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Young of altricial birds use conspicuous displays to solicit food from their parents. There is experimental evidence that the intensity of these displays is correlated with the level of food deprivation of young, and that parents respond to increased levels of solicitation by increasing the rate of food delivery to the nest. Game-theoretical models based on the handicap principle show that, when solicitation is costly, there is a signalling equilibrium at which there is a one-to-one correspondence between the condition of the young and the intensity of their display. Parents use this information to adjust their levels of investment on the current offspring. However, the models also have a non-signalling equilibrium, and computer simulations show that only the non-signalling equilibrium is stable. Here I show that when direct sibling competition is introduced into the model, in such a way that parents have control on the amount of food provided to the nest, but not on the way the food is allocated among siblings, the non-signalling equilibrium disappears and the signalling equilibrium becomes stable.  相似文献   

Very few studies have examined parent-offspring interactions from a quantitative genetic perspective. We used a cross-fostering design and measured genetic correlations and components of social selection arising from two parental and two offspring behaviors in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides. Genetic correlations were assessed by examining behavior of relatives independent of common social influences. We found positive genetic correlations between all pairs of behaviors, including between parent and offspring behaviors. Patterns of selection were assessed by standardized performance and selection gradients. Parental provisioning had positive effects on offspring performance and fitness, while remaining near the larvae without feeding them had negative effects. Begging had positive effects on offspring performance and fitness, while increased competition among siblings had negative effects. Coadaptations between parenting and offspring behavior appear to be maintained by genetic correlations and functional trade-offs; parents that feed their offspring more also spend more time in the area where they can forage for themselves. Families with high levels of begging have high levels of sibling competition. Integrating information from genetics and selection thus provides a general explanation for why variation persists in seemingly beneficial traits expressed in parent-offspring interactions and illustrates why it is important to measure functionally related suites of behaviors.  相似文献   

We present a model that simulates the evolution of teat massaging (begging) by suckling piglets (Sus scrofa) and milk distribution among teats (provisioning) by their mothers. Contrary to previous begging models, this one incorporates an ontogenetic dimension in that the inherited begging and provisioning rules are repeatedly allowed to interact, and their consequences for milk intake, growth and death probability are assessed, during each nursing. We test the model under three selection regimes differing in the relative importance of the between-litter selection component. We show that the selection regime with the strongest between-litter selection component leads to lowest begging levels and most effective milk utilization, thus supporting the hypothesis that selection based on whole litters may attenuate sibling competition.  相似文献   

The evolution of maternal effects on offspring phenotype should depend on the extent of parent-offspring conflict and costs and constraints associated with maternal and offspring strategies. Here, we develop a model of maternal effects on offspring dispersal phenotype under parent-offspring conflict to evaluate such dependence. In the absence of evolutionary constraints and costs, offspring evolve dispersal rates from different patch types that reflect their own, rather than the maternal, optima. This result also holds true when offspring are unable to assess their own environment because the maternal phenotype provides an additional source of information. Consequently, maternal effects on offspring diapause, dispersal, and other traits that do not necessarily represent costly resource investment are more likely to maximize offspring than maternal fitness. However, when trait expression was costly, the evolutionarily stable dispersal rates tended to deviate from those under both maternal and offspring control. We use our results to (re)interpret some recent work on maternal effects and their adaptive value and provide suggestions for future work.  相似文献   

In some species, dependent offspring join foraging providers and beg for food. Mobile offspring might benefit from evolving begging signals adapted to the different situations they are exposed to, but this possibility has been ignored. In cooperatively breeding meerkats (Suricata suricatta), dependent offspring use a repertoire of several begging calls when joining foraging adults. We found that these calls can be differentiated on the basis of their acoustic structure and that pups adjusted the use of specific call types according to the social context. Pups continuously gave "repeat" calls when they accompanied foraging adults, and playback of these calls increased provisioning by the adults. When pups saw adults with food, they switched from repeat calls to vigorous "high-pitched" calls; adults also preferred to "feed" loudspeakers broadcasting high-pitched calls rather then loudspeakers broadcasting repeat calls. The elaboration of different begging calls might reflect an adaptation to a situation where dependent young must solicit food from potential feeders while at the same time directing feeders to bring the prey item to themselves and not to another begging pup. Here we show that mobile but dependent offspring adapt to different contexts in a mobile feeding system by using a repertoire of begging calls.  相似文献   

The evolution of viviparity increases the potential for genomic conflicts between mothers and offspring over the level of maternal investment. The viviparity-driven-conflict hypothesis predicts that such conflicts will drive the evolution of asymmetrical reproductive isolation between populations with divergent mating systems. We tested this hypothesis using crosses between populations of a poeciliid fish that differ in their level of polyandry. Our results support the prediction of an asymmetry in the rate of spontaneous abortion in reciprocal crosses, with the highest rate occurring in crosses between females from a relatively monandrous population and males from a relatively polyandrous population. The patterns of offspring size were not consistent with the pattern predicted by the viviparity-driven-conflict hypothesis: crosses between a monandrous female and a polyandrous male did not produce larger offspring than the reciprocal cross. This discrepancy was due to the presence of an effect of the maternal population on offspring size: polyandrous females produced larger offspring than monandrous females. In addition, offspring size was positively correlated with maternal size in crosses involving a polyandrous male. We discuss these results in light of models for intra- and intergenomic epistasis and the rapid origin of asymmetric reproductive isolation in viviparous taxa.  相似文献   

The parental investment in angiosperms comprises the endosperm, a nutrient reserve that is used during seed development. The endosperm contains genes from both parents. The most common endosperm form is the 3n Polygonum -type with more maternal genetic influence than paternal, i.e. with two maternal nuclei and one paternal nucleus. The evolutionary original state is thought to be a diploid endosperm with equal influence of the parents. We focus on the evolution of the triploid endosperm and show that a gene for triploid endosperm would have an initial advantage in a population of diploid endosperm type plants, and increase to fixation. We assume that endosperm amount is controlled by endosperm genes. Then a gene causing triploid endosperm will increase the influence of the mother plant on parental investment. The production of endosperm with two copies of the maternal genes will modify the inheritance of endosperm amount and cause an increased production of seeds.  相似文献   

The neurobiology and evolution of cannabinoid signalling   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The plant Cannabis sativa has been used by humans for thousands of years because of its psychoactivity. The major psychoactive ingredient of cannabis is Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol, which exerts effects in the brain by binding to a G-protein-coupled receptor known as the CB1 cannabinoid receptor. The discovery of this receptor indicated that endogenous cannabinoids may occur in the brain, which act as physiological ligands for CB1. Two putative endocannabinoid ligands, arachidonylethanolamide ('anandamide') and 2-arachidonylglycerol, have been identified, giving rise to the concept of a cannabinoid signalling system. Little is known about how or where these compounds are synthesized in the brain and how this relates to CB1 expression. However, detailed neuroanatomical and electrophysiological analysis of mammalian nervous systems has revealed that the CB1 receptor is targeted to the presynaptic terminals of neurons where it acts to inhibit release of 'classical' neurotransmitters. Moreover, an enzyme that inactivates endocannabinoids, fatty acid amide hydrolase, appears to be preferentially targeted to the somatodendritic compartment of neurons that are postsynaptic to CB1-expressing axon terminals. Based on these findings, we present here a model of cannabinoid signalling in which anandamide is synthesized by postsynaptic cells and acts as a retrograde messenger molecule to modulate neurotransmitter release from presynaptic terminals. Using this model as a framework, we discuss the role of cannabinoid signalling in different regions of the nervous system in relation to the characteristic physiological actions of cannabinoids in mammals, which include effects on movement, memory, pain and smooth muscle contractility. The discovery of the cannabinoid signalling system in mammals has prompted investigation of the occurrence of this pathway in non-mammalian animals. Here we review the evidence for the existence of cannabinoid receptors in non-mammalian vertebrates and invertebrates and discuss the evolution of the cannabinoid signalling system. Genes encoding orthologues of the mammalian CB1 receptor have been identified in a fish, an amphibian and a bird, indicating that CB1 receptors may occur throughout the vertebrates. Pharmacological actions of cannabinoids and specific binding sites for cannabinoids have been reported in several invertebrate species, but the molecular basis for these effects is not known. Importantly, however, the genomes of the protostomian invertebrates Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans do not contain CB1 orthologues, indicating that CB1-like cannabinoid receptors may have evolved after the divergence of deuterostomes (e.g. vertebrates and echinoderms) and protostomes. Phylogenetic analysis of the relationship of vertebrate CB1 receptors with other G-protein-coupled receptors reveals that the paralogues that appear to share the most recent common evolutionary origin with CB1 are lysophospholipid receptors, melanocortin receptors and adenosine receptors. Interestingly, as with CB1, each of these receptor types does not appear to have Drosophila orthologues, indicating that this group of receptors may not occur in protostomian invertebrates. We conclude that the cannabinoid signalling system may be quite restricted in its phylogenetic distribution, probably occurring only in the deuterostomian clade of the animal kingdom and possibly only in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation sites are formed by protein kinases ('writers'), frequently exert their effects following recognition by phospho-binding proteins ('readers') and are removed by protein phosphatases ('erasers'). This writer-reader-eraser toolkit allows phosphorylation events to control a broad range of regulatory processes, and has been pivotal in the evolution of new functions required for the development of multi-cellular animals. The proteins that comprise this system of protein kinases, phospho-binding targets and phosphatases are typically modular in organization, in the sense that they are composed of multiple globular domains and smaller peptide motifs with binding or catalytic properties. The linkage of these binding and catalytic modules in new ways through genetic recombination, and the selection of particular domain combinations, has promoted the evolution of novel, biologically useful processes. Conversely, the joining of domains in aberrant combinations can subvert cell signalling and be causative in diseases such as cancer. Major inventions such as phosphotyrosine (pTyr)-mediated signalling that flourished in the first multi-cellular animals and their immediate predecessors resulted from stepwise evolutionary progression. This involved changes in the binding properties of interaction domains such as SH2 and their linkage to new domain types, and alterations in the catalytic specificities of kinases and phosphatases. This review will focus on the modular aspects of signalling networks and the mechanism by which they may have evolved.  相似文献   

CB1- and CB2-type cannabinoid receptors mediate effects of the endocannabinoids 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and anandamide in mammals. In canonical endocannabinoid-mediated synaptic plasticity, 2-AG is generated postsynaptically by diacylglycerol lipase alpha and acts via presynaptic CB1-type cannabinoid receptors to inhibit neurotransmitter release. Electrophysiological studies on lampreys indicate that this retrograde signalling mechanism occurs throughout the vertebrates, whereas system-level studies point to conserved roles for endocannabinoid signalling in neural mechanisms of learning and control of locomotor activity and feeding. CB1/CB2-type receptors originated in a common ancestor of extant chordates, and in the sea squirt Ciona intestinalis a CB1/CB2-type receptor is targeted to axons, indicative of an ancient role for cannabinoid receptors as axonal regulators of neuronal signalling. Although CB1/CB2-type receptors are unique to chordates, enzymes involved in biosynthesis/inactivation of endocannabinoids occur throughout the animal kingdom. Accordingly, non-CB1/CB2-mediated mechanisms of endocannabinoid signalling have been postulated. For example, there is evidence that 2-AG mediates retrograde signalling at synapses in the nervous system of the leech Hirudo medicinalis by activating presynaptic transient receptor potential vanilloid-type ion channels. Thus, postsynaptic synthesis of 2-AG or anandamide may be a phylogenetically widespread phenomenon, and a variety of proteins may have evolved as presynaptic (or postsynaptic) receptors for endocannabinoids.  相似文献   

Ever since Rudolf Virchow in 1858 publicly announced his apprehension of neuroglia being a true connective substance, this concept has been evolving to encompass a heterogeneous population of cells with various forms and functions. We briefly compare the 19th–20th century perspectives on neuroglia with the up-to-date view of these cells as an integral, and possibly integrating, component of brain metabolism and signalling in heath and disease. We conclude that the unifying property of otherwise diverse functions of various neuroglial cell sub-types is to maintain brain homoeostasis at different levels, from whole organ to molecular.  相似文献   



Of the 20 or so signal transduction pathways that orchestrate cell-cell interactions in metazoans, seven are involved during development. One of these is the Notch signalling pathway which regulates cellular identity, proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis via the developmental processes of lateral inhibition and boundary induction. In light of this essential role played in metazoan development, we surveyed a wide range of eukaryotic genomes to determine the origin and evolution of the components and auxiliary factors that compose and modulate this pathway.  相似文献   

1. A comparative analysis was made of chemosignalling systems responsible for the action of hormones, hormone-like substances, pheromones, etc. in vertebrates--multicellular invertebrates--unicellular eukaryotes. Many common features revealed in structural-functional organization of the above systems give evidence of their evolutionary conservatism. 2. It was shown that some molecular components as well as signal transduction mechanisms similar to those of higher eukaryote hormonal signalling systems are present in such early organisms as bacteria. This allowed a suggestion that the roots of chemosignalling systems are likely to be found in prokaryotes. 3. The evolution of hormonal signalling systems is discussed in terms of current theories of the origin of eukaryotic cell, its organelles and components. A hypothesis is put forward about endosymbiotic genesis of these signal transduction systems in eukaryotes. 4. A possible evolutionary scenario of the formation of hormonocompetent systems is proposed with hormone-sensitive adenylate cyclase complex taken as an example.  相似文献   

The gametes of unicellular eukaryotes are morphologically identical, but are nonetheless divided into distinct mating types. The number of mating types varies enormously and can reach several thousand, yet most species have only two. Why do morphologically identical gametes need to be differentiated into self-incompatible mating types, and why is two the most common number of mating types? In this work, we explore a neglected hypothesis that there is a need for asymmetric signalling interactions between mating partners. Our review shows that isogamous gametes always interact asymmetrically throughout sex and argue that this asymmetry is favoured because it enhances the efficiency of the mating process. We further develop a simple mathematical model that allows us to study the evolution of the number of mating types based on the strength of signalling interactions between gametes. Novel mating types have an advantage as they are compatible with all others and rarely meet their own type. But if existing mating types coevolve to have strong mutual interactions, this restricts the spread of novel types. Similarly, coevolution is likely to drive out less attractive mating types. These countervailing forces specify the number of mating types that are evolutionarily stable.This article is part of the themed issue ‘Weird sex: the underappreciated diversity of sexual reproduction’.  相似文献   

Longmuir and co-workers have reported that respiration of certain tissue slices is approximated by Michaelis-Menten kinetics. From this and other experimental findings, Longmuir proposed that a carrier is involved in tissue oxygen transport. Gold developed a deterministic model to examine this hypothesis. This report presents a stochastic model for a fixed site carrier in a more general framework that includes the stochastic counter-part to Gold's deterministic model as a special case. The kinetics of tissue oxygen consumption predicted by the model are examined for various cases.  相似文献   

Species where, from birth, the offspring feed themselves in addition to begging for food from the parents can be described as 'partially begging'. Such species provide a unique opportunity to examine the evolution of offspring begging from non-signalling offspring foraging strategies. We used the partially begging burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides to test specific hypotheses concerning the coexistence of begging and self-feeding. We first tested whether the cessation of larval begging coincided with an increase in the efficiency of self-feeding. As predicted, begging ceased when the efficiency of self-feeding reached the point where the larvae grew just as well without as with access to food provided by the parent. We next tested whether the transition to nutritional independence was under parental or offspring control. The parent did not change its behaviour towards the larvae over time, while the larvae changed their behaviour by reducing the time spent begging in the presence of the parent. Food allocation during the transition to nutritional independence was therefore under offspring control. Our results on partial begging provide a starting point for new theoretical models for the origin of begging. We suggest that these should be constructed as scramble-competition models because the offspring control food allocation.  相似文献   

Studies testing the theoretical prediction that birds would adaptively vary the sex ratio of their offspring either supported theoretical predictions or simply found a 1:1 sex ratio. Four recent papers, in particular one by Kate Oddie, of Great Tit nestling sex ratios, however, found that, when conditions are poor, the sex ratio is male biased, opposite of what was predicted by theory. The development of molecular markers to sex birds using minute amounts of blood has allowed experiments that help us to explain this apparent anomaly.  相似文献   

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