing on a case study from the Cordillera Central, Hispaniola where a striking discontinuity in forest composition occurs consistently at ~2000 m elevation, with cloud forest below and monodominant pine forest above. We propose that a discontinuity in climatic factors (temperature, humidity) associated with the trade‐wind inversion (TWI) is the primary cause of this and other ecotones in TMFs that occur at a generally consistent elevation. Low humidity, fires and occasional frost above the TWI favor pine over cloud forest species. Fires in the high‐elevation pine forest have repeatedly burned down to the ecotone boundary and extinguished in the cloud forest owing to its low flammability, reinforced by high humidity, cloud immersion and epiphytic bryophyte cover. Small‐scale fire patterns along the ecotone are influenced by topography and where forest structure is impacted by hurricanes and landslides. Analogous patterns are observed worldwide in other TMFs where the TWI is important, high‐elevation fires are frequent, and the flora contains frost‐tolerant species (often of temperate lineage). The response of this and other TMFs to anthropogenic climate change is highly uncertain owing to potentially countervailing effects of different climatic phenomena, including warming temperatures and decreased frost; changes in the TWI, high‐elevation drought or cloudiness; and increased frequency or intensity of hurricanes and El Niño‐Southern Oscillation events.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton community pigment composition and water quality were measured seasonally along salinity gradients in two minimally urbanized salt marsh estuaries in South Carolina in order to examine their spatial and temporal distributions. The North Inlet estuary has a relatively small watershed with minimal fresh water input, while the Ashepoo, Combahee, and Edisto (ACE) Basin is characterized by a relatively greater influence of riverine drainage. Sampling stations were located in regions of the estuaries experiencing frequent diurnal tidal mixing and had similar salinity and temperature regimens. Phytoplankton community pigment composition was assessed by using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and multivariate statistical analyses. Shannon diversity index, principal-component, and cluster analyses revealed that phytoplankton community pigments in both estuaries were seasonally variable, with similar diversities but different compositions. The temporal pigment patterns indicated that there was a relatively weak correlation between the pigments in ACE Basin and the relative persistence of photopigment groups in North Inlet. The differences were presumably a consequence of the unpredictability and relatively greater influence of river discharge in the ACE Basin, in contrast to the greater environmental predictability of the more tidally influenced North Inlet. Furthermore, the timing, magnitude, and pigment composition of the annual phytoplankton bloom were different in the two estuaries. The bloom properties in North Inlet reflected the predominance of autochthonous ecological control (e.g., regenerated nutrients, grazing), and those in ACE Basin suggested that there was greater influence of allochthonous environmental factors (e.g., nutrient loading, changes in turbidity). These interestuarine differences in phytoplankton community structure and control provide insight into the organization of phytoplankton in estuaries.  相似文献   

以陕西省安塞县2000年左右退耕栽植的5种不同密度(830~3 330株/hm~2)刺槐林地为研究对象,分析不同栽植密度对刺槐林木生长、林下植被及土壤水分的影响,为黄土高原丘陵沟壑区刺槐人工林合理栽植密度的确定以及可持续经营提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)阳坡中不同密度间刺槐林木的胸径、树高、冠幅均差异显著;阴坡中2 500株/hm~2的刺槐林木平均胸径、树高与两个低密度林的差异显著,且平均冠幅与1 670株/hm~2差异显著,与2 000株/hm~2差异不显著。(2)当栽植密度为1 670株/hm~2时,刺槐林地水分含量相对较高,林下植被平均盖度及物种多样性也较高。(3)各栽植密度刺槐林地0~500cm土壤含水量均低于该地区土壤稳定湿度(12%)。(4)阳坡中3 330株/hm~2的林地0~500cm土层含水量仅为4.5%,土壤干旱化严重,而830株/hm~2的刺槐林地土壤水分为7.8%;阴坡中栽植密度为1 670~2 000株/hm~2的刺槐林地土壤含水量较高,为7.5%~8.2%。研究表明,在陕北黄土高原丘陵沟壑区,刺槐初始造林密度不宜超过1 670株/hm~2(株行距2m×3m),在进入刺槐生长高峰期后,应采取间伐管理以调整林分密度,使其维持刺槐人工林林地的稳定性与可持续性。  相似文献   

The microbial transformation of [N-methyl-(sup14)C]aldicarb, a carbamate pesticide, occurred in aquifer, lake, and salt marsh sediments. Microbial degradation of aldicarb took place within 21 days in aquifer sediments from sites previously exposed to aldicarb (Jamesport, Long Island, N.Y.) but did not occur in sediments which were not previously exposed (Connetquot State Park, Long Island, N.Y.). At the Jamesport sites, higher aldicarb transformation rates occurred in deep, anoxic sediments than in shallow, oxic sediments. There was a significant negative relationship (P < 0.05) between transformation rates and ambient dissolved O(inf2) levels. Aldicarb hydrolysis rates in Jamesport sediments were 10- to 1,000-fold lower than rates previously reported for soils. In addition, aldicarb degradation rates were not significantly correlated with measurements of bacterial activity and density previously determined in the same sediments. Substantially higher aldicarb degradation rates were found in anoxic lake and salt marsh than in aquifer sediments. Furthermore, we investigated the anaerobic microbial processes involved in aldicarb transformation by adding organic substrates (acetate, glucose), an alternative electron acceptor (nitrate), and microbial inhibitors (molybdate, 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid) to anoxic aquifer, lake, and salt marsh sediments. The results suggest that a methanogenic consortium was important in aldicarb transformation or in the use of aldicarb-derived products such as methylamine. In addition, microbial aldicarb transformation proceeded via different pathways under oxic and anoxic conditions. In the presence of O(inf2), aldicarb transformation was mainly via an oxidation pathway, while in the absence of O(inf2), degradation took place through a hydrolytic pathway (including the formation of methylamine precursors). Under anoxic conditions, therefore, aldicarb can be transformed by microbial consortia to yield products which can be of direct benefit to natural populations of methanogens present in sediments.  相似文献   

To examine the method for estimating the spatial patterns of soil respiration (Rs) in agricultural ecosystems using remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS), Rs rates were measured at 53 sites during the peak growing season of maize in three counties in North China. Through Pearson''s correlation analysis, leaf area index (LAI), canopy chlorophyll content, aboveground biomass, soil organic carbon (SOC) content, and soil total nitrogen content were selected as the factors that affected spatial variability in Rs during the peak growing season of maize. The use of a structural equation modeling approach revealed that only LAI and SOC content directly affected Rs. Meanwhile, other factors indirectly affected Rs through LAI and SOC content. When three greenness vegetation indices were extracted from an optical image of an environmental and disaster mitigation satellite in China, enhanced vegetation index (EVI) showed the best correlation with LAI and was thus used as a proxy for LAI to estimate Rs at the regional scale. The spatial distribution of SOC content was obtained by extrapolating the SOC content at the plot scale based on the kriging interpolation method in GIS. When data were pooled for 38 plots, a first-order exponential analysis indicated that approximately 73% of the spatial variability in Rs during the peak growing season of maize can be explained by EVI and SOC content. Further test analysis based on independent data from 15 plots showed that the simple exponential model had acceptable accuracy in estimating the spatial patterns of Rs in maize fields on the basis of remotely sensed EVI and GIS-interpolated SOC content, with R2 of 0.69 and root-mean-square error of 0.51 µmol CO2 m−2 s−1. The conclusions from this study provide valuable information for estimates of Rs during the peak growing season of maize in three counties in North China.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) reductase activity was used as an index of the denitrification potential in salt marsh soils. In a short Spartina alterniflora marsh, the seasonal distribution of N2O reductase activity indicated a causal relationship between S. alterniflora root-rhizome production and the denitrification potential of the soil system. The relationship was not discerned in samples from a tall S. alterniflora marsh. To further examine the in situ plant-denitrifier interaction in the short S. alterniflora marsh, plots with and without living S. alterniflora were established and analyzed for N2O reductase activity 5 and 18 months later. In the plots without living Spartina there was a significant reduction in the soil denitrification potential after 18 months, indicating that in the SS marsh the denitrifiers are tightly coupled to the seasonal production of below-ground Spartina macroorganic matter. In plots with intact Spartina, the soil denitrification potential was not altered by NH4NO3 or glucose enrichment. However, in plots without living Spartina, there were significant changes in soil N2O reductase activity, thus indicating that the plants can serve as a “buffer” against this form of pulse perturbation.  相似文献   

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