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There has been little or no documentation of the insect community attracted to fermented tree sap, despite our familiarity with it. This study describes the influence of resource abundance (exudate quantity) on species richness, insect abundance, and diversity at the patch level in order to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for community structure. Resource abundance was positively correlated with species richness and insect abundance, negatively correlated with the equitability index (J), and not significantly correlated with diversity (Simpsons index of diversity; 1/D). Both correlation analyses and canonical correspondence analysis based on taxonomic categories indicated that responses to resource abundance were much greater in parasitoid wasps (Ichneumonoidea), drosophilid flies (Drosophilidae), and rove beetles (Staphylinidae). Field experiments showed that patches with more of the resource had greater species richness and greater hornet abundance. These results indicate that resource abundance is an important factor that affects community structure at the patch level, although it does not influence diversity directly, due to differences in the response to a resource across subgroups; drosophilid flies, the most abundant group that was heavily dependent on tree sap, make an especially large contribution to the change in J. Various factors influence the variation in the response to resource abundance, including population size, feeding habits, and resource utilization patterns (i.e. whether the species uses patches as habitat).  相似文献   

Plants have diverse ways of responding to damage by herbivores, such as changes in allelochemistry, physiology, morphology, growth, and phenology. These responses form the mechanistic basis for trait-mediated indirect interactions (TMIIs) between organisms on the plants. There is a growing appreciation that such TMIIs form complex networks (i.e., indirect interaction webs) in terrestrial plant-associated arthropod communities. Almost all previous studies have had the same framework: examining trait-mediated indirect effects within a single interactive unit consisting of one initiator of herbivore, a host plant as a mediator, and one receiver [trait-mediated indirect interaction unit (TMIU)]. However, this framework is too simple to understand the dynamics of the indirect interaction web. Recent studies suggest that there is a wide variety of interactions among TMIUs within a community, which may largely affect the outcomes of indirect effects in each unit. Here, we review recent advance in studies of trait-mediated indirect effects in plant-associated arthropod communities and explore the mechanisms of linkages among TMIUs. Then, we argue the importance of examining linkages among TMIUs as a new framework for future studies on the indirect interaction web. Finally, we propose the hypothesis that linkages among TMIUs contribute to the maintenance of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. We examined the plant-mediated indirect effects of the stem-boring moth Endoclita excrescens (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) on the leaf beetle Plagiodera versicolora (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in three willow species, Salix gilgiana , S. eriocarpa , and S. serissaefolia.
2. When the stem-boring moth larvae damaged stems in the previous year, willows were stimulated to produce vigorously growing lateral shoots on these stems. These new lateral shoots were significantly longer and the upper leaves had significantly higher nitrogen and water content than current-year shoots on unbored stems, although the carbon content and leaf dry mass were not different between lateral and current-year shoots.
3. In the field, leaf beetle larvae and adults had significantly greater densities on lateral shoots of bored stems than on current-year shoots of unbored stems. A laboratory experiment showed that female beetles had significantly greater mass and fecundity when fed on leaves of newly-emerged lateral shoots. Thus, the stem-boring moth had a positive effect on the temporally and spatially separated leaf beetle by increasing resource availability by inducing compensatory regrowth.
4. The strength of the indirect effects on the density and performance of the leaf beetle differed among willow species, because there was interspecific variation in host quality and herbivore-induced changes in plant traits. In particular, we suggest that the differences in magnitude of the changes among willow species in shoot length and leaf nitrogen content greatly affected the strength of the plant-regrowth mediated indirect effect, coupled with host-plant preference of the leaf beetle.  相似文献   

Direct and indirect plant defences are well studied, particularly in the Brassicaceae. Glucosinolates (GS) are secondary plant compounds characteristic in this plant family. They play an important role in defence against herbivores and pathogens. Insect herbivores that are specialists on brassicaceous plant species have evolved adaptations to excrete or detoxify GS. Other insect herbivores may even sequester GS and employ them as defence against their own antagonists, such as predators. Moreover, high levels of GS in the food plants of non-sequestering herbivores can negatively affect the growth and survival of their parasitoids. In addition to allelochemicals, plants produce volatile chemicals when damaged by herbivores. These herbivore induced plant volatiles (HIPV) have been demonstrated to play an important role in foraging behaviour of insect parasitoids. In addition, biosynthetic pathways involved in the production of HIPV are being unraveled using the model plant Arabidopsis thialiana. However, the majority of studies investigating the attractiveness of HIPV to parasitoids are based on experiments mainly using crop plant species in which defence traits may have changed through artificial selection. Field studies with both cultivated and wild crucifers, the latter in which defence traits are intact, are necessary to reveal the relative importance of direct and indirect plant defence strategies on parasitoid and plant fitness. Future research should also consider the potential conflict between direct and indirect plant defences when studying the evolution of plant defences against insect herbivory.  相似文献   

Aquatic insect communities were investigated from the Muonghoa Stream in the Sapa Highland (highest peak 3,143 m), a subtropical mountain stream in northern Vietnam. Field investigations for quantitative (Surber net 50 cm × 50 cm, mesh size 0.2 mm, riffle and pool/run) and qualitative (hand net, mesh size 1 mm) sampling were conducted at nine sites along the watercourse between 27 November and 2 December 2005. As a result, a total of 216 species (the majority of them undescribed) belonging to 139 genera, 61 families, and nine orders were recognized: 53 Ephemeroptera species (24.5%), nine Odonata species (4.2%), 15 Plecoptera species (6.9%), seven Hemiptera species (3.2%), 35 Coleoptera species (16.2%), one Megaloptera species (0.5%), 29 Diptera species (13.4%), 66 Trichoptera species (30.6%), and one Lepidoptera species (0.5%). Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera, and Coleoptera represented the major aquatic insect groups with regard to taxonomic and individual richness, whereas Hemiptera and Odonata were relatively less diverse and abundant than in studies of other tropical Southeast Asian streams. The dominance, richness, and diversity indices (H′) fell within the following ranges [mean ± standard deviation (SD)]: 0.18–0.76 (0.42 ± 0.19), 4.13–9.19 (7.06 ± 1.45), and 1.61–3.22 (2.67 ± 0.55), respectively. Riffle habitats generally yielded numbers of aquatic insect species and individuals approximately twice that sampled in pool/run habitats. Shredders were relatively larger in proportion within the headwater reach, whereas scrapers and collector-gatherers were more abundant in the middle and lower stream reaches. This functional feeding group composition is characteristic of temperate streams in East Asia. The results of detrended correspondence analysis and Bray–Curtis cluster analysis indicated that aquatic insect compositions at the sampling sites were very reflective of the reach characteristics, which evidence gradual changes with altitude and stream order along the stream watercourse. This is the first comprehensive investigation of aquatic insects in highland Southeast Asian regions.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. In insect communities on fermented tree sap, agonistic interactions occur frequently among the component species. This study examined the effects of such interference competition on community structure and species co-occurrence on a spatio-temporally small scale.
2. Experimental removal of giant hornets ( Vespa mandarinia ), one of the most dominant species, showed no effect on either species richness or total abundance of the remaining insects. Significant increases in abundance were detected for five out of 19 taxa: V. ducalis , V. crabro , Lasius japonicus , Cryptarcha lewisi , and a group of micro sap beetles ( Epuraea spp., Haptoncus spp., and Haptoncurina spp.).
3. Behavioural observations indicated that interference did not alter the staying time at a patch (an exuding spot on a tree) for V. mandarinia , Rhomborrhina japonica , and Neope goschkevitschii . Interference-mediated departure from a patch was less frequent than departure without interference for all nine species observed, except for R. japonica . These behavioural contexts varied yearly for several species.
4. These results suggest that interference competition is a minor determinant of overall community structure, despite its conspicuousness. This weak effect of interference may be attributed to the short stay of dominant species and to individual behavioural responses, such as competitor avoidance. The variable influence of interference might be related to differences in species attributes, such as dominance hierarchies.  相似文献   

Elevated ultraviolet‐B (UVB) radiation has been reported to have few effects on plants but to alter the soil microbial community composition. However, the effects on soil microorganisms have to be mediated via plants, because direct radiation effects are only plausible on the uppermost millimeters of soil. Here, we assessed secondary effects of UVB on soil microbes. The responses in the dominant plant Eriophorum russeolum, peat pore water and microbial communities in the peat were recorded at a subarctic mire in the middle of the third growing season under field exposure simulating 20% depletion in the ozone layer. The UVB treatment significantly reduced the sucrose and the total soluble sugar (sucrose+glucose+fructose) concentration of the plant leaves while increasing the sucrose concentration in the belowground storage organ rhizome. The starch concentration of the leaves was also slightly reduced by elevated UVB. In the plant roots, carbohydrate concentrations remained unaffected but the total phenolics concentration increased under elevated UVB. We suggest that the simultaneously observed decrease in bacterial growth rate and the altered bacterial community composition are due to UVB‐induced changes in the plant photosynthate allocation and potential changes in root exudation. There were no effects of elevated UVB on microbial biomass, peat pore water or nutrient concentrations in the peat. The observed responses are in line with the previously reported lower ecosystem dark respiration under elevated UVB, and they signify that the changed plant tissue quality and lower bacterial activity are likely to reduce decomposition.  相似文献   

Summary Two congeneric damselfly species, Enallagma traviatum and E. aspersum, dominate the littoral macroinvertebrates of Bays Mountain Lake and of the adjacent fish-free Ecology Pond, respectively (northeastern Tennessee, USA). Extending previous experimental studies, we test seven hypotheses concerning the role of fish (bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus) and larvaldragonfly (Anax junius) predation, competitive effects on damselflies, and the interaction between competition and predation, in determining invertebrate dominance in these communities. Three types of experiments were conducted: an enclosure experiment within Ecology Pond, an outdoor replicated tub experiment, and a laboratory behavior experiment. The in-situ enclosure experiment showed that E. traviatum larvae were more susceptible to Anax predation than were E. aspersum larvae; a tendency toward greater vulnerability to fish of E. aspersum compared with E. traviatum was not statistically significant. The outdoor tub experiment confirmed both of these trends with statistically significant results. In the tubs, both predators inhibited feeding of both zygopterans (as indicated by reduced fecal mass), particularly for E. aspersum in the presence of fish. This effect appears to have been primarily indirect, mediated through exploitation of the zooplankton. We also detected competitive effects of E. traviatum on E. aspersum: E. traviatum reduced the emergence and increased the exposure above the substrate of E. aspersum. In the absence of predators, E. traviatum inhibited feeding of E. aspersum via interference. In the laboratory behavior experiment, predators inhibited crawling by E. aspersum. E. aspersum was more exposed than was E. traviatum; it swam and crawled more than did E. traviatum, considerably increasing these movements at night. Over all, E. traviatum consistently appeared to be the more cryptic of the two species, and E. aspersum appeared to be much more active. Our results suggest an explanation for the clear difference in structure between communities like Bays Mountain Lake and Ecology Pond: predaceous fish eliminate large invertebrate predators and shift the community toward cryptic forms at relatively low densities, reflecting the effects of both predation and exploitation competition. In the absence of fish, large invertebrate predators are less able to deplete littoral invertebrates but may favor the more active forms, perhaps because these are better able to avoid invertebrate predators.  相似文献   

合肥郊区春季菜园和茶园昆虫群落的组成及差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20 0 0年春对合肥郊区菜园和茶园进行了 5天 1次的系统调查 ,共发现菜园有 3 7科 49种昆虫和蜘蛛 ,主要害虫为小菜蛾、菜粉蝶、几种蚜虫和潜叶蝇 ;茶园有 3 1科 44种。重要害虫是茶蚜和黑刺粉虱等。菜园和茶园中主要天敌是黑带食蚜蝇、七星瓢虫、蚜茧蜂和斜纹猫蛛。自 4月中旬 ,菜园物种数、个体数和多样性指数明显增大。茶园物种数、个体数和多样性指数波动性稍小。菜园害虫种数较多 ,个体数波动较大。茶园中益害物种数之比是 1 0 0 ,菜园中则为 0 5 8。主成分分析显示茶园群落的稳定性稍强。  相似文献   

Studies comparing fungal endophytes between above- and belowground woody crop organs and the factors that may structure their communities are lacking. Due to its great impact on the Mediterranean Basin, the olive tree was chosen for the isolation of endophytic fungi from roots, leaves and twigs in two seasons in north-eastern Portugal. Nine hundred seventy-six isolates belonging to 38 fungal species were obtained. Phomopsis columnaris, Fusarium oxysporum and Trichoderma gamsii were the most frequently isolated, collectively representing 69% of the isolates. Fungal diversity in the roots was higher than in the aboveground organs and higher in spring than autumn. Endophyte community similarity between the above- and belowground organs and between seasons was low. Species composition also varied spatially, with the fungal composition of the roots varying more among locations than that of the aboveground organs. Our results suggest olive tree endophyte community structure is affected by plant organ, location and season.  相似文献   

The evolutionary analysis of community organization is considered a major frontier in biology. Nevertheless, current explanations for community structure exclude the effects of genes and selection at levels above the individual. Here, we demonstrate a genetic basis for community structure, arising from the fitness consequences of genetic interactions among species (i.e., interspecific indirect genetic effects or IIGEs). Using simulated and natural communities of arthropods inhabiting North American cottonwoods (Populus), we show that when species comprising ecological communities are summarized using a multivariate statistical method, nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), the resulting univariate scores can be analyzed using standard techniques for estimating the heritability of quantitative traits. Our estimates of the broad-sense heritability of arthropod communities on known genotypes of cottonwood trees in common gardens explained 56-63% of the total variation in community phenotype. To justify and help interpret our empirical approach, we modeled synthetic communities in which the number, intensity, and fitness consequences of the genetic interactions among species comprising the community were explicitly known. Results from the model suggest that our empirical estimates of broad-sense community heritability arise from heritable variation in a host tree trait and the fitness consequences of IGEs that extend from tree trait to arthropods. When arthropod traits are heritable, interspecific IGEs cause species interactions to change, and community evolution occurs. Our results have implications for establishing the genetic foundations of communities and ecosystems.  相似文献   

A comprehensive analysis of the insect community dynamics of Dokdo Island, located at the eastern end of Korean territory, based on the data from the publications from 1978 to 2015 was carried out. A total of 13 orders 166 species of insects was reported to exist in Dokdo by this study. This study is focused on the analysis of the community structure and dynamics of insects in Dokdo Island over the past 40 years. Order Diptera was the only one taxonomic group to be collected in all survey during the period of 1981 to 2015.  相似文献   

Recent estimates for global warming predict increases in global mean surface air temperatures (relative to 1990) of between 1 and 3.5 °C, by 2100. The impact of such changes on agricultural systems in mid- to high-latitude regions are predicted to be less severe than in low-latitude regions, and possibly even beneficial, although the influence of pests and diseases is rarely taken into account. Most studies have concluded that insect pests will generally become more abundant as temperatures increase, through a number of inter-related processes, including range extensions and phenological changes, as well as increased rates of population development, growth, migration and over-wintering. A gradual, continuing rise in atmospheric CO2 will affect pest species directly (i.e. the CO2 fertilization effect) and indirectly (via interactions with other environmental variables). However, individual species responses to elevated CO2 vary: consumption rates of insect herbivores generally increase, but this does not necessarily compensate fully for reduced leaf nitrogen. The consequent effects on performance are strongly mediated via the host species. Some recent experiments under elevated CO2 have suggested that aphids may become more serious pests, although other studies have discerned no significant effects on sap-feeding homopterans. However, few, if any of these experiments have fully considered the effects on pest population dynamics. Climate change is also considered from the perspective of changes in the distribution and abundance of species and communities. Marked changes in the distribution of well-documented species – including Odonata, Orthoptera and Lepidoptera – in north-western Europe, in response to unusually hot summers, provide useful indications of the potential effects of climate change. Migrant pests are expected to respond more quickly to climate change than plants, and may be able to colonize newly available crops/habitats. Range expansions, and the removal of edge effects, could result in the increased abundance of species presently near the northern limits of their ranges in the UK. However, barriers to range expansions, or shifts, may include biotic (competition, predation, parasitism and disease), as well as abiotic, factors. Climatic phenomena, ecosystem processes and human activities are interactive and interdependent, making long-term predictions extremely tenuous. Nevertheless, it appears prudent to prepare for the possibility of increases in the diversity and abundance of pest species in the UK, in the context of climate change.  相似文献   

A small‐plot tests were conducted on cowpea, Vigna ungiculata (L.) Walp, to determine the effectiveness of 14 selected insecticides representing four insecticide classes (organophosphates, carbamates, pyrethroids, and insect growth regulators, IGRs), and four insecticide/IGR mixtures on cowpea insect pests and its effects on certain beneficial insects. By day 3 after treatement, the insecticides phenthoate, isoxathion, cyanophos, carbaryl, and cypermethrin used at sub‐recommended rates reduced the leafhopper, Empoasca spp., populations by >83% than those in the control. On that day, all insecticide treatments significantly reduced the cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora, numbers below that of the control. The prothiofos, isoxathion, pirimicarb, and fenpropathrin treatments provided continuing control to both leafhoppers and aphids through day 21 after spraying. It seems that most insecticide treatments were not effective in whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, control. The best control of the whitefly immatures was obtained by day 3 after spraying in plots received thiodicarb (76%) and fenpropathrin (60%). All selected insecticides and rates used had very low residual effect against B. tabaci immatures. By day 3 posttreatment, the carbaryl (2.02 kg/ha) caused completely protection for cowpea pods frMw blue pea butterfly, Lampides boeticus, larvae. The IGRs, flufenoxuron and Dowco‐439, applied alone and those applied in mixtures with insecticides, carbaryl/teflubenzuron, chlorpyrifos/XRD‐473, and methomyl/ flufenoxuron, exhibited satisfactory control (>81%) to butterfly larvae on day 7 posttreatment. All treatments did not exhibit a considerable residual activity against L. boeticus larvae through 2–3 weeks followed spray. Most insecticides applied at the higher rates used significantly reduced the numbers of limabean pod borer, Etiella zinckenella, larvae found in cowpea pods collected on day 7 after application. The IGRs, flufenoxuron and Dowco‐439, applied alone, at 0.119 kg/ha, or in mixtures, methomyl/flufenoxuron (0.167 kg/ha) and chlorpyrifos/Dowco‐439 (0.911 kg/ha) caused >73% control of E. zinckenella larvae through day 21 posttreatment. The best control of cowpea weevil, Callosobru‐chus spp., adults (>83%), on day 3 after spraying, was obtained in treatments of cyanophos (1.19 kg/ha), prothiofos (1.43 kg/ha), flufenoxuron (0.119 kg/ha), and chlorpyrifos/Dowco‐439 (0.911 kg/ha). The IGR flufenoxuron applied alone or in mixture, methomyl/flufenoxuron (0.164 kg/ ha) exhibited satisfactory residual activity against Callosobruchus adults through day 21 posttreatment. Percentage seed damage by the larvae of cowpea weevils was significantly lower in most treatments than that of control. Populations of insect predators found in all treated plots were extremely reduced than those found in untreated plots. By day 21 after spraying, the IGRs flufenoxuron, XRD‐473, and Dowco‐439, applied at the low rate of 0.071 kg/ha, seemed to be less effect against insect predators than other insecticides used.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Using three genetic classes of willows, Salix eriocephala , Salix sericea , and their interspecific F1 hybrid, the influence of browsing damage and the importance of genetic class on insect community structure were evaluated.
2. Three-year-old plants grown from seeds generated from controlled crosses were placed in a common garden after a damage treatment was imposed on them (plants were either left undamaged during the previous winter or they had 50% of the previous year's growth removed). Clipping damage caused large increases in mean shoot length for plants.
3. The abundance of eight species of insect herbivores was determined for every plant to evaluate community structure for three genetic classes across the two damage levels. Based on manova , damage treatment had a modest effect on the relative abundance of herbivores (i.e. their proportional representation). In contrast, dramatic differences were detected among genetic classes for relative abundance; in cases where damage treatment influenced relative abundance of herbivores, the importance of genetic class was at least 20-fold greater than that of damage treatment. No interaction between genetic class and browsing treatment was detected for community structure.
4. The weak response of the herbivore community to clipping damage, contrasted to the large response to genetic class, was very surprising because mean shoot length was greatly altered by damage treatment. These findings, coupled together with previous research, suggest that plant genetic differences can act as the primary basis for herbivore community structure, while the effects of browsing may not be as common.  相似文献   

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